tv News 5 at 6PM NBC February 1, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST
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tonight along brrge park with a closer look at the challenges fing drivs today. slow and slippery are two of the betterds to describe navigatingtreets across southe colorado y. that's te ether you're were stuck nd aile up out on freewa... mply trying to cmb a slippery hill the neighbhood. ok rq t sound: car spinning tires it was the kind of day where mply getti across to ...was a ore. "pretty ick. a lot of snoaccumulated on the ros." a day where traction was more valuable than style .... t sound: bill pushg mustang upill a where collissionwere comm "wre at number 6 or 7 ght now." a day thatade even nehborhood hillsaunting. "pretty miserable around here so far. i've been out on this road for about honow." yep, one othe kind of days. this jacnifed -wheel me for sl tveling on i-25 this afternoon.
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in fact,he slide os and fender benders were so numous at lal police agenciesent into "cold repting status" just to help get more people off the road. nat sound: snow plow leavingas station and whilplow crews continue to y and keep pace with what mo nature dish out.. "t main issue is just make sure you keeyour distance from ople because if not things likehis ppen. you never know where the ice is bad at." some tes theplest adce ys it best. "if you don't haveo go out, don't." nat sound spinning tires. member youan always get up to theinute weather and traffic informatn on our website ... aa.comeporting live, andy koen news 5. this afternoon'snow wreaked hac on city bus utes in colorado springs. most busese running late all afternoon,.and mountain metr tells us seven buses gottuckust a 90-mine the snowtaed pilg up miafteoon. at'sartlwhmouninro decideto susnd servi at 5:15 tonht,...4-and-a- hal hourearlr than normal --
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wonderinw to get home. "we understand this can be challenging for our riders, fo oucustomers, a that's y we tried to phe information as early as we can during the da so that folks hoply can make their arrangements get me, ether it's through friends, cworkers, or get on an earer bus." as for tomrow morning, mountain metroell us they'll have crews out overnight evalng cons will decide any chang to their schele by 5 a-m. they will post updates on their facebook and twitter sit...a we will have all that infmation re on news 5 today and online at as soon as we find out. we're learningore about new technology, "c-dotis using.... to help mana major stoke this one... help keep the roads safe for l of us. kelsey kennedy continues our team coverage noalong i-25 in colorado springs kelsey how's it oking where
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ad lib conditions c-dot ews have bn working around the clock since the snow ben to falte saturday.. trying to ke up as it continues to fall.. they gave me a behind e wheel look at hocroperate during a days lg wint sto.. na: dio "my road gs om lake d circle, all thy to rt ademy, but we do overlap." when the snow fas for days.. "we do 12 hour sfts. my shift srt at 8 this morning and will go ti 8 tonight." it's all hands on deck nats: plow pushing ow off the roads and dropping merlso keep driversave.. "salt sa or slicer, it hps th mting of e icand also ovidesraction foothe vehicles." me nats does this one feelard to keep up with or do you feel like u ha a hdle on i him: at mes feel like have a hand
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rit now it'sust consta snow so weust plow until everhings off the road.. a much as we can get off t road." supervisors.. usg a program that will so beevery plow t help make quick efficient decions.. "it shows remmended 200 lbs of ice sler to be put out on this particular area on the terstate, it ss maybe 60 gas of apex." ough not in tior t storm.. cdot is training drivers on this technology.. so it can be accesd on a taet while they're out on the roads.. its going to help our operator be more proactivin the field rather than have to come back and lo at computer on e desktop. it's still the same information you can see." nat: shifter inhe meantime.. crewwill keep ter it.. until the snow stops falling. "we do the best we can to keepthe roads clend car a
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the ci stree divisioalso on a full call out right now.. theystill working onriry roads and likely won get to secondary roadways until the snow stoalli.. livecolorado springs, kk news5. they dn't get asuch sn in eblo during e day today. is afteron. news 5 jessi mitchell is live along izabeth... with a look at nditions now. how are crews ndng the nt weath, jessi? time nds ch bette than thenostor had three s ago. even though the snow is falling steadilyyou can see the interste and higay 50 behind me aren't thad -and that's becaus crews had a ance to clear d treat the roadduring tt
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they've been ollall out all day -- but the guys working this shift were re-treating e roads with sand d salt and de-icing mixture instead of plowing. ey're keeping a close e on areas like nthern avenue near prairie and inclines like the onon sta fe drive, as those are noriously icy during winter events like this. but public works director earl wilkinsosays he's not too concerned about the roads getting bad this time because the crews have beeso proact when it's a public sety issue 'd rher have the folks out there and be careful and err on the paf caution. as t snow cks up tonight, last n'srews will be cong back to replace the daytime workers -- and ty'll be plong the major routes, b not the detreets, ass their otocol. the temperature is goingo keep dropng tonight, so we do exct to see so ice. we'll keep an on the conditions aeep u
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our weather alerday coverage continues now... and as mike mentioneeaie a re concern tonight is the strong wind. meorogist carlee hoffman ins now in colodo ris--and clee what can expecheing in tomorrow? sn falli uto 1 inch per ho in some areas and will continue to incrn innsity overnight especially east of i-25 the reaissue we are facing tonighttop of the rapid sn fall is the wind.. winds will be cking up fm 15-25 mph gusting up to m which is right aroundzzard conditio however a blizzard by definion these conditions have to last for over 3 hours we are st going to see is on and off heaviebands of sw move through.. beware this will impact visibility which at best will be mile to a half me in areas of heavier snow will drop to a quarter of a me stay off the road ways if possibland st with news 5 on air and onlin now live in briargate caee
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t on us to kp tracking this system through the nigh and to tomorrow. our ams will "watch out for you" every sp of the way. 'll also keep you informed of any dela and closures koaa dot com. hundreds of flights canceled out dia... because of the storm.. ahead 6---what our local airport is doito g fligh off e grou. plus: we're checking in th local shelters to see how theye storm. but first let's check with lead forecaster mike daniels.
