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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  January 19, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST

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she instinctively knew her son, sergeant "jeffrey sempler," was involved we talked to her thiafternoon beforerews had suspeed tir search. e said despite the long od r a happy ending, she refused to give up hope. "i've had my moments where i ve to go cry vo#1 considering the circumstans, you could say aurie allen" is holding up pretty . "i try to be positive. i know it may not seem very realistic, but there's alws a chan." vo#2 laurie's sonsergeant jeffrey sempler, has always en the iety- not munt sptsr a with vast soal li -- an imposing figure at 6-foot-3 aftehigh school, he chose a life of serve, mning c-h-53-e mare copts, the military's biggest and hviest. "he graduatein may a he went right in in july, and he just moved prty much right up the ranks -- he just made rgnt." vo#3
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collision hawaii, semplers one of mines misng in the rough wars othe cific. laie says shknowthe odds are against positi outme. thanxiety virtually unarable "is this it?s thishem cong toelme that they've found his mains, or they're lling off the search? i just don't want to hear it, you know?" vo#4 the worst part, shsays -- people already speakg of her first-born in the past-tense. jeffrey, she says, is stubborn aniven enough to defy even the longest odds. "i don't believe that he ge t. i still feelhere's a chance. there has to be a chance." vo#5 a moer refing to start grieving while even thfaintest glimmer hope remains. "he's my fstor he's got a
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sergeant spler went to high scho in south carolina, t spent someime heren southern colorado after h mom moved to fountain withehusband. a vigil for sergeant sempler will be held at 6:omorrow night at the american legi post on southmoor drive in lisa....? a lik olorado s and pueblo froour ne studs... meterologist jessian meter days ahead. jessa? tonight willtay quwith partly cloudy skies. temperatures will dip into the 20's for most locations. wednesday will start off dry, but breezy. windwill be prty gusty fro the west the morning and rnhours. thatown sle fl will rm our highinto the 40's and 50's. snoweveloping across the continentadiviill try to push into the lor elevions by t late afternooand eveng hours and could relt
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new tonight -- colorado roads are "ddlien ever we've had a spike in fatal crashes in the past 12onths. c-dot sayseadly accidents jumped "10-percent." news five's maddie garrett is live on i-25... with more toght. maddie? whetr it'se diract drivers... or sply moreeoe onhe ads caing the inease... it's certainly discouraginto see these numbers,fter a we had seen a steady declinin fatal traffic accints over the past d ok rq nats of cars there's a reasonriving experts don't call them accidents... sot maile gray "tffic cshes are just that th are crashes, they are not accides, they are not actof god, they are all eventable."
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collision... t maile "could he en prented, sometimes it's yr own behavior, sometimes it's t bevif anotdrer." rising problems on our roads... sot mason speak "texting and drivi for se." sot ny eisenue "i do soeoe doing dumb th, putting on makeup and drivg, tting and driving, occasional drinking and driving." mailgray with drivsmart colorado wor ery day reduce the number ofeaths on our roads. sot maile "we are very discoaged by those numbers." 545 aths... up from 488 the yearore. sot mae 50 percent of the individuals at passeaw o the highways this year re noteari seatbelts." sile step that's psonal to drivers li brittany eisenhauer.. t brittanyisenhauer "i had an aunt that passed away in a car accident ever since en we alwaysear our here's bre down of some of the other formation from cdot's report...
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in 201we alcohol relat... 10motorclists died last year - an all time in colorado. and el paso countyad t fourth highest number ofeaths onhe 44. live in cos mg news five. firefite are slln scene mopping up "hot spots", after a grass fire on fort carson. it started late th aftnoon duri a training exercise in the small arms impact area no injurs were repted. while the fire is completely out, you may still smell smoke in therea... xxxxx the denver fire chief is recovering right now...aer a woman mped in to his vehicle, d stabbed him. fire chief eric tade was stabbed in the hand d the le...and then ran to re heauarters for help. tade suffereminor injuries and was released from the hospital this evening. marlene zacevi- rodriquez was rested for aggravated assault. police are sti investigang a moti and don't know whether
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other. convicted aurora theatre shooter james lmess being transferred to another pson. the lorado department of corrections isn't releasing his new location or asons behind the move due to safety concerns, but ys it not one theifacilities. holmesas being held at the san carlos corctional cility at the state hoital in pblo. and bere that, hwas at the coloradotate penentiary in canon city were he was assaulted by anoth inmate in october. holmes iserving life in ison without parole kilng 1 d injungothers at the aurora m theer in july of 2012. three suspts accused of stling hundreds of thousands of dollars in its... from homes in colorado spngs.... are now behind bs. poce say tse three would knock oneople's doors and force their way in, when no one answered. among the items they're accused of saling... jewelry,v's d gu. another suspect, ginrael, isti on the ru rael and nathanial gonzales re both sentenced to o years in
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says they werearoledths later. rael xxxx springs is formally charged... -year-old shua harvin is facing first degree arson and uelty animals. he's aused ithis house fe alon"jon street" earlier this month... 4 dogsied inhe fire...a 5th warescued. fireghters say i intentionay t. lice say harvin is related to onof the residents of the me and had eviously led there. xxxx pueblo pole are moving forrd wi new technology that's intended to "improve response times",... aime when understaffing is a p thnew technolo wl esntially out wherthe mostalls for service hav historally happed. right now it's a tra run to collect more data for few months -- before deciding if they want dopt this long-term. the company that mes ts tool, based out of fort colls,...and pueblo will b the second agency to tt the product, meanio cost to the department. "while they'reatroling around can get rection to go to ceain spots in town wher historically, events have
