tv Dateline NBC NBC January 30, 2016 7:00pm-9:00pm MST
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>> aa kid, i was prey big into elvis. i that my first daughter was gonna be lisa marie becaus oflv, of coue. >> reporter: jt as todd caldwell hope his ltle sa lived uto her big name. >> she was just thli othe part oncehe startedng, e hadn'thut up. >>eporter: the divorced now but tracy andd call watchetheir girl grow up a but unste. a vivacious, wng tn. bowling, todd, we're not just taing recreational satury night now and then >> no, we'realkin' about a state ampion bowle anything she did, she had be the be ait. >> lisa, look over here. >>eporter: lisa s a teenager whener pentsivced. todd remained an acte ther to lisa and his threother children. all the while, he was working a stressl and dangeroub a deputy in the wapello county sherf'depament.heound comfort in several waysone was his caonal hobby. he'd tout his sketch
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and then he met d fe hard r a nue named amy. before ng, he was srting fatherod all over again. with twidaughters is tim he was getting lots of help from lisa. she was the twins' default babysitter. she was more like a second mom to thewi than a bisier. >> was just caregiver to anyby.>>eporter: you had a very ose relaonship? uh-huh,y. would get to bed wither. we w old epiof the golden girls. [ hter ] >> reporter: that's a sweet latiship. >> yeah,nd she always ys that ias dothy because i'm such grouch all the time. [ laughter ] t yeah, that was my favorite time with lisa. i'm ucky. reporter:ut step-mom amy put h enforcer hat when it came to lisa's teenage romantic life. and to knoth yfends were. i wanted to know w their
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[ lauger ] i was the one that they had pass the test with. >> the boyfriend who passed with flying colors was seth he came from a long time local family. his grher thmar. mom was a social worker, the dad owned a local bowling alley. the bowling alley was where seth as a young teen bega lisa. his dad hidawas her high school coach anseth bowled almost but not quite as well as la. the twrked part-time together at the las. they were becomi boyfriend/girlfriend and that was fine wh bo families. >> you liked ts young girl? >> a lot. he parof o fily.>>y arch in faly and seth's m remeer hothcompassionwn on a missiono mississipp afr hurricane katrina. >>e just wou talk to the folkfohours and hours. they became goofrnds. i have a l of memoes like
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hpieople. >> yeah. yeah. d lisa wanted to help people, too. e followed her fher in law enement then aa ja in a neighboring county. >> i told r that s wou have my blessings if she wasn't just an erage cop. i want her to be a rll great p cae i didn't want to havto worry abo her inficicies maybe endangering her life. >> aft years of hearing paons at the bowling alley joke about when they would get married, they me thinevitable official. >> how did youinouthey wereting hitch?>> seth came to our usand met th us anasked usur permission tmarry lisa. ol. >> old school. >> afterating for seveyears, seth and lisa got married in
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e was 22, he w 21. >> just toldimt, no tthat he dake care of h and protecter. >> and he said? >>e sa >> he said he would. >> lisa's sister, anothe mesake, got muchore than brothein-law with seth. >> he was my best frnd ae s th othererson that i could always go to. >> he called me dad.weold each oth we loved each other. we hged every time we left each oth i feltose himi did son. >> for lis it wasn't just gaa husband, it was having his buddies come along, too. packag. >> how dhe up with y ys? >> s wasnterested inhe same things that all of us we.shlid to go fishing. she liked to go nting. she liked to shoot guns. >> whe okay? >> sounds like you would have been happy if she your girlfriend? >>eth was lucky. >> lucky for sure. buseth knew it was time to settle d
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like la, he was drn to service. herew a paycheck as a serity ard. his father-in-law todd was heing m get a higher rung in thladder. the soon to start job a jaileror t sriff >> they were v todd was aig influence on seth at's why ink he went into w forcemen >> now morchges for seth he wasoing to be aather. they picked a name for the unborn girl, zoe maria in may 2012, they were halfw through thpregnanc >> seth and li, a baby on the way weretarting out ei married life in this humble little trailer. it was a giffrom his dad purchased on a beautifuliece proy. a starter homesave moneyor the future. the only apparent cloud in the picture was an escalating feud wi an acrosshe fence neighbor. erwa thd.itapped :0 the
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shatd two unlives. >> 911. >> satury,ay 2 201 merial dke. >> not bhing. >> does she hany medical prlems? >> she's been shot. >> a shotgunlast that ended r.ndrs seth tec seth techel. deputies race the scene wre shoor could beng anywhere. >> someone could have ot. that was possible thol me. noing' nothing's left behind. nothing. are u clean enough to go commando? aughs) are you serious? tally. okay okay how do you fl? oh my goodness, it's amazing.
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so you'rclean enough tocomm. lonr comes a price ll, acally ido. it's just $9nehoshot whisky chken applebee's grill & bar forites made a little tter for you ating new dishesloeditflor, and alunder 650 caloes. oh my gosh, stephanie we'r like, sooth. sfx: knocks on door. honey? i'm dying my hair, m. hair dye? honey... it's just purple. teage daught? gerubbing bubbles. kill9% of germs d destroy grim with scrubbing bubbles for 100% problemved. why have your se fit manually, when there's the lenscrafters accufitystem. replacing bac handheld measurg tool with a digital system that's fiveimes ann thin best fos is hn in a j thatause ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly urced ls... blded th ingrie likeage-freeggs. mmm.ean.
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>> repte >>eporter: it was the end of a ornig shi for shiff'pu marty ndn, t only depu on duty wapello county, iowa. all was quiet and withhe first hintf daybre that satuay morng, marty relaxnd turn ue musiin his uir. cruiser. >> repter:t's the ragged end of t shift for you, huh? >> yeah, i'm taking last little loop around t county and going to watch the sun come up and go home ando to bed. >> reporter: that plan came to an abrend arnd 5:3a.m., when seth tech made a sperate 911 call from s house. >> she's bn ot
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who -- was was gettready fo i hea t and came running ouand she was shot in thside. >> reporte dispatch relayed the message to marty wonderlin. thung deputy hev goen cl kehi i have report of a ladyot brthin i ve nn visethis >> reporr: is youreart pounding a littl >> oeah. th's that's an understatement. >> reporte with his r and his mind botdog 90, marty raced to the house in unr ten minutes. he sloweonthrise of the gravelntry roaand stopped at t end of the driveway. he had no idea what he'd fa. his dashard camera captu thene as he apoached the house. >> reporr: here'w you get in the trailer. at do you see, right aut here? y could see seth techel up the porch. he was wearing cargo shorts d belt, and just ver, you know >> rtehat' dng? ounds li hcryi, soin >> rorter: t touest ll
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so much re complicat. henew knew the grievi hband on the rch,onsidered m frieknew his we lisaoo. anhefath, todd, s respte fellow deputy. the unldg tragedy had just become very personal.eporter: depy, how dyou set yo brainn comptments, where u got to be very professional this is the first time you've had a jor crime,nd yet it's also peoe yoknow? >> it's tough. reporter: were you scared? it's okay ifou were. >>eah, defitely was scared. you know, concerd about a lot of differengs. >> reporter: you didn't knowf sobody coue winged a sh at you? >> yeah, i t possible thehole t >> reporter: as the only cop at a dangers,ha sce, the possibitof a livshooter still on the groun, marty's adrenaline was pping. when he entered the traile a paramedic was attending to lisa. walyg in her bed. it didn't lookood. marty's only thoas to he her,ut he had to securhi rie, so ran bk to h ser to lock it up.
