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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  February 1, 2016 1:05am-2:05am MST

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iteen excruciang. >> in is celebrated place, a shattering ce. the pr school pe trial. ias violated. >> a pretty freshman, popular senior >>e was handsome. captain othe soccer team. >>lasses. looking like har potter. >> what had happenhat night? and whwas llinthe uth? tot an eveervi both the>> she just wanted to wha wa >> he is an honest, kindcang rson. >> at the heart of it all, a secret. >> a facook message. every tricin the book. >> these boys were involved in a game. th was game to them. >> you saw etion in him, real emotn. >> it coulbe my son,uld beour son. >> it's just tragedy all the way around.
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d this is "dateline." here'satal moral wh "one spng night." >> rep >>orter: it'a place ere yog dreare nurtured, wre younadtsre taught live meingful lives and are somemes grood for greatns. but en in placesf power and privilege, teens face the same temptaons and dilemmas and one wrg choice c ruin it all. part of sicgame and adition.>>he case drew natl scruti >> she did say no and no suld still mean no. >> there are two victi in this cabo the girand my clnt, thboy. >> reporter: for me th a centurand a half, stul's
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people could only imine. >> has got ts, i think, unparalleled recor excellen in the acemic arena whe we've sent out alumni who ve gonon to justchieve things to their highest ility. >> reporter:atie tarbox is a graduate of st. paul's >> ty're really creating people who go on to be great leader >> reporr: ambassadors, dustrialists, pulitzerrize winners and politicians. like secretary of state hn kerry. owen labrie came to st. paul's from a solidly middle class background he won a full scholarship and tookhe school by storm. soccer, cr, the scol paper and radio station. >> it'very, very smart kid, a lot smarter than am. reporter: john, a friend of en labrie's, also atteed st. paul's.
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born leader, as you can see throh those rolethat he was put in, the socc captain and althat. >> reporr: by his senior yea he owned the place. but owen was movg on to bigger thgs. he spent the year applying to coeges, after seral months ofail-bitinghe caught brass ring, full re to harvar >> this is aid whoad everything goi for him. >> absolely. rorr:hat cod go wrong? well, ast rns oulenty. which bringss tone of . paul's newer tradions, the nior salute. had you heard, when you were ther of the seoralute? >> the senior salute w just noing that was a part my life there. i've spoken to alumni throughout the years. i mean, my best guess is that this began aund five yrs ago. >> rter: it was the kind o tradition that students only whispered abt, but owen brie knew allut the sior
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>> labrie said that was somethinthat most people on caus we aware of. >> reporter: jieovograd has reported on the labrie case for msnbc since it first broke in the summer of 2014. >> he talked about ias an oprtunity r a person whos leaving the school, who is gradting into ne expeenceto cnect with pele that the udent may always been interest in. reporter: and the snt en labrie was interested in was a cute freshman girl who caught his eye at the start of his seniear. he had briefly datister, al ar,ut now singled out the 15-year-old for a senior sute. >> although he cast it in pret entle terms. >> rorte t invitatn was in writing, and aside from the fact that it w an e-mail, it
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ead,hile sndf my nameyournbox mese blusrhaps t sh, e's mething share wyoand my evint too it a growing fewer the ening i wa to invi y to me with me to climbhese hidden eps and basin the nices view millvhad to offer. she tu him dn of her sist, suggesting 'd been a little tooopular with the gir, including so her third forms freshmen. en, although wlde clb thhidd sps yo he to decne i woulkeimthat, t listthirerthat havent qlity time th u. owen asked a frieo intercede th the gir and y after th, he got another e-mail from her. isne in fr. sayiut it wou have to be their ttle secret.
