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tv   News 5 Today Weekend  NBC  January 30, 2016 7:00am-8:00am MST

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good mor and welcomeo ws today wkend it satury --an. 30th. i'm greg dingrando -- and i'm jessica van meter- thanksor joining us. some big changes on the way weher wise... we'll get to jessica and those chges in a bit but first... we'rwaintoea m aboua re in th5300 block of wadll avenue. athitime... it's not clear how mucmage was done to thhome or if anyone w hurt. however... therwere uonfied reports at seoen me inrmatioas 's available ecnt f a robbery warrant d li on a ase is morning that ded in crh. poli spoed a vehle ected to a robbery and when they tried to talk to the driv d passenger... poce say the driveback into aoliccruiser, tok f. lice followethem and entu blew out their tires with stop sticks. the suspectsventlly crashed the intersection of tt constituon. the majoaccident unit is veigatg becae the crash invoed aoffir's hicl
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then tosto jesca we'vhad a few wonderfully warm days across southern colorado, but things will be changing drastically as we head into t new week and the month of februy. staying breezy and warm y highsell into the 60's and ulev see few 70's poing up on e plains. someshine toy,ut clouds wi be around for much of the day. a cold front hds our way tonight with the chance for so rainnow shows with the ssibility of some very light
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thsn srts rolling in.. streetrews a making their final prepartions to make sure theyready.....and you might wa to he sam...whether that's getng in anotr ke or one finalound ogolf before the cold sets in. ne 5 maddie garrett has more the winteweher preperations. ok rq nats ifou enjoy the outdoors. sot debbie,, "i was actually thking i was going go hiking this morning with aunch of frnds d en go to work and then i dede wellet'so get in a couple ds ogolf." friday w your da sot ll oliver "this is coro you know." sot ienowine day and sunnynd beautiful the ne this time around you can rever tha order... sot emerg gmt e do havans inla f a signicant snowfallot only ouldou be readatome... sot county nye u tahere's
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you certainly want to make sure you ve what you needor a couples da." street cwsre taking advantage of the calm before the stortoo. t "got enough material, got enough man power, knock on od if it' sn a snowzilla like they got out on t east coasi would dare saye' aready as we sot bill "i know it'soing to be really cold sunday we won't be sure the outdoorson'tso enyable. t debbie "probay t." the snow plows in both colorado springs and elaso county are hooked up and readto go... and several agenes in e pikes peak region also have a pln place roh the fice of emergen managemt..... at they testedusa few weeks ago. crews in pueblo are so busy preparing for e storm. they spent yesterday putti "blades"n the snow plows... fillg up othe sand-salt mixture and getting the magnesium- chlore xture ready. the pl is to s p eaoa tod thmaesium chrideixtu to pvent the snow and ice from stickingnd freezing to the
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stocked up and ppared to handle the snow on the couy roads with about 42 pieces of equipment. you might so want to think out ng atop at store..beforthings get really crazy. kelsey kennedy continues our verage....with plentof people already planninahead. "i have five kids. weive dide so i expect we'll be snod in. so we're runnillf ou errands y." the pect of ing owed in est soun bad if you'rpreped "i usually hear mi bread eggs.. yeah cooki.. ll of course.. so chocote right? yes" ju lots of frozestuff, pizza cheese, snack foods for our kids plenty of coffee, i probably need to go back anget some more milk. just the basics so we have plenty to ea" others wouldather focus ne mo day of bay nuy atheto soaup.. before lng the psibity of snow nk i "i'mctlly more eited about hikiomorrow than worri about the snow on sunday and monday." "i work from me so i "do you wa to go to school on nday? no. i want a snow day. le get a lot of snow, don' justoy with .. bring it.. bring it.." ots of snacks and movi a foball and we'll be fi."
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the bi to come tonig and ots of snackand movies and football and we'll be fine." say ys they're expecting
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and even th you may have to fight roh so crowds to shop... it'll probably be a lot sier get out now than in a foot of snow. as that co weather heads our way... we're learning our winter wag elrs have ready been running "near capacit ju about everyight. the salvation army tells us they've d to turn away people... more than a hundd times in erlothis filit. on southeber. also h kennels speople who are worried abt their ts... won't have to put their own safety at risk, by stayi outside th them. e salvation army says they will do wh it taketo peoplearm dung the srm ==== sot verbat ==== the ty says its working wi carvice providers.... to come up with a ng term
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when the weather takes aurn for the rs.. there's noally a rise in car thefts becaueople e leavg thrs warming up unatteed. fing" it tual agast taw. it also makes yoan easy target to car thieves. police say thies have admitted to them..that they go t looking for it on cold days. "they will get togr with their other craludes. theyildrive arounde r an will look fho ll tale puffing puffing tail an jumout and steal atarenhe me onth on f last year in coloradspring alone, there were 115 cars stol because they were leftunning unatteed this system gets oser... counon ns 5 keeyou ahead of the storm. our ams will "tcoufor you". ery st othe way. 'll also keeyou inform of any de and closuour weit xx colorado sings police ve revered over 50 pounds of
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growing it in thr basement and had illegally tapped into the main electrical lines for the house so they could get more power. ofrs say ty originally the home to arrest a waed fuve--when they diovered the marijuplants. warng for evyo in ster pasun the sheriff's office says eone" ismpnating an offir. deputies sayhe suspect pulled people over in "rush" fferent times yesterday. he's described as a white or hispanic mal--driving a "green" jeep cherokee.. with a red bubble light on top. ca deputies if you have y information. a mong and special day at u- c-c-s yesterday, honoring fallen police offer garrett swasey.... who wakilled in the planned parenthood shooting. one of the fraternies mpusrganed the event t bring the u-s flag that ew over the capital blding in washington to u- c-c-s swas...
