tv News 5 at 6PM NBC January 19, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST
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secretary is dng flies in the face ostate law. "the law saye counties shall se, ll if theye only allowed onto select from, that isn't really a selection." to be ir, thcretary has ny supporters -- including clerk chuck broerman from el paso county. he served on the selection coittee. "they lanced a lot of considerations between cost, futionality, usabili by vors, just many many thing we intit."but klotsaid hisroup is willg psue legislate redies aveligaonf it icos to that. "it's not a threat, but 's saying this needs to be thought thuga ttle b betteand fl he made a on decision." asanas 20 ti cou b ying newachis this ar. if they use the nedomini system the secre hasquired that also use them in theune imarjuo out any kinkbeem e public comment perd fo e secretary's rule change ends this friy.
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you may have noticed, even somell flames near i-25 ansoacademy this afternoon.. fort carson tellust's nothing be concerned about. ey say a small gss fire ked dung a tining exersize... but it's now contained. fi cre have been on scene, ju watching for hot spots. traffic has en slow in that area.. as drivers looked to see what the smoke was om. xxx let's take a live look outside, on the other e of colodo spris... om our rockrimmon studios. snow forome to start the day-ut it didn't last long. here meorologist jessi van ter-n r mike. tonit wi stay qut th rtly cloudy ies. teeratures wl dip intohe 2for mo locations. wednesday willtart offry but eezy. windwillpretty gus fro thst forhe morng andternoon hos. thowsle flow w our highs in the 40'an 50's. snow devhe coinental divil trto shnto the loweelatns by the lrnoon and eveng urs and coulreltin a few ilad rain/sno
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new information tonight -- a new strategyo lpueo li stay "ahead" the "ring" ime rate and "improve"esponse times. brand new technogy is headed to the department soon--- at "no cost" to taxpars. news fivle howland is li athe police departme... with a closer lo at how this will wor na this ichnologyt will esntially map out ere e most calls to service have historically happened. at similiar times of day and days of the week- available fice will beispatcd to those areas. ok rq
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ditional efficiencs for in putting officers in the right place in the right time,ost in real time effort the pes fficers will stay one step ahead ofhe criminals. nats beginnin march 1st -- a new tool called mand modeling software will be installed in pueblo police rs. "whi they' patroling around can get direction to go to certain spots in town where historically, events have happened that cause a call for service orotentially a cme is committed" the companthatakess tool -- nerica -- is a newer colls.ole will be the second ency in the st beta test their product -- whicheans it comes at no cost to them. graphic according to the company - arvada was the first city to test it... and after only aboutix months, they've seen a 37 perct efficiency increas "theve different population
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we're excited abouth potential." chief troy davenport says his hope is to decrease response times -- despite officer shortage. "in a nuer of instances, we' not pleased with the response ti a twoays to look at that. th we incr efficncy wi theources whave or t mo resoues" this is only a trail run to coect more data for a few months -- befo decidg if they want to adopt this long-term. pueblo police will begin testing this produn march t. livepueblo, lena howland, news five. ddioseri" airidgmile soo in colorado springs toy after reports of threat. district-20 ws 5 that a student made threats on friday.... they didn'give any specifics.
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aced "extra securitynd lice officers" on ol groutoday,a "preution.the studens t in schand clses were t impacted. we you updn thisstory as we learn re. colora springs pice have busted a gupf alled serial lars, o theyay is respone for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stolen merchandise. police arrested these three suspects andecovered 15- thousa dollars worth of olen property - mainly jewelry, tvs, and guns. more arrests cld be coming including ofhis man gino rael who's still on the and is believed to be the ring leader news 5's greg dingndo has more on the recent rest....and e suec' past. a stf string of burglaries like this is huge for police and the community....but this one is even bigger cae its not their rst ti. gonz and gino el who's still the r werarreed for similastring of rges two years ago. they were sentend to two y priso....theyot outearl.and police say th
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q bularies this go around.... same a knock on the front dooee ifone'me, en a b in thh thck poli shegewas e me.. jey, tv'angu. sgt enco/corado ris poce dep so 11 wh you start talkg about welry and collecties the dollar ou n add upck. poli we able to find se thst merchandise apawn opanoncehegona ofheern llg it. eyadnef osah ha moments. t: 3:2oncee w rs name he kn rht away probably o it. make ers woe....b on t sentencey sho still iprison. in augus014, gonzales and aewere both sentenced toyears in prin.....but acrding to the d-o-c they were parolejust 7 months ter. dan y/el paso countytrict atrneyot142 - 03 y can ar it in my voice. itjust rlly frustrating when you sendomeone to ison f gnifict crimes andhe little time in pris. st aewonancomeut anstdoinsameri theynt oy ab25 theintn prison..... y says that's not enough.
