tv Mad Money NBC January 21, 2016 3:00am-4:00am MST
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welce to cameri'm trying to saveou money my job is coach aeach. twt me @jimcmer. it's 's not panic, ethodical. it not nuts, it's eric, it's in ith the re the d. ere lies troblem w day's climat one int, theow plunged 566 points down toevels not seen since februa of 2014. and we got on our rocket sh to ere were close to breaking evebefore getting one more bising selloff to t close. dotravelled all over the pla but declined 240 pnts. nasdaq dipping .%. let't thgs icontt. we're do 9% for the year awful d painful delopment foall our viewers wh nothing in the market or those who are shorti the whole
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ound 1:0p.m. we we down 12for the year t here's t b b. it may be hideough. int, all thadecline ans is that r stk mark is in line witthe other rkets around the globe. gin money nagers are global inature d make decisio based on the stock marts of enti countes or continents, many of thr maooriend instorit m sse we should be downs much as we e. maybe suld down re. why? most every other cntry in the world hacentl nker d politiciantryi t stulate thr onomies. whe oufederal serve is trying to figure out how to ow do ourcono. m gog to repeathat bau it's so ridilous ile e world is in cris modend every othertr banker oeartfears
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it's atoo surd to y. cial sincehere wer tual real people, at least ey looked like real ople who camen our r and said it would be goofor the economy if the fed raised rat ick, find mene othese pele. want to interviethem rig now. want to see hothey're ing. y the fefidds,e have smart instme magers men ke ray dliwho ns billions un lln llars and runshewe. saying this very morngha thgs could go totally npoehere if we aret caful. >> t problemast year is that almo all assets the world went dn inalue. that can't go on too long without producing a deprsion. depssion. i don'even wt toondeat
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still, though, the fact is, that ba in 1937 the fed thinking thcot was clea likit does nowraised res, d cread what'snown as recessn within the depression. we were pulled out oit by wod r ii and theeed toarm the nation iorder to become the arsenal democracy for the st of the world. thare so my diduals whrefuse to acpt the parall wn the fed ghted in decembewithout coiderg au production, housingnd ta seseralclrlpeakg at the same time that e oil patcwas doomed. fewas wrong. it's oy. noth market is fhtg for its life. theconomy might not f behindf e fed doesn't somehorepudiate commts made as receny lasfray b w yo fedredent bill dudly sang erythg is hunky dory ande' goto brg on the te hikesplned. planned? is iall and? but don't forget t depression scario could py t overse that could drag us down.
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our rk simply doesn't reflect th potential stress. i could are for expljapa icis dn rehan % from s his is not thachorse off th we are. we could sink to tir lel if the fed doesn't pump mor liquidity the system instead ofuc it out. i could contenthat gerny which down 1 for the year might be better off than we are.eupe is easingnd germa's numberare good. frankly,he germans should have a better stockart th ours. tomorrow we'll hear from the euroan central bank abouits move to get the continent moving again. this press reportsilprobably reporting on ectlyhas gog wn we hear our bless claims. ich i t uld show a spike judginbyect lof layos. the gean stock mkethat peaked in april has fallen dn
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levels.i could go a step further and argue that germany's is a much bigger benefiary of oil pric beuse they don'trodu o cae of stress in o oil pa theyon'tave oilatch thrmando he an immigratioissuanthat m cause th to break thei discipne and pump moneinto e economto feed clothe a house the refuge finallgean will behe ggbeficiy of the return of iran. 77 milli pple veeen ft ouofusins r a decade. whisheir mart inworse th os? ther we should be lor or they should be higher orot remember, thpele who control instmes the igger pullers arou theor lk at countrs to pla mey tse days we sexpensivvers the other aces because our fedal reserve's fight sted policie d prably be shorting o
