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tv   Today  NBC  January 29, 2016 10:00am-11:00am MST

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they actuallyhould . all right. we also get ready to marvin ga. he is up forhree gram he jusuted -- his aum justropped today. his first stopas right. i le it. >> if you havehe sam old pa that you throw f theig footballame -- >> y know why we're notaying the word we're not we're not allowed to. >> you're not aowed to because e patrotsidt makeit. >> d't start withme. >>on't -- >>ere they in the ing? who are you roong for? of course,he patriots. you , iov tbry, but ene that allyov-- my fari is tom brady's understu'sis ok
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>> we're gng to show you how s-p-e-r-b-o-w- s-u-p-e-r-b-o-w-l. gridiron ga>> this is inresting. so jenfer lopez wn americidol. this is the fin se. shelways geser courin wor and oen s ys wishingsods. there waroup song which meant everybo was ditioninpartiped ithe oup, and they hado work together. on gro dn't do we, and jennifer lopez this s kws theason ere. it was a girl named alise tha wasn't playing wl withthers in the sandbox. ke a listen. everything everything gs
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obvious tensn, andou could feel itn theperfornce. this is all about collaborating. i woul s my bgest strengt in ts busins and the rean that ie been around as long as i haves because peopleik to work wit me if youon't play well with others, you won't last very long you'llave aomen if you are super, super tant, b after a whi peopleta rting against u. >>ou know what, she'sright. >> it'struesn t sue? >> thi clde anyinst, yel u nt work wh peoeat wan to wgeth. >> i wd loc nsor a longtime a i rember news reors whenhey reing fige outf ty we goi to hire y fm that sma rket,hey uldall the photograers you worked wit because they knew thahose guys knew you like nobodyelse. thnew you at you w whe u we complning and all at sorof stuff. think --atheorkith meone who is talen a supere someos extr talend and kind a je. >> yeah.
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family i said y'all ain. shhhh. i'm tal tu. he is not steng. >> my ear are - youknow op leo wor withe cause i am not difficu at all. >> a you difficul mari >> he really not difficult. >> he ilittle bit diffict. >> snap at th kids have two kids. i snap at . don't. 's not your line t s t rightthere. t stepn myjunk you little brat. >> but it's true. ing as p am is so importan >> yeah. >>eeng iik wking with yo k reaso y? >> wh >> i like you tunes. somemeklg doesn't it. owo you g it? i get why she doesn't lik yourongs. i le th. >> ilayed throack. igni remi >> i l r. kelly. >> all t.
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therwereer people w enjoye it too. cebook page. >> norlly i don't dois. >>t is a k-in weeken i notrying to be cool >> w seehe p it? it's it's the freaking weekend, by about t havee boce boun, boce >> that's it. k. kathie e, she's now hip-ho >> k.l.g.eal her k.l.g. like >> babies likeap
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don't have en mwa baby, thatobin w how did itagain? anybody? >> what wa >> you kn what? blurred lines, kw it mila was a tiny ltlebaby,nd she ul -- she didn't talk, but she clddance, and doue a tre is something at -- the bouncing is the bo ross. ws autssinger. she'eturning to the big screen, everybody. she's doing theas of ty shad ofgray." fiftyhadesdarker. >> did youeadbook? t f one. not the secd >> wer you sbarrassed?ast. i had to read i for work it - >> you h it for work >> i h read - >> for work. we realized t air quos ow we'r ner air quohe same thing. >> we leem.
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linc that' christi 's rope ihink s g picor th. shs 62. >> tght himpes. punended. okay. this film hits theatersn 20. 2017, march wroe. >>he's aood pick bec member e a half weeks?" >> idon't. >> i cled i nine and aal years. >> for met s nine and aalf weeks. >> we' going to pl a game. we showed you j. lo in vegas. these are them. this is wt they lked like ten years ago and whathey look likenow. look at j. lo tenears ago. sheks younger today. i think the o on the lef is the young e, righ wr. wrau. >> a we pposed - >> selhayak.
