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tv   Today  NBC  January 30, 2016 2:07am-3:00am MST

2:07 am
who wants?,,,,,,,,,, from nbc news, this is od" ke lee gifford and hoda k le from stu 1a in rockellepla. >> you made it. it hapned. it is try day friday. januy 29th2016. nna bush hager filling in for kath wl be back on monday. that's irresistible. demi lovato and fall-out boy. speaking of irresistle. check out who is in the kitcn, baby. two hot tall drinks of water.
2:08 am
>> we'reaking you two down late wee gonna take you down. >> whave mar cantone and ralph macchio. they're cotarrg in a play. get it out. >> w don't have thatuch time. >>re y'all gonna bus around? >> thas ri y'all. we're going to be ssg y'all ound. y,'all i'm going to cook meing in the kitchen with my sons. >> i'm from a certain region i just learned. >> ts isy sobobby. i'm ula dean. >> oh, b. all right. 're going to have these guys. they're talking -- they're an alian family livinunder one roof. it's a play. >> cled "a room of my own." you ow, should be sitting overhere. hould be. we should be hosting this show.>> you know you're right. they actually should be. all right. we also get ready tovi
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chat -- charluth is he. he is up for threeramm. he just debuted his album just dropped tay. his firsstop was right here. i lovet. he's gonnaing this song for us, or one of em. if you have theame d rty that you throw forhe big football game -- >> y knowhy we're nosayi the word s-u-p-r-b-o-w-l. >> ynow why? >> we' not allowed to. >> you're not alloweto because the patriots didn't ke it. >> don't start with me. >>on - >> were theyn the running? who are you oting for? >>f coursethe triots. you know, i loveom bra, but the one that i really love -- my favorite is tom brady's unders jimmygaroppolo. it's his looks. i cat take it. >> wre going tshow you h tohrow a bash r the s-u-p-e-r-b-o-w-
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gridironal. 'r gonalk aut some uf >> this ieresti. so jennir lopez waon amic il.iss e naseon. she ways ges very enuragg words d often sh says wise ingso kids. the was a group songch meanery s auditiing rticedthe ou and they d toork groudidn do welland jennifer lez thinks she knowe ason why. it was girl named alise that wasn't playing well with others in the sandbox. take a lisn. ,, everything goes >> i could tell there obvious tension, and you cou feel it in the pformance.
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i would samy biggest strenh in this business a the rean that i've be arod as long as i have is becausopleike to workh me. you don't play well with others, you won't last very lo you'll have a moment if you e per, superented,ftera whe people srt rooting agaiu. >> younow wh, shrigh it'ue. >>'that tru >>his could any industry, any eld. you want to rk with ople that wt work toth.>> iord local news for a long time, and i remember ne reors when thewere tin to furouif they wereoing to hire you from tt sml marketthey wou call the otraphers u worked with becae they kw that those guysnew you likeobelse. kw atour worswh u were cplni all at sort sff. i thi i think i'd rather work with someonwho is tented and sur nice than somee who exa talent and kind a rk. >>ea everody always says, le, o gosh, y'all alseem le a mily. i said y'all ain. shhhh. i'm talking to you.
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>>y ears are -- yoknow, people love to work wie becausam not dlt at l. >> are y diffilt, mario? >> i'm notdiffic he's reallnot diicult. >> he lite t diicult. >> i snaat tids. havtwo kids ap aem.i docare. th's nour ne. don't sathat rhthere don't step on my jk, y little brat. butt's ue woing as pt of a team iso portant. >>eah. >> sakgof, i lik wking with you. you know one rson why?>>hy? i likyour tunsotimeklt. get it how do yogeit? i g whyhe dsn't like your son. i li them. >> playea throwback. ignition remix. >> love r. kelly ll rig we played ig remix. it's a gre
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this was on our facebook>> nmalli don't do this. it is break-in weekend. i not trying to be cool >> can we e other person t? it's the freangeend by abo to have me some fun boue, boue, bnce, bounce >> that's . l.g., thie l, shs now doing hip-ho >> k.g. -- wcall her k.l.g. is ale drop friday. >> i he to tell yt e rap. >>likeap? >> i can proveo ye your e? >> d'tave phone. ma by, that robin thick song was par.
