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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  January 25, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST

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duto frictn omraff is refrng io blk ice. a remind tharado springs and fotain a on accident alertonigh if you're involved in a minor craswherno onehurtnd alcohol d drs e not factor just exchange license and inrance inrmation th the other driver and reporit police wi 3 days. live in colodo springszt ws 5. and this nine vehicle crash i-25 andarden of the ds, clogg up southbound trafficor seval hours. no word yet onny serious injuries,... the cause of the cras all lanes areack en. bands of snoew through colorado sprgs late is afteoon,..d rly this evening,...mindrivin treachers rougcommute. therare so snow pack and icy condns in to the fountain/ widefield-secuty area,..and furer south night. and from penrose in to pueblo west. and here's a looat conditions en theirst bands of snow started mo through colorado springs late this afternoon. heavy snow at time low
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fortarn along highway 115,..and the her video is om near the i-25/south tejon/uth neva ierchange. just wet,...but asperare contd to fall,...we saw conditionsorsen. let's chk in now with meteorologist jessica van ter foa look at what we can expect night and in youmornin commute. a w snow swers, mainly and west of i-25 to end a chilly day. acmulations will genally be confin to gher elevations, with 1-3"or most aas that do see accumulation. snow will be moving outonit with dry skiesfter midnig. some clouds ll linger with tempatures
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new at ten wee just learn that cond teenage boy, whfell thugthince on a pon park, has died. followg for you. e cide happened nuary 14th fir resers able to pull max gantier out and rush him tthe spital. he died this afternoon. thnight of theident, paic lantz, whwas in the war r more than ha hou could not be revived. looking ahead toght... corado sinity cocil will vote tomorrow wheer to approve a major rate decrease
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stomers. it wld bthe second re cu alady this year. news 5's zach thaxton brking dn thproposal and what y could save council gives the thumbs-up. vo#1 get ready to pay less to keep the ligh and heat on in colora springs in the coming nt. cityncil wilvote tuesday whether to appro a rate decrea saving the avage resintial cust more than 9-bus a month. "this is probably one of themo signines i've ever seen o part of." vo#2 spriutilities c-e-o jerry forte says a huge dr in fuel s -- especially oiand coal has l to major ovcollecon from customers to the ne of more than 14-million dollars each f electric and s customers. as a not-forrofiutility, that overcollection has to be refunded to customers, in this cathe form omar pre ash r monthly bill "wheitoes down like it has over tast 6 mont to a year, all ofhat savings gets pa oto our customers." "i'm happy tt we can savsome money." vo#3 customers like ana tamarez say
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relief. "i feel that's what the ty should do -- give for those wh doesn't have mh." vo#4 if approved, the rate slash wod take eect february first -- rates were already cuat t start of the yea compared to last year, residential customerare saving ren 10-dolla aon, industrial custo snding arly 5-thousand less per month. "t frd p curves atwe've eneetoice thprice willy down f some te." breang it do even furthe for you, ts a percenta, if approved, residential customers uld e a 4-and-ha pcent rate slash starngext month, indtrial customs willave 8-d-a-half percent, and commercial customers would e their rates drop nearly 11-percent we'll leyou know tomrow what city counc decides. w nigh-- a colad springs delegation, including mayor john suthersjust finied ua full d in pulo county. anstormwater was the topic of discussion with th county commissiers and city
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news 5's jessi mitchell ins us ve nrom e county courthouse. goes beyond tern deliryystem,ight jessi yeahrob -- tolado rings d puebounty ta at length about a new inter- vernntal aeement that will ke sure stormwer management isriity for year ce. and they're workinquickly to filize the detaiorthey turn on the s-d- work on the much-anticipated billion dollar southerdelivery system is almost complete. colorado springs hopes to gin puing water nortfrom the arkansas rivern ril -- but eblo county still has yet to give the go-ahead. concernsver current erosion and sediment build-up fountain cre will only be exacerbated en 50 million more gallons a day flow downstream. those impactare lt eryday already in pueblo, rardls of whether we have a southern delivery system or not, so it's imperative of both sides to come
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so colorado riand pueb county are talking it out. today, mayor johsuthers showed ofall hicity'srogress towas stormwater management since he w eleed last year. and he says unlike broken promises ithe pa, an additional inter- governmental agreement will ensure t msures continuebeyond h tenure, with assurancesspenmore tn 200-miiodollars on ormwer in the first decade. rather than ving theotersay, 'noe don'want tpay this we ll be contractuay, and by court order, obligated to have a sustainable, appropriately funded stormwater st. pueblo county commissioners stil more puin which stormwat mitigion ojec come first, nahe ones that directly it their constituents. but the govents say they're working togethetter now than ever before. hopefully reasonab pple can find reasonable solution thout having to go to court, and likely that wi be an inter- goverental agement wi enforceability clauses at both parties can agree on.