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stwoo i would say onhe -- >> on the rights theunger. i would say is the elder.>> left is older. >> gwen ephanie. definitely theight isolder. >> i would say the rights unger. >> right is older. >> youwitched it. y're confusing us. you're cfusing us. >> keanu reeves. >> sky hair i definity yoger. >>yes. >> angela basset. >>ounger ahen with the >> extly. >> wait is thatght? >> yes. mario one- >> ralph macco. younger wh t white shir >> you can't tell. yes,ouca ri ntone, wre read >> young other the le.
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>>ouer othe right. >> t yes. >>ou guys are sick. at have u done? >> i hav nothing. we've de thing. don't dohe tox. >> w bme o parents. >> or any of tha >>obotox? noboto nothin i've done nothg. soon i'll b like this when i like is com kl . mel me at it. all rit. >> zoonder tease. wa istruinhis ufauraa. ke ok take a ok. lax, go t i rel don dot whe y o come >> t best, i'm sor e best. i can't wait toee that. >> coown. >>hey want a room of their
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to share our stuo for w. ralph a mario,et ready to play. we knowhey will, right. to folks out there wse diabetic nerve pai shoots and bns itway into youy, i hear y. toveryonth this pain at mes ordinartasks aordinily painful, i hear you. make sure your door hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes andburning, shooting pain your feet or hands, don't suffer in silenc st on anasur docto out abetic ner pai te 'emedric sent you. er dis pper discovers jim dean delights, de with re egg white lean cut ats, and wlerains. an eellent sourcof ptein,
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with jimmy dean deghts, goodmorngs leato gat ds. oh, here comesancy. wow, she's sure making a splash in that designer dress! and with a thicker, more fabulous forma,she's not spshing. you can wear anything and po bleach. and whiter whis, justazzling. cloroxplash-less bleach. also try new crystals d pack andon inksest ods veinar. 's bause greds co from... rmers mmitted to responsibly sourced oils... blended th ingrients like cage-free eggs. mm heaven. real ingredits. that's how we' rking to
10:11 am
, sknobe new rnier skinactivecly ight. the active d moisturer withntiontamin, that smoot boosts race and protects seighterkin t one . new early brigerfrom garniskinactive you say avocado old el paso ys.. zesty chicken and avocadotacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n'tuff tortillas
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start mewhere fresh lu know how sflunow how it is when you are around famyor t long. somemeshey can drive you absotelynu. >> now imagine an outsken opinionated italian-aman family a living toghender one roof and a studio apartment. >> tt is the premise of the w offadway show.
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based on t true story, and iarralph and marchiomario. hi, kids. how did this t-together happen? >> i have known him long time. >> we've known eh oth for year i saw himn- you know saw in his fir broadway show "ca. heold meesterd wn i didn't rlize tt haw me in myirstwa show wn i reaced natn ne w tre my fst gh >> my wif and i went t see the ukn, nn le w i t show. we we allexcited.weet ther thehow was the day be. mario caone. heilled it itas areat >> it wa horrifyg nit. we boteath's de he now we'recawe're artists. we'r artists. the true theater is broadway >> tonsmoney. >> tellbout this play
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an italiaeric fami, 's a dy. >>well because it's not just itanrican family becaeherere no alian-american sit coms or - wherare they? or en dramas? they'l put usneaty sws to lk le freaks,ut they n' giv us acrte ow. i wodikeo sat, and this i --t' --aven't se an itiaamerican py in lg ti >>o, notn aong time written and directe b charles ssa. it a come,nd it'heht enut tre's so areat deal of nostala. >> what'she relatiop between you two in the show? >> is a memory play henarrates it, and to hi yo self >>'m the uncle. are yfunny? veryfunny. i'mghtly oonated uncle that lives upstrs. >> takes p in 19. my charaer ieall -- was- wterho i goi bk t
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that mesenseutf e inni wche gw ,ut ingsnge andimeps. s itfunn >>re a charaersike my couss and mother. inow t ver well. >>ou are also worng with your huand. u have been marrih0 years plus congratulations. >>hat add va? >> ll ion't know.the's m huand. wee doing a pjegether. brry 6tht th amen song bk lincoln centernd cket aremecan song book.o. theree ar >> look ayou. >>e're doing a show geth. ithe . roteicor my one man show o oadway,ut w nevererfoed togeth. i don't kn. you know, oh, my gosh, still trying to findout. no, the sret is youknow, ayg the course, commitment knowg- f mt'
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>>utt's -- you kn it's believin liing. it's commitment. it findi the right on id. you did find theight e. need the ba rry is very -ery steady. >>ike u. no. >> heets youtalk. >> he has more of a- >> he h more of adireor's mentalit and iter mealyn though i an to b- and'mhene who gbsll t attention. >> in aouene pson nds to behe audice, andne peon nds to be the star. >> a you the star? >> m wishe star. the audiee i me. >> w sha a . >>ll right, ki. sticaround, okay? don't go anywhere because we're going to play charad. you want to play >> you want to play a game?
