tv News 5 at 10PM NBC January 27, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST
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stem does the ght thing and makes the best determination they can, what troubles meore is that a peisor has been charged with a cri, that's particularly tgh, especially a veteran fi that." we also found out that bisca ceived medf valor 2014... for his le in stand off that sameear. biscaro is on pa administtive leave right now. anchief carey said afterhe compts were made... he was moved ta desk j while the stigation took pla if and when the a's fice moves forward withelony charges... biscaro ll be moved to unpaid leav we're expeing an arres warrant to be released tomorrow from the cou... and will uate you as we learn more. reportinlive, mg news ve. a live look now inolado
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studios.clied ld temperatesonight. and lead faster mianiels is here.. mike.. you are trking some warm s in the days ahead.. a mild dry pattern for the rest of the wee hour by hour, clr and cold tonit, sunny and cold rly tomorrow morning then temperaturesoving nicely fromate morning into the afternoon hurs. planning foreclear tonight, sunny tomorrow temperatures in the 's ely,
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neat ten... a plan is the works to relocate people from more thanhomes along fountain creek threatenewith disasterrom flash flooding a osion. it's a sry we've been llowing for the past two ars. news 5's zach thaxton is le in- studio tonight texplain. floodi over thpa 1plus ar but especially in the past few yrs since theal caone, hasatenway at arly 90-degree ben fountain creek, rit next t th"riversi mobile home park no el pa county leaders y it's too dgerous for people to livere, so they're taking the precedted ep to y the operty and pay to reloca
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vo#1 it's t end of e road forriverside mobile home park. "we'reind of filre." vo#2 in a battle here of man against natunature iwinng. "we'njoyed it here, made a lot frien, helped l of op." vo#3 bud calhoun ns theark. but the widor alg with his dog hann and cigve among thmore tn 30 houses d bile homes that are in danger of fallininto fountain eek. "the cliff is washing away, imnging onhat operty vo elaso county spokesman baaron pittenger says the countis taceed seeking state funding to buy the operty a pay to cate the people wive here. e goal is at least a leral mo to avoid creaardship. f they havtwo bedrooms and a bathroom and a livg room, theyl get twbedrms, a bathroom, and a living room." "it looks likehere's a decent deal for everybody." vo#5
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decades. "i don't he any objection, especially if they tat me right." "there has n been any oppositi from ose ople the. they understand that ts is really being de for them, it's not being do tthem." vo#6 the coty is asking foroughly 2-anhalf million from the state to help relocate rivside resides and get them out of ha's way. spitthe helpbud says, inawayill be tough. t's iet and it'sike livi in the country almost." el pascounty will suit its ication to thetate departmentf local affairs xt month,nd fm the approval could tao 4 months approved, erye woulbe relocated by summertime. we'll keep you updatthroughout t pro. rob.? deping tonight: accused planned parenthood ooter robert dear, has bn
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hospitaln pueb for menl healthmination. dear w ordered there after his last cou appearance,....aft he to the he wanted to firhis attoey and dend himself. thexam will teine whhe he is mentally capable omaking that decision. dear is facing79 counts,...including first degree murder and attempted murin the shootings la november that left t people ,..and nine people unded,luding fiaw enforceme offer n kwn h lonit wl take to complete the exam...since there is a bag at the ste hpital. new informion tonight on three fires that sparkedn just a matter of hours yesterday in corado springs. a man is facing son chges a firet a lftoge facility. near the citadel. according the arrest affidavit shawn omas is bled fostting theire. he was reportedlliving in one of the storage units.. and using keosene in an open container...toeat it it wasuled accental t alarso thomasalsoacinfelony chargefor ledly using a fake i.d.
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rent the ut. he apparently tried to pas himself off ashat person wit police. xxxx we also have new information on the two apartmenfires... at flareup within an hour ch other. investigats say e cause of this fire at the tanglewood apartments is ill "undeterned." the fire, spread from the 2nd floor to the 3rd. investigators say 6 units re damad...forcing at least 6 ople fr their homes. damage estesrever 100- thousandollars. xxx a fire at thisulti-ut complex on 18th reet near old colorado city s beened accidental. fire and police inveigators had to wait til this morning to get a closeok becse the intey of the firand ty concerns due to the age of theomplex. eighpeople were burn out of eir hos anone man did suffer bns but is pectedo recor. damage is estimateat over 238-ou dollars. new tonight -- the community of cotopaxi... coming together to help a teacher who was br stabbed --aegedly by a former student earlier thon.
