tv Mad Money NBC January 23, 2016 3:00am-4:00am MST
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>> thank yo thanyo so much. >> yeah! my m > my mission is simple -- to ke you money. i'm here to level the playing eld for all investors. there'always a bull market sowhere d i promisto help u find it."mad mey" starts n. he i crar!weome "mamoney. welcome to crarica. other pele wan make iends, i'm just ying to sa yomoney. my job is nojusto entertain but coach and teach. call me at 800-743-cnbc. or tweet me @jimcramer. sick of th roller coaster ride yet? where stoc erocks travel all er the placin a sit second ase finally caht a seconbullish day a row? dow gainin nasdaq soaring 2.66%.
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bet ne weewe'll have morof the same. thrythg from the f's rateecisn on wednesdayo the 's riculous seiolinkage with oil to e craziness of all things china. and the parade of earn that's abouto go int hyperdri. ay kicks off with haibtowhich is tryto merge with baker hug how, like schlumbeer, catell you more about oil than anyone else, especily drillg in the united states. since we're obsessed wh oil and schlumberger soared af st night's earnings we'll ve to parsehat port closely. ne, the company with the steadiest stocis tissue maker kimbly clark and if u want to heawhy, listen toheir eaings call. but if you want pure electricity, we alsoet results from mcdond's where i bet o eve eastabrooknnounces the nuerof 4% me store sales. remember when they were negati and pele wonred why is stock has roared from the lows
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brook took the helm. tuesday weear from freeport-mcmoran. their woes were chronicled i today's "new york times." many thinkhis is holding on by a thread. maybe ey have a an tget more solvent a reveal it. don't ho your breath. how out the two dow jones stocks that report tuesd morning,ohnson & johon and procter & gamble. j & j told you things were fe but ever sin ceo alex gorsky tookhe reins in 12, we've been pining r beyears. 's otown and better to buy on weakness. ter the be whave the most widelynticipat quarter of the year, ap and i have to ll you that th mpany ock has beme a football tt's getting kicked around by bulls and bes. eaier th week an influential apple analyst at ubs td you to be careful saying the down side
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decline from13to what was then $95 stillren't baked in because cell phone salesre slowing beyond the most gative of walstreet's projections. then tay an even more fluential analyst id to bu because it could rome 50% from when the new iphone 7 comes out in september. his ents sent e stocks up to cse back 100 bucks $101.42. you ow my advice -- own apple, don't tre it. if you don't alrea own it, waitntil after the quarter and pickome up. the greatest company of all time with the greatest stock of all time't abouto quit on you any ti soon. wednesday has a bunch of reports buthey'll beve the fedel ree's stement abouintere rates. we've reached the point where less they acknowledge the wfound weakness in the economy d get off their lockstep plan to rse rat we're going to
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fromhe marts' loarlier this week and then some. i sure hope theyon't have blinders on. is the uber reliable aerospace cycle jeopardy? bong stocks have been pummeled but i t announce the only negative forhe quaer a and thk they'll put on a odir swhhey repo wednesy. speaking of groups that ve been obliterated, no industry has been crushed this quarter like t rails. including norfolk southern with a stocthat just tred -- get this -- at97 two months ago and now stands at 8 with a 3.4% yield. i'm getting intrigued. has the betdown beener done or like csx and union pacific brr it does the downwa pressure weigh too heavily on the stock? yoknow what y be on a breakout?
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ceo greg hayes has rigorated place at t same ti it has the ttesnew aircft engine out there taking share. i want to hear how far alo the turn is frhen has took over november of 2014. th one mig be a tempting bargn after sending a lot of me neathe new low li wilderness. afr the close wednesday we're in for treatnt. the quarter by bof production that is facebook'sonference call. few mpanies are able to articulate a story better th fb. the hope is touyt on expected post-quarter profit taki because facook stock trades me radicay an any other ock t there. i beanalysts will raise number and you'll hear wh vtual reality might mean to the company's future. thuray morning we hear from beauty and the beast, istol-ers and caterpillar. thfoer hn't let us down, the latter hasn't had anythi good to say.
