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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  January 25, 2016 1:05am-2:05am MST

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someone is up on sta ng turned sinist ned nist. >> iouldn'believe what i was hearg. my h was poundi we n to this fast. >> here is andrea with ace. trace. >> >> a sad ff li gon wiou ae.nawideherere a 00 acte misng per cases. sie cemb d onliis i america sers has bee tli som o those hetbgorie on of their came fr t hetld whe not erything
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this is thequadcity, urban, dustrial industrial, gritty. four citiespt by the mighty mississippi river -- two on the iowa side, two in nois. the days, the quad cs is a sometimes uneasy mix of old-fashiodwesternues ande urban life, where crime isn ines cris ainesble part of e landscape. th iere carrie olson went missing in december of 2013. >> shead heartf gold. and she de you alwayfe welcome. >> andsmith >> anda smitand carey were anda smi and carrie were b.f.f's from the momentheyet at as 11 year-ds at neighborho poo >> we were just immingtogether oneayd spks st flew. >> how do little girls have sparks? what wast about rrie? >> sheas outgoing, fun. she'd pushou in the pool. e'd splash y. and shgive the best bear gs. you kn, send
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>> repter: the vivacious carrie was a people person and according to sarah paxn, other friend, a doperson too. she loved her kolb >> her dog, kolby jack. kolby cheese. she lod, loved, loved kolby. kolby was like her child. 29-year-old rrie worked i r father's floorg andarpe store. >> carrie a bit of aaddy's girl? >>he was. >> reporter: is that fair? >> yeah. >> her dad seemed to da lot of things for h? >> he did. ifhe needed somethg, he was there tang care of it. >> reporr: but carrie was trying to find her own way. she lived iner own house and drmed ofone day, walking wn the aisle. >> she wanted to be loved. she want aamily. she wanted something sble in her life >> reporter: t outing carrie d no trouble mtiuys,ut hadn't found mr. rht. carrie was ch a swehet. e was always bubbly. >> reporter:
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karaokjot named jimmy carrie w a regular. >> she w alws we behaved. always tre just hanging t th her girlfendshang a te. thinthey came hereor karaok that'sun cwd.>>eporr: iwas immy o's ere carrieetim mcvay. fr the moment they laid eyes on each other, they were smitten. thewere flirtwith each other. you cotell that they were bothnterested. it's cute. >> ror t studied theology aaugustana colle. he pnncong a mist he st too yog and perid lip to t ribil hto drac u-turn aa ryifrentng bars and clubs as thearaoke f e ad cits. >> he s ve good at runng karaoke. wasunny. hentined theustomers. he got out there and dand with 'em. he woulding songs. 's a good guy.
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but dn'seem to matter theyere having f. and carrieould imagine future together. >> sheaw everyonaround her getting rried and having ildrenmyself incded. and i she wanted that. >> reporter: but tim wasn't terested in hang more children and tt was al breafor carrie so they deded to go their separate ways. carrie soon started dating justin mueller, an iraq war t, th a very different persity from the gregaris, fun-loving t.>> he seemedery quiet. plea. he wasite. he w nic heeemed litt awkrd. >> reporter: despite his qet and awkward meanor, stin looked lika good fit for rrie. he was closer in age, hard work loyal. and he seemed to find a place in her heart. soth moved itogether. was a big step. for carrie, it was the first time she had set up house with
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wasn't the happily eveter kind o carrie dreamed about.e arjustin with a difficult case of post traumaticre dor >> i felt ke it wasn't good tch. l he wteto do was stay me, where carraslw ntg gt and dohis.>>eporr:id you st ofee thats, like, "this is gonna bei n see th is gonnbe a probm?" i did sa le, a clash. >>ter:n, jusweekafter ju mn, there was a problem and it was a big one. carrie suddenly carrie suddenly disappeared. it was a monday, december 13, 2013. the start of a work week. carrie didn't show up at t store and di'talin not li her at all. something was wrong? right. i caeri could tell h phone was it was going sght to email. and i thout aboucalling hoitals.
