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tv   News 5 at Noon  NBC  January 25, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST

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ady trying to make things happen.. but it'she broncos defense coming away th one of 2 picks on the day... 2nd haow... and the defense keeping e pressu on... von miller... with one of 4 sacks of brady on the day... t this one had a nail bitter of a finish... finaminute... 4th and al... and tom brady finds rob gronki to pull theartriots with-in points. 20-18... but ey couldn't coert e point attempt to tie t game... so thetried the side kick... for one fil shot at the endzone. but the broncos recover it... and are aded bk to the superbo, 20-18 the final atile high broncos quarterback "peyton manning" saythis nail- bing game was unlike any other! "it's been a unique season, there's nouen about it. thisamtoy was a unique football gam everybdid their part truly was a team w." so the broncos move on tsuper wl0 to take on theara panthers.
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oncos fans across the area couldn wait to get tir has on that a-f-c championsh gear... it was fing off the shelve last night... d some stores -- opened as early as 7'clock this morng to help ns purchase and show their brco pride... news5 stopped a cole stores last night. takeook at this video.lot of excit fans ed over to get their gear. and manyie- hardans say ese shirts take on a much rger mng. "it anwe're going to the superbowl!!! know it's fun, it's great to get behindhe team, it's good have somethg erybody'proud d i think everybodpled reallyard for us" "i went and turned off the hear in my sh, jumped in my car and came down here, samthing we did two years ago wh we won" "i'm totally ed, i'thinki of all the people i want to get them for, so we're all broncos fans so itill be exciting!" local reeninters have been rking througho the night to keeup with the demand. by thimorning, "bravo screenprinting" will told us ey wou have up to
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shipped f to local retails. upn denver-- a thirt company worked through the night-- to print thousands of a-f-c championship shirts. ut of e blue" printing 3his an hour once the broncos cured their overhe patr. e owr says erye there are big broncos fans andhey were honoredo get thcall print these shirts now to the team denver will fa in the super bowl-- 13 days fr now. with quarterback "cam newton" leading the panthers... the broncos defitely have their work c out for them! thtop seeded panthers delived a smack wn to the arizona cardinals last nht! at one point. holding a 17-0 ld over ariza! cardina tryo come back... but that little up-risinwas put down forcefully... and it turns into a beat down...
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49-to-15! syont to trav to safrancisctoee superowl 50 in person? get ready to p. we crunched thnumber overnighlooking at airfare, hotels and game ticts. it's not che. for two people-- expect to pay about 10-thousand dollars. hotels are going for between 3-400 dollars a night. game tickets 4-thousand dollars in t nebs. te-- this does not include ground transportatn, food or souveniers. let's rn te weher no.. and a ldta to our monday... let's gethe details from chief morning meteorologisephe bowers... and our first al5... me spotty areaof snow are forming alg the higher terrain west of i-25, and that's where the bulk of our ow will be. east of e mountain the clouds are ireasing and will
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that will set the stage for at ast some spots of ow late this afternoon a this evening. temperures are in the 30s and 40s at noon. the afternoon will stay moly dy ws and sional spurts of ow. the snow mayick up brily, esciallylong t hil west of i-25 as temperatures cool througth20s this evening. in pueblo, 40s will come 30s by 5 pm with increasing clouds menow flries can come from those ding cs,utnow wille scarce aund pueblo. teerates wcool into the 20s by 9 pm evening.
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we have a new look this noon -- at the big dig-out on e eastcot. this is aerial video from new jersey. you can see just howuch ow they're dealing th. we'll eadown theigtorm, and the big-cleanup ahea- a ttle bit later in the show back herat home: lorado springs police ar loing r the driver who fd thene of deadly hit and run crash. it happened turday night rcle drive near pl. lice say the victim was a pedestrian... an identity has not yet been released. police say theuspeas drina ght colored vecle. if you know ytng you'r asked to call the lice. four people e under arrest in larimecounty aer police said -- they robbed a man -- who was trying to give marijua away fofree! it happened around 7:30 last night at a mcdalds on main street. police say t man posted on craiglist that he had some marijuana to ge away for free. ofcers said the 4 pulled gun, and took the nnabis. e victim -- wasn hurt. larimer county deputies caught up with the suspects oi-25 nearcolls-- after another incident.