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pummeled. does und does underarmor reflect the negatives or is nike too powerful even for the hard arging ceo? i sanody's madmoney betting agait the ceo for long te and whi t wtewas too warm for sales of somef their finegarments, many are pondering this uld mark the bottom for this growth company speaking of growth companies, we hear from amon after the close. hard to believe $596 has come down00 points fr its high a month agbut i ink this was one of the most amonn christmases and the stock could be prime for its hher. pred. [ rim shot ] however, azon lis to spend because they want to dominate the world so there's alwaychance expenses overde a great holiday ory. finally friday we veive companies many of you ask about -- amecan airles, chron, honeywellmastercard anrubbermaid.
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may haveurt american airlis than the weaker prices help. but this stock is ridiculously chea i bet chron tsn an impassned display of fealty to the distribution during thes tough times. todapeople were oung about general electric's quart. gi me a break. last timneywell reported its growth didn'match that of ge. that was shocking. i thk neywell will mch general electr's 3% organic growth thitime around. that's the iustrial division anitilbe a buy en th worries abthe strong dollar. david dy, i think he delivers. mastercard is simply on fire here. when the ceopeaks, you're going to heaabout how well h company is doi and it might help explain why american express fell a shocking $7.58 or 12% after still one more miserable quarter. mastercard andisa are the winnerin that tanic threway edit card bale and i think the company i call ma
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nerubbermaid stockas been obliterated since it announced its acquisitn. i t the ceo will straighten out the sells. re's the botm line, weave the supebowln o weekbut nextk is the earngs super wl. remember, it'sust a game and much me powerful forces like the dollar, the fed, and oil will rede these stocks t simple plahingeven if the underlng comni rort fabu numbe no in connecticut. dino! nks r taking my call. question isn microsoft. next week they report earnings, would you be a buyer? >> ias jt telling kyle, the stage manar that microsoft, i can't believit was dipped down a couple bucks. i shld have said -- but it wasn -- there was no cnce. i think the quarr is going to be excellent and i always invite nadel to the show and prome to wear my black t-shirt if he comes on. michl in new york, michael. caller:immyuestion is
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your rommendation. is this wholor sell? >> gead up almost three bucks toda it's o eap to sell.uld i would not do it. b in florida. bo caller: hellojim, i hope you're warm and safe ithe blizzard. m, i was able to get on your ow six months ago and thiss a ll-up question. a close frie is leading oncologistn philadelphiand he told to tg thapeutics. d and heard michael weiss on your show and was blown aw a i ht more. presentedn december a thr blood cancer data was tstanding. they also disctheir opportunity in auto imne diseasfothfit time that's amang i plan to y more andant to geyour opion >> t fdamealare divorced froms happenin the stocks weis goodwe h him on the show.he the problem, it's a spulative stock. if yk pagilead and cell gene they e so people pele
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tgherapeutics but youol to the speculative the stock and hit it out of the pa, you' make money. harveyn flida. harvey? >> caller: h are you d? >> i'm doi all right, how about you, harve? caller: okay. i a queion r you. >> okay. >> caller: a retired sr investor tding in my 401(k) and a longime investors nycb, new york commuty bank announced a merger with astoria federal. i wi lose thousandof dolrs with t divend going om 25 cents to i ct to kehat up with capital gas. the president incy and the commity banks expecthis is merger to be 6% beginning this year a 20% towds thendf 16. theyill re their earni january efore the ma
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>> i like cb, i can like the acquisition of astoria. don't know i's safe 7% d buthat's aood combinatio od for evebody. now, i expect next week will brg more actio saw thi week rucing big timearnings to playtngs. you know what we have night? ter another wildeek on the erages, i uldn't get too cozy with the cent bounce. i'llell yowhat needs to go right in order to keep this market in chec then record sas from the auto industry seemed to save au oc what gives? i'm veigating. ding-dong,von is calling but with shares down nearly 70% er the past year, is it worth
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etend you'reot he? why don't u stick with cramer! so how ya ing? enough pressure in here foya? ugh.y sinuses are killg me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousa fee i'm gonna takeucin sinus-max. o late, we're about to take off. these diolve fast. ey're new liquid gs. and you're coming withe... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? w mucinex simaquids. disss fa to u mgt medicine. stare reli h thmisery. t's end this. check this out, what's that, broheim? i switched to geo and got more. more savings on car insuranc yeah bro-fessor, and mor like renters insuran.