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3020te00. heenter the ma a sciences buildg, they imb up the eps, they go tthe roof .>> repter:nd there, as he had promiseder, was a sptacular view.heloown on campu lights were twinkling, he had a key ton annex on the roof. >> repter: they kikithat ch is rtain. but after that, their stories verge. cording owen, they made out for while, and then they left separately. t thyoung girloldiffert stor >> as she left the building, she runs into a friend of hers, and she says that shtold the individual, thini just had sex th on labrie. >> reporter:wo ds later st. pa's was celebrating its graduaon. ow was honored with the rector's award for selfless devotion tho activity. but while owen was savoring his ard animagining his illiant futu, the 15r-olgirl wassking a school nuror t
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the nurse asked her wheer the sex had been noncoensual. and the girl td the nurse that sex d en consensual. repte torm, the girienou t thing wrong. her reer hea her cryid r cl here her mother s w"dateline" an clive interview,ut askeoto show her face to hedaht intity. >>'ll never rget at midn she and she called me crying incoolablyand shidmethinawfud haenand said ioulde in the mog and we w get throh ogethe >>epter: what she couldn't ha known then was that ts very pvatexcnge would throw hedaugernto the
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very ugly, very public battle at wldhange hefe a the life of owen labrie perhaps forever. wheweome back -- s was in shk,ind of shocked and elief. >> owen's seor salute, a invitation or competition? >> there was a lot ounderaged girls beintarget, nojust her. >> what did happen in that darkened buildg campu thatould quick bece a question forolic e ou swe deee mionsense technology keeps you fresh with every move. it has uniqucrocaples th ntain agrances friction breaks the capsules... ...releasingurofsh l da whetr yoreng deline. ...graing a bite... ...or heading out for the night. motisense, protection to keep you mong. degree, it won't let youowma(srnly): where do yothinyou're going?mr. mus: to work, with you.
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olay tot effec a sknsfoatnthals the leaddepartment store moturizer. vives skinfight gns ang with olay, you age less, so you can be agess.
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stpaul's school. senior owen labriead alrdy home,he5-ye-old girl he invito that -called senior salute was l at school d inears monnight afgradti mother, and at s wasut to wld b motr's art and hechool to its fodati. was e emotional wh ed you >> yes. she s inconsolab. shsaid that g awl hahaened. >> r the gir her moth that e had be raped.her assailant, she sd, none other than the accomplish and popular soccer captain owen laie. the girl had kept her story herself that whole weeke the faly was tr for r older sier'sraduatio to h a few ds to have guts pes toall yo is th wt it was or maybe she wastill pressinghat had ppened? >>ot spris howhe
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all therfor our daught's graduaon. be waiting for ts nt for ur yrs e sang go ma s andm weltan caref an younow, she did wt she needed to that weend to get rough the ekend. >> she w in shock, kind of shocked and in disbeli herself. >> reporter:au dn is a victim's rights advocate and attorney who had been working th the 15-yeldnd h family. and when did she reallstart to procesthat this wasn't somethg that she hanted? >> she defitely knew it wa wrong right ay, but r mily was in town celebrating,nd she had a lot of fear of whathat wod do to that weendwh that would takfrom her sister. >> reporter: t mheraced r daughter's se and sted no time getti h dghr
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test. thth called paul andthe scol called thpoce. it w tuesd, june 3rd. >> and the investigationegan. >> reporte the underwearhe rl we that night shod the presence osemen. angi made clear she had only been th on ietho ens frnds e senior salute wacompitn w could hookheost girls. >> there was a lot of underad girls being targetednot just her. >> reporter: the girl told police she actually knew about it, and she thout it was a daring thing to do. but not daerous. >> because part of theenior salute is supposed to be some type of privilege and kind of inrestg expeence and so shthought it was safto go. >> reporter:ith her mother prent,olice e girl shoth e sa can u take me backo that moment and wt you >> s coun' itohe
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airs and they opened the door ane apse uldn't m you kn, it wasorrible place, ts is not a place to ow someones ve l cruel tentions. >> reporr: on first oke to poce on ne 11th fromaine. he didn'just deny raping the girl. he denied they had intercourse at all did he ever tell you abouthat happened othat night? >> yeah, we oke at lenh about what h happened there anays stby h story. >>epr: hintained h didn have x with the young girl. >> yes. >> rorter: he id the se thing whene meth police in concord the next day. buby tn, police had gained access to owen online activities. hiown e-mails and social media posts weeks d nths befe thincident sgeed he was
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treas oneriend who wre br appearing to joke abouhoyog th girl was. theypoke rher breezily aut won in generalabout se about thgs having to do with x anin some cases about this paicular girl. >> reporter: armed with the gi'segio a on's al posts, police st himn ju6th. he wharg witaggraved niouxualssault, miemeanor sexualsslt a a compo lure to a crim overheexfew nths, he was offed plea deals, but he rned them down. hend othe summer, harvard had quietly thdrawn s offe st. paul's took back its award. like a house of cards, his le hafallen apart. but so had hers, and with the trial oming, sooever would know the secret about . paul's.
