tv Today NBC January 29, 2016 2:07am-3:00am MST
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>> aouncer: f news, is istoy," withathie lee giffd and hoda kot li from studio in roefelr pla. >>anou hr tha und? that ishe sndf e weakened knocking 'sthuray t 29th of jaary 28th of jay. 2016 jenna bush hager filling in as kaie lee is off. this song is called "love lf." by hailee steield. >> we like her. >> yeah. it's aood on wee good sho tay because is not often you have an emmy and golden globe winner just wandering around. we have with us jane ymour. shis starrg ithe new film called "5 sdes ofblac"yoare brave. you are -- >> i am. i am verybrav >> it's like tiptoeing on the edge, ist it yeah. iss right onhe prepice. >> right wre you lto be. >> but it's hysterical so is wth it. andhe's suchlady. >> yes. she's so classy that s can play thirole. >> i know
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and we'rgoing t talko u out th. 're also going to play a little gamefcharades. >> we loveharades. then louis and jill are here to find a mother-daughr duo o our pza who really wanted to ambushed ankly who don't, righ >> right. they' getng complety sformed asspeak. ing to be fun. then if you haven't b to think about valentine's day, don't rry. jill's got auge shopping bag full of thoughtful gifts for that special somebody. >> bobbi's got the cure for your dry skin, which i haveeally badly. you do not wan to zoom in. i haveizle. bobbi'sh e of our auctn nns going whatim doing? that's how it works. want to give you little teasof "50 sdesf k." the are only selec clips we can evshow. this ith one of course marlon wayan in it. anit'sar if you have haeen "fishadesf gr this is a par o that. here's a ip. we think it'sfunny. we'll ar what you thin >> thank you, m black. >> ease
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>> i he you answered a yr qution >> you did >>nn christian. ooh! ow oh, god, mak stop. >> wtegirls.t tt eletoxe >> wow. and there's mor whe tha ce from. >> , mygod. l i tel you is the probly couldn't showt . >> we had tch-pk. is all gd n.e premie wasas ght,ndopleere in we're going toalkoane allbout that goingo be speaking abomovies, here's nd peoplere very ered up aboit. m be sequeo"t gun." >> oka we have picre oof. >> yes. jerry bruckheir, who
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photo of himself and tom cruise saying he just gotack from a week in new orleanso see an old frid, t cruise, and discuss a little "top g 2." th sounds like- >> it sndlikehey're doing it. by the waytocruise still los good. iss op gun" in 1986 whe itas releed. and think a sequel would be greaofhis one,on'tu? >> ye >> feel theeedor eed. e canuote movi >> yes!>> but this got usalking beuse iteems like a lotf theovie areither spoo, like we just talkedabt, or they're reots. >>ye. differen versns.>>ies have been repled. >> whavie wouou l to e a 2? >>okaythe movit i mos like ees "troop bever hill" >> hmm? >> you d't know what "troop bey s? >> troo >> thank u. er one pson -- >> "trolys." whthri. >> i don't know at iis.
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no, i sll d't ow. >>wait. do you kno wha roop bevly his is"? >> raise your hand i you'v er heard of"troop beverly hills." >> yes, thank yo jane. >> and t other pele. >> jane seymo counts as seven le. >> ses. least seven. >> it was alassicfilm. d then ife wanted toredo a television s if yo don't know this i'm ofhere. what is "bey hillbillies hill? >> nby le that too"t fts olife." >>y e way,hat ul go. i knothat. the clost iouldet t being lowe d it was dng ny or die." so iid "dr. inn:morphine woman. hethan morphi >> we've to find thatp too. i'll s to telion shows. u guysemembe "t partridfami >> y.>>o yohave theong- he sghate'ingi
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omonet happy ome o erybody whole lot o le and it's what we'll b singing wll make hap >> oh mygod. look at everod we'll me you >> i love that that washe agi family. ug [ laughter >> oh, that made my da thatade it. >> all rig. speakif aweso music deos kriste bellndax shepard, they're aun, fun couple, as you gu know. and yoknow how sometimes you go on aacatio -- le tommy. rget it. >> that just made it >> you go o vacati, and u show you bng bkictus onourhone you're scroinrough. >>r youovpo. you kw some pple overpost on instagram or the twter. >> a then wre re, w re -- let's see wee standing re. now wee sndin here. >> and nodycare it'sike t tple t we on the vacati.
