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tv   Right This Minute  NBC  January 24, 2016 12:30am-1:05am MST

12:30 am
[ indistinct shoing ] >> i'm gonna go i'm gonna go for the $1 million. i'm gonna go. i'm goinfor th$1 million >> all rht, come on down here and join me thego" ace. bo you are risk taker. >> i hope i'm right. >> i love it. rit, elibeth, yogave up $100,0. th takes gs, all rig? >> i know, know. >> here's w this works. you ha five rolls, okay, t get l the way arou the monopoly board. if you ps "go," you and the tty winners in boot sectn are gonnlit $200,000. th's pretty od, right? cheers and alause ] all right. weve if you land on o, then y and you alone will n $1 million, and i hope it happens foyou. >> thank you. >> if that happens, the lottery winners in toot ctn will split todas audience jackpot, ich is. [ ectronusic plays ] $20000. [ chee and applause ] all righ the mide ofhe floor is thmopoly rock 'nroller.
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when you're ready foito stop, t at butonce and take your fing o iand they will s okay? you got veollso t ound boarday? good luck to you, eliz >> o thank you. >> youdy? >> thank you. fire up the rk 'n' roller! rs and ause alig numbers n binumbers, big numbers. all right. okay. ere we go. 6. >> all: 1.. 2... 3... .. 5. 6. oril aven. w mus thorth? $2,5 ri we're building our bank bk upokay four rolls to . you're doing gat. rit, fire up that rock 'n' roller. l bigumbeig number, big number. n, big numr. [ cheers and applause ] >> 7. okayright th way. >> a: 1... 2... 3... 4... .. 6... >> states ave. w is thatorth 00. l rit.
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>> $500 in the bank. >> okay. >> still got tee rolls tgo. yo doing greatok? >>kay. >> all right, fire up that rock 'n' rolle come on, big numbers. let 'em roll. shake m, shake 'em, shake 'em. [ cheers and applause ] >>0. very ni de. right this way. >> all: 1. .. 3... 4... 5... 6... .. 8... 9...10. >> inavenu how ch aouorth $10 ck ie ba. $21,500. you're doing great. you got two ros to get to "go." >> oh, wow. >> onehing ion want you do igo to jail. you roll a 7, the game is over d u wing 7s, okay? >> okay. ce on, boot stion firep th roc'n' roer! co on, bigbles, big doubles, big doubl. 10. nice roll! >> all: 1... 2... ..
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6... 8... 9...10. >>kay. >>h. >> cmunity chest. there's good cards under tre, ers bacards under there. there is o " to jail." hover, there is a ance there is an an to go." so pick lucky card oh, g. [ indistin shoutg >> what woulyour mom pic >>he wld pick...4. >> you think? >> cd number 4 >>kay, sw whade card number 4. ollect $15,000"! there yo! nicely done! eers and applause ] alt, mom's with us, hu >>, yes, oh, my gosh. >>ere's the bad news -- you got one roll left.t $3500 in the bank. what'she eiest number to roll? 7. 7 ishe mcombinatio on the dice. i wa you to roll me a and
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>> oh, my god. 7! >> you'vgot a chance at $1 milli right here, elizabet >> oh, mgod. >> fire hat rock 'n' roller! come on, 7! 7. >>ome on, 7! >>h, 7, 7,, 7. [ audience chantg "7" ] 7. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! y won that's officia you n $1 millionbothaugh >>h, my gosh! >> congratulations! [ -tempo theme musiclays ] wow! unbelievable! >> oh,y god! h, my god! >> another $1 million nner, ly right heron the "monopoly millionaires' club"!
