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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  January 22, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST

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the nation's c . unr sieg- and in t bullseye of a blizzard of ep proportions cal officials say it's a potent perfect storm. s/ mor ml bowser / waington, d.c.5 - :32 "we expect 2 ft least of snow in washington d the snow i coming down t d heavy which mes at wuld tree por lines down and loss of power." as the snow begato pile up . virginia national gud troops were calletoction ... s/ randoh hawes / virginia natial guard:37 - :40 e've put chai on all of our hum res." onvoys of powe crews from the south deployed for thinevitle cleanup. but at won't begin untilhestorm has blover -at suight. withhousan of ig canced - anyone o hasn't gotten out isn't. "this is our third flit change nce start." the ripple effectsre reaching airports f from the blizzard zone. is snomarkedhe beginning of a d-a-half slght that could bring more than twd-fe of snow and
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threatening to become washington's woow storm ever. two second pause dio ou: "bri mnbc news, shington." as we justeard.. thousands of flightsanled causof the storm. bottom line, if you arflying somewhere, call ahead to check on the status. the snow's expected to continue through sunday night.. and it "could" be e for the record boo. we shall see. take a look at ts video just in to our newsro tonight of the wier storm as it moved in to charlotte north carolina. the initial ncern was freezingrain,...but as you can e, a blanket of snow covered reets d buildis. anit may take some serious sheling to clear t field at the roli pths adium. the pahersosthe arona cardinals in the n-f-c championship game on sunday. thstorm expected to pasby en and theeam says everything incdi the field will be readto go for the game. heret me.. just a beautiful evening...clear, and cold. anyouraturday focast.. log ni! meterologistarlee hoffman is here with more on what i
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january days like today can ha to comey, but the bght sun isurning our cold morning into a mild afternoon. clds have be today, are in t warm region ahead of that storm. the warmth will come better established tomorrow tmake for a pairf beautifuy warm days. then the cold front will pass on sunday, and we get a reality checnely all of southeastern colodo will warm into the 50s thisfternoon
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investigatsay... a major drug traffiking ... operating out of woodland park... has en connected to e mexican cartel. sevel suspected dealers are now behind bars... the st recent rest yesterday. news five's madd garrett is live ---addie, how faro police believe thidrug ring has they thinkt's stretched ross the state... as heroin is makinit's w out ler cotyo otr areas of theik pk regi anbeyo. the metro ce and narcotics disi -- de udectives om across el paso andeller counties. are all working this vestigation... along with the d- a's office nats ocars anpolice department will tell you... no cy can escape t
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sot coder jim "from what i gather from t trvnuns 'srowing prlem everywre." noeven pictureue woodlan. sot pp drumm "you donhink of little towns having those kind of problems, you don't, you think of chicago or something." butoodland rk n't so little anymore... sot andra cummins "lot of nepeople moving up here, the town's rlly grown, ot a small town anre li it used to be." in septembeolichere started notici a s iheroin sot commander "four primary roin dealers in the woodnd pk area have be lked to major suprs."those majoppliers. the can cart.... these four believedbe e dears o of woodla rk d en picnkg th t donsf hesuspec. sot commander "this is probably the most deiled or widest ranging, i wouldn't say it's the largest drug iestigation we've de buit is very e and involving of dferentple" arrestso f.
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wide. sot commander "it shows that we're really out the trying to stop it i believe." r now --- police believe the arrests have slowed thelow of heroin. sot commander "there will be an immediat resultf lessrugs in the area." ain-thinstion is ing in those oer suspec linketo theealers fromurrea. woodlandarli are also battng the heroin problem in another way... by getting ncan their fice.. life savindrug that can stop mee fromverdosinon iates. rtlive, mg news five. a lol mother from fountain... is in hawaii... where earlier today... her son.. along with 11 other marines... were honored... at a speal cemony ===== nats from memorial
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gathered tpay ibute to the marines... now considered dead, aftert ek's helicopter crash off oahu. lauriellen of fountain, lost her son-- t. jeffrempr. serg sempl w arew chf on brd of the helicopters that went downearu. the cause is sll uer investigion. their bodies have not been recovered. if y'd like help sgt. sempler's mi with expenses--- the "aricalegion post, 38 in fountain.. ting spagetti nner fundraiser next saturday night... at 7. xx new tonight: the pueb pice union execive committehas a scathingebuke for the chieand his respon to a union survey on morale and leadership ithe poce dertment. while theydmit chi l velez s done some positive things the pa five years,...crime is still and morale down they say. for what they calthe "not o diant tureretirement of velezquote "god speed and thoner t bet ey sayhe sucss of the "safe streets progm"ith the
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gang proem has gotten worse, lice equipment has been deteriorating for years,...and the hiring of seven new police officers, is "st a d the bucket", and more are needed. eblo police are lookg for a suspect after a man was attacked and roed this morning. police say it happened along the 100 block ofniveity circle. ta a lk this survellice video. pick-up drivesas a man is being drped off a honda. it appearsor are exchanged and the car drives off. that's when police say driver of e pickup attacks the man leavg him unconcious. police also say he was robd. heeported to be in the ital with seriouinries. if youave any information you' asked to callueblo lice the dy of a man.visiti codo from flida... is discovered in rocky mountain national park. a okesman for the parkays it pears th 58-year old ld webber... fell about 2-huned feet. hibody found at the bottom of cliff... in the area longs peak.'s been missing since tuesday--reported overdue from a hiking trip. xxxxx claire davis's father... telling ste lawmakers what he feels needs to happe.