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th went to aicd instead ting pictures and png them they made a music video of their trip. ke a lk. i blessed the rns down in africa gon take somimeo dohe ver ve mm mm that's areat id. >> it's a really eat idea. i d'tave the me ohe energy b wh did. that's esome. >> all y haveo do is sho like 30ecds in couple ples and y'r done theyou haveo p tothou ow but love -- that song is o of myllime favorites. >> know. i will y that every year for christma know we just passed it, but henry makes a videfll the pictures or deos othe year of ourirls d 's hnt to everybody. >> what so h this
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bee herted w a ct of her littleallet costume. >> that's grt. >>s re. and we wch i- no. benobody caresxcept six ople w w itwith. but weatch it on chras eve. swt. that's ver swt. more news.wee talking about boots. all talkingut rease" the sical and tt air this weekend. the reboot of that. now, the are lotf this you may not knowbout "grease, e original st. anity " decedo sit down and he ct are some of the things you y t veno fm ti fit of all ramoun wted to ay danny, notoh avta arth fonzel. hey winkler. hry le >>nd he dn't want t typecast ae that gre ing he sd no. >> okay. th's y. also carrie fisher and susan dey were both considered for sandy. >> guess who the fro-runner was. >> now we know. >> marie as mo >> who would haveknown? she was offered the part buthe jected to e od girl gone bad transformation at the end. >> is that susan dey from "the partrie family
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there a song tha we' ing com get h >> doesn't tt put you t bndveryone just going d - i rember bot as well as i rember "troop bevly hills." s athe one with shelly long? ivia newn john almosturd down the role becau s w worried about herage. she was . john travolta was 23. and she was 1%- she wasn sure w thehting woulok. so the cinematographer a to a soft lensn her specically to turn bac cl >> sheas s youn >>ho tht s looked 29? stka cnng id s w 33-r s w 33he she ediz. >> claim tbe>>helaed to be 33. e s . d ynohat fs s
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no lik at. t ts song f the film. they alm cit. and th is of my favote parts ofhe eire vie. wl, ididn g cut. sting theusic th is time for my ho i haneict couldn'itor>>he swe before.maybneee f yoano l u just lo up o your o illed "pfectht song." . ok up thperfect ght song on youtube and tell me if it's t your favorit thing. this is my second forite song, 's a throwbk. rememberhe sg "igni mix" usuly i't dosuto ahead and break off w a littlereview of thmix i'm not ting to be coo the you do this y do rends m ofy lex cou ill up iourrill ying to get youo a hot you must b a football ach way yot me pying eld o baby gim yest hoot ho lete give yteep
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running my hands ugh my fros bouncin o 24 ot aresh out t hen mama rollinghat bod every man inere wish >> can youoll your body? ping on co a i'm like ohhat m dru it the freakin weend everybody i'm abo to ve me someun >> i love it. du. meer, u can listen to us on siuxm chann 10 >> andue whothe. who? >>ou. hoda's t eve mondad weesda 2 i the oer day >> wdid have fun. had fu uesdayre gng to g it away toive lucky ewer so make sure youendnour name addre andou go gandhodaom hhe conct button. quickhout out for our seri, "everye has story."if you have a ory that's lifting or iring wan to knowbout it.he gto klg and hoda.comnd hit the connect button. >>tickaround for some f with the sexy star of "50 shades of black." jane seymour is here.