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briamcpike chief uccs lice s e fact tt this has touch so many ves, that this has enuch anmpactfulventand that pthat cared abouted about garretand about our universi so much that they took the time to have this flown over the us capil and the signifigance behind th is very pactful fo. manythe ivsi'sears we at thceremony.. ell gressman doug lamborn. a moer and child in argenta are run over in terrifying car crh....and it was all caug on camer we'll show yhat happened.. warm today, but 're talking cold air and snow inour first aler5 recast
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cameras in aentina shows grapc vio graphivideo from traic cas inrgentinahows a car ng a police che. took the car... and police went after them. but wh the car off-road... th hit the women and her by.
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but hemoerot caught on the hood of the car before falling off 300 yards away. the mother and child were hospitalized... but thankfully their injurs are described as minor. the three suects wertaken to cdyhe ston vehicle hit a parked car. rescue cws in eastn china pulled out fr survivors who had been trapped underground in a collapsed mine. the mineollapsed on christmas day,illing one and leang 17 miners missing... but they we on fnd aand half. the fo swe tect mth 6 feet low the surface..a were ivd nt down through small passageways. japan has instled patriot misses in central tokyo. the misse battery is designe tonterpt incomg missil strikes... and was installed yesterday at thhers of japas defense nistry thisomes amid ars rth korecould be preparing a rocket omie launf some kind. a u-s fense ofcial say there had en activy at a noh korean blistic missile test site that is consistent
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stutd go intoore tail. a street turned to an ice nk this week when a colsnap ripp through the caspian sea region. skidding tough thi inection in azbijan. surprisingly, l news website reed there were no collisions due to the y drivg conditns and upcoming snowstorm we've had a few wonderfullwarm days across southern corado, but things will be changing drastically as we ad into the new week and the month of uary. staying breezy a warm today with highs well into the 60's ancould en a few 70's popping up on the
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but cloudsill around fo much of thday. a coldronteads our way tonight with the cnce for some rain/snow showers wi the possibility of some veryight accumulations by morng. lowsill bethe 20's a winter storm with the potential for gnificant snow willove our way nday io tuesday morning. temperatures will have tumbled behind the overnight cd fron so highsill be mainlinhe 30's. snow chances increase throughout the second half of sunday with some very heavsnow psible by sunday evening. monday will be anotheray ll with snow, heavy at times. this will be accompanied by strong winds, especially on the plains. snow finally begins to move ou by tuesday morning wh drie condio returning asf now, best estimates fo sn totalby tuesday morning look to ben the 6-12" range for much of the i-25 corridor and heavier accumulations in the mountains. this storm will obviously impact travel with aclations on road, lovisibili, and blowg snow. if you have to travel, plan on allowing a lot of extra time and
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,,,,,,,,,, thsurbowl n be a time fo cebring...
