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tv   Today  NBC  January 26, 2016 10:00am-11:00am MST

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can't wait to hear him. >> the guy is really nice cidentally too, and he has been singi like in high scol. he sang through college. he has catchy tune. youre loong for something brand new to cook night, guess whis he an t. he a one dhecipe that willring you bk to yr childhood. whatit. >> it's a chicke casserole with a store bought chicked tar ts on tots on top. i madeou a dairy-freers i hate being sined out. >> it wilbe good. >> y, ri a lot ofplng about onho that's bn around, and t the of -- t cast. he reasons this a big ot because this is cast of "friends"nd he big bang theory" and they're cing upo honor a directoramed james burrow e reason t pre is so
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ty me a lot of ba. $1 million anepod "frien" back in e day and the last two seasons, you thk, and "theig bang thry"no >>veryone wantsreunion, but dot knowf we're going t get onebut that definitely a otof one. th only g misssing matth perry. thiss what he td bbc radio, which isind surising. he sd heoe't remembe ing season three throu six. three throu s because of his battle aohol andrug abuse. ay he describes himse a ing like a ltle out of i for th ho do you rber li you wonde about peo w functioning? alcoholics. it's reay and sad. anyway - >> so that'at. >>et w henot comin back. >> we hen youakp in t morning to g ady,o you put yourthes theht fore, oo uake up in t ing and tear tough your closet? beforeorkihisshift.
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a child my motr i ver organid, and s dide us la out o cloesheight before, which i u to thi was mi-po. >> sill hat i havds, not thmila has much o a inion, b s'l one pretty st it makesee to not hav mornings are chaos. he -- thiis mark be, right. from mila to mark be>> this is his closet. he hasne item the graweat shirt and the gy te ayooesndrats. this way. leave. what should wear? he sayshenearshe same thing eryay- this is uote -- hean makes decisionss possible hing except to bes rvhis commun therou have it. >> okay s a very altruist reason i like simple. >> you have uniform.
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>> okay.. every -- >>hoa. thasll, no yo have differentearrings. different earrison. i't f t dress. joanne, did y hid it? >> this is t tng aboutda. tw things one, comes in every day not the sameclothes, the same >>variation. she wears leggings or black leggings aome sort of gy top. >> long gy, lg black. >> and a vest. that't wear every singleday. >> during the summer it's similar, but m jeans or ggings with these little snears>> t ones that you wear every day. n tth tng aut her,hi i lov if youik wear the same seven dress a rotion. >> i do itntil people w in we -- meer, was r dress, and everyone saying retire it
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. you feel the most comfortable init. she wears white button down and an when she gets --n anytng? whenhe has a big meeting o phot a oto, and -- >> l we. we'veho you aclip they rnoon. i loveakg a rac car set in prop css wh you. >> i hopee didn't move too fast. >> what? >> i kig. >> that'sunny jo. >> it's hard. al the girlsate meust becae i s mean to them it's made reaze that i have some deepmotional prlems d i need to go home and deal
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>> ay. then'lly and juste so inne.>>an itealim for a c? i need to be cpletely hone with you. >> ay. >> okay. i have one enormoutoe. li, it's s g. i've been so selfonscus ab it myntirlife. ieedou toee it. >> ho. >>ueen of the baelor melissa avery, is coming out to tell us what happened >> it was, like, dead on. >> the best line ever. can i sw you for a sec? >> iant thistime go away. none everays that. >>o one wantso be the bad girl. >> yterday the sw went to las vegas. just like us.
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y jew ew there w ovia. ivia, s's the former news anchor. >> oh. >> so she has a secretant this is what she decides to do. >> what's she dog? >> coming out of a cake. belly dancing outf. >> oh, no. >> o accident lord. >> oh, gosh. oh, no. >> peopl are lahing. after this. wah. >> olia's performance, it was- you could tell olivia was uncomfortable, it made her perfmae really uncomfortab for everyone. >> don't want tbe o camera. why can't i just have a moment? i'm havin a pan tack.