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example of how quickple can get out of prisoand you wonder if they even hadime take advantage of any othe programs eyave in prison. at the elmrest mobilparkn the sohse... many of them still remember en swat swaed the park 2 years ago looking fothem. w with a newnd of res....ty hope this ntcectuay sticks.. d y agre. rr seeel paso coty reside s: 121 thk th should go away foa very ng te if permanently sot :56 - we needruth in sentenng. ne t sentences to be what ey really are. the jues need to knothat sentences given out he one that's beingarried out. we d't have at with r current legislate. ta ath look at thean lice are still looking r,...gino rael. poce say because the the things t group h been rgetg isuns.....they believe he is armeand dangerous. inddition to seahingor hi...they alsoelie there's hundreds of thousands of dollars wortofton mercnde still out there. if you know police. more than a "million dollars" rth of improveme coming to thuntain metro trsit system.. planners want to hear at "u
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changes and are hostg ltiple publiceetings this week.. or kelsey kennedy is live in lodoprings tig.. lseyhat do riders ve to look forward to? e of the bigst cnges... is here along neva avenue. buses would st every fifteen minutes insteaof every hal hour. riders i talketo pretty pleased with the transit system already... t lo forward to provements.. nats "i have traportion d this is thonly i can get om point a to pot b." "i'm currently enrollein colleg so it'sood for me to use the bus and transit system. it's bter than using cars, cars me too much pollution tain metro is ding bes and justing less fently used rous to a svicevery fifteen nutes at stops up and down nevada enue. "pticularly with the 15 minute service, we're lookingo attract mo riders,utrove the system f o current
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last year mountain metro added fifteen minute service on the boulder.. platte corridofrom dowown to the citall.. increasiidship by "26 rcen" "that would cause if you miss you gotta wait 45 more minutes. every fifteen minutes would be great, i lookiorward to it." "for me it wld just be better when ty have a constant bus route that runs more than once every hour use its a little it hard for oncery ur i gta re an hour bere i nd to g to hool every day." other a of town ll see aed rous on the weekends.. "saturday service on rou ten. that goes from the downwn transit stiodown to pike peak comnity college." "they need to have it on saturds and sundays, like othecities d" mountain metro promisot to increaes..the money for improvem coming fm the ty's general fu.. the pikes peak rural transptation authoty and feral and state gran.. "alln total we're adding abo 1.4 llion dollars in
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there fi mbl meetings to be held acro the city this week.. we've posted a list on our weite.. koaa dotom.. where yoll also find a lk to leyour comments electronical. live in cos, kk news five. d at 6:30... a rine missing at seoff the coast ofawi.. his mother right here southern colorado talk us about the exhaustive search. d coming up next--we're checking in to see h swpack is faring in our area so far thisinr mpar year's st. jeica?i'm orologist jea van ter. i'll have yoxtended rst alert ve forecasnext at six. quiet for w,ut we are looking ahead to stronger winds and more rain/snow c
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dot miss those storiesan all the days latest news wer--only on nfive at ten. now, here's jessica withour forest. tonight staquiewith partly cudskie teeratur will dip in the 20's for most caons. weesday will srt off dry, but eezy. winds wi be pretty gusty from the west for t morning and afternoon hours. that down slope flow will warm our highs into the0's and 50's. snow developing rosshe continentadide will y push into the weelevatns by the late ternoon and eveng hos and uld result in few isoted rainw showers. an for tho will nger into early thursday morning befoes clear out thursday wilbe ano breez y withhs oy he 30' 40's idayooks likonof tbe daytheewios sunnsks anhiinhe 50's fxt cs r saturd, but we'll reinn th's thnexthanc for snow d lder temperares ll arrive
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recent flooding, rain and "extreme weather" in parts of california, arizona d te.. beuse of this ye'sel nino" conditons. t here ilorae've yet toeeowerfuel no iven sto. what do it meanor our sn pk d wasuly bi folm'loininto it anjos in ud.. bill snow mts offere in t front range. west in thmounins it is buildi thwhat watatchesrack wirts like thd on taph sha 30 ar medd average. thk blulines iseasoup tis we..ithows thlie ere.f a gd ar snowto to servrsheres sted feverne to use on front rae. " we're lookinles and miles away as faeadville and the ins for our te supp so the snowt falls there really what we're