12:35 am
[ music, cheering continues ],,,,,,,,,,,, > a tdem s dive w a rookie startsfffi,ut he
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about to go wn. what goes horriblrong and the frantioves to fix it as they hurdowards theund. a cabby tri to rson with a grumpy rider. he just seems t want to have argumenithsobody. >>hy bad languagesn't the worst thing coming out of his moh. >> oh, no, he didt! ow blob. >>his is a slow motion alanch >> the naturalis that takes its sweet time. >> andid you break it? >> mom puts her ltle b on the spot, but h goes into statue me when he gets in trouble. see a standoff for the agesnd howe aces the victory. [ laughter ] the kid i genius! >> this is a tandem sky dive. th guy in the back they call
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his real nam i adrian. he's a expert tdem skyive juer. right there is h passeer and they seem to be having a good time. >> he deploys the canopnd erything isng okay and all of a sudden tre is a tenon kn and you see that canopy not full deoyed. >> and you seehe dude in the front has no clue. a big smile on his face is amazing. >> he learns very quickly something's about to go down. >> he deployshe sre canopy d h some sk. >> i hate tho tenonknots. that resveanopy i how 're goingo have to get down and ane int, one man instcts the passenger to pull down those and he has to help with that lding. no the guyn the fro appears to be takg it all well in hand beuse again, he' just along for the de but then things ge scarier as they getloser to theround.
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[ screaming >> the person who is screang isheassenger that's along for the ri wasunhurt and the wildman broke his back and i currently covering. >> , n! didild man take the bnt of the impact forhat y? >> it had tbe wild man whoas the oneho took the brunt of it becausehe oer guy is unhurt bee you can hear tm talking after theve landed. are youll right? [ screaming ] >> i sho h little control they actually had because t ended uplanng in the suburbs. >> i have tsayg passger who was unrt, it takes an expert to pull that f. screing ]
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ner know who will gnd this comro theuk.thinni oth videos chs. shreelceve a shs bee doir se s. >> and it all seems to start so well. the guy whoetsntth fro passenge seing jokes and wll part o sam group. >> yeah. 're a there together. >> and he says that there's still oneoreo go which wh they'ot the backoor open, but chris becse it's ining has a simpl request. i cold, it' raining she doesn't wa the watero get inside. can youlose the door? grt. >> a thene jtet ait insuppabtrait off the t. >> and- excuse me -- and you get out. >> funny enough about the ect resp we're rdyostart.o ev been throu a
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ch is just or .tt. >>ou c actuall leay car, plea bereavement doesn't give you a licens t de. he's jt a . itlso doesn't giv youe dsting. [ eep ]. >> oh, no, didn! he did not! >>hat is eorsthing you caoo a person. that's legally something cangenro for. th ishy t veos getting aotf attention. youee t s on herface >>nd tha gng t b andhe didepit she repted it to the po. she ha tak text ce day off,heo shaken by the experie dn't want to go to wo >> that is sdistteful. ove simpleue to keep e doorcled this guy was ting for some sort of fig and he crossed all sor o lis.
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a pretty spectular morning and he was out on the water of victoreach wn these ay whal joinedthem. 'm amazed at how people are that this happened >> you are o a paddleboard in the the ocean. >> it's a little like winning the city lotte and te a majesticnimal le that to come so clo to it,t is pretty epic. >> i said he was having a pretty good mning becse that wasn't the end of it. thes are bottle-nosed dolphin and they're animals of the water, nice and peaceful. 's amazing to have one of these encounters. he hadbo. these ladies in tampa see sothg, but they dn't catch it on purpose. at first at first i'm, like, what am i looking at? pay attention. >> y didn't g any ofy pictures?
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>> did that she's o trying to c trng to capture the perfect sh wn sheaptures the perfect shot. >> it seemsooerfect. you didn't getny of my piures? obviously this discuios going nowhere fast. i say al,hey s fake and just agree with me. it's easier that way this guy looks lee has spotd sething in the fresh, poery ow, what has he spotted. keepn eye o what's about to me down this mountain >> oh,hat's an avalanche, it is, andhis is a slow motn avalanche, and it's meike a mulide than a typical avalchhan we'resed to seeing. just watch it work its way
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ob just flowing in a solid form. ou're ght. it's lik a mud flow or lava ow. i've nevereen snow dos and also a little scary because even though it is moving down,ome of it is coming toward him. how does he ow it's going to op? >> you do see him bk up a little bit, but they're aware of it because it was done intentionally. they set thisff because they re concerned that the snow was going to come falling dow the llnd block this ad. so befor it happened on some suspecting motorist they triggered this slow-moving avale to make itaf for everybody else. >>hemot at comes down pres their theory. speak of the speak of theowerf this. hear how the trees snap. if they're gettingeady to take onhe microwave.