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service or potentially a crime is cmitted" ar w the fst cy to test it... d after only about six mth they've se 37 peent efficiency increase. new tonit: class is back in session at c-s-u pueb... and a proposed "cann research institute" is "all the talk" on campus. ws 5's jessi mitchell is live in our pueblo studio with a look at how it wod work. this a feasible idea, jessi? university ainistratorsa th institute is still in the planning stages, but it will be e first school of its kindo examine every pect of cannabis from hemp to medical and retional maruana. but there are some legal hurdles they'll have to jump first. in the pblo suhine, the caabis plants flourishing, and the c-s-pueblo administration
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w it affects the brain at various stageslife, how chemicals beyond t-h-c can b used, and how the plant impacts different people in differt ways a lot of these issues are very complicated anwhat better institutioto bhelpg stud ose than a universit the hool pla to host coerences for professo and students tshare their findings, along wi plishg a journal.with the explosion of the marijuana industry across southe coloresearchers will be able to conducca studies in their own comni students on campus are mostly onard with the idea, enthu abt the opportunity to learn more about t. weed's blized, so it would be nice to start doi research about it, see what we can do maybe we can make money ofof it, our campus over re, sot would be a pretty cool oprtunity. but othe are worriedhat marijuanlegal status on e tial level couldse funding lems for universi, which recently had some budget cuts. i'm concerneabout the federal buet a the amount of money our schooleis from the
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concerned with whether or not they'll be able keep a steady budget. the feds do allow hemp research already --nd observatory studieof marijua with vontee. the university plans to get some of thenstitu'sunding from grantsnduebls city a county governments, but administrators emphasize tha everything will be ccted within federal regulations. everyone seems to be very excid out the possibilities. we have a lot support from local legislators and we'll just have to e where ings go. administrators have t set timeline for the start of th cannabis institute yetbut profsors are actively working on tir ideas foresearch. we'll contue to keep you dated as theroam develops. live in pueblo, jessi mitchell, news 5 'ltell y aut a growing dustryn colorado.. that's looking for new employees! we'lhave that informatn.. coming up. x and: pang at the pump is getting less expsive
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time you fill upour ta. but first here's jessica. dry night, but we do have stronger winds and more rain/snow ntiaon the way. wh youeed to know, coming uin your first 5 forecast. necting with yo kids. we'll ll you about the class being offered to help local parentget a hand oat their kidsreoischool.
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tonight will stay quiet with partly cloudy skies. temperatures will dip into the 20's for most locations. wednesday will srt off dry, but bree. nds will be pretty gusty from
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afteoon hours. at down slope flow wilrm our highs the 4s and 50's. snow developing acrosshe continental divideill try to push into the lower elevations by theate afternoon and evening hours and cod result shower e chan for those wl ling into earlyhursdamorning beforekies clear o. ursd will be anoer breezy d 40's. friday looks likone the bestays this wk thostly suy skies d highs in the 's few extra clouds for saturd, t we'lrein in colder temperaturewill arrive
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it's a taxthat begins wi a threatening call. still ahead: how you can avoid becomi a vict and: a colorado mountain town "full of memories." we'lbreak down glenn frey'sonnection to our state--next on news 5 at 10.
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new tonight: jobs in "renewable energy" are growing at a fast pace for anyone looking at starting a n career in colorado. the solar foundation just compte's stu on the job market,...which showed the solar indust grew more thatwenty percent from 2014 to01 at schools like eco-tech ee-co-te stite inuror teacher say they can't get enough studen meet the demand forobs in colorado and aunthe rld. "onef the biggest ars of the economthat was growing en back when we were in recession in 2007, 28 d so for, the
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> the study shows thatobin t lar industry are growing at a "12 times faster" than the rest of the ecomy. the iseed fotechnicians anengineers at ery level, according to thetudy. gas prices are "falling fast" in colora... we're even "below" the nional erage. thaverage pre right now is about a dollar-81... but we fnd cheaper prices in southern coloro.. on average.. it's about a dolr right now. triple a sws that's 7 cents less than thnational average. we're saving over buck a gallon, compared to 5-months ago. xxx tax fing sson ficially opened today,...and it's open seasonor scam artists trying toarget yo return. the easury departmt sa if you get s from the i-r-s demandg payment u should hangp. since 20, the sc has cost thousands oftims more an millionlars. often times,he scammers have personal information abohe threaten criminal charges unless
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developing tonight sarah lin is endsing donald ump for president. at a large ral in wa... the two took to thstage.. palipraised ump as a candidatwho has ak up the republan party, and said she wanted to let "american's de america eat ag" palin, ia former ve presidential nomin, and rmer vernor of alaska. the latest polls in iowa show doldrumpnd sator ted cruz locked in a dead heat, ead of the iowa caucuses-which will be held in lesshan two weeks. xxxx a major chge underway right now will impact how counties in colo count election balls. a new unified voti system pushedy thsecretary of state has drawn "opposition" from "se" county clerks,...who see the move as a "state support monopo" becae it limits em to oy buy equipment from a ngle vendor. the secretary ts rules for equipment certificat but the counties are obligated to buy e machines. wayne williams tells u can get the counties a disunt y buying in "we believe thator a number of coties, it's actually going to be cheaper than maintaing their d existing equment and theyl have the advantage o new equipmt."
