tv Mad Money NBC January 29, 2016 3:00am-4:00am MST
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teach. > eryby give everybody gives up too easily. th get disgust, th get arful, so they dump stocks riously, and then they rotate to another groupeemed safe for the mome, which is mow you get a mo like had for today. the dow gaining 125 points, s&p climbing 5% ss wholesa changes what's loved an what hed. just few days just a f days ago everyone gave up on the indusials. the signature reason i'd say w the deine in the railroads. they move e commerce. if the railsre weak, tn th ships mu be weak, too. then a couple ys later we get a good number from 3m op of a very positive quarter, some heelat fm unit technologies. l the companies' ses and
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weak orders. th morning en caterpillar reports a quarter that's nots horrible as people thought including e analts from goldman sachs. anthe industrials beme marketarli again. money is nowouring into them. thgroup just g too hat. i think this sea cngves us a bottom to buy, a more morn ywell as former repoed of what i thought was the first o good numbers. honeywl could become mighty attractive. airbus iying sbig orders. or consider t too ago that aarel w miserable. all thosstocks were hammered mercilessly. then there's the curus case of rarmour when an o at morgan stanley slapd a sell on the stock, aring e dickens out of the everye.
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dimeettinggainstev plank, wch h a particular of skills. sureew underarmour shot the lights out, sending the stock up a magnicent 22.5% in o day. >> that was easy. the negative analyst was too focused on the discounting, and totally missed the amaze gwth of conneed fitnessweno the longniveout now fo ple, because the company is viewed as beg all about the iphonemany people now worry the cell phone business has peak, but i say look at the beautifustream of serve renues from the instalbase of 1 billion aive devices. what else? a week aceverybodyave up o ythi oil related. the ne thing oil rallyings
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markle move, as one seis details amic cutbackses. and even core no and en re labs, tking about how 2016 haso a bottom. people aren't drilling. of course athe same time clarification that oil is not like in orinr copper or steel. global usage is actual up,ot do, including china. ne thing you know the whole group is on re whether or n youhink this move makes sense, you're getti much bter prices to sell t oils and the limited partnerships. >> now ang comes another group at's being obliterat. all of a sudden, one of the favorites this maetplace, health care. anytng health careelated. oe'tatter. many investors have en hiding cause of political issues and
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throwi all of them away,nd instead deciding instead deciding to hiden e consumereekaged goods stoc and even left dead kimberly-clark. why don't we go over why this might be. rst the adg presenal candes bhing thent health care sywhile the puicans as ahole wil ely avoid any discussion of pharmaceutical pricing. donald trumponec ultimatee the ultimate an@ma to oil companies. he goods to -- even though trumping to is not coming to the republican dete tight, there's many on wall streefear he' stake out this ground again. it happens to thene issue that trump, hillary clinn and bernie sanders all agree on, meing all the front-runner e in fav of the government negotiating with drucompanie for lower prices. putting ase the fact i doubt any esident could pull this off, considering big pharma has
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let's say the rhetoric is bat fothe indu, as well esident clinton, even as h ultimately failed just miserably to get his health an through congress. it was an azing gerational buying opportunity. it's true that every other deloped country bargains with farm soot call, so you can undersnd. the fears that they migh remain weadee election, so don't even bother own them. just get out now. i acowledge that fear. would it be so terrible to think longer term, maybe do a small amnt obuying? isig be a reat of e '90s movas democrats ted t beat prma and failed. was trading those days, and rememberwhatn opportunity, but i too was scared. it pd off. i'not trying to call the bottom in althare, though yomahaveo be willing to
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you make economic gain. finallthere wa finally there was the multiple day give up f.a.n.g., baas people feared they were erloved,hen facebook deversn amazing number last nit and all isorging a the moy comes scorg ck. thisutperformance uld d is what lkelike aubpar nuer from amazon, the "a" in f.a.n.g. although you have tore enamod with the beaiful numbers from non-f.n.g.bersthe ip compy and microsoft.softceo,us mr. soy ceo,ust asli me, don't question and bite
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miserae 76ers he'she bottom line. i ink it's fair to say we have panic mixed inith ownehi because so many because so my portfolio managerotated in t saf health ce ocks, but it seemsthe betteret is touy the best awhat's bng thrown away in stages,ot all at once, because you r know when the new rotation is going to end neheless as tim cook said in the terric but ireditily scored conference call, this too shall pass. let's take calls let's goo adam in delaware. adam. >> cler: hello, mr. cramer. adam frodelare. >> how areou doing? >>aller: fantastic. thank you for ything you d
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>> ford is ordone. i know aot of ople think the seor is peakg, but this is getting ridicuus. 11, i don't kn, put it away, i think you'll be fine. rocco in oahom >> jim, boo-yah. boo-yah,hi, what's up? i just wanted to know what you thght about all the eaings. the. >> we don't buy >> wdon't y chinese stocks on this show? why? all that t market cements to do is go down. we don't want to touch it. let's stay more consvative s let's stay srt. jim. >> caller: i'm wonder if i should have loaded it for -- >> at&t is fine. i went through the quarterit's fine, justot as good as vising.
