tv Mad Money NBC January 30, 2016 3:00am-4:00am MST
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>> you've been a blast. thank you for erythi for vegas, forhe laughs. week. b ngerank. >> plus, qui ways to organe.ha grend. my m my mission is mple. to make you money. i'm here to lel the aying field for alinvestors. there's always a bulrket someere. i prise to help you nd it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i cmer. lcome "mad money." welcome toramerica. othepe want toake friends. i'm just tryinto make you ney. job is not just tentertain t teach and coach. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. or tet me @jimam. a week ago this very friday yo
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we left he dazed andfused and glad the miserleive ys were behind us. this weeturned o to be the opposite. we fishejanuy with a bang, 397 ints higher, s&p the 47b9%.%. h nasd climbing 2.38%. what the hechappened tmake these thgs go right for stocks? rst, amazingly we decoupled from t chinese stock market. filly we got good weor oil. as much as it is negative for businesses and consumers t crew bou cr bounc fro$22 to $33. any rebound means the oil companies get to raise more capitabuyingore time to stay in business. when it comes to higher oil. this week we learned people it ontos easily. stocks hammered earlier in the week ended up mu higher by today's close. i wodn'te rprised if amaz bounces back next week.
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situions imind when we get other flood earningne let's ke let's keep the bouncits back situations in nd whewe get other flood of earngnext we and a flood of incredib guests, by the way, when we take this show on the road. were g we are going to san francio to do aountdown for the bige. so stay tuned. >> you k >> y know we are constantly happ to thindependent oil companies that red t world. coanies like anadarko which is a tremusle oil compa w
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this is exactly the digm. this ia tough envinment for them and the thought isomebody will te run at the guy ifs they sta still. i say, let's heaem out. maybe eyave pl to deal nd wi the low price oso they n't. th former golden boy of the oil patch can he us figu out the next move beuse the group is remaining front and center in this market. after the close we hear from st memr ofang wh alphabet reports. ll fac will facebook be more like the a amazon or thn, nflix. both fbbed when they released numbers. ale if bet which, like facebook is big sition for myhatable ust wille as str ast ti. the cfo of morgan stanley ornized the financials ia way to understand greatness.
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of f.a.n.g. and the mpany is too great to sell at 19 mes ne year's ings for this. that's ridiculs. now the oil stocks a bifurced here.there are there are pure plays like anadarko ahen others wh options to pl ck on. all weant to hear about tuesday exxon mobile. weavto know what they have say. the balance sheet ades mor like a utity. lots of folks exxon will come and don't hold your breath. i think it would like prices lower for stocks. prans wh companies can want pay their bills. 2016 could bthe year whethat happens and those th capital win. exxon wants to wait for the fat la to sing before pounces. weo the stock of chipoe has
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co incident.whengerepos is ifit quarter where we have sense of the taj that was ou and how much icos ix including the saty measure which is are primo for thi country. there is still ls ofain ahead. rememberthey are the best in the business. i say if it gets to 400 th's where you go. i nto see the feels like wel also hear from gliad. competition under cut it is pricing leading to a slide in the sharprice. one that continued wh the stock falling more than 5% despite the huge rally in the rketace. 40% lower. does it haveomethi up its leave? wednesday weetne fm geral motors t. coany gave you guidance about what you can earn. so many peop think the whole
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maybe gm's management could set us straight. i like the rtaurant stocks. will buffalo wilwis ble to put a posive in othe group on wednesday? on thursday, how about y.u.m.? kfc,acbe and pizza hut wie detailing the upcoming spin off of the chinese siness i thk we want own yum thursday sdayget results from cono phillips occidental. maybe they were too bountiful. that'shy the stocks are owned. are th safe? t fe? n't know. is it? it will one of those situations do you kw what i mean? th's a rechbto that. we'll take a break from earnings next thursday.
