tv News 5 at 10PM NBC January 21, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST
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memorial serce at marineorps base, waii, tomorr. st night in ta, a candlelight vigil was held in honor sergeant semple community members came tether to support this local family. sgt. sempler was a crew chief, on board one ofhe two helicopters that went down last week of oahu. . tharound the clock search was suspded, tueay. the bodies of the marines ha not been rovered yet,...although wrkage of the helipters has been f on e flr. our thoughtsre with the family tonight. xx veoo"right now" in colorado springs. clear skies toghas temperatures contie to drop into t "teens." terologistarlee hoffmais trking howold it will be for yo morning commute. she joins usow le. lows well below freezing tonight in the teen. ies remain clear and for e first time all day those nds will calm wn. i am tracka warm up as we headnto the weekend.high pressure to our west over oming will continue torack to the south and east between fday and
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ts upper level ridging n we wl havearmer and drieconditionsion wide. highs wi be in the 50's friday th mostly sunny skie saturday we wi see hhs in the upper 50's and lower0's. new tonight -- a propod bill the state legislare... that aims to address "te sexting" and the "consequenc it comesfter the scandal at canon city high school last ar news 5's jessi mitchell spoke with people inhaunity abthe push tcategorize teen sexting as a new crime. how do they feel about it, jessi? a lot of people i spoke with say something like this should have been around before investigars diovered huneds of ld photos of canocity teens bng exchanged like trading cards. but in many cases, it takes a major case like this to affe change. thbill is sponsored by
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both the hse and senate. if passed, it wod create a new cre called "misuse o eltronic images by a juvenile" -- a misdemeanor, as opped to e ny ochild poogray. in canon city, the high schoolers investigated for sexting in novber weren't charged with any crimes, just got warning tters, and some were suspended from hool. the distri attorney said there didn't appear to be y bullying involved, and didn't wanto ruin more than 100 students' lives byabeling them sex ofnds. but loca s the blame these kidsactis falls to their upbringing. members of the older geratn say rents just don't discipline the kids like they usedo. they have to have it, the controof the kids. ey don't have that no re, and at's why there's so much violen. the bill was just introduced i the house, so it has a ways to go before becoming.
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legiators state in t bill necessarfor "the prervation of public peace, health ansafety right now, 1states havlaws that specifically ess sexting by minors. bill's progress. live in pueblo, jei mitc, ws 5. lawmakers are also wking o other llt remove colorado's "10-year" statu of limitations on "felony sexual assault" cases. is would allow prosetors to go ater suspectshen accusations or evidence surfac... years after the alleged cr xxxx littleton schooltrict ard members, fght to keep deils the arapahoe high schoolhootg cret,...are finally spki publically. they're addressing a highl critical reporanalyzing the district'sctions before and after the shoong two years ago that killed 17-year-old claire davis. the report indicates the school dismissed obvis warning signs by the stunt who killed davi and had ey pd close atten, the tragedy could
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"i am dely sor for the painful lohe davis family suffered ttragic day and through their lessons of le and coassion for all, claire's spirit wilrenate in the hallways of apahoeigh scho new superintende brian ewert ert acknowledges that lileton schos essentially went into an "iormation shutdn" with the a blic aer theoong. efended that decion ng the strict to goilen becae of the crimi investatioand possle laui. crinal charges wilnot be filed against x denver sherf's deputi in the death of a jail inmate district attorney mitc morrissey ys theeputies used necess force to resain 50-year-old michael marshall durinthe november encounter. the faly of marshallwhjust toy, were able to look at video of what haened, the decision an outrage and are manding federal investigation.
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anybody. there was no confrontation involved. and they killed him anyway. vestigators say mahall was suffering psychotic episode, was aggressive towaranother inma and ignored command he was taken to the hospital,...hifamily took hi off life support even days ter. his deh was ruled a homicide. news five instates. we are asking questions about the survellice video that allegedly ows the attack of novan duran. helaims he was paralyzed while in police custody in la junta. duran plans to sue, but his lawyer says investators have denied requests for information and documes related to the incident. duran rst told us from his hospital bed that he was dru the night was arrested. the fice took him tohe hospital and that's where duran claimshey then beat hiup his attorney mike mcdivitt, believes surveillance ras and ofcer body cameras may have recded thincident, t he says thcolorado bureau of investigation...
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"to maintain the integrity of the investigation and so forth, ey are dngur request which anoer way osaying, or cld be interpreted to mean, let have an opportunity t t our act together and clean thgs up before we real the inrmatn toound there for to pu like." inalancecorage " isl wi it' "right. thstate'sunshine law lets police agencs deny the relea of records from ongoing criminal investigations. the two officers allegedly involvedre stillthe force, but they're arassigned to adminirati duties. b-i tell us they have tued over their findings to an ecial osecutor assigned to the case. xxxx thwoman, accusedf "jumping" into the denver fire chief's suv.. and "stabbing him"... was in court toda marlene rodriguez being held for atted rder and first degree assault.