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they need to be resoed and ink both sides definitely want to resol tm. the colorado springs group also presented to pueblo city counlors tonht, talking specifically aut fountain creek and thfunds they've given help dredge the diment built up over t pt ar. we'll continue to follow these negotiations as we get closer to the start of t s-s. live ilo, jessi ll, ne 5. an ae the murder of awoman in fountn has been sentenced to fyears in prison dakota daugher was charged wi multiple cres including i-d thefd accessory to a crime. the body of ssa ffany schis ee-e was found heromba in february. investigators say shhad at, strangled and her throat cut. thomas turley plead guilty to murdering larissa and setting her me on fire last month. he was sentencedo 70 years in pris,.48 years f murder, 22 for arson.
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two venteeyear-os have arrested in strinof robberietargetg lior stores icolorado springs. police bieve the samp of ople are responsible for robberies at these businesses. l happened within two weekof each other police sayhe victims were threatened with being killed and forced to the ground with guns pressed against their ad at least fouotr suspects are unr veigation. a man accused of startinfour ass fires inolorsprings last weeke is under rest. 68-year-old nuel rascois charged with two counts second degree arson. one is fely charge. police say the fires were started betweela friday night to earlyunday morng in a woodedrea near the 3-thsand block of west cora avenue. police say the grass fir thatened empty buildings and put in danger. we checked witcolorado sings police who say this arrest is not connected to other gra fires that broke o earlier st ek, of which is lieved
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thwoman accuof jumping into the denvefire cef's s-v d stabng himasn formly charged. 42-year-old rlenzacevi saysa-ck -rodriguez was charged with attemptecond-degree muer and fst-dege t. she reins inusto oa 100- thousand dollar bo. lice say she jumpeintohieric te'hie and stbe him inhed and leg week. tade suffed nor injuries a is back to wk. investigators say the attack appears to be raom a unpred depuesre seahing for a male susct after araiglist exchange in denverent rribly wrong. the fferson county sheriff's office saythhomeowner seing an item was tied up bu nad b gun and open fire,...hitting and killine spect. deputies say another suspect was able to get away in olen vehicle th may bdamaged bullet holes two parate.similar robberi arunde inveigation in longmond fort collins both cases -- thies armed with guns stole marijua th was advertis on aigsst. jessica ohwith ourews
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how the suects we fina arrested transactions through craigslist should btreated wi caion. it authorities recomnd buying or sellinin public ples -- angoing wi a iend. at ectly the advice longmont pole say a 24-year-old followed -- he offered to etomeone who responded to his ad-- athis mcdonalds parking lot on sou main the ad offered "free" marijuana. but the deal -- dn end well. he g into thperson'sehicle and was robbedf hirijuana at gunint. lice say peoploffer so-called marijuanan craigs because selling itike that illegal, even in colorado. the suspects sped away -- the victim followed and got the license plate police. whicis how investigators figured outhe sa car wasined ianmajuana roy rlier in the day. fort colns policdepament had a milar incident police entuacaughthe suspects afterpoing thcar with wyoming ptes on i-25 in fort collins several suspectsere arrested and investigors say the vict
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in longmt may be charged, too. they're probablyryinto get around the intent of ouraws in the ste. this point our big concer was the robbery. and thdaers in buyinand llinon the iernet. longmon- jeica oh 9news fo cns police arrested four peoplwho now face charges ofggravated roery of a controlled subance. e pueblo police union is voicintheiconcer,...after a scathing survey fromank and lefficers their boss and the risingrime rate in pueblo. we've reported, the majority of the offics o respond to the survey sa they don't feel safe or have coidence in leadip. even though city council vot to add seven new police officers this yea they say 's not enough. officers have dealt with continuous backlogs of calls for service, forced overtime, aging patrol cars, and a shortage of firs. "moral is bad, publisafetys bad, we're not getti awhere and there's been yrsince this new pice chiecame in
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administraon ce in and it's not ttinany tterthings are getting worse" while poli chi velez declined our request f an interview,.he did release a statent after the survey was relsed. saying he understandthe frustrations,...and is coidering a tax queson on the nomber ballo help pay for upades inpernd equipment. a billhat would put new mits onhere hoin addicts uld purcse methadone faces an uphill climb in the state legisle. the bi was put forrd b monumentepublican ul lundn and was assigned thiweek to a commtee lawmakers have dubbed "kill committee." lundeen's bill came in part after lastear's heated debaten nument ovee pros opening of a methone clinic downtown. e bill wld banethadone dispensing within one-thousand feet of a school park or dayre center. asorhe kill committee. "i'm a little concernethat 's bn se there but at the same time, i've beenssure that we're gointo have a licy nversation, and a thorough o at that. and that'shat i'm ng for,
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hearing for the pele of colorado." the bill sponsored by senatoamrt if ifails in comttee in th hous lundeen hopesheill etond chann the senate. a nepresidential hopeful could be eering the race. more on e biionaire th abt a late run... in tightlection watc and: it's of thstrongest storms we've seen so far. next at ten--the lateson blizzard that's illions of icans stuck inhe sno bufihesica a few flakes tonight, but we're looking ahead to well abe erage temperatures coming up
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,,,,,,,,,, a w snow swers, maly along west of i-25o d a chilly day. acculatis wi generally be confined to gher elevatis, wh 1-3" for most areas that do s accumu. snow will ovg out tonight with dryes aer midnight. some clouds ll linger with temperatures dropping down into thteens. high pressure will be in control of our steor the rest of the week andhat will provide us wi a butiful forect. nshine returnsuesd, but tempatures stabelow average with highs toppi out ound 40.
