tv News 5 at 10PM NBC January 23, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST
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govendrew cuo / d w york:01 - 1: the first bliz of 20 is making its way north tonight...fter burngajor east coast cies ins much a threfeet of sn. the storm shut dow air...rail..nd highwayravel. in penylvania and kentuc ousas of dvers w raed. s/o id "what are you guys doing to pass thti? sleeng, eatingd playingames on my phone." washington and new york city were buried....enjoyable for pandas... and ildrenholed down the u. capital lawn.... nats: snowboarders and these snowboarders who couldn't get to a mountain. s/ no id "washat legal? prettsu thasn'gal.pretty su." e blzard slammedver 70- million people ..heds of thousands lost power....and now thers -spread flding in new jerand her mid-atla state s/govern c christie / r-w jeey46 - :53 "we have shelts in e county of thste set ....they are ready to take oplen to keethem wm an get them f." many airport ays anroads will remai closed while plows try to move
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governoandruomo / neyork 1- 14 "all it takes is one car to get stucd thsiatiokly deends io chaos." chaotistoric a cord-breaking blizzard....which ma are now hay toee go. jenner johnson. nbc news. shington. no sh thing here in southern lorado.. but could snow be on it's way?let's get a first check your forecast with news fiv meterologist carlee hoff overnight lows will be in the 20's and 30's but temperatures wi be slor to drop to these lows to the cloud cover. we are expecng increasing clouds overnig leading into your sday morning. highs tomorrow he to ssibity to reachnto the 40's and 50's but we wl hit th around 1:30 about 2 hours earlr than norma this is use a cold front will push throh and shake gs up a bit.
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heading to denver tomorrow y need to berepared folile bit of everything. early ilgaters expect temperatures in the 30's for the moing hours with a mixn and clouds. then kick off at 1:0pm temperatures wl be ithe 40's with increasincld cover. thchanceor rstartsoon afr dropping tempetures a fedegrs ea hour. by 5 o'clock temperatures will in the 30's with rain switchintonow maki for a slippery commute he from the game take yr time. dozens of pro-choice suppoers gather neae colorado springs planned parenthood today to commemate
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a lly he near the intersection of garden of the gods and cennnia news five's lena howland was ther. she joins us live in studio with bo sides -- lena? kels, itas powerful y for ny w lined tidewalks to remember what they call a monumental anniversary. t it'slso a y that the her detill choses to disagree with. na chrs :04 "wve the right for abortn ago" a supreme courdesion- :11 "we' out here todato celebrate women's rights, recognize hofar we'vcomen 43 years, and sewhere else we need to goo go further" not just h far they've ce t also, holo of a journey they stiave ead. :06 ti not wed to b womights. hould be ablto do at wnt to th our bodies" about 100 suppte of the pro-choice
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ju down thstreet from planne parenthood the sameuilding that wasnder nths elier. :13 "ians lot, it means prevalen of the c s beenowing. i feel like tween not getting equal pay, bwe the shooting at thelann parenood, people a finallyealing thatomen are marginalize" and this rally of supporters wasn't just made of women... :09 "i've had my wife d my daughter hboth useplanned parenthood, it'seen important in ourives andt needs to remain a vble tion pele throughout america" of cours-- treanother deo is heated moment. th bill carmodned s church in security with thousands of pd blue crosse.. :04 "everyday over 30 livear st by abortion" and he says -- protesike ese are prominaboron. :16 "ty see aborti as a
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libetor for won and i think the's nothing further from t truth. the true w owomen is aborti" buar after year -- pro-choice supporters continue to disagree withhat line of thinng. :0 "i thinky are narrow minded to think that yourey that abortionould never hapn again, it would never ppen agai pro-life supporters also held masst father bils chur -- earlier th week -- to reer the roe v. wade annersary. live in lora sprin, le hoand, news five. a special dier ithe works... to help the family of rine seeant jeffrey sempler. sergeant sempler was a crew chieon boa o of the helicopters that csh durg training mon off the coast of haii last week. in all... 11 marines are belied to have lo their lives that day. the cause is still under inveigatioand eir bodies haveeerecovere sergnt sempler's mother is fr fntn.
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at the american legion post 38 inountian next saty. nner will servefrom 5 p.m. until 8. the prds wl to he tfamilyh expe. developing tonight in denver.. a shoo in e montbell ighborhood has kild one person it hapned st beforsix this eveninaccoing to initial reports it happened near the park and rid we've arned meonshot the n after muiple people t inton argument. police are qioning sever people. th're not g ything susct-- or the victim-- at this time thbodyf a missing denver area hiker haseen recovere from s mary's acier. searchers found the body otodd musselman coved in snow near avalanche debris. he was reportemissing a week ago. search efforts were hampered by fears ofnother avalanche. storar a hiker visiting from florida s ed after falli o cliff at rocky motain natnapark. a spokman r thpark ss it appears 58-year old ronald bber fell about two-hured feet to his ath.
