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tv   Early Today  NBC  January 24, 2016 4:05am-4:35am MST

4:05 am
(birds c (bir chirping) (audnc (audude laughing) udience laughing) (birds chirping) pbeac) (aience giggle (birds chirping) (audience laughing (audience laughing) (bds chirping) (audie udnce laughi) (audience plse)
4:06 am
pbea (ut sic) - welc - lcombackve a at. toy's ecia is wel is wl-doneranksmothed inaughs. bon appetit. ience laughing) (beep) (liquid splashing) (pigeon oing) (audience lahing) (scream) (audience laughing) (pigeon oi) (audnce laughing) (sly music (pigeon (pigeocooing) (sly music) (gun sho) (glass cling) (g shot) quee (glass cling (yelling)
4:07 am
(gun shot) (audience laughing un st) (gun shots) (t lass clinging) (glass cnging) hey. udience laughing) udience lahing) udienc (audience applause) (ueat muc) - oh y'rpregnantird... coratulaons i . he whyon't we call the guness boo of world records. (audience laughing) (upbeasic) (door clasopenin (ding) (ding) (audience laughing) (upbeat music)
4:08 am
pbeat music) (audience lahing (kiss) (audience laughing) (audience laughing) (magic rinng) (audience laughing) (gasp) (audienc (audience ughing) pbeat muc) (magic ringing) (aude laughing) asp) udience ughing) (upbeamusic) (audience laugng (audience applause) (upbt music) we bug we bhtndmaightbackor aer p.
4:09 am
udnce laughing) (upbeat sic) (audience laughing) (upb (upbeat music) (audienclaughing) (audience ughing) (upbeat music) (audience laughing) (upbeamusi (audience hi) (upbeat music) (audienclaughi) (audience lahing) (audience hing) (upbeat music)
4:10 am
(upbeat music) (audience ughing) (audiencapplse) (ueat music) ne, eced t elate e hidden camera genre to a gher form. (audience laughi) (crashing) overture to t "barr of seville" (crashing) (glass breing) overture to the "barber of seville (crashin (glass b (gss breaking) rashing) (aienclaughi (crashing) overturto the "barof seville" (crash (audie (audiee laughing) lass breaking)
4:11 am
(crash) (crash) (crash) (crash) (audience laughing) overture to the "barber ofevle" (glass breaking) (audienc (audience laughing) (audience applause) (upbeat music) next xt, e bosked uso construct a hilarious new prank... naileit. udience laug) (upbmusic)
4:12 am
(nail gun shoots) (scream) ail n shots) (scream) (nail gun shot (sceam) (aience laughing) (nail gun shot) (scream) udience ugng (audience laughing) (nail gun shot) (scream) (audiee laughing) (audience applause) re g moags ng t afthis (upbeasic) spokbox: g esbopapes, don't stssgirl iothe discounts that you need safe driver accident-free erybody put your flaps their for me manyrescriptions can cause y mouth. act drmouth mouthwas and otasteelie dry moh mptoms
4:13 am
d freshen brea. act.trongetehand dry utreef men, we try .... men, wtr.... ay fit. yet 68% dot kn . . physal activity increases our need for antioxidants. let's add one a y men's vicres. a complete gum mtivitamin with antioxints . ... to help meet your incrseeds. e a day. ava eating her first snack iso cute i woer wt's going on in her head. to think of all that time i wasted chewing on my toes. gerb puffs, th no artificial flors. that's a win-wi our xt iteis a genui "ne your price" tool.this highly soughtfter device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no!e are givi it ay
4:14 am
the nes arbling ! got deborahfromoughkeepe. flo: yeah, no, 's flo. you guys realize anye can use the "name yo price" tool for free on ogressivcom, right? ughing nvously ] [ picklewhin ] i know, it's lik ey'ralwaystelevisi.
4:15 am
welcome welcomck. , faoo. dest p t gag b (audience laughing) (d barng
4:16 am
(guitar string bakg) (dog b (dog barking) (dogarking) (aience laughi) (dog barki) (audnce laughi) (dog barking) (audience laugng) (scream) (dog barking) udncughing) ieng) (upbeat sic) (alaughing) (ueat sic) (aience applause) (upbeat musi
4:17 am
(audnclaughing) (pno (lever squeak) (audienc (audience ughing) (pianousic) udience laughing) (piano music) (audience laughing) (audience laughing iano music) (aience hing) (audienclaughing) (piano music) (audiee hing) (splh) (audience laughing)
4:18 am
(upb next, neanng squ sound that shoes can make? well it's even more annoying wn we makit. (audience lahing) (shoe squeaking) (audiee laughing(shoe sqaking) (shoe squeaking) (audiee laughi (shoe squeing) (audience laughing) e squeaking) (audience laughing) (shoe squeaking) (audiencughing) (shoe squeaking) (audie udnce laughing (shoe ueaking)
4:19 am
(shosqueaking) (pno music) (audienclaughing (shoe squeaking) (audience laughing (shosqueaking) (audnce uging) (shoe squeaking) (audience ughing e sqaking) (audienclaughi) (shoe sqakin (aience ughing) (pno mic) (ance lang) (audience applau (upbeat music) here'sre we've arrand for some lies to prank their men tning the mariachi mood from es to feisty. (audience ug) (mariachi music) (audnclaughing)
4:20 am
udiee lahing) (splash) (splh) (audnce lang) (mariai music) (splash) (audnce laughing) (mariai muc) udience laughing h) udiee lahing) (mariachi music) (audie (audiencapplause)
4:21 am
pbt si heartburn at night heartburn at night, that's i i need to kick acid wi rolaids advance it gs work insty on your worst heartbn, bloating, and gas. that's better. kick acid and gas tholaids advanced. ld bond rough &bumpskin therapy.usedaily, it exfiates, smoothessofts. recemp72er. goldon uln.ti s wee ba. th nal g gives a wh a whole w meing to the te hysricapregnancy. (audnce laugng) (playfulus) ience laughi (playful
4:22 am
(audience laughing) (slide whistle) (playful music) (car dr) (audience laughing) laul m (car (car door) (aie ience ughing(playful (audience laughing udienclaughing)(playful (playf music) (audnclaughing well that's our show. thks for wching, and we'lsee you next time.
4:23 am
,,,,,,, - [voiceover] ge - [voiceov] get ready to dig this episode so much u'll dance for joy. until things get squirly. d it's all "just laug gags"! wee tohe wh what our key to come find pfect n stngernd prank tm silly. lihe guys. (upbeat music) irls scream) - shhh. shhh. (girls (girls scream)
4:24 am
(girls scream) (girls (girls scrm) (g screa (app (applause) now mo now most families have their skeletons inhe closet. - shhh. shhh. - [voiceover] but this grandmaided
4:25 am
(wheelbarrow squeakshebarrow squks (mys (mysteris music) (mys (mysteris music) (applaus (applause)
4:26 am
rish mus) (mus
4:27 am
warning, this next g eally rt u you may want to loy. (mud squishes) (mud s
4:28 am
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4:34 am


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