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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  January 20, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST

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now called off. mother's grief palpable in tears cascading down her eeks. "this family exemplifies serviceto country." vo#3 inside and out of the wind, the les burn bright as silence falls and surrounds urie allen, her husband, and youngest son. an opportunity foraue to give thanks fothe overwhelming support from those she knows, and those she doesn't. "it's great to know that you all care so much and i just can't thank you enough." "this community. this is at it's all abt. thiss what the legion family is all about." "we ask that you please keep laurie, christopher, and spencer in your thoughtsndrars for the days, weeks, months, a years to come." a spaghetti dinner fdraiser will be held at american legion post 38 in fountain at 7:0on saturday, january 30th. preeds will go directly to the family to help cov any costs they incur.
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a liveook now atolo spngs. cleasks fonow but metelogist ce hoffman is trking the cnce for so rain andnow. she jos us now with closer ok at how it may affect your morning commute. 've had a brzy wednesdaynd winds will stay on the strong side for the next 24 hours or so. we'll have a chae r a few isolated rain/ow showehi evening and in the ornight hours. combined with the strong winds, low visility will be aoncern in snowyreas. acculations look to be minimal, with abt an inch at most for theajory of areas.
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two grasfires that sparked within just hours of each other,...and less than a me apart in colorado springs are under inveigation tonight. thmost recent spked ound four this afternoon here in the 24-hundred block of launcelot court on the city's west side. fire cre say flames spread t fence and maged one home beforehey were able to knock it dn. the cause of this fire is still under investigatiotot. the initial fire sparked arod noon today nea19 and west unitah. police and fire investators say 's origin isuspious, and appears to have been intentionally set. fire crews say abo an acre was burned but they had it under control in less than 20 minutes. at one point the fire was threatenina neby ycare,..but no evacuations were nessa a truck driver, facing ltle charges. accud of crashing into two bridges in pueblo toght...
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shutdown of the inrstate it happened at the highway 50 east and t abriendexits. police says the semi driver driver w heading southbod on i- 2. whenheackhoe he s carrng hit the br ahighway 50. they say he stopped to cck his load.. then kept going... and proceeded to hit the abriendo bridg officers say they re final able tcatch up and stop him around indna avenue. 'seing crged with both moving viotions and oversized load vlaons. xxxx and take aook at this spected drunk drivg crash the springs tonight,...whe a ambulance wounup on it's side it happened at the intseion of east uint and institute. police say a driver bl tough a stop sign..and hit the ambulance..sending two e-t's to the hospital with minor injuries. the driver who ran the stop sign was also taken to the hospital..and s been arrested osuspicion of d-u-i. the water and sanitation district f security t with e discuss concerns over chemals portedly detected in the water supply.
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shows war in secury, wifield and fountain cins dustrial cmicals, knn as "p-f-a's even though those cities parently he some of the officialsay still "r below" the danger level. the "e-p-a" says it can be "removed" from water at "tatnt plant owith "actived carbofilts.all ree watediscic stress that ctomers suld "notbe worrd about e quality of eir wate..sangt isll afto dri." =========== thitime there absolutel no danger tohe health-o our water, drinking water, i've en living here for 49 years and i'm drinking water ery day... two water wells, connect to the contaminates in security, have been shut down... "but",enn ll still have water... because most of it comes from the puebloeservoir the a will meet with security wer officials to discuss ways to fix the issue next week.xxxx looking ahead for you tonight. the colorado springslities
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unit five of the drake power plant downtown by the end of xt year. it's part tir ongoi plan to have 20-percent rewable energy by 2020,....anfully decommission drake b2035. d it lks like a utity te cut is in thworks for customers. ciouncil wilnsid osal, approved today by thutilitieboard,.. cut eltric rates by nearly five rcent for thaverage customer, and nagas by more tn 14-percent. utilities says the vote to decommsion unit five at drake, will also save ratepayers money over the long haul. "the decomissioning of drake 5 saves rate payers $2 million n present value over the nex10 yearover converting it to natural gas." ifity council gns of the rate cuts, they would take effect fruary first. they will vote at their nuary meeting colorado lotterylayers are helping with se mu needed improvements at lakeueblo state park. a major project is underway to re- pave the roa and tras there. news 5's jessi mitcheljoins us
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details. how doeshe lotry come into pljessi? this 10-milln dollar project is partily funded by great outdoors coloro -- and all the peopleying for ahance to win la week's record-setng powerball drawinhelped ntribute. and after l thheavy rain lastear, t parwas tely in need oso upgrades. change is t air at lake pueblo state park -- cws are working to rrface four miles of juniper road and all 13 miles of paved trails, along with replacing a foot bridge across the arkansas river. especially after the hh rain ason, folks are noticing pot holes, crumbling roads, c. three entities are footing the 10- million dollar bill -- the colorado lottery, colorado springs utilities through the southern delivery system project, and the federal government. it's a little knn fact that lake pueblo state park auall si on federal propertythat's how we were able to tap into some federal highway fungrant
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expected to last into june, the project has shut down pu cess to e ai -- whic frequent users say is disappointing. but they still have access to all e dirtrails, which will be improved further down the road after the park nishes up a w resource managemt planwe onllive about thr mil away, so it's ce tcome out he and be ab tenjoy the wilife. fewer oplere impacted is time of yearhowever, and pk officials hope to be just out done whethe bu season kicks off on memorial day. it's something that we're nstantly monitorinand wel just kind of keep tabs on them we move forward. junir road is onof t routes drirsse to get pueblo wt into t city. but as this project progresses, park officials suggest you fin another route -- as the delays are only going to get worse befo theimpre. ve at lake pblo state park, jessi mitchell, news 5 the man accused of shooting at
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chase,...madhis first court pearce today,.and was rmally charged with trying to ki aolice ofr. 34 yr d thomas goulee being held on a miion dollar bond,.facing multiple counts, includg atmpted first degree rder of a police officer, tempted bury, assault, movecle theft,.. posssion of weapony a prious offender. police responded to a burglary at the d cember..they say goulee fired ots at them, took off a stolen vehicle exchanged, beforhe was arrested. was also a person of interest in the murr ofmer stat pronchief, t clemes in 2013. a motions hearing is set for ne month to address media access,...and a ques unse documents in the case. s eliminary hearing iset for apri6th. a hri for the first time tonight,....from the denver firehief,...o is recovering r beinstabbe followinup y. chieice waleaving headquters yesterd,....when policeay marlene saysa- vick,...jumped ito his s-u-v and stabbed him in the hand and leg.