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we'll be singing >>she is the she ishe timeless ood butho seems to get better with age. >> we're talking about ey and golden globwinning actress janeseymour. >> durg h career that's anned more than four decades shea gone from bond girl i live and let die to a doctor in search o advture i "dr. quinn medicine woman, which will be the forgettable flirt m in "wedding ashers." we le that. now jane is starring algside marlon wayans in "5 shad oblack. and as theov sshe way shadier than gray. ashristian black's raciay insensitive moth. take a look. >> mrs. ac this foowas amazing. >> tha you, nna. ll, wmpornt to me at ourpted cren we exposed to their native cultur.
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's a s goatish from nigeria. and for may ocoursee have peki duckrothe mandari province in china. >> i'm korea >> d't be fresh with me. >> oh, >>,et tomore. >> it goes on. >>it a likethat? oh, and wa way,ay that's allhey could allow on televion. >> dou see the script an did you say, please, i would haveo muchun pying this le i did. becayoknow, i have a very household. an i hav daughter who's incredibly pc. i an before iven menon anythi s's telli m what i ca aan't say. andhiis the m -p personever.this is the most apprrie, thoughtless woman. anthare me of them arnd, youow.yeah we livea world. is a hesition like i owf ca sayhe things? >> is insa
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the script, t howled, they fellff couch and sai mom, u've g t d isthat's what it's r.>>owuch iwa scripted anwee loong ahat dnesce whh s ripted. anhow muas you guyaving fun and dog whatanted? thecript was really good. so we did a lot of scripted. and th o marlon goes off. he goes and ds histhing. and then of cour get to go f as well. i love doingat. talk to about some the pr yoweelling u befeha ere s e parcur sce. >>here was a l of improv. iidt even know whe to go. we, theas some stu going on the tab in thatable scene that iidn't realize was goine haenin i think ey cut idown a bit but ere were some tereing th hapng. veryard keep raight face >> did you kw marlonefore thisfilm? >> no. >> so this is your et obviously, they looke at me andaid she'd perfect to marlon's mother. sakg o how ggeous you looke are -- if u ggle your name, beautif ptus
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but e y -- i mean, just how great you lk dow gatou loedt pmie night, hogrt you look in a batng su, at areou doing to keep thisp? >>ou know'm a great beern doing things as naturay as ssible. so i eat well, iexercise io pilates, geraaht ights. everythi in moderation. wine imoderatiand tnk being hlthy a being as natural as popoib, i st d't d all the -- >>ou don d pstic surgery.>> n >> no botox. i'm doing feature now cled "mistrust." and i need every muscle in my face. if you're an actress and y can't sh distress, u're lik anger becauseevhing's b ozenat's the wst. >> ihink it' timeor a litt quick game. do y mind pling a little game of ares?'re ready. >>ome on in. >>hat do we do? >> we're playing 5 shades of jane. >> my name.
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you pick it. jane jenna has to pickirst. >> so i a it out? >> y act it out. >> . and i can speak? >> yea >> o ed to go and i need to get my doctor kit because -- >> dr. quinn medine woman. >> you can get my doctor - >> i shouldn't ok. >> you can. you're whme. >> okay. >> i don't want to - >> don wanto -- have a face-lif i donant kil myse >> or-okay da, da, da >>ive and let die." >> terrible. i've got to . >> ts not a funalut it's a -- it's wdingcrashe >> yes! >> 0hades of k" isn theaters tomorrow >> let's see what shades of hair color louis use in our ambush makeer mother and daer.
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after this. laundry can wreak havoon our clothes, ruining them forever. sweaters stretch into muumuus. and pilled cdigans come pet but it's you, it's the launy. protect your clothes fromsttching, fading, and fuzz. ...wdowny brcoitner... itnly s and freshens, helps ptect cloth from the damage of the wash. so your favori clothes stay your favite clothes. doy faic conditioner. wash in the w. janet?coh ou c hr me don't tbout it. i took minexm my legmy coh. ye...buthat mikeks oh cough!orks on hih o. mucinex dm reland dry coughs for2
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we wee in our bathob because we're so ready to pampered. >> since thesh winter can be harshnour skin today's style editor bobbie thomas is here to help you exfoliate andrehyate with her essentialkin best. >> we wanted to answe all t questions everybody's talking about. really dry skin that can get flaky. and you may not think but the rst thing you nd to dos exfolie. >> right. sompeople a afraid of that bausehey think 's
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butt's so rtant. >>gles. >>'m obseed. st buy ever. couple bucks. i leave these in my shower and i use these erday. r faceo? >> mody and ilso use myface. suggest o your my oth favorite, collaronic. thisa brand new brus and itits onour counter better it's in your hand they also made aialpha for n,n aha fit. at $99, the mia family and up. it shing that wl help - >> do use your >> i don use iut ie it. iwoudn't thiis like undneatthsinkewre cat find it. >>eeed to whhat bore wese it. ne up- >>e . >> it's really important too, the reon you exfoliate i it ll better absorbpructs drdennis gros le is stuff. >> cal him aka dr. peelgood.