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we still he very well defined ino in p." el nino is iactingeath ndions thiye isome stes...yet despiteome short hitsrom heavy snow, sofathe porful punchel nias beeirti colorado. it has with the dictn of the jet "it really has stayed way dow to the we have gotten a coupf decent snostorms haventen thg ones." even w a win wa...the snowfall in t moutains r consistant..... 's what's need womes to building the snow pack for su. " if we have a nar we'll bevery postuation. we othe last fewrs hav beblto csea t of water. 'vbebltoto tha in ouresvos. ...water managers emphase e goodta is ju a art. mons wher snowpack historically ds t most febr tl. t's sti timr anl
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anif idon'long as there ticwf. sn p bfi bill--ere have bn somenational rorts that el n y be wng... what iact coulthat h whathe weaer experts told me. is tempaures iacting el no have shown siglowering it coulld lesson t of el nino, but so far it is not going away. y yote attac areon the riacss t front e--and what do if you un into e"--in the wil.. next a6. and glenn fr'solorado connecti. we'll tell you which thas some special memories the
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, covering colorado tonight: denver fe chief is i"fair ion" after he wa "stabbed" by a w nr the department's headters. policeay the womanmped" inric ta vehic, "sin himn thhand a g. s juesre bei cald mir. but wasusd tohe hospal. suspect habeen aestesuspic aggted t... but r name h been re. police all trying re out the motd ether the twknow each other. xx covering cado tonight- warninpet owners as coyote
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se. it happening "across" the front range. ldlifexpertsay we're well intoreedg seon for coyotes,nd tt can leado "aggress-- t animals are very "territorial." re are also aming into neighborhoods... searching for food.. and often can lead them to pets experts say yotes are "very inlligent" a can "len utines", so if youd your dog outside or let sll pets outside a rtain time o they'll reer to avoonons--h ere's what to dof you're face-to- face wh a te. ma eye contact--anowly advae toward the animal, make sure it's focused on yound n small pets or kids. an use hazing ems at create loud isor light t sce th away. longmont baswer "oskar blues" has st tens of thousands of bottles of "f water" to flint michigan, to help with that clean watercrhe. as w bpog... the city switched wateems to try and savmoney.. t the water laquate
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wrong tu e up wi a denver school bus a tree is morng. liceay the driver turn the wrong wa-was tg to make a correcon and ended up backing into a large tre about a dozekidsere on board, but none were hurt. another bus ca tget them a to school. the driver could face careless driving charges, but that hasn't dided yet. 3 snowmolers are "sa "after having to spend a night out in e open. they'deen missing garfiel county on the westn sle. search helicspted th standing around a rend all reafely reued. xxxx fans and friends sll rling today from t deathf glenn frey, co-founder of the gles.. and that includea fol in aspen--where the band spent timen their earldays.. tstake it easy... justthe eagles were gettin off the ground in the rly 70s, they spent time in the coloradountry tork on developing a live show. fans say in the first set they played there were only about 40 people herowdt a
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,, first t at 6:3.. the search continuesffhe coasof oahu, 12 marines miinfor nearly a week... after theichoppers colli and crhed into the oan... during araining ersize. four life rafts haveee recovered, but all empty, still no sns of the missg. and- we have just ok wh th"mother"f e of the missinmane....22-year-old rgeantefeyempler. his mother les in utrn colorado. wel hear her srys is "agonizi srch" continues-onig oy on news fi at . xxxx high-profi eorsement for dona trump tay--fr foer ve prential ndidate sarah lin. meanwhsenator teuz bltep to d "distinctions"n somet button i" nbc news correspondent ward lawrence th the latest inurection watch cove. nat-sot "caus. caucus right." super: winterset, ia :00- nbc ne confied.. a toy narumpil