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agedy... ke the one at took his ughters life. old... shott her high sin littleton, two yearsgo--- she di a week lar. committee.. fety. releed monday.. that focused on what went wrg.ading up the soting. one said the school ssed warninsigns and fl concerng gunman's beha be frank this process is no nger about ourrecious da cire...nor is i about ka pieon whos a teener in crisis who we believe would have made very differt choices if helping hand h reached from a system that s deed to not miss the opportunities to he him." all three reports released monday make exnsive suggestis to
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the woman accused scamming zens iel paso county isacing a new chge. news five investigates first told you about naomiuckins last month. one viim told ne five sh paid her more than 5-hun dollars for 300 pods of ef th was nev delived. e wachard with fraud back inctober,...and was scheduled for an arraignnthis pa monday, but failedo appear, so another rest warrant was issued. huckins was arrested aga and released on bond. marijuana care givers in colorado springs ... cautioned the city's task force today about setting firmlant count lits. followg upor you city council appnted ts paneto review existing city codes anma recommendations for updates. drug investigato he told the pal numerous grow houses are showing up in the city where hundreds of ants are raised doors ... crting health and safety hards. so,.thpanel discussed a plant count limit,...but the cannabis council told the group today such rtricons don't me with the e cotion "it's a constitution right that the only personllowed to
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patient's ysician. , think to go any fur then that i really dangero terto t io." thgroup so disedhether to change distan requiment for marijua owfr hools, daycas and rehab facilities among o changes. a new "year rounshuttle" is coming to maniu springs.. it's one oseveral changes.. aimed at making the commute more convienient. r lsey kennedy spoke with bus riders in the area.. an kelsey.. th'rlooking forwd it? they dinitley e.. right now the free shule on the manitou business loop y" ruurg thbusy summer tourism as but parking and traffic... can be a problem "year round!" mountain metro transit "admits" that buses on route 3, have troubltting to stops "ontime"... beuse of traffic and crowding in manitou their "new plan"... is to turn buses on that route
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where ridersan meet a shuttle thatill run the loop to the incline, cog railway andack. ride ipokeo... say thbus is hard to depend on--complaining that many times... it's "late". ===== "usually no more tn 20 minutes, but i mean that's kind of a big dl en you're waiting in t cold to get to work." "they need way more freqnt amounts of buses cse he missed s buthe other day so we had to waifor like an ho." the new bus will run ery day from seven to five.. it's in adon tthe fr summer shuttle.. and is sposed to help alleviate paing anc issues. city leaders hope mo people wik outside the main loop and use the shuttle. mountain metro is ta comments from thpublic befor changes e implented. you can find a lto leave a comment onebsite.. ko dot com.. where you can alake a look athe routes in your area will be affected. lisa? this weekend's bigroncos matchu-translates into "bigusess" f plenty of
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l ahead: w thst u d: whou edo deer thiend. metest chon is tracking your broncos day focast. carlee im tracking me snow the future and hour by hour break
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,,,,,,,,,,, jaary ys like toy can be hard to me b but the bght sun is turning our cold morning into a mild afternn. ouds have been rd to come b while there's nothing active in coloradooday, there is som tion our west. since our weather uslly comes from the west, it has r attention. a pacific storm system is spreadg ra a high-elevati snow in the
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california. that srmystem is heading wardhe east. toy, we are in the warm region aheaof thastm. the warmth wl become better established tomorrow to make for a pair of beautifully warm days. then the cold front will pass on sunday, and we get aeality check.nearlyll of southeastern colorado will warm into the 50s this aernoon. saturday comes with sosunshine, but clouds wilbegin increasing ithe afternoon. highs will be in the high 50s and lower s. the clouds will grow thiern sunday with highs rangg om mid- 40s to near 5 we may get a few spots of rain sunday aernoon from denr coloradsprings to pueblo to trinidad. don't be surprised if you get a little light spnkle if you go to e broncoand triots game in
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any ra wilchange to snow sunday night. snow will increase on monday withder 30s for highs. some light snow can linger intoarly tue. clearing begins tuesday afteooth t s rur foweesy and thursday. temperates will warm a "warning" about the "zika
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a "warning" out the "zik virus". country. and: crime stopng sheep! how this fckut stoto a
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new aten. an investigaon shows that intenancerrors by three airmen amissile silo in remote northeastern colorado,...dama ged a nuclear med missile. the accident happened back in 2014,..but details of the
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light only because of questis fromhe associated press. the air force says the silo, operated by the 320th mie squaon out of wyoming,...didn't risk public sety. other than that, they say it's classified information. phadelphia police offir ambushed and shot,hile inside his patrol car... is finally goingome. jesse harnett has undergone several surgeries after he shot three times earer this month. e suspect in the attack is charged with attpted murder. investigats say he pledg his alligiance to isis.... the ambu is under investigatioas a terrorist atck. xxxx a special task force is now layi out "it's pla... to try and restoresa drinking water" in flint, michig. th're recommending the state work wh the e-p-on a "lead-sampling" progra eylso want the ste to hire an unbsed third-party to determine when it's free of lead an emergency order is now place r the state to take immediate action to otect public health. e water beme contaminated after thcity switched water sours.