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where was carr? >> i >> it was on innd o facebook. >> a frustratingearch for carrie. >> it is traumaticnd erwhel. ma snsf trouble. >>tomping t. carrie was upset. so how ya ing? gh pressure in here for ya? ugh. msinuses are killing me. yeah...jt wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm goa take mucinex sinus-ma late, we're out to take off. these dissol fast. they're neliquid gels. and yore coming with me... wait, what u realize i have gold status do i still g the mil? new mucinex sinumaquel sss nlea m strh meci stt re
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, cent recelye've noticed somads crteby tse two bds viting y to stayway from the streakree inof windex.wellear nd users the a are false. sfquea frowind clning cleaglasis bter an dty ass. d snd forirty. wind. the's mong. anthe'mong wi move ee ult. it has triple-action support r your jnts, cartage and ne d unlike the big osteo- flepill n ula. ur m. we were belo the 88thoutherparallel. we had traveled for over 8 miles.
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stvation a frostbite. towe me histy. >>bivenidos! welcomto theouth pe! if you're dora the elorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so lg? if you wt to save fieen perct or more on carnsurance, you itch to geico. it's what you do. >>you did it, yaare you tired of aryou tired of hazardous gls me so car by sfx: sli sw windex that you don'even know 's? sfx:lide show udge it! with the new smudge stick even clear
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get it n and say no to spotless car wins. music throughout unlike ordinary diapers, unlike ordinary diapers, pampers stay up to so your baby canleepwishing you love, sleep and pl. mpers ,,, grief
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thief and steal yourjo what sappeene eire commy eto. >>body knew ouit was thek of theow >> dennis harper is th founder of the qucities missing person'setwork. whener there was anything newsworthy, pted. itnews. it wasfa >> repte c friend amanda was a big part of w aycr acarrie olson facebook page. and pele were sharing it left and rit. so her story getting out. i evencted dat they pshed her sto >>orter: wn weosd carr s as part o dateline's online missing america seriesit reached 1.9 million people, was ar 42,0 time diyou feel like that w something that could hel juetting it out on a natiev? >>hink it helped aot. ter: thousdsta to folloanda's page. carr sto united the quad cities irerkable. everyone wanted to help and
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in the case. but they were alson did yojustrt to have worse d rse thoughts as u waited? >> i did. >> reporter: what are you told about what'soing on th carrie? >> thashe did not sh up for work the family was concerned >> reporte the fily was so concerned ey cald th poce. the case went to dettives rick voy and bl omas of e danport poce department. theyay carrie's ven boyfriend justin told them he had no idewhere she was. justin didn't have y answers. >> rorter: justin said he and carrie had a fight, she stormed t of the hse and he hadn't seen her in two days. >> carrie was upset. >>hat did e say to him? said somethinto him aut bein' stup >> reporter: carrie ex,im mcvay, was in lavegas on vaciowhen he was told she was missing. he and carrie were still close frnds d id he waedo
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dave about whe to ok. >> t told him, h, shcould be amy place. go over anlook there's a window open. you can crawl in the windo ansearch the house. >> dave nt over there and arched. >> yes. >> he did. >> reporter:ide e anything? ope. rorte ncatim' carrie anhere. and one thing left behd h houswas su sign someth s terrlyror beved dog koy. hverything was kolby. just like littid. and she dido somewhere kolby s er with he or shwould kerrangementfokolby. ere was s wouldever jueave. >>epter:olby bei at without carr l detti voy anth to a grim ss >> as detectives, do you have to consider that someone might have taken theiown life? >> imissg rson's ination, thaalways possibility. rortemaga that eoryomweight she id sad behind carribubb
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startedhinking ataybe she commted icide somewhere. >> did y thinkhat carrie was capable of ting her own >> welhe seed depressed at times. ter: stilles need tore. they executed two search warrts, the first at the hse carrie shared wi heroyfried justin.earch wa >> the search warrant that we prepared for carrie'house includ everything th justin owned and justin's vehic >> reporter: justin's truck was checked and photographed and a sweep was made of the house. it was tidy. undisturbe didnook like a crime scene. anotr search was done at ex-boyfriend timcvouse. >> we wa to t into his redence and see was she there, shnothere. were there any clues that we needed to go on. >> reporter: detecve tina noe executed the search on tim's home. >> we took ls of paphs. 'cau youever know at's gonna be important possibly later on. >> reporter: tim was ithe middle of a jor renovation. the house was a mess
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erywhe; clothes, construction merials, ros of carpeting. but g looked like a go lead. carr'sily was growing increaly desperate. ey wanted to do somethg. anything. when they reached outo dennis harke quad cities miing person's network. sadly, he knew just what t. >> it's traumatic. it juscrisis. and d it's orwing.>> rr: his own son went missin a few mon rlr. find urlf bei tireless you know, you can't slee anyway, yoght as well be doing something. >> reporter:nis offered suestions and organization to find crie and keep her story public. it was a remarkable effort. a reward was offered. prayer vigil becamment of peace, and ith. and, ocourere we endless searches. dennis led one at th mississipprive where his son's body h beeund. the mississpiendso coect a of people that go missing.