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wentn a ke tuesday and didn't check back in. the political storms of e 20- 16 campaigwere full forc. as a wd card emerged that had a lot ofeople talking the possibility of ahirdarty r by billionaireormer new york city mayor michael bloomberg. we get all the latest tonight from kristen welker. itet ath sise - another billnaire may enr the 2016 campaign. today multiple sources tell nbc newsormer new york mayor miael bloomberg seriously nsidering throwing h hat into the ring asn independ - fed upith thstat the race. rendl think he would rlly ke to do it but he's also th type of guy o wo'tet in it if therwa't aood chce to win. bloomberg t toecide by march. he'dikely enter ly if donald trump, ted cruz bernie sanders are destined to heir rty's nominees. . nats and monta of trp/cruz saerand clinton and with theaucuses just 9
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on track, running neck and n in iowa ats" again raisin eyebro wh t anhe controversial mment. "iould stand in the middle of 5tenue andhoot somebody, and i wouldn'tose an's, like, cred." thhis personal feuwith jeb bush escales aer the lease of a new bush ad featurs barbara: "when push comes tshe ople are going to realize jeb has realolutionsrather than taing about how pular th are, how great they are." trump mocking bushn twitter: "just tched jeb's ad where he deeratelneeded mom to help him. jeb --- mom cat help you wh , the chinese or with putin." jeb firingack: "i'd be careful donald " d pog a picture of his mom wearing eye-block and football shoulderads... trump supporters today ....stanng fmly his side despite his jabs at e popur rst lady. "mos trump supporter dold is a bit shocking, brin him lot of support and controversy the democratic racalso getting crsingly tight -- th hillary cltofighting to
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sander hitting s on s medica f all healthcare plan. " hewants start all o ain.nders peni h atckto..... poll after poll we beergain donald trump and other republicans than does hillary clinton applause students from all over the world gathered in colodo springs this morning for a model unite tis conference.. during the mock meeting.. students are delegates to the u-n from differt countries.. they form coalitions andearn diplomacy by debatg real world problems.. even pasng resutions.. many of the sten gon to use whathey learn in their careers.. "kidwho do model un, a l o them get ry passionate about internatiol relations, foreign affairs, i've hearback from our former club members that are doinjo wh the ste
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todays group came from many states.. even as far as turketo partipate.. this is the fifth year the colorado sprinschool has hosted despite unseasonably warm temperatures.. brecnridge igearing upo st the internatial snow sculpture competi.. takeook.. athe rer-wk center parking lot in breckenridg 05:49:36:00 i have to put these e first ling crew 05:50:46:0e setting up our lighting arin t-shirts 05:49:15:00 we like it when 's warm setting up at the breckenridge international snow sculpting championship and ting advantage of temperatures in the 40's5:51:14:00 it's a pretty ni day iould have say it's in the upper 40's maybe perfect for inalling the complex network of more thanwireless lights 00:01:02:0we have three rows of lighting here that are all wireless 05:51:330 i have a fli ey d't care fothis as much foe artist who wilbe
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snow 05:52:50:0couple of ars ago they had faberge eggs into works of art 00:02:050 it's real ght to se luckily eye thbest sw carverin the world a in recent years 00:02:15:00 i have been ing this for 4 yave tten uso a late january warm up like this 05:02:16:00 d the la 4 years it's been blue bd day every single day by king advantage of all those ligs carl and his crew are setng u 05:51:35:00 they tend o a lot of sculpngt night a lo of time because of t colder temperatures which when they nish will be as much an artiic display 05:52:12:00 it ds that extra flare as the snow sculptures they're lighting up :510:00 it beco coming up.. the storm amming the east cot isuings plans.. but oncouple planned tir
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and 50'sute will hit them around 1:30 about 2-3 hos rliethan normal. this is because a cold front will push through and shake things up a bit. first things first, if you are heading to denver tomorrow you need to be prered for little bit of everythg. early tailgaters expec temperur in the 30's for the morning urs with a mix osun and clou. en kick off at 15 pm temperatures will be ithe 40 with increasing oud cover. thchance for rain starts soon afr droppingemperares a fegrees each hour. by 5 o'clock temratures will be in the 30's witrain swching tonow making for a slippery commute home from the me. take yr time. closer to home we will see snow buildi in from the west in the motainas early at 12 pm. th will likelye reried toheountains at is time. then cloud cover spreads to the south and east as we head closer towards pm. is low level cloud cover could drop some flurriest anytime, but sn will art ineller
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paso county after. the precipitation will start at rain in areas that are above frzingwitching over when the sun es down and temperates drop. accumulations of 1"-3" will be possle by thend of the storm. pulo wlikely not s significt snnd colorado rings ll see snow onnd o after 4-5 pm. again, low level clouds mean we could seflurriesain earlier on in the day. thchance for snow ds early monday morning, but give yoselfle time to get to works lesser used streets
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sot: 18:35 bachome theve got 2 ft osnow and out herit is 60 and sunn beautiful. its aweme it so nice today... wepotted sompeople out in shor and tank tops. lot's of pns f the weekend arbeg disrupted by winter weather... but imagine if this was the mo importanweekend ofr life ... your wedding. here's the story of oncouple's rush to the alter. l/haymarket, virgini :02 s/dave clougfather of the :5 s/brian clough/groom 1:09 the life changing mome supposed to take place a4:30 morrow thatheian cough jea candilario planned to get married. analong me the blizzard of 2016. ve clough ther of theoom s/dave clough staralover. we had to fi out how to move everhing from 4:30 tomorrow to 1 o'ock today.