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i told dispatch, "get out here >> cal58 and have higet out he. >> reporter: badge 58 meant deputy todd caldwell, lisa's father. >> in hindght, i wh wo'tave do that. i sh i wou -- rorter:hy do you say th >> well, because i saw a l of things that morng and now because ofe, because of aski m to, u knowco o there,e'ing have to liveith so of thos images tt i do now. >> ror td well was lebuhicell phone plgein nexto the bed, alwa rea for a dd-o mile-of-the-niemergenc ca. >> wget a call from, you know, dispch i'vknown for 20 years and i celatis voicisifferentand from what i remember, he justaid, you , "youeed get o to lisa'usshe's been shoisn't eathg." >> reporter: todd's wi amy bolted out of d. her step-daughter, h bes frie, eded her >> i kinda left him behind. i didn't puthoes on, didn't
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i went in my pajamasnd drove 90 miles per hour, you know? m an e.r. nurse. i'm thinking -- >> reporter: you're sortf in nurse mode t too? >> yea i'm thinking, "well, you knowmaybe if i get there stugh -- >> minutes matter. >> the will be something i could do. to racedehind in aepate vehie. >> jusrepeatver and over, you know"oh god. oh my god, oh, my god." i just remember that's all i could thk and say is, "oh, my god. oh, my god, ohmy god." >> reporter:t the scene, deputyonderlan bacto the house and did what he could help themt. >> srted giving li c, so e paramedic cod i think he was gettinglike, a fibrillator ady. it ft like forever you knowand i'm asking him, you know, "you want me to do cpr still? told me not to. >> reporr: there was nothing more tdo. she was gone. along with her unborn ughter. lisa mar techel was 23 years old. >> ian in there and you could tell that she was gone. >> repter: so yowentnto thbedroom? you saw her?
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>> yeah, i held her and i bbed her belly and i just said, "my said, -- my sa, my la. eporter: todd, did youinto the house i hope n. >> yeaid. i went in there and i seen h lang therend ieeth amount of blood that w on the bed and i knewfromy perience, that that watoo ch bloo sustain life en listen toe tape recoing of it, i hr myse bellowing. i don't know ho ribe i dot evenember ing that. what happened? >> reporter:t was heartbreaking scen but deput may woerlin had a job to d end of your shift, your first homicide. so you'rin the barrel re. >>otstart woin. >> rter: was an
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people, todd caldwell. the veracop, who had just seen his precis daug lying deada of d,d he knewho t shoer was. and in a voice filled with rage,he tolhis feoweputies to ta t suspe down. >> that [ blee]. g h >> who was tcaldwell talking about?turned out womeon th and lisa's life that had everyoneorried. >> this were escalating. they were fearful, i was arful.
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when lisa'little sisr yr your best frien >> y. >>eporter: seth was inconsolable, and actiut. >> i wenov to him when i first got there and i trd hugginhim. phed me away. he punched he punched his tck, d i said, "d't do at, seth, you knowt me see youhand." >>orter: todd red to ta sh bao his use, b do techel knew this waa moment his son should be with >> it was bad. i mean, wobbing. d we jt gged and cried. >> reporter: mty won, first homicide, was the first deputy to speato seth. w'd that go? you know, i a himha haen. >> i camruing t. and i looked in the bedroom d
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>> reporter: through the overwrought husband's sobbing, a ory stard to emerge. he basiy tes me thahe was in t shower gettin' ready to go to wk, and he heara gun goff. >> i ripped open the -- shower curtaiand i grabbed my towel and i cameut. i didn't i didn't see anybody down the llwa m gonna kill whoever the -- did th. >> reporter: there's been some sort of an intder. >> yeah, that's whate's tell' me, at someone came in whilhe wasn the shower, ot lisa and ran away beforee could catchim. we'll figure it ouro. >>an -- tell td. >> we'll figure it out. >> reporter: lisa's father todd thought he'd figured it out and already had a suspect. >> that -- goet him. go get him. now. >> reporter: todd's ra w directedt e neighbor on e
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witharbed wire, a 56-year-old disa army ven named brian te. >> i jusmember sayg, "go t m. get him now," and i thought, "ty better get to him befo i do >> rorter: tate beembroid n eslatingeud wi heighrs lisa an seth kw all out it, and was certaihis er was now dead because of it. this is is culnation of bad blood's been goin' ofor a month's time or more now >> right. uh-huh. >> reportet started abnt two mohs beforthe muer. sethulled dead dr off the ad alohe propey line brian tate lat tossed hide to seth'er.sethd it bac a the bale w made severas to the county, coining about nay acts of vandalism. todd caldwell responded to one in april.and tate pointed the finger at his young ighb. >> can't remembemes. seth, seth techel. >> sh techel? y. kel? techel. >> techel. >>eah, his dad owns ampion bowl. ok >> andl lljust -- they're good people. they really are.>>te n thiy,an
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fathern- law of the ne? >> no, and i don wanna tell m thatse i'tant that tfect m what dor don'do. >> reporter: a he thinks th's the s h ouble?>>ig. >> reporter: those pple ov in the trailer property across the y? >> yea well, if you can, let us deal th it. >>ha -what whaif i'the o's tta tch hi epter:rianate told toddhat dog feces d rocks habeenurleat his home. theowed todd the evidence. hecribedhe of his ho in ark term >> he sa tt thinks ese are actsf terrorisan you know, ki of - - a bell goes off like, "terrism'sin weird wo ird wo t" d whlfhe time, i guess, he's sitting ther he's -- i noti a stgun lagrnd, you know? d i'm li g " makes me feele --" repor does ak a litt twitchy yeah,h.
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wag ll dieout te, ate mighbe daerous. >> i'm thiin "dot wa t rsodeputy goes out the and gets hur" ayif y gouthere, be rel. tate might be 1096, which ans ntally, you ow, challenged >> reporter: in fact, tate did have a htory of mental illness. he'd bee he'd been agnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. se's mher lorraine, a social worker used toeali with mental patients, was wried a talkedo both seth and lisa abt their neighb. >> s waserrified. this was when thgs we escalating. they thoughthat they could, you know, handle whater. anum -butheyhey were fearful. i fearful. rorter: on may 15th, just days befo lwas killed, an agited tate me anothe ll, complaining that the vandalism vandalism -- the terrorism -- s getting worse. to responded again, this time accompanied bylow dety don philps. >> i'm tryg have a conversaonith u. yoknow it? >> i don't wanna be yelled a
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>> well,'m trying to have a conversation wityou and i don't understand why you're wain >> you're raising your voice at me. >> i, yo rig. i am. >>i'wonderg >>ecause you're not listening. >>epter: didou thi he a sk, thhis s >>eah. yeah >> reporter: auy who w cable fppg out? >> i -- did. i d. >> reporter: and now, lisa was dead, and the trailer s crime ene. marty wonderlin, the first putyt e sc already knewll about ban tat had zen onim ahis caidate for prime suspect. all the diction is heading across t fce to this guy whose name is ian tate. >> iis. >> reporter: a police decid it was time to pay a visit to tate. they armored up and got out their longuns, notnowing what the spect mht do. >> if you'relsengh to break into aouse, oot and make iback out, u' basy eugh do ju about
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working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my lower back but now, i step on this machine and gemy number ich matche dr.choll's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate li from my foot pai my lower bk pain. find a machine at drschocom i' smod a lot anquit a lot but end up nowhere. now i use this the codermq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i nt this time to be lastime. that's why i choe nicorm cq. withy derate to sere ulcerative colitis, the ssibily of a flare waalmost always ony mind. thking about what void, where too. and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talkedo my doctor. she told me that hira helps op like me get uc under controland keep it under ntro when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humi c lower your ability to fit infections, inclg tuberculis
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reporte >> reporr:n thinee ofy agcyiowabad ws travel fas a prntomanas dd and a gunmanas othe e. ju as qukly, fear took to roos >> the 23-year-old reserve shf'deputy was shot and killn her home in the town of agenc she was five months preg >> reporte lisa's rder was first in the fmtown 5 years. pu don phillips,een here unspoong cme scene tape, had