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be president r alreadon tape sept. 9, 2015 from sarahalin t sod blowing a kisso trump per already on tape in corner - march 2013 palin helped tru's rival ted cruz g elected to the senate in 2012. sot donald trump / r presidential candida :1 :15 "am a big fan of sarah lin, yes." ump also pnted the seed at cruz may not have the ght temperament to be president. sot donald tru / r presidtial cdite :20- :26 "i have not talke about his teerament.. heaso careful because his temperenhas been estioned a lot super: freedom,h 7-:3 uz ss he won'tespond to persal attacks, t blasd trump on hot bton issu. sot sen. ted uz / r presidential candate 3- :43 "mr. trump enthusiaically supported tarp, big bank bailouts. i disaee with him. suld not have bailout walltreet banks." his bus tour acss n mpire cruz also used the immigratissuto go after ump sot sen. ted cr presi candid9- :54 " build d ac i have one in mindo build ." sup alrea t- ja 201 e io ccus is the first
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agnst oday. sot gov. terry brst / iowa 1:01-1:10 believe it uld be aig stake for iowa to support and know he's ahd in the polls but only poll th unts ion ccus nit." the gornor't eorse a candate ye sot dold trump / esidenal cdida 1:131:20iowaas n pic a nn in yea.. ifheck someby other than me thewillick anotr lose" audio outc: i'm edrd lawrence, c ws, shgt. thlatest pol iiowa sw nar d cruzndon um"ldi" e pa...but wiin t mgin of eor setor rco rubicomes in at nuer three in the polling. a "major chae" is underway that "impacts"ow cntiein colorado count ectioballot a neunvong sysm shedthe et state . s drawpposn" f cntclerwho e s a te ortemopoly" calimihem nly equit fr svendor thsecretarsets t rulesor equipment certification, but the unties ultatelpay for the chines. wae williams tells us he can get the coties a discot by buying in bulk ==== "we believe that for a number of counties, it's actually going to be cheaper than maintaining their old existing equipment and they'll have the aantage of
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"i think the's some ethical nsiderationsn an unfunded mandate om the state thays you must all buy this same system." the clerk in douglas county says he's is considering pursuingegislative remies or even ligion... it cometo that. the puic commeerio thproposed rule changends this friday. xxxx the u.s. supreme court... will "referethfit"ve presidt ams eciv order. "hting" e depoation of millions of ndocumented" migrants. the policyllows some adults herellegally forore than 5-ars, and "witut" iminal recordso ay ifheirhildren are us citizens or lawf permanent resides. itlsexpas precons for yoimmigrants.. brght to the u.s. illegay, as children ========== josh earnest / ite use okesn 5 - 0 "tulmately is a flecon of a president who idetermined torythg he psiy n to try to fix ourroken immiation system ===========
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successf theove in theyid be forced to pay a gh price for those allowed if the stes win e lo urt ttles could ra after presama's leav if thent wins the poould be pla the raor thite hs appip. e high crt is cted t ar taspr. x pueb policare vingwa th n tecologthat innded tmpro resnse s" a time wh dersffis pro. the netechnolo will essentially map whe th most cls f serce have stically happened. rit noit's trail r to collmoatfofew nt- didifey want pts ngm. e any at m ts tout o collins,...andblo wille the sendgency to test the product, meangcost to th partment. y're patroling around can get reion to go to aispown where hiorally, ents happened that cae or
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happen that cause ll for service potentiallyrime isommitted" arvadaas the firstity to st it... and after only about six months, theye se aent efficiency increase. ree serial bury suspects now off the reets in rado spr, accusestealing hundrof thousands ofollars worth of handis from local homes. and it not t firstime they've beenrrestefor the same crime. licehe spects would ock people's doors, and en no one answer,...they would foe their way in. mostften stolen, jewelry, tvs and . police say irustratingo have to go afterhe same crimins lend tse their sentence.....they should still be in prison. t of 2014, gonzaan gino rael both sentenced two years in prin...but accoing to t d-o-c ty were alloweout on parole just 7 months lrael also a suect in these latestrimes, he's still on run. office say he shoulde consided armed a dangerous.
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sprihas beenorlly charged. year old joshua harvin is facing several charges--- cludrsee aonnd cruelty nimals rt date is february first.llowing up for yous cused in this filong jon street earlier this month.... where animaldied. firefighters s it was intenally set. police say harvin isated to the residts of the home... and had previously lived there. "tight security" at moun ridgado springs toda after repos of a threat. rict-20 tell 5 tha udent madehreats frid. we donave anspecific abt atas but do know t dist placed "exa secuty and licefficer oscho grous today... as a "ecauon."he sdent was not in sool d clses were not impacte ep updated as mo x a of ione s mplaniabouissuesith eir baery ... at app sayu ca t it aad at 6:30.