10:17 am
dulgence inlgence... no longer mes at a price. well, actually it do.. but it's just $9.99 new hot shothisky chicn applebee grill & favorites made a lite tter for y. aturg new di loaded with flor and all under 65lories. son a i usetoatch the d carpet shows on now, i'm walki them. life isunpredtae onthing i needo be predictable is to belake free. because i have usehead and shoulds for 20 years. used rularlyit removes u oflakes keeping yootected everweek, evmonth,everar you y ma? ys
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head and shoulders. live fke free for life(music plays) people areotsoft and strong, whh is w o pruc a t. an believe vue, w y % reheets than charmin ultrrong anl so.
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this w this wr, you have the power to heal. because ur purase ofseline intensive ce lotion, supports the vasele healing project. join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin. there's ly o egg th justast better. frher. re flavorful. lious.only egg with bett nuition... li more vitamins, and ega 3s. and sated fat. only gooough for fam becae why have ordinar when you can havthe be. egans st. the onlygghat giveyou mh re tt t. ttutti.tterggs. >> we're
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lph starring in "aoof of my own. >> "room my own." po,ty. when is it pling? >> febru 1th thrghmarch. >> stick aund withus. they're gng to play a game of charades. are you ready, you guys? ou velcroed my ass to the chair. >>ndrew is our referee. is going to pick a card. >> fst one is >> first one is- >> you can't read it. fir one is for da. okay. >>he has t draw it. >> okay read >> go >> w on,ax f. >> use the force. >> jimmy durants se. >> oh, i know. >> the countryf italy.
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yes! >> this is for jenna, and s to acttout. >> act i okay. mamia. do do. issoryou. th i you. what am i doin >> y're makg -- >> you'rey ma >> text o is for lph. >> y'reup, ralph. come on. >> ralpheeds to- >> il d >> come , ralph. you gotit. >> okay. here wego >> wait. no we' going to do this. oh, my god. to hat. leaning tower of sa. >> ye, by. >> this one is for mari >>ou nee tum it. >> , m god.i don't i don'know. don't kn
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i don'know. i'll act it out.>> hean't act. mama leoni. >> scenes from an itali forget ttone. oh, oh. >>okay. is is ascene. id someing. wait. that's my card. >> ye, whatev. what are you doing? >> areoingo floss your eth? whatre you do oh, my goodss. this is gng -- >> yes. [ jenna hummi ] >>n top o>> onopf old smok>> but not smoky, b -- on top of canoli >> what he just -- >> spaghetti.