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lisa is one of his best friends. todd and i began the same ye at the sheriff's office together. i watched li grow up. i just reassured him that wel figure this ou wel nd o who ts. rter: whaver's happed re ireally wn ur fa, e law enemt fami -- e coty >>orct. 're a all sherfs oic know everybody. we kw chers d exed famies. >> repor a they also kw somethinout th g next door, brian tate. er since the fir dies rived at sunse, th'd bn eking rosshe bard wi. just how dangerous was this fussing neighbor? were tother shn blast away from fiinout? 1:00 thatfternoon, t hours after lisa w shot, deputy phillips and a team of vestigators, werreto confnt neighbor. >> reporter: so the decision is made. e gotta talk tbrian tate >> yes he was dinitely a person of interest that we need to glk to. >> reporter: did you put your body armor on? yes, i did. >> reporter: marty wonderlin
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he was preparing f anything, even a shootout. >> we got strapped u we're alrey. readfobusine. >> reporter: marty was in the baup car, ile deputy phillips and a partnerrew li-of-fireetail -- approaching brian tate for an interview. >> he's our prime spt. it's very possiblen all ofur minds at he ju shot and killed lisa. >> repter: as the phillips team wked slowly up to t tate hse, marty and the chief deputy provided cor in t dreway. >> i h my, my rifle out, locked and lded. had thred dotued on. things poppedff, we were read >> rorr: nerves screamg, evyone woised for battle everyoneut, iturned t, brian tate. heasn't d, or belligerent. they couldll exhale. >> as we walkeuphere, he was accommodating, got some chairs t r us. repter: this is brianate, huh? >> brian- brian did. and we sat down in his front yard. >>epter:n the frt rd in ln airs, himoth a
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no shotgun in sight. so t cturned on a co and started asking questions. you asked him,00 a.m., where we you, hu" >> yes. reporter: he saide was in bed his bement beoom, sleepiff a higr se of mecaon foris schizophreni >> ient to bed about 80. >> right after i d. yeah, after mom d. ll right asleep. di't hear nothing. dn't get up till 11:00. >> reporter: he said he was still asleep when the shooting must'vhappened before wn. tate mher corroborated his 15-housleep ibi, thothe copsnew full well that mothers n often be bsed witnesses. did y hear anhi in th ddle of the night la nig s anying? >> w in beand ally i would' beeup doing guard duty wh alis that happened. bu i'm schhrenic paranoid. eporteuard duty. the ex-military man called himself a sergnt major andwalked the pt on his property line, vigilant ever since his prerty had been littered with dog feces, his
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de don pipknew all about the alism compint ta h filed. and todd caldwellere the deputies who'd respond to tate house jt 11-days rlie th'd dowlayed s colaints then andhought he waa crank off his meds. >> you said rlie brian, that you'd sit outside here. >> at night? >> at night, yh. when's the last me y did that >> o it's been a good weekr so. week or so? they don't nte to d guarduty anymore. they want me to get eep, take more micions. you were such calm quiet guy until thisdalism started, a then u're jus like a difrent pern. i wasr. nice guy folong me. it done me no good. ople took ntage of me,o i'm kindtang different approa to life right now. >> i mean en >>eingore serious and more not su nice guy. >> reporter: after venti about the vandalism, the 4minute intervw was over. buinvestigators weren't done. they'd be back to queson tate
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whad you had when yon your? >> wstill haa whodunit in r nd. >> reporter: but lisa's step-mom and sier had no doubts whatsoever.>> ihought iwas ian tate. >> rter: but iestigators knewhey still had to talk to the husban when agents scheduled an offial interviewith th for that samday, it didn't sit well with amy. >> ithis h you -- how you always treat grieving husban? i ted crying. m thking, "they're being mean him.">> we a into an argume 'cause like, "they have to dohat." >> rorr: would-be cop seth techel agreed completely. he knew the spouse h to be ruled t. said he was eager tt crossed off thsuspect st as soon as poss. so he went downtn and instruedis paren no wyers. >> i remember sayin', "do we need to go get lawyer?" was adamant. said, "no." >> he said, "i didn't do anything."
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>> "i don'need a lawyer." >> reporter: was thaa mistake? seth had told his story to one faliar fe after another at the sce. but now, hd be talking to an elite state interrogatorand e to of the investigatio was abou s out to chae. deputies learn tt sethay be ething old them thasead a tracfone. >> aecret phon >> yeah. peach! mmmm, yoai
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st sau some chicken. stir in knorr ri sides with frh matond basil and you've got krr creamy bruschetta chicken. knorrice sides a main dish. if you're tryingo be a lile betr... thin jgot a wht tter. oding enees loadedwithlavor, lories. plebee's grill bar favorite ma a ltle better for you. aturing new dishes, all der 650 calories
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local knowled maer. dci's tony birmingham was lead ag he hanpied fellow agen chs thomas tinteieseth. theredoubt inmind at chr washe pern th need to do thainterview. >> we only get onehot at it. and we have be preparedhat could jusbe information llectingr we have to be epared tt this could bour suect. repte so,nleit urafter hiprna wif was murder, seth formal interview withci agent tma got undewa >> you c just ll me chris, i ess. guess. you' fe touh, gout of here at ane. >>eporr: in the terview , enthas wasn the ite shirt, back to t camera. put s put seth re at ease, a deputy famiar toimat in. >> you have a job? >> reporter: it started routiny. >> curntly, i rk outuh job corps as security, but tually next monti'm cong to work here in the jail. >> rter: seth had already given his account twice to deputies at thscene, buthis
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his story begins somew around 5:0a.m. >> exactly. >> i tned the shower i wasn'tn there for more t five minutes and i heard this loud noise. >> reporr: he he thought it might be a gunshot so h jumped outf the shower to check l he hrd moaning then made ouanotr und, coming from possibly the back deck. he said herabbed h hanun from the nightstand by the bed. >> i runown the hallwaand i ll be honest, i had ery intentof shooting whver it was. i don't see anybod i don't he nothi. run back inside. i run intohe bedroom. and said, "lisa, lis are you okay?" and she's not eathing. >> reporter: ding the inrview, seth sometimes ed overco by emotion. >> i couldn't do it, i couldn't protecher when'm 10 fe away from he y can't they sll be ive? why? why? y coul't i he done
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that loved? >> repor the age asked sethhat he thought had happen >> let's go wi yr theory here that it was an -- intruder, right? i mean, is that fair to call -- >> tt's the only thing i c ink of. >> wt do you think this person's intt was? >> i don't know. you'd ve to be a complete -- to wk intoebody's hous and shoot them. >> reporter: seth then bolstered the ' ing theory of the crime ar -- th t neighborbrian tatehad shot lisa. >>ho was the f person that came to your min >> tat my crazy neighbor who ks that wre tersts. >> rorter: seth we i deil abo that junile tit-for-tat die withate that started over a deide. heuspect tate ssedt over the fee so he sae responded in kind. >>id t immature thing, which i adt, i threw it back onis property. >> reporter: the dispute
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intensifiewith the incideninwhich claimed dogeces and property that brought ss father-in-law, deputy todd ldwell, out to tate's house for that official visit over tate's vandalism complai >> todd said that tate, the whole time, was sitting on his front poh and he w rubbing a loaded shotgun. >> reporter: seth said he knew the tenor ofhe vis bau h flehiinat.his father-in-laalso gave m a stro warning. >> "y, if you're doing anything to his yard, ock it off. if your buddies are ing anything to his yard, knock it of doot mess with ts guy. off his rocr. he's gng to be the next person -- >> sur to shoot a cop." >> and said, "i'm not messing with him. llaksureodel i" >>eporter:he murder weapon hadn't been und so the state agenasked se about the firearms he ke in the trailer. ybone of tse had bn used. >> dyo any uh guns that ssg ye? >> iaven looked. >> if one ofhose guns is ud in the hicid we wanna know
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>> don'tou a? oh,eah. >> so i just a him to write down t gs that are in his hoe. and he writes m all down. >> reporter: inevitably, the agent turned to the sharp-edged, intrusive questions that all husbands with a murdered wife have to answer. nne cop that he was, sh knew vy well whawas coming. wee ing to ask you some tougthings, okay. >> that's fine >> okay. >> inow m, obviously, probab number one righnow. >> let'salk about, um, peoe that an yo les, an lisa's lives, um, was the any extramarital affairs? >> no. >> rorte seth didn't hesite. there were nothe women. but t he trailer, quite expectedly, someone was abt to p the lie to th rosy marital cture. a good friend seth's named colton had wald up to th crime scentapet the drive. he td the deputies and agent there thate was looking to pi up his puppy at seth had been boaing for him.