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searches. aybe she had drownr been dumped in thrive so we started looking along the river. and i was lifting up everything and loing for her. >> iad to do something for her. cae she wou us she would have d it forme. >> sarah paon searchi, too. she remembs thfrtrat ough a huge park cod th a f snow very search, i felsm and smalr. anworld feltger d bi she was onofy clest fries. i lod her dear. it just felt like a needle in a haystack. her >> her fds andily wld no sp lkingr . dozens of ts cam in fro rangs, well wishs, even psychics. it wou be sothing much closer to home thatould
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about eallhappened. >> cing up -- >> had you ever heard anything abt stin stalking carr? >> she told mee would drive by her house. >> queions about rr's
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>> it sounlikehe ttg y he >> reporter: the >> reporr: the peoplof the quad cities were desperately searchfor ielson. anlaw enforcement on both sides of the msissippi were doing their best phi the investigation as hard as they could. for detective tinaoe, soing the case became a missn. >> reporter:inng som quickly is very important. >> iis very impoant. and wheng m ere she? whatoue haen to we need to find s.murd investions, eight out of ten suspects and victim know each other. >> reporter: and that meant taking a hardelook at carrie's boyfrid, justin mueller. detectiv start by talking to carrie family about him. >> we rely heavi on the informatn that familiegive usly on in an instigation. >> reporter: b carrie didn't share details of her love life with her family. they didn't even know juin had moved inh her.
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d nfe as hoyfriendtimcy. to me, it appeared that they were besbuds. they talked daily. sometimes they would talk over 20imes a d via tex e eai way of cmunicatinggi was textessaging. >> repte tim droveaigh to police headquarte when he flew back from las vegas, saying he wanted to help. >> iant to talk you about caie absolutely. >> you know, that's why you're down here, rig? >> anythinyou want to know. i don't know where she is. i don'know wt she's doing. i ve much want to know becau i am concerned. >> repter: it turnedutim al h a l of concerns about justin, which he shad with the dectives he said the probms started even before justin moved in to carrie's house. >> she called me oute ue one afrnoon freaking out because this guy justin that she had been dating s kind of stalking her. >> reporter: it was sothing best fend anda also worried
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>> reporter: who did you t would wanna hurt her? >> immediately thought justin. reporr: hadou er hear anythingbout jtin stalking carrie >> she hadold me that he would drive by her house before he ended up moving in. he wanted to be wither so bad. >> reporter: and then the was justin's posttraumatictres disorder. carrie had talked to her about it and she could rele. amanda's own military husband also struged wh pt. >> reportecould be a lot toan if you're n ud to that and then you stt dating a guy with p? >> it is a lhale. >>eporr: timold police that carrie thought her relationsh witju had reached a tipping point. >> she goes yeah i c do this anymore. i cat even keep pretending is is gointo be okay. >> rep tim then speculated to police thatroems in the relaonship had escalated into that saturday morning fight. her and justin got in a fight. she didn't really want to go back and get into more.