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the house commtee on oversig and governnt reform is holding a hearing on drug price. believe me, thhearing has the capacityo cause voin the althare group, especially use martin skrelli, former ceo will be calledo testif he boasted about raing drug pricesnd then of course was arrested last december for serities fraud. if you don own dg st ybe wait untilfter the hearing to buy tm. rim sh [. >> fally on friday there is a nfarm yroll report the single mt imrtant isn't the earnin but the fed acceles raising interest rates. if it is strong with higher wagelook out, we are in a go expect t
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gig that day. th wil ey will start lking about it and the timetable will be accelerated to march. bottom lin we are not throug with earn ings sn t. we got vy big nuers comi next wee dot forgetur trip to s francisco. remember, emplment nbe on ayrump evething else. tread lightly up to that. the wages actuly rise to someone in america makes me e money. the bullish move we could see past week cld be pealed in a heart beat. don'gecocky. in thigame plais no roomor tha of behavior. kevin in texas. kevin. >> caller: him. bank of erica. it was decber 16t was at 17.75. day, 114. any chce it getsacto 17? >> i thinkt could go to 16.16. here's teal with bank of america.
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mike mayo hated this thing. he went to auy today. th what causedank america to turn arnd. i ke it he. let's go to minnesota. updish. >> caller: hi, jim. i'm fr st. paul, minneso. boo-yah. >> boo >>aller:algree is do significany from the 5week high. do you think this is a good buy athe current price? >> jk ore, t rearch rector for my charity trust and i t erand curse is stock. annot lieve it'selow 8 we bought so mwe't buy more this is one of the capest in the wook books but it's lumped in wh alth care. maybe after thdrugrice arings whi will be c by every mia outlet. it's bee it's bn a goeek but don't gecocky. emplment numbers trumpllo
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tonighe aeroace ctor hit turbulence when boeing reported. could the earngs from honeywell and unit technologies help the group un reach crsing altitude? i'm centing the potives and talking about ocks moving upwa and can thcompany that made my boston whaler keep going higher? i don't know. i'll ask the ceo. so stick with cramer >> annnc: don't miss a second of "mad mey." follow @jimcrar on twitt have astn? tweet cram#madtweets. send j an e-ma to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc.
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here is a group that's one of the stest out there. the whole space, sething got called into question wedneay morning wh boeing -- boein rerted a denquter with weak g we started hearing about howhe aerospace sector might be past its prime. boeing stock plunged nearly 9% in a sgle session. castina pall over the market. weot another piece of news the same day. a differ a different take away. united technology, utx issued a much rosier outlk fo201. is morning we heard from honeywel another diversified industrial with the business. just like predictethey reported a fantast quarter. simir guidance for the aerospace de. it was t
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when y get conflicting data pots the is two ways to look at it. maybe the aerospace cycle is peakg and boeing is seng it soonn united technologies or honeywell. or mbe a this was my itial reacon. we are not seeing a ak in the industry at all. ratheroeing's only significant or, theuropeased rbus is geg a hugeoost from t weaeuro. at the same time that boeing's coetitivens is being neered by the super freaking ro dollar ich giveairbus the edge becse the pnes are eaper thanhose priced u.s. dlar. you haveo buy bong with u.s. dollars. threalssue might be that airbuss taki business bong and t sto we ard from united techlogies and honewell confirm it is theory. these compans, hey well and new text are agnos they sell parts to every rplane over the sun.
