tv Today NBC January 22, 2016 7:00am-10:00am MST
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toet him out? mr. ce guy? >> we will be unied. we will bene. we wl be happy again. >> donald trump tellvoters hel bre cotry together, but then just hours later reased this ad attacng ted cruz whilelary clinton rns to pop star demi lovato. >> i d't think there's a wom more competent than hiary clinton. >> hoping to bri in yo vors ia tight n iowa. and uber attac a miami doctor getinto a heated phyl nf with a drir. >> get the [ bleep ] out of the car! >> a she could be looking for a new mode of transportation today, friday, january 22nd, 20. erfrom nbc news, this is "today" with matt uer and savannah guthrie live from
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>>good morning, evyby. welcome today." it's friday ing. we'vgot willie in for matt. it's abination of feelings citeme and terror abouthis ow storm that's beindown on the east. >> in technical meteorolterms this thing is a beast. this is the ve conditions in ristiaburgvirginia, miles south of roanoke. we could have taken any onof a number of pictures across the east coast. it's ugly out there. >> howill it look in 24 hours? ce, it's our top story becausillion are in t path this storm. at least 20 states fm arkansas to n york are aly ved by wnings and wahe >> with morehan o feet expected in washington, c., a snowrgency gng into effect there thorning. govement officesshut do at noon and flincellations already mounti. nearly 5,000 todnd torrow. we've got this storm covered from all angles so let's start with dylan dryer in virginia this gd morning toou.
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arching ders yrd were go wereo find snow and, boyha we foundt. we're in southwestn virginia tside of roanoke started snowing at 5:00 thi mornind it's acculating quickly. up until last nit the biggest threats th this storhave beenain, sevstorms a tchy ice, w the fos is e heavy and fronow rough sarday condis are only g to gerse. ernit a le tor tod down neahattiesbur misssippi, downi trees and power lines and destng a mobile he. part of a monsr storm system amming the sth and east. this morning 88 million people could beacted bye form of nasty winter her, tha roughly one out of every four ericans. >> this nter s is only going to get wor >> repr: all ang the et coasfrom nth colina toew york people are bring for the rst. this cavan of wer crews drove fr florida to north linaparingor up
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>> ooal is to be overprepared and hopefully underwhelmed eporr: a state of emncy is alrdy in effect in fst, ryla and d.c.'sk in this morng. starti later today and thrgh the weekd the waingt, d. area will the winter stor capital the natio anticipati t feet orore. opic tropical storm force wds a a lo misy. it'seminiscent othe 10 sn theca snoageddon or owpolypse which paralyzed the city f day one is lily tbe wor. >> elier i had 1to 2 i'm w gog 20 to 30 inches snowplus it's gointo te a long te for us to clean up omhat. our plan toy is to ke it back to shgton, d.c. if the srm is ving at about mil p hour anwe can do
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we're watching the time re to go 25 miles. it's aeady goi to takebo 40 minutes. it's going to be a rough ride day. pey steopljustta me. lliend savanh. >> i see tt weess your ce. i hope it's snow a notea. going ba toh on >> it's a litt oboth. >> dylan, thanks a lot. les fos on t srm's impact on the capital city officis in washingn are tang unprecedeedrecautions to ppare. c nation creonnt miguellmueis there fors. miguel, what's it looking like?eporter: h, llie, far just cold but certainly expe to be in the bullse. th are expecti uards of two feet of sn here in the districtf coluia. that nber will cmb in the outse area and they could get haer. i want to show you what it lookedikearlier this week. g just duing, ls an anit broht theegn i kns. therwe lg trafc la and expecbierroems
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sn rls in.veors in five ffent stat a in more than 14counes havalady declared at oemergey.e federagovernntays they will stdown today at noon. schools are also closed.transportion problemare gog toe issue some 2,200 fghts all across this region havelrdy bn cancelled. ey a pppg foa jor storm he. take l take a look what it looked ke inside grerstarand hardre stores eaier yestery. theyavbeen scrbling toet thr has anythinthey can. folks y th wl hunker dowd ts ort. it will righrit tohe weend and evyone hertrng to prepare as sts eyan for a jor storm anticited to hit us ithnext few hou. willie? >> takg it vy seriouy. thanyou so much. >> let turn tol. is it gog to be asad a veised. >> we veheaveat if the stm movein any direction that wilaffect what show yo but right n 1,200iles wortof winr weather advisories, fr northern uiana all e y to new
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warningsn fect stretching fr washington,almore dover, philalphia, n yk city. so we' got a severe situation stting to vep. we ao have sere atr do throh the soutast. we'vgot keep anye othat causof severthunrstos and isolated tornado, so we' watch at as we. now, as go to o cumution hers ate' lookg fo becse we've reseennow d icin mphis. 2 to 5 inches snoexpected. shvie, tness. you' see it at 4 to inches lexington, kentucky, look fo8 to 14 ines osnow, and as we t closer to the coast with wis ansnowe are gog to be lkingt e a bit. washingtonnd btimore right no 're callg anhere from 18 t26ncof snow. begins 40 is afteron and windustst 50 miles per ur, sn hoursnfall 2 to 4 incheser hour. in philadelpa and ceranew rsey we' lookingor the
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nd gtso 40iles per hour d snow o12 t18 ihes. new yorkity,he surroding arealong islan for 6o 12 ihes. thsnowtarts rly saturday mornin wi gustsf 55 m per hr and lo at th, we'rtalkin out a gnificice st om knole, tesee, raleigh. chare is the blseye. cld see aost nch of ice, and theower oute possitieom chate to washington, d. are very likely becae of icewinds d ra and snow, his going tbe real dangeroustorm as the hos mo hourmove through wl chge. the ice and the winds sca . ank u, al. >> breing ernight w. an amerin llegstudent arrested a detned inth koa. nbc'chieglal crespon bi neely flowi ts sty r . bill, what's the latest. >>epter: goomog, willie anher american arresd by the
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hoste acthou tdot say at say at tt waanenteri thcoy in t guise of toist hey it, but, ote,tting under the cotry'unity, andy sa manipud by the.s. govement. they have nahim astt frericrmbeir, we believe he's from cincinnt with a urup in china and don't know where he'ing held but it's almosrtainly in the capital pyongyanand, of cour, don't know his side of the sto s. diplomats in south rea are workinon that. we do know north korea is feeling the heat right nowft its recent nlear test with the s. and u.s. a others weighi up more sanctions, a in the past north korea haarrested forgner and parad th on tv admti to some wrongdoio try w concessions or dipmatic room to negotiate. no sn of any tv pearan s r, but the timg and e
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thisrrest iso conc the north koreans may try tothis y man as a bargaining chip savannah, wiie >> we know previously americans have been held for yrs on end in north korea. hopefully is is differen new controversy on the republican side. n days out from the iowa caucuses a national magazi is calling for all reblicans ra rally against donald trump and trump is out with a new atta this morning. let's stt r ra wh nbc news cordent peter al peter, gd morning to you. reporter: donald ump or ted cruz, even amore and more establishment reblicans are warming trump as the lesser ofwo evils, say, conservatiare fighting bk with aeries of bliering editiacalling p a chlen, a wannabe and worse and trump leased his first negati attack ad oe mpaign, targg who else senar cruz. >> wanto do if in a humane way. ond trp on the e. >> i'm donald trump and
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>> reporter: going after t cruz with a new ad out this morning using cruz's o wor agait the topic of immigration. >> of couranted the bill to ps, my amendmento pass. >> repor cruz quickl shting back withattack a of his o. tmp wonnge the syst. 's what's ong with it. >> reporter: tter on-ai change comes hours a trump slammed cr in a rowdy las crowd lling the candate a party riah. e's a united stes senator, republican. doesn't have support of one other republican senator. there's something wrong there, and i can tell you they like me. >> reporter: cruz attack trump on the very same point. if as a voter you think what we need is more blicans in washington to cut a deal with harry reid and nancy posi and chuck schumer then i guess doldrump is your guy. >> reporter: lsday the conservave magaze "natnal review" released a special i
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idency wh saysconservaves likeickson anglenn ckaytrump a philhica-- >>s a ing paper. circulion wayn. not many people ret anymore. >>epor tru is oking to widen s net recag hielf as the kumbaya candidate. >> i will bring r country gether. we will be unifi. weill be one well be happy again. >> reporter: but accding to r st recent pollost americanar't feeling it. widely disliked by can-ans,atin and wome the billionaire so po pe ig ibeyond the beyond the grave. s ing sh, in lieu of fler pase do not vote for na trump. >> as a result of that again trump issue th"nional revi" has been bootefrom co-hosting an upming date as mazineublisher tets small price pay for speaking
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>> per axander, thank you. let's ipver tohe mocric sid hillary clinton bringing in mo starower to give her camign a ost as bernie sands rg atusthe right ti forimnbc's anea mitchell has more on what s become aightace. andrea, go morning. >> repter: indeed it is, gd morning. will. today,oth hillarinton and bernie sanders will be mpaiing inew hampshire but it's in wa whe the democric primary is heatg . with bh candates try atyoungevoters. >> you gethe firsthance to decide who should he next presidenof the unid stat! reporteith just t days to go to go untie iowa caucus llary inton trying to shore up suppo with younger voters who he beenlocking to bernieanders thursday nht aearing wh ng demlovato in iowait >> we goorward with confidce. thank u, demi! >> reporter: as race keeps getting tighr a new ll shows sanders could have an
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assumi he can ing new vote to the c the ccus so both caaigns lieve e ntt close clintostepping up hiattacks sanders. in theo, ere's a lot kebout somofis ias but in tory isn't engh. >> reporter: echng hhe tried to defeabara obama in 2008. youre notoing to wave a magic wand he the specl intests disappea >> i wish at we coulelt a democratic who cld we a magic wa. >> i'm not interested in ideas that sound gd on paper but will never makit in the real world. >> reporter: andhe slamming sanderas being naive o foreign policy. hsuggested we iit iranian troops into syri thats ke askg tharni to be e fifighte >>eporr:s ers isscss new hampsre, 's tang aanta of s mentum, reasa new ad aimed insringoung voter iowa set to "simon an
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"america." for people in iowa the choice is anything but clear. >> still a wee a l of time focaideso brg up the ises'm pasone ou say in tt i may or may uphese issues, sayhings i may oray not agrewith. >> ely thi morning hlary clinn'sampaign relead new ad that w toing- experice as sretary of state hopinghat exrience tmp the economic mess with sde wi suppters. botheading to iowaor weekend. >>anea, thanks. bo res u for grabs. >> some ofhe headlines, t report freedrom ira in his wahome to the. jan anis famil have left that u.s.ilit hpital in germany. heelease after8 mths in capvity a pnewa een e u.s aan. stament heaiuo i a erjod b coecti th my fami, pno rax d enj home-ckedmeals,
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thnext few days andeks. >>here are growing cces about the mositbornevirus. health officials adving wen to put oregnancyor t next two years tovoid psing on the vierespec there are 9 ces i elsalvad. it's lind t a rare bth fect to cause brains not t deve e cdcdvising womeno postpone travel 14 affecte nationsnou and cal erica. >> out of california th rning a former alaska airlines captais crgedhis wk th flying p while under e influencef alcoho acrding to courtords 60-yold did arstonlewn junef 2014 askedo bmoan drund coho. ofcis sae pte a blood col reang oflaes0. welseom duti,
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convied he could face a mam of0 yea in prison. >> we've got wilew videohat s a year boyunni do theiddle of a by orego highy. the tdlered to ee anopen door of aomnity cen while his par up.ty was drivingown t hehelammed onhe br to avoid hit t quickly begraed the boy ank him tosafety. the pents h been searching for him. the incident was accidental ano criminal chaes filed. >>w. now tohe we showe hef the mi doc has bla ondmine lea after videface ntattweeher ber dr,eoho e door sppg tri and l tingoe m. parelyhe dri where pk anoerasnger b the doctoran hakeer inead. atne poi gsnhe ca rowser's belons the window
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she wasrrested bec t driver did pre charges. wow. >> all you can iwow. let's get more o the storm now. what else? >> we ao got active weather gog on around the rest of the country. we've got a risk of strong stor in northern florida today, also heavyain and wind moving intf pacific northwe and northerncalirnia, midsection ofhe country frly quiet, sunshine from the plains all y downnt texa we'll get to yr loc forecast comingpn the next 30 conds. do youove wirels yboard morehan rtfa membs? isour ccesdue to ailin syem only you understand? does pntg from youtaet toour wireless printer giveou a jolt of confidee? if so, you may barcentc.someone who knows at the right office gear helps you g thing anthere's one place that has it all.