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peppering e young friend for aut seth and sa. a deil that tumbleout surpsed th. what was the sry you told 'em, coon? i tol >> i told 'em that sh had a tracphone. >> reporr: so nd of secret one, huh? >> yeah. and he had been talkin' to girl rorr: the invtigators had ia where this would le, but the unexpected revelation that there might be a rlie in the x ant that th h to get on theorn with agent asowntn and pronto. seth sll in the interview ai but hd lkt any moment moment more aboets secret phone. seemit wasn't just for talking. >> dell u shsent some topless pictures? >> yeah.
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stfy or runny nose, sore thro, anheadache. for help lowering your blood sugar lk to your doctor about nuvia. ma [ male announceren ragu users ho prego tradiover raditional. pre iuyu. thinking ] i wonwhat oth quesable choes i've de. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sig rief ] [ male announcer ] chse tasteoose prego. x:c g opening sfient officsounds, a phe rings, laughter life mak you deal th thingsoutside your job descriio life nee zloc sfx: contains acking sc johnson jaidn't li resictis.t inife. d noencame to tchieror why letaste? janehought. thats why ne loveslight & fit eek nfat yogurt.
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,,,,, now his >> repte seth techel had for co of hours. hifather grew coerd, so he call in a wyerwho sa he uld bring the quesoninto a ha >> andhacalled the sheriff's office and said, "we ve a lawyewaiting to go see th." >> reporter: but inside e eriff's interview ro set kept tkingway. that the that the ierrogator confrontinhiwas geing realme bulletins from the crime scene. i got a tt. rr: text was frfeow at wh had spo th's b fr, the t ppy. >> reporter: a thiperson had toldim a story about a girl named chel. >> reporr: but agent thomas ld his fire at this poinn bseis infmation was still limited. se, however, likely could see the agent reading a text. the husband -- father--be, who had answeredn emphatic "" to the question abo an affa,
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>> thereas a female fr work at i was texting. >> reporter: he said her name was rachel mcfarland, but seth imdiately downplayed her importance. he said even lisa knew about r. >> but it wa't seeing her. it wasn't anything. it w just hey, how w you datype of thing. >> would it be condere sextg? >>o, no. noneat. >> whaare you wearing? no, there wn't any of that. lisa found out. everythi w kosher. i stopped talking, younow, we goover it. e ve to be honesout r, okay? ishere anything th you haven't told us yet? >> no. everything is going to add up the way i justd you. >> rachel's dna won't be maybe on your otheor >> iever had sexual -- sex with, nothoral, nothing liketh that. i gave her hugs and i' kissed he >> repter:y now, seth's
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and were trying desperately to end the iew. t it wasfter hou and t outside w locke >> bang,ang, bang on the door, doug. is that you? >> that's me. that's me. >> they wouldn sp. >> they -- >> they didn't come out. >> didt stop. reporter:hey didn't have to. rememberseth was advised by agent th agent thas that was free to e me -- anytime. everhingasal. lead agent birming wating sethn monitoimy igd the commotion outside. >> i did g informaon that th were nting toet in and wanting come in andell seth to sto eporter: which wou shut you guys right dow eth is an adult. anhe has the soblition to invoke his right to remain silent or his right to ato. and no one stoppedim from doing that. >> reporter: so thomasep king questions, and seth kept answering them. >> he u ever lied to lisa ourael >> n e d out and th was- at washa reporter: meanwhi, both dciagen bmingham and thas had now led moreome detailomhe scene from seth's best frie, the guy with
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e friendcolton, had explained thateth was usin his special trac ps steamy hotline. >> i know ey werchanging photos. >> reporter: did he tell you, "she sent me some topless pictures?" >> yes. >> reporter:id you shem? yes. >> rorter:rmed with is informion, ant thomas ded tohow his rds and what happened. >> we've talked to colton. did colton know about you texting rachel? >> mm-m. >> did youell hiabt it? yh. >> this is aongoing investigation, and it's up to u to be honest. here's obviously more to this rachel thing. she was under the impressi at lisa was ing toe packing her stuff up and leavin >> when? >> last night, tay. reporte he d talk to racl about him divog lisa as recently athe ght bere awork. >> she just asked ias going to go through with it and i , ah. mean, i shouldn't have lied, viouy. >> reporte he admitted he liked rachel's aention but said he rely w just stringing her along. having a baby. i sn going to leave he couldn't lea.
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wron he saidbut he claimed that lying rlier in thenterviewas y to spare his grieving fath-in-law, todd ldwell, the embarrasent. want todd to find out. >>orter: thenterview had been going on close toou hos w, and a birmingha was well aware tt seth's father a a lawyer nt to shut it do. agent thomas then ok a break, leavsenside the roomo stew. met witbiinghamd cided decided head to go nuclear. - >> becon -- be confrontional, because the clock is ticking. >>nd if we're ever gonna be toh, now is the time. >> now is the time. he's the de, okay? the factrighnow, these cas facts, show us youe responsible for killing your wife. >> no, no. i'm not, no. i n't kill mwife. i can'do it. what facts do you have that i
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>> listen, i've seen rachel, okay? know what ys see when they seher because i see same thin ok? >> i'melling you, if i wanted toe with rachel, i would get a divoe. i would not [ bleep ] ki my wifever something at small. you know what? okay? i know what happened, i know whatoue trying to . >> what am irying to do? >> you're trying tget me uet and it's worng congratulation >> reporter:pset at this hostile line of questiong, thaid he'd had enough. got upangelyhook th' nd. >>ppcie it. >>eporte and tn walked out. the endwhat d the inigators have? thateth li aboutex, bu wait en th? alhe admitted toas making ouwith rachel. d on the b questn, he insisted, ernd over ain, that he d t kill lisa. even ant thomas expresse
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of the marathon interview, nely five holo. >> you felt u'd come out of a 15ound fight? >> it s exhausng. lt sewt like a failurein some regards. >> why? >> we didn't get the full confession. >> reporter:aybe that' cause th didn't dot. agent thom just didn't know. t the won inhe caldwell family, without knowing any of seth's admissis about rachel, beevedith 100% cerinty th seth dinot ki lisa. especial lisa'sister a se's gre friend, presley. >> i was never thinkinthat se didt. >> reporter: only todd cdwell s no longetrue belver. the cop in questioned why th needed to lawyer up. s own inveigative instincts so kked in, though he'd askehis fellow depies not tell h anying unthey were readymaken arrest and te on e the
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close. >> iould say a10:00 on tuay night may 26tneher seth bri tate were completelyliminated suspects. >>eporr:t that te, vestigators were meeting at eriff's departmentommand center to take.eyneth had husnd with a psie rliend a a ybe azy igor wh a vendta. but ey also arnehat nit erwaa missg sh atid it all mean > onpiecof the puzzls in place.>> ts a hugeevelopme in that case it was. >>heanother und of heartbreak forisa's fa. sas th your brain can absorb >> definitely. >> definitely. when useat the fst sign.witht the vir s from cell to cl. only aeva penetrates dp and starts to work immiately blockheirus a prott althy ll you could al your co se, ft, as fast as two a a half da when ud at the first sig
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immeaty at don't tough itut it out, fast. with abr 's easy to le youraxive when thalax loves your body ba. on miralax hydrates, eases anftens toly, so you hace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. waa see mething innse?nepantene expert givesou the mosteautiful hair er, with our stronst pro foula everstngs beautil. now you can create your n tour of ital at ove garden, starting a$12.99. choose 3 of 10avitesto enjoy on one plat plus unlited salad and breadstick e be touofta is t one youre