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for e older folks and mobile with john ledger for thenger people who want to takon the -- and play someort of drinking game. let's goo alex inew york. caller:im, question queson, due solar city, 8% gains,o yothink wou ep goi up? >> i hot it does. because people c sell ll sell and go go io the legitite similar py thate like to whic "mamoney. yo rotation ert, thiis what you get when you ve a panimixed in with olde ownership inhe heah care sector. buy best of what you being thaway, but onlyn stages. "mad money" tonight, i'm celebrating throwback thursd and disgusting off minfame otherwise iran that the fed may t know nothingbout wt's gointoappen.
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e earningseasout dare i say e ready seen the single best arteofhe year? that's just ahead. > and from aech standpoint, no one is tter tn avnet. i have the c. so why don't you stick wh cramer? don't miss a don't mi second of "mad mone follow @gentlewomancramer on twitter. have a question? xt, e-mail "mad money", or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. > miss something? head to chthisut, that, brohe? i swit to geico and got more. moavings ocarinsuranc yeah bro-fesso a mor like renters insurance
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nice, bro-to chip. that's not all, bro-tein ske geico has morcycle d insce, too. oh, that's a le. oh yeah, i'm all aut more, teddy brosevelt. geic expect great savings and a whlot more. our clothes n stretch out in the wash, ruing themorever protect your cthes fro stretching, fading, anfuzz. ...with downy ic coitioner... it helps protect clothes fro the da of the wash. soour favorite cloth stay your favite clothes. downfabric cditioner. wash in the wow. man (sternly): where do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to workwith you. it's taco tuesday. youe not coming. took mucinex to help gerid of my mucusy congestio i'm od all day. [announcer:] mucix keeps woing. not 4, not 6 but 12 hrs. let's d this shoulders dot justarry carry your ns' passionshopes,ndreams anmaybe, a chance at greatness...
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z-its the perfect union of a cheez-itnd chip. u mean like tht marrd? um.. gues.. you'make a prey bride inhat weing gown. oh, it's a lab coat so... heeveryone, joe's getting marrie bam bam ba bam. oh, i'm not.we take meor o cheese tmature ourrispy chz-itroes in worldhat's trying torn y into someone w. hair color wants to help you keep on being you. ni easy. natuoking r...