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moiurizes wi no stky feel. i kly nse f. ani'm rey to g a inwer dy lotio in body lion ai you're getting 3 here. alright? here gos. yep. [ crunching ] oh! hedd, sour cream & onion, nd salt & vineg. w! wow! h did you dthat i n see thugh e indfold. [alunr ines! h. introducing ntm vimi a and new multivitamin you enjoy ke a min with a fulspecum of essential trients... rpringly smooth, reeshi c i see u fod vimints. w ntrum vimints. a decis w toetou ltitams. ann inksess isveinar th bauurgries co fm.
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blended with gredient ke cage-freeggs. m. heave re iredits. that'sowe' rking tobrg t e st doesour maup remov ke it all of y ss-proof, crproo stay-pro loo neronamor do. its sttuke tel. needny me proof th tha neutrogenaughi.sliand shinu d stay in bed day. when your co is this bad... ...y need w theraf expressmax. therafluressmax combines... maxim strength medices avlable tht a escrtion.. ..o fighyour worst cd and flsymptoms... .so u can feelter st and get ck tthe job atand.
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are you powered by protein? are. milk has 8 grams to help give u energy ueashour poteia start every dath milk's protein and milk life. up and sandwich and ean anreal, d feing goodsortf. and 500 calories or less. the ean pairinenu. at panera. food ait should be. in my business i can count on my i.t. guy bailing me o all the ti. i'm not the the desktop support tech supvisor. anmyustomers knowing right whenheir packages arve. introducing real-time delivery notifications
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od thursda good thursday morning... we're coming u tm of i'm ira oninthis today show update... juana laws -in colorad spriare on t agenda morng as the city council's "marijna task force" will hold its second meeting. today --he gro will talk abt medical marijuana spensaries, adrtising, hours of operationnd outdoor grow th'll also have eir quesons aned about medical
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todas meetg is ope the public. it starts athis morning e 2nd floor of city hall. somekeilhear a diensituation at played at a coloraod high ho. members of the "interim committee on school safety and youth in crisis" will esented with the study that looked into deadly 2013 shooting at arapah high school. thatt-ghly critical district adminis chieing meorologist -- sthen bowers joins us now with a look at our local forecast stephen... toy will be mostly sunny, and the warming will happen qukl at 10 am, temperatures will be in the lower0s around colorado springs and monument with 30s holding on around pueblo and la jun. kansas vfr p west to caocity will kely warm a little faster with 40s by 10 am. nearly everyone will bin the
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seri o e fm i it tled"agast ump. they blast the republica fronrunn's bid fhehite hous lin him aenac t eric coervasm ta a ltetrump's spse >> theeqst nionarevi" is a dyingavement its circulatnsay do. notery ma ppl rd i yme. rorter: spl. >>meti tmpou wh a ne ad t mni aus tecr o flip-opng on immiation. aniit ofirginia studt ibeing hdn north korea thi morning f committing aegedostile as d ein toury und the guisef e tourist. u.s. dipmats are working to free that 22-year-old. >> republin presidentl hopeful and newery governor ris chriie under seeat is morni with mtf his ate und a bzzdtch. veor christi heced to remain onhe camignrail new hampsh andayse's confidt sta offials can ndleit and if the situation chs hes h will ret ho immediately.
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blasi weighg in this mo saychie,quot needo ceba les gheest ont storm. nbc'sabe gutez down in charloe, north carolina for us. be,hat dst look ke for us the? >> repter: well good morng. it a absolut mes out he. e snow started ith ernight and poundedhe chloe area ser hrs and tn i turnein freezing rand wve been seeing tt on and off forhe lasseveral hos andt'surng into a ngou morni coute. rightbehinde tre's a car with the flashers onnd it spun outith the icy conditions. officials here in the charlotte area are expting at leastf nc of ice. don ofal tcks he bee outnd what theare trying t do is a repea thateally paralyhe ully many stayi home and students he closed and b
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also cancelled aaj pep rally that h been scheded for r tod colina nthers they arellet t p thee fke cionsgame he cotte nday juth wtthearola ne chance, one, nth lina is eecng aoo ofsn aheajoronceer rltece ae' al srtinto tdaous sppy conti delo right behi gu,kor u. hop peopletayafe loofanerans are hg camewto c go th stadm onsund. >> ynow travel wl beug. thousasflights alrdy canceldr nex couple of da. that storm willnly grow as torm intensifies. kristen, what are you seeing there? >> good morning, vannah. alreadf dispointed passengers get he find out the to laguardia s already cancelled nd that num expected to as w g
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's really a msna. st 5,00ancellns natiwide over the nex . thatl aff s 10000 air avel malightsro he, of co, alreadyance to plachat areegnio see thead athe li crlothere american airlin ae sd clled l ofts fligh i andut cha. already seein snowice. keep id that's amecan aiine h that throws a wrench into the eirem. they havut f intondfver astoue ofdays.a cou other air youtoe f io and ou of extoue of d and cr carrier. baimore rport, seein almost 300elays and washington dullesdgan also seeingeds ofelays and then newk herthe new york arealong with laguardia also ng aot oelaysorva
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ma changes,ehe canclaons if they not gog to be a tofly, but a lot of p get he surphis morng ings j to worst.savannah>> is t youmuch. you can home it'setteto >> alas been byll m telling ushat we cexpect. >>er s, talkedbout thndeegm start t crop upnnd aro the metropol atlanrea and back tough mem and nashe a charlotte a 're g to continue toee thesowerutagesossibl om bosnll way out to memp oththin will a g facto inthis the damecale look a theds as m ars o i morrow to60-milper-hour w gusts, dow t a mate damage.coastal flo bigproble cotaatndrnings.
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7:n o cynd u in n rkit7:31. there's another high te o saturday evening and that uen into sunday ing, but thatne won't be quite so durin theay todayng 95nd t avy rn aw wl mes way u theoa a 50 to -milper-hourindus a blrd condiononhto tomoownd onto early sunday morng. it'soi to a mess makeurou checkhe wth
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you'll get your i, jinching jinchis and tt'sour latest weat >> al,hankyo amandanoxs finding herse inhe stlht as the man coicdfur h omteedith kercrs king outrom bend rs nbc'selly ciella h t sty for. lly, good moing. >> reporr: good morning, savann. incred tha we'alking abouthis store again. aman kno and h forr boyfend rafaelele sollecit ng o andths yet anothe surpre twist. thnlyerson tbe convict in merh her' murde is speang out andhate explai happened that night is grsome graicnd pnts finr again amanda kn. was a mur ce watched by
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beautifulcced ong her ommaterish sdent medith kercher i 2007 she and her boyfriend fro cleared last ye, case closed. no in an inrview fmriso rudy gde sayserith iitedhimver a h w in th baroomn e hous h share thnohen eoorbell ng iea the start o a gunt, iad sa. i clearecnid anda voic he'ssk youe surt was he voice. 1%, h ys. t nenon o solleco. inde inside gui s hsa a istitiat andhe man said l's go the' seo ithho he says he found medith blding b ave in her rm d tried to hel
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sh mad a s and i tried to wr ithe wal in her bad bee i was trying t hel her. reth was fully csednd the doorpeheean but poce founder bodyal nake the brahrdend the door locked. amanda sks wldtomment on thteiew. when she spo to matt i01 e sai the edence pnted to him. >> ers no trace of men the om where m fendas murded ere's traces all over the place of thean who auay di th. dy rudy gudidyasarsted. he sd heanecause he was afraid andnsists he's interviewed. tervw will n change anything lally fornoxnd sollecito and aer they were cleared hsked the courtso
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th are n kely, the case, notelyo te itp a he'sow serve aboff 16-yr sentence and could be out b 20, aou say e cnc ofsalki aut s tn betenow a then i prett go. evereems to go ay kellycobiella, tnk yo muchcoming up next,read and mk whereo und,un on ns wh? hoeoe ppa isasto. >> , y,hat y'reyoi on it comesah, th lky boy... he has no ideahat's coming. my taste - so huge, t unexpte m like boxer in a ring. a small boxer. yodot pe mh... and then, am! i hit m a whole lotta crmy goodns! leright! . . leaving stbuds... deliciously zzy! okhis ngue is knked t! ! m sts t rin ing , gifriend! ricreamy, 10 naturaee.