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dollars,n the ndition that sh wear a g-p-s device and stay aw from chief er tade, if shbos out. he was stabbed in the hand and leg... and it appears the attack was "random anovoked!" tade sufred nor injuries and a fu recovery.. in fact he's alrea bk at work. the spects son... tells our news partners in denver... th his momsuffers with "schizhrenia." xxx new tonight. two colorado men havbeen st in ohio,.afr 123 pounds of marijuana was found during a tffic stop. e pair are from caondale,.driv ing car with colorado cense plates,...anwere pulled over ong interstate 70 in madison coty ohio,...for follong too closely. the men are facingharges of possession witintent to distribute the pot,...and could fa 16 ars in prison. w at ten --- aarning about lorado springs company... going or-to-door sellingagazines. the biness re estimates -- this might the est nuer omplain they've reeved against coany. atver a hundred in theast ar. newsive'madd garrett is
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ie what can people do? these are the mplats pilin up against theagazine compan --- younpeop working llc... in all. even iyou ve one of these "no solicitation" signs up in your neighborhood or home... that doesn't legally preve the sales people fm coming a knking on your doo soere's what you need to know if they do. ok rq it can happen to anyone... sot russ johns
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"so i waitnd i waiteand i so you know, a rd ln lear i ess." thesdays, mo people are ling that hard lesson... as page aer pe of caint was fileagainscolorain company "young people rking." narob hi jexe of tusess' pa...this is aexelhi ttof complnt s wi thibusiss." 150 llarfor zine boo... and ver got th. sot buckley "that is theft.. they can file a criminal report." you can also call pof a s peon w ave ur prerty when asked. but these no solicitation sis won't ke them out. sobucky "they can go up to the residences if they are offering something or an itemor sale." ev though the company is based out of colorado spngs... it's operating out of state... and north dakota issued a cease and sist oer against you peopleorking.
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people not to do busess with them... however some of the people complaining did get refunds. we dido to both locatis listedor this company. they were p-o boxes. reportg liven comg news five. we also want to tell you about what some say is a misleading noti... ey've found stuck toheir front door in a new neighborhood in colorado springs. it looks like a ipping delivery notice and says, "sorry we missed you". there's al a numbe t sl that encouragoucall "nardsot com t we uncovered..hat caing. you' giving them permission to share your contact infortion their cents. the mpy aims tconnt w homeners witpructsnd servic itheir coun thloradoory neras ces if you recei a slip that's not from a package delivery company, like fed ex or u-p-s, do not call the mber. xx stilahead:matt pd takeice
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willalm down. i am acng a war as we head into theeekend. high pressure to our we over wyoming will ctinue to track to the south and east between frid and saturday. th ts upper level dging pattern we will have warmer and drier condions region wide. highs will bin the 50's friday with mostly sunnskies. saturday we willee highs in the upper 50's anlower 60. changes come in again on sunday as aow pressu systeswings into th area. this upper level disturbance will ve us e chance for rain in the afrnoon swching to snow in thevening and overnight. this pattern could linger until
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live look now in washington d.c.... e of some 15 states...bring for a massive wintertorm... that's expected impact americanall along the east coast. e fedel government will close aloffices in d.c. tomorrow at nn, they ace r the blzard. we couldee 3 feet of sw... as a he nor-easter continues to build...
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several states are already under a state of emergency. ndreds of flights, cancelled.. schos anbusinesses, closed. xxx e of those states is north carolina. this is a live look charlotte...where freezing rain and e e in the forecast. american airnes has already canceled all fridaflights to and ouofhaot douglas international airport. sleeand rain is excted to build on the roads cat trechero travel conditioor torrow's commute. contaminion crisis. still ahead: 're trac new developnts inlint michigan wher ousands are stilwithout war. d: ameranld prisonersor years inran are finally transitioning back io their old ves.
