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tv   Today  NBC  February 3, 2016 2:07am-3:00am MST

2:07 am
"ext's" ultimate preview.,,,,,,, om nbcew is "today" with kathilee fford d da kb, le from sdi1a in ler pla. hey, everody, welcok. >> wt da is it
2:08 am
als call span tuda eit tt. it's febar at is ifd ar -- >> he doe,'t he? >> he tes with meghan trainod wiz ifa. ye, 's od. we hen aweso show to >>ouch sn? dwest. ybe people a a t' nni, folks. they'rebabl in t own vera. 're all out yway wreoing to havenef her great ests. we le him. lou marani. hes goto shoyou how to ovel eas >> that's od. i belie everythinhe says. >> by e way, a l of -- mean, i hao pua daer, bua loof fals co omeoplshelinsn a hang hrtttk. eyo ithwronwa sd y tentn. if yoat yosetermorning with nothing to we'l you ho ma your old ofi newgain b doinone ttle tng. >>okay good
2:09 am
oas wrior bonce and t bull. now tank -- >> tha waserogory term in day. >> no more,by. no is ol eom l n and happened hav t., you werlikewhis ttcorrespoenthat-hosdn o.t. i . >> it hapd to beathie's daughter. here she is. t's ta a loo >> you haven't seen this. >> no. >> pple come up me overhe years and menti mdad. >> it was ilon the bacof peoplee your day. your dad. if it weret fopeopike frk gifford, i don know that we woulde doing what ware in >> the last couple of years of my dad's life at remember sitting and watching with him, he ilike i'm shappy that thosys arep thernow. thre dng smuchte an ild he do.
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's n tyou worrbee yoowt ev i has pred obody, but y xt step, a first time is, yo- yowant backg it uth o ayer en those tart coming bo h nur s ee you kw, just i was so gtefu >> my take-ay from wching r is'shers i k that'sthe rdest thin to u are starting because you o, she hato awer questions, but she has to as questions, andbe has to know how to deal with all the logistics. shwas so her >>ell,heo o aitogh stim>>opco. e home s your moth for a i missou. >> i grounay, that that's whe punxsut phi coming out and w dec wther orot we're goi to have me t. ele's pens. >> it's an excusfor ose guys to get dresseup in those ha. s be hon ey livr this.
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ug on dewa. at his et >> he needs bres. >> he a bit oa beav. >> hdid shadow? >> which means wt? spring is on t? ell, sprisn the y no mattha .yeah. lways wr t alwa naalceannd spadminirations hisccuracy at about45%.which isort o like the polls in iowa.kidd>> wow. atho erydy up, didt it? >> the good wsay -- >> wt is the goows? >> it's alatiotatet y. theseer tots carom the mep. shoctops are sprinkledith and parsleeto,o wven nee to scribe wt's ing? >> tse are tdedss. >> w witcheese. thtouaid ey didnavan >> i dt a bi n this.e you re?
2:12 am
>> hanothei'just kiddi >> theoaded jala psley, and -- >> i sorry. i would ha -->>ure be >>hy >> won't y tashis >> jmy kmel haan ong thin fferenople f differently abou it's callelie wness ws it meut it's funny. th a peoplonhe seets questis abt e news of the y.>> i w go d sayi i hate theseind of thing you donalk n ollady uming up an eslator. >> that w one time i was on. rdayy of the iowa caucusele were asked d. >> but they were in lirnright? ll >> okay. >> we're tki about presidtial tions. bi day for politics. >> have you beenbl get out and vote yet? >>es, i have. >> where did you vote? >> i voted at an old elentary school by my house. >> have you been able to get out and vote? >> absutely have. >> wheres your pling place
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ywood. >>ow werthe lines today? >> not bad. >> we the peopt th pollinplace nice >> very nice. very nice. >> did they offer cookor juic >> they did. ey offered coffee and a donut. >> has the coffee? >> i didn't have it, but it was nice that it was offered >> is there ything that u haveaid peoe th didn't voteoday? >> i think youuys need to get your cabe and >>ers e in yourewahi, anyodot know i it a setup. k ty'veeet u cat beeve ey keep in a on.thwarimary gng o er the thg , here wreod and digr. yodot ke pe toe naal foolslves. >> they feel't te. no oneknow goeon atheaucuses until yestery.>>hehavesi rease
2:14 am
.you kn, n'inop e tnkpljust sigthgs. i kn i d i'a please oy? >> mbe theshouldn't. eople asme to do>> >> s gla theere no women ther o that we could te>> news. theylways lk aut h stup womre bamedrer big news wittohas today. we aee wh this. even though wreom. >> his officiallamerics most boved celri. >>eah. ar'swinner, who w love dl wasto and->>hose t tom hanks waal -- >> a hripoars . favote tom hovie. most m sod. >> what isr fari t hankmovie? >> lov "" lod ig." >>sleeess ineale that was the oth- s it sleeplesineale.