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get a tter n get a better networkor a bettrithneritelunetw lirs ftewnad seds thiz, at a t-mole baonata om wld's re arity o peent asurement. ndy pular dend, we're stilcuttingpresha. swcho rint and sav50% on most veron, &t or t-mobi res. wh about viz? 50% f. at t? 50ofen-mobil 50 d wel enov y cos stc upo 50 perine. this is a limited time off. sourry in and switch today. te. test test test testof mcf\ cfees brea smoothend. th's n ttrg, t r mmy's noa napkinon.
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(music)woman: i'll never remember all the projects, presentations, test. test. test test test test. test. st. test. testle. ts is my ghsong take back mlig us) thisinter, u ve theowero al because ururase of vaseline intensive care lotion, suor the vaselin healing projec join us to helmillio in crisis
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before earni enough cash bk fromank meri to help pay for her kids' ice time. before earning 1% cash bac everywre, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before she got 3% back on gas, all th no hoopsto jp roug katie used her bankamericard ca rardsret ca to sy warm a tsty durithatetn. 'shefo cctapplonne oat nkf amica ar. we're back. thonster stoeginningo hit tt cot. e nati'sapital braci for be i bst izzarha h peopleacing to the store and ripping shelves banbc's miguellmague
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ce agai heguysd mornin orter:w tt's he but you can call this the ca bor the ore, t naal mall in th tidalasin asuiet it ts. the cit is getting s t shut wn. they are gettingeady b the estion isre theyprared >> this coue t toptorm our histy. it'sn k divided a this morni eas rtainl feels lik a tal of o cities. there is both preparation a c here. >> don't stake thetorm for grted. this is 36 hoursf a major st >> 2,000 people wting in th press line. >> n sn aine this . >> reporte as the monster storm close inome 88 mil pe 16tates in pa >> when we get you , we shut down reporter: washingto d.c. ady cripple b just a gw we geetmofici areromisi to
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hardware and grocery store el g empty. >> a weeal ver aun on this. this. >> reporter: tovernor suing a rning, sckle food while n. not st to l thekend but last u to an ent week. orter: w milk mng fr manyres, she once llf bre a be a can you find loave for sale on facebook for 0. social media dumenting the drama.getting real i oer. decisions,isio. >>rus and salad and cheese anwine >> reporter: liquor stores running dry, so i trar joe's. >>re going t stay ope until weger can. >>orter: wkend eout whould rivalnowmdon 10 mayacrsf blinding a pages. i haveow to use a
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baby jud worrying about heat heat goi out. ro c are onoverdrivend overtime. just be patient ande us a chce out ther >> reporter: and this onis inir i't taking a chances saying cath can skip sunday mess.better stay home t be sa an theral gent here will shutn no. scs are a clo for th d in s,3 f have ady bee led. is i sinesshe t ng t verysesly. guys,k foru. ks l washing is ady. >>hanks smuch. >> have u eveone to e storckpiledper orm. >> and n to eent that i'm sing inome o tse pict. >> stores have been cked. what theenal sn milk d, b ne.
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i'll t those in >> coming up. is theengageme back senar. >>yeah. >>t appears to be big news fromilyrus aeiamswort >> a cominp , iss a first look athe app car? carson has thistoryrom th soup and sandwich andsomewhere to go, and clean d re and nowhere to be, and warmth and lookg good, and sandwich and soup an inside jokes, and dan bk! goodcln fo pairs wl with anything. the ean irings menu. 500 caloes or less. at pana. fo as it should be. rning limid cash back on purchase that'sin. but agine earning it tce. you n wi the citi double cash card. it lets yoearn cash ck twic once when you buy and again as you pay. it's cash ba en ch ba again.
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e citi dble cash card. the only carthat lets you earnsh back twice onverypuhase with 1% when you buy and% you pay. with t ws to earn, itak aotf he neid. my opipa medicationis swi my sis to cwl. llnsf pele eimated suffer from opio-induced constipatn, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chroc in. oic differe te of conspation. ioidblk pa sls, buthey can also block actity theow. i'real sugglin to find relief.. ready to paint different pictur
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talk tyour doctor out oi d prescription tatnt options. can do that! when when cigarte cravings hit, all can think about getting relief. only nicorte mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts relievesudden cravings fast. i never kn wi'll ne relief. that's why i only choose nicotte mi. weet it.the crunchy bar was tohard. the nature vlecrunchbar.ill crchnoeasier to bitentwe oeren ertyatnt. what made eiint?atai ons 4 moisri c. thy
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trent anin "beth" by kiss beth, i hear you calling... but i can't come home right now. a a t boys are playing... ... l night text beth,hat can do... [siri:] messag pick up milk. oh, right.k. intrucinthe wly redesigned passat. fr volkswagen. > t's56 cson onc again onheeadingdge of th xt big thing. at going on? >> we, this is goi to tak mayb a le igina but it'sll citing. ape has not oiall confirm thars in th works but rumo haveenroundor a long timhathey have alan toctually make e. it's been referred to on the inside asnn secret. atneompany couldn't wait to see what that might look le
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again, apple had nothing to do with ts but in the deo stood stirred up a lot of excitement saying it integrates with your thech and the wrap aroundasoard onhe carshows you traffic preio andu answer youne lls, a a and t these arhe rumore. re sayins c titan.s rumoro over neers worn ap got dains cure cars apple. andld be comg. coorage f a mer 9500 betr sta savg 10-yold. if this is tan if it is inteith thepp wch nd i coulde out thechdhoo fantasies of becoming right here. >> does the car to you?>> i hope of tse 000
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give extraget exa. adures from $599, plus up to $300 to spend at sea. come sk ribbean. offer ends february 15th. ,, if you have morate to severe rheumaid arthritis like me. and u're tal to a rheumagist abbiolog, ths humi is is mira lping elieve mypain protey joinfromther dage. is is ra helping reach more. doctors have been cribing hura forore th 1s. humiks many ults
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source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira c lowour ilityto fht infections, including berculis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and ccers, includg lymphoma, have hapned, as have blood, ver and nes system problem seriouallergiceactions, and neor worseni heart ilure. before treatment, getested for tb. ll your ctor if yoeen to areas where certain infectiore common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symoms or sores. don't starhumira if u have ainfection. talk tyour doctor and vit thishumira at work. jane didn'liketricti no l annot wht cameo wahing h calors. se oe? janeug at'whjaneesligh& fik nonf yogurt.rsti witrichcrmywesoness an12msf prei l r calie no settling he.
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th you couldin a fitbit flex fm lit & t. learn re on ially marked p. ght & fe f oy. i'm ira cronin with this today show update. mau tyearsreorki on chaing the city's parksopen space and trls master pl. last nig wasizens last opportunittohare their coents beforpls ve forward. nitou lu highly it pks en spaces and ai, they are ry possessivofhem,hey value them greatly we ha never haanssue getting t ope space trails parks txtende draft he updated maste
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and listenp broncos fans... your looking r good news ahead of sunday's a-f-c ampionsh game against ne england... while vegas has the broncos as 3 poinunderds at home... bleacher report-- says denver s gone 5nd oh in the last games -- wn they're the "underdog" by 3 points or less. ck off is 1:05 sunday in thmile high . chief morning metet ephebowers jns us nowi a okt our local recast... stephen. today wi be mostly sunny, and the warming will happen quickly. at0 am, temperatures will be t lower 40s around corado springanmoment with 30 lding on around eb and la junta. tharnsas vley from pblo we to can city will likely wa aittle fastith s by am. nearly everyonwill be in the 40s by noon, inclungonument and woodland park. at pm, nearleverneill be in the ler a mid50s. highpotsill be in the 40s. expect 40s and 50s to holdn through about 4 pm.
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ou stag your chead me in dot b the idea. to january2n 2016. >> >> hello! ghtrip from indiana! celebrating my birthday on the "today" show! >> celebrating my 29th hd t me 40 to get to "tay"! goorning, everyby! it'sfrid january 22n 2016. what an adorle cro we have out here on our plaz th're n afraid of any snow! or wind orblizzard! or rain!