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members the pueblo lice ion are answering quons about a suhey conducted in the community. as we've reporte tsurv showed more thanalf of offirs questned strongly disagree the city of pueblo is safe, and twthirdstrgly disagreed th they are safe under e cuent managent. ci manager sam ad to 5, based on the mber complaints his oice ceived, st expected t rese. in about 9minu.. colorado sprin mayor john suths will join other city officis in ariefg th pueblo county mmsioners today. they will be tking abotorm war.last yeasuthers met with pueblo leaderso talk about the "stormwater devery system"shortly after being elec today's meeting is set for 1:30 this aftt the committee's chambers at the eblo county courthouse. happeng now: volunt wh pikes peak ited way and catholic charities are meeting conct the 2016 point in time survey. this is something that's done every ye to help the commity
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it also brings in more tn 7- milliodollarin grants for our community each year. the funding th com in is a majortion of what helps us serve 4,200 people who hav exrienced homelessness. this year,eak united way islso unchin's new campgn today cled "3days onomlessss." the go is ring attenon to t issue in r community. as part of theampaign, facility tours will be offered places that serve the homele le the springs rescue msion, marion house andhoward pikes peak. now to a traff ale in pueblo: sewer work on abeth reet shouldrap today. thad waslosed over the weekenbetweeth and 14th streets. we drove past it this morning -- the right laneemlod anere's stilsome constructionoing on there. the replacement is part of a prect ppeng over the next several weeks. in our election watch coverage: we're 1 week away fromhe iowa caucusesnd tonight the
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candidates will taarin a televise"forum" at a colge des moines. hillary clinto martin o'malley d bernie sders wall ben thhot seat... answering questions individually at the town hall eventt drake iversity it'll r from 7 until 9 o'cck tonight on c-n-n. new video this noon of reporte airstrikes targeting isis inaq. iraqi's military wont y when it carried out tse strikes. rdinto theinistry, a number of isis fighters kied by the leged trikes n-b-news is workinto cfi when and where thi take a pase comnyays this is likely a pie of a rocket-- not part of the missing malaysian airlines j. the piece of metal washed upn the coast of southerthaind over the weekend. it spaed speculaonhat it was part of the boeing triple-7t vanished nearly 2 years ago. the only piece omalaysn airlines flight 370 found so far
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east coast of africa. seven peop are recoverg this after noon -- afteturblence hit an amerin airlines flight. the plane took off from miami d was heading to italy when it hit rough r over the atlanc overnight. turned around and landed safely in eaern canada. thinjured were taken to the hospitalhers oe plane saey're luto be e! "it was very strong mp. thpilot said he ner took mp like that - never er." "we we just dilong and then turbulee, a ijust kind of... jordan "the plane actually dropped. karen "it rolled on its side and everything went flying and people and, so it s pretty tense. e airle is paying for tel rooms for all passengers while a new flight is scheduled. stl ahead on news five at on -- we're breaking down the massive efforts to dig out on the east coast after that massive blizzard but fir your forecast here at ith meteorologist stephen bowers is on deck.
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today started with some sun, but clouds steadily increased is morning. threst othe dawill be gray and chilly with developingreas of sno snow was alrdy developing as the midday hour approached. it has been mostlylong the hills st of i-25.