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are t experiencing a downturn at allhich suggests that de for new planes are shifting fthunited states over to europe thas in part to the fed's bone headecommitment to raise interest ratech is mas thdollar stronger versus evy other currencynder the sun and theupeanentr bank is debasing the euro so emplerlike airs have a leg up on the boeings of theorld. it hurt it is er that w that's what it is aboua. i'm leaning toward the theory that aerospace is doing just fine. even if boeiay bhurting. is an important issue so we ne a deeper dive les start with boeing. evener before they reported was down # 1% since the benning points worse than the nearly 7% decle the & p 5 # 0 of se riod. boeing prenoced it was
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storied 747 based on weak demand. what really crushed the stock wednesday was thathe management forecasd rim lousy guidance for 2016 uding earn ing of 815 to 835. wall street loed for 9.43. ll it e biggest guance mi of thyear wh the possible eeption of polaris. just becse boeing gives you a disappoiinforest relative toxpectations you don't ju write f the industry. not unl u do your homework here. the same morning boeinrted we got the dect quarfrom unitedtesed technoes wherthe compans tw aespacunits accounted fo ugy half of le united tecologies didn't do anytng flashy. le treaffirmed t guidance for 2016. that was a sight for sore eyes coidering how they cuthe ouook in 2015 and before hayes took contre company. beyondhat ere were positive
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volume growth ine quarters. oppositeboeing. ft, on a conference call hayewas actically gushing abt e geared turbo fan or gtf. that's the newest, best mmeral airplane enginever. specically the foc was etinairbus's dd fothe program and the coany planto deliver 200 engine this year. again, most to airs. in other words, united technologiesade it clear they are getting untiful orde in aerospace but coming from rbus osecutn's case thaboeing's weness ilimited to boeg self and not to the entire industry. exbit b, remember alcoa, righ they mak ey make light weightluminum parts for airplanes.they reported january 11 and they were caed out for strengththe aeroacseor sang the eineer pruct business which will be an independt company saw aerospacsales increase.
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th bug the wholeeak rospace thesis cshing do today en it rert a robus quarter. the aerospace business account foroughly 40% honeywe sales and recasted slow but steady growth foall of the aeroacbusinesses. feltabulous spacor wn i heard honeywell. they build the instrumen in the cockpit fojust abo every plane mafacturer in the world. u could argue howell and a are whistling past the graveyard. that's nonsense. i cademotre it by calling fal witnessor the prosecution. boeing itsel you see if you bhered to steno the nference call the ceo didn't blame the idance on a usy environment in the aerospace market. in fact, hsaid, weontinue to see a generally healthy commercial airplane market driven by provinairline pritability, sol passenger traffiload and meaningful
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he pois to strong growth i thchinese airline traffiand emphasized whilehe car go market stalled boeing expects the r freight business to rebound. here's a here's another great nugget from the boei call. we are alsseeing further strength in e aircraft financing market as fincrs sea good investmen as i allud earlierirplane order activity and customer discussions are continuing at a healthy pace if they arso positive about the industry how come the guidce was so ak? part of as i mentioned wa this issue. just yesterday iran got part of the nuclear deal to get 118 planes from airbus and the international deals ll be diicult toompete wh because the weak euro an airbuss giving cusmers a
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everyboda huge premi especi in the emging countries. us the restrictions placed on irany the u.s. government makes did i havelcultle to win iranian orders. there is another positivcase here whi is the ceo's st year on the job. it wouldn't shock if they wanted lower expectationto ma ieaer forhe new guy toeliver. under pr under promise, over deliver. i wod be wling to recommend buyioeinet a sig from the reser they will te the plan for four rate hikes o the tablto allow theollar lower and make the airplane maker more competive. boeing trades at 13.5 mes earn with a monster buyback d a juicyield. the bott line is simple. en if even if bong is having a har time becse air bus has an unfa advantaget's clr the
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as theirajor comtitor getting orders trickng down to honey well and united technologies and alcoa that suppes botcompanies. both united technologies and honeywell arworth ng her even boeing may be, too. once we see a p the dlese reth othu.s. it's the attacof the killer quarters. i'm reviewing the major names with higher ples to climb. thstock down almost 30% is it time tbuy or arehe water too rough for the boston whale i will set sale with the captain of the comny and the company's latestarings. yorel your portfolio . my suggeion, stick with cramer. thov th y swe degreeotensehnogykeepyofrh with eve me.