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we wo >> by one point it's hand ralph. canolis. >> cane have --an iave one? everybody- >> a lite f and football. we're tloig gridi party.wait. >>. >> i will be induam, n carolina, wit my one m show on march 5th and rich at hillshi farm, spices th spice of life. th's whyur crasmen sson every sausage perfectly. soou can coax out great fl effortlessly hillshire farm. cause it's rth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reas ourloroasted turkeyste so fresh seconds ter caing, we not only seal ery slice, we doub seal it. e sults are something to savo hillshire fabecausit's worth dog right. want a dferent way to nse? trw mice watom garer. the cell attra d like magt. 1mo m
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an rrenoshbi, noinllar arniernacte. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, plt. mmmm, yoplait. with iredients likrouts coa, the delicious tae of nutla tas panc to a whole w vel. te- read the happy! plumpi your lashes th n pmpify mascara a ginoous la oshes 50 times the volume lifts lashesupand away new plumpify masra
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>> >> it is try day . jenna bh hager isn for thie lee, and thearina pahers take on the dver bronco >> we kn who you like. >> erybody is coming over to yo house f the b game, and whyot have a big gala. foo we are stepping outside the end zone with food and decor. all about glitt and gla with the help of entertaining and lestyle expert j.j. stroo let's see if she's home. shallwe? oh, hold on
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>> oh. >> gdo su. th f bngre >> tnk you. >> ioverdres >>hank >> ynow tt beyonce i performingt the big me ght? we havta withng rings. ingrings. , try i onour pine also you put aing , rit? and so dbles a t -- >> knoou are wng for the coocktail.just lik texas,rithiss a beer-garita. evyo bringsr . yes?>> hmm. >> right? >> y d. >> so lime-ade tequila just mixe wh light. if yourues bngver light be, mix i laylong,right? youo it's od >> i't it a ten? okay.
10:27 am
little salt.weaveurng ngs. we he o cock. o yoav flowet per wl pa >>lowerster bowl part >> it' aig game ridin. >>rirongala yes, ay lookt tse ay? >> a red c crystal. isn't that sofun?ou -s off ternet. $14.99. all do is just put t flowf you choic init ito doublesshat you can dr out of repu it hto s y ou co u as a se and arorhe big y. >> we ha soh to eat. >> so cute. >> i love doing -- taki tritnal odnd png a spinn it. he arechillitu peppers. you can also get youreggies . women will lhi
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uf pepper in it? pleas tryne. oreout ffle pief iedchic >> tre frozens. >> i eat these for bfast evermorning. >> so do my . isn't that licious? thprotn. villed eggs. store boug ve ea foe lace jt do ahive oeen unonn. loveickitup. >> w canorge the b pa, rit? it the0thnnivsaryfhe big game. >>t is s thth anniversary. >> big5-0 o ther also - >> ao >> i know. it's reallyteting. it's really teti g on. >> you kno hsuly ty're th smalles we'r gng to do t aot gsi,ra i i asct
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you just unfurled it? so smart. >> usualhey do it tother. a little space. good n, trational justing i uh. >>ou even hav sser havyouo hav deer th i carousel cas. yo canrds f t big day, a islutith creaheefillin >> does thatot snd delious. oda said tyovesnythg blue. matchesour dr t for hers, i panthers fa order this in. under you crd it on-lineor tday.
10:30 am
>> from hope humm 's organic garbanzo beansnd coco wder also healthy. you can sit therendatthat. >> tastes cholatey. tastes ocoley. >> okay. enu tohe ke. is is t hethhen we're goino go tohecake. time-out. okay. selfie photo boot se ts bkdrop? 8rom homdepo this isust troturf. you putt up. craf store numbers. then we're going t take our ayer. >> want yton. >> i want peyton too. >>his isou photo booth. come in here. we'll tak a lfie. do yoee that i'm cam? >> no. >> put him up >> get your ad >> and peyton. au. ah. we g it.
10:31 am
super frtyo auper li perform chareerfo after this. >> good doing a little caning i see. sparkle paper towels arereat for wiping up fingerin without wiping out yousang just rht forleaningupelly .wat... ...rgerator ors... ...and look this... securityamera lenses oh, why don't tell the homeowners how great sparkle works? are. 'cause it's a messy worldout there. next item is a genuine "ne your pce" tool. th highly soug-after device from proessive can be yours for... twenty grand? we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus x! the lines are blowing up! we've t deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's f. u ys reali anyone can use the ame yo price" tool for freen progressivcom, right?
10:32 am
[ pickles whines i ow's le theyalways on television. what more "si per roll. unty is two mes moreabsot. so onel of byn lastan trgain y g more p roll. unty. the long-lasting qckerpicker upper. grilled chicken an bu's bakedeans. >>mom totallforgoto gives vegebles. i kn. it aweme. >>boo-yah. ow it . bush's bakedea. slow cooked accordg to our secr family recipe with a hint of sweness. they're the vetable ds love. they're tolly eating their getables. boo-yah. >>blow iup.
