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tv   Today  NBC  January 21, 2016 2:07am-3:00am MST

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nhing really matterto me
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odaywi khilegifford tuo iroefaz ye indeeou made it to winesday wedneay, january toth,2016 nna sh har i fillinin wleatlee tas mee t. and this is oylikeou" by who i fancy. >> iike it. mus like y moouk. >> ithis one of yourew jams? it is goingbe. wow. ke it. we will ve fun today. moow, i have tint out is the day i like to o y. she erfoing ineg she is t do ser owiting to be opg night. i mean, opening night for j.lo, anso we will bring you all of the details tomoowand also, the hip
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theipop mogul r run and his co-ar tyrese isoingo be here. >> and also, we will talk to the three who are in the principal's fice. james jame francos in >> ilia is also her with h luor less and herrenday is velve do you he velv >> i don't have muchvelvet, butwould wear velvet. lina, she will show us h to look fabulous. >> and worom, because itnesdayedsday. ose your es. >> let's meditate. >> maste. learn to en pounity sometes knocks softly. isn't that good? >> dyou liket some you woer ifhat's yo sign. you know, thay if yopa atteion toife, c ings areight in ont of you,ht?
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that, d thesople wound thseco callings, becau theyaid ntion. and simesouake th voice anf it down and s i'm nng to listenit but there pple who pay close attention.whe we wrong,ou along e wa lable everywre >>, and it in perbook. >> a sike to play with the huanwho has thtter abs. let's watch. justin bieber sh his a is weekend. >> all right. okay. we have we have sn those abs aot. but somedy elswho we have not seen the abs very mu is niel radcliffe. oh, h are great. >> this is thevanity fair" shot. >>t is daniel radcliff >> that isar potter. do y kno funny about ityou are used to seeing somebody'sbs and like you have said, sa,ie
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if you leave less, people ll an imorew,attert. look at that. he is 75? >> yes. 75. who you preferho? >> daniel radcli >>ut i liktrick start, becae i am ahing for a silver fox. a bd gu hot i k th balrks. reay? >>h. wor. theris sething sexy -- balworkand then rig there, theas a sexbald cameman. >> oh,es, st run y fiers rougityeahli this. ohyeah.>> o youaid ld works, d he looked up to tch your eye, , here i am, baby. >> we alys kw th wor we alwayknew it worked all right. we are - >> okay. >>e are tag about is, and ou guys, eve singad at home h a bton and you d somethi ry
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d explode there aewurve arod thai mostl is wh you leave the lightsn. give me yours. >> y, and not only f ma father, but my dad used to turn the all ofheigs ouif we reoing to the lake or mewhere, and we would ave onlighon, and waslws me. anth hen ds it hat to waste elecic d i te la to prchl, d shis 1, anthfit theyo to wa t has,ndittle dsre alwa whi t hdsnd urnsndur theig ouery single te. d tehe l wl, yodon'hao dohat, ma, d'm li,ell, daddy has told if she doesn't do that- you ow. d whatbout yr dad? >> well, fir of all,e ha a ing. sed say ve ergy, becausee ed r the partnt oenergy, so he wouurf l ofhe lighand ats one thing. d erythingn face, -- in its plac did nts ba mess, t
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this is what stksith me the stwe were all piled thcar to gthvirgia beach, andriving to t th car in reverse, d heut the car ba in rk, and he ss nody does anytng aund here, and we wlikehat,e needo stcleang tard. d i wi neverorget d we are in oathinguitsd i will be edging clipping an beuse cause youw whe you get ustr, when your kids ar't - i'll never fge tt day., my god warng yar wo. then pnhear and drov to v ach. he saws atimess unatef, and nowe a endi all thisonn vaon. anpa, evybodout with thedgers andoing t >> i think iis sfunny that men cabe kinof clichthat u say the rng e ghts out, a everydy sai that anre ito hryand knowit ihind my fa bere, nomy lite ht. >> wt abthfic lems? >>es, trfic proem,
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proble we g we got cut off the way once to l and deamed a word thamade my mom m tt i can't sait >> and sd have maybe t theakeup room >> well, maybe oorwice, d theynto the arme bunobody wantso el like their are not safe the hands ofomebody el>> know >> so at ime waslike, geez, mom dad,hill it. buthenou nt. anlikeenryets more swith e ki ie r th bore. >> y. and so,es. have a ral nsioli whe there is ailloth h ne viralndt cald mermaid pill.a porter noted it onalin to i wen vi les s the video so we can know wt we're talki about. rought o soan e we'reitty and smart >> we don't have veo. >> oh, we don't have it. >> okay.