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lesson. epte and howid tim know about that fight? rr had gone to his hse afterunning out on justin in a huff and told him all about it. >> it undsike she wa getting ready to m end the retionship with justin. >> reporter: tim went on to tell poce that he dropped carri ba home thxt morning. >> i watched her go into the garage >>eporter: hthen browed her car and headed to the airport fohis tripo la vegas. but when detectives oke to justin, he said after carrie stormed out, sev camback home, and he hadn't seener since. d that made a tip called in to police all the more intrigng. reporter: you all get a tip that the a man looking for carrie in the milan area >> yes. >> rter: tt rved a e look becse twoays aftedisappred, herhone which ha beeconnecting to her cell network suddenly
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town of mila the man with the t said e archer was carrie's boyfriend. >> reporter: did you think it was tim at first? oridouhi it was justin? >> justin. >> reporter: but justin had anotr orto tell. he sd he wasn't in milan and insisted the fight with carrie no big deal. that it was out methin trial. >> over some burnt eggs. >> reporter: and she had left thay, slammed the door a called himtupid? >>.>> rorter: jusn inst h never saw rrie againfter that fig. and the morning tim saide dropheat hand watche her go io the house. justinaid at ner happened. >> when one guy s us, drpehef at 30n the morning," and the other sa, "s nev came in the door." wenow there's a proble >> reporter: a boyfriendhoad a blout with carrie, and an ex
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one of them was lying but which on coming up, a coming up, a caught came stuer. o is tt usg carrie ban card? his seen on veo trying toget 00 out.
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iwas sickin ,,man (sternly): where do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to work, withou. it's taco tuesday. ma you're not coming. i tookucinexo help get rid of my mucusy congestion. i'm good all day. [announcer:] mucinex kes working. not 4,, but 12ours. let's d this th say when mr. clean saw althe different thin his new art phones... ..t reminded of hi magieraser. it's n just fo marks on walls... it'sough on kihengrea... and thro grime too. he your... ...all auntougcleaner,mr. ean. (cell phe wherare yo well the squirrels are back in the attic. mo your dad won't call anexterminator... i call youack, mom? he says 's personathis tim.. if you're a m, yocall at the worst time. it's wt you .
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on car insurance, you it to geico. it what you do. where aru? it's very loud the. are you taking a zumba class? it c stress sweat. itan hapn yte to anyone. stress sweat is fferent than ordina sweat, itmellwors get 4 tis the ectiagainsstre sweatwithecret clinical sengthinvisible solid d clear are you tired of hazdous glas made so car by sfx: slide show windex that you don't even know it's tre? sfx: slide s smudge it! with the new smudge stick even clear glass getsisibly smudged ina snap. sfx:dge sods ainst gla
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rrie olson's carrie olson's boyfriend and exoyfrnd had given colicting stories abouthe day carrieent missind now police were taking alose look at both of tm. >> that's kindf a tough thing to have to fige out when you've got two pottial suspts. one othe o individuals is notling the tru deteerng to gure ouich one, when theyame
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a trace on carritrace on cris debit card lethem to a gas station, where they looked at security camera video. it washill ere was carrie's car. r debit card w beingsed but the was no carrie. instead, the person using the card was t mcvay. >>e's seen on >> he's seen on video at the pump, trng to enter a nuer several times, you could tell, it's unsuccessful. reporter: tim alstried the rd at a drive-thru atmthe misippi vaeyredit un he had pbls. thas caie'sank. he is seenn video ere three separate timesying to t $4 out. >> reporter: thein is not g?>> the pin is not working. >>eporter: why was tim driving carrie's car and using her debit card m told dettive voy tre was a simple expnation. even after they broke up, he and carrie always had each o's cks. >> we've been rely close friends. she is the kind of friend if she lled me i would drop whaver i was doing go er out. shirt off my back kind of thing.
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shcame to his house after storming o on justin. and it also wasn't unusual that shnt him her c and debit card, aid. >> she gave me herebit card she said go to the missiippi atm and t out $400 then go andtop off the gas tank, whatever it takes to iup. >> reporter: timaid carrie had so promiseto drive him to the airpt in minnesota thasu but then she changed her mind at the last min >> she says just take my car a drive yourself uthere drop me f at hom >> accdingo ti he and carrie g into rrieet intthe car and he takes carrie bk toer residee. >> reporter: a when they pulled up to the house, m said carrie told him she dn'tar how justin might rcto her doing him a far. >> she w saying i am goingo walkn e or and say i let tim borr my car to get himlf up tohe rport. you need to shape up, ship out. >> reporter: dective v
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even, saying surity camera video from the genes health clin next to carrie's house did t showim dpping r off at he. >> explain to me then the vide cameras on the side of the gesis where you drped her off, it does not show you there. >> it has to sw th the car was ere. >> rorte timidn'reale it butetective voy wasesting him. ere was actually no video camera at the clinic. m stk to his sto iisting he ded off care. >> you're noin the vid, and justin said, "she never camen that house he's home. >> i don't know. >> she didn't walk into the garage and then lk away. >> i'm thinking justin's ably not bery truthful thou. >>eporter: it was clear one of them wasn't telling the trut d it was time to find out whicone. >> reporter: did you ask tim to ta a polra? d. >> rorter: did you give just polygrh? d.
