tv News 5 at 5PM NBC January 20, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST
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just in. word tonighthae "marn drake power plant", will decomission "uni... by thend of next year. the utities board voted this afternoon, to re the unit by december 31st of 20-17. it's the smallest of the three power-producing units. this marks the first step in proposed planso completely decommission the powerlanty -35. xxxxx looking ahead for you tonight. in just abt an hour, a "vigil" will bin in fountain for missing u-s marine "jeffrey mpr." as we first told you last night on news 5, his "mom.".. lives inount sempler is one of 12 mares ssing r crashed during a nighttime training mission off the coast of the hawaii, late friday. last night, the u.
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announced it's suspended the search. news 5'sach axton le at the erican legion po off southmoor drivin fountain, whe that vigil will be held tonight. and zach... sempler's mom is "holding out hope" for a miracle. "laurie al says if anyone can pullff mirulous survivalit's her 22-ye-old son "jeffrey." as we told you last night, "jeffremer" entered the maneimmediately after aduation from high school in soh carolina, working his way up the ranks and recently bein proted to sergeant. he was assigned to the ch-53-e uper stallion" marine helicopters -- the military's biggt and heaviest. toght, family, friendsan ngerll be gathering here at the american legiono hold a vigil of he for a miraculous outcome, despite the fact the search for survivors has now been called off. last night, his mom told us she's holding out hope, in spite
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sempler graduated from high school in soh carolina, but frntly came southern corado to visit him, who lives in fountain. again, t vigil for sergeant sempler begins at 6:00onight here at the ameran legion post number 3on southmo drive. we'll have aive report for you en. live in fountain, zt, news 5. at 5. legal marijua in colorado passes a major court chaenge. a federadge has diissed eblo county and the e agencies named in a lawsuit that named claimed they acted as co conspirato to work gwe to break the federacontrolled these devepments for us and jobs us live om our pueblo studios with mo. it cost the county more th 100- thousand dollars to defend lf in this suit .... and commissioners tell me they in their favor. the plaintiffs -- hope and michl illy -- own a rah in southern pblo county just outside of colorado city. they sued marijanarower and her associated business who
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land neathemlaiming it will harm their property value and ny them use of tirand. their lawyers gued the fedal ntrolled subances act supersednt 64 e mariju galization andment -- virtue of the premecy ause of the constitution. t the dge dieed -- saying it is tob of e torney generalo forc federalaws le the rolled subses a. so, he dismissed the sui against pueblo couand the marijuana licensing board, as well as the claimsgainst t governor, the headf department of revenue and t marijuana forcement division. "we'reieved about , we ve simply beenrying to implement the will of the people. the pueblo citizs asked to do the best we can with the marijuana sues and that's exactly wt 've done." r now,he case remains open agait the buness oers named asefenda wever, i spoke with thr attorney over the phone and he thinks that the judge's reoning in this decision bodes well forheir case. we'll let you hear wt he had to say .. in his own wor tht at
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andy knews 5. new informatn tonigh the man accused of shooting at corado springs police afa botched burgla and chas...mads first court appearance today,.and was formally chargedh tryi to ki a police officer. 34 year old thomas goulee being held oa milln llars bond,...fang mulple un, inclinattempterst degree murder of a police officer, attempteburglary, ast, mor vecle eft,..and posssionwe by a previous offender. police responded ta burglary call at the end of dember,.they say goul firedhots athem, took o in a stolen vehicle, was stopped, and more shots were exchanged, bore was arreed. he waslso person of interest in the murder of former e prons tom clements in . motionhearing is set for next month to dress medi access,...and a requt to unse documents in thcase. hipreliminary hearing is set foapl 6th. corado springs mayor jn suthers and membof cit cocil are expected to meet
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xt weeto disss stormwate followg up for your, the mayor hacommitted some 1million dollars from this year's budget to addssing stormwater improvemt needs inhe community. the mayor epxted to lay out a stormwater improvement plan for the pulo county commissioners. this com acoissioners an other elted officials in pulo a downstream communities look for stronger commitnts from springs on reducing excess s and sedi levels. pueblo countcontrols t land use peit for t southern very system peline which expected to b service i late apr at five -- c-dot is working to make lsenburg roa more destannd bike friendly. but first, they need your input. they'rhoing an on house tonight to go oversiblprovts andeedbk om the community. c-dot has justver one million doars tose on is proct -- they're tking abo instalng bike nes, osswalks and -- ne technogy -- thert of their wntown area. saty is the theme and we always look to improve our facilities and incorporate other different modes of
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ju relying on hicles thopen house starts atix at e hufano county communy cent they're hoping to begin construction early this summer. the southeast and ard services ymca icolorado springs justot a brand new triathalon team......and today theyot a g boosin condence anks to very special est. melissa stockwell the first u.s. woman to lose a mb in combat.. but despite th challen she went on to become a 3 time para triathalon world champ. news 5's greg dingrando has more er visit ockwell may not be able to help theuture triathletes physically get ready......but e defini gave em a boo whencameny mental rdles they might hav... and all she did was tell story. in 24, stockwell lost heleft leg after beinhit a roadside bomb in aq. ter tting treated at walter reed hospital she says she saw w bay some of the otr
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decid she had right to feel sorry for herself. once she recovreshe took on chalnge ter allenge...including one of thtougest ortsut there....a triathalon....thats nning, swimming, and cycling. in addition to her tining... she's also bome motivational speaker....something she takes greapride . sot: 4:52 hopelly anyone w has heard my sry has been spired by it they are able to get out and do things never thought possible. been incredible. the athletes sayearing her story gavehem a little something extra to think about if they're ev thinking aut quitt you'll hear from them coming up at s. b anlisa ilaheain tonight yr healthy family. it's a conditi thacould threaten the lives o"unbor idtical twins. how prant ms canelp ep eir chilenafe-comingp. anelection wat. we'll let you knowow much c-u ulder caed in fromlast yr's g-p dete
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veloping tonight. another bumpy ride on wallteet today. the dow wadown more than 5-hundred points earlier in the day... but recoved sowhat to end the day down, 2- huned 49 in. the plun was tied to a steep drop in crude l... it fell below 27- llars a barr--thlowest pce since may of 2003. xxxx new tonight.