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the distressed oil lns aut to go rst going on germany. obably doing it right here at elsmakes feel it's n inanic me? thchar bounc ad today, buys men. wiy ha't. we can ghe whoutthe sellinwe neeto bable to banish theeakehands. have all t selling dry up. tecic relf. how about earning season? i got to tell you wee seng sothg disconcerting on the earnings fro, it's bnd-new.last year,hen we looked qutey resus froms for bitional compaes wgetwo ts of numbers. fit was the artifial numbers, the oneith the hi from the weaker currciesthe second was the rl nuer. what the cpanyld he ma if the dollastayed cont. we l the cpariso. this yr thatha
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sthat cluded a$1.2illion currenct. yoback that out, the number is respectable when you consider the analytics and cognitive busiss are doing well. they me up 3 of the tire enterprise nobodyothere bacy weak currciess stro currencies o anymore the isust one real nbe and it's real bad. nobodyarut wt a company would have earned if the dollar stayeconstant. it's a huge change and it's not good earngs. that'soing couple thin to thmark. it's ming ople want to r for domest stocka handful of whictradedoday. united hlth rtedood nuer. it'sirely domestic. seconde curren issues making our stock market look too expeive. if youta using t real numbernd don't back out the ak currency yoll judge the s&p 500 as rh. 17 tes earnings ve evious lowke the one i 2011 when weere at 10 times
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e tred dto 12 times. stocks aren't yet cheap. they're stick in no mas land we need to seeomething, a few checksn the check list tt will go over a tak. espely anything from the fed inting the day two four receion bere wor wide investors argoing to fee coortae abplki the modown in the od old usa. mike, in new jery, mik mike, mi. >> caller: hey jim, mike from jersey. re you'rfamiliarith the ea.>> dowblock, what'? ler: awesome. despite changes in the markpower house like walmart starts stores ock has been dow whato you ith long term potion with walmart? >> i want walmart to ttion they've been adding stores never even thirategically about what'sheighing to do.
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i think thhe company i doinright thin 3% yield. i would love to seit back the high 50s. you know what, if you want to establish a long term sition inmart andought quarter tomoow i'dss that. don't think the stock is going to go down to the low 50s anymor ken in nersey, kin. >> cr: thankfor takiy ca. yestery you wekingbout stic to yourctions.i believe in the cheniere er long ty. ve taken a 60%atin this so far. is it my humorous that's keeping in it for long term? hink the market is the authordomino effecis a very crowded are it going to be very tough.lo f a lot ofaith in the company when sharif zu leftt. i think that they ban whatever the heck hap i miss sha
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i am not a fan og anymore. ani haven'be since they booted sharif. which shouldn'veappened. today'seg was not pani it was methodical which makes the market so eacherous. anotday, anor coter ride on e averages. nd poi tri made a list a'm checking itwice to see if market will find a bottom t mobile and verizon still the strong singlin t top market i reveal. you can't seem to gi crude away. i'm taking a closer look at the all importt commody. whn'you ay wh er >>don't miss a second of "mad y," jimcr on have a question? tweet cramerweet
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it'goen sentiment t usrally. somethinfundamental hato change. rlier this year, i put together a che list of what needs to happen before we puin a genuine bottom i didn't everythg on the li had to en. i dicateme box had to choff re we uld take anreboundserious or hold t for one. th check list wawildly popula so i'm inback to the well to see w thrket is doing. rtuny on i go do t list ihink wle a btom ha been esive. weeeded a changethe narre th it's time for rateikes no tter wt beuse thin are goo this couny. i can say is the president in chi execuve of the new york fed, thstnfluential person just lastridaid it allystems go on the u. economy and they need to tighten. it w abbing speech. asntegral tohis round of selling.