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tim to tse lieectotest ty thasd. d en thebo wt ck to thr live still, dettis kept an e on them, hoping one might sli >>eporte one n later that wr, tim maythe kaoke king of e quad cities, wabackingingn fronof crow he sang, "i us to love her," gn' res i used to ud lovheyeah but had toill r reporr: a wom at the ba whwas aware thease,new mcvas a ocd by hiser, saidhe shot thideoo mentt ene it t dectivnoe. he ys, "i used love her, but i hato kill her. and put her six feet under." tim knew wt he doi to get utheransingth sg? it was sickening. >> repter:uthat ng w
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anything.soith physicaevidence connecting tim to carr's sappearance, there was nothing she could do. the investigation had hit a wall. >> it was a myery. we ft something just wasn't right. sothing was going on and we eded to figurehis out. fast. eporter:arris ill missing nter wasing in d it would be ng o. coming up, this brand new clue. this tattoo. this tattoo. >> eled amanda. it was a definite match. police poed for a major break in the case. >> a huge piece tour puzzle. >> when "dateline" conties. here in the ci parking is hard to fin seems li everyone drives and those who do shouldswitch to geico because you coulsave hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. let park llo!
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and, uh, go easy on my rid mate. hm, wouldn'tind me of that beef wellington... toee how much you coul ve on car insurae, go to (caround it'sk! degreeave women a motion-activatedto understand how much move,... and ted degree with motionsense.wod's fit antipersnt tivated ovement,it hniqucrocles breath fion release burs oeshness all day. keepyou esr wivery me.
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protection to keep mov gree it let yown. ow ya doing? enough pure in here for ya? ugh. msinuses are killing . yeah...just wait 'til we h ten thousand fee i'gonna take mucinex s-ma o la, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're neliquid gels. d you're coming with me... wait, at you alize i have golstatus? do i sll get the mil? new munex nux liid sss tonlea maxtrenh medi. t e re. ditch e misery. end this. rentlyveicedome s eateby the two bds intingou to ay ay from the streree ofindex. ll dear windex use these ads are fae. sfx:queaks from window eaning eaglass isetter thanty gl
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olay regenerist renews from in, plping surface cells fodric tnsrmio without the need forrs yo concert tee mht show youage... urkinever will. olay regenerist. olay. ageles check this out, bro. what's that, broheim? switched to geico and got re. more savings on car insurance? yeah bro-fesso and more. likeenters iur.
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nice, bro-ta chip. that's not all, bro-tein shake. geico has motorcycleand rv insurance, , that'sot more. oh yeah, i'm all abo more, tey brosevelt. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. ,, >> repte a >> reporter: ail 5, 2014. warm weather, finally,fter a mercesmidwestern winter. meing snow l to a terrible discovery. >> a by had been fou in minnesota th was similar to caie's desiption. >> reporter:t was found unclothed, in a woodedrea off a country road in thtown of hastings, 300 miles fromhere ls went missg.
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identifying ime, the dead woman's tattoo. >> e-mailed amanda, and i id"i hate s it, b that her tattoo, isn it?" >> i had one picture of her tattoo. and i sat ancomparedt the drawing on tt ws report. >> reporter: what is that moment li, ou lk ot oyour frid and the photogph of the taoo i the news report? >> ias cpletely empty.caed mmom and dad an id, "there's defite match for caie ihaings, minnesot" >> thiis where carrie olson' body was found on satuay night. >>e had mixed emotions, obviously. we wanted to fd her but then findg out, you know, what d pped -- was rough it was a rough time for the ole mmunity. >> i just sathe.