10:33 am
sh bakedeans. the veie kids . y our newest flavor, asn bbq. avlablfor alimid time onl now you create your own ur of italy from olive garden's most mouthwaterg dishes, starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 10 classic favorites to enjoy on one plate. likeur delicious shrimpviolwith lobster alfredo, a filled pasta like irsistible tortellini al forno, and classic like creamy ttuccini alfdo. plus unlimited salad and freshly ked breadsticks. because the best tour oftaly is the one you create. onlyt olive garden we're all family he. breadstick lovers, yr w favoteunch ihe
10:34 am
da dare to rock nude. w the rock nudes pette frayllw york. our 12-shadow collection.. is edited for edge. from qetly quaz. hvy mal maybelline's theock nudes. ck i no other. ma ihapp.
10:35 am
>> hs 15-yeaold hig school sophomore whoade histy whene became t wrungest eve "w york times" best selliiction author. >> pressive. ja has something new for a third book. we steed outside t anwi >> it's called "jus jake, c wi ival." >> hi, ke. >> thanks for hing >> didn' gethe- >> the tit being da. yes. >> t being hoda. wloo it's >> wh. whoa. >> youk itrom classr outside. wh -- a you an wrout dr ver? you l it? >> i thi it's kinof d. iet this questiolot.
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andheruth is i h g outsid i'm aredspider dvenet arted. i'm aig ff a of t surv tvows. oh ah. >> likehelaskan show bear grills. >> would you on like watching sat safe m at's where ival. >> ist whereou the , watgtuff on tv? >> my whole f is a big of thesh watching people ide,ngll the cra stuff, b i'm defitelotone the czyeoing it. ike wating them >> ias angliteacher. what are yr teacrs thiing out the you an accomplishedauthor? >> they' soud of it's ry --veryone hasn really proud of. everat the me,and >> i kind of wish ty mee bit better. coon. >> say you a creative writing por o u ever get a do you eet a
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>>yeah>> befinitely not all a' pretty good >> what's your tght subject? >> math. >> m >> i'm really good acial enh, but m kd s me. >> you are writer,york bestse. doou stillimeo be -year-ol k? >> oh, yeah. >> ing.>>dring. it's abo t happen zsh flidaouan get arner's pe. >> bn dvi for wh >> anydas? notye u know, i don't have acar. le withypares, sot's t- y know, youldte t girl someovem youte etry hectuay started poetry rhras i gav all three ofy famil membelluplets it's my fir >> can you do auple f ion't kw i i'm a freestyle couplet. i'm not a rapper. if you couldn't tell.
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noave atle game forus >> it'ssuival. youuys are out itheoods right now. >> we e. youuys got lost. you went mping. youonnow wre you e. number e, ts g. >> ay >> rit? wh isheisess sl so commly associad with a, oh, oot. b, sendur gnal. c, survive or sacric en si. whered? thensr was non ov oh.>> whait >> it's an internation morri deistress signal that'sow commonly assocdit save oursh. se our sh. >> s our ship. >> wit a p. >> that'semsi. ouave time for >> we halenty ofme. edi inas the ghestrc o prot >>a,ets?
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c, crkets? ickets >> look at all tt otn. >> gagme.>> bee havmoreroin than m oth incts,nd at ptein it depdsnhe typefbeet. you nthe biggest bele >> tha y s much. >> you wouldn't eat a cockroach. >> no, the biggest beetle you n find. >> she's a little crazy, jake. >> ke, did you sn them to >> jake -- o - >> thank you. >> thank you somuch. we reall appciate it don't here. >>e have a new album and a new tour and hisirst stop is here. chaie th will beinging "marvin gay" after tthere's only e thatt tastes better. so fresh from e farm. deliciou perfect. on one e wh more greatnutrition...
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and 10 times more vitamin e.and 25% less satated fat only o egg gooenough for my family. because whhave ordinary wh you can have the st. eggld's be the lygg that ves youso much : er betterrition tters. el a cold coming on? new zim co remedy nasworn cos thna redu somevit . orurol th sp, withic. new tu valy cereal. m.
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