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eporte >> repter: it wasundaye morning after lisa techel had been shot to dth. but it wast day rest for the techels and caldlls. they had to discuss arraements one of saddest wds ie uage i arrangeme we he to make arrangemts. that mt have been unreal >> yeah. ion't rememr it. rorter: grief-stricken, to decided to ay home by himself while the rest of s family and theechels met ia park. seth w the, but under instructions from his lawyer n to speak abouthe case. hered anmotionaloment th lisa'siers anher moer, tracy. >> the firsthing -- seth abbed e giand hued t s ansa, "they ini did it." well hugged sethyou know, to him we loved him. reporter:n investatorfinish theirorensic inratry, set
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iwas veryough wast amad the way it oked. >>rimecene techs had bn all er hadn't th >>ll over it i ess i went into d mode and tried rotect seth tt bit. and i wanted tcove the bed. >> reporter: what wayo thinking t>> i just didn s thood. ow was yalwith all this in these hours after? ihink hwas just shocked. >> rorter: that sunday wasn't a day of rest r the men an women tryingo soe the crim either instigors were focinon the murder weapon and were working a lead on a 12-gau mossrgtgun. it belonged to seth's friend lus well, who'd been roong th seth d lisa and had jus ved ou we showed lucas this photograph taken of seth at his home. you look in the rit- corner, luc, 's gurack isour ssbe in that rack? >> yes, 's the mide >>eporter: luc tald to deties abo tun on the day of theurde>>old em that i ha't took it with me and it suld be ther >> rorter: but his 1gauge
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techs scoured the trailer. and cops knew another place it wasn. onhe list of guns kept at the house that sethawritn for i agent. investigators felt certain the mossberg was used to kill lisa, but a big question remained. >> where is it? that's what wanto kw. where is the gun? >> repte tt same sunday morning, a team gan searching the big, beautiful piece of propertyhe seth and lisa were starting marriefe and preparing toaise a family. depu marty wondein, working his rst-ever homicide se, was ba at the scene. >> not too long in the sunday morning arch, overe thisig o tree, what doou hear? iear, "we'vt it. you know, otgun here ey were going nuts. >> repor there was mossrg in e tall gra abt 20 yards from the ba door othe trailer. >> boy, that was a huge development in that case. >> it s. i ineverneu know, oubled oled wh theyhat n. rorr:alstics woul lar tcthe mossrg with
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pregnant lis investats d fill in one g box on theirlist -- murder next, they word on possible moti was it aeighbor wi veetta or husband lusting afr anotwoman? ate agent birmingham and ty phis decided toave with seth's wfrie, rachel. >>e interviewed heon day, m 2h. >> there's no tricks he, meone halost tir life. actually two people have lost their life. >>eporter:ver the cose two hour birngham and phillipseeled back the layers of rachel's relationip with th. >> there having, you kno ki o ongng relionship. the are sexuly explicit temessag. there arpictessexually plit picture sent ba and fort >> he kissed m but inever led into anything else. he just used to lle i lo you. that's abo it. >> reporter: it soun like they were makg out raer than hangex. >>eah, yes. that correct >> he always ud to tell how pretty i was and how he'd like
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bui always made it car that is marrieand haa wife, and he's hing a baby a i don't wrfamili reporter: rachel told the investigors the seth s kw ul't be a murderer. >> wouldsurp you if he this? >> honesy? yes,t would. >> repter: but seth was a spect, and if he did fire that shotgun blast, that ulace rachel at the heart of a >> i tt's why i feel so guilty, cae i don't want it to be e >> reporr: tt day, deputi pips and wonderlin were bacat theeighbor brian tate's house. >> deputy wonderlin and myself deputy phillips are pulling up heret the tate residence t re-interew mr. tate. >> reporter: this ti, they asked him point blank about the murder of his neighb. >> we're justrying to fire this all out, yoknow. d u have anythg too sa's d? >>o, i dn't. >> rorr: tstucto his al ho and asleep ter king his
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was tellinthe truth and crossed ian tate off his suspect list. so you only had one suspect at this point. >>ea o sct a only one suspect. >> rorter: that evening, lisa's loved ones gathered at a funeral home for the visitatio thturnouwas impressive and included many of todd's iends the sheriff's depart. your felfice the ashey would be, you ow, they want to show condolces, reect. >> right. >> reporter: the moode was sombnd uneasy. the caldwells thea li's coffin. the techels stayed in the back the room. se was there. hisist-ipresley will never forget what happed next. >> he actuly ce upo me, kind of inheide t,e ve me a and he saidyowill alwaybe ster and i love y and i wake, i ve you back. >> rorter: wn the la sitowas go, only the two famiesemaid,till at opsite end the rm.
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come in ansit down behinme, a up rbehieth and i. i , "ith asonal visit or profeional --" >> reporr: ithis condolees >> yea and he said, "it's profsional." >> reporter: mty wondein was there. >> we ked seth to, you know, comeutside. and we did it ietly, i though >> repter: and when theyere outside, deputy wondlin carried out his ordershe arrested his friend seth tec fe deputy t the cus on him. they were sa's cuffs, the ones she'd ed as a reserve deputy. so this has got e ju more than your braiabrb. >> definitely,eah. >> reporte lite sister, "i'll alwaysyou," and 'sowntown. about to be charged.>> yep i dn't undd it. we wouldn't ever dream or ever understand that it cld be him. >> rr: sh's drm wato driva shiff's car as a deputy. bunow the wannabcop was
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the whole ca. >> repor >> repter: for lisa chel's mi, h bn a artbreakg, relentless week. ursd dn't prome to be any beer. lisa's funeral waselat the first lutherhurch in ottumwa. seven months earlier, todd caldwell wast the very same church, walking hidaughter down theisle on her wedding day. now, hd return to lay her to rest li w buried in her jailer's uniform. a special detail of officers serv as llbearers. law enforcement had come out to honor e of its own. >> lisa woulveyou know, is is all for me? i was so pud. >> sd've been able to ere and -- and watch her a mom. shwas just a joy. >> mothers shoul't bury daughters. >>ever. never. >> repter: after t funeral, thcaldwellnd techel families
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upcomingurder triaof seth techel. lawyers started to plot strategy strategy, with the neighbor, ian te expected to be ght he thickf it. tate's sister cheri says he never cod shake the feeling that theuthorities wld come ter hi >> he still feels like they're he's a murder. brian had eveneen inhe paper that they re calng him a crazy deranged neighbor. it just devastated him. >> reportehasummer, brian ta tumblednto a downward spiralnd never recovered he died in september 2012, just months after lisa'sder. the coror wod think it was heart. >> yes. what's thfamily think it was? >> we thinit was heart. a brok heart. >>eporter: now protors andyrosser a scott brown -- fromhe sta's attorney general's office -worried that a jury might think the danged, ceasedghborhood did it. their plan h bee call tate as aitness. >> on the theory that thdevil you know is always better an the devil you don't, we nted
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>>eporter: but now with a iadate approaching, prosutors had lost a key witness. >> b f us. good for tm. it gre for them. >> reporter: the long-awaited murder trial of seth techel s in hometown ottumw >> ready for the jury, ntleme gentmen? >> febary 13, you e yourse going into the cothouse? >> yeah, i remember. >>hat do you two s to e another? >>got to sy strong. reporter: the caldwel never waed tbeliseth kild sa. but, headinto trial, they were all now convinced that he did, even presle once his staunchest support. >>here's rlly no oer explanatiofor what has haened. >> when you left t techel redee, who washere? >> repter: tworominent families, e ldwells and techels, once close in-laws,