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memo to the >>memoo the members of the fedel reserve -- did you sten tany theonference callfrom major industrial companies basehere that we got this weebefore you foolily refuseto take march ra hike off the tab yesterd? [ booing ] >> did you p any aention to what the executives said in davos about the sudden weakening in the worldconomy after the decemberate ke [ buzzer ] ve you heard wt companies like apple, boeing3m d dupont have say aut the nse oubles there hing
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you really ought you really ought to lynn to at they have to s. you do, youl regretaisi tes la month ithe me o flatio bsehere is no inflation. l the fed s dones saificamerican job they jt don't know it yet. ter yesterdas announceme 's clear ty haven'en living to at main street -- nowall street, but what main street has to sa it caused a spe ou the obe, putting o comes a a shocngisvaage e stro dollar uldn'tatte that much, but the relation of the world is slows so fast is almost aif the fed is say we aaddi tavern in ese world th the own ency debasent to makit
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that's rig. that's right. if the fed had done nothing at all, many of ouratnal companies would have seen me dlans, but the rate hike jacke up the dol especiathe emerging mart currents sis we're only starting to feed aftereec. and our american anour ameran workers, just consider the exact, that spent a tremendo amount ofime ing over this ry issue. as proct os cf as proctor os cfexn, it's m reality that's getting a significantly -- but they can'te managed withny real effecveness. he continued -- when we lk aboureign ex impts
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it's a very valid question, says, something we look at inteally, d with a different seof outside eyes every ye ase prepare for r financial plan, end quote. muller goes on to detailow procr & gambles sically help 1/2, with the deleterious effe on the bott line. i quote -- a significant amount our forward exposure is in currcies either nondeliverable orerdiffict to hea the argentinian peso and the ukraian currency are three amples. secondhedging second, hedging is neither free nor chp. occucely volility, he says in itself increases in ifict ways tcost, so wh youant itost, it bes difficult tofford. final que -- it solves nothing longer term. itlso does nothing to help restore the margtrucre of
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itimply defers vatilit you have t same hiwith the same margin pact youould have had had you not hedged. do you thi the feds even get that stuff? maybe theyonnderstanit. theno exn the pernicious mos acerbated by t fed, he walkedhrough aal tranion in cntry the frean' strong doars killg them and wre the curren is ing haywire. goethrough what happe in gente ooh. the gentine so has been devalid by 30% to 40% very recently. 'srushed america s. love t way he explained wh ppenedy exining issue cing procter's core anvery important ette business. rst foign exange fltuatio increase e cost of po mipu
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gillette bladeand mexico into argentina. why the cross ways bween the two currcies increas arntine costf base.d seco and secondlyts out ere's a lance sheet revaluatio consider this incredie value, he saysleaz produced in mexico areoving through e cus pr in argenta, our argan siness h a pay oect on the books. theerconvey payable anables ar valued. gains arloss from revalue waiting ctional bancing ow through sa and are incledn core earningper share. i know that's , but this is anmpornt aouing sue. thla nigre -come statements subsidiaries that not use the s. dollar asheir funcon cncy are translated back to the u.s. dollars. all righ 's the gedyg butow
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raider blausins gentin they are pje to be significant, and there's the mbers. 70 million, 50 mlion and 3 million after x. thiss 140 milln after ta foyear becausef r frkin' strong doll holyow. 's aeal hifor an mpanright ther that'shat this avatg it raises rate tt incredib difcult thicfor every u.s.ny trying tsiness os.bies whs thbiggest loser? yo no questn, the arican work, becae ket not octer hato find y to nbebeat those estimates in oer to plse the shareholders who conally ineaseivity divide. proctergoing to gett as just described or enough foreign countries, then th
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to slash cos, d those sts will lar be bornn e backs of theorkers in amicprocter & gamble has always tried touce the co of non-manufacturing ovhead, and it's very much a parof the new economy. i think the feoks at the business cyc in anog terms as gary cohen, thehi operating office of goldman sachs said vdly in davos, the real economy iowing -- gizati will a b enabr ofur oveeain manufacturing enromentcogs that do not impact reachdo not impact frequently. in plain english in plain engsh, it's a heck of a loot easier to fire people these days and not sa be when it meto expdi sales. does this show up? jue thismpfromne industry aersing. st year we reduced t number
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ag snding by $370 milliowe'raiming f a additional oency-rated sangis year. that's jobs thatre ppearing right before ribecause of this crazy super freaking strondollar it'sot jt octer & gamble. ic have been they thfed's current stance and its uncertainty isonstantly endenghe opposite. as it is, like tim coosaid, we'rexpensing, qte, extreme conditions uike ythingvery experienced. es lea ado i leave any out the next time you heeone ibly asking how can a quarter t rate hikreal do any mageo the u.s. ecomy or even cs go for business, as some people have done on ouair. so go listen to e darn conferce calls ever company with significant
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home and find places to digitize, ich the new code for boos product activy usg software, and firing people relentlessly. the bottom line, when you do the rk, you realize the world n crisis. thonlycado something abouit is e unit stestoeliberatelslow our owonomicrowth. onquestion for onquestion for t federal reserve. reoing this in the name of what, exactly? let me know if you canin tick le a reas. i tice i sure n'find a. sure it's a tough rket, about you one coany ju reported the best story of the ye. and avnet is causi some to esti theuture of the tech sector. >>and lookg for playo kehe lights on?