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how this year'superbowl isctedbe the most pensive er when itom to reuitment sancons against pine creek hh school, have now been lifted. that from chsaa this evening. chsaa says the sool monstrated a thorough 18-step plan to lyitrecrtmen protols, a that's why the ncons we removed. hower the scol will stay on probatr the time being. alotable from this story, tor matt mahan willtedo from his position, to takover as vice principal at the start of next school year. he will be the a-d f the remainder of this year. the da continue to tick away. nine now until super bow50 and two unl the ons ador thgoen cst. but denver is treating this week like they would any her. thteam has been practing since thursday, going throug their normal routine as if the game were th sunday. and that's probay good idea, coiding you don't wa undereimthe panthes explosivoffense. on manng and c gary kubiak certainly an't. you see e scoreboard and it's n nothg, foun noin 's like gusiing the
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field! the gamhasn't even arted yet! 'r, i know that. arted today lking about theiteam andhen you put up their streths and what theve done, it's extreme impressive. it's hard to win in this league, let alone wiseventeen. r nextinys conr news-5 your super bowl he. we'll be coverg it from l angles both in santa cland here at home leading up to the . coradoge back atom tonight after ur road seriesay from e rlarenl 1. masorgh right place right time, the tip the top shelf...-0 c-c 2 hunter f, waiting for traffic anrips it into t ine..2-0 tige. bras-ohaigck though....brian cooper the one- tir..andt's 1. tr goo..put awor, sneaky..tucks it in. 3-1 at that int, ters win bi1 in their rhome. just dstreet, palm ridge ancheyenneountain locking horns. pa ridge, ni bdvh rejected....zach hter thput
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2. luke martin..the deep thre focheyenne mountain....indians right there. of course he'll here news-5 this summer for the
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with the superbowl on the way... those planning to celebrate next weekend also plan to spend more. that's ading to the national retail federation's survey on super bowl spending. it finds viers and partygoers will snd around $82 on food, r,eam apparel anmore. that up mo than $4 from last year. and the highesin the survey's history. breckenridge ski cam we'vgot much more news and weather ght here when news five today weeke returns.
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stay with us... fabook aounced ts week th ione users can now stream live video over the social network. fow, it's only available in the u-, but is set to roll o he rof theorld in nextomweeks. to sha livvio, t on upda stas d then selt the ve vidco u cath wte qui description and choose the auen that you want to she with beforgoing li. a simir upda for andid ers will be coming soon. almost timeor mardi gras... but pele in neorleans are already startingcelebrate. the first of the city's jor parades made its way down
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yesterday. local redents anbusinesses have put up fencesnd other barriersn an effort to keep the anticipated large crow their property parades fothe annual cebration heduled through e weekd d then every day r until ftuesday on febru9th. a n-profit oizatn is aching the blind and mility impair how to ski. we'll tell you aboutski for
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mi to codo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, welce back thanks for waki up with news 5 today weend. i'm greg dingrando. it's saturday . first up this half hour -- a quk look at what making headlines this morning. fire fhters are still on the ene of a structure fe in the 5300 block of waddl avenue.. we initially heard reports that someone was apped
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th story comg up tonight at 4:30. a suspect wanted for was a robbery led police on a che this mointhat ended in a crash. when police ied talk to the iver a passenger... he backed into a pice cruiser and tookff. heventually crashed at the teection of tutt and constution after police put wnome stop stis. the major accide unit investigating becae ash involv aofcer's vehicl crews southeast colorado e getting ready for monday's big snowsto. they've already tached the getting ready to prep roads... d several agencies in the pikepeakion al ha an for what too. meanwhile... shopping centers get ready f a rush of pele stocking up before the sno
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toss to wx 've had a few woerfully warm days aoss southern colorad but ings will be changing drastically as we head into the new weeknd the month of feuary. staying eezy and wartoy with highs well in the 60's and could even see a few 70's popping up on the plains. someunshine today, but clouds will be around for much of the day. a cold front heads our way tonight wi the chance for some rain/snow showers with the possibility of some very light accumulations by morng
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remeer -- your latest weat available --henever d erever youeed itour weite -- k-o-a-a dot com. just click on thweatheta attorney's for the longmt won accused of cutting an unborn baby from her woman's womb.. was a v appeance excluded from evidence. spifically... an appearance the victim on the doctor phil sh last year. attorneys for suspecdynel la have ced 18 specif things michelle wilkins said on the september episode includine viability of haby did not survive. prosecors say the judge does noneed truth intervw d that the defse can ject as needed during l. las geth aempt mu,...unwful termiti of a pregnancy and mulpl counts of felonyssault. one of our country's biggest and most well own tourist attractionwill be undergoing some majorhanges. the american side niaga falls ll soon be complely dry. and workers ardoing it on
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enneercall it "de-tering"'s being do for good reon. mes rr hashe latest on the pl and the consequences for the fallon the canadia side. --pkg- th came to canada -- all t way from ausalia -- just to ta this shot clip s haydetourist "we came to sethe falls in canada." edit to cliben and sam yden coveover with falls shot "it's awesome -- impressive -- it's the most beautiful waterfalin the world." ben d sam hayd -- are two of e 12-million money-spending tourists eecd to see niagara s th year. good thing ty came when they did. "the other one's moropen." otheshots mting -- lorows of placards at -- or insidballroom wching prtation at this public meeting i niagarfalls -- new york -- plans are under way to "dwate the aricaside of the fa shots of bridge to green islan ids leading popular vws of the falls -- are faing apart. they need to be rn dn and replaced -- to save the founti of the l econ ip mark thomas / new yor state parks "they are r ocantre. our canadianounterparts have the tiful view
