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tv   Early Today  NBC  January 31, 2016 4:05am-4:35am MST

4:05 am
(police car siren whinin (audience laughing) (siren whing
4:06 am
now is next g ser way to prank helpful pedestrians. (aience laughing) (serro music (screams
4:07 am
(f (funky need a sign th tching this sh is the right thi to do? here ya go! (audience laugng ischievous mus) (speaking in chinese language) (speing in chise language) (audience laughing) (sing cnese language) (speaking in cangue)
4:08 am
(saking in chinese languag (audience hi peakhineanag peakg inhise lane) (cash registeringing) (audience laughing) (spein chine lgu udience ughing) (funky mus) next, here's a ser-spicy prk th some might consider a little hd to swallow. (train horn tooting)
4:09 am
,,,,,,, (din (dinging) ging) (dingi) (dinng) (dinging) (dinging) (dinging) (funky music) is nexg is guaran to ha you, and all thesdogs, abluly howling. (audienclahing) (dogning) (drone whirring) (dog growling) udienclaughing)
4:10 am
(dog whing) og whining) (dog growling) (d groin og barking) (dogs barkg) og gwling) ogs rking) ience lang) groing) (dog bar) (aienclaughi) more gs coming up right after this. un mus) i avoide i oided steps. i ted pickle jars.
4:11 am
blk arthritiin forrs withapsin hp. life's too gre to be stuck with stoma issues. get ba to living. kaopecte mtiymom relief quickly relieves 7 tes of stomach problems so you can get back to le! kaopectate.thptn is pishegly odyne repair &tect ally repr sensitive teeth. haslinical evid ing how effectivit works. i know tha dentistsecommendnsott. hey! th is lloyd. to prove to you that the better choice forim is alev he agreed to give iup. ok, bui have 30 acres toover by sundown. we'll be wh him all daas he goes back to takingylenolyeah, i s ok, buafter lunch mynee stard hurting again so. re pills ye.. anher pill stop. can i ge aleve backet? for myain... i way aleve.
4:12 am
with an easy open cap. ive it tme im it baby i'm worth uh huh i'm wortit gimme gimme i'm rth it
4:13 am
by i'm worth and no and no funith pper say. don't try th at home
4:14 am
(upbeat funky indie music) (beeping) (spray can spraying) (groans) (audiee ugng) (upbeat nky indie sic) (sprayan spraying) (gans) nce laughing) pbeat funky indie music) (spray caying) (groan pray can sprayin (groans) (spray can sprayin (groans) (audiee ughing) (upbt funky dimuc) (sprayan sprayg) (groans) (aienclaughing) (spray can spraying) roans) (horn owin
4:15 am
(funky mic) u caprob see where this ng is hea straight down. witcengang
4:16 am
(funky (funkyusic) th nt anis kindf a thway.
4:17 am
(groans) (screams) - oa! (audiee laughing) (jazzylayful music roans) (scrms) roans) - oh. - oh. (groan (groan (gasps (audienclaughing) (jazzy playful music) (groan (gps) (garbage can crashing to floor) - bah! (groans) ah! - [man] oh! (audience laughing (jaz playful music)
4:18 am
[voice] ing aren thisext g is positively filth (blows puffing) see what i mean? udience laughing) pbeat jazzy nk music) (blows puffing) (audience laughing) (upbeat jank mus (bellows puffi) (audience (ut jazzy funk music) (bellows puffing) (audience ugng) (ueat jazzy funk music) ello puffing) (audience laughing) (upbeat jazzy funk mic)
4:19 am
(audienclaughing) (upbeat jazzy fu music (bello puffing) (audnce laughing (upbzzfunkic)
4:20 am
(fun music,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, can save ove50 n ve over 500 buck en you switch to progrsive. that's a fact. t this whole lond have more fun" ing... standing by for fun. itchelief. sctcrelief. winter relief. that'sold nd medicatelotion relief. five moisturizers plus an extra reth itch fight ld bond relitarts no welce back. and finally, when this cop joins a foot race,
4:21 am
iee laughing) (ulight acoustic music)orn buzzing) (cering) orn buzzing) (cering) (audience lahing (sappy dramatic sic) heering) (horn buzzing)
4:22 am
(che (cheering) (horn buzzing) (audience laughing) (sappy dramatic sic) well t we that's r ow. thanks for watching and we'll seya next time!
4:23 am
(gps - (gasmomm
4:24 am
[voi - [voiery, we make big splh, go t, and ha a tot bst!
4:25 am
(just for laughs theme music) it's all just folaugags! welcomto thew. we beginy crhi th sweetittle party. with a sel beam. (aience lahing) (classicalus) (classical music rash (crash (seaming) (aience laughing)
4:26 am
(audience laughing) (crashing) (audience hi (screaming) (crashing) creaming) (audience laughing) (aience laughi) (scrmi) (crashing) (audience laughing) (audience laughing) (audience laugng) (audience ugng (aude applauding) ust for laughsheme music nethtty prter and r adorle p e about give some helpful bystanders a brand w leash on life.
4:27 am
(upbeat music) og barng) udnce laughing) (audienclaughi) (audience lahing) (audience laugng) (audience laug) (audience laughing) (audience laughi)
4:28 am
(audnce ughi) (audience laughing)(audnce applng) (jusfor hs tme music) nextthiste-test abo to te youtaste fofunnga. (audienclaughing) (whimsical music) (audience laughing) (audnce laughing) udiee laughing)
4:29 am
udienching) (audielaughing udienclaugng) (audience laughing) udience applauding) (just folaug theme music) in this gag, omarks arn cpr, and grandma wants in, on t aion. (audience laughing) ea (audience laughi) (sw sic) (audience laughing)
4:30 am
4:31 am
4:32 am
4:33 am
4:34 am


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