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so don't you stick with cramer? sonnd i used toatch thed rpet swsn now,'m walking them. le is predictabl thg needo be predicta to be flake fre because i ha used head and shoulders for 20 years. ed regularly, itemp to f fles keeping you protected every week, every mont every year yoready ma? always fes unprictable, so embrace it! ad and sulders. live flake ee for life yo clever moves won't stop the cold and flu. but sinfec with lysol can. lysol wipes and spray areapproved to kill more typesf germ clorox. help ep your family healy, lysol that. i've got two reasons to take ca of my heart. th why i take meta. meclinly pron
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all kidding aside, magnificent .5 rp iv this is e of t is one of the best qurs we've gotten fm any company in ag. it ticked off evy that investors want to see. it was spectular first facebook had r, acseg rating nugrowth, 66% on a urrency base, a teic ramp up theye grinso rapidly that who en cares about the impact of the strondollar. second, the company has no ecic sensitivi whatsoever. o told us -- we didn'tee anything we uld see broad will have basedacroweakssno bile is more tn 84% ofhe
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>>four, despitthe ndreds million of ho of milonf hours watchi vide sheryl sandrg points at adversers he ye catcup wh um adoion. even thougmore tn 2.5 lln mpiecuentl adveise wi facebk. sandberg says facebook i derind deste the trenus rurn for advertiser inclung 20 tis return f shop direct. th's uk's second lst onliretaer andelift fr halo 5, sabergays esll advertiss -- we wa to be t best dollar, t best euro, best yen, no doubshe mes it. facebookoesn't need buy back stock or -- investin the business typ the siness typically ges themn instant rernwhich is why don't ve to wy
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sh. inact yoprobab want them to accelerat facebook wilspenties what they do on instagram, at's app anmessger. and the compans and thcoany's going to spent three times at they rrently do oartificial intelligence and virtl reality, bause they expecthrerns to be even me ssiv si is entily posble at messand whazapco ultimately be as b at facebook and instagram. zuckerrg iso confident h waived the fs. they'll be metized istages juines instaam once ey d better using. the okay ululls ve acquisition is abo to exode, facebook is targehe
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the there. sewea significt retch stam in thvery neafutu. hodid w difacebook, which iay se tmobile friendly bece vea powerhouse u and efore adisers? simp, asuckerberg sa on the call, d quot-- i tolall of o pdu tea as th come in r reviews, just come in wh mole. if you try to show me a de produc'm goingkick y out. yo to come in d e a mobiroductend quot i love thiote crude leadership tacis whaled to at andllowed facook to develop a great consumer perience. hings actually enhanced by advertising based on the science d t of it. all these changes have cated stock fromming fro frltively expense to be somewhat che a10. seems like they could earn
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so hers the bottom les. these ans u e wing g the st ns y ofhe y h acebk is the chper ofigh-growled f.n.g. coho. thk 's buy, though obviouy like it ref the stocgoes lower, who knows, in oil goes down big, may it wi there. scott in texasott? >> calr: i'm an 1-year-old vestkingo ta you jowhen'mlder. >> remem don't care where somethincamerom. that paypal quarter waa thing of beauty. wh i hear opleayen-mo meaway. let's goo denn les go to dennis in ut caroli. denn? >>ler: yeah, jimst callabout - i soy shes about thr or fo mont ago it time to buor not?