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...releasing bsts of freshness all y. whether you' meeng adeline... ...grabbing a bite... ..r heing oufor thnigh motisense,ct kmovi degree, won't let down. seems like we'seems like we've hit a road ock. that reminds me... anyoneave occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon healthprobiotic caeach day helps defend agast oasnal digeive es. three typ of go bacteria. live the regar life. phillips'. cheez- grooves are theperfect union of a cheez-it a a chip. u an like ey t maied? umm. i ess... you'd ke a py bre int weing gown. oh, 's lab coat so... hey everyo, joe'sgetting married! bam bam b oh, i'no te f our eese to mature
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ere the rnings mters is a market we can geour heads around. it'simto do someelebrating and congratulating for amazi executivest some incble american companies. first this facebook quter was a woer to behold. w. the confence calwas like a eashakespee . this company imaking a fortune off you because it's your story. you love it! e adopon of thcebook family oproducts including the core franchise a, yes, the $19 biion app is sctacular and real. th make more money than anybody dreamed possible and the advertisers arjust begning to recogze how effective this isn aching customers. gethis. despite the run we have news for you. i kid you not. hoabout the strials with mar aerospacexpo sure. neitr company has the growth
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greg hay greg hay. get ed to th nam ll talk lot about hi i lod it when he saithe best can buy as much of hwn stock honeywell hasn't started the n acquisition yet. both go higherspecially since the obal aerpace cycleeems to be ing ne. what about 3m? whatbout its ceo ? he refusedo let thstrong dollaret ithe way of growth. the consumer busess is on fire. it was in perfect condition, product lines once again causing it to gr. it is a fountain of invention. over add johon & johns. i ha been waiting for the companto get the lagging diusesan did it, buckinthe entire antiealth care move.
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dision is showing. i feel terrible that 3,000 people hado be let go as part of the restrucring that got j & j's mojo back. everyby was freaking out about credit cards becausef the american ex presquarter, everybody leaving home el witht it.weaw amazing numbers from masterca, visaal it's clear t compani a taking it to acan ex press. they are all better n. ey are. who wants to cpete wh dan schulm, ree good ceos from mastercard, paypal and visa. visa up 7.4%. mastercard, 6.71% and yp, 5% t they were the leaders of this stunning rally. theris bias againsfast food but what steaerook is doing at mcdona's is astounding is man is a miracle work. by simplifying the menwhich mimizes miakes a adding
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less than 400 calories he made gave this mid singleigit se store sales that wouldave been unthinkable. that's how a stock hit the all-time high. procter and gamb dazzled. theyre gng higher. finally there a deep dive on thansfmation as one the eepiest companies. i thought it wasattress firm but it's microsoft. the ceo has been running the cotry for slightlyess than two years. under stated m. simple, terrific sometimes i have to wonderf he's for real. has he been able to make microsoft a leader in the cloud so fas the answer is yes. absoluly.
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i bet there are ki in this untrusing microsoft software at schools or at home who think it's cool. why not? x box is t most werful hardre force in gaming microsofis young and aggressive again like in the 1990s. microsoft stk has more room to run. look, all thetocks grt americ companiesith topnotch executis made monster movehis iseek. i'm confident there will bwn days next week and when we get a sell-off this is the bottom line. cebook. unitedechnologies. honeell. 3m, j & j,is mastercard.yp, mcdonald's. procr gamble and microsoft are now go-to names. each ceo , congratulatns, gentlemeon a great quarter. thks for evethinyou do. i want to go to kyle in my home state of new jersey. kyle! >> cler: boo-yahut o
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how'it going? >> allight. w e you? >>alr: goo a jci. what do you think about tyco's shareholrs? >> everybody hate it is al le. any timeompany ibung anotr y in01it's been ignored and hated and that'srong.i ink i think jci,he c should come on. th's winningl. mae notorrow, but it will be. all right. my hat's o to ese ys. ek. esall-stars argo-to names. remembwe could have down daysext week. no reason to chase thisarket alwaysives you a . much more "mad money" ahd. ethan al ethan allen starting the yea with a strong earnings rept. i willee how they redecorated
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d t's end the ek with a super freang friday edition of the lightning round. so stick with cramer! >> announcer: silicon valley where ideas anged the wo and with t b ge ju around the corner cramer is going e ne wh industry leaders and entrepreneurs in a league otheir own. with appearaes by intel, under armourpaypal, fitb and more don't miss "mamoney'est in america count to kickoff. all nexteek from cnbc's one market. checthis obro. what that, broheim? i switched to ge and t more. savings on car insurance? yeah b-fessor, a more. like rente iurance. mo ws to save.nice, bro-to chip. that'sot all,o-tein shake. hamotoycle d rv insurceo. oh, that's a lot more.