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effective peels that are not harsh your skin. >> oh. >> he actually this brand new one call peel and moist pe ze. ooth a flss thisill h youet rid o e dryead layers. >>his is little white ing. >> comes o y s over therse of 30 day -- th is atwo-ek srter kit. your skiwill staoece er. and the prodyou use lihe hydrate, which wl be my next tip. wi be better absorbed. aluronic acid sounds scary. itething you can find in pure serum like this. ay. it' fou in your skin nall and eam to wormulas from both ntroga and blis all thisnfortions li and i'm me than happy to hp talko yoon faceok, twitter. >> ah. >> so many ess. >> don't tooecause it -- >> last but nothe
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keep this on y bedde. >>h, rig, bobbie. no. >>e have a hidier inoth of our rls' rooms. >> have to me choice between my hair -- am i going to blow my hair up while i'm faing asep? d le some humidit ihere when io to bed. >> you have somebody d that. >> ambusmakeers after this he in the city, paing is har find.seems likeveryone ives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect.valet parkg. llo! here'she keys. and, uh,o easy on my re, mate. , wouldn't md some of that beef wellington... to see how much you could save ocar insurance, go tcom. ar alaound
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dayou can dovetoy you n vethg jt e ic even keep yo tlet cln d esh. introducing soclicgel. k nto c freness with eve flush. lysol.healthing. ck working on mfeet all dayav me pain here. in my loweback but w, i step on this machin anget my numr which matches my d scholl'scust fit ohotic inserts. now mediate reli from my foot pai myowerack pa. find a machine at olay renerist renews from wiin, plumping surface c
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wit thed f fillers your concert t mht show your age... kin never llay regenert. olay. agels. > it is it is thity thursday jenna bushager fling inor kathie lee. re rea t reveal o -- >> ambush makeers. >> ourm t has bard at worknsrmin a vyecia mother-daughter am theyou on thaza. >> a here sw off their looks e "today" ntributor and stto the stars - oucari, la,la, la, la, la >> never gets old. >> tha you, jenna. >> and "today" cibutor thornd all-arod fason hoie. >>hat wasn't aord you knew i was going touse.
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th-daughter du >> it' so muchun because they arso excited for each other. you know? and todayy favite d of e weekend. thursday. wee got them >> we're going to start with e daughter. kae rich is 33 years old. e is from chicago, illinois. katiworks as a textbookrite at the university of ic shsays her beautyutine' pretty bac, justmoisturir, a ttle eyene and om, she's done. r birthy w just twoays ago what a better wa to celebrate thanith whole new look. let's take a listen toer story. >> s you told me i've nev seen this segmen but youtill said hooy, i wa thifokatie. >>absolutely e's readyor a new look. i think thisill great for r. >> are youxcited are yonervous? >> i'm soexcited. no. do what you want t me. i'mxcited to seehat you want to do. ooh. >> okay. so tie' mom is going toome out second. so katie' aeranger. l right? so aree ready? >> ye >> everybody in th studio,re you ady?