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anybody? what was it >> you knoha b lines, you know you want i mila was ainy little bab she would go -- you know i want it she couldn't talk. but she coe, and she could bounce and t is something about that -- >> the bouncg. it is the bouncing >>hat's her favorite song. >> that wanto us by amanda ross. news about kimasge shing to the b scen, everybod she's g the cast of "fif shades of gray fty shas darker. >> which is t secone. douead th book? >> i read the first one. not the second one. >>ere you sort of embarrasd? >> i wasn't. i had to read it for work. it was -- >> you had tad it for work. >> i h t it -- >> for wk. >> walhe air quotes en wng well e never air ing the th >> we love them. >> slays the pof elena lincoln, that's christn grey's form love. she's e one o ta h the
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at. >> n pun inteed. >> s2. taught him ths. member, they were tied? >> yeah, it wasn'tfuy. ] >> is the a cl? no, hasn't been made.. is film hits theaters in 2017. 2 pick because remember "nd half week" >> i don't. >>d it nine and a half f me it was nine and a lf weeks. >> we're going to play a game. ese are cels who don't age. we shod you j.lo in vegas. this is what they looked lik ten years ago and wh they look like now. look at j.lo ten yearsgo. she looks younger today. i ink the one on the left is the young one,ht? >> are wsuppos - >>elma hayak. younger, left right?
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>>n the right is the younger. >> i would say it's the elder. >> left is older. >> gwen stephanie. definitely the right is older. >> i would say the right is younger. >> spiky hair is defin >> right is older. >> you switcd it. >> you're using us. yes. anga basset. >> younger and then withhe long hair. >> exactly. >> yes. >> mario cantone -- >> ralph macchio. younger with the white shirt. >> you can't tell. yes, you can. mario nton we're ready. >> young oer the left. >> by the way, mario -- youngern thrigh >>ou garck. what have u done
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on't dthe x. >>e blame our parents. or any that. >> no botox? >> no botox. nothing. veone nothing. it'sominon. when i'm le is, co kill me. come kill me that's it. >> allight. we have a new. -- new zoo lanr tee. t's tch . zoolder is sutng h sff on the sneor bridge i auraa. take a loo la don't do it n uo t i relax don't do it heou wt to co >> theest, i'mor. the best. i can wt s that. >> countdown >> ty want a room of t own, but they're goingo have sre our stuo r now. ralph and mao, get ready to pl.
2:18 am
>> oh, yeah.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are around familfor too ng. sometimes they can drive you solutely ns. >> now imagine an tspoken, opinnated, italian-american family all living together under one roof in a studio aptmt. tt t prese of the new off broadway show. it's called a room of my own. starra stars ralph macchio and mari hi, kids did this get-togetr happen? >> i have known him a long tim >> we've known each other for years.i saw him in -- you kni saw hiin his firstrowa "cuba.">> cuband his bear. >>e told me sterday, i dn't didn realiz that he saw me iny first broadway show placed nathan ne. he was the my first night. my wife a went to she pl.
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we were all ted. we get there. e show was the d before. maricante.he killed it. it was a night. >>t was a horrifyiig. both saw each other broadway debut. re we ar >> n we' all broadway uswe're artists. we're artis. the true theater is brdway.>>on money. tell us a this pl. you y that it's impot that it'sn italian-americ family, th in ady. that it's fu for you to do this. >> well, becse it's not ju an italian-americafamily becausthere e no itian-ameran sitcomsr -- whe are ey or eveamas? they'll put n reality shows to look like freaks, but the won't give us a scripted sw.i would like to see that, and seen an itamericanlay in a longime.>> no,ot in a long time. written and rected by ars messa. it's comedy, and it's a heightened element, but there's also a great deal of nostaia >> what's the relationship between u two in the show?
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he narrates and talks to his younger self. >> ting >> tryto make senshe insani. >> i thele. >> areou funny? >> verfunn >> i'm slitly innateunclth liv upsirs. >> takes pla in 1979 my character is really -- was -- is a writer who is going back to explorthe chapter in his lif toake sse o thensan in whic he grew up. thinhange and time warps. is it funny? >> the are chaers li my cousins d mother. he'sverybody that ever grew up with. i know him very ll. >> you are also working with your husband. you have been married both 20 years plus. >> congratio. what adell, i d't knos myusnd.we're doing a crt together. bruary 6ththe americ song blincoln center and ckets are american sg therwe are! >>ook at y. >> wre doing a shotogeer. it's the fst time. w music for mone n
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never performed together. >> what's the secret? >> i d't kw. you know, oh, myosh, i'm still tryi to nd out. no, e secret is, you know, ayg e course, commitment, owing for me 's knowing -- there's my wife. she lese more than him. >> she ds love him me than me. believing. it'sommitment. it's finding the right one, and did. >>ou did find thright one. you need the bance jey is aery -- very stdy. >> no. >> he lets y talk. >> he has moref a -- he has re of a dictor menty and a er's mentality even though he is an acr, but -- i'm the one who grabs l the atntion. >> in a coupne pn needs toe the auence, d one person needso be the star. >> are you the star? >>it there a shut up. my wifs the .the dienceme. >> we shara role >> all rightki. stick arou, ay?