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i n'knowf i can dothis, you guys. >> i went io itike feels od i thought he wa mortified. like, i'm here to be marriage teal a i don'thi i scre, ke, marriage mari. >>okay. >> whaisrong with her? >> she has kind of their ofcial breaown ofhe season. sh spent theest of the episode trygo get momen with beno redee herlf with m. i'll show youhe nversation, but, remeer, they have not had a de ye so is justeen little momentsn interviews. ke a look. oh, no, no. >>'ve been trying to, like, you know, grab you first every me and show you th, like, i'm here for you. i just want to talk to you. i want to be with yo all the . like, i'm cpletely falling for yo completely, anit's the coolest feeling in the entire rld,nd have no fear to say that i'm falling for you.
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i' not goi anywhere >>hy does she talk in the ird person? >> did youee his eyes? 'sure fear. he kept he she was last to becalled, but he says he saves theest for last. >> w left? >> som oer rl. i didn't eve remember thewere t ow we lost t twin. >> which twin? >>ou can't -- he can't eier. that's the obm. th hav--e brings them bh on a date now, the wholeime these twins have been really nice talking about eachther like my ster is t bt an whoever he picks is great. , o of em, emily, turned last night. she threw her sternder the bus. >> she's the bad twi >> no,no. >> i never thought these words woul come out of my mouth, but reallyind of need hailhere i to go home so i can focus o my relationship with ben. i want this badly a i know hail where i does tooshgs a i thinkow that o feelings he grown for u, it's goingo get harder. i just feel like i'm having lik a stronge connection than what she is having, and i think she's
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up to you from what she's tellg me. >> i'm ready for ben to make a decision. is it going to be haley or me? of cose, i hope it' me. >> that was t most horrifying part of the show. an y imaginehe oer tw at home watching that you and you are sisters. >> ieminds me just of when barbara and fought over henry. can youmagine going afterhe same guy if you are a twin. doesn't know them apart because when he dismissed one of them he goes it's bn such a greatime with you a >> you cou >> you couldn't help but love her mom goldie haun, and now she loveordelo ng hudson mo know thr mily's mouths often need a helping hand. after brushing, liine total care helps prevent caviti,
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and restes tooth eme it an easyay to give listine total care to the total famy. listerin total car one ttle, six bene. power to your mouth. kids sat age x, lie smartse deliver cavity protection after hing. mmmm mmmm....mmmm mmm mmm mm mmmm, ait choose the one nerevlonimatin-oour reluy ara delivers 5 lash-transformi benefits. vome, ngthon, liand intense color.
10:11 am
and off you go, and off you go, and off you go, for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the laing energy of 100% whole grn quaker oats... and off you go. hii'm here with some hi, i'm here wh some advice from the dot y makeup that settles into lines, it ages you.
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with b vitamins, and spf. it floats over lin and you look beautiful! and w thers mply ageless liquid makeup it helps you look younger in three ways. so in the future when you're r look youer simply ass from ... and easy, eezy autiful covergirl! you sithe en at hillsre farm, sce is the spice of life. that's why o craftsmen seasonevery usage rfectly. an coax out great avor effortlessly. shire farm. because it woh ing hillshire farm, the ow roasted rkey ste fsh seconds aftecarving, we not on seaery slice,e doub se it. the results are something tosavor. hillshire farm. because it's worth dog right.