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ico. expect great vis and a ole lot more. man (stern): whereo yothink you're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man: y're t coming. i ok mucinex to he t rid ofy mucusy congestion. i' day. [announcer:] mucinex keepworking. not 4, not 6, but 12 hrs. let's enisthat's a lot of dishes& no problem. ll use a lot of deteent. dish issues? get casce platum. oncleansod betr 6 pacs oe bargainbrand combin. cascade. working on my et all day gave me pain here iny lower back but now, i steon thi machine and get my number h matchemy d scholl'scuom f orthotic inrt nogeimmediate relief from my foot pai my lowerack pain.
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what what on earth is going on with the t maker of reeational boats iluding my own boston whaler. a company i regards one he be plays on scretionary spending out there. yesterday it was a finquarter beating the stuffing o of estimates with a 7ent earnings beat. revenues maye lower than exct by some. up 7% year over ye or 11%. the guidan was song. the stock was slmed yeerday. i think investor maybe ty are wary of thgl economy. people are less ke to buy a boat when things are tight but it's important to rememb f scott fitzgeld's worat is e rich are different.
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thin t's take a lk with with the chaian and ceo of brunswick. thiss his last interview before he retired. whatran. welcome back to ad money." >> great seeinu. >> congratulations on an amazing run. i remember when the company was this and thiand you veaken it like this. i'm going to sayt. i think this is the best qrter yohave had. i'm trying to figure out t discorrect. go over the facts rather tn the emotion of the mart. >> sure. les owth 11% constan currency. s grth for the year, 21%. we are projectingoing ahead. continueepgrowth. we he we hnot misguided. we exceeit. mae yotake the guidance the grow w
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>> i'm thinking your stockould fall 2 when the dow lls . you have aamazing outperformance. this is a judgnt of the stock marketnot the financials of brunswic >> it's e stock mark, yes. anhething going , people may be comparing this to other people calling the power sports. atv, motorcycl, l of that. the mark haseeinecline. the compitive base looks different. our base market iswing 3 to 5% in thu.s., m. the rine market in the fourt quarter we were up 12%. are just in a different marketplace withifrent competitive set.i think the coarisons and judgment is that's what ened. >> in terms of cycle it is reacement cycle is more importanthan anyg. they are a about to kick in for you. >> it absolutely is. as you l
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cycle for thuseful le hundreds of thousands of boats. beginning to go away. >> right here. >> we are ing into this. the replacement cye comes and were growing our fitness business snificantly. yes >> t replacement cycle for equipment in a commercial gyis about half of what a boat is. that's another reason we want to n that. >> until >> until -- geez, you know, i have a boston wher. feelike we are in synch but this is a good acquisition. >> great. it does several things f us. as wlook at e competitive set of the gym oers of t world, they are getting bigger more global. it will take good math in order to supplthem globally. gives a greatecond brd. the bex is abouthe technical exciser whis fctn fit. we are forhe exerciser w wants to feel good on the uipmt.
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>> great cost synergies, ability torow the manufacturing base wiout having to do further investme its a homerun for us. >> obviohen e stock is do you go through everything. other than what i ought was just cana becauscada tough. and bril. brazs tough for everybod with every sine area around the gle it's going wl. >> tcally. even in places because of currency, markets hreats are growing share there. we are relaxed about where we are. again, as we look at t stock price it's a gooperple. the e thing have learned all these ars, d't worry about it >> keep doing the nuers. wn it's right the market will come back. >> on parts and accessories this aoo is a good bu. this go on that the retail lel and it's an annuity stream.