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>> lhis pillow. hold, tis is the pillow, and -- >> we do match these. >> and go cus pocus. and one, two, >>hat is is not the way works. wo, the, oh. nd down, hoda.oh, there we go. and swirl it. >> and d >> and you know, y remember these things. >> oh, it is nice. >> and you know the little thyou put the pi and yoace in there awould mahe imprint and tse cool games. it is likes. >> and by the way, you could watch thll day. >>ould you really watch it all day. >> look, l wat it onhe monitor. isn't it fun. u are liah. >>h. >> andeople are faing asleep >> no, it is so awome. n you buy th? >> yes, you can. >> $75. oh, okay. i mean, it is a pillow.
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>> ao thre esive and soou knowhen aren rush and you phe makp so quy, anduestis can put it othout loing inthe . an buzzfd a oup of women to do it. d we will se did. >> i don't know er eeonre >> my bodynows what to do. >> tiqd iner. >> i am so terrified to do this t no >> >> it is he upre, ian f it. >> donven fit rig now. >> iw the is eyener there. >>. >> and didot bnd in e brzer all. >> this is tble. wouldohis reali >>hat's az i don en need a mirror t dmyakup >> and y know o e eeof this is? >>ho >>ar. >>eay?>> a sheuteywi coour d e ll ditit
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d don'wanto make uthe ess up the make up >> wt, this is the eyebrow penciland is easy. i lo at you? is tt in the whehouse? >> uhh. >> is it? >> if you want the bushy ebrow. that'sot bad. >> well, y can f. >> and one time i di makeup inab and had this lile terrle mand put n quickld whenot twork somebody said, oh, mgowho d yo makeup toda didhey like ior n? >> oh. yes, yes,hethought it w really good. >> and maybe they dn't like. >> sno we ve game of jellbes. now i kwou likth,ecse theyre lis.but wre'sald -- anoozeled. >> andes
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go flars >> s it' le ge of risk. anch one of the bos is somein and in theirst, d let' at seehat kinds it i mbne hasithecannedog od ooce puing. >>reouady? y d this ithspit bow >> are y going to dot? >> i am going to eat it. i gochole. no, i got dog food. okay. did did yo i dot know here we go, inkyocks o tuttfrut. i think mines dogfood. >> mine tastes like a little bit - okay, stinky socks o aught toy fruity. >> oh, i got the sks. >> i got tutti frutti. i got tutti frutti. ok sor about tt. okay. at irank. riously. >> we didn't get dogood
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befo. >>h, i am not kidding, i am hang post-traumatic. let's do one me. >> okay, one more. we have time >> oy. one more. numberhr. moldcheese or caramel corn? >> should we do threallyasty one, number five. th they won't he ttil later this yea it's deadish orbanana smoothie. laughter ] >> i am dding. >> it is >> it is like g ex. >> we d dog food. that st of just tasd le ba ge food. >>y gag reflex is riously startingo ki in. >> lilliana gointo wrap u up in vvet. >> and we will have tv dating
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>> after this. l all right.