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actress entrepneur, actress, and mom who happens to be o of the most beautiful won in hollywd. >> we're talking with kat hudson who hasen on a n role unlike any oth she's done before. she is voicing a character in the new m"kun fu panda sh playe a dancing panda bea whoinitely kno how to me an entrance. take alook >> huh? >> i ammay-may. wow, she's amazing. she's so beautiful. at's sweet, , but please try to save all other comments until after the perfmance. >>as it srted yet? >> look away look away. noou n't, can you? >> why does shep staring at me like at? >> may-may. roo she's a littl aggrsive. she might be. notery humble. may-may- >> humble is t sethi
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>> may-may suspect a danc, obviously. >>he's a lfroclaid p dancer. theholehingbout may-may is she's great at everythi. >> did you you yoursf arn ribbonnce. >> no, i have noidea. was looking at these. i hav ideaow to dthis.these are very little ribbons, though. may-may has a huge ribbon. >>he are very coul. >> i thi may-may has a predominany red bbon. i don't know what i wou do with this. it'sinteresting. did you see her character before they say,okay, here's what t character looks like. here's what you know i kind of tal t rey tzenberg who head of eamworks, and heave me evytng. these giz are s amazing wha ey do. we come in, and tn you give a
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many energy into it as possib. thiss auallynterting. wh youre doi it, you reize y can really far with it. yosort of exaggera igger tha life. >>he is. >> jot back from a. >> i di >> and yovt? you got to see baby pa? >>n' reaze how -- is very weirdctua to hold one ofhe pand. apparent the h -- oh, >> there snuly and -- >> it wasotsoft. no. paas at soft. e actuallyte rough, but -- oh,god, it was so -- >> any claw action >> i thoug ty haven'tamed them thougbe youd name
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>> what didhey y? insctlly really intesting. i didn't know- people were wonderful, and very accommodating and -- >>t was really fun. i had gat time. i h good ugealize thhe they to actually call the chinese government -- it wakay f me toold the nda, and said,here said,here he. >> maybe - >> maybe -- and then, . >> >> i at the moment when we were in chi with my friend sophie,ho is also my stylist, and,li, i a map, and i was, li, d y ever think youould be, like tre i the
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we'r lally in the middle of china. ch >> y also your kidso e premier. >>t's a funny thing because i really try t keep them and rirs gting older, a h is intohe socia mediag, an heeay wted to walk the carpet withme, and i wasud of hi he reallyeldiswn out there. a funny thing. no, you know, i just always fee that it's best teep t untihey get old enough to ke t ownisio and what have you, buttthey don't really know what my life is. th never have sn they have no idea. th r. you go, well, maybe i shouldn't ud t much about what my life is, and so wihis
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theye the a they're, ke, okay, well - bi is 4, a all heared about was the yogurt land. that was at the premie wandrozen yogurt. we walked the redcarpet, and th he was, like c i get frozen gurt. no really. >> mommy is on the carpet >> thankor cing to see us. >> thanks >> it srts friday. >> we t littlef this sf. >> theext big starf untry. elvis duran. right after this. his is not fun. janeidn't li restrictis. not in lif and not when icamewatchi her calories. whttleste?jahought. that's whneeslight & fit greek nonfat yogurt. buting witrichcreamy awesomeness
10:19 am
no stlg here. what else does je love? that you cou win fitbit flex from light & fit. arn more on specially maed packs. light & fit. feel free enjoy. (brian)i'm brian. i was in the mitary fo18 yea but smok and i got heart dise my t is, it's hard to serve your untry when youe o ak put on your uniform (aouncerou can quit.for eep, ca 100-quino e's voicof davi af that urges us to shakethgs u tour the heat, antakeiggerisks. why shouldamaged hr silence that voice? new dove regenerative nourishment thedlg com in aormulanos to renate trely damaged . r smooth, rong and healthoking hair as if maged nevehappened.
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doina lile cleanini e.spare petowelsre for ungpr without wipi oousang ju rightorlean..elly...water.. ...refger do .andook at ts... secu ca nses. oh, whdon't you tell the homeowners how grt kle works? spkle. 'c it's a messy worl t there. grilled chicn and bush's bak beans. >>mototally forg to give us vegetables. i ow. 's awesome. >>boo-yah. bl it . bush'saked beans. slowooked acrding to our secr fily pe with aint of sweetss.theye the getable kids love. they're totally eating their vegetables boyah. blowt up. whaaat? sh's baked beans. the veggie kids love. try our newe flar, asian bb availablfor alimited time only. want to survive a crazy sy day?
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start with a positive attitude... and positively radia skin. avno ositely raditmoisturizer... with actnaturals soy. ee natur beautirelts. bend mshape me, y way u want me as las you le , 's aight me she me, any you u've got the powerto t the light shape the best your fe eep number bedwith sleepiq technolo adj any wayou nt it. the bed th m y.lyslee he's a he's a 29-yearld nas wellased singe that's stined to be t next country music star.