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i lost condante. i st seo could laugh wi. i st -- lost a very go i lo a very good friend. >>r: the funalas a. ul's church in davenport. >> she got to come bk home ain. >> reporter: it was a datoay ie to rest rber a betil life but ere wetill so unanswered qstions >> now we need to find out why. we need to find out what happened. >> reporr: first step, an auy. but it couldn't answer the key question detectives. >> the doctor at d the aupscalledt homi by specified mes. reporte ncae d? >> no cause eath. >> rr: are y thinking, "come on there'so beau of ath? >>t's
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she dn't walk upherend st fall over dd, that hebody was placed there. >> reporter: but the autopsy did offer a possible clue. >> the docr ha found chunk ofarpet iner hair. we remred juary's search warra tt tim had beige carpet rolls in his house. >>eporter: but they also knew that carrie worked in a store that sold carpeting, so it might not anything. still,he carpet in crie's hair and the carpet in tim mcvay's house were sent to the lab for analysis. how long did it take you tget your answer? >> it takes a while. it doesn'tomback after the commercial bre like tv. >> reporter: whileetectives waited fesults, th explored the most ntalizin cluehey had receiv, and it didnome fromarrie's body. ite om wrehe d astis,inne.>> we kn that's ere tim paedis beforhe wento thairport. >> repr:hen m mcvafl
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disappeared, it turnt he leftrie's cain hasting why? that's where his girlfriend at thme lived. et big coincidence >>eah. that's what weall a ue. >>epter: but detecti neededore. theyadtie mcy to t veryt where carrie's body was found. they did have one long-shot clue just a few feet fromare's body, investigators discovered is $4 prictag. a google search owed t for a kids' shovel sold at e scount cin big l detective thomas found a big lo store in crosse, wiscsin, where that ki of shovel was bought onheamday mcvay drto minta lacrosse is abt twthirds of the between the quad cities anhastings. bue store's secuty cameras were broken no video. so how could detectivetie mcy to this purchase dided t ey decid to work bkwards. >> inside a tobacco outlethe
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>> reporter: mcvay h told poli tt before driving to minnesa and the rport th sunday, he stoppedo buy a cigar at this tocctlet in e quad cities. so, you knew exact whatime tim had been here -- >> exactly >> reporter: -- and whe heas goin correct. >> reporter:he bs in lacrosse is a threa lf hour drive up highway from the tobacco ouet. and it turns out, the shovel was purchased exactlthree and a half hours after may bought that cigar. thahuge for us. u leave the tobacc whh txact amount me to get to la crosse, wisconn. >> reporter:ut detectives stl needed somethingor ncrete to connt vay to t purchase of the shov. >>o then we asked foth actualales recpt. >> reporter: on e receipt was not only the shovel t a black bag. a bla bag.>>eporr: aesagbrd trel bag. it cost only10, but it was t big payoff pice been looking for.
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tim's parents' house. that was auge to our puzzle. >> reporter: so onuly 18th, 20, reand a half months after carrie's bodwas found an7 months aer she wt missing, ta noe and the other two tectivesent to a cotruction site where mcvay s working. >> t wasp on ladder. and i , "wvearnt for t-gree mr for and concng aicide." >> reporter: tina also brought along her gnate ceory -- pink handcuffs. >>epte y chose to him with your hot pi cuf? >> yes. reporter: howid it feel seeing him in pink handcfs? >> gd. >> reporter: was it an ext little jab? >> yes. yeah, for tina. >> thawas a go moment for us. >> mcvay, come on up. >> reporter: tim may pleaded noguilty. he w denied bail and put i e county jail.
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inrview. >> did n kill carrie. and did not duer body. eporter:im said the wrong guy was behind bars,ntin e ghca tolthat e d justinadt rday morng. >>epter: did she sayha e fight was ov? >> romantiissues. guess that'd be e bestay to p i >> reporter: of a sexual natur >> that was my impression, yes. >> reporter: and tn what happened after that? >> tre was some throwing. a couple of thin hotten broken. there was a little bit of a physical altercationetween thetwo of tm. two of tm. >> rorter:im saithe la timee saw carrie was when drove her back to her hoe, just befe he went to the airport.>> she was walking into the gaget hehouse -- alive, happy, as well ad be. >> reporter: tim said he sti loved carr, evenhough they broken up. buhow uld he explain t seemingly damning lyri-- "i used to love her but iad to ki her" -- at he sang at the karaoke ba
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maybe not thbest choice of given- >>h, i agree with that. actual, i -- i to i told orter: -- what was going on -- >> i told my bther-in-law -- heas with me tt ght. i said, "w didn't you slap me when i put that song in? that's kind a behead move." just -- but it had nothi t do with rrie. was nothing to do with anythi. it wasust a song. >> reporte to prosecutors, it was more than a sg. it was a look insi the minof a d eye determ tpr iurt. tim y waabout to stand trial r murder >> a show down incourt. one bfrie accused a anotr o thestand. shetormed o othe or.
