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tv   Right This Minute  NBC  January 31, 2016 12:30am-1:05am MST

12:30 am
,, welcome welcome bao the "monopoly millionaesclub." it is time to find out which of r player go r $1illion. how about that? [ cheers and alause ] we are gna s witcyhia, who won the most money - $100,000. cynthia, do yowant to give up your0,000 for a chance to go fo$1illion [ auence shouting ] ! she'gonna stay. congratutions, cynthia, and ank yofor playinour game. all right, next was elsie from
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els,ou won $,000h yo od-lchm,our husband ght ou want toivup that $39,000 and take a shot for $1 mon auen shoutg ] no! no! els gonna ay! all right. ele,hank you for beinger and aying our ga. alght. everybody won money today,o we're downo anothequestion. shawn the cat secon, you won 000. do youant givup that 4,000 a shot to goor $1 million? dice shoutin what do yowant tmy man >> gng for $1 lln! >> he's goa go! come on downere. join me on the "" spot. all right, shawnright here, my man. all righ brother. you won the least amountf ney. e rpd yore pla fo monow?>> liked my my odds.
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>> i hadhe scerios imy head. >> yeah,'m sure you did. [ laughter ] dohe same thing. i think u got a sh he, so re's how this thing works. you have 5 rolls, okay? if you can gall the way around and pass "go," you and the lottery wiersitting in the cat sectn arnna split 0000. [ chee and applause ] how about that? >> that' awesome. >> now, ou land acy where you're standing on "go," u and you alone willin milon that's big payday, broth. [ cheers andpplause and ifhat happens, the ltery winners in the catecti will litoy'dice jacot, ich is... me on, b money 00,000. alrigh .2 million out there on the line. yowh's firsthing you do? >> i don't even know. >> you don't even know. travel. >> well, i hope i se you on the best trip you've ever been on. are you ready? >> i am excited. >> thiis howhis is gonna work. in theiddlof t floor the monopoly rock 'n' roller. th thing gon start shang the dice.
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you put yo hanhe, you hitth butone timeke it off there, that' stop the dice. have 5ls to t to "." i wish you the b are yorey? i'meady. >> all right, here we go. e we ready? [ chee and applause ] fire up that rock 'n' roller! all righ let's get aig number now. big nuow g nuer. all right. what dwe got there? nice roll. we g a 7. t this way. .. 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7.ll right. we're on chance. here's t deal. chan is some goostuff, some bad stf. we don't know where it's at, so i hope y pick a luckcard. what number looks good to you? [ dice shoutin] 1. >> nber what is undech cd number 1? it beood. "col $1,000. w abt th >> that'alri very nicely don off to a good ar go4 rolls to go. are u ady? >> i'm ready. >> you're read fire up thatock 'n' roller! come on, doubles. come on, doubles. big number or doubles.
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all right. boom. what do we got tre? a oy. all right. 1... 2. 3. u, sir, arstitin jail. so guess wha there's a good tnd there's a bad thing, and i don't know where they're at, so please lucky again. which cell you want them to open? audien suting ] >> 2. >> number 2. cell door number 2, please. ohh! lose a roll. that's all right. it's all right. you had 3 rolls. w you're down to 2. but, againdoubles can keep you moving, all righ >> all right >> doubles can keep you movi, soet roll so doubl. d. >>ll rightfire up that roc 'n' roller! come on, cat section! let's hear y now! all right. let's go. binumber or some doubles. how about that 4. allht you're rolling low, but t's win some money. 1... 2... 3. virniavenue. how much is th worth? $7,000. eryou .