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ople right out onto the water, on these islands , and they get feeling ofhe pow a fce ofheiagara river still pix of rlaceme bridges -- gfx p ssve--h p athows where the river lle blke after onof threelanned bridges is picked -- constructi crews wld use giant boulrs a debris to sealff the american falls -- diverting the water to the year reir saeared. wae thomsoremeers walking out -- and standing -- where - for his ole life -- he'deen water rush. clip of wayne thomson "rig in e cent -- about 30 feet back from the edge of the rock once the mayor of niagara falls he sa -- from thateng urism -- thiis something his city can sell. clip wayne tms / niagara falls tourism "it probably is going toe a great boom for us in tourism beuspeop like to see things tt are unusual clip can end here d th've never experienced before."epter onam for now -- it's businesss usl. the americans stilha to rae between 25 and 30 million dollars -- before they turn l ofhat -- o. jas murray -- cbc news -
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just days before the iowa causes... e hillarclinton campaign finds itself back under the cloud ofhemail controversy. the state partment h now confirmed thome ofhe emails found on hiary clinton'persal server contained government information so secret, they fell under the hies level classificion. 22 emails from her prite rver were labed "t secret." bua ste depament spokesm says those documen were nkeclfi the time they were sent. some are cal for the release of those emails... but secretary of state john kerry said yesterday they were being withheld at th request ofhe u-s iligence counit kerry said that the-s are suect to revw proc the sta dtmenes not control. he says the ate dertment is colyinwith aourt ordern foowing freem of ion act requirements in regards to the emails. hundreds of people from across the world are in northern
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skevt. it'sut on by one non-prot ornization that teacs those with visl mil pairments how to css country i. allison scott has the story on "skiorig." --- pkg --- scott mccall from atlanta, gegia has been blindince he was born. but with help from the ski for light program... he has n been skiing for more than 3years. sot: scott mccall, ski for light esident "well for oninit's an opportunity for opleike myself were totally blind who otherwise would probablyot have an opportunity to learn t croscotry skand theno enjoy the sport cross country skng." re than 200 peop from ss the world are at shay creek reso this weekross country iing. about ha of thosople are visuallyr mobility impaired... and the other half... e ained guides. sot: barry tkki, 2nd year gue "well scott's a rely good skier. he hardly kes any guance a aland he hery edated feet. he can flothe track with minimal pufrom me so is reallyun skiing with scott we ha time to tell stories and you all sorts of this other than just talk aut where his feet are." sotott mccall, ski for ghpresent
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develops between t visually or mobility iaired skier d there sighd guide is sewha unique in the fact that trust is almost an instant quement because you are beinguided and ingin direionsn an unli environment." many of the skfor light particants are regul atnder baara howie... o's been in a whl chr all helife... says sheomes with her husban who is blind. sot: barbara howie, rticipant "you can. you can. you caevyone c do it. we're all at different levels. you don't have to do it at highev you get to do it at your own l and tt's a good ing about it. there's no pressure. it's juswonderful." that was aison scott reporting. each year ski for lit takes that w allisoncott reing. each yeai foght takes plac aferent location. annext year. the event willake place our ate... at snow mota ranchn granby, colorado.
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cold air and lotof sw retu fothe inni of e we ahea we'vhad few wofully wa days aoss sohern coloro, buthgs wl changin drasticay as we headnto the new week andhe month of february. stayg breezy and warm day with highs well into the 6s and could evenee few 70's popping up on the plains. some sunshine today, but clouds will be around for much of the day. a ld f heads our way tonight with the cnce for some rain/snow showerwith the ssibility of some very light cumulaons morning. blowing snow. if you have to travel, plan on
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well not too many people get cited abca..
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comip 5 arotown welcome back this we on 5 around town if you are into cars you wi wto hd over to the koolustom kar ow at the lodo state fair grounds th sh srt yesterd a will go until sunday afternoon er will be over 200 cs and 20vendors... and the glass slipper ball is this eveng at the double tree hotel in colorado springs
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music.. and dancing.. it is for a good cause and our ve own maddie garretwille theme the feivits start at 7 pm... ifou are a wrestling fan then you wi want to be at the u.s. olympic trning center suay for the rocky mounta athletic conference wrestling champions the matches start 8 am d tickets are 10 dolrs ... and its a 21 year tradition in head or to our website at and cck on e community lendar back to you live lo taking le look at i25 and tejon. jessica's ba right after this with final look at yr forecat.
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af remember you can alws get the latest local news and weather all day ng ok-o-a-a dot com.. and be sure to join us for more local ne tonight at 4:30, 5-30
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toda,,,,, the sun is coming out so let's fin a new adveure yan come along with m and be the alys by my side helloit a and w da(hey!) buenos dias mundo! come on, come along and play! !) ere in nina's wod hello, heo, hello, hey! gonna bthe st day ever come on, come along and pl! (hey!) here in nina's wod
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