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ard. i'gog to say don't buy, don't buy zillow. >>tom? >> cler: booah from the peh ate. firstime caller. lto netwks has beein the hoe of pain lately. is week rael reported a major hack attack on the electrical autri, inging cybersecurity ck into focus. is now good time to take a positionn palo alto networks? >> the hse of pain. >> thoseho awnt down %. lo ao isniquely a hi speculative stock. this is one tho cases used to -- i've got to see e stock start going up, and telling me it's bottomed before n sh the stock. i don'nt to hurt anydy. facebo's got the best ne story of year, if not the decade. it's somewhat eap at the levels who uldn't want in on this
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so stick with cramer. if you if you want to take the temperate of t technology industry, always s you ou fd out what'sapning at avnet, a mpany i scribe as the largestmarket of -- electronic compones, as well as being among the large supplier of information technology hdware, softwar and servicesround the globe, so it matts th wn avnet reportedhis morng a 3-cent earningsiss with substantial weaker than expected rebels, and
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basis that number woulhave been down, maybet suests more weakness from the super freaking dollar? or perhaps something else. heck week it change three cents. y does allf --t do it me? wh ds iteathe whole ch secto >> mr. matta, welce ck to "mad mon >> thank you. greato be back. >>his was a tougquarter. >> yeah. this is by youown admission, you're basically in the conference call and your statements, yosaid things di'to as planned. why is that? >> ja misss missbut we show up rain or ine. three-nts, rembewas in contrast t sales misshat yolked a, callg le a ren probl for orall wee very proud of the team thespite that revee miss, we still expanded gross and operating margins, andhe ct controls were really good. cash flos as good as wel there re some silver linings,
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>> let's go over t silver lings. ight spo -automotive a rospe. i mentn thinks, e some peop areorried that aerospace is slowing dn an >> for us, jim, >> for us, jimen it cameo ere the dislocation was, it really was concerated in the americ, it showed both thenents an coer side. we phet the waslowdown, by the way, the samtime of indicators we thought were mirredd down in december in u.s so we felt prettyuch trackingith th ovall. the comteside of our business, it was more about disappointg quarr d, and some- but some shringe i our storagsyem sce as there's a transitionoing on between me of the last technologies and somof theew up-and-cominplfo
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>> is there any chans. >> we did refer >>e did feto the fst three weeks of january we had a nice pitive book-to-build trantion. we were 0.98or q2. we don't want to orplath, bu's cerinly better to see sitiveook toill rather than a negativ >> i'm a huge evof the be ned and tre's more connectionmore devic, just over time everything is gein mo digitized. is it just a hiccup? or maybe this is not the greate trendt i know i've been playingp on "mad money" for a long tim >>im, there are multiple antions in play. i think u've had previous guestshatalk about the necessit ande believe th internet of things, we believe in embedded,nd wbelieve th transfer arell critically
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a seasonswe are finding ways tinve remeer, now, en wi the shortfalin revenues we were able to expand that. cayou imine we gegrowth back and still maintain that disciplined cost ctrol? always trying geteady for the next up cycle. >> and keep buyi back stocks. >> that's right. that's right. we've enery discipned abt this, jim. i think we talk abouit each and every quarter. with pullback, i thinkne of the reasons thereas a more muteresponse to the uity, we're down 7 just sed the gerket m tt' happed overall. we've beening surehat 're taking opportuty during this pullback to invest more aggrsively. >> one lasquick. two years ago when we we talking, tee yearsgo, four years ag we alwa talked about how rope was bad, bu the united states saved things. it does seem is kind of
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jim, this is a trend we have lkedbout the last few quarters, our siness ical cuencyonnues to ve positive orgic groh and not only by our opnents anotr teamver ten quarters, we also have the recovery story inur computer big th's four qu strong d owing, i stl beeve ers a t of underestimation as to hostrong the ovall underlying european industrial economy is. it'be great b every time it's gott hit likthat. ri amata, thank you fong on the sho >> thank youjim. good steady business. i lievthing b. y'v heard that jan iing better. maybe at's the pce of infoation we needed identr. "mad mey" is bacafr the break. he in the city parking is hard to fin ses li everyone drives. and the who do shod switch to geico because u could save hundreds on car suranc ah, peect.