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camped out on opsite sid o thcotroom. se had pad not guilty. i was like, "just look at me, like, i wa to see kind of your es,ow y'rdoing," but he doesn'tooat you. >> sheas like best friend >> reporter: prosecurs called to the stand the emotional trumcard. dd caldwl remembed his lisa. >>veryone would tell me how much la and i are alik i would just tell everybody that she's the best parts of me. >> reporter:he prosecution had the buen of proving the charges, first-degree murder and nonconsensual terminion a pregncy. id you tnkour strongesct was gng foard, stronge par yr ory for jury pbay e stmpta ng pcef idceashe repter: blistics showed this mossberg -ggeashe rd wean, a firea tha sethepside h h, and only hhad accesso ithat rning, prosecutors aue >> no murderer who wtso ll sa tecl cometo the mder enwiout the murder weapon. >> we argu the impossibili
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some unknown assaint bres into his house and kills the wifehat he says he goingo lee. >> tyleratterson is ounext witness. rorter: prosetors called one of sets yog friends to show t jy, thesaidjust how ceptive anmapulative seth was. this witness w one of the bo, it tned out, behd l the ndisacro t fce he testified hwas just followinth's orders. >> he to us to go mess with his ighb t >> how we you ing mess with him? >> filfive gallon buckets full of dog manurango dump them his pperty. >> repr: rem sd assuhis -in-law and state agt who iewe hi-- the ectpposite. >> i said, "m t messg him. i'll makre nobodse is." >>eporter: looking bac that incident was what turned todd against brn tate in the t place, fg the ideahis
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a derangedmaybe dangers crank. >> i'm going by at seth d told me abt him. >> reporr: as for tate's mplaint callwith t puties, as ctured onashcamideo, became evidee for prosecution. >> we we hopeful that the jury would see brian tate as we saw him. >> reporter: and they saw m an ecctric, but harmlessan. certaiy t a killer. then, at lt, it watime for e state's st witne, ra farl thether womanto shp anll her story. did you need the jury to like he >> we nehe jury to believe her. >> rorter: rachel testified her relaship with stted heatinup in december, 2011, whh was twmonths after seth got mared. >> it became more sexuasking me to send me to send picres. don't know, just shong off my body, iuess. >>epr: on may 20th, 2012, th and racl met at a nature preserve, where ey took this selfie to remember their time together.
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. heaid that we had everything comn and that he had tried ing things out with lisa and they just n't working and i was exactly whatwanted. >> reporr: she said th repeedly told her he was gng toivorce h wife. >> did he sahe loved you? >> y >> reporter: b rachel wa hedging her bets she ld seth she was also terested in -worker med brandon, who just happened to ca her during her th sethe park. >> he ju started getting ly jealo. >> and so onhe 2h when he learned that you were communicating with brandon, he id what? >> just give me two more weeks. >> d you ask him what heeant just give me two more weeks? >> yes, and he jusrepeatedhetement.>> reporter: six days later, lisaasurdered in her own bed. >> andere we have a motive th we e whole relationship wh rachel was evidence that was like a countdown to lisa techel's death
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te ang the mive of an affair falls at without the essential element, sex >> sh chel was bng accused ofurderi his wife foan affair that he w hoping to somedaha. y never had intercourse him. >> no. >> you've vehad oral sex wi him. >> no. >> never hour clothes off. >>o. >> and you kissed a few times. >>es. is that a fr asssmentf the tentf yo romc lationip witmr. techel >> y. >>eporter: t defense also dn'tccept thstats ke the neir a harmls eccentc. >> the most compelling edence as to how thisurred invoed e neighbor, mr. tate.asenllil >> i de ing to you >> rr: and accdi to thdefee, dangeusoo. the fee th hmereho e rayal ofhe
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bei theirt witns. >> right. >>ouelievehe cecom a daer. ne wuld to thatesidencein sd us extreme caution. >>t is corct, i di >> repter: t def eorized th tatentered e trailethrough an unlocked door and shot lisr renge. the kedefee evidenhat suggested intruder s a stray peanut butteanjelly sandwich in a baggie left the back dec >> thereas a sandwich that would not have bn ere the night beforehat s there. repr: critters ou have devred it, he argued. he told the jury it mu have been the killer's snack. >> i bve it to be the mo compelling piecef evidce in the whole case reporr: iwas w ta to deci but it but it wouldn't be easy. in the jury room, deliberations andra.
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door sing he wanted out of there and we werin tears. there and we in tears.recent, verin had usti red bls to t to mato try to keou tnk theyad muc better network.buthere's one big thing th lt ou the nespri l plus network deliveter wnad spds than vezo &t a t-mile, bad onata om a independent third part that's because we've en oesse wi buiing e network of the futur and to celebrate, we're cuttineiras in hf. swch tspri andav ont zo at-ms. gethe pl nrk wer cotowi$6er oy (ting tvintla inlgence... no loncos at a price. well, actually it does... but it's just .99 new hot shot wsky chken plebee's gll & favorites made aittle tter for y. feating new dishes loaded wh ,
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x:iploc bag ening sfx: ambie school catea ds, chenalking fe doesn't cry ospilled lk. it cheers. life nee zipc. x: zloc bag closing sc johnson nivea in-shower body lot first i wash. then i apply it to my wet ski it moistures with nsticky feel. quicy rinse off. and i'm ready to go. nia inhower bodyotio in e bootion aie.
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and i'm star to get wod at that point. >> rorter: micah sheheen was on the jury. sa one holdouturorn icul responsle f e emat >>std dingthe oraying ate nted out of the. and we we in tears a lot of us because we knew th we werup aga a wall, that nothinelse cld be done with this person. >> after weeks of testimony and three full days of deliberatis, t seth chel rder trial came to sudden conclusion today. reporter: it was all over.>> the motiofomist i hereby granted >> reporter: the judge declared a mistrial because of a hung jury. hung jury? punch to the gut, andy yoever have one? >> well, i never hadne in almost 30 years. >> reporter: prosecutors immediately decided to retryhe case. e vote had been 10 to 2 for convon. >> of course wre disappointed in what haened. >> reporter: thealdwells h lost a daughter ansister and, w,hey coul't en get the closure they desperatelyanted.
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over ain. >> it'ha tknow tt you' gog to have to endure anr e. >>eporter: a tri date was sefor seven months later octor 13. d trial number two woulde hearin a n courthouse. there'd been a chae of vue to the town of mt. pleasant. making it even tough on the ldwells, the daily tks to court,ives disrupted the necourtrm had stinctivyout that put the caldllamily directly behind thfendan >> he's literally sitting right in front of like you are. >> reporter: which only de it more frustrating forresley who was still trng for any kind of connection tsomeone she once loved like a ber. >> i'm just staring at h, lijust glancat me. doometng. and he doesn't. >> reporter: and evemore painful for the familyas having to sithrough ain all
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raw ime scene photosf their lisa a the unborn babyirl. reporter: other thathe change of venue, seth teel's second murder trial play o as aarbon copy of the first. me lyerssa judge, sa argumes. a reay of two oppong eories -brian tate, th "oth suspect," versus seth techel, the husband wi the "other woman." rach mcfland was, again, the prosecion's star witness. >> here on may 4th of 12, he nt you nt you aessage wita picturof his own smiling fe saying, miss you bella. >>m-hmm. >> is that a term of endearment thate calledou, his bella? >> yes, yes. >> you sent him a picture ofou either a bikini or your bra and underwear. is tharight? >> yes >> and then he says, "well, wish me luck. i love you" at 10:51 p.m. on may 24 of 2012. what was haskingou to wish him well wh?