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that'sot all,bro-tein shake. geico s motorcycle d insurance, too. oh, that's a lot more. oh yea i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expect great saving and a whole lot more. ugh! hrtburn! no o burns on my wch! try alka-seltzer heartbu reliefchews. thk fast and don't taste alky. mmm...azing. i have heartburn alka-seltzer hrtburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. u're getti 3 here. alright? ere goes. yep. [ crunching ] oh cheddar, sour cream & onion and salt vinegar. wow! wow! ow did you do that?! i can see rougthe blindfold. male uncer ] prgles ere's ving.. and e's moving movfreera. it has triplaction suprt
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osteo-bi flex pills, it's aonti free tra. your. seems like we've hit rdblk. that reminds me... anyone have occasional constipationdiarea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' con health probioc cap each day helps defend againstccasional digeive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. philps'. > the fundantals veus
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i'm not ddin i haven't seen t funmentals th at odds wite pring inal stocks anthe whol stock mark in ages what do i by this dispity?lereflect heilst week in recent memory antalk about whateedso right for us to have a sustainleally raern st a tdabl bounce what it looklike we' hg no i wod y ght at this moment, at this nute wneed the dollaro stop going higher but itoad today. thiss the qurly earnings ashe ceos are onger geing pass ocurrcy if your eaingsre weak cause the ser faking strong dollar, it,oo bad. it counts anit c't b dismissed o off like it been f so many quarterns the la cple years. yu this time the dollar has come a cost likeabor or inst paymeor raw goods sgfothe counting aficionados out ere.ther words, no more asterisks no me "if e dollar had sted constyould
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inme" as ibm told us after a bone-crushing quarter. nobody's buying it anyre. there's no add-back. there's no constancurrency. we're in aorld where if ytng we expect the dollar to hhecause our countr central bank iis tightenin whe everyone ee is debasing their cuen to take away our buness so ock burs aren stke whethr out w the strong dolr crpled earnings bause ty know the eenbk is going to get strong still ands is the w noal. u know what 'sike? to anagizeome of us e old enougho rememberhemar leueebl switched from 154-game season to t current 16games mo tha50 years o.inerti a plar broke a season record for hits rs home ru w asterinoting there was no w that achievemenshould have counted giv thengated season. we were usintwsetsf res ake mparons d we asked what the baball ers' nbersould he
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154-game sean. then one day we opd doing it e recowere t rords. we'vhithat pointitthe llar. ere's mply nreas why shouextrapate rongerar whenever country is trying to takeheir currey do. the 154-game dollar is now history. second fundamental at ds with today's reundi market? we can s cheering oil is hierndecide ere'a new trd at work with thirally back ave $32. this monerove cru reflects we were too far down sh based on the entry of nto the marketplace and how much it n initially deliver. thataid, t iss with oil is supplynot demand. and while the big trigr ller money managers may want lump oiinith steel or theest of the commodies thre going doecause there's much less demandthanyou,hina -- itote. it pure fiction. demand for oil and nur gas is uyear over year not dow likeopr iron steel. we have istics that
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the dend isn'tenou etpp ming oine everyday. that's whyhis blip up in crude icing doesn'register as much fundamentally as technically. there's so manl compie fighting for their solvency at ey would gladlsell oil. wh i listen themallo medium sized independent oil prer i knoth need to racapil now to payhe bills fr proll to the inst on theio oil company rvices crges. there's ly way ts for companies to stay afloat unless they have a tch balanc eet. th cr spd vinds as chesapeake did todaor raise money in the market. any maet. right now the debt market is prettyuch closed off tthes guys. just look atowanks with oil posure we clobred wh they reported.the high yield market because 's rulsed by any o issuance and there's a tot buyer strie worse by tflows in diressed and leveunds. at mns ty veo issue equity and hitou with massive deluon. short, most uer no
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with oup like it did. finally, earnireports of invidualompanies. to be t, on averag suboimal. few companies seem to have neted fr the dli. u ink a companke american express linked with travel might have seen som uptick? nope. instead it's doing oneore guide down a shareholds withannihilated today with the shocking $7.58, or 12.1% decline. in one session. erican eressthe blst of bluehipst one point. same with ibm which gave you no oice b to take dnumbers. general elecic may have reaffirmed its gnce and beaten t numbers but we saw a slowdown iorganic sales. % grow, they're rost, ju not as busts bere. union pacifiand cs disappointed. a waught in the commity conundru with prospecof fewer inrest rate hikes tught just aew weeks a and an up tick in balos for oil