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you got 1 roll left,ut you played monopoly before you know how this s. yoll doues, we keep it alive, all right? >>m-hmm. >> so let'stay positive. how about some doubles? fire up th rock roer! me on, doubles come on, doubles.[ cheers and applause ] 7. rig 7.ll rht. yore sll gonna win se more money, though. 1... 2. 3... 4. 5... 6... keny avenue chs that wth $12,0. he you took your chance. you gave up $24,000, you're still going home wh $20,000 that y're gonna split wihe cat ction. thank you for beg here, okay? >> asome. >> you got it, man. and thank you, guy for bng here with usthon miionaes' club
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[ ee and applause ],,,,,,,,,,, fir
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from wall o flames.>> it just gets incredibly sry to tch. >> what ppens en they run out of room to run. aelep ges a undero warngo someild dogs. >> see the baby in the middl of one epicbattle. hiksealizehe smack in theh of danger. at broke loose that nearly wiped them out. nd he's the masd man behind arazy youtube channel where he's dedicated to licking weirdthin. w the licking guy explains why hi odd oessi hasomeard and fast rules. absolutely i alys cry some moh. bsoluty heart stog footag has just hithe web, ging rl insight into the
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firefighters wo the inciden happened in november in australia. five crews a heading to a all town with one mission. they have to protect pperty because there'sestorm heing their w. but as they're on th way,hey never make it there, because the winds sht, causi whatan on be desib as wall of fire and the first indicator they is that d tns to nigh this is where it juets incredibly scary towatc out of ttarkn emergeshe monsr. as a hug wlf flame comes out of where. they're honng tir horns.
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it g evener ath ieen o aay day. tworew memrs were outside at fire neey had gotte on so water pumps. they are trapped outside and he had nidea where the re >> it wasas and it s cong tm incdibly ty' usinghisa wag, sinhen w give u warning to leave, leave immediaty. with this video, with everythg you've just seen and d, one singleinjury >> inten for these pele. >> it really just sho the minute to minute life or ath worlthesguys live in every day. a a you can see, this proves tempng tempting for these wd do. thelephants get a little upset when the dogget too cle. >> iove theound ofn angry
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i love it. >> a those wild dogs, they still try to pursue, even tugh they get chased, they kp going. ty have numbers o their side. dogs have numbers, and that i in their for big time. >> you don't see the pack in fu. they're behind tbushes. and the wild dogs aren'tery aware of it yet. you see right about here, one reveals itself in the bush. those elephants in the bushes, it not l you can't see them yet. the dogs are like,e'rengry, there's a , it's like blood in the water. they still goingo make an attempt,ecausey thinkhe have eleants ouumred. even if they do, they're big elepnts that comto asst. >> and you see them helpinghat baby up that nk. that little one couldn't he gotten upherey itself.
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with these b boys here. the these hikers are on a threday tri through the pk in argenneargent you n see t guys helping some othe hikers get over to the other side of a sll stream of rushing water. they notice that something chges dramically. their expertise helps them recognize the chaing sounds in their environmen >> >> whoa! >> oh, man. >> wow. >> that's crazy. >> a >> a massive avalanc right in theirdirection. they escap in a matter of seconds.
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's not just water. th's rk a boulder and debris. >> that's why these guys a saying it's so important that if u areut there, y have be aware of this conditions. the snow is rushing down the untain at veryh spes carrng with it mud, rocks, and putting hikers life in danger. theye saying if you're going out here, try to have an experienced guide with you a do not hike le so many of us do with earuds in our ears listeng to music, because t sound is going to the first te-tale sign of an on coming alanche. >>nk goodness they had t guides. >> everyboe out just fine with a big oldcare. hisideo looks like it's up high off the road. that's right, you're traveling
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like to call them. >> i >> i looks liket stops short of theouseig through the stonecing of that garden there. lesreak itown and wch it again, what happens here. well, this van is pulle over to the si. that causes the black car here to slow down, because it knows there is not aotf room twn tha van and the oncoming truc th person isn't expecting that black car to slowdown. then ba. >> there's a lot of explaining to the insur compy, i hit car, that truck, and oh, that person's house. thanklly no oneas injure in t second juken video, you know wheres is going. giantog trk. er time i s one of these, nse up. this show makes me nervous,
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>> tnk goos tre's a guardrail there. >> oh! >> oh, man. >> didomebody call for rewood? >> it's like"finalesnation " that's big o mess. thank goodness though, the truck tipped to the right, off theroad, a wasn't going arnd a rightanderhich mit have caused a giant load of logs to go into oncoming traffic. >> the driver okay?>> it doesn't look like a heavy impact, just kind of folded slowly o its side. >> there's going tbe sal tooth pick a dog is man's best iend. >> like this dog whoeems to be very connected to its owners. >> find out what has this cutie waggin its tail.