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>> rter: tim mcvay'surdeia started in june o2015. erwas no jury. jue l mesm wld dede s denstorneys ev they he the winning nd. >> he had passed t polygraph so we thout this could be th try ince accused he. >> >> prosecuto joh mehee knew he was facin a tough tt. >> y had no cause of dth. you had wpon. yohad no irod fons evidce >> fl icould be anphill battle. it w going it wasoing toe a real challenge. >> as the trial began mcgee presented the prosecution's theory as toow tim did i evenhough there was no official explanati for h carrie t state presentsomething called burking -- a method of suffation designed to leave nmark sitting on someone'est and coveri their nose andouth. to support that scenario, the
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ex-girriends, cati smiddy. >> are you lite bit neous day? >> y, >> why are nervous? >> i'm scared of him. >> reporr: catdescribe nt one nn 2013. she said she was startled awake by mcvayitti or chest. >> couldn't breathe, hd cut off my airi ul't -he he'a big man d i'm not a ve largeoman i coun' coul't inhale. >> you moved out after that? >> yes. >>eporter: the evidence in osec mcgehee's case was largy ciumstantial, but he still felt it was strong. he believed mcvay was thlast one talk to carrie. he had her car, us her debit card, and her body was found just minutes from where he parked h car at his rlfrnd's hou. and the prosecution d the test results for the caet fibers found inarrie's hair ey mated that rolled-up
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gelomeirnd mar ha? r t'on vaflhe te of h death. reporhe prors also usemcternet arches to show how he was constantly checking thwebsite of the nspaper in the diant to whe carris dy was found. >> he knew tt head ccealed r bodyn stin so hstard accessing the in "star-gazettein january,anng to know the headlines when her body uld discered. heccesse wsite 0 times. is an action of alty man. >> what re you looking for? you don't live ihastings. it's kind of a long ways away. a newspaper's a newaper. bu i notng answe any estions about that. >>eporter: and why n? >> all i can s is a newspaper'a newspa i dot have any other commes about at. >> jusintested in hastin >>ove on tyour nex question. >> repr:inally, prosecutors call to the stand carrie'soyfriend- juin mueller.
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he saw carrie. did y say good- in'rely hava chance s gd-bye. e y she left. i trd ay gby yes. >>eporte justin knowdged at she wasetith m. >>he way she storm out of door, ani ght ybi set r in maybe sommino wa, cause wasn paying atten sow. >> reporr:e hours carr'snexplained aence ancgrew, so d justis ers tes. osecs hahim read tm in cour-- >>babycome hom i love y." "i'm sorry for whatever i did. i love you. lby and i miss you." "is everything okay? i gave kolby his pill." >> dou g a rpoe? >> no. now it's sund nig at 8:10. we you starting to get worried then? >>es. >> reporter: althougthere was no edence esented about
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cling arguments the prosecutors offered eir theory -- he killed carrie in a twted fiof re, becse he dend her r to g to th rpe'ido.see a t tth pe are murded for sometimethe smallest little things. d yo jussurprised th another human being can his tonother hum beingbut th's whahappen.>> repter: mcvay's torn aadyer, dadalton a john ruud argued that the prosecution's theory of motive was eposterous. the idea that he could kill her and ta h car to just get ride to miesota, i think is laughae. >> they didn have a cae of death, so how doou p the fing at somebody? >>epter: t den dn' produce y wiesses of their n. inead, they gresvely challeed the state's witnesses,ike th former
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the defense tried tohow mcy was more playf than olent. >> you said when finally did get m off me, he said he was didn't find itunny? >> yes. righ >> no, he wasn't siking me, he's never struck me. orttoractectiv billhomas,ho traced that kid'shovelo a big lots sto in wisin. >> you he no videos of that transaction,ig >> no. >> youave no receipts with ti name o tim's name onny of them for at date, right? >>o, it's paid by cash. >> reporter: the defense coronted justin mueller. police had saihe was spotted in the town where carrie's phone last pinged, but he uldn't admit it. >> you remember being in the milan area aall during tha week >> no. >> his phoneecor p his phone, ae very l, milan. anotr peon indic to the lice thahe wee mila >> reporte what do you makof that? >> i think is a hugeole in the prosecutn's case >> reporter: the defense also challengedhe state