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rerded as disaointing. mewhile, intelave a nasty outlook. add insult to injury, boeing is tting pruction of its signature plane. sounds lika whole lot of peeking going to me. deite today's ll if we sess whe we ally are, we can inclthe macro tuation has gottenorse for us, especially the seeminglycoordinated impact of weekerigrrencies along with a fedel serve at wan t ghten not to mention an oil blip that n't gog rescue oil compieor eningat n't juify higher pris fo many stocks rit now. what are we seeing here? i think we're witnessing an oversold rally that could sow the seedof itsemise. as it llitway higher t levels that don't make thamuch sense based the earning we're eing. ss the fed blinks on wednesday en it issues its interest rate ement and we hear data dependency a how the newfnd weakness will
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the advance bend the oversold bounce. re t strong lie strong dollar withhe momentary strong o prices and suptal earngaren't reason to dump stocks wholese but taken togeer there's a reason to trim stocks and ready yourlf for a weakness if the fed persists in a negative rrative for thk ma as well as t ecomy in genel. wever, the fed chief janet yellen pulls her boot from the jugular d says "weee the pain, we're going back to ta dependence" this spike could turn into a ll that th would vee the strong dolr. much mor much more "mad money" ead. carmax and auto nation have be stling laty so what doestheir decle mean forhe overall auto industry? i'll reveal it. avon has been in business for 125 ars but history sn't done much for thoc i'm sitting down the ceo to se ts iconic american brd n rise again. and while mostf its
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gns that a hely importt inst -- the automobile business -could be peaking here ithe united stas.member i've been warning abo a peak ithe oil secoer since the federal rerve started tighn last month becse higher interest rates make it more difficult and expsi to get financing when you're trying to buy n car. wh's reay worrisome is what's happening to two of the nati's lgest auto dealers, thatutonation and rmax which have seen eir stocks plmet 23.5and % respvely just since the new yearegan. the are precipitous clines and they suggest t market has rehed verdict on whether the auusiness haak, ing it glty of all charges. why am i so concerned about weakness in ese ocks? s consider these cpanies. autonation is era's largt automole railer: 340
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both new and used vehicles. carmax is the top us car lesman in the country with 158 locas in 76 fferent marks, although they have a smler new car operationow what makes theecent declines in the two stockso disconceg is that for ages autonation and carmax were total rket darlings.they had massi year runs aunationocting 1,600% from its 2008 lows to its peak last springndarx ared aut 1,200% over roughly the same peod. r years ese ocks spent s chime onhe newigh list ey could have appld fo nship. rim shot ] the source of their strength? simple. total w car sas in the unitedtates kept ireasing steady each ye since009 from 10 milon at e dehs of the earession upo 17.4 milln in 2015, aot of chatter about $18 miion. plus with ultra loinrest rates ringhis whole period, consumers able to get affordle financing iorder to
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t then the stocks of these deals hibricreinin ll. f today autodown % from its high last july, carmaxlunged8% from its highest last april. w do we explain thes hammerin? lest with rmax where the ock ed oapri2 whe the stock surged following a blowout quarte backhen, sentiment fhe automobilendustrwas at its siest, theracle of omaha, warren buffett, recently acquir van tuul group, t tiif largest auto retaer and general motors hit glorious 14-month high. but thin a fewonth the bad ws started trickling in when carmax reportemid-june, it delivered in-line earnings, not ot when yoconsider peopl meo expe a flat ou rnings bt from these guys, along weaker-than-expected revenues. what a different pictu from ate seto. the averagselling pricfor
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afteuarter, ca continued s desct aneven though t comny'seat wall stre earnings estimates in septemr, thealesame in weak than exct for the second qrter in w, avera inprice of usecles declinin1.1% the stw that bke t camel'sback came moago carm repord its third straight top line miss along with a significant bottom-li miss, o. whe used carring cpt up bit, that was go news,he totaunitlod dramaticly, 3. vers 14the bef i waastonish. all, carm same store sales clined b.8and everce the s has b t ugh the me grier.w out aunaon? this fall from gce happene ch me recently. autoti performed to tperrm the s&p 5 for the first 11 monthof 25. but the company issued vemb new vicle sal