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stt do bt in the recession, hare consumer products companies art to out perfo th happens when people believe a sere recessi ion the horin. i said w i sa we ne the polical unrtaintto resol itself. whoops as we head the iowa usesi feel worsehan ever. yohave to lf-pfess socialisdoing incrediblyell g tan seriously his battle again the pson o is supposed to be anoted mocratom iowa ipposed to be a conation f hilla. now it dog fig. each candida trying to out bash ter when it c ll street. regardless of yo pal bes oio is not good news foth on the republican side, donald trump, the presumptive winner is nning as popul he'so friend of the rich. there is more unnty than when i first put this list
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data h become gativend r stk mark is inr territor noelief allnless to say it's so bad they have to offer a imul package tsis. that theory is getting lin the tooth. fifth fiftwant tsee oil stabilize. 's le a ugh line. continues to be in free fall oil is down 20for the beginninof the yr, no sign of a bottom. today venezuela called for an opec meeting. at's a defense ainst their country rket share to the iranians. wanted the geo political situatn to improve. i wouldn't press my bet on thi in terms of e rest of the world. zombie c zomb comnies need to bput to dea. comny hasiled for baruptcy. enmany balanceheet emo setch. it wld help thehise
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businesses we were weere ping to get reli fr the sup freing rong doar. it's gten worse. dooaring against all sorts of currencies as wre unersally thought ave ltiplee hikes ead. no o wantshear how coy would ha done on constant currencsis, as ib i mention before. it tells it tells youobody tries to back out amore. e kind of report, the non-currencyusted e. it'saking theiearnings look weaker weanted say a healthy mna market. when i asked the guru this morning out that queion there's bn a desive coin the takeor bune. no wonr gomasachsaw the stock gemmered. people think the time of deals have peeked. we wantethreturn oa healthy ipo market.
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e ones thaca ayear end are faing apart y. was afrd we were seeing rl peaks in the economy. ta aook at the stocks of car max and autoation,wo big auto railershat are bumping along thr lows. you got to bieve thales are ft. e really you got extremweak housing art numberoday. ey're getting hit. i was shocked at how bad that performance was. i nted to see a worseng stock market senment. e the most oversold we've been since the eurean collap in011. we have the highest numb of bearish news letter writers, ages there, too. maybcheckworthy,aybe not. 13, we wanteto s each tech leadehip, offf itthese st these stocks have been cruming, including nflix which was up 12 points, then reversed and fished down $0.15. however, today, fang put u decent performance versus e rest of e market.
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coucto werin full blown mode. need to be expaion of the favorite stocks list. domestic companies with no rong dr expore tha coulbenefit fr lower gasoline prices. it hast happenet. we s takeoverurs moving the p. here's the bottoline, you eye ball boxes other thae gatiment can'te case wve a other box ecked. it doesn't mn we can bnce. howeve idoes mean at even thgh we'veouch the lowt level r the w and thnasdaq nce augustnd on track for the worst nth since 2009 we ha a l obox checngo before wcamake case at a alottom will be put in, t merely some sort of trading opportuny. ch more "mad money" ahea ev in a toh market'mn e nt for high aly
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n't miss my interview with theceo of oracle. mineedo phong a ie. is it tio ca up qucomm or maybe you need capil preciaon. oil hi$26 a rrel. find out why a trip to yr ocerstore can help you understand why. stick wi cmer! asd dentif an ecicoothuswa g can better than a mual.he said su..uton'tget stny one. geoninir by dentts, th a rnd brush head. go proith oral-b. oral's rounded brushhead cups your teeth to brk plaque d rotates to sweep it away. and al delivs clinal pvesuri ean vers sonicare diondclean. mthee super cle or-b. kn y're getting a superior can i'm never going ck to aanl ush. i take pictures of sunrises, buwithy back pain i codn't sleep and get in me. then i found aleve pm.