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bringing you the latest on your morng commute. a look fm cames in colorado. highs day much colder than sterday. current teeratures and wind chills in colorado. tonight and tomorrow, the lo over southeast colorado will gradually move east, nd will become strong in mo aas creating blowing ow. hour by hour, snow tonight ending most ars tomorr. additional snow accumulations across southn colorado... lows tonight in the single digits and teens. highs tomorrow in the 20's and 30'sost areas. 7 day forecast for the springs, high tomorrow26, a warming and drying trend into the weekend. saturday wl be the warst day with 46. coer suny and mond. pueblo high tomorrow 30. slow warng trend wednesday to satdaigh saturday 49. cooler next ek and dry. woodland park and can city. windy ancold torrow with flurries possible du the morning. a slow warmi trend wedneay
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comingp. in tonight'sovering colorado we're tracking the snow storin denver... where thers between three to five inches of freshnow. plows have been out since last nit earing the roa. and up in the high cotr..we're seeing udsof aoo n sce right now, i-70 westbound... near glenwood closed, because of multiple accidents. and the avalanche risk is growing with all this new snow... especially in the central and southwestern mountains. xxxxx neat six-- the person shot ankilled a the morcyclexpo inenver habe ideified as 46-yeaold "victomendoza". meoza was onnced deaat the hospital after suffering from a gunshot wound to the es seveother opleuffered injuries from gunshots, stngs, or hand t ghng ibrawl between rival motorcycle clubs. a colorado darent correctionofficer opened fire
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not confirmed ether he fired the deadly shot and so far no arrests have been made. a denver man fell for a convinci i-r-s scam. only this time something "re" happened. policean arrest,...thousan ds of miles aw in or investigators say "mycobi lee" pretended to be ffial from thi-r-s. they saye demandheic depo-thousand in his nk account and even thaten to have the viim's parents deported. the victim wired the money b also notified lice and the bank. lee wacaught withdrang the money om a banin florida... d arrested on grant theft charges. xxxxx super media day just gting rwn n fransco. sports director grant meech is live with a looknside, later in sports. and: news five continues to track the latest with is storm..
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our top story tonit at 6:3 ews 5" a thefirst alert 5 weatheteamkeeping you ahead this severe sto. we knothe impact this kind o system can have on our area--as we've en before thiseason. from road condions to ad respon--we have complete corage for you tonight including your most up to date forecast and the information you ed to stay safe durihe storm. "c-d" is hard wk i-25 and state highys. and night, we're learning out new technolo that supervisors are using to hel "mange" mar storms.. our kelsey kennedy is live along
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kelsey how are conditionwhere you are? ll take a look.. the interste is ill pretty much snow cored.. and it still swiere neargarden othe gods.. don'be mistaken thgh.. c-dot crews ve been out in full force trying to keep uwith this monster stm.. a cdot supervisor owed me the technologyhey're using to make efftive decisions fast.. ey're in the process of instling tablenter plow so each otosee all this iormationhile theye out on theoads plowrivers are being trained on the new technology.. so i n bng ud in the plows st yet for this storm.. they anticipate roing it out in the plows soo. its going to help our operators be more proaive in the fie rather thahave tcome back and lo at a mputer on the desktop.