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over year cle in unisales. at hideoushen yoer they posted a 14% increase t montfore. th allell broke loose tw ekago autonatios w hicle s for deer came ev though thany post 9%rease inheber of rs she real ws her was that aonation wamaking ss moneyer c. as magnounced thei foth quarter resul would a $250 $cline in gross profit per vehicle for new and us w a he de as represents a 12% decli in s prrom r, 16% ine om used rs. mike jackson said, and'll que here "the thuaer induryales envonme w more ph rs pull. in layman's terms he told us got harder to se ns in thurthrterchs whthcoanslheitpres. onder the ock plunge 10% that day it sl ot10inhe t wks since then p yto
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th's n what wee talkinoubeusth he en crush to the pot where ey've comehe , i'tryingo showou the aknesshese t aut tailers arseei likely flects a peein the broad toales market. wew from cmax that t used carusiness is slowing pretty subtially and used car saletend to be good ading incator for necar sales and the aggressive cuing that autonation needed to do in order to ke sling new rs ithe ur qua diult market for the makers. if inventories pile as e alerfindmselvein a more push thanl envinmen compies likeonion ll lyind themselv oering fenew vehirom the manufacturs d at a certa t they'll likely use the loweretail selling prices as a asono demander pri from t auto makersmselve here's theottoli- based on the weas in auton anax's hard t conclude the ao busine h akedn u. wh adtion rathikerothe
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wonder e ocks of rd and gemotors canatch a break ts environment, eve thgh ihink ttockf gm isooheap tllndin fact, you'reetting an opportunity touy iand puit ay bec of th 5% dividend y the comny is paying y to waitntilhe rest of thworld gets better compensate for t nation' slowdown here in t u.s mike in california mike? >>alr: h, jim. bluearlioyahrom uthern liforniaanks t nino anthank yoing all urnowledge. reallyreate it. thankr sa thaan tougweek so we wanto cto play ofray what g on? >> caller: thaou. jim, i'm in epdown 45% on htz, di hold until heruipment nt spls off or i pute fe jacket and bail out? >>otn hereno i'not going to cntn them sellg e stock at 9. 's too l and thank you fothose nd mmentsmike but at ni bucks
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no w.t'goo stann florida. stan? >> c hey, jim.s stan. thyor all yo adv you for yes. >>h,hank you >> calr: i'm also a mech i do all the wk self i shop at three differt to rts or, tone, advanc au and oeiy. ich do you thiashe bes uto bec thebuy ck the stock build a buye aozone and i would byalf then afterhat i uld buy anotr half after they report cae metimes u get th littlwnturn berehey can men an t yingtos, that's what u nto i like the stock of az l ght, iate be buzz kill a dale like tod t i think it fair say to the to business in the u.s. s peaked it can get worse if fed cnues to raise rates. avon h been anything but beautiful lately. down 30% year to date. the company in need of a drastic makeer or are e
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i have the ceo. then from one co shop in 1971 to 22,000 locations around thobe, starbucks hasecome a cultural phenomenon. but istslobal footprint rattling investo? i'm diggg deep into e compans latestnings and your calls rapid fire in tonight's edition of the litning rod. here in the city, paing is hard to fd. seemlike everydrives d those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundre on car insurance. ah, perfec valet parking. hello! here'she keys. and, uh, go easy on my re,, wodn mind some of that beef wellington... to see how much you could saven car insurance, o a it's ok! ugh! heartrn! no one burns omy watch try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and d't taste alky. mmm...amazing. i have heartbu
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enjoy the relief ja janet? cough ifou c hear don'even thinkbout it. to minex dm r my phlegmcoug ye.but wt out mike? on his cough ugh!itorksn s o. mucinex elievet and co for 12 ho let'end this. i've been on my feel all day. m bushed! yea me too. cuse me...coming thrgh! ridehe gel wavof comfo with dr. scholls massaging geinles. they're proven to give you coort. which helps you feel more energized
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personal care prodts to turn itselfround? thistock has been stk in longerm down tre, f 80% in the lastwo years and down 70% in the las months. no question avon faces ap of challenges. ur stock doesn't get to $2 a change if evything is a cakewalk and the company's sales decline 22%. however, sheri mccoy is doing hest to turn things around. last month we learned a private equity firm is investing $435 milln if theompany for 16.6% stake and avon is lling more than 80% of its aing north american division for $170 million ich will allow the company to focus on s lucrate internatiol busiss. yesterdaavon anned plans to c $350 million in an operating costs andd thossavings help grow the business. t is it enough.let's check in with sheri y, the ceo of avon products to get a better sense of where her coany is headed. ms. mccoy, welcome to "mad