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>>ow didhat fe to you? >> reallpaful. >> oneeenageon the witness stand and another at the defensetabl revelatis we coming. isn'theomeone i ly young
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>> thiwas a game tthem. >> repor >> rorr: on august 18th, 2015owen lrie walked into an unusual kind of scol reunion. his family was there, so were some fmeates. but so, too, were vision cameras. the one time mel student's trial on felony rape had become a nationaltory. if convied, he faced up to 60 years in pson. >> it's probably n the face of an individual thatou think of wh you thi of a sexual sault. >> reporter: prosecutor catherine rule had a clear ssage fothe ju -- >> this case is about owen brie's sexuallassaulng a 15-year-old girl. >> reporter: your first witness the accuser.
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>>n my experience,urieare veious thear the story, and 's imptant for them to nnt tohe victim and hear what she has to say. do youee owen in the courtroom today? >>, i do. i'm rry. >> reporter: w't be able toee the girl. 'rt entiing r and e disguisi her voice. but her mom patepie hehteror >> s aic scholar, a alld n beinthathingo rvis eporr:owifficult was herbeble fac and deith whathe tde witin t?>> she never oncid, i eang up,ev even in somethe t urwher know, the pain ge f her, for our fa she's always stayed ve strong.
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labrie in passing, s teified, and had heard he had a reputation for hitting o female students. so when sent hethat e-ml asking to meet, she turned do. >> i thoughtcamen with theworst inttions, ain to get me there to just kiss me >>eporter: but she sd e changed her nd after another student lder lrie was a od g. d he wasedwhen they snk up to the roof of the lindsey buiing. >> it s a tiful view. i s ankfule up tmyse >>orte buthag dippeared, theirl said, when labrie led her ithche room. was virtuallmptely da. washeo on wod ve pasd throh, n one would have heard the no one would ve seeth >> reporter: n aoman place at all>> n aomantic ple, no. >> what yodo when yowent inside? he took me behind a concrete
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and stted to kiss me. orter:he gl said she didn't mind th afirst, but then she sd labrie started touching her in placeshat made uncomfortable. shsaid he even start to bite her. >> how did that el to you? >> reay painfu ou s anying ime i didn'hing.i fe le was oz rorter: what d she mean by that? >> this is actlly re comm. a lot of people think fit or flig is the way rnd bu'sigflignd freeze. freeze ia huly cmon one, cially iur young so h tesmony is ry nsistentith someone experienng trauma ofexua violen.eporte t gl id the cide wasumbledr but shremembreere she dias to . >> saino threeimes.