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anh,o sy on my ride, ma. hm, wouldn't mind me of that beefellington... to see howuch you could save on car insurance, gogecom. ah (c armou 's ok! ee grves e thpet ion of z-itnd a cp. meantheyrrie .. u'd retty e hat wedding . oh, it's a lco so. hey everyone, joe's geinmaie bam baba b. , no taktimeor our cheeseo matu in o crisp cheez-it. shoulddon't just carry pads. they carry your fans' passions, hopes, and dream and maybe, a cnce at greatness...
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mobi? i'm a buyer, use i thin jue ledger isuper. i ven'seen him on the , thou, jordan? >> cler: hi, c caller: h cramer, wt do you think beccontue diinson. >> ilways like i but i'm g raise you i think, baxter. y? because mr. al media hede ne takeer baxte he's fab > nd in louisian xder? >> cler: bah, amer. hope're havi a good y. >> what s the stock? ina? i too connected i connted btech. buy slows ock comes do, but the charrs hthe
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chl in new y >> caller: cramer, boo-yah. i owjdom. >> ian help you there. we're not ending any stock from china.noay n adam in new rsey. >> calle by bofrom new rs, buy, sell or hold novavax? >> it's getting crazy, frank. i knowhey're all sale, but longerabt go to david in new york? >> david. >>aller:he sckhat' ma new lows ibb. >> celgene, here's the problem, th were ve conservive about venue, theumber on drug, i thinitigatch a ade or too. i'm not ckinamp. thinthis stock couldo to e w s, becau tt oup is under sh prsu. nobody wantst.
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aller: boo yak. >> thiisnoth >> this another one thas spulive. all the air comes out of i i am a believer, but understand these stks arell part of that health care complex tt suddly everyone has so much. hn in flora. >> caller: hi, j.p. boyah. >> my stk cbm. the question i is it oversold? >> again this is an arms dealer for th sciences industry. and no one is -- let's wait until it comes in, wsee if we get boce and then ybe a bottom. t yet. that, ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of "the lightning round." the lightng round onsored by -- the re you move e mowe
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it has unimicrocsus thcon fres friction bakthcaules... ...reasing bursts of freshness all day. whetr you're mting adeadline.. ...grabbg a te.. ...or headinout for e night. monse, proteion top you, won let you laundry can wreak havo launy can wreak havoc on ourotheuining them forever.sweaters stret into muumuus. anpiedardigans become pets. but it's n you, it's the ladry. otect yourlothes fstretching, fadingand fuzz ...witdowny bric nditioner... it not only softens and freshens,
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so your favote c sy yoave clothes. downy fabric condioner wash in w. let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. t thesliquid ge new. mucinex st max. it the se difference this one is max stngth and fights mucus. munex fa max. thlyolanflliidel 'saxtrgth and fightsucus let'end is. - od journalism about telli a sto from mthanneerspecve emacing versitycan enri yr sty byllowg you toee thi om morthan just onentf viewthats a story worth tellin
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for thof for ose of you who are wod thate could be headed into a serus slowdown, thanks in pt to the il-advised policies of the feral reserve, why not start getting coortable with a gro that's tally domestic. i'm talking out youtilities. owning the lat wer trsmission in untry, servg roughly 5 millio customers in 11 states
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2016, i think it's worth inting outhey're giving you a nights 2% rallt also pays solid el it's movinaggressily toward the ch me avilrelad slow and sadutity side of things s you can follow lo with meyer critable ust and following our moves. they both came in slightly lower th eected. nagent reairmeit's full-yeaguidan. 2.23%. show me anotheindustry where you withiss on botof top and bottom lines. et's takcloser like with nick antendse president, chairman and ceo, to hear more t the quarter and whe companis headed. welcome ba to mummvp. great to bwi you, ji myharitable trust ow this, how is it possible that peop might be disappointed in their earnings, t they b the stock.