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ha you ever thoughis, it is n me,t is men. if you h if you have, rev run and tyrese agree with you. the hip hopper and the actor ve a newhow coming. lled, et cetera a not you, men.and th is whathey th about whent metoe, sex and marrgerom two ffent perspeivwhca uwi theonpt of the sh? >>e did. geer. ourelaonsh did, d i ed senouthe ee and the rds of wisdom,nd h respded tone of them, and it was on the el lianit waliken't agree. i who his. and said, tyr i'mmehich tyrese? he like tyrrese. we said at the the ersaon, we nd do a book t"i beg to dier
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was "i beg to i thouwa goi to at. weedan t lien t lien, e show is ba noonlyn the n perspective, but it istarting with it is not yo butt is me. and mecan say that, d then weust dethe n on it. soe arnothronghe men unr e buorxposg,ut lookto t allen and women, anmarr, sile ogad, wet toive yoa head up of what is around e corn before you getre, d some of iis uncomable >> and tyresis single, and rev married to justine. we love r arnde. what t y about rrge? is h gre se kick? >> andhis isesting, d i don't want to too de but i am ae to get dp, and the criest tng is thatll of un find ourselves getting married wiout the pot of reference what marriage is,
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and w n you beurally h setng were never raised what is a father ihad a father in the homean i'm gog be creating a child and now i'm dad, because i have made a child withoman, but yot unrstand the concept of fatherhood. >> how do you grow intat? for me, rev is the first person with hisife and family that i have been around on a coistent level that is really mried. and he has defed the blueprint of marrie d i'm 37, and things are changing for me, but m still single. >> we have to ask,tyse, there ha lot of talk aut the oscars, about the boycott. >> of cour. >> i know you haveffou want to say with it. >> i tnk tha i kno that listen, i know more white people than most ite people, so i don't ve a racist bone imy body, bui uld say this t at the end of the day, enoh is enough. when you have talent, d you ve gts, and it is not th u seekhe validation of noblacks and say am thg tiyou validate me, but iis matter of what is fa is
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what's fai and when you go to t b.e.t. awards we minate sam smith and robithicke, becausthey put t great music, and a she's goingo endp wit nomination theb.e.t. awards. folks are not left out. and at t e of the day, if you are bringing theest game and the best to e table as an actor or actress film producer, you shoulbe recognized to have the opportunity to recognize the most sigficant award there is in the movifilm likehere i and chris rock should definity stepn, and everyb everybody who attending and ifoure fends with african-americans and u love them the way wow that you , geout of there, and make a statement. that is how yoaffect change. don't keep showing uacting as if you don'tnow what is going on, and thinngboutou a art th start thinking about the futureenerations. we cannot effect change if we don't stand up for sometng. >> rev, any thoughts on th >> ne. >> hs a hollood guy,nd all the bollywoodovies, a i will leave it in the hands of
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super reece. >> all right thank you souch. gooduck with t sw and th premier of "its not u, it is men" premis on own this turday night. >> anduys, you know w you t tothero watch "sndal and "empire" a we want all coups, eaged, ngle, whatever our xureferenc iswe wantverybodyn t living rooms 20:30, you all, in the living room tking about this. we like it. >> we like i >> ce on, come o >> a we have a lk the new
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this. seemlikee' seems ke wveit a roadock. that reminds me... yone have occasional cotipation, diarrhea... ...g, bloati? one phlips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps fend against occional distive issues. th thr typ of good bactia.
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and > and in honor of j.lo's opening vegas torrow, we are aying "whonew?" nd this is a queion to get u arted. ref this food aten in s gas than in the rest thcouny, and is the answer wings, fries, or shrimp. >> we will reveal the answer when we come back right after
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been onmy feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me t. exse me...coming tough! ride the gel wave ofomfort withr. scholls ssaging gel insole eypren to givyou mft. ich helpyou feel mo energiz ..llayong. i want what he has. deee motioen.e rld'fit tipepintwithnie ocsus d men that rea bursts of freshnesalda tisee.