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all right, kati let's see the new you. come on out. wh! >>atie. >> a right, katie, are you ready to syourlf? >>'m ready. >> okay. >> turn around. put y glassesono excitin >> beautiful. >> she loves her hair. >> oh, my gosh. thank u. first of all, it's myavorite word s, do whatever you wt to do. th's exactly what we d here. hereou s aene gave her thisompletely reapeder face with the bangs and thway the sides arecut. softened the cor, added a little brightne rely a malmoun of rmth. i wantedt to look likeer ir colo n my hai color. >> wtre you thinking as you're looking at yourself and feeling the hair? >> ihink i feel very differe and love it >> by the y, jill, this
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i ke allf this. >> we had so ch fun. i can't it for mom to come out. nydj jeans.the blouse from cho's. and the jack is new from clara sung woo. focuon the jact for second. it's about to be atarain. >> here's the plan, kae. yoready? u're going to go over here next to jill fa the wall. and n't tuarou until we give y the green ght. >> katie' mom, joan. here's her story. she's been married for 43 y she's he i york ty for the first time on a moer-daughtetrip, obously, th katie. her beauty rtine is vy minimal. and last t she her hair highlighted was in llege. d she let lis craft her ha. let's see her. >> allght. so now it's mom's turn. i feel like you're even mor excited fomom than y are for >> i am. becae she pretendsheoesn't like t the cter of atten but sectly sheoes. so thiis like perfect for r. notrue. >> are welso allowed to do whatever we want with you? >> whatever sure.
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>> iove ts ther-dauter. >> obviously she's here wh kati they ha not seen each other. >> kati don'turn arou. >> d't turnou. wre goingo walk yr mom out. >>oan, ce on out. >> oh,y gosh. >>ow >>an, you fabulo! >> joan put your glaes on for one second. first thing we want to dos see your daughteand we want your ughter to e you. on three, turn ound. one,two, the. >> look at you! >> >> aw. okay. you know one of my forite things right n about mom, she sn't even seen hersel >> . >> wt do you i? >>'s goeo. >> okay. you want toee yourself? >> i d't know. think you do. >> gahead. >> turn around. >> oh, my go wow. >> the hair looks b.
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turn ght arnd, hon, and look rigere at camera 12. you want to come stand nt to mom? >>l aut her hair. >> the mirle about this is as you know joanad very short ha. t what can weoh ? of course arsene useis magic fingers, leredt a little bit. >> arsene. >> movedt around. enid put the makeup o and jus in a sof way. an tn ocour iovered those grays andad it again ighter. it soorked witer skin color. >> so dern. >> a it lks like yr h cor. it i >> wch is m eam. >>joan, that's a hip outfit. >> because they shareclothi. theyrade i said now they live ineparateates, so i gave them the same jacket. enjoy it >> and you can match. >> big rnd of appuse for both, everybody. you guys, good job, jill, good b, up wve g etiquette questionand we've got the answers. >> mr. manners weighed in on how to handle some awkward siio
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check th out, o.what's tha broheim? switched to geico and got mo re savgs on car innc yeah bro-fessor, and more. like renters iurance. more ways sav niceo-tato chi at's not, bro-teinha geico s morcycle and rv insuran, too. oh, th's a lot more. oh yeah, i all about more, ddy brosevelt. geico. expt great ving and a whole lot more. seems ke we've hit aoa block. thateminds me... anyone have occaal constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, oating? yes! onillips' lon health probiotic cap each day helps defe against occasional digestive sues. with three types of good eria live the regular life. philli'. did you know there's a coh liquid that lasts for twelve hours? try delsym twelve hourough liquid. its advanced formulaeleases powerl medine that acts f whi i extded release medicine lasts for ou
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>>f you've bee in awkward situations we'reoing to get some equette adve from mr.anners himself, thomas farley. >> and back by popular demand our "today" staffers wilbe acng out these etiquette enarios.>> weeep asking them back. >> we'reoi toalk aut a part ding dong [ orbell >> let's s who iis. come on in. hi, kate. >> before you step iide would u mind j takingff your shoes? oh, no. that's wrd. >> yeah. so ts is -- here's the ise. fo a varty ofreasons, whether cultural, wther we've t enow outside, super bowl pay's gointoe coming out soon, you don't want to be track the roalt in. so as the hostou're entitl home. and that includes thshs. if it's a fancy rty,o kate's rit? >> and s has a blowout and everything. chill, by the way. >> we may wanto alert her in adthat is a oe she can plan her socks