2:22 am
you want to play? >> you want to py a me? >> yes, i do. >> okay, good. >> plus, we're gng textr ya with the timate b gam ba rig aft this. (cell phrings) wherare you? we the sirrels are back in the attic. mom? ur dadon't cl an exterminator. can i call you bac mom? says 's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it whau . if y want to save fiftn peenor more on car insurance, you switch to ico. it's what u do. where e you?it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? laundrcan wreak voc on our othes, ruining them foreveears stretch into muumuus. and lled cardigans beme pets. but it's n you, it'sthe laundry. protect your clothes fro stretchingfading, anfuzz. ...witdowny fa coitioner...
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itelps protect clothes fm the damage of the wash. so yr favorite clothes stay youravorite clothes.
2:24 am
,,,,,,,,,,,, >> we're >> we're bacwith mario rah macchio, stars of the f-broadway comedy, cald "a roof of my own. >>room of my own." >> typo, typo. en is it playing? >> february 1th through march. >> stick around with us. theye ing play a ga of charad. are you read you guy >> y velcroed asso the chair. >> hers what's going to happen [ all speak at once ] andw is referee. hes going pick he's going to han it tone member of our team. have to hum it, draw it, or act it out. m with ralph. >> first one is -- >> you can't read it. >> first ones for hoda. >> okay. >> she has to draw i >> oy. ady? >> go. ax on, wax off. >>se the force.
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>> oh, i know. >> the cntry of italy. >> yes! yes! ts is for jen, anshe hato actt out. actt out. okay. ma mia. do do. this is for you. this is for you. what am i doin >> you're making -- >> you're my man. >> the next one is for ralph. >> youe upralph. come on. >> rph neeo -- >> i'll it. >> comon, lph. you goit. >> okay. here we go. >>ait. >> wait. w wee going to do this. >> oh, my god. top hat. leanintower ofisa. >> yeah, baby. >> this one is mario. >> you need to hum it. >> oh, my god. i dot kn. t know.
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i don't know how it goes. i'll act it out. >> he can't act. >> mama leoni. >> scene >>cefr an italian restaurant. forget thaone. >> oh, my god. oh, oh. >> oka is is scene. i need sometng >> wait. wait. that's my card >> yeah, whaver. eth? what are you doing? this is getting -- >> lady and the tramp. >> yes. [ jenna hummg ] >> on to
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but not smoky, t -- >> on top of sghetti. >> i got it. >> we won! we w! >> by one point it's hoda and ralp >>anolis. >> can we have -can i have one? >> yes, everybody gets a cannoli. >> a littlfun and footll we're having a gridiron rty. >> wait. >> i will be idurham, north carona, with my one man show
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an't w,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> it is >> it is try day friday. jenna bush hager is in for kathie lee, and the carolina panthers take on the denr brorchg- broncos next ekend. >> we know whoou like. >> everybody is coming over to your hse for t big gam and why not have aig gala. >> we stepping outside the end zone with and decor. all about glitter and glamour with t help of entertaining and lifestyle expert j.j >>et's see if she's home. shall we? oh, hold on. >> ding dong. >> wre here. >>h. >> glad see you. elcome. thks for being here. >> thank you. i love your dss. >> thank you. >> ynow that beyon is ormit the g game righ have tort witblg
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hoy oyour pkie also. >> b >> bse if you like it, then ld have put ring on it, right? and also, doleas t in justikin tgh this is a be >> a what? thiss a beer-garita. everyone bs over br. yes? >> hmm. >> right? oh, mgod. >> so limede tla just mixewith lht beer. if youguests bring over lit er, mix up. all day ng, right? >> y can do it. >> it's so good. >> i't ia ten? >> okay. garnd with lime d a litt salt. we have bling rings. weave our il. >> do you have flors super bowl party? >>lowers at a sur wl y?>> it's a big game >> gridiron gala. >> gridirogala. yes, okay.