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moment, dokn how i cou haveaditore clea eporter:uthe gir testified labr dn't list anher. sohe jury had hed thgirl's storof assault. the prosecutored herex witnesses wod ofr idce back itp. th e.r. nurse the jury e'observ a small abrio on the girl's genitals. >> could that be consistent th an assault tt had occurred vel days earlier? >> yes. >> reporr: this forensic expe compared dna und in the girlnderwear from at night to a dnaame given by the dendant. >> to a reasonablee of ieific ctainty, they matched. >> rorter: det jie curtain was the first one giratt.shalviewed owen br. >> hga me l the reass why heaid he he wouldn't have done this, becse of her age, his age and s position. reporter: but that's not what
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and days after the incident. and the prosecutor cald some of the the stand. >> he eventuly tol that, inisords, that he had boned her. >> reporr: what's moe prosorold jury labrie d been planning x with theirl r months whatvie did yove f that? hiswn wordsnd h messages a exchanges with his friends. >>eporter: four months before thcident, labrie told his friemalcolm, in a facebook messe,hat he wanted tooo with th girl re tha anne else in thechool. heater? >> i say, ha ha, a you kidding , bro? >> a wt do hreon yo >>e , totabe.
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>> reporter: labe decided to do something about his crush and tilygeteher. >>wen ananr clsmate d tea strlthat they thoould be pont se salinvitationat thould eend. anher na was tnly name on that list that was in cit letters. >> reporter: tker marchese was a friend who helped put that list together. he read an e-ml ie sent him. >>elcome t eight week exercise in debauchery, a probinexoration of the innermost meanings of thwo eabag.>>eporr: why did you want thju to hear that? >> becauseshowed the swed thpuose. howed e tivation anithoweatse b were involved in a game. as aame tohem. >> reporter: there was one me facebookonversation between brie and his friend that the prosecutor wanted the jury to hear. an exchange labrie hadeleted
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ouesgad. >> dgo f t bone? >> whathat mean? did it gorom my ev undstng that they were not going to hang out to them having -- to my dersing heng sex. >> tn what's h just pulledverick i the book >> we thought thatas very telling at he would respond in the that he did bee it confirmed what she h repted us, tt shd say no. >>eporter: t prosecuon rested its ce. d the unn they said ha pred us schoolma, had ol her innocenceknew his turn had come. ready to the snd antell a verdifferent y. cong up -- ed. >> a witness at the breaking pot. a f , hi seand whatappened th spri night. >> she would be like on top of
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s th.,, > en owenabrie's accuser had ju held a urtroo spnd. she'd tath into th darkened mechacal room where she descrid how owen hadaped her. now owen'sttorney j.w carney was determin to break that spell. >>hy weryou clou? >> i was raped i was at. >> he was very clear that he was tting the credibility of the gin ques. >> youry not to lie mucas pole. >> i tryoto. >> sometimes iue y'r
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>>eporter:negu owen's accuser went wiingly into that darkened mechani room wherehe gave y si that s wante make ou he cfronted her with her own statements to police. >>e couldn't know that i was uncomforble because i was laughing. are those yourords? >> tse are my words, y. >> reporter: and continuing in the sentence -- i s tryingo be cool. ght? >> yes. calm, ol and collected. >> reporr: he insisted that thwitnes in n wos to ce, had described a ho-u thwen labr that shfound tilling. >> so you dilike the attention h when he was taking off yourants? right? >> no, iaii was exted. >>ka you we excited when he took off yo pan. is that more accurate? >> yes, the word excited h many dferentefionso me. >> cross-examining aoung gir is one of the most difficult
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laer has to do. and when the person who is not being truthful ia ung girl, you have to show tto the ju. and if it's cessary to prote urself, toell lie, tha stifies it, doesn't it? >> no, it does not >> reporter: to the defe there was noroof orape, proof of a crime, no proof even that t two had sexual intercourse. en's fenhad stified that he hadraggedbout hing se with the accuser. but they also admied tt owen might have been chest thumpi to impress them. >> in your eernce as a high school student, maybe someone would say somethg haened whenreally didn't. >> it's possible >> reporter: why would he do that? >> one of the most unfortuna thgshacame outt this trial is the culture at st.