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look at that sign.i love . sn way blizzard can s us from bng her >> there you go. it's going to be a busy wkend for you, ,ndylan dyer i viinia. we'veot t winte stm, 88 ioneoplen the redzo acro the st. we're gng tet our forec in a nt. lan, wt's goi 's alr sno w you >> oh, savaah it started snowing ou 5:00 t rning. and n is like these big snowflakes, cotto balls basilly, fling from sky. and ty cumulate quickl we have 3.5nches o s on thund re. is i southwester viia, sto th soust anoke. als have seen t snow starting throu western north carolina. weave some aerialootagef thenown charlotte, nth caroli. th'r staing to get blanketewiayerfnow as the snow continues to fall. icing is goio ben ise rosshe easrnectionf
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are st on theeangdg of , oeheeanowstarts, is gng tti aroundor lg me. rough tuay,n ct so tt'se' msung is sto andhe fecas is measuring tstm,t as inermsf et. nowhis whaovino shingtd.c. he bigr citi. waington, d.c.baimore, new york,philadelphia u a sti hav a fore s t g o arepa ur -minute pns before th sto h usehis wha isng look like once the storm ache you. wee bical jus evything getng coated in ite. and when youethose heaer buts o sn, it will b whitut conditions. then once e winds kick i on top othaterps upo 6 miles ho,hat wl ruce vibilityvemo. th sin gces thi is hitting mnly over the ekd. hopeflyeoeil just stay homend stay safe. but al, we're in it right node' going t flo it ba t hdety.>>el stay se onhe roads, lan. ct wve g this young la what yr me? mybuan. >> youe supsed to be flyg out tomorrow morning? correct. >> wt did youet on yr
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>> tre is trouble with my flight. >> and you gs a trying t head back to d.c., rit? yeah. >>ou got a bnd yr bus has been nceld? >> yeah. >>here is a as. you just st on the reen. we've also gotever weather to e south as part of this storm. we'reatching that,s we. hover,hene go the snowfa, it is going tbe -- i me, huge. retcngrom the mississippi rivervaey, pelo, miisppi.to2. uisvleupo 7 inches charleon, wt virginia up to 18ncs of sn. and tn we move furtr tthe east, and boy, alleown, p., 10in. new york, 6o 12. illy 1 t . baltimore,8 to26. shond., d th aa to thewest,nyerero 18o 26 inches. uld aoot of snow, and ice cumulations, big problems we'r going to see p oages retching possibly al t way frentral virniaack into central georgia. an tell yo is ju gng getworsit goi to bene o the
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coinueo folw the rolng acvity let's get t ln o . eilleones hhat. or kor i hding a coegsten f a hosti act. he's atuntt th unirsy of north virginia. north koreaays henter underhe guise ofourind pltedo destroy it cesidou s er aect nletest. >> "whington po"eporr is on h way homeo th.s thismog. onof the americanseleased in a prisone swap betwe the it stas anir. anotr ofhose amic 32eaold amir hmati, lande ursd in flint,igan he s foundalf years in an inianso a at o poinaced a dea nten. he ss it'been lon road and hs hap tbehome > reblican donaltrumis outhisorniithe n ad tackg ted cruz. the ad use tcruz's own wor agt hi on the t of immigrion.
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spend2 min to run the ad iowa, newampshi andouth caro. meantime,onseativ magazine "natiolrevi has relead itsover opposgtrum caingim pical portunt. hillarclin andernie nders will campaigng today in new hampire. ursday in io clinton sought to boost her support from younge voters, appearing with demi lato and sppingp her attack on sanders. both will be back in iow this end. e ia causes aren day ay. > there was wild and wlly d to a polichase tay in new zed. ke a l ais. r 90 mis, policeere purs the drir o a stolen whousedo . thhaseally ended thanks toarmer and h huge flock of sheepssing the road. the drive and three other people wer arrested andre ably feeling a bit sheish out t whole thing. >> oh! >>ou'rewelcome. >> baa!
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materi. and it was a r awakeni thursdayn the oridas when a m w upo fin t guy. a hug eight-foot crocole just relaxing in s backyardpool. it hung out until wildfe officers showed up and then figured it was besto wander out of ther i'll tak a crocodile poo as opposed to this ecoast weather. about th >> ally? >> yes. i'll tak the snow. >> i'll tehe snow. >>ake crodile. how much tike snow >> nelle,nk you. mean wot a da this morning td am cl recent tp t washon, d.c. you' rember cynthia mcfadden was there a hashe good mornin ood morning, sa. certain couldn'tave imagined lekhe we washinith clo would he 24 hour en the ex pdent of th maldives lann london, the first hug was for we and
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>> the second, for hiser, amclooney. >> thank >> jus weekago,uman rights activist and wife of actodictor georgecloone downnd spoke exclusively with n about the fight. we were there as clooney co-counsel jerad genzer wt toshgtwaon >> we'reoi tor this. >> he was senrsonerrosm chars, aiction the u.n. c b. ooney told us the beatis heendure while inusdy mad his sonven more urgent. >> hually is losing ability to feel the left side of hibody.he needs urgent surgery. >> within d of o interview, thentert in the announced allow him travel to london to get that surger think wretep closer
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ers s grave problems in maldiv, ae have a lot to discuss. or now, the celebra the rease ohe man nickn "thedela ohe maes." >> t days o, ias in sota and i'm ableo be a fr now. presidesue after surgy. he goes back, he haso e o remainder of h 13 years prison. >> which raises hate >>well, tre's a lot of ten ld lik h t esseiay remain in d't want him to c a politic force. so i think the plan -- the lawyers are going toontinu to advocate for s against the maldives, to ntence.that he can go back and a ti fac but 45 ys. wel k about a legal fo amal clooney. wow.
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hia, tha. justead, ahe sang "hello it'me". anr internionaluperstar she just attered. an we ask the e-old tion. is it ev okay t eat in be tmb . and your handsdy rchap we'v got hom remedieprot your ski duringhe ofer.bufirst, tsas.te in in the worst of wh whene go to the store, i find my box of hon bunch ofat
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best cerin world rit e.if the lt 3 leers were22, that's me. fe [ female announcer ] take skinre to the next level with c multi correxion 5 in pren to drate drynes, illuminate dullness, lift saggi, iminish the ok of dark spo, d smooth the appearance of wrinkles high pformance skiare onlyrom ro . (airorn,rap ornimes, ithtion largt inndt y, st wiress rforncery. vezon n biwithneundredfifty three state wi. +t g ty-eit, spnt two d bi ger rin ie da, call sedand reliabily. +totext. onavagneor on wllur cosswch aryou powered by prote? milkas 8 grams t help givyou energy
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stt ery y with milk's prein and milk le. ,,i never really gave much thought to the acidity in y fos. never thought about thcoee i was drking having id itever dawned mthat cld hurt ur tee.he told me to uspronam. 'soi thect thenelyo t s tcoin to drinky ffee,d it a reasy switcho ke. ann in best fos is hvear atseur inedntco fro.. farms coitted respsiy sourced oi... blendewigrients like ce-free eggs. mmm.ean. realngredients.
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we'back. >> whoa, whoawhoa! >> anay. you kw wim it is. 's trending time. 've been talking abouthe whats somethaot ople do when it'cold outs guys? >>ink.>>l, th ye an eat,chk. if it'cold,ometimouo and tn o you car early d w >>right. >> tur outhat ishe worst thg yan . >> ally? yeah. fol atusinessnsider into ey say warmiour car is t aoodidea. ling the e could actua dry the interioe ca g pis a cylinder evody. what is best w toarm yourr?
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my car homatic sta on -- thought that' what it was for. et it goin t warm it up. tht y warmt up it would be de heater. tha last wk kids. u'tuthe a eezer box. >> tht it was good for tcar. >> bad for tgine. noeour story. >> yes. >> okay. is it er okay t eat >> yes. >> ah, sure>> a conveentk. others heeeling of n . this topic becau a chef weighed in o ts dete. of there's a te.during apeaking eventn australia. by the side o m because myoms on thesame floor as the kitche soy t side of my bed, iav learned to keep little ll iments. [ laer ] >> notfunny.
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d the ridicous thing is, i am v- of my gre luxuries i tt i l very exnsive andorgeoused line nen. and then i ruin ity dumping rsels all over >> iasn't think about -- sh talking about cond. pa cookie crumbs. cokers >> potato chips. but a whole me >> maybe a pizza. that would be it. >> a pi i could pizz i've donpia. did this last nigh cahi u"homelan" he finale,crackers, chseight there. >> remember the snack tray? >> yeah. >> of which isays grea xt to tray. >>t is true, aot ofouse dolike - youpous dot li . my ouse. >> me h the roomba in the
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so askou on twr, iit oy tat d. d no notokay interestin >> not okay appy botd by a w crumb in the sheets. what do yothink,sheie? >> i t it's ok theth day those healthy snacks. i'm obsesith u're suppodo have one. i have they'reht the bedfour lorie packs. the poi, ty're right by my bed so i just keptgoin >> so maybe that's a reaso not to keept yr bed. thank you, ker. >>d for tht. >> i what did ther 'st goiral o e socl new webtereddit, om a wif swing h husbansnabilityo finish a second glassf wine after a toughay atrk fuy, gh he's whasfunny. it doe'tappenustnce or twice teetimes. happens a tti. e pte aolge of 30
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fain aeep halfynt glass numbo. >>idheinish the wine >> iould hav t lonst stw. >> cute. >> listen, you work a long shift, lg y. e gss o w- right by the be >>ac right snts a ioschoolt to distract theival tea they sta aock by delivy the stands. wow. >> bablive ye at's malede prending giv h. d heake tshot th bab boy comes ou thet alsoomes t. isacy.>>he vide by thwa - post -- >> theaby w bn alth 6'1" with nikes. >> the baby -- theuy i l raddling >>nd it s ch >>fheideo w pted by
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two of music' leading ladies. cars h it al >> right to theelebrity engements. fit mariah carey thursy gh sd yes to jespatter. he ppe pd e qstn n york ma tol evebodyow she and jamest. >> fet in pen, onical. aplerso. wer at eercus premand wwerekingndgh andplreett usndtuikat. d s w it off.>> noture why tt wasiron. miss t oerpa. >> is ok >> thiilbe t third marriage f both mariah and james. congratulations to both of them. go wishe alsooingut to y cyrud liammsworth. theyck on. reported "people" magazine initiopped in 2012 the pair up fng ar. now thear ready tory again. good luc to them.
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for adel sorry. is ithe fassteg 1 billion ewon youtube. itoo ade jt0 daysg.azg. >>avyou ever ted to dohe horsey danceo "hello?" it's really working.remember? >> that's yropstar, guys. >> thank u. erybody. al, how abo a check of the weather? >> let'show what's happeng ac the rest of the country. are lookit theeve o strongstorms, down thugh central florida and uthern florida. look foret weath for the pacifi northwest into ctral california with some windy condns. hine fro the cenal plains down into texas with more moderate eratures.