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are drifting toward the south that north-to-uth nd f as high essu buildfr o northwest this aernoon and this ening, the wind will shifand blow more east-to-st that wind shift an upslope flow will spark the development of more snow late this afternoon and this evening. the upslope wi tend toavor areas right along thhis. some of that snow will run east of the hills a o to the i-25 corridor. noon tempetures were ithe 30and 40s. we a not likely to do a lot more warming with increasing ds a sno spots developing throughout the afternoon. the y ots me mor abunda bwe 2 pm and 5 pm. tempatures will chill into t 20s with snow briefly picking up after pm andhen ding away between pm and dnht. snow amounts wl be highe right agnst the motains around mitou springs, cascade, d even fort carson. that's where 1 to 3 inchesou fall. totals along and east of i-25 will bin the qrter- inch to e inch range with isated higher totals. expect a dusting to a quter-inch along the arkansas river valley fm pueblo to caon city witlocalized cases of slightly higher totals. along the wet untains, 1 to
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ulahand wetmore. cold air wilhold tight for tuesday. the day will start in the tes and thenarm intohe0s and40s. n wie out. wednesy will warm into the 50s after starting in the teen the willnd mdly with 50s and 60s for highs on both thursday and friday. the weekenlooks great overall with 50s on saturday and increasing clouds sunday. ba to the massive snow sto back east-- anthbig clean-up that's unrway tay. muchf the east coast can finally start to dig outod after getting pounded a maive blizza that stretche
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backo the masse snow storm ba east-- and the big cleaup that's underway tod. much othe east coast can finally start to dig outoday aftegetting pounded by a massive blizrd that stretched from thlf coast to neengland. at least 30 deaths a bei blam on this wee's sto anmany schoolsnd governm offices are stilclos nbc'edward lawree is in shin dth tupda. --- -liv--- i'calling th the b dig cae ousand of peop of the rbofaryland d waington, all theayp to the outsrts of new yk are diint. yocan e arnd thes capihere we ardealing wi st knee gh snoin ts area. otr ars are deing with0 ines on e roadecauselo n't geto it. still emgency uipment s to through th. so in some caseshey are digging through 24 inches sno . the is a ddly stor 30 people so farat lea0 peopave ed because othis s, ma traic accidentholks weild wh they were
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attacks. at lea oersowas hit by a plow. now the governor of maryland sa we are in recovery mode at e moment, trying t get the ets back to rmal life bk tol. thisasot just snow, this storm actually hit thenew jersey shore with lo of water. the flooding tt happened in severacommunities on the new jeey shore... puttinmany people out of their homes now. ashe water is recedingn the xt cple of days folks ll comeacinndssess the ma tre. th is the rsstm at ever got 19 inches of snow in washington and new york city at the same time. reporting in washington, edward ns coming up... in your healthy family... we're taking closer ok a someew fst of it's kind re...
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mother.. now to today your healy family. there haveeen entyf studieabout support for mothers duri andfter child birth.
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especially for low-incom ther"ldseyea-vt" rorts. --- pkg --- nats "this is going to be where you are having your baby at, the space where yoare having your baby." cire littleton nears the end of h third pregnancy, a doula has made the difference. nats "i'm feeling good. you're feeling good? yea you fe readydoes he move a lot!" since clairend h husbandad thr firschild,icaid expand covage of doula serves, bringing her to ara sharp, ofhavah birtwork sot ara arp / doula "and so what a doulaoes is providemotnasupporfor moms during r pregnancy and after egnanc" sot clre liton ctant mother "tre is a lot of things i think a lot of women ocolor in thcommunity want but we can't affo i" sot katy kozhimannil / professor, univeity of minnesota "i wonded why it wn't more accessib for wen more y?" whty kozmannilofso and mo hlf, auoredbreahroutudy.showi low womhoeive guce a edution fm doul... arlessely hava pre term birth or costly c-stion. sokaty khimannil / professor, university of
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"those are the women tt tend to bat the hhest risk of poor birth outcomes. they also tend to be women whose births are cery mediid. and as taxpayers, well fce our state medicaid program, d for our own sakes, looking for coveragef services tha provide value, is really important." katy hopes the findings will bring more tcomes close to clara shp's het. sot clara sharp / doa "but f some to sayt this work is importan the women n get the lp they deserve d they need, it ant lot. deliveng claire appachea healthy 37 eks. sot aire ltleton / expecnt ther "i hopi havepeedy rth laughs
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weome back: what pups don' a snotorm? the presidt's dogs, a weres potd playinin e snow at the white house. thblk-anitport
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tails and barking through the blizzard. forecasters say more than 30 inches fell throughout the nation's capit this weekend. thanks for spending part of your afternn with us. focontinuo news updates all
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>> announcer: if you're lo to mmo money and take controof yoursonal a ncial ture, th get ready,ec thamerrill, the star of a&e's hit tv sw "flip this house," one of thest successful re-est investors in t country and america's number-one real-estate-veing expert has e ck of an opptu for you. than is hosting a onof-a-kind free two-hour real-eate wealth-binworkshop where u learn h three-step system for gng sta flipping homes and buying and holding income properts. than and h team are currently oking for a small ouof tivad individuals want to work directly with his team and lethexact step-by-step systemed tip hundreds of properes over the past dade. at thievent, youill lear exactly w you can dohis without needinmoney, credit, iu'lways had e de to get real es or you're already in real estate, this event is the perfect oprtitfoyou to learn than's syste th sysm has created sas ofuccess stories
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