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with organizabout a big fundraiser happening this weekend --hat do they ve plaed, jessi? satuay's "mike's me" event encompasses a fun run, luncheon, auctions and more -- all to help math teacher mike brown. and while he's still recovering, the love being shown by stts and fellow teachers has already had a big impact. mr. brown is very stroro, and he wants be around the community, family,hichs wh we are... crng emotions still weigh heavy at cotopaxi schls over th january 4th stabbing of teacher ancoacmike bwn. it hit everybody at the school hard. it wasn't just him or his close iend wee all family here d itit thds and they're hurt. the ek brown was sent to t spitalith four le- threatening stabounds,he rest othe culty hato try plaie brutttack studts. the quin was ed when brn rert
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own rmer student, courtney plante, d her boyfriend, sean overstreet, jumped him after asking him to help with a brok do truck -- th fled in bwn's o c. i think that shocknd disbelief kind of moved into 'what do we need to now?'ts got to work making dozens of posters for brown's hoital room, home and assroom. faculty membto wor ornizing "mike'sile" -a one-mile fun run in nor of the ack coach, that has now turned into an all-y event planned for satu ndreds of ers have alrdy signed up, inclung most of the students at cotopaxi schools and thr families. organizers he to raise 5 t6- thousand dolla to help with brn's mecal expenses. we have come together and we will comout of thistronger d be than we wfo. and shi exale -- st three weekafr the tack - own himself is already bk to teaching, while his leged attackers remain ijail. hetill hasn't been back here a
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gettinback so he's doing really welphysically giration for the run starts at 9 a-m saturday at cotopaxi gh sool. we've got all the details of the day's events on our website, k-o- a-a dot com. livepueblojessi mitchell, ne right now. police are lking for man pueblo. take look. poliay this man was involved in a large fight at sancho's bar early suay morning. they sayfter the fight...t man walked outside and shot into e builng...narrowly missing the people inside. nobo was injured and the suspect fled. call policif you have any information. the city of la junta was given ficial notice todathat a zed man is claimhis inries were caused by a police beating. dovan dun claims he was injured while in custody last month at the arkansas valley medil center. his attorney, mike mcdivitt, believes the iident was all rd on
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bo cameras he told usast week tt he was frustrated by the restctive nature of the states "open recos law" because it forces peopleike his client tsue just to cess those videos. they are waiting for the cy to respond beforeakinfurther action in su. xxxx a colorado springs manas bee killeda bizarre accident... police say 51 year old franklin nelson--was on a sidewk in lakewo yesterday--when hwas hit by a car. itappened along wadsworth-- police say the c crossed muiple laneof traffic...before tting nelson--and then comingo rest aer crashin into the side of a walma store. inveigators say the driver is an 81 year old m from lakewood--he's been cited for caless dving resulting in ath. the investigation into wt nt ctinuing tonight--but lice "n't believ drugs or alcohol were factors. xxx anff-duty jefferson county sheriff's depu wounded in atmpted robby in aurora is expected to cover. this was breaking newsast night at ten.
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times during a confrontati with t juvesn apartment compleparking lot. e deputy was able to retur re, hittinone of the suspects,...the searchontinues tonight for a seco spect he is inble condition toght and his prognosis, is good. continuing cerage tonigh after a colorado sprin smo club was raided by the f-b-i and i- r-s yesterday..,the lazyion'attorn tells news5 they can rop the siss,...and plan to do s on fda e lazy ln haoperated i the same way forhree years, knowledge. some in the colorado pot industry s t fs using taxes as a scapegoat for raiding businees. "so seems there cherry picking. they dinitely like the tax moy, b they're very quicto go after people on that premise. stl, no arrests mader arges d afteis r we'll ou uat if that changes. wind turne manufacrer
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sayswill buy steel from a mill in oregon--foit's turbine tower maki factory in pueblo. vestas will buy steel from the evraz ant in portland... where it makes steellate... e cal lln pueb apparnet doesnroce stell plat it will th be ipd to pueblo. by rai xxxxx the city of colorado sprin is unveilinit's preferred dign for thw summit house--to be build on the smit pikespe. 's aroje we' bn trackior months... thiss e designrctes plan to use ing forward. the visitocenters just one element of t complex whi will include the army's high- altitude research laboratory and a communications facily operated by c-s-u. there will also ben emergenc shelter hut on the summit for ediks. the city iworkinwith a number of partners on this ojt. armed prestors stiy a wilife refuge ju 24 hos after a member of the group was killed. we're tracking the lates deve i and: a clos looat thi spectacular sight seen fro space. bufirst let's check in with
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pushed the storm track to our north,llowing rmirve into southern colorado... a big storm rewi and cld begito impt our sunday. snow will increaony and d last unt tuesday morning. snowfatl amounts with th european model are very aggrsive wh over a foit of snow psi tuesday rning. s still very early and this just one model. but i wanted to give you t first alert, a big sto is possible next week. lo tonight in teens d 's, highs tomorr in 's, 's and0' 7 darest foloro springs, high toow 54, hhs of 60 fridaynd saturday with dry ies snow possible sunday into tuesday morning along with mucholder air. puebloigh tomorrow 60. even warmer friday andaturday with dryki. snow possible sund, monday into tuesday morning byueayhe high won't ev hit freezi. canon city and wooanpa. dry and warm the next fedays. a big angeunday into tuesday
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new tonight... just look at thibreathta ew of the nohernightfrom space. an astronaut took th photo while on boardhenternaal spstation. is light displ happens when a buof the's gas magnetic field cse a solar wind. th wind hits the earth's atmosphere and creates an incredle sht xxxx a lo man phone i ngg off the hook with people inteed in hihome. the probm it's not for
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a plea tonight, from theeader of an armed militia group oregon,.for the rest of his p, to "stand down" it comes aftermm bun, and seven others were taken in to stody last night,...on federalconspiraharges anmberf th group,...who were stopped a roadblock,...lav finicum,..was shot and kille after authorities say he came at them with a weapon. eaier emotional plea from the local sheriff on e weeklong standoff over fel land. heresn't h be bloodshed inurommunity. if we have issues with the way things are goi in our government, we have a responsibility as citize to act on those in an apppriate manner. don't a up...