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you n see." the program make remmendations about how mu what terial tput whe.. and shows inrmation like the suace teerature of paveme.. and the future fecast. hp crew aefficient as possible.. the city streets division also on a full call out right now they're still working prima roads and likely won't g t secondary roadways until the snow stops falling.. liven colorado springs, kk news5. coinuing our tm coverage now pueo,..which has be sd most othe day fr the avy snow,..but it is picking back up at this hour. news 5's jessi mitchell jos us ve now with a lo at condionsght ss affic isoving righalg here in lo. you can see the intetate is a
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for now, watch youspeed as thecrews make their round street crews aren't the "oy ones" hard at work. out at the coro springs airport... they're working non-stop to ke the ayopen. d-i-a has cancelled abou500 flights... but it's been fairly smooth at the springs aiort--except the flights to denver that were cananlled. d plow crews... working those runways... don't "tackle itthe same way our reet crews do. ne 5's greg rando shows us "how it's ne."==== ok rq for passengers inside the airport.....this is what they see. nara hamadkealwaiting for dad to arre sot: 18:37 thers no runway. i don't know how they ca leave. out on the tarmac....not much better that is until at the airport calls "the cgo lin goes through. 8 man teams inome range looking trucks equipped with plows in t front and sweepers in the back. ce t sno lined comes one massivsnow blor. sot: 122 the lhting system is on f nway so we use snowlowers te a ousand horsower to blow snow up and over theights. then thehemical truck comes
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line productalled possum accinend as yocan see... it works almost instantly. onheeft its trted.... on the rig... sprayed about 30 seconds ago. troy stover/colorado springs airport sot: 10: - 38 one pass of the runwhen we need it to bring up t friction rohly about hoand ars. atight.... 10usand dollars for one pass....but the airpor they couldn't goithout i troytor/coloraings airport t: 9:53 t heavy snowtorm like this oneith frzing rain we had earer this morning....the chemical is out. and because flightare coming and going all day lo.....the process never stops. sot 116 - 25hey ha not been able to get out of thei trks. we have to bring them burritos, something to munch on, and gatora and water tkeep them gog. something those waiting insi fo nara hamada-ale/waiting for dad to arrive sot: 232 3 yes i uly appreciate everything they ardoing to ke his safe arrival the colorado springaiort, i'm gd, n5. the otr key component to their works communication with the pots... because how thingsook on the lots land.
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th is the most treacheus me to travel triple-a say"46-rdent" of crashein b weather... haen in e wier. if you have to be out... me reminders.. ke it slow... especially wheyou are going downhill. try and oid those sudden stop give yourself plty of distance from the car ifrt you. and a winter survival kit in your car at all times is a goo ea.. it should includtire chains, a tow rope, snow shove sand or other materialfor traction.... blankets, water and food a a hlight xx neat 6:30. as the heavy snow sets in across soutrn colorado -- we wanted to know howanchers on the soheaste plains are hanging in tre. eight years o,...a blizzard lled thousds of cattle near la junta. newsive's lenaowlands asking the experts how ranchers can become bter prepared. ok rq nats if the people in the cities are having a rough time, we're having a rgher te out here. you know what i'm saying? just becae if youan't get around
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get inur feed truc 2-shot jaceoney -- manager of the la junta livestock commission knows how difficult a snow storm o this magnitude can be for cattle. a good two foot snow straight down, wet, that'awesome. t it'she wind, if it comes d it driesw,nd it blow pas and covers and drifts, that's wh the ranchers get in trouble file we werthere backn 20 when a major blizrd wiped out thousandof cattle across our region right now what we know is we've lost 8-15,000 ad of cattle it was jt sod for day in and day out, and the access to get to them was tough because there s no warm days and the wind kept blong andou'dave grou blizzards but he saychances that tragic disaster happening again this yr -- arelim. this time of the year, most
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cause wexpecstms the key is -- owing how to plan for them. honey says the best thing ranchers can do ahead of time is to set up somethg to block the wind andri theattle closer toour home for better access. you prepare fothe worst and hope f the bt,hat'ranch life in la junta, le howland, news fiv ever the optimists,...ranch ers withhe livestock commission tells there is aupside to thislast of heavy, wet snow,...they need the moisture. the salvation army's warmi shelr... habeen open ound the clock... with dangerous condition outside.. the salvation army employees e working 16 hour shifo stay open. they're working to keep the homeless in our community dry and warm... we're told some came in with the beginnings of frostbite. donated socks d glovese alsosed out. ansome of the vonteers... took advantage of their day off, to help otrs. ===== "had the day off and hrd the announcement lasnighon the news. live in the ighborhood a thought y, il comeown
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cards.. games anbooks.. lped pass cas. gaanbos.. heedas the timeoday..e shelteseed 168 peo nats of ds sing ======== we always appreciate you shari your "sn story" with us on a day like today. this picture...worth a thousand words about all the snow sandra shared this one of her kids...with the caption "w's oulitt broer?" and as we count down to the supeowl---how about this snowman showing his broncos pride!!! thanks to minierichardson for shari this piure. and just a beautiful shot of "quail lake" from eay is morning. count on us toeetrking th sysm through the gh and into tomorw.