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the 12our pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. ale pm for better am. chse to morey. move fe ultra s ip-action pport for yourois, cartilagand inneiny ll moe ultryo.antr mo fe gh t anly-in- joinaneement. (cell phone rings) whe are you? well the sirrels are back in the attic. mo your dad won'tall an exterminat... cai call youack, mom he says it's persolthisime... if you'ra mo yocall at the worst me. it's whayou . if you want to save fifteen rcent or more on car iuran, you switch to geico. it's wt u do
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one st > onstilone re hideous day at the office. ere the avage jus collsed in the morni. before reboundinartly in the late aernoon. and ofourse fadingear the closg be. i'd like to use the aziness as acng moment to tk ou generational investing. i'll ask -- thoo shall what kind panies a talking about when i compare vest think yog nd rrs oldelks to make up for losses. how aboubig glorious american tecmunications ies? yoireless ovidoesn't ca the foreign marketsre lling art or the price of theibscriber count isn ing be rt ithe d stic to s pl to ise inrestat ftis th year enf thecomy es io ssthphonmpans
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el a ctract th them,ot you could affor do so d live without our cell phone for a send. i thiney all have etty solid revenue ream i'm excluding nt t moment. th me, that's the g on the cake fothis trio. i bee 3 of these b phone companies can see the st boun back. you need task yourself question whwiress sto is right foyou? at the ment you're get b discounts in verizon. 5.1 yiel 5.1 yiel i'm talking about the hi flngt growing t mobile. which is n dn 14% from its high it has gotten attracti oits grow prospec i'm going to iore at&t. m going to dm sprint uninvestab. leaving verizon and t mobile as
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shld is be verizon or tee le? thers no correctr to question. my inct to go with verizon. it's an enmous divend to protecyo yoghget a beerin portitth mt tends be hah jue of earnis. take a momt toop our heads t ofhe fox hole anstop being terrified. the al difrence tween verin and t bile depends on your risk ofile. if you're young and loinr something that's high riith greater poteia your chance to snap obile. the mobile cri if y're re risvent a stock that can aid in capitationive you a consistentncam with a potenal dividend boost oad, g ri
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the sandusy, comng them is trying to compare apples and ange verin ishe big ddy, 110 million wirele cneions and not toention tv and ta business wl aajor ph to dever wiless video viats rentcqsionol mobile itobilis t uncrier compy wi a ievert ceo wh tryg toedefthe indust and te mark share giving stomerre appeg service agements. verizo verizon is sllg plenty ofew subscribers 3 ion. the number wown 15% er year. competitn fromobile eang evebody'siece othe pile
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t bile hasone fabuloust siinpeople up. le goo ss gd ateepi tm. po paichurn. veri rizon has hier revue per accot. $1 perccount. thatiguris declini fro coition, mile. i of i often ink at would happe if ver tald to me d yo and yo comny about h it could lp y do thgs, ke your busins mo personal. c kilit. theynow ytng aut y and me do nothing with t puit all together and rin gives u steadyrowtroug e first te of 15 with soliearnings mobile is much fasrevenue grth.
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at figure s be derati athe same time, verizos numberare more constent. t mobi is ly to surprise you to t upse. in srthese arewoifrent coanies, they ha two vy different stocks. over t lt 12 mons, t bileasrounced zo 27%. verizon and the s&p have fallen 8%. wever, it's worth pointing out ever since 2016 gan and the market fl art verin holding up better than t mobile. they're paying to wa for ingso t bettitthe 5.1% bileill a th growtmeanmole can trade 23 timesrngs. zosells 11 times.ifou want another way to understand the difference, tmole is a high beta st meaning it tends to
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verizon known as a lobeta stock. muchess lati in e brder averages. it much more bd maet thing you need to owhile vezon has buoned up, t moles lentless in spoong thcompetion. th camup wita inking meou to play whileou lieno verin'artey conferen call morrow moing. a lile elye day. ta o driveimthey thunopler two inksvery tthey tal abt moting sometng or soe. accoing to t mobile their customers. more impt r last. t mobiletoif it doesn't go higher ito be taken over. somebo wants to cracinto the lucrativet. don'be sntal i you, if you looked k of sprint? it's deblo is wors
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i beit wone able tkeep up witthe otrs iterms buildond quaty that whe the payoumay me wh theourse come a threesome. if youe most people right nofe nofeel like you ou be focused capit preservation, verizon. verizon rttomorrow mor let's see what to say.i wouldn't bsurprised if the gets strd. remy jemy, in can ajeremy. >>ler: howdy, m. >>t's up >> calr: i jgot a k estion. as a you married aountin stent, shoulinvest in company en sto due to the fact i get a dis >> two thisolutelyyes because i alysose thin tbe discounte i like tm very muc don'put tomuch in darden
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whersomeing gowry d hurt nt youo contbute. inhis vironmt, t industrys asafe it can t. 're sed nce,o mor more "mad money" ahead. things got cier an usual in d today. >>we c > weompe ainstwo giantshorank are dinaurs thipot. >> you're not ing to want to miss the resnse to that. >>hoa lessen fm the supermarket tellyou about this historic -- i'm lking about histor oil pce. hint, do you know what bogo stands for? ll take ur questions after this
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withra e more you move e re you sweat degree'sotionsense technologykeeps you freswith every move. it has unique crocapsus that contain fragrances. friction breakthe capsules... ...reangurs fshss aldawhether u're mng dene. ...grabbing bite... ...oading out for the night. motionsense, protection toeep you won't let you down.r sut?y align foa non-stop, swt-trt-gone hold-ontyour-tia kind-o
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try align, the undisputed #1 ge recommended probiotic. i've been onmyl all day. i'm shed! yea me too. cuse me...cominghrou! ri the wavof comfort with dr.cholls massaging gel soles. theyoven ive yoort. which lps you feel more energed .. long. i wa what he has. so how ya doing? enough pressurinere for ya? ugh. my sinuses e killing me. yeah...just waitl we hit ten thousa feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sis-max. too late, we're about to ke off. these dissolve fast.