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okay? >> a solo cup crystal. ist that so fun? >> genius. >>ow did you make these? a you dis off the internet. $14.. all you do is ju put the flower of yo cice in it. ito ubles ast you can drink out of. i repurpost here to sh youthat can also this as a nd ar for bi day. >>e have so mu to ea so cute. i lovdoing --g traditiofood andting a spin on it. here are chii fed peers. you caalso get your veies in. n wi love this.ead of a big pot of chili. why not go ahead and put ufd pepper in it please try one. ste boht wafe, pie of fried chicn. >> tse arerozen waffles. >> iat the for bakfa every rning.
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t thatelicious thenro vied eggs. e boveryas for the lace jdo a chive or een onion. >> that's clever. >> i lov picking iup. >> we can't forget the best pa, right? it's 50th anniversarof big game.>> it is? >>s the 50th annry. >> big 5-0 over ere. o -- wieners. wi >> yes. >> i know. it's rlltempting. it's really te >> go . >> y know how usually they're thsmall ones we're ing to dthe actual hot dog si, wrap it in a crescent ll a dipt in golden mustar u just unfurled it? so smart. >> usually thedo it together. leave a ttle space. isn'th good? >> aga, a traditiol food we're just taking up a noh. >> you even have dessert.
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th is carousel cakes. you can ordeis for theig day, and it's ue velvet th cream cheese fng >> does atot sound tlishs? -- delicious? >> hoda was just sing she loves anythi b >> mches your dress. perfece panthers, if y arpanthersan. r this in. unde0. you cader itline the g da >> whoa --has thisip with the fruit re? >>re youready? it's auay hethy for u. thiss chocolate hummus from try it. >> frohope hum it's orgic gbao bes an copowder. do itith se frt, also hethy. ttechocat. taes ccotey. >> oy. then you go to the cake.
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gog to go to t cake. -out. ay. selfie photo booth. see this bacdrop? $18 from home depot. this is just astroturf u put it u craft e numbers. then we'reoing to pick our player. >> i want peyton. i want peyton too. >> this is your photbooth. come in he. we'll ta aelfie. >> do you see that i'm cam? >> no. >> get your head. >>nd peyton. yeah. we g it. >>hank you so much. >> all righ fm sup pty to a s tuned, after . gd job, j.olay regenerist rews from with,
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for tns witht thneedor fillers your conce tee might shour age... sn newill olayegenerist. olay. eless. let's get leget ese dauil liquid ls and go.but ese li gels are w. nex fast max. it's t same fference this is max rength and fights mucus. cinex fast max. th cold u id -strengt and fitsucus.
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>> he is >> he is 15-ar-oldigh school sopmore who made history en at age 12, he became the yngest er "new york times" best-selling ftion . mpressive. jake hasng new f book.
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and to wilderness. >> it's called "just jak camp wild surviva >> hi, jake. >> hi. >> thanks for having me. hello, yorkes." >>ha you, ho >> ihinkhat's ager tit to hav >> thele being hoda. >> yes >> thele hoda. >> it'ke opr. a. oa. you tk itrom the assroooutsid why -- are you an outdoor lover? doou like it? >> i think it's nd of weird. i get this quelot. u must be outs freak, and the truth is i hate going outsidi'm don't even get me started. i'm a big fan of a lot othe surv tv shows. >> oh, yeah. >>ike the alaskan shows, b grills. >>ldou be on one? >> no. keatching them from omy couch. that's where my survival. >> ithatreou t info, watching stuff on tv? >> my whole family is a big fan of the sho watchinpeople outside,llhe crazy stuf i'm definitelt onhe crazy peodoing
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i like wating them. >> i an glh teac what are your teacrs thinking abt the ct that you an accomplish autho they're so oud ofe. it's really -- everyone s be really proud of me. everyo treats he se, d -- i kind ofish ey treed me lite bit tt co on. let'say yo a creative writg pafor english, do you everet a b do y ever a c? >>ot -- not ofn. >> yea but it's definite not all a's. m pretty good. whas your toughest subjt? >> math. mine too. >> i'm really good at the social udies,lish, math of gets you are ariter, "new times" bt se ou savmebe a15olki h, yh. >> driving. >>riving. it's about to happ in florida you can5 a get learnes peit. >> i've been drivi f a wh >> dates? >> n y. you know, i don't have aar. i live with my pentsso it's
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girl some love poems. do youri poetry? i have acal srt writing poetry.for chrimas i gavell three mlyembersll colets. it's my first time. >> can you do a colet for hoda? put you on the spot >> i d't kw if i'm freeylupt. >> jt two lis. i'm thinki. i'm not a rapper. if you coun't tell. you cn't tell. you got a ltl game for us? >> it's al. you guys are out in the woods right now. >> we. >> youuys got lost. you went camping. yodon't know where youre. mber one, this is g. >> oka >>ht? whs thdiress signal sos commonly associatewith? a, oh, shoot. send our sial. c, survi or sacric send ousignal. >> there a?