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pop up shot to cam 6ump colorado. highs todamuch colr than yeerday. cuent temperatures a wind chills in colorado. tonight antomoowthe low over southea coloradwill gradlly move east, winwill becotrg in most eas creating blowi snow. hour by hour, snow tonig ending most areas tomorrow. additionnow cumulations acss southern colorado... lows tonight in the single gits and tee. hightomorrow in the 20's and30's moseas. 7 day forecast for the sprin, high tomorrow2 a warming and ng trend into the weekend. turday wl be t warme day with 46. cooler sunday d mond. pueblo high tomorrow0. a slow warming trendednesday into saturday. high saturday 49. cooler next we and dry. woodland park and canon city. windand cold tomorrow th urri possible ring the morng. slowarming trend wednesday
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all the piec are now iplac e brcos and panthers are in the bay ea, rey to battle it ouin less than a week. r owgrant meech is there in san francisco angis us a lo at hofans aearing u for thbig game the nfl has set up some majo sites for mamum fan interaction for super bowl city. the ggest of them all is ser bowlity near the bay in san ancisco. fansf all team flocked to this ar to e so othe sights soundsf baarea and l thatt has to offer -nd bronco country has spread far and wide fosuper bowl fifty.
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leing up to per bowl and it tlace ,, the ns sayou have to check out. the avalanche will get bacto it tomorronight, as th host the fending stanley p champs, the chicago ackhawks. a big test for team 's belaying welas of la the nt into th brigh note lasweek, coming back inramatic fashion beat the kings 4-3.thatind of play may behas in- part to outstanding altendfrom sn varlov, whs be standg hiad tke the avs in the close tchups. he been outstandininhat game. t i thghouguys played well enough, pk was sharand we
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the good hockey that we've been ayinso far. obviously he's playing great, but 'ralso doing some ally good this defensivy. we'd liktopend a lite less time ioun end and moren the o-zo, but the'a lot of od things to our game right now anwet want to keep at momentum. ckrop tomorrig is at 7:00, wehave a rap of the ga he on ws-5 at 10. r force hockeyas alsen ing ightly or the last few weeks. winsecing commonplace for e on their stevenam ty've tched a poininh ntest d ll lk to de me nsi-neeeke headchnk serrato say his te has done nothbut impresm and has no doubt thistyle of play will ntinue. we've eier had the lea the game haseen tied, we haven had to come from behind in any ofhoseames. is eat when youteaman gethe lead and put thewness on the other team to have to come from behind, so we're doing
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hopefullthat connues the lcons st-i-t thi friday and satday t academ 7:0 games. and last but not lea, e nuggets are after a close to the pacers on saturday. seems every game h been cle, but not enough for the nuggets as they now sit at 18-n the ye.... in the western nfen. ey'll veo intheir "a" game against the raptors, they're 2nin t easte confence. tip-ofis a7:00, we'll ke a lo at e matchutonight ws-5 at 10. ur flight justot a little bit more enjoyable. which major rlines are bringing back colimentary
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, topping your consumer watch: an e-coli oureak linked chipiotle restaurants appears to be over. e c-d-c says chipotle has remped it's food preperations methods... at more than thousd locaons. the outbreakicked 60 people... anthspecific source s never npointed. the outbreaklso drove chipotle stock down by 26 percent in the last few months. xxxxx free snacks are avlable ain
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most airlines dropd complimentnty goodies after 11 delta was thonlyajor airline that kepsnks over years. but starting today, united and american airlines, started those snac again. the turn of free scks is sign that airlines are starting to reinvest in customer experience. xxxx you like "building with legos"... flida's legoland hing--go creors!! "timmagazine says the compy is accepting applications from people of all backgrinds to be "mastemodel builders" atheir factory in lake wales, florida. e florida site h hired 50-model builders so far.
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white wedding dres 00. is there cocaine in ts or something? - ye thwedding industry a ract. - oh, you think erng is a racket. - and that is the last of it, glenn. - w. m. - i'm just gonna say what we all thinking. this is pretty as he - oh, it's 80. ooh, wait. uh, hold on. i justant toove that that not in center. that should be in center. [joan jett's "bareputation"] [all yelling] - oh, no, no. well, at was a goouse of the lt fi hou. [upbeat music] [both strugg - th realize there basically just fighting over a white net with gtter on itrit? - mm, i got five bucks on the blo
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