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duran, is he wh ben rekter who is here to kic offhe second leg of h acantour all o his perfornces were sold out. sold out. >> hi, ds. sfroo let meell youomething abou ben.eight wreersz in the maki.this is wantn overnight story he >> right. >>ever really signing ever. neve signing with a major recordlabel. sic he has done it all on h own. allgrassroots. all organic.s out. yone knows every word t every song. iteally is -- he a true musician. >> it is vyinteractive. you have been wringus sieou'reteenager, rit, and does iom just from life experiences or h -- ws it cg from? >> it comes from a little bit of everything just anything thaffects me. sometimes i havto try really hard and sometes itus kin happens. at's that like t get the
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>> so i'm generly a pessimist. everyone that wks wh me rst thinks that's kind of endearg. ey're, like, com on,man. ople are goi to comeo the show. it is -- tilling and awesome to have people sing, but realisticall every night i'm justke, who are these le? why are they here? >> theknow everyd to eve song. at's g t freak you out a little bit. >> we're going to le lea every word wn we come back. >> when you loo in th camera, sa hi to yr mom bause your mom is watching have . >> betty er, hello,ove u. he im on yr favoriteshow >> ben is going t singor nuss a couple of minutes. >> can wait. plus, a ces ccken casserole you and your look, i know you'rea cow and al and you may noknow what m talkg abt,
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mmmm, yoplait. noshesscio new lashensatial luscioascarom maybelew yor d fanng brush... reveal denser, softer lashes e llanffect gocious. new lash sensational luscis. maket pp maybelline n york. (politely) wait, wait, wt! youcan't put it ilike that... have to rinse it first. that's baked-on alfredo. baked-? never gonna work. dish isss? ust dishwashe with cascade pnum. it pows... through... ur tout stucon food. beer than finish. cascade. t up, ddy. you'll get it thisim yeah ok n too quick don't let go until i sayo. got you... starro witthe lasting energy of 100% you're dng i whe grain quaker oats. and off you go resolve to turn ads roc etin.
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try ro rinol correxion night cream... r week fine lines pear to fade onmonth, deep wrinkles lookmoother... and after onar,
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on froc. >> i b>> i b duesd. jennh h is fillin rathie wht's col outside, you want something to wm you up inside. or dri someth >> ryancott is here to whip up onof his favoritecasses. itntil y see what oked up. we're excite>>ven matt lauer was talki about it. held smell it dow r e oil, a lit b of milk, sou cr hot sauce . one is sothing. this iream of iike we make a sauc chicken bough the roasted. salt,peer, mon, monrey ck cheese,ause it's nice, anhe my favorite, ranch, is st. >> i mean,h.>> two, one, ranch. >> ranch theoeverythingright? >>hat i wantou too
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you if anything t take the chicken, love wherei, andix it inhhe jk chee >> what is in here?>> that is's tng abouthe cream choose. i m d a da free >> it's delicious. >>t' s .now,alheenhodo inbowl. >> whenou are mixing i like cream cheesehas ippe you can mix it like is the hard uff, he you to it out at room temperature. nna, you mix that. popnside he w ut forywine.ef with the ne >> priorities. i hen on your sho for eigh ye i have prio. hat we' to - what about st and peer>> ye a st and pepp. thas a lot ofalnd ero it, but go ahead anddd more. >> mbe n more salt. anybody e rd on cream of ke wh do you m fa?
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>> why d youeep tking about isss? tumdo >>veasme i'mng toin out both of yours.>>hod er. hotuc y sre chicken is you to make schemel. it's long. >> k stirring . >>ousl m j kiddg. >> cehere. thisment is goi nowher can i neveris m gment.>> i ow. >>ow put t te t on he'sin >> s askg ad quest he. yo put froze things on ofcasserol? >> bake. ay. at turout. that work you b it. what youre to ds put tato c any y want otop.
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you had a los aelesana th had piecesf foil onop of the eese you p psticap,last ng >>. ts wit cery. 'styuyn th rner but it'sdelicious. >> can i hav the one that's not with celery, please.>> al waia te >>oood wit celery root. >> oh,y go. i le it. >> how my lories? >> 9,000 calories. right here. i put vegetablesnp. j wt ineeded >> give m thechce. it' good,righ lo y cantche o r t rece so good. h found t recipe for successit a numr one a andd outshow
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withngredien like astedhazeutd coa, the delicis taste nutel takes pancakes ta e new lel. make any day a pancake day wh nutella spread the happy! we brought you here to our hostonabout this new car. toeep thingsnbiad, we removed allheos els like a bmw. rends me aittle biof like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siriopen ms. she gets me. wow. also s teen drivhnology. itven mus e radiuntil the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious wt it is. this ithe 20 chevy malibu. and it sells for? it starts at twey-o ve. what? oh wow. i mean wh all is technology. th's aame changer.