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ve new use for dros. >> these dros sav lis. th gens metho tt can ma huge difree. to treat their aches a pains more people reacfor advil. snet y er thais advil. now you can eate yourown to of italy from olive gden's most mouthwering dishes, starting at $12.99. choo 3 of 10laic favorites to enjoy on one plate. li our delicious newhrimp ravioli th lobster alfredo, a lled pasta like irresistible tortli al forn d a classic like creamy fettcini are. plus unlimited saladnd freshly baked breadsticks. beuse best tour of i is the one youreate. only at olive gaen. we're all family he. breadstick lovers, your new favorite lun is here,
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ma this you have to a brainiac to do your own taxes. soe brought inorld-renownedainiac, help him. our fier prerihe.sfx: camera shut buzz, oop. yay,ou gott.
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i avoide i avoided eps. i hated pickle jars. then marmast recommended capzasin. block arthritis pain for hours with capzasin hp. peo ple hav bee ung drones for different uses. the glides at fly-ability may have finlynday to usees save lives. 've seen he crevasses off e side of amountain that's what this drone is fo th veo is a proof ofonce of how they're going to be able to use that droneo kraftkraftcrevassesnder who ve llen.
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matter ift bumo something. >> exactly. it's got a spherical roting cage. it's very stable. even an amaur pilot will be able to dthis. they'reoing ts test at 1,50 feet of elevatn, a enact th cet it they say 30 feet bew the surface. you can see just howsel it is in this vio. it start to go through an extremel narrow crevasse, banging off the walls. it doesn't affect it. the impacts don't seemo be that tough. it comesith aull hd ca, it got leigital hd video. they're doings at night. the only thing that seems to be limitedsow far ican communicate from the controller to the one. >> just having eyesn w somebo is can really help
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effect their rescue. >> this could really be the drone of the fure. > two videos wre aog was involved it looks likehese t nses are trying to treat this do they'rerying to sit on the dog. it loo like it just pops. at dog is enormous it looks like the same sign. >> the tng it'soing to be super strong awell. >> this dog does not like w they're doing one se is ju goingo take off. >>ith her on the back. >> taking the nurseh it. >> it's amazing. >> and it's hilariousecause the peopl left bind look bac
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>> they realize we've got to check the cameras, that'soing to be awesome. >> fm one juken video to anothe juken vio. this deemso beery coected to i owner's emotion. wah th >>ogs can'tpeak o language. t theyuilyrn af ou fialreacons, our by tions. eynow wt's going on, just by watg closely. they can tell. >> there going, cookie? i'm sorry. cookie? i'm sorry. it's paintll warfare in the sky. >> you better have a good shot. >> prima focus numbe e, you better be a good skydiver. >> there is tha see w thismashup is a real hit. psovie terh inoff. >> there i new he in this video. >> w the force is strongn this one. guys, to celebrate super bowl 50 i'm rewardinfansh speciaoffer.