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thcoun,, and and that's your latest weatr. sannah >> a rig, al. thks. this sto isoing to ve a ct o milonsusut we'holing and playing in t ow. itill ao th itchy sk and ced lips at a l us get during the harsh winter mons. a lotf us get. debr ttenburg iere.good >> good moooks likngegment we about to do her yre homedie gd as pod to to the drug or e easy this weekend with the big snow stm you probably have all the ingredients at home and can take care ofsk >> let's tal dryhands.
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tr bomething ttle bitfve oil a tiny bit oo yourds d en wra you hanh a li b ofaran wrap, threate am ronment byting on glove. that wl make a he fferen ak you handsn warm wer and tn apply all that and it wo incyl t get rid of the ynesckedicles and on. >> let's go on t lips have cracked during the wipter. >> lips dry out because peon'tave enough oil them liche ls and can'tid o them. you tak littl nut oilixt i with litt ofugar and t you create a little t of a an tn youse scrub to apply wch we' not going to do onour you can exfoliate the dryd skin on
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an and will feel less dehy >> h doeshisne rk >> conut oil i greator d y, and d hur this f year becau processi. too manylowdr whing too and all the c a t o sff so co o i one of fari ke little cocut oil and p it dtly intour oe ally nice coitione i'm- >> am i putting itike on the scalp or . a it toth, t yoan t slast wra d putver y head and a tow and ce warm environmt and you have little -- >> a salon. >> andf ts n enough f your hr dry brittle is crackednd peeling and youndre litting, you can create a hair
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a bit ofavocado. >> this would mak et. avocado and egg wese from here and all a this. youashnt ir ahi all over the top ofou head and leavt on for 15 tes. a is high i an-oxidant oga 3 fat acidnd wil hydtehe ai ma it she, washt f. don't dip a ttill c i it. >>eed to wash i owice to get the mess but yrair ll looko ch betr d thker. >> l gk mol>>e aaucale t thi an mh all othis up. e egg keeps the avocado togeth soticke sily t hai andse on th slp so it hydrate th s all. didhelp and now 're movito the i he body g reall dried out bause of the elents thedry at, exces sho so yout
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an in ordeoo that y need to foate tnetdeadkin o befe y ur murizerneree can creeecrub t ry . evodas had lite n ga and somocon o and youake t cocut ond you mix iit se bro ga canouse conut oil anhere? >> anay. >>nyple. ef thew hottestooki ingries because isne of th healthy fsou cane. you mh this u and cate a rubnd bri intthe bath or shower andak a fi-minute band bath andexfoat allheeadsk and u the strait ski isze iszer.>>nd whas is. >> you getittle patesf ecze oratches ofrykin notoing awa yant to impre tm.
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crteite bf a sootng pkyg a lite tf s tton >>onnd ove oilogether and the yan to t a litt bit o omeal hand mix ititomearm wer and crtenmes a le bit mixed uan >> and thenuttight onhe yspot. >> let it sit good thuday good thursday morning... we're coming up on theotm of ur.. i'm ira cronin with this today show update... marijuana laws -- colorado spngs are on the agenda th morning as the city councis "marijuana task force" will hold its second mting. toy the group will lk about medicamajuana dispensaes, advertising, hours of operation and tdoor ows. they'll also he their quesons answered aut medical
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toy'meetinis open to the public it starts at ten this moing on the 2nfloor of city hall. some lawkers today will hear abt a differensituation that played out at a coloraodig school. members the "interim coittee on school saty a youth inrisis" will prested with the sdyhat looked intthe deadly 2013 shooting at arapahoe high school. that report-- highly critical of dictinistrors. chief morning meteorologist -- stephen bowers joins us now with a look at our local forest... stephen... today will be most sunny, and thwarminwill hapn quickly. at 10 , mperatures wl be inhe lower 40s around colorado springs anmonume with 30s holding onrod pueblo and la jun. the arkansas valley from pueblo west to caon tyill likely warm little faster th 40s 10 am. nearly everyone will be in the 40s by noon, inclung mument and woodla park.
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get rdy just about n because there's going to be storms ving up the easast and w think we're goi toet lot of sn. we'roing to get thether forecast int amoment. >> these sfl alsoe sense just mome >> cg ups half . ping up a wk of "today" food sw cooker recipes with a perfect dishor thenowy weeken on the way. w about a little chili. >> and we'll walk youloom sof of t big ces cing to e s. exam a toet y ready e got aittle ttor you here. to day'switter pag wh this practe quon. taylor is 6 fee ta. if 1 foot equals appmately threeet w of the foowing is close to taorheign meters, 1.8,1, 18 or 20. 20. >> is it e all. above? >> thenswer is always"c"f in doubt.
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we'll check inith tm j ahead. >> and first with 88 million of us expecting to seenow over thext couple days l can g wrong dsh-- >> here to theescue to show us how to do thingsi right way. always good toee y. >> you sayef w s ovel'set somt o theou >>ctuall y wano use a plant and p friendly ice melt and iyouut i dn before the sw meltsou'll make a hugeiffence ineali with allhe snow once i gets downand ttill make it a lot easier >>pre-ea >>ouon't nee tus lot. e a little hand shovel. >> >> what aut handhovels. >> that' not thene you wan to use. >> mbe in florida or i you
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heise y d'tant that. yo d'tantightplti antthgha don' hav aetgeke se ihaal ge.i'm in favor of thrgonomic ones. if you want a strghthaft e le you have, willie>> needso be s w gd ge s you c get the snow a t ut of ere. >> yno wt sve like, thnet somod else uses, the best shovel gog. >> al's looks nice, like an oichs or defensive lineman you won't b ae toush . >>nd peoeav to be ceful with shoveling, too, becse it puts a lotf strainn th heart, on tback. is thatht wking up. you wano stay cfortable. pu as much? you ca push it, don't throw t.pivo a move the snow. twisngo and then you throw ur back. you're minthe sw a g agoodrkout. shovel hou go.
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feet. >> some people wlet a shovelandtart gngnd everydy i like'm n gng back out thentil it sps snowing. you'll be out there allda re and sted t out there as youet t to three ihert ofrlg. a lot eie to move alittle bf swha a lot of ow. >> and carson is yelling out the kid out t winw, you md a spot uy a sw ower >> al's torecas show what we'otoing on rand snonsts. out weseavy r ghe pac w cnd teri sectis as we. sn moves out oetheast andorenowovin n plas andkind pnty of sunsneetgm e grealake allhe dow t th gfoast and into th eas
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time and wer it' you oset oroys o era vases in ur kchen here'st to do esally if you have a sno orm. take one garbage b and o hour andhrough the cset anditen andr toys a pu everything that your ks aven't uin a year and th will get thess going because ieel likeansing anyt is sovein tha you ho start somewhere so aou can you because so many kids need that >> highly recommend your kids areasep s ty t seethat. e heris one is for how didouhe chien tenders thatloved? itas ohow the other >> i'm osed w these chicke teers, andt's a way to feel like you eating fri chicn but it'sotally hethified, so mple. all he you to do is take icken tend dunk them whd eggoat themh whole grareadumt you canson up. i p a ll bui of paan,
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pu tmn oven or 450for just 15 mites. that's it, they ar cspy delici i' tweet t recipe right ter this. >> and i'll say you ribs recipe sirk andade the other night, using pork tenderloin that'sery lean. >> marinet right i yr favorite bcue sauc so glad you d that. >> i'm sure with theultuous market f what are you seeing online? >> student loan questions, pele who want to refi the student loans phem off very qui a we now have an opportunity to pay ourudent loans in much faste way by lering theest rate, s to a website called gnon you'll search for lowest interest tes possible and even if you ha federalns that you wer notble to refinancethe pastou now hav opportunity too is now gooti >> wnk interest rates will pughh tharkets a
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>> but,yes, absolutely. >>well, there you go lo weearn qte a bit. jean, joy, ll,hanks so ch. th three js wl be sticking ou anuestionseephem cing and ty will the answers rit to you. of coue, can you ho day's febookage and plee ask away. comingp ne will they lead lesstress ande success. the major changesing to thes.a.t. and thatnforma
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"today" on n.>> > we're back now at 1:40 with the test that almostvery high school eads t. am mar theolle boaill be ilemeing prey big changes to that test incding a w structure and rev in syst. our fends sen vic presidtf th princeton revi,"cracking ta." anks for beingre. >>oo to be back, wiie. theueefe bak
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oxy .1rs. whh oe fng i es ta hgh i mers 1.2, 1 20he anplse1.enswer "nds tt enteigthere. whoot it right.57% of you got it rig. well, that's pretty good. oo. >> n we talarli this we abo colge admons ardsemizinhe tes a liit you kids shouldtille the s.a. >> 4,00olleill t the a.t. or en 5i678 t. but for the 100 test optl ol they willtill nsiderin theor scholarshipollars fortunts coming >> broad speing wh are the biggest changes? >> mg fm a,400oint cumulative sre to a 1,600 pot. which is wt u to be? >>ut t test is very dierent. rit now there' a compulsy say requiment for the a.t.
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theew test a that's the send change. >>ros a cons o thieves chans. artig here. there's no penal for wro aner thaeels . >> aug coudents wn we think aut t curnt s.a.t., a quarter pnt off for every corre aner. ne test n point oor incorrect answerso no gssing penalty. >> as wonwalk. onour options for multiple ceers, that'sne >> rht now ere's five answe choices a we're gng four, no gss penaltieso it's always goodor sdes to guess. >> vocabulary wordsore mmonplace, what w mean here. >> less obscure volkbury.onethe hard engs isyearn 500 vocabuly wos. the vocabuly will ithe ingsection. >> having flasks.