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fibers found in rrie's hr th investigato said matched the carpeting in mcvay's hou. >> she worked in a cpet ore. jusbecae itappeneto be in her hairertainoesn indica anyonintentionally killed anybody. >> reporter: they even challenged the idea that a crime had been committed at all. >> how did she g there weon't know. how dishe 't know. it of the biggest mysteries that not even sherlock hols, i don thi, could soe. >> reporter: tim mcvay declined to take the stand in his own defense, but he maintains that 's aily n whloves ki, not thviolent ugscribein c. >> >> just not that kinof person. >> ioun't inha >> youe cuseby cati smiddy though of -- >> well, that was a lie. rorter: -- gettg violent. >> that was a lie. >> repter: did youill carrie? >> i didot. >> reportehere's aot o incidences -- >> there are. >>eporter: -- going on. terrible - >> there are. >> reporter: -- coincidences for you. >> i agree, ye. >> reporter: what do you say t those people watching who just maybdon't believyou ri
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>> all c say is what know. i know that i did not kill caie. she a beautiful person, a wonderful friend, a lover, a an. confidanshs sheeant theorld to m it's been thend of a long ial. repter: after me th two s of ttimo a aument, jue meeran was rea tgi his verdict. >> timotay, i'm ing you guiltyf unone murder, unt two coealment a homicidal death. >> i jumd out of my at. i s soited and hap. >> repor tim mcvay was stoic,wing no emotion. anthe mont later, was justs stoic when theudge enced m to5 ars in prison. >> ielie kler. and the ddt rts, y killed her for a carnd some mone >> reporter: for justin elr,
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bittsweet relief. >> i just d my head an started crying. and it felt lis huge weight w gone. epte but >> reporter:ut jti f rrie still couldn't plain e why. >> if was over a ride to minnesota, a car, and money, 'sot a very good why. reportehat will y miss most about carrie? >> wt i ulmately miss is she's not there, she's not there, pulling in that driveway, nking, you know, announcing that she's here. she had heart of gold. she s there for everyby. >> she had a lot of hope for h future.
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>> tt's all for this edition now. i'm lester lt. thanksor joinis. loathing on e campairail. the blican establishment takes a breath d dedes to stand with ump. >> i cld stand in the midd of fifth avenuand shoot sobo and not lose any voters. 's incredibl >> while insurgents start to back ted cruz. >>he washington establishment knows who's willing to keep the gravy train going. >> donald trump joins me this rning. plus, now it's t democrats turn to worry and sands surges. >> we are doing r, far, far better than hillary clinto ainsdona tmp and the otr publican cdidas. >>heir establiment frets nominating socialist wond what is w with hillarclto >>'m not intested ideas th sound gd er b willeverakin the the real world.ary cl
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moin > and ifou thoht ts cagn cldot g any more unedicble, look who's considering jumping , former w york city mayor chael bloomberg. joing us are nbc's kristen weer, so from nbkasihunt andavid brks of the "new rk tes trump versus cruz, cnton versusanders, eighdays to wa. welcome sunday, it's "mee e pres" we've duou 've dug out so gnday ing d lcome to the blizzard etion of eet the prs." with week to go toow tharties are ia biof a panide. the reblans republicans are fractured. th t estabshnt tnking the unthkable. the best way to stop ted cruz mit be to ck- naldp.
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decrats whe a re adnal splihadeveped, think rternedy, gore/bdlee eve intoobama. thelinton fol think eye see ts all fore, perhaps they have, in 2008, ain, clinton' big lea in io andigead in n hampire se to have vanished. ailint's clint bigead in wa and hamreee haisd.agn appeace usiasm gap aga wrir orte begun ove'sgowr ift wen'enouthe "new yo tesistiichaelblmber conriun athe whise i because clinton'sroubs. is morning, the is gnews clin she won the doement ofhe "des moigist,"s rcrubihe repcan sidene wouldrg the "des moines regier" woul problys a grteimpact g mocraticaucurs joining me from io is hilly clto madam secretary,elcome back. >> thank you, chucit'sdk wou thimog. >>ou gt.
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