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the we for morni and afrnoon s. atowslope ow wilwarm our ghs the 4s 's. sn devopinrosshe inendi wiltry sh into thlor elations bthe teeron and eveninhos and cod result in a few isolated in/sw ows. e ance for tho wl lier in e trsdamoing befo skies c o. ursd wilbe another bezy day th hhs oin t 30' and 's. idayookse onof the st ds th week th mostly nny ies d hiinhe 50.a few extra clouds fo turd, bu'lrema ith's. e ne cncesor sw colder tempeturewillrre
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manning ady again... you ow this wod happen 17 times these two rivals will lo up theield. it's aival imenly because they d face ea otr but you know peytowants more win a bdyth wilbe densi be on sda jusli t eelersame s. whmes brady lle focusingore the bos rh th theroos pass. e nsknowe situat th areand ey wt to gout r on mannin
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on offense a aleader on defense... your quarterba ilike your ader of the team andener along with your head coach so we like wpons to be usedyou know and so we just gotta go out and do our job aas best we can and go outelp our guy you know r at the end of the y. ch mountaiwresg knocked discovery caon forhe first me i8 yes last week. a big ason behintheir ccesthis season is our athlete of theeek. at's the ultimate goal f thisear? state tle how you going to make that ppen rd wk mpcheyne mntn's zach rarddoest nce s en taing abouwresing. i'd ke tget tecique bett on top, ieelike wrestlg but cld beer ju work hard andeep the effo. mpnever tiied, alway loing r ways to prov a alitat has capred th specof his opponts, teammateand coaches ike. came in and placed at the state tournant forlastear, really it's st a tribute to his rk eth. he comes in re every d and
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k. mp: he the nr twnk wrer at 195 unds ia.....gardas his sighton anotr ate plementhis yewhile leadthe entire indim as wel i ike i can st up at anytimand take a lrship le. i'm a quiet leer though, i don't really talk much. mp: but coach aney says words aren what define a leader, it's what you bring to the mat every match and practice. for a bigu's very quic he shoots lot, has a good attacking styl i thk hehrows a lot ofig guys off bause he'ableo move swell. mp: mos that showeup while our cameras were rolling....a slht disaction that didn't derail the wrestler coh seaney lls "a big t bear." it was little weird toook over and seehe camera on me but i guesyou got used to . justidn't pay attentn to it and keep working hard and keep your min on practice.
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thstrket coming off s worst open aeain storh meager gainsday.ergy stocks stil asrice of oil s. at closing d up 27oints, the s-and-p ganining one point aheasdaq up11. ing onsutch. the "tafili seasos no e r-s expects reha150 miiopeople tfi returns thea the od news fo "electnicay." xxx apple is lng at rerts "battery problems" wh thnew i-one "6nd 6-s." ple saysf yochangehe ti on the devi manlly angeime zonewhen travin you notice bay percentagesn'tupte.
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a solution... re's what you can do for. t, restart y iphone,..thego to ttgs... general. te and time... and maure "set aumatica is turned you can also contact app t if notlse j-c penney is getting o e "home appliance business"... after a gap of more than "30 years.the chain says it'll start selling kitchen and laundry appliances in "22 pilot stores" beginning on february firs c penney says "onlinsales" will sta ithe spng xxx calling an "uber" for a ride m soon ton wle new meing. er is saido be parering with airbus on a test program to ove licopt res on ma. acrdg mhae t m, an ur spokesrson has confirmed the partrship and says a trial r will take place at the sundance film festival later this month. prices and rlout plans were not vealed. an emfamily sho e streaming e says'll a speffor produce "chiren's programming" netfx will oer 20 "new
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'll be right b bac,,,,,,,,, tonight will sta tonight will stay quiet with partly clouds. tempatur will dip into the 20's fost locati wednesday willtartff d, t breezy. winds wille pretty gty from the west for theor and afteoon hour that down opflow will warm r ghinto the 40'and 50. oweveloping acsshe contintal divide will y to push io thlor elations the latafteoon and evening urs d could result in a f isoted in/snow showers. mar support for a marian research fily come to csu pueblo. tonight on news fi aten. we're lookg into whait wou an for the cmuni and state's owing t industry. and her so.. still missg at sea.
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ancer: goimes.. - at's thet can give you. [acreaming - he's the worst drawer ever. - yojust los - shoot! announce and the chce to se e ckntnt home with... - 25,000 simoleons. announcer: the famous folks tonight are... - what is it with these people? - what kind rules are these? - you're rich and you go here. it's a boat. anuncer: and on the other side... - she keeps opping. - do-dodo-ddo-do - whoa, this took a rn. announr:it's "hoywood game night." - you can't ta 20 tes to give a clue. - don't hate. congratulate. [upbeat music] he ebody welcome. weome. welce.
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