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>> henry g weird about it. my husband. we have parties. bee it's new york. t i agree with you. if youon't hava pedure or socks on -- >>r yav miated soc nsntly. >>t's a nice touch iyouant to havomoc ready for her someing, nic cfyocksou can ve to allf your guests. tnks for comg to the pay. would you like to come in or are yo leaving? >>'m going this way. >> nice talking to you. >> thanks for ming, kate. [ doorbell ] >> briany came >> howre you? hat' the wi-fi ssword? >> thoug youe going to give me a hug. go first. ers the issue here. the wi-fi passwd like bathroom it's an amenity that as the host yore really expected to ge to the guests. >> oh, wow. now, if it a child who goes everywhere and needs thei-fi password, it's rude to be's rude as a guest to be asking but as the hos you want to be asomdating as you n. think about if somebody asks you where your batoomwas, you wouldn't say i'm sorry, ion't
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got to gift wfi passrd. >> a whas the danr?why dn't youive it he oy dger is you'veot bori party becse everyo's looking at r phon >> i always aood time. >> youe cominandakinit bori wityour wi-fi. thank you, brittany. >> i'll excuse myself. >> brtany a parachi. nice talng to you. careful. i wond iyone elsis cong. >> ihi we' done with t guests. wee going mov on tthe ofce. owe' in the office. anhey. allri letalk about this. bee ofte you he guys just like this gtl with earphones in and you cannot converse wh them. you can't get the attention. >> that'right. and we're seeing this more and mo becau so many of us are wog in open offices. where to fre yourself of som distractions you realldo need the ea buds. a couple thio beeful of. first, d't be hng too loud eny your mu you'rteninga comedy podcasu're notaughing loud, disturbin everybody ou you. it's good he's blag the music from his laptop but he's tuned out.
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ther than coming fm behind we're going tjust kind of g onisadaro he sees us that way. he'sot startled. i need tok t jarod,ight? he's done the right thing. he'sen out bhheadphones. some peopl will te one. that'ru. >> take out bot andoo like theye immediely ready to th right back in thecond you walk away. take tm out and put them down as a sign of true respec >> ynow who i feel sorry for? flight attendants wh they're t ask people if they drink and everybody single pern -- and they're always waving a the person looks annoyed. okay but that w the proper way -- if you don'tmind. back t his muc. >> donna jus came in hey, donna, h areyou? w. >> a!>> hi donna. od t see you. that's a lot of peume. >> you canmellt but we can. >> i like it. >> i think it's a liuch. no offense. >> hers how we want to approachhe overperfumer. want to try what i cal the
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you stt with a compliment. donna,hat perfume y're aring is love. at fraance is is? you're goingo a t esti. ou'rgoing to jump with the small critie. you know, one thing, imight be a tiny bitoo ch. but i really, reay do love. so keep wearing it so you couch the critique tyne compliments. >> you justost a friend. i would never -- >> i d't think i could do that. >>his is for somebody whis overwering the office with her perfe. >> i think it's nice. she's done a good jo but where it's just taking ove the office you've got peoe with fragrance sensitivity. >>ou have a migraine. >>hould you leave it to the ss to take care oftuff le that? is that the better way to do? >> iouldave the personho's closest to the individl dit. it's a little awkward if it the boss. >> i like your earrings, don. >> all right. lar. >> you always know what's good etiquette? getting yourweetie gift on lentine's day. >> lucky fs jill's got a
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>> i think it smls >> seems we've h a seems like we've hit a road ock. that rinds me... anneave occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...g, oating? yes! onphillicolon heal probticap each day hedefendgain occnaldigeste issues with three types ood bacteria. live the regar lillips'.man (stern):he do u thk you're going?mr. mucus: to workwi you. it to tuda ma you're not coming. i took mucinex to he get rid of my mucusy constion. i'm good all day. [announcer:] mucinekes woing. not 4, n 6, bu12 hours.