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>>hank you. >>t'been a rough road but you were j & j and nowou'v beenryg to turn it around. why shou we go in at two bucks and change and buyhe sck from avo >> we have a gat transformaon pn. we have cerberusartnership which allows to sepate north america which has en challenge thatve had and put the s and fundinthat the business needs tsupport our reentatives d tu it around. athe same time we have funding and resources and focufor the internatiol siness. d if you look at the underlying perfoance of the international business and consnt dollar revee, what you seis% growth in 2015. so our local marketsour to ten markets, we have terrific pruc a i think we have been beleaguered by some fx so wee continuing to manage that focusing on ki cost and prices as we can do at >> viewe >> viewe- some viewers know you have a big debt position.
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will you bableo change? because a ock is at $2 because it's got cret su. >>ne of the ings that we get wi the cerrus relaonship and partrship ishey will in $435 milliointo the parent company. thllows us to reinvestnd pay downebt. >> there are a couple things you're doinghat i think are very excing. you've changed the advertisi. you're empowing people in a way at leadership hadn't done before buthe countries y're doin in,eez, a mor otlight on brazil and turkey thare ugh places to do ness. >> in the short term there are some challenge but if you look at the bralian ty mket, women l i mean, erywren the world men lo buty and we're in we're growing r representative base. won are still comingn, they love the products, they want the earnings oppornityo you look at the alth of the brand, is it easy tdo businesere?
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buat the end of the day we beeve this will turn aroun and in the long rm the currenes will shift. brazil -- i folal a locause i believe braz is going to have political upheaval if tres lical upav orhe rl weaker,on't that be a tough story for on? >>omen are stilloong for jobsnd money. >> that's a go poi. >> so in somways it's helpful. opleeed the opportunity earn >> >> the unit states an rth amica, why werey so much tougher? >> thinkne of the challenges we've had ov t years in north americis we were slow to va meaningrom a technology pspecve. making ieasier foreople to usiness. so we're investingn social media, new it systems. if you saw the invesr day yestday we talked out >> and the >> and there's a tremeous
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it's very big, don't be intimidated becausthe print is large. les talk a you pernally. you were the exetive at j & j, to d on has bn such a tgh ory, j and j, 's one othe lastaa balance sheets in the whole world. avon tough balance sheet. j and j consistent cash. here it's been stockoing down, do, do. hodo youveryday sathis is going to tn? >> i -- one the tngs i ve is theepresentive base. we havsix miion representives -- >> six? >> six million >> but tre's b churn. >>here's big crn but what i showed yesterday was 60% of women are wi ufor moren 18 months we haveeoe that ve bui their whole livehood on avon so i el ve responsible for that and at the same time spsible to shareholders. and i belie in the model. i bee the pcts and i bee in the oppor and so that give the energy ch and everyday to ma sure i'm doing the right things. >> speaking of right thing
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it. th isomething that'seally impoan >> avo39 is our breast cancer ithe u.s. and we are in couries with the on canceinitti. we ovethe pasteveral yrs have been able to donate about billion dolls anitas mey ised by presentati they go sl products a a portion of what th gethey reinve and get the frids invest. but itas a cause tt was stard byeprentatives. the other use is dtic vice. how doe make sure thate get this commuty of men global to invest and suort ese causes? >> lasquestionthere' another compan herbali, it's en targeted. peop say tough things about it. why doeshis mol work? >> because pple wa -- they want to ntpreneurs. they want finaial dependence. they want to do wh they want to do and build thein business. that's an oprtunity whher 's avon orerbafe, they have the opportuni
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's a tough one but you straht shooter. eri. $2 stock, plse go through this ck it will explain a lot about what happening in the future. "mad mey" is back after the brk. ah, lilly. she pretty much lis in her favorite princs dress. and she's noextly ti even ishe gets a stain she'll witor a ek straigh use te to getut those week old stains d downy toet it esh d so. ansince i'thone wh s do the ladry, do what any eert dad wod do. let her play sheriff. i got 20 minutes tlife. you are free to go. tide and downy. eat on their own evenetter together. hereou, thanksging day and i have aassi heart attack right in miveway the put me r asrin regimen. be sure alk your doctor before you bin an pirin regin. go talko your dtor. u're not indestructible anymore.