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lads show up to get their nails done, b they have no idea what they're in r. >> he girl. >> my name is taquila. >> seehat happens wtaquila gis them viptreatmen >> iall tm fun ons for the bunions. >> plus p gets a mak ore inthe wafflemaker. see the steps to see it up i st on! t a larg1-pping pizza foronly 50 ces when yourder any large pizzaat regular menu ice. better ingredients. bettiz. better ftball. paco this is joanne. her long day as a hair stylist stas withhoulde pain when... y joanne, want to ade ealday reef 2 aleveh 6 tynol?
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for me. it's aleve.oyest beeve he can g his taxes done for nothing. we ought dr. kaku to explain what we an bnothing. it means it's free
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appa apparently, people tnk i closed ctioning provided by-g you that drivers that sh pgressive sa an average of $54 whoo! i an, whoo. m i'm taquila, how you ing?
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>> the girl is aot mess about everything a i am here for it. thesladies set up a nail apintment. 's a bri and her bridal party. >> how are you doing? >> wait, wait, wait. taquila makes a reall gd manicurist >> remem you sd that ay? >> taquila is in the business of bety and her beauty is like that? >> these lies are trying to keep it together and going alo thll othis. >> hold on, girl >> oh, my gosh. the boobs! >> ihought i heard themogs barking. that'sco.i lik manurist that's funn at laugh -- i don't know if that's, like, you funny. gete out o here. they all seem to sming, but thei eyes a sin a dierent sto and every one o them a thinking ohosh, want to get a picture of this so bad and i don't want t rude.
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bhe my dog chalupa in it. >> chalpa? yeah. hesed hav hair and then he turned hairless. >> the buty o this is w mome theseirls will have no they've got a f video to present, to show all their iends d they'll never forget this ment. >>his is a little concoion that iade up. >> that's right. that's the key ingredient. >>. >> i wouldo more.[ lahter ] i cal this fuons for bunionanhat it do is some of the acid in the onions is a toeheepreventative. >>he flowersor the lovely bride. >>here's you tiara because you're the win or my new tv show >> ahe bath masr has struckagain.
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>> uh-huh. >> neighbo like this just driv you insa. just making a rs and all kinds of noise on his quad in the middle of theeets not belong there. gosh, if only, if only someone uld get him to stopr somethg! >> >> i saw that coming about 720degrees before it pped. closer to that lip. the guy smacks prey hard on the grnd and hopefullyhat headhe will remind you n to be jerk face neighbor ymor uninntnaleelie. this guy along with his two otr buddi out on dirt bikes enjoying their day. they're not botheng anybody and what bter timeo practic your wheeli ills. r wheel, nobody else around
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it although it looks a little bit y. >> ooh, ah >> i meant to that. that wen right as planned. i get that on video? >> i really want to get rid of my rear fender. >> thankfully it looks like that'sll heheared off becaus h gothe protective ar on. he says he's not hurt. >>. >> awfu yummy, pizza, delici whatwe put t two ther? >> you get som pizza dough and you it ond then watch at ty do with . they put it in the wafflemaker. yes. you spread thewalemar with some pam, p in pdough, some sauce, cheesemeat, some more choose. >> i'm digging this. >> sold! >> and ty top it with more dough becau this is lik a waffle pocketnd watch what happens! >> oh, come ! >> as the italian in the group here i don't like msing around
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pizza is good pizza! >> this is more >>r hot poet >> ohot cket. y are so authentic. andheinal reveal guys, ney! look at at. >>lory chlt. >>here more joyoming out the lemaker here. i y just listen.>> there's more joy coming out of the wafflemaker here.i say just listen. laughter ] >> so >> so stupid! a farting waffleke >> youould pay ext! >> all of the different waffle items and that one for the fartg featur>> who ces if theafe it iss a any good?