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y,uys,t wesy dn i'jenni'jea bu har ifo thie lee and iac t st e ioand ady py thweek tria gawho knewd onoroff lo's ggest but, ware sting yo knoge osin ci fothe whowyou t $1and if, don't y, because you will get a signed copy 's new b and with us is editor of raveler" andou love las vegas?t is one of the favorite wod. >> ft, we askerefhis food is day in las vegas than t rest cntcombined. ngs, ies, or ri would thinkt is wings, bu is 60,000nds of shrimps consverydad is thsame aunt consumed in theestthuncombed >> aha whyhis caed who kne
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ovo you, hoda. >> wsoue? i. wrere you fro fornia i think might this on in the "hver" mtyson ngs al which phi llins song -- in their tonit, against all odds, you >> >> what's my cic again? >> in the air on th to,gast allodds, you n't hurry love. >>inst all os. >> againll odds. no, itinute, but y a ok. so she win >> it rns the ouwins, but who caot for ic fil>> iwaeon song ong to the "cayo it caininhe a and you have a very nice voice. and it looks le a ro in s, but it is n a room thats a theater. a what isour na mike rat here you from. isonwisconsi
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name this son >> brighight city, goi gonna sety -- >> viva las vegas. >> and $100, and what are you o with the money? >> gs it. >> he is a smart man maybe he wl guy00 wth of ho's books. and "viva las vegas." evody ves atg. >>nd w is inorvegas th s. uln a jpsuito p ibhe medprisll frn67. and hd t comeback there, a did fweeks of ows and paid half a llion, and it cha his life. >>kay. back over to hoda. >> i want to show you the adorleids overere. alright. showed them. and your name? >> michelle ricer. >> >> brookville, >> curve he nohe lnk in the
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unit steno, hotel or restaurant? >> wa minuyou cky vil! u get ook. >>hank you you are welcome >> so even when you lose you win. i wod have said si for sure. >> it isomtohearst hotel. thvetian has 7,100 rooms, imagin imine can all ofose. it rea g lee and you cago te gondalier university. >> and wonere th biggt sino is. >> gestion >> adon't and th why it alled "w" and youna>> cali. nde 19 tom cruise rain man hoffracter h a uniqalent for playing wh si game?poker, c or blackj ckjack. >> >> ye u' wier t t,u e loau you di'tety book. ocourse evedy remrs
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that mov. >> and another movie filmed caes's palace. >> h whahave g? >>rian >> rig. he we go t manyarriaglicee e ised eh ar ilas ga5000, 80001400 marria lenses? >>50. that isotn an ansr, but who ca you t a ok. >> notansw, and ybe, knowler you thin80 >> a0,000 still lot, anthe busidays new year's eve aalenti's d >> of co. and weould he mae e re if hoda uld brg joon t, d't hti. we d have ti. soy, we don't ve time fo yothbrg jo, okay. is assoat with lity nce the beginning of time. and lilliana has the latest trend bringing us "luxe fo
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eck this o, bro. what's that, broheim? i itched to geico and got more. re savings on car surance? yeah bro-fessor, and more. ke renters insurance. more ways to save. nice, bro-tato chip. that'sot all, bro-tein shake. geico has motorcle and rv insurance, too. oh, that's a lot mor oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expt eat saving and a whole lot more. ,, gree motioense is the world' first deodorant activated by movement. as you move, fragrance csus burs to release ene all y.
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degrit won't let you down. here heree come. lilliana's dressg room is a little intate, but it is jenna's first time >> i like it in here. >> it is nice.
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and ve sexy room. >> it is. >> it is. >> thanks for having us, and thanks for letting us sit on this couch. ndt veinsped couch. toe e lking about th et luxe for less, u eet in the in wier, d thisr, because usthere is a hugnod orn trend, this is a bric that you want t the closet. our t , anshe ne o the most flattering ou in the dress, the clasc drut instead o flimsiabc, we d on thlush velvet. e pris incble, $3. >> it, $39? >> andt is cing om ora. it als comn bck at alomes in thisorges green co >>nd lovthe ruchineven ough you don't need the forgeness, but se ofdo tel ihat y.
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>> in fabsardo nd somhat lookshat fabuloor$39. andhen we a alueshoe. you wear t a night? >> to . t you cld add a ofr it. it's transitiona>> okay. >> okay. what is next? >> and a serblazer, but wait you see this jacket. hehe com eous, >>ttr. >>t chanthe whe lo of thtfitd its ep huerend om h & it's oy29.9 >>ndooat the back,oo >> it has a tassel tie in e ba wchs pcey, gorgeo, right? and peeasy and a wte blse andth lgis,ndthen we dia eastppy saal.
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where wod year th >> i never kno you shogo beyond the it lookse er e c b >>es. >> and now, if you don't wana full velitn the accessories. d ry wore this falous fabulo vvet rbhe ar ca'mitthband.comanwe ifoardsr ayitonouhead, and sur cute. lovehe vveshoebee if youon'tant comt to en thiis easy too. bootieunde$50,nd i love thmp in the burgun color, d th these smong ser e adleanth5. hat? i found tm at prirt and on istor sfindou closest e. lesalk clches we tald abt velvet claic r evg. d thhandbags arem rg with the beautifu
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handgs. nolors,un ssel. iss als from kai rt. d now, to ke ce of it. never it, and you can it, you cy stea om thee out. >> and cle >> y, dry ean on >> andend to the dry clner,nd wt ou go out those bts and istarts t sprink. run inse. real al ick. >> can't stooet tat them th anything? >> don't ptreat , itill ruint. >> i would rn it. >>hat is why y want spend lessha$50 on it. >> and jilmartineadsk to school for a history lesson.