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so of ekonz,hings m n be like caulat ulateors not pmitted >>nln on >> exused tbe a tose it anythe mat sections but now onle. he othern. theections havete lo >> ue >> fewer sectionsnd lger ctions a tay i talk about students youav to be an pian when it comes toimg and testing and know what the st structure will be and abou tha timing. >> a little practicebeforehand ab doesn't >> questions d itie steps ohe new >> i can't emphasizehis one enou. estionre goi to be diffict for sdesetoth er gyundho things and i thihathere'says udts c reall imp r scores but this isd on forstudents. >>eids and parents a takeaway. choosehe test that's best yo >> nott one test. th s.a.t. ora.c.t. permise to a school. someame one or both >> it can b expensive t get a tuitor. w else can you aroprteor those things? a bo, online, ove some
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pehed ave a western pennsylvania water fall falng water seems to blend io th woodarnd its if iwas ways meant tbee.>> theou at falling water grows from th ground almost likere gws f a ound tom built in the lat 0s b fnk lloyd wrights a weekend retrt b cmissiod by edgar and lan kaman, ownersf a famou pittsburgh depame or they h bnomg to this sp forearsthe sanctry in the country. e kauans expecteheouse to be built with a view of th terfall not o top uicklyealized the beaut of living abovehis falling wa is there had a comreaction when people see it for the firstme >> yeah, w. eporte oow something wright was known for, allowe for easy entertainin which they d often.ngng with an eclectic crowd
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fuituruch of it built in was als buiywrht. >> the smooth surfaces of e core and warmth a olness. >> reporr: seaml winws maximize the conction to th outdoo angh expanverrac. inhe linoom the hch noal csed t visitors open t rea direc acces to the seam low. >>hese sectionush back which are conceed und the anter. >> rorter: did falng wate chahings fornk ll ight c ae in caree whery ltle wo he 67 ar oldnd tashi statement of i'm still man a a fire. >>eporter: thanks to the ufman fily more than 4.5 million visitor have walked the grounds of e mt prved wriome in e united ates. theyentrustedling w and several hundred acres ofand to the wepesyia
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only one of ht'som open theublic wh i origina fuhi arorknd setting tact. whato you tnk it is tt kes pe coming here? itas had timeless quali abt , a tnk as long as it'sed f and prented the way eaufm understood it, it shoul continu to spe to geons any co in that ininalling water is a year roun b. the stone floor wit waxed and striedearly and t carers foc on ther theihat comerom the 160, ttomey t the numbe visi.tos rume mar b it's notust peopleike thatt gohere. ad pitt i a huge history buf so for a few years aelina jolie said i donnow wha to get him. >>ought him hous >> organiz a two-horivate to a had a le party inside i ling room and invited all the staff apparently d he was b
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>> keep in ireat shape. >> the wom who wepoke to who is the director andator and stard out there as a gui in her teens. sheas so ie. >> loo so ntempora fresh today. nd thers a dishwr in there thattill works from th s, wow? >> what's his name? >> hisams al >> a, thank youmu all right. mi ne slow cook o makingheest
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> all allright. it 8:52. this morning ooday fwe're nish upw cr wk in styleith afull-fvor tuey chili ripe a our stin pel is assbled alo with look w is here aegedly wh w hp host theex . you' got celebrityte dow ther s ck so rtunate.>>vebody feels strongly about the o c reci. fo y what sshis apartnd whys this spial? >> bngortugue iss ths cho whi wille a uquky f to sh, alsong a littleit of ika ika b
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>> sta by takin chorizo w great little smoked sausage you cutt in small pieces so it has a consistent sips a me. do hav a trickoricin it >> iortaotaut with evenies and here we he the orizo. we hav aiteit of ppe aneprs andnionand cery a a leit of rl. auing o o butter what? >> usi oi >> you can use butteralso. ves very good fat.we'lldd chorizo tt's bn d upnd stir it aroun aget iice d ty th czo has b coo and smoklr but y w to brit gethelavors of itnddeglazing a pan i nortrn so we'll m on to this si. >> howong am i cng thi
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>>ete ric colnd youget arosicng n.tomato paste, littl bit o tomato elen f acidi and we emoked rk the ground turkey,llight -- >> and can we get amid-dish veict from ourooking crew down there. >> unlile. that' g si hateans w le it. deazeit whiteine a bringp thelavors of the bottom oe pa >> putting it i so you can rape upllhe bi caus the foundationo com p andes flavor di sema,oue springs and cumin and sked papr >> t se, didn't even it. no youto l i cand se aou wano be ableo re itat once'ree th a of thhisse a brp we'o rnt hereah t dow fo me a i'llol it here. ian and i will.
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putting it io our slow cooker. howro sul the gun tu b nnd gnbrut weor t so throws in >> we' s the finisheproduc >>g am iutting i ew >> we'll cook it in here for four hours hon and mature flavors and bld up a flavor profile. here we have e finished productndou have a beaiful rosema sprig on wch fused thelavohe fattes cge a til.we'lake aui bomb. >> eat it lik at, eat i wit ce andouo he anoer ea >> i leutti i on brkft ite so take chili th sun sidgg andreci a a ltl bit of h sa g areat breakfast the next morning. >> didou thadownai wi theegg?>>on'tav th >>ll, let m tlou itkslous can i reach ove andus try it
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>> i'men tempto take a peek at slow coer, want to e how everything is g. ishat bad and everything esca a mess it? >>there's nothing to look at. cooking sl takingts time.>> justhill ouother rds. >>ou look at it losing a bit o steam. >> chili i delicious. brkfast is great, ys. thaou so much. cing up al will sre his go-t slow cooker rece a find all of i'm ira cronin i'm ira croninith this tay showpdat
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on changing the city's parks, en space and ails masr plan. last nig was citizens st opportunity to share their comments beforanmove forward. nitou values highly it's parks open spaces and trails, they are veosive them, they value them greatly we have never had an issting the open space trls parks tax eended. a draft of the updat maste plan will be psented at an open house set for ail 14th. and listen up broncos fans.. if youlooking for goodews ead of sunday's a-c championship game agait ne engld... while vegas has the broncos as 3 point underdogs at hom bleach rept-says denve has 5 and oh in tir last 5 games -- when they're the "udo bpoints or less. kick off is 1:05 sunday in the mile hcity. chief morninmeist ephen bowers joins unow with
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today will be mostly sunny, and the warming willpen quickly. at0 , temperatures will in tower 40s around co springs and monument with 30s ho arod pueblo and la junt arkansas valle pueblo west to can city will likely warm a little faster with 40s by 10 am.nearly everyonwill b the 40s by noo inclung mument and woodland park. 2 p nearly everyo will be the low and mide 50s. high spots wl be in the 40s. expect 4 and 50s to hold on througabout 4 pm. then we ll cool thugh the
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d tamronall le fromtudio i rockefeller plaza. >> wel to "today" on a ay mornin jan 22nd, 16. drees as wewayhe sno in nework ci one ofhese thingssot likehe other jteard and joined by the talented damealledly. th is the"sesestet"one thethin." >>he ts my dream scioaseruey. th gir aregone it'sus me andy bo,illi al nef these thing is not ke t he did y gsshich tng i notike the other >>t'sme.
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i didn'know. ande' . >>ane isback. >>ou always comeith bit.u ry workar with a bi aom work and s don' >> sometim it' rol skas et." >>idn'twld b o e 9ught just iited for kfast. hili breaast.the crizo was . >> the lte h that i was pum th rrator from aongnigh >> h busyrenow? i'm bu yeahdi sy. youeotimschm". o >>fficia an ail 15th ontflioo as y gour taxes ifyou can get se horit kiy. >> we allame toisnd got behi t sces. >> it s s n.
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cut. >> y'llaveo h. goticked upor third season befehey even s t cond ason. >> s happy and thrilledo th news.'s just the gigig ever hope i gn -- i h i a b te they . >> kimmy, g mowha >>nd you'lle ungthat. for some reason accenillange >> andane i backn broad currently in reheaal "sheovme begning feuaryth attudio54.ti us about thesn. >>oxced about it. in reheaeallow and wre havi the bes so fu i fortowunnd create hearsals ar i fgo what it's like tbe an acess now i'mremeerin and-nds -t'
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mu direcdy gat t ellis and m a lot for meo be a par of itnd t t 50th aer hope y'llend i'll fgsoittle dae. >> she do it all. >> ou ho a intermisecseoue to get uparlyheext day.>> we'lle nap thatda >> my big number's-ins that, too. we'll bethere.>> thankfully not ong today because it' a mess unddownhecoas >>he s of 2016 here thas ri >>'s ge r w.dy drysn bl le. we w s dylan we'ee at s on e' o ouidein endshield is ising.'sville,ia. thail 16 ss in accordg toli a 2,700 ig cancetoday. il ieronal ai
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lanayowagton ke aook a 's cal a dyletsdy t t e. you see thetehous snow has notrtedre yet t they areting twot let' sout we're look at as f as our mulaons. now ady i've just talked to nashville.y hut . they hav picked up snowthe know endmemps. icked about 2 t 5 inches of ow. shlleef this isover y'r going t s 4 to ines ofsnow ngton,ke 8 t i of , you moveo the ea just getseavier b of thcoastaleffect. all righ whington and ltimore. talking about a ton of ow to etf shington w ft and gener 86 inches owfallalling aate o 2 to ier hour aity of brotherl loventr rsey, s n jersey2 18 ihes o sno with win
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neyork tyoung tseenowtag arod:0 a.m. surdayith w gus abt ileser ur. 6o 1 is o ow ice is gngbe a hugeactor he, ys we'r tng iceulations of u to an inc inndro e which mother sere already seeing power tas startto cck up. that's goingo be abiig stwinds, b oble. coastal beach erosion. flooding will be a mess with wind getting up 2070-me-r- es,sustained winds of over to0 miles per hour.blizzard conditions. over text coue of days. yone spping t hor and getveryg i tha you ne o, at's-mean,s las, y is kf 24gh it ope /7ike the slves ha wle foo aemy. peop atockin u li the first dayft wi's2 drees aeoe e
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it slloldut ty ve ei shorts t.>> peoe wer gng n erday an old lad actually aed me of causing thnd sheaid w areou arin usnd mak buy this fo? at am the puer? i think aigh compme i shes you rol teath >> we'llle over t weekend hot ocate. it's going t grt. we'l s top that well. i'veyou,.ho aut this >> thehost sto wit ho. on i dn'nowt yo weredoin tsday mneso c spotteaar swein a or th roadn minnpos, . paul whe t c pullsth c all the road listen for thexplanati explanion that theriver gave fo tha swein dangerous. >> whatre w looki at over
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>>hy are you doing that? don't. >> whatreou reang? a james patterson book. >> you can'teng that is coect right? >> ah. are yoing to driith that thing down? >> i tng so don't want gett hurt. you would definitely fee rrle if thathappened. >> jt so mof fact. >> i wreadg. ames pasonbook, is thatadded? that galn t rea while dring. >> wt'sause it' esota it kinf rges ykn, that' rlly not soeat. >> ryovha bo. w d'tounock ttf.e alex crs, t, t, ah,ay n wle drg. al, a-yeaold chged withlure toriitue care leteg,erribl scourget' j ridiculo. >>ut ithe j
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rdy to take ltl quiz.'lllak tsqu.izn youtube mehe rnds toetect howuc common sse u ve. ka goodyeeryby. good-bye. >> re's the first one. aanent outde ithe urin rain and norotection d not a hair on h heagot wet, howome. han have an umbr is he under an ning. >>e hadoprotecon i going t saye's ld. >> oh, al ror. >> he's ba. i ve a -- okay. next one. john's father hiveons d alan, blan, clan adl what didel hisifth n. >> el. >> v od. >> verygood, and p it .