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after. [ ughter ] >> b.s.e. jumng taken to another lel. they've got a very scial planor this hot air balloon. see how this hot air bloon comes into play. >> iever would hav thought th was possible. >> me eier. >> these cutsnow the tru meaning of sharing i caring.>> they want toake sure that rah getseat. theyan still fill the heart.we pour 'em weass 'em! we pick 'em! delicious n for everyone. hershey'miniatures are ne, yours, our cholate. hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes. well, i und this newhing called allstate quickfoto claim. it's an p. you dersnd tha yojust te photosf the damage with your one and upload them to allstate. really? so you get a qck estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will helyou
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quickfoto clai. junother way astate
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manyrescriptions many prescriptions can cause dry mouth. act y h as and tohpel promo consideration provided by -- with soothing formulas that strengthen teeth and freshen br act. strongemouth relief. u ca over 500 buwhen you switch toroessive. that's a ft. t this whole"blondes have more fun" thing... standi bn. ikewans isawesome.
12:55 am
this for urban armored gear. they're settip innormous t air balloon and they've got a helicopter tre a the go up in the helicopter first and they do a couple of jumpsnd they g super awesome and go down about 8 miles an hou t once they get t jump done d out of the way they start blowing up t hot bon sta pressingt a they'llctuay get on top o the hot airballoon, but they have to get on it while they're still blowing it up. ty climb on the balloon itself? >> ye andhey'll attach a slide off the top of the balloonoy can sle of >> the inflated the balloon with them on it. i wan to do that. >> is quitefun. the startoing up to the skand while th're at altitude, i think about 2800 feet they g the okay, yo,
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>> he kin >> he kind of gets stuck. recoversnd continues walkg cser to t ee a enal takes off. >> wt a really cool idea and in t people to say, hey, we want to sit on top of it. who agrees to that? these guys are wellespected athletes and they know they're rking with th. >> allf the many joys of watching children imitate adults and we srt with these two cutele little girl sarah and watch how ivy trieso playmomm ere is nothing on that fork, but ivy wants to make sure that sah gets plenty to eat. >> see, it's like getting it. theye practicing,ut i just thought that was mono because the is nothing on the plate an it' not lik she's pretding not to take athing off. >> look at this. nothing.
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respon to h moms unlike anytng'v seen from a kid. justwatch. >>id you break it? did you break it? >> maybe if i stand he long enough and just blink and not move mom won't noticm here in the om. [ laughter ] >> he loo to me like wild. >> i like how she ss he goes into statue mode when he gets in trouble and you guys, this goes on for well over a nute. hello? aden? [ laughter ] >>he kid is a genius. at t very end he reveals my comedy face, mom. >> going to try it, next
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starat her just >>. >> pct poft men, childrennd women are just patien see what happens whe a
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>> wha kind of areakish m my bos been learninhow o things fthe yoube annel a bit. we had him back in november wn he was learning how to ateboard. that's right. >> now he's mastering another talent. people have en aing him to learn how to juggle, so he's goin to do it. so he heads over and you c see he dpshe apples over and ov andr o again. e didthe rightway. >> entlly he moves on to lemons and his goal is to do it super fast and at this point he'sver twooursnnd hs ivg u wat as the video progsses. you start seein that final
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seconder ling forhree urand 44 minutes. >> continuou juggling. >> i'm absolutelr the moon. >> there you go. >> he's got the muscle memory and fed outvething heeed do a hdid it. >> people think mre from mars and women are fromvenus. women are just patient. might lookike you're watching some videoames and you are, but the pt iant you to draw y attenti to is the botteft hand rner. he's a pigeon. yes, he is a pige. he's playing in acommunity, the rocketeague central committee whicis remote control video game soccer and the this he's hosti the gamend he's gotis peon he on and he's playing veo games with a pigeon head.
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relationship video. >> his hd whi wit theign . so weir could it it rl bad real fast. oh,y go i c onlmagine being t rlfriend wking in and my yfriend is wearing a pigeon he ou starto question your ow choices. whereid i go ong wi fe? >> the >> the greatest thing about this is h just not ting plainnde kps playingheo game baue's a man. >> thembarrament. >> >> i'm done.
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