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tuesdawill feel warmerhanks unshinand calmer wds well above avege temrature rn to accompy blkies for the re of thweek highs will bin the 50'snd 60's through
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atea2pple haveied afr a monster storm pounde the east coast er t wee. mostf the atere om car acnts, carbon monoxi poisoninor heartttackshile shelg. e cleas nderway for millions oamerican rk to h caroli anashingd.c.,
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meanwhile, airports have resumed limited service in new yk, baltimore, phidelphia, and washington. but the arstilplenty of delays across the u. ren undred fghts wereelayed ocanceledod. intercepted!!! lodo'sm is heato the sur bowl. net how lol stores a making sure everyone h their-f
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a new video just relsed by isis reportedly shows th terrorists whoarried out the pariattacks in november. and tonight, a warning that the terror groupill keep attempting lethal tacks on rgets rossurope, a everyone is at risk. all ne m seen inhe video died in attacks at left 130 pele dead. europe's top police agency is issuinthe star warning,...fearful tt the group ng globa al continue tattack so called "soft targets", restaurants antheaes. a grand jury in houston has indicted two ai-abortion activists o shot undercover video of plaed parenthd. the vide appear to sho plned parenthood officials discsing the sale of fetal body parts. the center for medical congress foder, "david daleiden", w dictn felony chae of tampering with a government recordnd a mdemeanor count relad pchasing n organs. another acvi was indicted on a arge of tamperinwith a
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e grandyury cleared anned parentho of anwrongdng. presidential candates e making their final push to set themselves apart with just one week unt the iowa caucuses. at lea one pl showbernie sanders with a slight le over hillary clinton. and polls looking ahd to new hampshshow republin hn kasich surginghead to second place. but there could be another caide ing e ra soceostor neyork billionae yor chael bloomberg say he is thinking of a late run but only if the geneelection saw match up between ted cruz or na trump and bernie sanders. hillary clinton ys that won't haen. printing presses a working around the clock to make s everyone has broncos a championship merchandise. minutes after thcos clined the a-f-c titleame, emoy hidenv-shirt shop got to work d ayed at it through the night. more thaur thousand shirts are being dibuted to stores
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life long brcos ns and they are thrilled to be printing up the shirts! broncos fans here in southern colodoouldn't wait to get their has on a-c championship geaeither. merchae was flyi off the shves last night after the broncos wo and some stores op as early as seven olock this morning to help fans purchase and show their bronco pri. local printers say they woed through the night as well to keep up withheemand. sunday was the last time youll e the broncos orange jerseys for a while... color change coming for super bowl sunday and this defense is ki right now... out of ts world good??0s
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i knew lt we were gonna win. i knews soon as we beat the steelerse wereonna bt the patriots - tha what i knew rek wolfe a man of fewords but so confintds. wonder what thinks abouxt week. man that broncos defense was lentless on sunday. more than holding on to the ball
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the defense having a big day and maki tom bradyday worse was the key to victory in e afc champiship and its been the callincard of the te a season. t on the highest stage on sunday - the defense did n wi but took it to anothe level. they sacked him four times... t him over twent.. picked him off twice... probably called him a name or two. antonio smith w something different in that final fi minus he hasn't seen all year. them guys out there those last couple of drives they had the eye of t tiger - ive never seen d ware rush like he did themast two drives and i mea , he w focused quick agile ady s running from em ick and en it came down to it we wanted it mo. anthe orange crush defense will wear white in super bowl fifty. the teameaning on their past success for the uniforchoice. brcos genel manger joh elway - seen here celebrating supewl thirty e - made
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the broncos have neveron a sur bowl wearing their orange jerseys. news five sports learnedonight that pine crk gh school s been reprimanded bthe colorado high schl activities association for recruitment olations. district twenty confirmed that a letter was sent to the schooon january 11th... outlining the violations and putting their football team on rerictns a the wrestling te on probation. the diripokesperson d nosay what the punist fo the teams could beut did say that theool is complng wi the requests from chsaa. a phone call tchsaa was not immeately return tonight. nuggets in action night taking onhe hawks at the pepsi center. gary harris steal - garry harris jam - about the onlyighlightonig - atlantwagood.. orford.. he had8 in the game. nuggetdo6 at the break... . deischroder to paul milsap - too ea ggets blown t at home
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charlie blackmon is sticking around idenver f at least another year. e rockiereached a one year deal with their centereldeday foree anhalflion dollars.. avoing arbitration in the ess.... making just over half a million last season. blkmon was solid in the outfld for the rocki hitting seventeehomers and 58 rbs in thlead off spot. pitche and catchers report for duty in arizona on february 19th. a fesnow swers, inlylong and westf i-25 to end a chilly day.
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confined to higher elevations, with 1-3" r most areas that do see accumulation. snow wilbe ming out tonight wi drykies after midnight. some clouds will linger with temperatures dropping do into the s. thanks for watchg ws 5 at 100. tomorrow mning join ira and stephen for ws 5 tay startingt 4:30.
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