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is a great annuity stream. it now 2 of the business. the highest margin business have. not dependent upon the economy. its pendent upon uge of the oduct. age of marine pructs continues grow significantly yefter year. that's why we vest in th business. we have takeit from a small part to now 25%. ontinuing to grow >> sometimes if you n't have a vo you don't know. once you he it, you like- we buy all the acsses tmake the boat better but my wife said k hiabout the 27-fter. i sa don't try tsneak that in i knew. we love yo product. people should know the boston whaler, virtually unsinkableunsinkable. >> is unsinkable. >> why is th? >> t w >> the w we ke them theris
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nodes if you will, made out of foam for which we have patent protecti. >> okay. we loveo bring a new boatnd put every employee we can put in t boad it won't sink. you kw onof the greatest marking ploys we have is s much fun to . we'll cuthe bostonle whaler in half and as far as the engine goes it'sle still floating. >>ne of the great runs. you ma our viewersortunes. thank you to the chairman d ceo runswi who reinvented this companyn a wai never thought could happen. >>hank you. >> "mad money" will be back after the break. l ph (cell phone rings) whe ar well the squirrels are back in the aic. mom? ur dad won't cl an extermator... can i call you bac mom? ays it'sersonalthis te... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time.
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if youant save fifteen e on car insurance, yoitch to geico. it's what yodo. where e u? it's very lohere. are you taking azumba class? jat? ug you hinkbout iucinfo legmy h. yeah...b wou? itksn ugo. cough! it workscougtoo. nex els and co f2 hos. let'd this. in a world tt'tryingo rnounto someone new... hair color wants to help youeep on being y.
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nice'ny: coloras real ou are >> aou >> annouer: ghing round sponsoreby td ameritrade. it is time it is time for t lightning round. on cramer's "mad mey." you say the namef thstock. don't know the callsr the name of the stocahead of time. i tell you whetho y or ll. when you hear this sound -- [ buzz ]-- tn the lightning round is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? time for the lightning round on cramer's "mad money." we'll start wi edward in new
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>> calle >> caller: tell me what you ink about citiba. it's eve it's eveere but where it shld b should be >> we haveo have michael on t shoto tell us why this is a big turn. miael, want you on t show. let's go to bert in california. >> caller: r. >> if i'aying using i'm going with lenor. we had a fabulous move with rdn but were back. carol. >> cler: plymoh company. is it a buy at the current price? >> after the heari othursday i'm woied about at one. y id iyou want to. pa in california. paula. >> cler: jim, give a quick sht outo your biggest fan, 96-yeaold mary rnolds who thin you are ssexy and so cute. >> well, i tl you, i wish i were more avlae! i'm givi you ahout out. thank you. how about a stock, too. >> cal stomore partners. >> the cem >> the cemetery compan?
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>> calle hold. >> i think -- i'm not remmending fossil fuels now. we had a move in oil but let's not push luc is the conclusn of the >> announcer: the ing round is sponsored by td errade. mcdonald nald. i want you tthink about mcdonald's as a ace to go not as a sre but a stock. want t i want to go to the store cause i love the egg mcmuffin. e thesele filled with quoa? i can have them on my cleanse ey are. i have to get rid of the bread and the cheese inse. >> le check my wch. no. you ve to checyour watch all e .
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>> iil too. thanks. >> it ashes when the wife calls. [ buzzing >> likes to ll9:, . the arthe times. 9:00 and 6:00,a. let it snow et it snow let ish some of us are cold and so of us neeto deal with two, three feet osnow on the nd. how aboucombia, the gem e ocean? i can't ke these -i have to keephese togher because wh the show is over we return them. that's the budgeweave. oh, boy. do the wife love her sorl bo i watched r g out thfront steps and i eered beusi have bad bk. good new go news om schluergest week.i'm tang look at the
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i cat return thenow. we were bew e 88th southern parallel. had traveled for over miles. my m dven nearly mad from vaonst toy we mhistor >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you'rdora the explorer, you explore. it's wt you do. >>wh took you so long? if you want to save fteen percent or more on car insurance, you swit to geico. it's what you do. >>you d , yay! looking r 24/7 digestive pport? try align for a non-stop, sweetreat-goodness hold-onto-your-tiara kind-of-day.