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he wanted toe accepted bhis classmates, and so when his fries asked him had acly h sex with the complainant, he was all too happy to boastven if it s a lie thate did haveexith he do you solemnly swear th the testimony you will -- >> reporter: to better explain to it the jury, e defense call i one and onlwitness to the stand. >> my name iowen labri reporter: he stard by expl the cultu at st. pa's prep. and how crude lkbout girls and sex was what all the guys did. >> kids at school, especiall en tking about girls, would use pretty much exclusively slang. >> for example, hook-up, score, slay? were these types owords day t. paul's gh sch yes >> reporte all harmless fun, he s like the sool's senior sute ri. he did n see it as a sleazy
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girls. >>y unrstanding ofhe senior salute was an invitation ntard the end of the school year either from an older student to a younger student king to hang out before the older student graduated. >> reporter: this was owen's chan to explin calm, asured tonesthe sequencef events that unfolded as s em he said henled t finahours at this scol he so respecd, towouer classmatecial. >> it's theallest buildingon campus. sot night you lo, you can see l the dorms lit up. >> reporr: entuay left theoof and gether, he idnder into that rkhanil staedng. othecame off. blankewas thwnown. >> after a few minutes, you know, on t blanket, yoknow she wod be like on top of me a little bit, maybe like oneeg
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and, you know, giggle or somethin we took our shirts off. reporter: folloby t shorts. still, he insisted thenaged to kp their underwear on. her bra never came off. >> did she recoiin any way at this point? or draw ck >> no. reporter: he admitt things got out ofd quickly. ome poinhe decided to protect them both. >> i was going to have sex with this gl, so i stood up and i walked over to my shorts, which were bthe wall, and i reached to my shorts and i took out my wallet and i looked in my wallet and i took out a condom. reporter:ut then, he insists,y hahad a ment of clarity. he said he stood up and put a stop to it all. >> it wouldn'tave been a good ve to have s witth girl. you know.d there werewoights left at school. it wldn't veeea go chore,o me.
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drsed, ksed d rtedlain an e-il, t yoreange shreded, y're anngel yelf. >> ithe time aft t encoter that night, bo owen anthe complaant were very affectionate toward ch oer. indeed, at one point she noted at she h lost her earrg, ha, ha, ha. anowen responded, i'll gand look fortomorrownd see if i cand it.this is not the interchange tween a victim a her rist. >> reporte the defense told the court th it was only later when gossip spread on campus about their encounter that she panicked and cried rape. co-couel sam zaganjori --y would shthri a o isp ant heelthugh torture of a tri a all of
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endure? >> on hi school campus, rumor travels ry qck thisas hererution or owen's reputation.>> repter: owelaie had nally gotten a cnce to tell his versn of eve tha you, mr. labrie. that's all i have. >> rter: now, it was time for thosecor to estion the dendant and a witnes chair would soonurto a hot seat for owen labrie. coming up -- >> did you lie to him? >>. >> which storyas theruth and who would e jury believe? >> for the first time yow ion him, realmotion. >> the vdict enat en datele continues. ti fstbiteday weakhior>>bienvenidos!
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heayit's personal this tim.. if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. 's what you do if you want to save fieen rcent or me on c iurance, u switch to geico. it's what you . where are you? it's very loud there. are yotaking azumba class? >>ju >>just few mil fm the privilege and ibility ofhe hi school cahere ty oe second floor of the county courthouse, two teenags had given uninching testimony a roomful of stngers. their wrenchinsts about what hapned e friday night gduion weend s paul wersoifrent from each other. >> you have the oprtunity eporr: owen ld the jur he hadn't even had sex with hi 15-year-old clasate. >> it woul't haven a gd choice for me to make. >> reporte but that ory of
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telling to detectives and friends the bning was out to be tested publiclfor the fit time. the prosecutor went head thead with labe in a tty cross-examination. >> you want alof these people he to believe that afterll at time spent thinking about her and having foreplay that y just stopped? didn't just stop. we kissome me aftear but i didn'tave sex with her. >> reporter:o the prosutor asd why labrie had td s frnds somethinenrely fferent. >> did you lie to them? yes. >> do you have a problem lying? yh, yw, i really, you know, i wish i hn't. >> it easy for you to lie? >> no.>> reporter: then what could explain why he had deleted me than 100 facebook meages from his computer, the prosecutor asked.