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one person hasiefrom a listereak linked to do salads. welve other op in x states have been italizh stia symptoms since july after eating infected salads.e c-d-c says dole has stopped all productit an ohio plant where e listia was discoved. the company has also recalled salads made at that plant. if you bought a bag d the nufacturing codetarts with tter "a", the d-c says you should not eat it. the c-d-c is expanding a travel alert foegnant women to nearly o dozen countries because of the zika virus. and tonight, doctors say the rus could be linked are condition at leaves tients temparily parazed. the zika virs mosquito borne and macause seous birth defects. the nelocations added to the travel alert ilude barbas, bolivia and ecuador. a "flock of sheep" helped new zeald police "d" aar chase... a chase th lasted nearly "2- hour" the spects had no choi but to stop. the flock s blockinghe
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forcing thdriver of a st car to hit t brakes! the driver and three others were arrested.. no sheep were rt xxx hundreds in er. pack larimer square toy... for a huge pep rally.. ahead of sundays big game. lots of orangend the communit together in support of the home team. xxx as fans get ready to pack sports authority field... many of us, will be watching from our living s--- and that mns a "big bot" for area businesses!!! pizza shops e preparing for a bu wkend at tste inonumt they already have close to 0 boxes folded and readyo go. grocery stores are pre-making thousandof sub sdwiches d party trays. toda they had to re-ock the shelves of blue and orange chips a couple of times. lks aralso buying lots o dito go with allho chips "corado footba fans they loveuacamole. wel sell more guole- 32-thousand pounds this weekend. it one of our
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big onuacamole d to go with all that food... somethg cold tdrink.. sofdrin... tolcol.. it's all on thmenu. coaltrian wine andeesays their most popar seller ahead ofhe game... beer. they put in extra orders wit theidistributors, just for this weeke. xxxx brcoonveryone's mind across the state, but it was the alche making hhlight plays nit.. a righon i at psi center, we' got a
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the a-f-c championship game is upon on us. throhout thetate, fa are ttinamped upor yet another remah with tom brady and the patriots. but the broncos? they're keeping it in perspeive, focusing on what has to be done to come out with the win prtice sessis this w focud on getting the running game goinagainst the pa and putting tom brady on his back as much as ssible the other key?lay a full game. the broncos have struged with it all yealong, but ey say theime pla to string
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three units ing their part. if we have atruggle here or there we're going to find a way to overcome that sugand move forward. i thk our team has been a litt bit about that this year, ver letting thinet down, hanging inhere, keep battling, keng yourself in a pion to win. that's kind of whas gotten us tthis point a that's what you have to have in th postseason. anchance for us to play against thesguys, althree ases have to play a rolend do their job. thgs kkoff at 1: on nday, grant meech will be at mile hwith a recap of all e actionnews-5 weekend coloradoollege building some montum as the second half ofhe season ge underway. toght th werat north data, the number 2 tin thecouny a chance to ma a statement in an otherwise dismal year. itng in north dako, tirs loo for the luke in....goal
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johnson....make it two....goal. luc gerdes....hard angleoal. er..lo petage..goal ner... prayer....goal. e ga wouldo dos ti.5-5north data p the extrpoint in the shootout. air force coming with the much needed win as well tonht. three to nothing they win againsniagara....that keeps them on e winning track and joying for playoff pition thcond half of the season keeps on rolling coach ank sari speaking
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unexpected succe and hoppos are now treating them. nobody tught wuld beoing asell as we are rit now, escially aft losing aj reed, wi how yng we are, nobod wod expect this. it's going to be interesting to see whateoe try to do to counter our succes go forep a niarrrow acamy avaland blction to....le to sc blues, alexanderteen....gets the feed....goal. trying tscore....tyson
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mitcll.... good. nathan ti!!! 1- go t shootout..vay, witth sa! avs it. final fr pepsi center..2 in the shootout. ryan englert for three.. ma'sp. samuel howard to jtin engeer....c-s-c-s hanging in there. bepadrs....pls up r th...smary's pulng away. noah hopkins....quick layup....notnough ough,
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5 saturday comes with some sunshine, t ouds will begin increasing in the afternoon. his will be in the high 50s and lower s. the ouds wl grow thicker on sunday with highs ranging om mid- 40s to ne0. we may get a fewpots of rain sunday afternoonm denver to corado springs to pulo t trinidad. thanksoratws a 10:00. morr mningoin gregdirandand ss van mer starting at 7:00. for inuousews -hours a y, news 5 is always
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