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hospital. think it caught erybody off surpd me too. surreal experience. wiout tting in denver lice's investigatioprobably the ariest thi was beiapd,r beg sted while it was going o de is already back to work, d will make a full recovery. as for say-vick...she is being held on investation of first degree aau, and will be in court toow. ce believe this waa totally random act of violen. leaders... at uccs... are rking to raise mon... r a holarship, named after slain uccs police officer garret swasey. he was one of 3 people, killed, in the shootings at plannned renthood. st days after officer swey was killed, the fundraisg topped 20-thousand dollars, it's n over 56-thousand... fundraisers have set goal of tting the endowment to 100-thousand dollars, byhe end of the year. they wt the scholarship to be considered robt and gnificant. " to encrageeoplto never forget what garrets sacrifice
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person really is important t university. the universi is still meeting with officer swasey family... to determine if the scholarship would to just one area of study, omore. xxxx anher lol candidate from e pa couis now "vyin for the u-te. county cmissioner peggy littletounced today that she's entering the race.. to unseademocrat senator michael nnet... in tonht's election watch --- maddie garre taking a look the "crowded" reblican field tonight. maddie? with littleton dpping her name in the hat... th makes 11 publican candidates in the primary for at us senate seat. it's looking lot like the presidenal primaries for the republans... ashe pty t to find a viable candidate. nats of peggy vent 's the first day on aign trailor pegliton. sot peg littton "and so it was realltime t move forward for many reons, i just bve that the citize
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in the field that has the experience i bring." after several years onolorads board of educationshe's ll knowfacen el paso county --- now in her second term as countyommissioner. sot pe "you know when wlookt the number of residents that are in paso coty, 5,000 resident.. atxced and thas at leads ome of the experience that i have, you kn peoe li the fact thai'm a prov coervative." as she ters the ady paed pmary for nator michael beet's seat...and. she's not the only el paso county commissioner running. as wtold you last year, darryl glenn is also nning. sot darryl glenn "i thinkhe atmosphere is re fonting toake a difference" in ft... we have four candidates from e paso count.. glenand littlen e joined by robert blaha and charlie sot glenn "this very winnable seat and when there's smuch frustration t therwith regard the direction of this country lot ofepubcans feel li they can raise theihand and jump in e race and do something about so i think competitios
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might seem like a lot. sot jeff hays "it's a very difficu thing to win a atewide race." but t republans y --theynl e this as opportunity for their party in this ing state. sojeff "the voters... have a tndous responsibility toake goodhoices but i think we're going toava good set of choices to make andhomever we pick is going to be foidable candidate." we reached out to michael bennet's camign and the lorado decratic party in a stent, party adersh said.. e e 11 candidates duke it out in the most crowd and divisive primary. bennetill continue to rk rossartyines to tan washgton dysfution and get things de r colorado. the republican caucus in el paso countys mah first... we'll have more info posted on our website, koaa dot com. lisa? a car cras.. overas...caught camera. still ead: how a woman inside manag to walk away with just a few bumps anbruises. xxx and: we're king new cases of a pontially deadly disease
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temperures could hithe 60's this weend i'lbreak down the rm up comingin your rst alert 5 forecast toda giving back mility families... how one group is shong theirpreciation... by buildg and
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we've had a eezy wednesday and winds will stay on the strg side for the next 24 hours or so. we'll have a cnce for a few isolated rn/snow showers this hour combined with e strong winds, losibility wl be a concern in snowy areas.