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complike oracle wi a cheap stocthat's bn obrated ovhe lasseven odd months. w thr legacy biness has been challend. under the adersh of the o the company has been making a puo the oud. the last quter,. mamenthis atould climto 5 in e ne quarter. th h they have beenosting a serus ofvents alover the world with theoaof eca isti cusme abo the clouoffeng thlatest event tk ple in new rk city today. rkurd,he ceo oorle is joining . understandoue lkin abt e oubusiness. your cloud busesgrowg %. e next qrterven fast how can you ve accelerated gr? >>ve
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and as our revenueasotten bigger, actually, our growth rate haserated. there are uple reaso f that one technology. we'vdo lot of engineering, we think we have the bt produc. our les forchas gotten more acstomed to selling cloud. as we'veone it w g re referce and references and sal stomers ke buyg from oth cuomers d e combination of that has led to great yes. >> what gives you tourety. look at t stock market and we tnkconomies arealng off a cliff. that kind of generation would indicate not only is oracle doing well but maybe this aren't sba>> aotf the revenue wee focasting we have already ught 's a provisionf deliveng . a lot that is in r hands today. more impornt thi is boings. which will be done in currenri. we expecto have strong growth in quarter as well. >> is important to point
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cannibizing customers that you rrently have. >> very, very tiny p of our cloud bookings have come from our traditnal icatns on premis support business. should be concerned if orac sreholders you have a tremendous opremises building that will actually go down as you win more biness cloud? >>t's a huge aange the factou have on premise capability and a cloud capality and having ose tw things work together ia huge advantage. what customersant ttake advaage of parts of the cloud while they still have an on premise capability. ey'll have that for years to me. e aby to move work loads band forth is a huge competitivvaage. >> mgins on cloud versus premises? >> just goo >> give world view. your a domant company world wide. me are you alwaydominated emerging seems tbeulling back to some de.
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doing? >>hink we're doing well. i mean obv you've talked abouturloud growth. r cloud grth continues to accelerate. i don't try to get into the world ecomy too much. th's what u do. our job is reallgin thha wee got in theconomy to gain market sha. d that's what we're doing. >>et's talk about at rlr we had a neil bushea one time owned a company you guys puras. was speakingrom davos. i'm going to show you clip. i know that cloud batts and humacapitamanament a fier. ca seeha >> we compete against two giants in oracle who ardisas at this point but they've been around a long time. wkday calling you a dinosaur. i assume at to be a negative connotation. but if in the context of that connotation, he's describing thate're losing, then that would wrong.