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this particulamarket. >> we me in twcents ss buyou lookt the ye, the fourthuarter was the warme quarter we'vhad in or 30 yes, andhen you look athe amount of load margin that was lost as a result, it cus about 11 cents a sha. iall, we raised idance twice durin2015and wound the yr rm whi th guidian rn ev with the cent gey. so y're ino many difficult geographies,ut a, which surpsingly, i don't kn, maybe because it's -- really did okay foyou. yh, really interesngwe'rstill sengver 10 ow in oil d s counties, anyou have to sort oseparate the oduction and eloration side of things vers th midstream activity as well.
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seeingver 10% growthtill. the on is cause pipeline capacitys beg bu optimizaon oexisting flds aroccurring. wl u coin tinve in thoseypesf vity, so it really doesontribute to compress load and other ings that are more eltr energy. >>o know a wall strt 're gripped by the federal see raising rates and trying fidget whetr things are slow ugh down. the some thingthat have changed, rht >>bsoluty. >> absolely. we're seng primary metals drop cause of thenternational global is dealinth the economy, so we're seeing a sldown there ithe paicar mining as well. see tse activits contue to slodownand of course oil angas nedrillingctivity haslowed dn considerably as ll. >> wouldouver thinthat
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ovstretched that if in were toreorder eye, maybe iwod be time to actual b natal ga b company? >> wl, we real >> well, we really, when you look at the exploration, the mmodity itse, for us to buy something like that, we're really focusedbeing a emiuregulated utity. we want to invest in infrastructure that we need to invest i as you hawe're the lastest ansmission provider in the cotrov an -state area. weave plenty of places tput our capital. we could take advantage bon us appciation, we have rdy, willing anab capal to de tcontinue to optize thgrid. r us to be involveith fuel coming out of the oundwe take more ri, because tycaif you hedge fuel, y wind up with a risky prosition
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pass-through. that's w we tylly don't get involvedith that activity. >> l jt i like the reted busiss, with nrg, they went all tryinto make ney everhere. pln y a gulated siss will actually help them plan to different for loer period of ti tu ght otherwise get? >>egulated companies, if you can make investments for long term, and this indust spends $110 billn a year capital forests $5 billion a year for the nt three years. when you snd that kind of pil for long-term sis, you rely want to see consistentecov the investthat y are making, and certa guted utility allows you t that. we're also branching in to rchase long-term purase power arraents around solar, microgridsthostypes of activity, and as long as it' seen as was i regulated where we
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longvestment, we can produce consisnt quality and earnings growth as ault. and th's where we're targeting. >> that's exactly what the people who watch "maney" wantand appreciatet. od to see you, sir. thank you, jim. metimes you don't want t hit it out of thpark, yoknow wh because you can alys strike t. you will not strike out with american electric power. stayith "mad money (cell phe ngs) where you? well the squirre are back inhe attic. m? yo dad won'tall an extermin... n i call youack, mom? ays it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call athe worsme. it's what you do. if you want save fifteen percent or more on cnsurance you switcho geico. it's whau do. where are you?'s very loudhere.
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excid about amazon, but amazon decides at it wantto show for rningssometimes 's disappointing and looks like it tonight. crosoft,he stock sd not od gone down. e busiss is very stronaway fromcs >>i alys lto s there's a ll mket tered i promise ry to fi it r you here o"m mon." i'm m cram, d i ll see you tomorr. 's friday, juary29, comi up onshow"early y." the the inlts werelyg and d the rest of the fieldanage to takenyoez as away from the fronne > cdc calls theika vir paemic a cating a travel
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stopped >nd aiciz stction om a speedo arg mi plps and much more more. sh eay y srt right no and dald trump hosting a fund raiser f veterans whi not showg up to the debate. donald trump hashon not to show up. whatessage do you thi that shows to the voters of iowa? >> let me say i a miac and evyone on this stages stupid, fat and ugly, a be you're a terrible surgeon. now that we' gottenhe dald trump portion out ofhe way. >> he's e greatest show on earth. >> kindf miss donal trump. he was a little teddyear to me. welways h such loving
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