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weret they? >> no. >> rter: iwould be up to the ju tde w theeal owen w e peect leor rapiho stolen the innocence of his5-ar-old scolmate. after twwes of testimony the ca was in their hands. both familiewaited nusly. mielleeron jn o had takeow in afhe was d were at br's side. ay hanxis t serene. did he eveshow anger athe thgs that we being said urt,ha wasn't accord to hiswn vsionthe events hat ght? owen ver real motrated a to me >> that was thazing thing out it. ner oncdetr any
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wards the press, towards the that we testify >> reptefor the accur'moth, asma hte silience >>t' eruatfor beg a pr p e st wanted do what was right all thway through. >> reporte then after o ys of deliberatns, woame there waa verdict. en labrie stoowith his attorneys as t jury filed in. >>oway you, madam person, how you find the defendt owen labrie? >> rorr: labrilied as the clerk read the first charge, that hhad used cputer to lure his under-age accernt hang sex. it was a felony crime with severealties. >> glty or not guilty? >>uilty. >> reporter: wh those words, brie wenfromigh scol graduate to felon and sex
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the young man sobb. >> for the first time inwo wes u saw emotion in him. re emotion. >> reporte b he was acquitted ofhe three oth felonies he faced, the cous of rceable rape. >> you say, madam foperson, that the defendant owen labrie is not guilty? >> yes. >> reporter: inste, thju convicted him of misdemeanor sexual assau and endangering the welfare of a child. courtroom emptied, labrie reached for his mother's hand. he wasranted bail until his sentencing. but his defee attorney weren't done fighting. addn to psie ison er tommunication ncy act,abrie's conviction for usg a comper to contact his victim m that he wld
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of his lif >> ts nishments so unual and cruel based whaowen di that thk it shod be overturned >>orte so itunent thoes not t the crime in your view. >> absolutely correct. eporter: labe's defense had a surprisinglly perhaps in katie taoxthstpaul's alum helped gethcomputer law passed 20 years ago after g sexuallyssaulted when e was yearsld by a 41-yr-old man sht on shwas shocked that law w being plied to tn labrie ca. >> the intt ofhat law was to punish pedophiles who we essentially going toikteen at rooms posing aseenagers ure vulnernd innocent enagers into situations that they didn't wa to be luredn. >>eporteome people have said tha's not fair that owen now will haregister as a sexual offeer
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think unfai an eaolyoung man o rpefully targeted a yog underaged girl forex wld be in troleow. in wt day and agwould be allow such behior to be go unnished. repter: b ihail harry moti fed at cothouse, that what the torney ask the judge to consider,o spare him a lifetime as a registered seoffender. >> coming up -- another dramat momenfor ow brnd another dramatic message fr the victim at the
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>> wt the beafe again. i usce he he was once a yog n knn for bethe be of th
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noowen labrie s nvicte felony. th mns hhas to rister noas a sex offenr. damagi is thato hi it's a scarlet letter and in his case for life. >>eporter: hisense had filed a motion askg the judge set ade that felo convicti. thjudge denied it. so as labrie sat in court fo his sentencing yesterday, he ced the possibility of serious time behind bars. >> may it plse t court - >> reporter: his defense attorney pleed with the judge to spare a young man owen's only imhere, he said, was that he acted like a teaged boy >> the inescapable conclusion thne drawsrom the jury's verdict is that th was consensual encountery two teenags. rter: but the prosecutor,