3:43 am
it's it time for thlightning rod! are yo are you re time for ligng rou harrin iinois. hay? >> calle hi, cramer, tnk y ve much r takingy call. >> of cour >>aller:y questi is about stock, dk cooration -- >> no,f wee going e in that aa go with noic america. uln texas,aul? >> cler: byah, jim. booyah! >> caller: i want to know if it's a buy nowore it reports february, regal entertainnt group. >> w don't we buy epr get extrdividend. you get th same kind of ing. ro in sconsin. robert? >> calle hi, jim. jim, my question is wh the
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>>ouno look, t the ceo is doing gd jo hll scorprices b theroblem is that think theield is go and isock bottom. nay in californi nancy. >> calle hi, there>> yo. >> cal i bought regenron. >> and you're going keep it! it's be. the stock is dit's awi cet bioch. domini inew york. dominick? >> cler:es, jim. booyah. >> booyah. >> calr: altria -- that yield is safat 4%, 3. 8%. i don't li to recommend tobacco ks but i think it's good fhe lonterm but'm not a n ofacco stocks. barbara in ciforni barba. >> calr: hi there, j. i purchased 3dyste in -- >> no, come on! se. in calornia. joe? joe? joe,oe? >> caller: i'm iin oder.
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'll go witveas. prty simple. le to w jersey. >>aller: tnk you for taking my c radiant radiant heal. buy, s or hold. >> this is sculative stockut it trangn li $20 crements today at's the conclusion of the lighing round! burlingt burlington coat factory! look at th, this coat -- this is wt is what they can do. th coat is 69 buck i've peered into the brain of this market and it says sell stocks.
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why don't you stick with cramer? at do you do when you buy starbucks? do you your phone? >>to theruck outside. >> i go to starbks on days so el l i feel like i can throw th business and sometimes i go to mahsd. those are the days you d't want to me. you n't wasn't to toh my engine i've g too much torque. a lot torque the da. >>ou do. >> wn thecony oo people dnk. wh it's bad, peopldrink. except for when they're this stupid cleanse. >> greetings from the quinoa cleanse capita world. >> holy co m onef e worseanses imaginle. it makes me want to chug down cold one right now, if notn entire keg if thwife weren't looking. i have fitbit, man. 're fitbiting.we're fitbitg ght here right no let's get our fiits out.
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i'm gettg dizzy. ay regenist renews from with, plum surce cells fodratic transformio without the need f flersyouroncert teeightshow your age... your skin never will. olay regenert. ol. ageless. seems kee've hit rd blk. that reminds me... anyo have occasionalconstipation, diarea. ...gas, bloa? ye one phillips' cohealth obtic cap each day helpdefe again occasional digestive issues. with thr types of good ctia. li theegular life. illips'. ur clever moves n't sthe and flu. but disiecting with lysocan. lysol wipes and spar appred
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strong dlar and certain globalconomienvinmt. the idan waspot on. thm total ofumrs lendersus any other retailer i folloyet shareholders last nighand early isorning dumped the stock riouy beuse two unexcted negatives, soer saleom europe after the paris agedy and a slowdown in chinese growth from e 6% rate anysts we okg 5%. is tt one percentage point 6 to 5 miss from their ow ations, not mpany's, caed a whosaleethink starbuckchinese fos givethe recent weakness in the overl china economy. whenntervied howard hultz, the chamaand ceo of starbucks this morning, i tried puthe nivesn coext by aing estions out each of them. i ouhenswerethe ers in wayhat posed todasellf as a porty. starcks traffic haboced ck since european tragedy, but weidn't see the coback in t quarterhey.