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at's incorrect? >>n more deals than th . >>ead toead. >> head to head. taking any clies from you >> we' won clients frothem ase announced last quaer. th've won ients. it's a fight. t any confusion th we ar't beatg them let me clear up now. we are. >> okay. fair enough. can you tuff the oxygen so speak on work day or other mpanies that areg to nip at your heels?>> let me give you a bigge picture. rk daywhich is guy i running, is basicallstarted as an hcm compa. human capitamagement. there is anoer part of wt you ulthink of as traditnal backffice functions which is erp. financials, et ceta. they've gotten intthat parof the market. i think th claim to have 120, 130, 140 of those erp customers to we have er,650. i want to do that ma ain for
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it's abo ten times t size angrowing what they have toda all right. let's lk about the sto itself. 0 billion et in cash 50 plus billiollars because yodid bond offering. you boug bk a lot stock. in the interim because the market is so tough, your stock hasn't reflected other than a spike up. whatll that buy back hasone. given your cudmphasize which isast and e y back why d you think the ock has be2 times earnings befe sas force, microft at 18 andap at 18? >> it's a transiti. we've invested in the transition, rnd, building outda center and clo capabilities. 've invested in sales and marketinto do everything i ju said. to be able to generate t sor of groh that wve described. that growth now accelerates as
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into q 3 and 4. the takes care of itself. it's been rymportant to into this. we thinkhi aenational chge. toin the leading edge of that. >> i wpeople to derstand wh oracle does ambev, budiser ycustomer work f the ual, ather one we l know. th call you in, what do they do? >> so if y wld think of orle in s traditional business we would do their data management. whatou wou cl eir da base busineswe n sell the computing infrasucre that houses both th datba a middle ware. have a lae applicions buness thatusiness now is shifting very dramatically to t cloud. where we've inveed heavily as well. okay, to go back to thi on of the triceratops it would you would be more
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ntic company. >> a tri a trickith leadship i for skill to be an advantage. we have insted in rnd it's over $5 billn. i think i think our yield for the rnd has be significant. we have the ability to have broad stributi which we have as wl. we've invested iboth to take adntage of wha tnk is a tremendous growth opportuny. >> last question, everne kno s lay son. owns 30%. you talko him much? do lk to him much? >> yeah. >> every day. >> every d? he'still very much invd? >> please. we have eateam. it's myself, larry, by the way i want to make se m clear. lot ofeople talk about larry, we have a greateam at acle. >> thiteam sounds optimistic
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impoant. >> we're optimistic abt the world and oracle. 've done the work that a lot of -- these transitions into ese genetional changes they're tough. takes a t of talenand paence. i think we've done that. >> right. thank u so much. mark hurd is the ceo of oracle great to sak to you.her. uthbreathe hocan anne sep like th ll, put obreathe rit striand pow! it instantly opens yr nose up to 38% re than co medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. sh your mouth and yodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right stss sweat. it can hanytime tonyone. stress sweat is fferent than ordiry sweat, itworse.
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>>t is it isim it is ti for the lightning und. you say the na of thstock. i don't ow the calls or name of the ocahead of time. i tell you wther to buy or sell. 'r we're going to startith max in new jersey. >> caller: crameboo-yah. okay, my man want know you a believer in elon musk are yoa buyeof solar cit >> i ain't going to play solar city. you kidding me? we've gofirst solar to go down that path which a company that has a good balae sheet and don't rely on the gornme. courey itexa >> calle hey, my question is is it a y for a term
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>> wch one? st. ry's no. no 'rnoending any of these oil stocks fl fuels we're just again the new plan forhe next 30 years of this show let's go to roin n yor rocky. >> caller: hi, jim underaour, they've been 116% ovelast year at thi me my queion isnderarmo goi to be stuck is quarter i've >> ie be working oa lice volving them, mbia sports wear, ese e mpanies that ha been hurt by thwarm weathe i so think thasomethg will feel tt vin plank is using shar i uld fer to dam joh i would beilli to pua quter of a positn and wait fer prices.johnn north carolina. >> heycrer.s. ar boo-yah to you. >> thank you for serving, back at you.
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impending acquisitioou n key? >> iike key, i got to tell you ople d't wannks ha eney exre. we have cckheth the havehi ica exposure. 'rinviti beth moodba on thow. let'go to joe in n jsey. joe. >> caller: hello, cramer. appriate a that you do for us in this tougharket. >> calr: i already o rit aid. i'm looking to add to my posion witthe meer, holly tang pce. >> i likit either way i typicadon't y is yo a wner eithern th merger. i think rite aider. s not stop there why don't we go to ax in alabama. >> cr: boo-yah andoll tide, jim. oll tide, love it. caller: tesla, sell, right? >> no.