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>>h. it's >> i internation morse co distressial that's no se r ip >> with a p. >> thas embarrassing. doouave timeor one more? >>e velenty ofime. >> which eble in has t ghest soce of protein? , beles? b, ant ricket crick >> lat all tt protein. >> gag me. >> beetles have more protein than mt otinsects,nd at pteint depends the ty of beetle you want the biggest btle? >> thank you so much. >> you wldn't eat cockroach. >> n t biggest beetle you n find. she's a little crazy, jake. >> jake, did you sign them to us>> jake -- oh -- >> thank y. >> thank you so much.
2:40 am
you're annspiraon a lot of kids. thank you veryuch, we really appreciate it. doesn't end here. we have a new album and a new to and his fst stop is here.
2:41 am
"marvigaye" tethis we were low the 88ththern parallel. had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad fmbiwee or >>envenido welcome the sth pole! you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's whayou do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, u switch to ico.
2:42 am
working on my working on my feet allay gave meain here. in my knees. but no i step on this machine and gemy number which matches mycholscust fitrttiinrts. noget mediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain.
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>> the cit >> the citconcerseries on "today" pudly presented to you by citi. >> i let so. it's the grammy-ninated artist hit who hit it big wh this collaboration th wiz khalif th h morn bil hits on youtube. today crlie puth is releasing hibrannew debut album called "nine tck mind." >> here is charlieuth singing "marvin gaye." let's marvin gaye and get it on you got the healing that i
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just like ty say it in the ng until the dawn let's marvin gaye and get i we got this king size to ouves on't have to share with no one else keeyour secrets to yourself it's kaa sutrshownd tell yea wh there's loving in your eyes pulls me closer oh, it pul me closer it's so subtle it's so stle i'm in trouble i'm in ouble but'd love to be inrouble withou let's marvin ga and get it on you the healing that i want just li they say it in the song until the dn let's marvin gaye and get it
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you got tgive i tme i'm screaming mercy, mercy, plse just like they say it in the song until the dawn let's marn gaye and get it on who there's loving in your es that pulls me close it'so subtle i'm in trouble but i'd rather be in troue with you let's marvin gaye and get it
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let let's marvin gaye and get it on you've got at h that i wa just li they say it in the songtithe da let's marn gaye and get it you g to give it up to me i'm seaming mercy, mercy plse just like ty say n the song unt the dawn let's marvin gaye and get it on just li they say itn the
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unl e dawn let's main gaye anget it on oh >>rlie puth. >> so much fun. >>h, my sh. back in a moment. >> this is "today"n nbc. pump up yo look umpifyour lashes wilumpify mascara a ginoous shngboashe0 melume anliftlashes and ay... w plumfy masra asy br beauticovergl and try new traked shadowand liners rking on my feetll daye me pain here. iny lower back but now, i step on this machine and get myumr whicmatches my dr. scholl's stom fit orthotiinsert now i t immediate relief from my foot pain.
2:48 am
nd a machi at get fast-actinlong-lastin relief from heartburn with it neras omach acid and is the only pct that forms a prottive barrier that helps keep stomach ac in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-actinglongasting try gaviscon . ses like we've hit a road block. that rin me... anyo have occasial constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' lon healprobiotic cap each day helpdefend against occasiol digestive issues with three types of good baeria. live the regular life. philps'. net? cougou c.n'ut it. m dfomyy ah...butt abt ke? ocoto h! worksn s ug cinex dmelieves t and dry coughs for 12 hos.
2:49 am
i'vemoked a lot i' smoked a lot and quit a l, but ended uphere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique tended lease technology helpevent thurge tomoke all day. wa this time be my last time. that's why i cose
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,,,, > oh, , s. >>ou >>ou know what, if that moved up one nger, it could be a different feel, couldn't it? i want to thank jenna for
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>> you've been a blast.
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