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,, bund who will remain in il until at lea friday,...told the restf the grouoccupying the wildlife refe in etern oregon,..please stand down, go me and hug your familiesthis fighis now ithe courts. a man in england managed to survive a near death experice... after w hit by a car! we want to warn yothat this video is gphic... poe was crsi the street when a car suly clipped him...flipping him completely offis feet. the man was cataltedeveral yards... as the vehicle just sped off. he waso ital with head injuries...and expected ake a full recery. new information tonight: investigators say mechanical problemsere "not" involved in this deadly scus acciden
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an elementary school principal was ed, anstudents injud when the bus jumped a curb yterd. the bus driver says she sae principal push studes out of harm's way. the investigation continueinto what hapned. the wife oa northern illins police officer who died in a staged suicide,...has been dicted ba grand jury. lodie gliniewicz is charged th misusing funds and money launri. vestigators say they found incoisncies in financial documents surrouing a youth group manageby melodie and her husband lieute joseph gliniewicz authorities claim he sgehis suicide to look like a hicide becae he thought h embezzelment would be exposed. ey say the thousan of dollars withdrawn from the youth group's acount m have been used for personal nses. sure... we'd all like to go to the perbow..t would you tre your house for tickets??? well--a prank offe just that rtainly getting attention!! brian lusk'shone has been ringing off the hook...ever since th ad appeared in the
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"getting divorced...leaving her with nothing...willelhome for two ticks to the ser bowl. lusk quickly realized he was the victim of a prk by his ddy...a pisburgh steel n...who is clearly sll upset his team lost to the broncos. none of 's true,..but the phone calls kept rolling in. he was even offered two prime seats, fst class afare and a hotel suite for his house. "not getting divorced as f as i know happily marrie right babe? yes. right. i think we are good there." lusk says all's fair ilovend foball. and has told his friend,...just wa,...revenge is in the works. xxxx
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he knows whats going to happ with his big brother peyton's future in the nfl is up in the air after this seon... and thisears super bowl sets up a perfect exit to his excellent career. eli waasked abt peon's pontial tirement today and he didn't ad on much t the media. but eli wille in aendance at might be the laod for peytyt saying tay - i this possibly being pton's lastgame... itould bod way to go out i'll be rooting for him. i hope he can win this game and if he decis toang it up - go out on top. relief for tir forceens baskball team mabe in ght. they travel to san jose staton saturdayor a tt wi the artans but unt then... on t rwi new mexic toght... falcons down 4 - not anymore - zach koc for three for force. next play - setsp zaore
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at 10 n mico is a tough spot to play - falcoac anide presen - easy ck fhe loboloboot o60 pernt in the first but falcons gh - morhi anoer t falcons drop another - 84--5 their venth raights in e uninescoen cund snfd in bldertonight - easy game for the bufftonight. josh stt iide... goes up d gets the foul - buffs up 20 - 14 points for the lewis palmer gra then ge king for t - he finished with a lot - 23 for him win at he 91---7 lmeridngewis lmer tonhtin rivalry heating up. chlie hovasse....sends one for two, lis palr t early.
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ldvi....mi....bound, put bay ch hester...e're ti up. ridge george silvanic....below e rim, rerse..for two....things staying jonath sco puts ay for lewis paer tho...t b..f t....wis paer wins 57 to 51. sand creek andista ridge...s pumped up ase down to the we. noah beatty the drive,loater, go....60-56 vista. sa creek's jorn phillipsthree....good....60- 59. phillips again from sa cekitthe inbound....vis ls.raymo habuzzeatehree, me winner!
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