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divorce. >> reporte two ds later, lisa was dead. by now, r familyaddene opinnsbout rache >> d't tnk too highly her. fe le she destroyed my sister's marriage and her life. >>eporter: todd, racl, h? actually, i'm maybe not the most popar view. i blamher for at part she ha platheth i ink e'beind a ctims well. >> rorter: tefenseered thjury same bogeyman as before. t defense wt even harde atrianatthan they had the rstime aund. >> he could quickly become volatile and atated. >> reporr: this time, the defense, over strenuous prosecution objections, got te's psychiatrist to ttify. 'd treated him near the end of his fe in a hospital mental alth u health unit.
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deon?>> yes >>nd was there a general top of delusion of which he was panoid? he seemed to makeeference that there werso gornmealonspiracies affecting him. >> reporter: after tee wee of triala second jury had seth techel's fate in its hands. d th'shen things goteja vu all over again. the dge ad aote from the foreman. >> wre n goireh a verdict.wh'sext? >> rorter todd, it'sappeng again. >> yep. and i'm thki this is two mont worth of trlsnd we're right backo the beginnin >>epter: but t jud wasn't rdy to give up. heold the jurorso keep ying. emotions in thopen courtro reaw, espealn e caldwell side. thjury couldt help but hear it. >> preey and i weryi we weren cing uncorollab or anyth but u could ar us snifflg a little. >> reporter: as e jury filed t,efense attorneste gane to old the spectators.
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mistrial in fairnesso his client >> i do not sire this juryo be influenced by the public. >> reporter: now, it was the prosecutorrn to seet >> the defense is making ts speech abo calfaly trying to sow inflnce th ju, which we thought was ludicrous. i squeez andy's arm and i said, i' take this. >> to stand up here and suggest th aone inheourtroom i making a maki an tempt to intention nallynal ly fluence the jury is absolute nonsense. >> reporter: the courtro stard to stle down and clear. but th remned at the defense table,is forr father-in-law coil behinhim, ready to ce. >> i was jusprayg, "plea just me and here. epter: for me than a minute, glarg, burning a hole inets ba. if looks could kill. >> tre just kind of anrge to move foard. >>eporr: to jump the rl?
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that justet me stand. hat were you dng in your mind? >> i don't really wa to even think of what i was doing iny mit was i was wanting to dsothg. >>eporr:wo hou lat, the rors returned. buthing had changed. >> aistrl is declared. >> rter: unbelievabl veteran prosecutors never d a hungbefore, were now for 2. again, t ste didn't sitate. seth thel would trial for a third time. >> our intent is to retry it. at wasn easy decision to make >>eporter: even thoughhe ju'sote was again in for of convi of convictio this time 9 to 3, lisa's family was starting to have its doubts. >> ithere someing th'm just orlooking? like dide not do it? ishere somhing thathey justee a ty're like -- he's not guilty? >> repr: but jt enhe thought th coun't ffer any moreeartbreak,he caldwells would beevastated by new
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>> i heard it about a week bere therial and it -- just hit me in e >> wche to focn e sloppyork done bthlaw enrcement. there s no d, ngin one one diamond for your best friend . one for ur te lo. for e one woin your life whs both. er u nethisalentinedad, a all the hard work... time ithe service... community coege... matters. it's why we, niversity of phoenix, count your relevant work ancollege experien as cdits towaryour degre
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>> repter: two families. two trials anso farno winners. but trial number three promise to be different, staing with nedefense te. he previialsere t success. and seth came daerouy cl to being convicted in each of them. >> rorter: sta-aointed defense lawyers ror owens d ja feuerhelmw at, two trials, 19 of urors had voted to teto convieth techel. didn't like tho nbers and decided to hd in a diffent dictn. we e to foc on th worney e law foemen there was absolutely no dna, fierprinonfessn. >> reporter: feuerhe would argue itas a botched vestigation. y would cre scene techs do tests to match the sluto the muer weapo buter check it f finrprints na that
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nowe fgo or we didn't do it. >> whoops. >> whoops. >> repter: nef te had a new sry to ll. it was all a rush toudgment to blame se, who'd been in ever since his arrest two years eaier. and therwas another big rategic t. ey would softefocus the boogeyman of the first two tria -- brn tate. cion wa steng to t tap omr. tha wast th ranged person that they tried to portray him as being. >> the waye s speaking to law enrcenat afteron would nose like thpeon th wld have walked io a trailehome at 00n the morng and rder h igor. >> reporter: theefse attorneys made aacca decision. since recordgsf tate didn't make him look like a dangerous killerthey would n show pes of him to the jury. and they'd roll the dice, hoping the prosecutors wodn't eher. >> thealdwells and techels h beenut through t wringer for
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closrelationship had frayed. and now the third trial was pushing everyone to the brink. it was an impoible sittion, but somehow todd caldwell and doug techel managed find a montf grace. i went over tm and i said, "doug, i want yoto k at i think youe great gu i ink u' a good peon >> didou reay? >>noatter hothis turns out, it wa you to at." and he said, "i ink the me thing wi you, dd." and i went to ake his hand and ust hugged me and we both just hugged. >> rorter: the two fathe then returned to opposite sides ofurder trial. ly 2014,or the third time, the state iowa versuseth techel >> counsel, you ready for the ry? >> reporter: thitime in davenport, three hours from e first urthouse in ottumwa. the prosecutors once ain ared that seth's sry defied gic.
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im of one ofhe larst incidees ever knowand that is he told his glfriend he lt his wife. and a li less than7 hours la some unown assailt breaks inthis housd kills the wife that he is -- says 's going toea. >> with a we which hha't brought with him. >> correct. with a weapon which he hasn't brought with him. i had a mossberg model 50n. >> a 12- . >> repter: and sh, prosecs sa, d ea access to the mu wpohe otgun that his friend lucas kept iseth's house >> is th >> is that the same 12-gauge mossberg shotgun that you left hind ithe techel residence when you moved o imaof 2012? >> yes. >> reporter: andthprosecors gued setd a move. th said nd rhel' ea tts aone photosyelike cntdown to murder seth. >>9:20 p.m. the 24th, asm,u rely want to be wme d he rponds,fo" >>ightyes. >>eporter:hat's y 24th o days before lisaeath and in a folloup tt, rachel
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>> a he spon, ell,e taed. tolder i wasn't ppy, s got ma then sad, then i slept on the couch. so hello, mrs.escitato >> correct. >> reporter: rachel told the jury that she and co-worke nicknad seth "mr. resustator" bause he was a volunteer firefightewho often bragged about s life-saving cpr heics. >>he wasoi to be mr. resuscitator and you were going to be mrs. resuscitator. >> yeah. >> reporter: then to dve home thr contenon that thhose murder over divorce,rosecutors called a co-work who'd been a confidante of seth. >> i just expressed he jus needed to either endis marriage or end itith rachel. >> a in saying that hehould end s marrge with lisatechel, did heake y comment ncerning childupport? >> he keme if i wanted to pay hichild pport. >> reporter: and then the witness recaed anothemark
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wreck and died. >> reporter: prosecutors hoped eir third ti would be the charm. but, the new defen attorneys would come at them with everything they d d that incled expve newvi this tim this time, it was about sa. yound t there's this guy, ao-woer. lisa's life? lisa's life? take plosec i ta prilosec otc each mning for myrequent heartburn
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d ianso paat in the oclinical,,,,,, rep >> reporter: from the day lisa techelas murdered, ban tate had been targeted as a suspect. >> go get him. go get him now. >> reporter: and he'd been ploiteby seth's defense ever since. >> the question at you will haveconser iwhether or nothe state has oven tha th techel did it. >> repter: new defen attorneys roger owens d jake feuerhelm d a coletely different strategy. they barely mentioned tate's me. rael, offed as seth'move for murd in earlier trials, was also minimized this ti. >> good afternoon, miss mcfarland.