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of t t aricans released from an iran pron are finay turning home. amir hekmatithe former marine who spt nearly five ars prison, arrived home in flt, igan this afternoon. saeedi is also head to the unitestates and will be reuned with his mily next week. a washington prepoer als released in the prisoner change is still getting treat a u. hospitaln germany. speaking of flint, michigan...the water contaminion isis continues. and the regional dirtofo the e-a o overes flint,.h resigne..s e agcy issue ergen oer requinthe state to tak diatactio prect
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the-p-a faed to reond to concerns for months,...after the ciwitched it's water urce to the flint river,nd toxic levels of ade diov the governor is asking president obama ecr their requesfor ral disaster declion. the f-i is working to "end the standoff" at aational wiife fuge, in oregon. federal authorities spokwith the leader of an a group that's been occupying the la r near "3-week" the f-b-i says they're trying to find a peeful resolution and will spwith the group ain tomorrow. the group has said... it plans to stay until federal land is turned oveto local ranchers. xx a former oklahoma police offic will spend the rest of his le ehind bars." -yeaol"danl ltzclaw" was sentenced to 2undred 63 years in prison... after he wasonvicted of raping ansexually victimizing women while on duty. his attorneys claim that prostitutes and ug abusers misconstrued h efforts to help them... and say they pn appl. xxxx e io causes e than
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now. it's bitr bale f the democrats. hillary clinton is launchingew attackds at bernie sanders...saying while his ideas argo in theory...he n't be able to deliver as president. nders spent the da new hampshire where he ileading in e lls...and continues to push for a betteeconomy. "our j is to creanconomy billionae campaign contriburs." "i athe only candida on either side th t experience d judgment tkeep us safe at home and strong in the rld." as clinton trieso rega mometum in the first two contests...sanders is ding staff to cover all even supe esdastates. on t republican side,.marco rubio, who irunning third in iowa right now,...says he has been hit with more than 22-million dollars in attack ads, from what h calls "the repubcan establishmen,.proving, h saysat he isot "an establhment candidate". heointis criticism
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last night tharubiis being abandoned for donald tru. rubio says if he the nominee, he will beat hillary clinton. here on eah... dealing with sce travel gets prettyplex. but 100 hi school students in nver shey're uto the challenge! they're taking part in a nasa program degnedget high hool students involved in creatingolutns treal problems astronauts encounter in space. and this week, they got to prest their prototypes to representatives from the johon space center in houston. those clude evything fm how astronauts canxercise without gravitto how to preser thed tronauts need in space. "we'rerying to filr out ethylene, because e frui produce ethylene and tt helps ripen the fruit." 3738 "if ey senup, periodically fresh fruit that thewant to be able to presert for astronautso eat." > if tir pjes are selected as finalists the students will travel to uston. the prects sected there
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big honor for katie rainsber this morning. rpsed th de cssnt runner e year. that will ok goo the casnext ther national tie and other 4- sta tithisear. asactors go... the triots rob groowski is epite of the term. as big as a defensive end.. as fast as running back... you can't le him high or yll bnce off... ta him low allweet arase at you. the oncos did keep him to less one hed last me around but he did score on in the brwin. no matter how you dot.... ihardckle gro and the oncos wi be ing over
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m do cornerback chrarris a llartint at oncos cond practice this week. he lt the stlers game early with a shoder injury b says s ready to gfosunday. ine broncos roster was listed as a full participant toda the brs ll nd all the lp they caget againse ts in thafc championship game ets aid for 6---2 er this eight gamhomestand. thbest they can t is 5---3 after toghts nailbiter
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ys t. charlie blackmon othe ckies at halftime... ha court. hind tack. gr sty money... inible ngets in ght one at home... kennth fied inside... mal the nuggets up 1 denver wenon aun to start the thr.gary hris for 3 puts them up ev thter down retc.. final dani gallini.ggets losi haertbreaker 10 ccoctshece this ekr a david atup with number two north ko the tigers have had a ugh thiseasot with a spl agait cloue last week mbe the tide is turng. self bief ppartly only thing missing.
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ghnoof l ve lcs he moow nht r ekes agra. asutdoorctivities go. ice clbing wou be ty hi on thnger m. matt pd found out th the danger is lower th hthought t was right up er ropes climbing nats harnesses climbing nats ets climbing nats mp: dre stn highway-24 and yoint you'bbinthndle of tool. imngats bers scaling s cecamplexaer lake th wald, you pk your crampons totick iin tthice erev youant. climbing nats it's lotbooufootrk imngat it's lutsing yr lae d rkyo w u thwall. mp: ont rangclbi spes thr winterons he, teaching willing souls the art of ice climbing.... clng nat mp....a chlenging spt th brings a flurrof new elements into an ready daerougame icchanges all thtimendheprection changesll the te,
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geinto in icclimbing can be more dangeus than rock clbing. nabrk e climbi geta bap because a loof bad things n happ out there in wild, isthing lit. mp: bu their own i w aneating nine es..e campxa wallanconsntroll. -----b ibranch out into ready for ereme exeisth pits your senagainst yo le. im out in e wild, bi ll, big thingsdefini wt to be good shape. it certaly te itut of yo as u will lrn sn. mpso hiln talked me into it, d stteuphe mt diicult route.... i dn wantoaiself i the face. wo my as arexhated. th's uly t rese i sh we uld thatn the story.
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thgs've everon your ar arjurying ou mp: ....and believe me, those argenuine actis an unal wkout ---set seral oer entslso expericed eir first tr neesurt, my wristsurt, muscl right here are re wh str. bing n: e ing of acmente thouthe pa -which iwhy hamion encoes eveone to give it a is is e of t greathings wee to offer in thisteanlinjg . : ttrich ns 5 spor. lowsfreezing tonight een. skierein clear and r e firsme all dhosends will calm do. i amracking a wa up we headnto e weekend. thanks foratinne 5t 10 torr morning joiir annie
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