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look to be mal, with about an inch at most for the majori of areas overnight lows drop down int the 20's. skies will be earing on ursday with windstaying breezy until the later part of the day. mperures will be cooler with highs in the 30's and 40's. plentyf sunshine in storfor friday with calmer winds a 50 wel hold onto those 's for saturday, with some ditional cloud cover. colder air will make a return
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still ahead: a lo at some adoble newborns--all decked outn bronco gear.. ahead ofuny's big game. stay with us.
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a woman inusalia managedo survive afr this car crashed through e wall oa s station. take a lk. surveillance vid shows her walkg towards the counter. seconds lar she was thrown to thground by thimpact of the crash. fortuny she ly suffered minor injuri and was taken to e ital along with three others inside the car. e crash is under investigation. new video tonight released by the u.s. of airstrikes agnsisis
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the relentless air campan comes amid a gwing anti isis coalition, led by the united states. ministers from the seven leading naons met today....with plans to intensify the air campaign,..and cutff critica money and oil supplies that are fuing e terror group. in all,...26 countries he commited to e anti-is strategy. anttack at a uniy in pakistan... and spokman fothe taliban says the group had nothi to do witht.. despite clms to the ntrary. a nman stormed the campus lling people d injuring 60 oths. a nior taliban commanderas claimed responsiblity, but thgroup's official spokesman calltoday's attack "un-islamic" and insists the pakisttaliban was not behind it. xxxx five more people have sted e u.s. ree people in floridand two in illins have t virus. two cases in hawaii and texas were reported earlier this month. the virus is spread through mosquitoes and has been linked ra damage in newborns.
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and toght the c-sa doctors should ask their pregnant patients if they've traveled to brilis spreading frustration cos to mount in flintmichigan as the ty deals with it's water contamination crisis. the governor is askingre obama toecondetheir request r a federal disaster declaration in fli. the obama administration has declared an emergency, but sayshe crisis is not major disast, denying them ctical financial support. flint's water became contaminated with leadfter the city stchewatesours. corrosive war apparent lead to t leach from old pis. d a gee whiz ment for spac exploration. scntts have solid evidence now that a ninth pnet exists on the fringies of our solar system. "planex" is belied to be almo as bi neptune ands orbiting billions ofes beyond ntune's resechers have notpotted as giant" yet,...but basthli, they anticipate
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within five ar they may be new to the world... buth jt might become broncos fans!!! and the babies have plenty of teamrid sunday's big game. newbornst int ma corwin's medical center are sporting orange and blue hats and one-sies to show their pport for colorado's team. the hats were handde overnight by mother of one of the prature bi all thfamilies geto keep the outfs, as a ft from the hoital... once they take their new babies.. home. xx the the keys tsundays match upith thpatriots are on your way... and you wi not want to miss the fish to the r force basketball game toni..
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estang t runniame will bramount on sunday afteoon for the brcos. ne thato win gotta be ae to run the ball
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defense wins championships quarterbac get a the glory. running thball actually wins mes. the oncos ve lrned that slowlyhis season. and sunday afteron... running the ball will be paramount to the broncos scess agnst the patriots in the afc chamonship game. just over one hudnred rds agait the stee but they averaged five yas a pop - at is where the sce ls. wehen weeve run e ball well ... en weve ayed pscially weve had some good things happen for outeami mets something thath were always hopefully try to getone but you gotta be in all areas but but s sothing thats beenrtt to ourootball team the sundayemchill be the first time peyton manning sees the fie against the patrts this seas. he was nsing his foot injury back ilate november when the broncobe new england. manning enjoyed the first game
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'what are callingade? gotta wrap up von app malik i rely enjedisommentaryuh during the game but uh but he d i we smiling before th teameetinghat it will be ni to be out on e actu playing field thisime around massive prayers and thoughts out csu emmanuel omogbo his father.. mother and two tn es we killed in a house fi this morning in h hometown of chillum maryla. go fund meite has been arted to support him - can find it on o k-o--a- fabook page. omog seh finding strength to persevere tonight. dave povich still ha't beat csu ihis time in ue. good sdart to the second half - trevor lyo for 3 -ot their secondalf charge going.
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three for the rams. good ovellame r m - layup and the fo - he finished with 27 points vs. the falcon but air force came roaring bk - cut it to 2 points ithe second b can't close the deal. theyose -- to csu night othro tonight with washinonn pac 12lay... not mu goi for the buffs... marquiss chrs - big ja- he had 17 in thee. do 12... gege kg helping out e cause... h 1in the game... josh sco h 18 bufflosing 95---83 avalche and the sabres tight denr... sceless in the secd period... evander kaneeating semyon varlamov for the first gof game condioended th theavale ling..
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tan snes thisast... ties t game one.. tt dheneith secdsleft. org thgamener. 2---1 overhe sres onlast cck of wehe we'll ha a chae for a few olatedaisn shorshis evening and intohevernight hos.combin witthe stng wds, w silityilbe a conrn in sno are. accumulations look to be minimal, with about an inch at most f the majory of aas. overght lows drop down into the 20's.
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10:0 tomorrow join ira, annie and stephen for news 5 t arting at 4:30 for continuous news 24-hours a
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