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repoer,...arrest and icted of espnage,.and jailed in tehran for theast months,...made a brief appearan plicly today. "jason rezaian" was releed in a proner swap over the weeken he'sn germany, getting treatment at a u.s. her pron he lookeupat today as he posed with his family---fo headg ba insidthe hospit. developing tonig. a spokman for the taliban is diwng the oup bend today's deadly attack at a universi in pakistan. as we first told you on news 5 today-a gunm stormed the campus-killing 20 peoplend juring 60 others. the taliban has ta responsibilityor the attack. but a spokesman is cling today'attack "unslam" and insists the pakistani liba was not behind it. xxxx new at 5. a snowboarder says he was pushed off a chairlift at aspen highs over the weekend. "setbeckto says a skier became offend byomething he said andushioff. deputies s t currentuspect is a local man---but they have not reased aidentity. the aspen skii companyay
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y d catch the culprit. on the election wah tonight. cu-boulder sayhosting the o-p deba last ye was wel worth thpre-tag! laying it all out for you. the school snt nearly 800-thousand dollars to host 14 candidat athe coors event nter. butheyays the publicity and exposu... isalued at 4-milon llar c-u says visors who ca in for the debate.. ent hundredsf thounds of llars duringheir visit to boder.
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scientists say they havesolid evidce" for "planet x"--- a 9th anet on the ges of our solar system. th say thegas t" is almost as big as neptune---and is orbiting billions of les beyond neptune path. researers haven't spotted the planet yet. bused on their modeng-they anticipate its discovery with a telescope within-years. xxxx alewonig. 20-15 s the earth's warmes year ever! sentis sathe earth's mperate bre the previous record by 0-poi-23 degrees fahrenheit. 2015's temperature increaswas fueled ipart bel ninand several ather events including heatdrought anwis. broncos mania has read tr newest and tiniest fans in the state at sai marcorwin medical center. th's right, newbornsre also getting ready crush the patriots this weekend. six baes gred up with their broncoonsind hand-knitted
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theiteam spiri in the group of the neorn fans lso incled a set of twins! the were handmade overnight by a motr one the premature bies. i n't mucelse bausehe ays so have lot memy hands rht now ve excg toee tthis young,ronco'out! alfamilies will get to take this gear withhem as a gift from the hpital asoon as
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more than 0-thousand births. ey found moms with recurring or newly diagnos depression were 30 to 40 percent re likely to ha a preture birth. an.. "n depressn" in men creased the risk of preterm rth by 38-rcent. exs sathis may be because eson oa paner n cause "signifint stres for anxpecta motr. xxxx d ight's your althy family. ctors e arningore abt a condition at cou "reen thlives" of "unborn" identical twins. it's called "t-t-s"--- or "twin to twin trsfusion syrome,...and it must be caught quilyor the chin survive. as david stt reports.. this sethingregnt moms can do. e we h good treatment foit, thmajority of pregnancies that devop twin to twin transfion didn't survive. about 15% ofdent twins share the pcenta and ive uneven bod from e ther, ontoo little, one too
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if not cau they n't ive. a m carrying intic twins st step up the frequcy of her ulasounds,etngne ery one to two wks. sot: dr. david reue, obyn "so when you do the ultrasound the main thing you're lookg for is t fluid volume nd each baby." kimberly rivera, an identical twin herself, was carrying olivi and layla when the symptoms came on in r second trimester. sot: kimberly rivera, mother "i became large ally quick, my uterus ew, i had a t of abmina discomfo, a lot of swelling, and i honestly thought that was just becau i w carrying twin wh loobackt twin tranusiosyndrome, they actuallyatch msymptoo a e." in addition her obgyn, kimberly also nsulted an mfm, that's aaternal tal medicine specialist, a vital step if yore carrying twins. ev so shwasn't pred for the bad . t: dr. daviue, ob about 70didn't svive. nothe ival re is beer. with eatmt thchan of at least
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the an of bo babies surviving is about 60%. sot: kberly rivera, mother hat waetty devtating. the opon was we'd have to have surgeror we'd se bh babies within the ntwo weeks in uto. so you feel completely helpless." kimberly had the laser procedure, the babies' blood supplyas evened up, and despite oddsotuch tter than 50-50, both her ildr made it for heah sts... st " heahy family.c." tonight at six. keeping slain officegaett swasey part of the u-c-c counity. we're looking into how much money has beenaised fothe schorship fund in name. but rst here's carleth one lastook ateather, wee got a windy wednesdaon our hands. down slo winds will rmur highs to the0's and 50's. mostly cloudy with some eaks for the day. we will have thehance for some isolated rain/snow showers later
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