10:31 am
the waeful wadding it hasomfo cushion casethat areofter more aorbent,and u can use upo4 times less enjoy e goitcharmin. general lls is removing artificial flavo and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal. again! w u can create your own to of italy from olive garden's mo uthwaterg dishes, starting at $12.99 choose 3 of 10 classic fites to enjoyn one plate. likeurelicio new simp ravii with loberlfredo, a filled pastaike resistib tortellini aforno, and a classic like creamy fettuccini alfredo. pl unlimitedalad and freshly baked breadsticks. beuse e best tour of italy is the one youree. only at ive rden. re all family here. breadsti lovers, younew favorite lch is here, breatick sdwics. there s be a way. rry the ntimer divide by 3.14something someing someing...
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great caesaralad! and now the name your price ol shows people policy opons to help fit their bu. is thaa ue story? yeah! ople really do save an average of over $500 when they swch i an about you inventing it. i invented thetory, and isn't that what really matters? so. what elsout me? chse the one chse t onenew vlltate-al
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delirs 5 lh-transforming benefits. vo, ngdenion lift, and intense color. choose love new revlon ultimate-l-in-oneara. your head so ested it's rea texplode? you may be muddling through alrgies. y zyrtec -d to powerfully clear ur bcked nose d e your oer alley symptoms. so, you can brea easier all day. rtec -d. at the pharmacy counter. skincare now becomes ve.inactiveinoding cleay brighter.w dailyoisturizer to brighten dull skin. with anoxidant vitamin c, e a activ isri, aively smoothes, bots radiance d protec with f 15. clally pven.
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mreel he is sdmreel have is duran's artt of the month. now it's time to hear him sing.>> he is 29year-old ben recto wr. >> singing t title track ever on r show, her ben rector. >> all iee i feel lik new sunglasses, like a brand new pair of jeans i fee like takgchances, i feel a l likeeventeen i fee i feel like wdows rolled
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cabs i feel like anything can happen, laughing you take me right back w we when we were kids ever thought i'd feelike this like whe i clo my eyes a don' even care if anyone ss me danci like i canly and don't even thinkf touchin the ground ik aheartbeat skip, like an open page le one way trip on an airplane it's the way that i feel when i'm wit
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i feel like a young john cusack, likeaking big mistakes i flike f tirstime a long time i am not afrai i feel like a kid, thought i'dee thght i'd feel like this like whe i cse my eyes and don't even care if anyone sees me dancing like i can fly, a d't even think o touching the ground like a heart beat skip, like open page le a one way tp o a airplane it's the way that fl wn m with you brand new
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time will alway t to make us old know oh i wan to close my eyes and n't eve care if anyon sees me dancing le ian fly, and don't en think of touching the groun like a heart beat skip, lik an open page, like ane way trip on an aplane it's t w that feel when i'm with i'm with you, brand n ieel -- ieel -- i feel brand new brand new >> yes!
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>> oh, my go we re at a concert. thatas awesome. tnk you. >> ben rect and tater tots on e same day. >> i get why people come out i droves. yo have a lot of fans, obviously. they're all in the stands. they're right here. i think you're numr one on the on wead to get betty on the line, your m. >> is real? >> belttty, you there? >> oh, i am here.>> betty, your sons amazing. you have raised a greate. >> i couldn't agreemore i'm a crter member ofhe ben ctor fan club. >> i'm joininghat fan club. ank you. we love yr son. thank you so much for shari himith us. >> we take >> we take you behd the snes of jlo's vegas resencyne
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right after th. ise m oer w myerbeauty treatntw? yeah! that snds great! uld ey guess wt it was? ve ricand ooth ally creamy. i keep tching myace. sot d we used? wh wasdded to this? my skin definite morra thatngli smooth dewy skin lys 1/4 moistuziream ther adiantn. dove y beau tm diin ppening no the ect brow new ow dma pome crayon om maybellinnew yorkour 1screamy piend wax crayon sculpts antames as it lo, in one easswipe. maybelline's new brow drama pade ma it ppen maybelline n york illshi farm, spice is the spice life. that's whyur craftsmen season every sausage perfectly.