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the theolidays are bary i r rearview mirror, and somehow valentine's day is jt ound e corner. >> oh,yeah, andve don nothing. so we ask our "today" contributor jilltin to dig de int her sing bags f so fun valentine's day fis. i'm so hpy in this b. >>ets stay here all day. >> why not chillut at the end of the sho in am my lentine'say cape o and i'm ready to deliver my t gifts. >> cute. >> first of al let's start with flowe that talk. >>lowers that talk? >> yes. you each have a set nex to you. from $85. and when you get these to your home, withinnutes of themg there wl be a video text messa sentour phone. so i have ne sent herrom a surprise guest kathie >> doit!
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and we wanto wh all you what? happy valentine's -- not -- >>n't kn. ty've been drng. wepologize. >> i love . >> howreat is that and it'such a nice way -- >> and it comes tor phone en -- >> within five minutes of livery whatbout -- kay. now,ovin ono why we're in be ie thisromshrf. you can pillowcases, duvet cove, all different size all i did wasike in a crey went on your instram, std, it grabbedtos i ought were best, e-maile them, and this is what came back. is that amazing? >> oh,ook atpoppy. you ve ppy on myblanke mkey moin all difnt pictur. plus afrom shutterfking of t house henr there's wine in there. kingf the house hey. >> i h henry on my bed. is is weird. >> she's had enough of me after
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and my husband is right unrnth her d. >> he's rht here it's sort of weird. >> and tha said hoda and joel. and how nice to be able t deliver a glass andhe be able to use . >>chee >> get out of bed? >> that was shutterfly. no, no. i' bring it to you. then moving on,t's nic to ab to buy gifts t are inexpensive for the whfamily y can use yea t are from pier on i lov these chalkboards. you can say happy valentine' daand then use them for to-do lists. >> that's good idea. i t chocole? >> oh. th's comin next we have gif for you signicant hers. if you ginto the drawe -- >> i'vgoto getut of d. m ho >> if i we you,'d b carel. hry isnto fishing. >> yes. >> that is a peonaled fiinlure withi name o . >>hat'cute. a with th de tha you met. >> what? >> so that is fm youill go into the dwer next to yourbed. draw?
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people actually write in say y it wrg. >> jill, w love this. >> that is from unmmon good joel is into hockey. tha a cup whe you can throw the mshmalls up against eback it will land in the hot che. cute. >>re cuff links inthere as well that are -->>tks like a toilet bowl.>> theha it for every t. >> that's awesome. >> cute, jill. >> on my -- quick on my n is anji necklace. it's all theiffere ejis. and to end as we' goi to break i'm going to bring in lovebugsromari's berries. love blollipop>> thiis so cute. >>hank youo much. >> anks, jill. this i awesome, jill. hapvalentine's day.
2:47 am
>> this is "today" on nbc. > time for te for okay notokay. we've all heardutcebrities at check themselvesntoospi because ofexhaustion. >> kendall geralar admitted she was hospitalized after getting exhausted. and demi moore aft annncg her divorce from ashton kutcher. >> we called kathiee on vacati because we asked if it's okayr not okayo have exhaustion exhaustion hospitalizations. >> anyti yr body tellsou to stoand pay aention to i you shoul listen and obey. don't you think, hoda >> i like t one, kath. i say look, if the doctor thinks it's the right cal ocose 's okay. your health isaramount
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that's li thr syllables. wow. >> whatever. >>mg. come here,zack. it's zack's rthday, you guys. zack is guy. >> zack is the best. >> this is what we call aack ndwich. we love you. happy birthday to our guy. les, lookin ralp macio and mario cantow areoing to stop by tomorrow. a perrmce by charliepug.>> 35ive yourhoumber > my mission is sile -- to make you money. i'he to lel the pling field r investors, there's always a bl market somewhere. i promise to help you find i "mad money" starts now. > hey i'm cr hey i'm cramer. welcome "mad money. welcome to cramerica. other people want may
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