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cha. ting the csur bng empowered d compsaleare strong as it ctinues to en mo than onstore a dain what will be the comny's rgest market. just watchs clip. >> the future of starbuc coffee company in ina and globally has ner been stronger thbrand never been more relevant andhis is a long-te story that probably if you look atur pgroup not only was in the restaurant d retail ctor but any bris and more retailer around e world. who's tting up 4global affic, 8% globally9% in the u.s.nd 5% in asia? it's unheard of. >> beyond that, schultz said the company ver gave guie in china the first placend anyoneho belies thr busine in china isn't onire is dead wrong. that's where the disnnect lies. it seems likevery year anysts dbt the strengtof th comny i n recall a piod when
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was turated with too man stores but anyone who thought that hashave his head examined. especially when i can't find other retailer doing more than ha of what starbucks deler inhe u. we have too few starbucks stores, clrly, and if ything thtelogy howard has introduced allowed the company to hane mo othe traffi than anyone thought poible. second, i can rememberhe stuck's european numbers softened with the financial crisis aew years ago. howard came squawon the stre and tolus eurean weaknessould be blip andhe coany would comeack and that'shat happened. was sensational buying opportity. then when we got a bead on the slowdotory, schultz told you not to worry, thattaucks would be fine china. few believed and the stock fell from 40s to the 30s over a few eks me. lookg back, it wasnother terrific buyinopportunity. filly two years ago thprice of cfee spik to more than two bucks. everyonemed to fret thjava increase wld hthe boomline. schultz toldou it was a minor
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hedged. dn't matter,n incompetent thing you know, coffee pces got mmelled anyou ner saw hicc in the compy's eaings guess what? bung opportunity. schultz developed new consumers oducts, exnded wit consistey around the globend empldd flyheel le thodology ere the mpany's streth worldwide f oitse and accerated when smany believ it uld stall out. it's true at the stockallied 40% last year which left bus ripeor profit taking in the wake this quarter support so scks initial decline finished u14 cents. it has t itas to be put into ntex it's te to srt trust howar hultes. you what? maybe it's simply a tt keeps giving. a one time bargain every yea where you buy the stock of
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ick with cramer. deee gave women a motion-actived wristband to uerstd how much they mov... and cread deee wi motionsense.thworls t pera activated byovent,nie sus at eawictio relse burstsf freshns alda epinyou fresrwith ery move. motionsense. protection to keep you moving. ee yown. i take pictures of sunrise but with my back pain couldn't sleep and geup itime. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only o to combina safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of eve. i'm back.
3:55 am
>>al l ght, two up days a very goobuthe one thing that did happen is we're losing the ovsold cdition that i think triggered this wholeove both in oilnd scks. as ty go higher, selrs wl apar. i ink 'll tehe tale on wednesday when the f speaks and i n't want you to be grdy. sell a little ahd of tha meeting. there's always a bull market
3:56 am
see you monday!ight o1st look, we're getting out of dodg is it ri is iriding time? woma1: is ring t [horse snog] (voiceover): we're inthe slop do youant p your gesown? (voiceover): setting up sp in the sd. feel like, fe and beautifu it. (voiceover): a soaring new heigh [woman screaming] (voiceover from the fresh snown park city, utah- t'gout ithe powder a le bit. (vceover):suinrida keys. got ung a jellysh. oier):toutsktu, we've got thbest getaways nt on 1st look. d hefa oho that washe radio pack. usic pying] (voiov): l (voiceov): looking to leave yo dig foorintin well just few miles ide tucson,ona isesternan onqueer.
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