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jue that theury had convicted owen lrie for eyg an underad girl. ti in prisndreatmentn a prison sex offender program were val, she said. >> your hor, i ask you to take that into consideration becae, again, that is such impornt component for his successful relitation. rter:f that yr n son,18-year-who made a stupid mtake, a stupid miyou can possib mak do it seemair that he ll pay for at for the resof his life? he had seral opportities to accept respsibili a enter to negted spositionst would ve caed for sething less. he opted n to that. >> reporter:nd then it was her turn to eak. the young vict, now 17, at the hearof allf this. >> honorable judge -- >> reporter: in a vio statement she told the judge th she pitied brie, but he
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>>ithousant punishmeallyon't k how i'll put one foot in fro of t other. i dot want to feel imprisone r the rest of life. want to be safe ai and i want justice. >> rte labriseemed t brachimself ju as thjudge sa hwas ready to announce e senten. >> i obs >> i observe and belve that you are neithethe gel that is ptray by your counsnd e attached letrs in your memorandum, nor the devil that is ptr bthste. >>eporter: and with that, imposed the sentence. ou're going da year in the house of corrections. and probation. >> reporr: a year jail, probatn and registration as x ofnder. and the judgquk to add
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d given her consent. >> she wasov her hea and that's very clear. repter: but instead of being d away in handcus, owen labrie's motherrabbed him ansoed. after the court sa he woulgo for nending aappe. i goingo ane peal >>epr:iser there eve laild jail algether and car he as registered s offder. >>he bescanariis th we win all of our issues on appeal comck to triaon themears aevaither that theest cari >> repte theamy friend noys he can think about his future, whater it may >>nd tnk that heeall
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ming f hathe c me onh his fe athe viim, hether teraufinafes ie juknme imct that enri tidaht. hope tit signa to my ht thathasen vai that somebourt her. >>eporr: i k s feelshs icnofor he whoay feeke they don'ha that ic >> weveryrafu thn hampe fotreating witd t ey didrom the very, very benng. >> reporter: n news asked st. paul's for comme on th ce. it declined. buinn earlier statemt, t say thewienre pauschool communbeeey affeed bis iident. its our sponsity to ensu thaour studiv anarn together in a
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spt,aring and suppt for one othe hend, ys vti advocalaa nn, the st paul'sase can teach alofs leom a se le ? i t nans no but thmodef king, whveryone sing is the st way of thinking about it, is yes means yes. if you don't have yes, gss what yove n that's l for now. i'm lest for joing th th suay, towa ucuses. the ates he had their ay, now it's time forowa voters to ha ths. can donald trump win here and justimply startto roll? >> don't even think iaveto mpaign anymore. why am i ev wasting my time? >> c ted cruz bea trump and turn th into a two-man ra?
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noise is pas this is yourtie. >> what about marco rubio? does he finish second and become the chief challeer to tru? >> you see some deceful thi going nhe st te. t uz, marcoubio and ndul all me here li. plus, what will the test e-mail storydo tolary clinton's chances? >> i never sent or receivedny e-mail rked clsified. >> can bernie saers pull the upsetnd end the idea thater nomination inevitae. >> they' go throw evytng thehave at us. >> sandrs joi us this rning. 'm chuck todd in des mnes,iowa. in meere r insightnd anais are mbrokaw of n news, jniferacobs o the des e joann read of msnbc andav body o chstianadng netwo > c rubio,ul,saers, cdirell e. we'reoing to do our own caucus.
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edition meet the pss." from des moine iowa this is speal ei o "meet res" with chuck . >>goday rg. they'e r the iowaku kcaucuses. it all happensomrow night. we're here in des moines at the we end architecturalva, a coffee spt so sells ustom an vgefurniture. and of course theandatesrehere,ll h i seg themselv. in facn this las ful day bere the cauc, t 13 cadates camigni inio are holing 1338vents making last-minue pihing hpi iowa will become the first step on the rd no wuldn'te moreexcid ealyeited. tu ohve ofitics. start wh the ltestoomerg ll. pu up tenn t republicmp with lead ov ted z, mar rubio in tird ti i do dat with ranpaul at 5. d the demratic race it'
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