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if i say sell tesla my dghter will be like, you got b a tefograduati college. dream on i k that tesla is a stock that's wilnever - i'm ing toiscoe themven thgh i tnk is exive. chriin cornia. caller: good afternoon, jim. i'm looking into buying ipot? >> t there going to co back. even if executive pducer s me pictuof ones that don't have a lot opeople in them. i've been there and i'l fine, ar't i? this is the deal, th'r gointo have a od quarter. buy a little cser to 400. do iieve in chipotle? i do. i say at even though i'm on e of the worst canse aginab they're making mld theale anthe smoothie that, laes and genemen is thnclusion othe lightning
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lightning round isponsored by td ameritrade. check this out, bro. what's that, broim? i swited to geico and got more. more savings or insurance? yeah bro-fsor, and more. like renters insurance. more ways to save. nice, o-tatohip. that's n all, brtein ske. geo harcyc and rv insurance, too. ohthat's a lotore. oh yeah, i'm all about more, tey brosevelt. ico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. you're getng 3 here. alight? he goes. yep. [ crunching ] oh! chear, sour cre & onion, and salt & vinegar. wow! wow! how did you do that?! i can see thugh the blindfold. malanunce] ! let's get thesdayquil quidgels ando.t thliquid gs arnew. mucix fast max. it's the same diffence
3:48 am
3:49 am
,,,,, da today, ibo d in the oil market don't know wt bogo standfo check out these o cereal boxes. when i first heardhe term, it s thwn aund by aoo anyst. bogo is a retail term of art. it means buyne get one. th'sight. y onbox of cereal, and get the other box free. when any fd or consur pr companyn general in a priceusuallof
3:50 am
tonnihilate e competit nothrikes more feaintheir heartsa buy one get one price righnow, oil is caugp in a tal humdger price wa m like when the consumer nefits at the supermart the pricwaisilng the stock market. you see when irasanctions lifted came back onlinthis ekend, iwasted no ti tryingo take markeshare fr ale heproders out there. paicarly nigiaenezla ansaudarabia. it's cutting deals some e sayinguyg e nker fild with two million barls of oil and tting send tanker for fr. the cost of the iranian oiis we beyd the 3 bael you'd be paying. nigea is uteady. venezuhas been decked by serable litical leadership no refinery wants tol with th country.
3:51 am
todafor emergcy opec meeting. good lk with that. therisn'an opec car te ymore. that ended in deceerhe saudis havbecome oonents. the irians would le to te aw biness from the saudi the saudis have lower production costs than t iranians. it's som it'sometng thahappenwhen you han't been able to impve western chnogy. we shod all be jumping f joy at t pce of oil is coming down. we can'tecause evethoughhe big bankarsignaling coumers are spendi their spare an. the onlyinners sm toe e convennce stores that sell nstebeverages and of crse y kind obeer thlosers are a theil proders, the high prucs in t uted states.
3:52 am
ha heds coming o on 16 and ying to cover de payments made wh pricewere much higher. world dutch, after repting a hoible quarter, they're doing the best to defe their divinds. but the all to mze inpendts are fhting to defendheir very istee. hedge funds tired of jus succesul shorting thstoc are rninon the bank stocks thatent moneto the procers beg the lowillo so. it's like good wareani it's goofonothing. wh oil sinkingo $26.55 today,own $2 gngower tomorrow. we've got a whole lot of nothi goinon. ick with cmer. here in the city, rking is hard to find. seems ke everyone drives. and those who do shouldswch to geico because you coulsa hundreds on cainsurance. ahpeect. let parking. hello! here's the keys.
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3:54 am
wow, wow, rly ithe mi ntinues l the osinthstocexplodes0%. this igoto move things if another semi doe't screw it up. there's ys a bl mark somee anprome to fin for y rightere atmad mone i'jim . e you torrow. > i is sday,an 21st, comingp on "eatoday,n hior reasternging as much a two feetf snow and othe will see a chance of rare january rnados.
3:55 am
oil dro t priceot seen sie03 hillary clint isac eossp te sas mhteat her. and releasingem related he tic water cries. >irewor for all the wrong s. >> sw boaring possibleiminalcharges. "ely t stas right>> mo theiggetorm in acentury. that'stome cies face thiskend is a monster wr stmakes way intthe stn pa of th country. as muchs t ft o snow in so area ident obamsotorde got ckedpeslick roads delad tmander chief's return to the white house. and as winter attempts catch
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