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in our cspy cheeit groov. on a on a ctain day le say today i like to rememberome industriesre willio st strongven if they have to give back into bearish territory. home furnishing space has been strong. even as thfed titened and ma mortge rates more expensive. not just home depot. ta ethan allen, the chn of 300 designenrs with high quality ho decor, sign and
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inconsistent history. earl earlier this wk,thanllen report atrong arter. company delive t cents earn ings as well as highethan excted revenue rising year ovear and 7.3%rease in same sre sales a the compa boostee divi bring the el 2.55% that's a ne sign of confidence. a loof ts hato do with the that appeals to younger customers. they a developing a line of diey inspired pructs o rea younger deaphic. let's eck in with the chairm and ceo of ethan allen to n out where the company is head welcomback, si >> good ee you. >> have a seat. it looks like the thgs y put in place since we have seen you last, sney and something important with t army and air force that has an impact. absolutely. when we take a look at t mber of issues you he, plus our operating levege.
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makes a differce. that is ifou increase sales. we increase ed sales 5.3%. opating income at 35%. our eps went up 48%. all of tho reflect the work from a retail network to manufacturing to logistics. now wh you're talking about this question after the announceme we ju made, that's the next strategy what are the ethan allen digital stragy. we dcussed it in t past. it's twofo. we are not in e furniture business. re in e personalervice of providing pernal design service. theast three or four months may say an experiment really
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say to clients start something beautiful, comto our design centers,eedeer and you will get from ocber, november, 30% savings on one item but you cannot do itnline. we had a 33% increase in october, good increase in novend for t quarter 15%. >> let's >> let talk about that. wayfair says that'way ople y, digit fniture. that's differerom what you . right? mptely dferent than ecking a box on a op keeping unit. >> we are in the service business. both from thperspective of interior desn and we have what we call premium in home deliry. we deliver pductatne cos national wther it is in seattle, washington, miami or in new york because because of the fact cated one ofheetr or t best prium home delivery services in the home.
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one. you might say thother side of we have we have created special website fothe army and air rce. the current rvice people and retired go to this through the then they are connected to our website. then it is divered and serviced by a retail network in >> this is a price break? >> no. they don't get a price bre. they save when theget it through the military they don't pay sas tax. >> that' >> that's a price break. >> but t >> but the priceare the every y best, whatever the prices are anit is delivered through our premium ho delivery throughout the ice. >> we went thrgh this conference. there is a mr. sandell who said your cpany wasn't working ri he didn't fare well in the statement, did he?
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cou perhaps sell a lot of ha reatate and we said we are a different business.ese ar these are not budis on 5th the couny. we have been tnsforming. anyway -- you are in the biness of design. >> that's right. of coue they said, make your pot. they did. >> you letim speak. >> wdid. we are pleasedt the shareholders desided what were saying ma sense. >>ook at the quarter. does make sense. >>. jim, we have transformed the ofrings. >> disney is an impoan initiative that we launch this fall but this inot just produs. this is creating a magical home, ab ethan allen disy home. >> the cirman, president and
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this is an early turn, i tnk, in the next level of the company. ick with cramer. ythmo you sweat ee'sotense togy s u fresh every me. it has unique microcapsus contaifrrances friction breakthe capsules... .releasing bursts fshss aldaher you're meeting a deadline... ...grabbing a bite... ...oheading t r thnight. motisense,ct kpving. deit won't let y dow toyou n do erying inusone click, even keep your toilet cleaanh. introducing lyclicgel.
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see you tomorrow.ashlertsvoiceo: tot "1st "-lus, ls squeak] [laus] oberts (voiceer):-we' pouring on that southe charmnd even geing a little nty. wau netoause, though arlest nasty. yes. is that go y or a bad nasty? hley roberts (voiceover): it's south carina's oldest and most rreshing city. ooh, strong and unusual gonna get me good tonight. ashleyoberts (voiceover): we're getting loose in charleston, hon. [squeals] see a dolphi ashley robts (voeover): and it all starts right now. [tme music]charstso char, carolinais widely celeated as a premier destion in not just e us but the entire world. a big rt of that distinction comes fr charleston's
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