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includg changing all the flight imeanscrambling too for wedding planr whitney frost. ye her last names frost. just minutes borthe couple walked down the isle she was still scattering the pedals. the snowas alrdy falling by e time sviergmured weddg guests from jersey and ssachusetts stepped through thdoors. undersndably qui few dn't make it. but jessica and brian dimake down the isle, determined not to let a blizzard keep them from getting rrd. s/jessica clough/bride soany tears, i cried all of weesday, but we have a wedding, we got marrd, that's what matters, we'rhere. anthey will have quite a story to telon aiversaries to come brian ough/groom 1:09 ter all e stressful ents are done it los amazing. d all the stories of uh ofhe stress are going to fall away anwe're gonna ha only good stories to tell" certainly a day to remember.. that was julie carey reporting in virginia.. lets head over to matt pard for a look at what's next in orts.. matt?? that is what milgh will look like tomorrow. a very loud, vy prd oncos country....aed for a mchup th the patriots...
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busiss. as they look to st foced for the countdown isn e countdown is on broncos fans. the patriots are mile high bound r the a-f-c championship game, with teams vying for a chance to play iper bowl 50. the stages don comany bigger....but e broncos have been takg a subdued approach to bame. for denver, the keiso out and play their game without getting caught up in the hype of the day. no doubt they're excited, as all of colorado is for bigame. but a win isn't guarteed, especially against a familiar e in new engnd....with tom bradhind the snap. you have a littlfamiity with the personnel, but i think we tooa lot of confidence out of that when weeat them ani'm sure tll be okin forevenge. t the best tm is going win on suny and elieve it will be the teamhat exutes the best. i'm excited out it, at the e of the dayour tag about twof the besquterbac in l history going agait each her anarguly one of th bestenseing agait
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so i think it's going to be a big timehowdown on sunday, i'm eited for it. kickoff from mile high iat 05grant meh will be ther d have a live recap rhtere on ne-5 wkend. the n-f-c will also crown their champ tomorrow. thpanthers a cardinals were arguably the two most consistent teams of the season and ey'll baleout foa spot in e sur wl. the cardinarded their plane inweet sunshine and land in the mile of the jos blizza. despite masse amnt of snow, the panthers have been out praccing in the elemts....getting used to ho nit. ad coach riversays he inks it'll play as an advae ait a very good arizonteam. thk it wl helps. one thing we always seem to do is practice in the emes we don't have an indoor facility -- but we practice outside and we don't make a g deal out of acticing oside. it is just the nature. if you don have it, yodon't worrabouit. wee a little saying around here..
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whatever "it" don't let it t inheay. i think ouguys foced rough and i sincerelyean at. they g going at 4:40 tomorrow, fowing t a-f-c championship game. l recap it afterwards right he on ws-5. onto the ice now, the avs are stirring up their owplayoff talks these days. they've strung together three in a row and were looki f four on the back-end of a toughack- to-bac blueonriday, sta on sarday....two of theest' best. 1. orthanded....c arl sodeerg....dee ks....some backhaed flash.. 3.jason demers cleans things the stars the
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iel landeskog....sp er! 2-1 3. r goeasu..migrigorenko..1. avalanche roll in dallas by that ore, they sweep the back-to-backnd are back at it da sanose. colle ice, air force and a...alcons loong for the weenswee 1. riple,ig a in wuts it me....up 1 2. big boun..-jarco lts it up over the pad.....knotted at 1-1. falcons in front 2-1....bain disy ddles h way to th empty nett....air foe keeps heir 2 nning ways..they g the sweep, 3-1 at home. rough night on the ice for colora college.
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north dako, 1 following a rd fought 5-5 tie on fridaythat finishes a long road stretch for c-c, four straig series awafrom theorld arena. th'll get their next cnce, next weeked ainst nebraska-omaha. to the harood now, the nuggets hosting the detroit pistons tonight at pepsi center. e am is in the middle of an ght game homestand, 3-3 thus far anlooking to push that cord io the win comn. special guesthere tonight, john elway! good tu relad john....nothing portt going . 1. gary hris....pic up reund and tst back....15-1 ons. harris finds darrell 15. 3. reggie jackson....takes the scen and in for the layup....u 19-18 at that point....nuggets co awath the win 104 to
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c-s-u pueblo in action agast 1. c-s-u pueblo's will newm.....tee....good, 26-19 thundeolves. 2. waininconds, chris golden....throt up....good. t mis' gokul nates..half court..buzzer beer! 53-38 at e half. thundeves go oto win....90 to 80 air foetball in action tonit.... 1. zach moer hayden graham for three....a force up. 2. pervisour frank for two....air force nging . 3. cezar ro..the three pu ity for fresnotate thgh.... good effort from air force but ey fall in a closene....56
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