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>> hn father.>> goay. taxi dver goingown - >> ion't like thi game. >> o way strt t wrong way. he passes cops why does he not get aesd. >> wait, c y repeat the queson >> ss >> a tirir is gng down a one-waytrt the wro y. heass 12 cops. why does heot get arrested. why do yo think? >> he's walking. >> wha is it >> it's a oneay and can only - he's walng. >> he'sking onot. >> ah >> i get that. >> arit. >> okay >> what diry in the middlef austlia. >> oh, lord. >>e're reay stillying dectly in e middl of australia. >> ant reough o time. >> r.
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t pr. >> here w . >>ow come the pire couldn't ge into the mieheat? >>t was ratedr. >> a cbo re tnnn on friday. he syed two nightsnd lt on iday ho can this be? pa. >> because t nam ofis hor was fray. >> thankod for you got two of em. ou d great. have aot of comn sen >> ible. >> iasn' en clo on any of thos
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on your o >> that' >>t's you lt wette >> aeemin y c list to tus always on siriu channel08 and finoda ery mondaynd wedne at 2:, and treill be me riddles and brain teasers coming up late up next the "blacklist's" meganoone the citible cash comes inndy with cck twice onurchases. earn owhen you buy, d again you p that cash ck n, d ca back ain ter. it'sash ck d vu. the ti dble cd. the ly card that letyou ea casbackwice on every purcse
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with two ways to earn, it mes aot of other card em one sid. i get t of wk ani go te e, and some's,ellin'und, "mell cookies." i saoh no, you smell me. i just got of work at's honey bunches " say "don't eat me now." are you tired of hazardous glass made so clear bysfx: s snd that you don't even know it's there? sfx:lide show smudge it! the smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. sfx: smudge sounds agast gla get it aayo to spot car wdex you saavoc u say ocad ol passays... zesty ken ocad taco our sta 'n stf tortils .ecord scratc you sstand n'tuff torti ol paso says.
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ding gumbleeding g u y thinit resu of brushi hard. 's not. it'sn of eay m e ich you calp rever by listeri our routineerp 9% o anlpreverse rlm diust two weeks. listerine so t listerine flo it's advd chgylae. as the who's always trappe beneath the duve i'm begging .. take gas-x. your tossing a turning isn't lessness , it's s. gas-x relieves pressure,bloating and discomfort in minutes !! so we can alsleep easier tonight. dare to rock nude. new the rock nudes pette from maybelline new rk. our 12-shadow collection. is edited foedge quietly quartz... to hea metal. maybelline's the rock nudes. rock ilike no other. ke it haen
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>> tnkyou. >> and doubl congratutions. shs gaged to h bie nesbroo tnkyou. >> hharaer liz keen i hang aig week. chk h the lt ght' episodef "the black list." >> we got back your mris and looksike you sustaed three br ribs and n other internaljuries. noth much we can do about the ribs. toughen it out. >> i broken a before. >> ie notic that. >>d news, the baby is ne. >> it is? the baby. >> right, yeah >> y really hav to be more careful now that you're pregnant. s'm m
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e. >>onatulio o yr by. ha y verch it' rl. is a girl,ye a i'm - due inpril. of rumshat ihreehsre mons pgn whiculbe ad so,ye, i'm auall sevonth pregnant. you don't loo sev mont. kanta. >> a yeady i don y andames a t who in >>veot ame >> do it he. bute have- wveot a jenny linib'ss r asve tt. g a cple of months >> s pce touthe by >>ow i fngmi begret or dave t do ythi? >> t st mods it f . ritersave beekind.
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fights in the show whei w at 0 rocknd myraerasedg to na.ut pce o be ten my a wre t wheeasond iad mon tw wksftereeron lmg a be d tihelue tape >> so tamer kwo fm abelue tape lin a eny w rn, it's tluapesre. >> had a littl bit o tha le befece wre thevd tt's prna. en te bece dn't want froiz isn eg tizs ally repregnant. >> didt ahappen >> so we tried t finagle th d ttle bit. >>'ve gone hse changes. what'shat been like f you? >> i thinkry sizsthrohntense changes and sona life,yeah. >> i have actuallhank "bckst." it's ge a hom famil
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that enco lot o rooin fe. andye. thereas bee -t'n lihangg exrien. th j and thihow a ming nrk. i wt n l. be vier hdeeti a n op and meeylod fice an fiance. >> soan tl uor athucma e' vualtist heren on. yeah, meanyouan toow? dou el us >> he tin a pty o seemr a he -- he had aam ste andal pudding. puing. >> i ethe pe ande's l i'll get back to isis
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ailor cipe. >> ioing tritehatdown >> we've g aittle sometng r yo we kno're a big fan of the chacter on the shows well so we've gote baby uggs for eet, set doubter. >> thesere the cutest things. >>an y b they make them ttsmall. >> i can't even belie it, ne i can't believe this. k you. >> we're so happy for u, mega >> ieel >>nk you s >> w hapor you >> onocts. >>anks,guys. aust areminder "bcklist" wedsdays a0 abc. >> wit need this.eaehow eveithost michl ian bla w weove as after tseessages.well, sir. after some seriousconsideration i'd like to put my 15-year tice. you'reuitting!? technically ri, sir. with aittle he fromy ste fant
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wow! you're totally blindsidingme who's gonna manage your accounts?ths vaing bli was noprepar for. well, i'm gonna finish packing my things. y wal sneak up on you. jennifer witdo yr terview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. ke charg your rerement. talk to a statfarmgent toda ifyihe gravy-deg... adventure-llecti... friendnect... ifying t goi-plas. f-tohe-res.daseizg. you. you'reong. anwe're to helpoutay thatay. new speciak uris multgrn fles th qno apples, ald raberrs. new eciak nourish. ordiny jar's sething we don't thinabout mu. except when we'vt chapd lips or a small cut.
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simple skin coitions can t into ser issues. so we created the vase healing project partnership wi direct relief helllions in need al their skin. hey n go bacto w or school. and that ordinary jar can ke extordinary difference. ever since darl'wi ard usinga fngs, thr launy el re amanghaev. (sff) hone n'that the d tel (dog noise) he mwel, stol. re scent us oxi boostnd febze it our besga er! believ,puth hr roa t every da l'orl'total repair 5 shampoo stfights 5igns dage. my hai feels strong! anlookt thhi 5 prlems1 solution. l'l to pairhampoo. that's the powerof beautiful hair.
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fa. enrg rdos oon pain relr foeipatits muscl bandointai the dineadl thei#1hoe. thg is stronger tgh inhaadl. re dsn getnyet an this. ad mom, dad. >>son. now at fedex hasstreamlined oue-commerce and lped us grow o busines i think it's time we start ting lika business. >>okay. here we ... oh, look at is... ok, so number one. no personal items are permitd in the workplace. those will need to come down. we'll be doingom mandatory testing. and there's al a strict no dating policy. >>uh, but hoy, we're married.
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>>impoible. >> i don't know. >> think abo tha thenswer is comg up. >> manyf youill be spending the weekendindoors and i have this thisrepe, lamb s and co co i want a great shape.whdoesn' so i bike. i t all of my greens. and i y noto fnt. th cadoil fihethshapstoupols eve y ans wecrings us'sllural, ear,tae-ee and vempte. it cnically pren to epe fuller lgeand lpke me healy side andut. nefir althshe.isn .fi bib hsh tlewheoplyi'm cky haveis hcolo i thank th. t then reallthpreferce. erens lumi,
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helineadnes, there arewing ncns about the mosquito-bne zika virus. pueahicls in e salvador are aising women to put off preanorhe next o years tovoid passing on theika ruth dea canau rare brainefecthiaus infant toave smaerhan rmal head hand their bras don't fuldeve the u.s. the cd isdvising wome to postpon trave to afcted natio in sth and
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recall toaleou tha 70,0 britax seare bei recalled. th sea cane use a an infa carry butry handle canrackndre posing aall haror yrd. ifhere is a rept o o childnacetng rt ror iortion g tur mor than 29,000 ilen's lance bikes areei caed, and includedn e ca a teeodsf laebis,hexeac josigne f ildrenetwe t a of d 5 their a ovfled th wel rims canrar ack a sieces othe pltiim flng thomnyas reid report of cldneing injud. consumer ctachilifh r ir ki designers aloseo cong up wh sethio mak rents les easi. look a ts. rking on a self-propell stroller controld wh
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eltric enge t c hi a bottlewaer,usic an tracblecanoes. ey he t strolle wl avaibleextearut lten th. w b cheap, cosng you around $300.happ stllin a hig schl stennoame up a iq way to dtrthe play. anpposg tea ding ee throw sging a mock deliryn estands. as youanee here, me studenpretds toeir d out com a coe-ag byboy. crazy thingst worked. he missed t shot.this vide w suld tell you, sy storied rival sport medi , it rked. in schl we just wav sff d ll. >>nd then tyut tew n selfropelled stroller. >> for $3,000 >> wha cldossiyo wro th ttn th dumbest ide veverar t' loo a youenheree 've swnd bliar coioern noreast rr ao mid-atntst. al outeste're lng at
9:19 am
9:20 am
>>ou know and lov comian ian michael black for tv and his newest project may behe most enrtainingyet. we'reot sure h easy se ofheueions ar but we're ceain that the show is funny. that's rit. >> gd rng, sir. >> goomorninerybody. ll is teallea. t sw islehe tam swever 20ueions andt' not aay so eas a w dumpeow rou ys. >> tha yery much >> have youn smp b t quti >> nerno any oem>>oi trible on th. >> ady. >> you saw t -- t tone, ri ye, yeah>> sce "cadshk" wil murraynd che chase hav vereare i a sne togeer i can be te ts why thi it ue. >> you're using rerse ychology. >>jane.