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of the biggest names in hollywood right after this. so how ya in enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thound feet. i'nna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're outo take off. esdissolve fast. they're new liquid gels.
2:42 am
it, what you alize i have gold status i still g the mil? new mucix sinux li gel dives unleatren nethe reef. ditch the misery let's end this. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my wch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. th work fastnd don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i havert alka-seltzer heartburn liefchews. enjothe relief. eez- groovee ion of a ch and a chi you ey god? i gu u'd preide thaddin. it's aab so.heeveryojoe'gemaied! babam am, i'not.
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all all ght. imine this havi the pow to rewrit story.
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new buzzed about mini seri 2.63 2.63. d jill martimet ith the t men behind thecenes. and iwallywood team the lea its stephen whohas a chool teaco els through tio op the asion of jfk anwith the star james ancod the writer stephen king and the procej. abrams. >> ror >> reporter: many americans can tell you exactly where ty we when jfk wasssassinated. >> who do thindid it? >> many pele think that lee harv oswald did it. >> repter: aow t new series on hulo, .263, explores explores the premise that what if one man had thpower to go through story and alter the course. >> it is simpler if you go in like i am ng. >>the closet? >> can you do me aavor and
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just walk into t closet. >>orter: basn the be lling novel stephen king, high sl teacher james fr travn time to save . t kes .2 s incredible is e details ofstory hateant t i is time. its isclasance that makeei bac in timo powerful. >> repte theme togetr over t mutual lo of stepn king. so you soou were nteresd an o you sendil or a phoner how does that work? >> ste knew each or several yethenet him know howuci th book, an involved as somehow, and i thought, this is amazing annow were he in the prcipal's ficeking about it.
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teached a celi tnk of myself that way, andsomemes there is a role where you say, i need to be asonest as possible, and i tnk tha one them. >> rorter: i walked into the prcipal's office t lace thaiar with, and youe younis this anironmentu ow about >> i s some tithe incipas officen gh scho >>did you do? >> wrote aewspaper that called teaers by vus ofane ane nas, it fento thwrong handnd i was called to apologize tain old teachers. >> did you do it? i did, beuse i didn't want to get suspended. >> repor if you had a raithole in your lifth yould k, have you visualized someou go packand ge ain wld and say,eah, i would not do that moviebuindshtyes ars later, i would say, that is great, bee my ecause of that. >> reporr: not to give awayhe eut you published altnate ending on the inteand oing
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>> y could tell you , t wave to kill ybody in tm. i won't aner that questi >> hght ebod seriously. >>e hope doesn. >>nd waing forext book. and1/22/6buts o feuary 1, cide, it hpens present's day. and it o up that story soy momentin history, and wouldapn if y could chan clock. >> and then, if while you we reg the book, what would you go back and change? am really excited fothe series.
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this is to ooare the perfect unioof a chz- you mean like rrd? m.i ess... yomake a prey in that wegown. ohit's a labat so...eryone, joe'sing married! m bam ba bamoh, i'm not. wemeor our chse to ma in our crispy cheez-it grooves. stresswe. it can happen animto anyone. stress sweats different than ordinary sweat smells worse. get 4 times the ot against stress swe secret cl strengtinvisibland r gel.
2:49 am
ta pictus of sunrises, buwith my back pain i uldn't sle and get up in time. then iound aleve pm. aleve pm is thonly oneo combe a feleep aid plu the 12 hour in relieving strength of aleve. i'm back aleve pm for a bter am. (cphone rings) where are u? well t squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call anexterminor... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this tim.. if youe a mo you call at the worst time. it's what yodo. if you wto save fteen rct or meon c, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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ohwho could fo this mome. this is one for the ages. anyway, get this, j. goio be minher debut ineg and who knows wh store, but she is taking sidency there, have beenited behd the scenes. and i amng to ti and see what is that is like. >> it is going to be so fun. >> enjouwinesday wednesday. nd w seen thsty uray. >> d you lat. >> y >> i d kno bye! mission isimp to makeyomoney. i'm here to vel the playing fid for l investors. there's ways bull maet somewhere. i promise to help you find it t. ad mey" starts now. y, i'm crame welme t
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