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nsiderations in unfunded maate from the stahat says you must all buy this same system." thclerk in douglas county ys he's is considering pursuing legislative remedies or even litigation "if" it cometo that. thpublic comnt period for the proposed re change ends this friday. the supreme court is spping up to referee the ctentious immiion fight betwn congre a the white house. the highourt will review the president's fort to shield u to 5-mlionmmigrants. living ithe u.s. illegally... from deportation. 26 stateve blocked his order in the lower courts...claiming they would have to p a high price r those allowed to stay. the supre court is ected to hear the case april. xxxx a former marine held in an iran prison for nearly 5 years is slow transitioning back tois old life. "ar hekmati" was rsed in a
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learned he was going to be released along with three other americans. he spo publically for the first time today. "i feel lucky, alive...for the first time in a long tim and very humed at everyby's support." "tre is lot thatave to say about the experience and what happened d i pe t bring at to the american and the world. " amir is one of fe americans freed in the prisoner exchange. three,ncludingmir, are tting eatmt at u.s hospital in germy. a fifth hoste,..who s not beendeified, chose to remain in iran. fans are fding a uque way to celebrate e life of glen frey. the co-founder of theagles.. ed yesterday. ========= take ieasy... ===== as the lyric from take it easy says... "on the corner of winsw arizona"...... they're placing balloons, owers and candles. eyo-wrote and sang "take it sy" whh ght inational attention tohe town.
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in colorado--in aspen,here the eaglesame to developheir li show in the early 70's. fans say the were onlybout 40 people at a nightclub for the band's first set, but people werepilling outhdoor the lastet. frey also had a home in pen which was the inspation bend the song "party town". xxxx this jusmay be theh oncos sur bowlight now.... considering the oppont.. how do beat the triots in
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coming up nuggetextended the contracts general mager tim coelly tay. that tel you that the ggets beeve in thetion are head rht now. still tryingtheir goal of 6-2 at started out ll... keh fa with the ! good guys on the brd first... he had 17 nillo gaari foree. thostegot t early. inhis y forhe jam...
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and checemma mudy... ankle lookne 13 ints 9 assts for him... nuggets led after e first. thunder woulve tir s... vin dura three. t me into the fourth russell wek - g jam!! e two had 57 together. thunder had a lot of firepower - 11--104 big match up in the tri peaks ague... matou d james irwin tonight... mustangs up 16 at the break anf the jaguars came out firing... josh mohamd running the oor and gives it up to jen scant.... bitime lup.. then raini threes.... micha dixon on the wing... then the best pass fot he night... di malik chang... change for three... jaguars went on a 13-5 run to start e third manitotoo od on e road. lucas roolm with the flaoter... stangs 73---52..
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pine creek g and rampart tonight...nicea eliely aey-oop... rams comg ba... ramparbailee hart drive tied at 27 - jacked up!! art elielyjumped..... rams pull ahead... pi cek on the other end... spencer ndsey sh.... nice boue pc emma list inside ... eagl up a buck... pi creek win37-3 cheyenne mouaiud at 5 podsach garrard is your aquafina ln jug athlete of the we... check out s full sry online koaa dot come ere is an easy way to beat tom brady onuny. ll starts up front for t broncos defense. if the front four for denver make brady's life very
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chances are in the broncos favor. the chiefsidn't get a hand on him last week and ask them how they fared brady has all his weaponback this time around. no excuses for brady - youhve gronkowski and julian edelman and you have your x factors. as many times as these teams have seen each other over the st seasons - donpect the patriots to changehat th d ey know tar, we k themhis year so they may have a new thin comg but you know is like all theame people so so it should be a good me, we knoeach other so it should be a good ge,you know quarterbacks are gonna tryu and throw it fast ons... they rpect ourush - they should but we just gotta make them make pls different ways if they want to get rid of the ball fast. this will also be the 17th all time meeting between tom brady d peyt manning/ this series s gone bradys way most iof the time.. manning 11 in those meetgs. buth've split e postseason meetings. and neither quteack has beaten the oher in the playoffs...
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tonight will stay quiet with partly cloudy skies. toght will stay quiet with partly cloudy skies. temperatures will dip into the 20's f most locatis. wednesy will startff dry, but eezy. winds will be pretty gtyrom e west for t mni a an f watchinnews 5 at 10:00. a,nn a sphen will be
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