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fae. >> iisbsolelytr.they have ner aeared i enege. >> wow. >> t rerse psycholy rkedne, theirorda wer released befor lebronamas 4. >> al >> fe ja. >>true. >> ll. >>'lo whalust for n. h oo yo think lebron me is? >> 30. >> and hld dyouhink - i thinkou mayaveone th m direly. >>he ansrs - >>fae. it false. >>llght,illi g the pot. lebn james w born before. t creorf th aste myavorit esti otheorni -- rno >> false? didt -- >> you gotet meead the queson. i kw youan't . theator of the thighmter alreathe mooing. yo say lse.
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andt's worng >> ioying dnghethh mter rht no i thi tt'sfa it' aolely ue rlly. >> ighmter andoo ri. hat g i ch. or wo don't be sis osbiliti geis w dicty sten spgut writtenyhi truer fals >> true ue. >>l say e. >> i false is cor swer y awinng. whote >> i't h that infon. >> d't a llow. teve job d wor e. >> ts nothe wle questi i'm rry, i sorr comeon, n. >> happyn t trigger nd. >> d notoror aleor eoritf th '9 hat'ue. thas tke >>ou s tr. >>eaytr wellaytr. hat is isnacue.
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>>he ge jen -- >> oka - >>lays >>say trfalse. >> theame jenga wasnven he arcct othe el towe >e. can't b truet cannot betr there it mighte -- it's ue. >>ay true absolutely fals >> fally t or false. "leat to beer"d si'st ors they say f toi-let. who cares,irst of l, and fa >> who res,llie >> tha hisctoet. i'm g th falses well >> ieeles mor i th fami." >> gsnswes ue. the fst toi o ,ea "leave i to beer." >> the s. >> nowt a m sense.
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always been doing it. >> l me g mine. i' >>hank so ch. >> i'm looking at a video that come wh it. >> this is f sing. gotour thigh ma >> eiest gameho ever emiers tonight o pop. >> thanksain. l is i the kitch w a slow cooke mb. >> want tme up and he some ? >> ild but i coming back with th. >>hat's g on. >> i'vgothings to .ross amerile lik sketball hal famer que wilks... taking of thtype 2 d.. ith nosuvictoza. whila weloodar but n't gemy gl. iskctor a vict
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somet. is iectablprescr medicat may e blr in a with2 diab en use di exercis its not reended ase firscation at diabe nd shot be u petybetes tic is. victoza ot been std with mime insulin. via is noli victoza if yorsonal ofamilyisullary thyroid cancer... ...multiple endocrine neop type 2, or if you are allergic to... ...vicza or any of its gredients. ri reon. ...may include itching, rash, or dficulty breathing. tell your doctor...f llin your neck. ... ...iluding flammation of pancreascreatitis). opin.a
9:26 am
such as seve pn bd from your abdomen toour ck... .wit wutomitg.doct abo a thmedicines you take... ...and if yoha any medical ndio taking victoza with a sulfonylurear. ns may cabl the most common side effects are headache, nausea... ...diarrhe asi eaneato hydration... .which may cause kidn if your piging you.. ...tontrol you n...ask youut lin vi covst ns
9:27 am
qut! quiet! m has aeadache! d a headache but now, i...don't excein is fast. fact for so lief srts in ju 15 minutes. cedrin . avbl gbs. broht you here today get your honest opinion about thisew c. toeep ingsnbiad, weemoved all the logos. feels ke a bmw. remis me a little bit like an ai. so, this car supports apple carplay. ri, en maps. she gets wow. it also has en driv tecology. even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious what it is. th is 2016hevyalibu. d itellsor? itrtat twey-two ve. what? oh w.
9:28 am
9:29 am
>> iould lik to nhat par ofhe lam is the shank? >>ight above- and c wlie find? ff day'sak he sw.>>ay. >>edwi,ot chs,o he go. fitou take your lambhanks an bically kdf sal a pper tm a're goi t heat up a pan ant a niceot pa mium heat uanto bro youshanks. look out. >> nothi lik a gd bro shan >> d'teer anoer chance to get in on this. >> i'm stayi quiet no >> y'reoingo brown these d g tm all ce,ndet them brown andou'lle done. once y tak theam shanksout andak them on pte like tt andoul chopp onio ansel an carrot kin of nicriph ere, t there. what you goi tor a cookhis bical in e fat fromhe lb shank. gothoppedparlind anchov which as atle ame em kind oflavo to it a a
9:30 am
green pepps, and you'll in someomato pte to add ttle acidity ahat ishis ain,sher, i t mber. vir. re winviner, forgoor a secondnd se red wi. all rit. you're going to cook ts dn forbout ten mines o so, until itet n and soft no wha y'lltsake youramb shanks andut tm to you slow coohat theyen own. puthem all. >>t's ofmeat de aw coo act ou'lourn y tablesnd you take the vegetables and pour them in on top. andd tn you'llak some rosemary and mak aite bouquet, ifou wish, and put a it so it'eao pu o and pour in beef broth
9:31 am
high our hours,ut if you'velonger, low,owor eightrs and then w comeut lookiomethi like this >> youon't hav to do athing r fou urs. >> don't do anyt, andeit and i on a e. i makeome iliousc which cooks up in smites. this will falli off the ne and tak the sauce andoil down ruce i or pee it and ser right with that. >> phenomenal so . >>o imprd with your cooking. and the other cut of meat th youan which is mo flavorfuls lamb neck and cos upreatn a slo c everng. >> nee to kno a t sh now. allse >> et the recipt and we want to give shout-o to o fob members.
9:32 am
cong u next, free money and another two w d another three does tmell of a freshly bound presentation fill you wh optimism? do youove your wireless keyboard more thacertain mi members? is youccess due a filing systnly you rstand? do printing from your taet to your wireless printer give you at of confidence? if so, you may bgear someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do gre t and there'place th it all. ce dotaxar up t. soup and sandwich and clean anreal, and feeling good, sort of. and 500 calories or less. the cleapairingsenu. at panera.
9:33 am
stress sweat is differt than ordinary sweat, it smells worse. get times secal streninvisibland cl whhe rplmake a dference? grabmore?it the cleri u clatyowondo? why how do y feel? awesome! cottonelle has eatexte so you're eagh to go commando. we take yr stuffy nose. you epheeace. wealm your congestion and pain. you rally the team we givyou lief from ur cgh. you give tm a case of th giggs. tynol cold helps relieve ev your rst co &luymomsoouan givthem everything you've go tylenol it's always worth
9:34 am
9:35 am
s nat, inrmnicaproveno provher, youthlookin. chapstick puyofit [ scannebeeping ] sir, uld yostep asi "sir"? comon. you knho i a progressive surae? uh, i save peoplan avege of over $500 when they switch? d u pack yourwn bags? oh! righ-- the nameour price tool. shows peoe policy options to help t their budget. [ scanner warbling ] crazy that big sholike me would ck his o bags, rig? [ chuckles ] so, do i have the righ to rain ndso?[ uckl ] wait.
9:36 am
'vroy seen those adayinou're eitleo unclmedmone tusut they mit be wrightright. we'ring to show u hoto find that . gen isere to ain. >> what is ts money? this $ billi worth of cas floatiaround >>t is le insurancpolicies policies, utility deposits, creditshatou had a stores at you just neveredeed and after a while it goes into the statreasur a ty hold it rou ailng t giv i ba bouav t sp forward and s hey, 's mine and prove it's yours.
9:37 am
to find this money. >> pretty ea. you go to a websi called missingmon.c. it's a datab ofissi mone has aew state easus. you can g to th state treasury websites ctly. you go the anpe in me andbably nt tust use iddle inl and la name. at ons it w aoul searchor aeshe you e tolivemaiden nf u goted and all inion in t and it wi pop up and say hey, you've mos there f is thatight these a fre sy trs torgu r em, it notecsarily a am but youhoul't p more than 10 or20 tt somedyo itor u. 's eyoo it yoursel wod toi itouelf ouolre cs avi to.
9:38 am
ques a is>> ion't. i he actuall fnd unmed fdsrom ming f ateo shere all addrs di't cha and wable . ec h her iew yoity d p inyatiodhen put iny ation aor it ids person wased. >>eaningyou? >>yeah m . w do i correctse well, thoug ias sti here. >> go to e statereasury bsite and sen them an e-mail exainhe problem they ve i have actuaotte money in th p alsootte someromson. >> were youeceased . >>as notndere bu theree som con sead tprove as him get ters notarianday hav t ju throu those kind o hoops d thacan when yan omody toelpu.
9:39 am
9:40 am
we're backn toda. ja eyo for b >> smuoring njoy your lamb sha this weekend, my frnd. >> antime, erica hlas bee joying our lamshank. >> i havenoying your lahank and y can enjoy yours while wching "wee " ll beno . thiskend wre tng about twisrs nowompeti against one anothe yoelyemembe gra ld fro the winric
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