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hillshirfarm. becae it's wortdoing right. atillsre farm, there's a reasur sw roasted turkeytae so fresh seconds after carving,e not only sl every slice, wdouble seal it. e resus are sothing to savor. hillshire farm. because it's wortdoing right. there's a story e's story bend tsilv ofladelphia creaeese. lways ns witfrh, camilk
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eat t up, buddy. you'll get it is tim yeah ok n tooui don't let go until i sayo. i goyou... starstrong witthe lasting energy of 100% you're doingt! whole grain quaker oats. and f you go. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. ift doesn't wo ft. ou're ono the ne thing neutrarapid wrinkair
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. >>hat what a song. idave a lotf fun in vegas,nd emember exacy everying tt happed but the areertain moment c >>oh,ou mn likou big nit o at j. lo's duthile i was taking my le in my own hands jumping from a building? i demember at. chalk it up t a tgh works assiment,ut i dandhe ght aw and i even got to talk to janet a little bit. >> >> viva miss lopez. genyes from the block has moved to thestrip. and all bets j a the poptar tries her luck inas vegas with her first ever
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a 90 minute high nergctacle sizzng on stage as planet hollywood's axis thear. says spent her entir lifeaiting fortonigh >>s like a ftasy to have a show in vegas. you the name ofhe show is "a i ve." i wanted to give evething that peopnow about me. >> the sho boasts an intimate display ofmasterful set design along with dazzling costumes and ectrifying choreography and on wednesday's opening night a surprise appearance by mrworldwide mself, pitb unng evenore excit on the d. >> gers. want to lea her a not ts beforeshow quier scenen nnifer granted us an all i kw where i came from >> check it out. right here, matt lauer. i'm still jenny from the block used to have a little, n have a lot noatter where i go, i know
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j.lo's dressin rm is that on right e.she was in here. touchingeveryt i'm st illen from the block >>eporter: you neverno you'llun bastag lo's vocal co stevieie la, la, la, la, ,la, , right? the answer is they wane to moves, ho couldafter all, io hav exrience. >> get or here. bring it back. ce the nht away rorr:e to g on the floor. a lesson before giving it all i ha cente stage. tonight gonna bet on the floo
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onight we g it on the fl >> repr: nbaut i guess what happens vegas wil have totaynvegas. ihink i'll lve io the pros. the-year-old, age-g ,ding the foun of uthile balanci her rsife with career that sh signs o slowinghen tonfett fald it was thend of what feeling insi go.azing. i feel l've b doingike an hour a half o cardio 's ahigh, you know. it's aat momen >>how h bee such areat show it's bee seout. if y wan tsee j.lo in vegas, she'lleering 40 show aear for t nt fou yes. >> t bes day yr ti ? >> ever >> can you do itnow? >> i fo it theest day o h li.
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i't ustan>> isoday" nbc. >> a rit. > a ght. fo weayd-e, me t giv it away. mor t 8,000 of y entered f thi 'spriz a ul mitchell prizepackag worth $499. awesome foreople w hair issues dry a pro. cr curls and me wite t rolle system nd wave he pau tchelleuro smoo. >> so go s fin out whosit. >> putr ha the okay weavabelesusrom auin xs. doou kw h? >> ,utul he .ndne idti
10:47 am
. >>aun fr pesylvia>> hsmine thle s few rk >>y bottom e. gen from new rkongratulations to our winners. you enter for nex week bhrll t thenectbu torrow, we haveueen of medy. doouow? chsea nd ain bagl of s gorr ti lna is goioave h ks forss>fouantoelr hav ti>>e haer. i l tuesday
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no spanking esday. hee app
10:49 am
>> rachael! annor: ishis the yea uromi yoursf to get someg ne? how to get great results in and out ctorfice >> rl: that w good. >> anuncer:property hersre relvg to me horunn the n ye fromfresf the boat," constance wu,nd one-skilt suppe rachae beautil. done >> anounce now, are y rea for racha! [cerslae] >> rhael welce, evyby. it is, of ur,he n year. everybody has resolution list going all wano le me wght oro to t gymore oen o eaealthier a l o pple srto coider plast suery. toye'oing to look at theets ofvieweran amen oic sutnhe you g to see a dtor and temporary he solution for the ffentareas,hereou gu, if youre stin th fenc, maybe get sansws.
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