12:51 am
50en?! that's pocket chang if onlwe had pockets... what? purely decorative. t a rge,topping pizza foronly 50 centswhen you order any large pizzaat regular menu price. add our new brookie for just6more. better ingredients. better pza. better football. pa , i'm nrle i know tre areany mythout there ab a reverse mortgage so want you to know the ct a reverse mortgages sured by the federalovernment; you can get tax-free m from t eitin your me you n use money to pay off your currentortgage, if you have one;
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be used for ything; there's no monthly mortgage pments,and you ill yoom callodayo t yo free guide and d it'sxplains how vernmeured revee mortgaorks.. thers oigion. one revee moge is a quicken loans compan their lice experts can aner all your estis. ca to find outhat a great soluti tcan . dot now! it's just a cough. if you cld see yr cough, you'd see just how far it can sprd. robitussin dm x soothes your thro andelivs fastpoweul cgh rie
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okesx: go paperless, stss, girl i got the discounts atou nd safe driver accent-fr verydyut your flap air me ch relief. ratch relief. nter relie that's gbo medion relief. fisturizers us an extra streng itch fight gold bond relief starts now. a a bag fan of mashs. i like music mash sports mash even m fun imy opinion. let's tekydivi and putt together with weaponry. >> okay, nonlethal aponry. paintball. >> a the guy o a skydive telem up with chute and chute tdo sky wars, aerial paintballing.
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>> there is that. >> you see these guyjump out of the plainne and get in s formation. >> that would be a really good way tdo this, becausehe said part of the pblem with this was you have to steer your paracheith two hands and you'ot t shoot. so this is no ke, tre working on a bik trigger system so they can fly with both hands. >> i can'tait to e the fst gold medallistn that sport. >> idoesn't look likes going t wl here. yosee a couple misres here. they do tell us that there were a couple o strikes. it doeswork, and they are not done evolving this srtmash of paintball and skydiving. e's got tha machine gun b it wouldn't dvery wl li that.
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come on. good boy good boy! anher e. good boy! good boy good boy! od boy! yay! yay! good boy! >> as as i srt thisdeo, you all beonvinc i'muite early losing my mi. i thoug ylready it. m youthout. it's atrailend then loo who's lo is turning up. >>t's already out, though. >> but there arell t spinofmovi now in the "star wars" universe, courtesy of
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this video. as this hgehog walkscrs the expanse of carpet t story starts to vep. >> the force is strong in you. i ha ha i myife s it. and she'll have thatower too. > that's a baby. this is a pregnantcy announcement video, video, harng back to the "force awake" traile the b part the best part of this trailer comes at e en
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>> oh, yeah. >> thireaby nouncement. it w so well done. so epicallput together. he's the guy o'sot a taste for thexeme.
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now, mthe mysterious masked,,,,,,,,, ppare for yr taste bud toxplode athe mere sight of the video. we are about a to make -- >> good evening, gayle, the simple joy of a fky biscuit coming out of the can. >> we're making four-part garlic roll rolls. you ta thedough, add sime ingredients like garlicbuer,
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bake it, andn you have what los like a dicious -apart bun ijust5 minus. who are these people who thk ofhese super simple little thgs?>> you'r coong and one of them rolls off into somet else, you throw it into the oven and you realize, that will work. > bearded dragon isn tune withhe times. >> >> wn came aoss this video, knew iad suck ld. a guy in h c csing down the locat oweewe locotive it it begins running across the
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loateomotive locomotive. you could guess until y'r ithace wha thi up to andou will never get it. he's wearing a cpleki mask. he's totly vere the hes >> no! >> tsha this isll t, to run u and lickhe train. is is the licking gu he has anntire youtube channel dedicated toookingeird things. >> how about a large high tension power pyn? he jumps the te. there hgoes, making a runor it. here's anotr. he goes into a large retailer. frozenturkeys. >> he could hav bough it dinner first. >> onet one, aarge crane. heoes in to lickhe crane, and he succeeds. i know the questions are . let's meet t licking guy,
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the burning qstio i guess is a simple one to start with. why? >> wel i aays wanted to start a youtu channel. issue a fewimil channelsut the.i said, lete take it to the next level. >> so its a fetish? >> not at all. io enjoy journey of getting t the targets. it's not about the licking. it's about gettingthere. >> does your snificant oer ow wha you ? >>, and tt is the only personhat knows. >> ts why y wear t face mask? >> yes, i tryo kp m identity cretat this poinicki g stays secret. >> will it take for youo ck me?
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lick>> yes, iend to licsu
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