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>> rorter:n cross-amat rachel s on the stanr a scann minute ckock, there's the message onhursy. mr. d uscitatolu skies wee a couple. whato yo with something like that? i tried to be as raightforward as i could with the jury. whin theld is going to muerheire to facilitate a relationship thahasn't even turned sexual? >> you're not having anyex withhis man, right? >> correct. >>nd t only time you'd actually seen him in person, in yo wlentire life, outse of work, was four or five times. >> cct. >> i have furer questions. >>hat we wanted the jury to think abouher is that you're going to shofe f th? >> repr:orneys feuerlm and ows then went on the atckchaczinghe wk of investigatorss woully shoddy. >> the ayes have them inconsistent, incompetent, inmplete. >> reporter: the new defense thrust was on wh
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this state criminalist had t admit they did not test for gunshot residue seth techel. how many timedo youhi you testified criminal trials th gunshot residueas evidence of a cre? >> a lot. >> but in this case, no, we can't argue it because we dot have i have it. >> yeah, exactly. wenever know. >> never know. reporter: and the dse said it waev more ocking th this state expert had to ke a simil admison aut e fatal shgun shel >> this is thehell tt killed lisa techel. >> yes. >>he vy shell th killed this woman was never examined by the state. theyust said, weorgot do it. >>orter: but theenterpiece of the defense case agait the cops was something else they didn't dey'd been sousy inveigating seth, who'd been behind bars nce s arrest two years before, that they never really pd attention toisa. the new defee team would
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hecell phone and the secrets it held. u found out the storld by the phone? that there was this gu-- coorker? >>ig. >>eporter: it was a bombshel lisaas having an affair with a fellow jair. lisa's lover was a married man, a fheof fou >> rte andis n making out in the ba of the car? >>o. he thought he cod evene the father of he-- oe child. he thought that. >> rorter: so ey cald lisa lover, jasotinnesto thstand. >> back in may 2012, didou know lisa chel? >> yes, i d. >> reporter: jason testified that the affair started before lisa married seth and ended just weeks be s before her murder. at me poiidur relatwith la techelece sexual>>es, d.>> wn talabout talkinabout texting, are we? >> no, sir. >> we're talking about actual sexual intercourse correct? >> yes, si
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the revelation that hidaught had a lor wathcrlest ow yet. he ftion i h is why, why lisa. kn?anecond ought ion't nt to llmy because i know she's not going to be happy. >> reporter: does it tai your memory at all? >> really, what it did for me more than anything is, i have many more questions that i'll never get the ance to he me, i love lisanshe s a human g and she made mistes. >> reporte the graphic testony out lisa aff w policeverlood it, fit peecy the dse's them a botednvtigation ana sh to junt agast seth. >> here's a legitimate spect that should have been invested. >>eporte investigators never spoke to jason while they were building tir casagains seth. prosecutors filly coacted him just days before the third trial started. >> so een may 22 and someti in ju o2014, no o
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you dn't talk to anyone out this at all? >> no, sir. >> rorter: but psecutors ught back. jason had an alibi witne, hi wife.ey called her to the stand. >> do you have any memory miss ties as the wheabouts of your husband on may , 2012 at apprimely 5:.m.? >> he wasleepi wh me a r ho >> reporr: andna testing on jason done rig bore trial alsorod was nothe father of lisa baby. but the defense still believed thsing thetory of li's affair and pice never uncored it wouive jurors reasonle doubt about the entire investigation. because this is the big part of ur cin tal thr jurorsu're sinso rely shabbpolice work here in terms of investation? >> it fell rht into our theme,
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reporte testimo in e d tria streamliny both des, toolf the te the otrs did. that was another part of the n defens'sised strategy. thd alrey been five hoout jurors in e previous tria noto cdwelworrie e new defensteam had proded a cloud of even more reasonable doubt. >> you kind of think, okayif i waon this side, that's kind how i would have handled it.they're doing a prty good job. d coce to be another hung jury. why wouldn't it be >> todd aneryoe in for a rprise.delsym -the1 doctor recommended 12 hour cough qd.
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>> reporte >> rorte jul, 14. th timin were ffert. didn' he didn't glan in any direction. not at h not at his family, and cerinly not at todd, h former fath-in-law. ths the young guy you used to clap the back and say, " love you." "just ta care of her. at's all i a." >> reporter: b todd was staring direly at seth, hoping to find something, anything. now, the moment was at hand. t has. repter: the jge asked the court atteant toeae verdic lisa's mother cod barely contain her emotions. li's siste bundlof nerves. >>ou one -- wehe jy find
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guil of murdn thfirs degr. signedy the head juror count two -- non-consenual termination of human pregnancy, guilty. >> reporter: the justi system had nally oken for lisa and unbornoey. and then you hr thwords? what do you see? >> i hear the wos guilty. and i see nothing, not one sing emotion from his ce. >> reporter: the js had ken four hours tconvict. on their way out, severa rehed ross tshake tracy's hand. hand. esley still had one big estion. >> i wou >> i would love tosk him why. ere'seth before may 26and then there's seth from may 26t on. and it's almost like i don't know who that is.
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tried to fightack tears. >> it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: on the caldwell side, tears of joy and displays of overwhelming re. there were hugs and more hugs, more thatwo years of pt-up otns finly coming t. e caldwells then wked ross the aie. the twmoms ecenited tragedy. we know this family. i ow is not doug and lorraine's fault. it'sot tiramily's t that any of this hapne todd searched out ug. only three years be, they were all celebrangheir kids' wedding together. do and lorraine still suort their son d y he didn't do what he's nocoicted of doing. do you havwhisper of dou, eier of you?>> no, sir. >> none whatsoever. i never havend i never will.
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thk liwsomhere th the system th she wanted to be a partf rked. >> rorr: the caldwells and chels weren't the only ones with a stan the verdict. ian te sister i d been waiting for this moment, too. >> i start crying. it wasn't tears of sorrow. it was teajoy. thad finally gotteth i perois reptecas the burdenf helpto pin the blame tate in tse awf moments afr lisa's murde ian nev tell thfamily how sorry i am that they had to go tough what they had to. we're going to have thst rd on ian . is is annnocent guy that was made a victim byeth. >> all rise. >>eporter: a sentencing hearing was held in septemr 2014. the caldwells re gen a chance to dresthe urt,ut talked directly to seth.
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anyou know what you took from me out of everybody in this room, you know. >> reporter: presley, lisa ster, walkedp to te her turn. during all three trials, she'd desperately tried to make eye contact with seth. >> seth s my best friend, my brother, who i led so much. >> rorter: now, shfinally got what sheanted. she spoke, shlooked straight ahim. and fothe first time seth stared right back her. >> i'm going to leavyou with one final thought, that i'm no longerr sister and i no longer love you. >> reporter:nd then thjudge nd down the sentce. life in prisonith no possibility of parole. when it was finally all over, todd went to the cery for
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daughter. >> i wenout there and i just told her that we did it and e could be proud of everybody. >> repter: todd's beenack ny tes sin. lisa's grave is a spec deeply personal place for him. he designed her adone. what are the fes in dd? >> the firsthing i wldo when i started likskching it is, i would just draw a hear out. for someeason iny head, it should be in thape of a heart. the second thing i would p in this a mother holding a baby.and lisa and i had this thing that we would say to eacotr. we texted to eacotand evytng. it's fro "the book," movie and 's -- 've alwaysai "if you're "if yo bird, i bird." u know, me, whever - whew "whater u are, i a
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