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hidehi" you ani lovehim inidge of spies o >>e oerarhnwae, hrifosa bullock, jen la, so guys arin tre joayne clint eastwd. ad pitand jua rts. d for them. it aigig ltgh yer n watinha in i , you wer ably wing " bachoramanda is here tlls what ha >> three hours of gs last night. three s of "the bachelor." >> ben continues his quest for ve, and started with this girl, amanda. she's the mother of tw >> cut >> bens going toe her t a hot a ballo ride. she has to wake uparly. dides to wa herp personally at 4:20 in the morning. by baking intoheir hel room, bushe liveshe with allhe other rls. so take a look at h the moing went. >> okay. >> good morning.
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>> what? >> >> no! >>ante toe wak you >> oh, i loo bad. hose weave is this >> not mine. >> ion't want him to s my dragath, but this is me. this is how the guat i am competg with 11 other women for his heart saw this morng. >> hey, amanda, we got date to go on. good morning. >> good morn hi. >> amandwoke up like good rning. not co >> yk beautil. all ght. >> i mean, she did. >> she total hadakeup. she waseady. >>he lika sn princess. she's, like,el. >> a lite stardust. want a bath mi? e ew he s going to do it hgot gp,sh
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wiheetainer. poorr orpor po laen >> okay,have >> jil w realle hiliofhehow stt.beliheom g-go. s ticome v jeals, at seemlikehe gets jealod thenets me. >> thawhat usuappens ot to thgirls. to ben. shs playing hard to get. th blew up in r face last night. so, see what happens >> i'm notsetoeing overshadow. going intoonight, i fe really gabout everhing, but now i'm ju really disapped in his thoughts. >> jubilee, can we talk? wkwa awkward. >> didou hear what she said? >> she's, like, let's not hold has. >> she just said that. >> i get my chance to seyou. li, this is about you d i right now, and i just want to grab your hand, jubilee, and walkou upsta and you're, like, no, no, no. you pull away from me. how is that supposed to make me feel wn i to grab your
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it's pulled away? think it best if tonight we say goodbye. >> oka >> okay. iouldavloved m unconditionay. >> so i e w -- she walked sadlynto a cab, like llg. they're mexico. heoeinto aorr d cried. rit? stop it. man up. eryone idrunk. >>is crying in a corne now has tgok upstai to go backn the date with all these gis, and i'm at me going how is this ing to ver? he is artbroken. >>h, he not, anda. >> he isrying. >> jt h re. >> whyo you fall for this? >> well, you're right, take a lookt whatappened. heas fine. >> tonight i had to y goodbye.
2:19 am
>> ben, is it okay if i steal yo for o second? i'm sorry. you handle situations like that with such respe and grace. i'm done breaking up wi opleer this. >> you have ten more to go. yeah. he's bron heard. you can tl w hurt he was. whe y watchhis bk a you see the a man as, why in t world wouldr want to love unconditionally f your lif yeah. mayb doessee what happing behindhe scenes. >>hat >>ha abohe nobody s? reallquk, this ended on a clfhanger with olivia. we've been talking abo her for a while. e may have gotn kied off e sh last ght. it was a to be continued. e girls tolden that she's bullying everybody, and he arted to believe it, so next week we find out if she's still on the show or not >> what do you think i think she's sll goingo be around for at least onee.
2:20 am
>> if it's working in the ng you got to keep h. >> amanda, that s a -- >>ove e fact that she beeves all thiuff. it sad, t 's adorable. iac ha,o u ow what tt an a lilepanky spanky. ! plus, s it for yourself. >> lou mfradini has a solution to all thosennoyg little problems riger this. (cell phone rings) whe are wellhe squirrels areack in the attic mom? ur dad won't call an exterminator.. ca y bk,om? he says 's personal this time... ou're a mom, call at the worst me. it what you do. if you want to se fin percent or mor on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what yodo.
2:21 am
(polity) wt, w(polity) wait, wt, wait! you can't put it in like that... .you he to rin it first. that's baked-on alfr baked-on? it's never gonna rk dish issues? trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. it pers... through... your tghuck-onood. er than fish. cascade. ve been onmy feel alday. i'm bushed! yea meoo. exse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with d scholls massagingel soles. they'rproven to givyou coort. whh helps you more energized ...all d long. i want what he has. drdrspy?that's fun.dy dry no. this is greaft.caep i(laughs)the ca .. .nowa drantiperspira ra enou pressure in here for ya? i'm goa take minexsinus-max.
2:22 am
thesdissolve fast. theynew liquid gels. and you'reoming with me... yorealizi ve golstatus? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max stren medicine les th shoulds don't ju cry pad ey carryr fans' ions hopes, and dreams and maybe, a chance at greatness...
2:23 am
>>f yo >> if with a pesky problem around tse, don't call a handan. you know what to do. ask lo lou manfradini, he has ne that rhymewi kelsey l reiny. >> w, that' od. i li that. >> do you li it? oo ceras o. tay the ht of "use arndtoy" contribut is doingomethi differe. >> hhabrought t sotions toll t problemhe has enskedbout the most. so l's go. >> i call it nooe of twothe arems tha g st t meha ihi wl beay lpl. painngchg up iwa a ob is gtleman invte someg called the my pat saint. u got ale canspaint. you have toch up, you gotto open them brush ou th is t you put the extra paint that you vet has brush alread itd now whatever color you
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never ha to washhe brushu acly u this to tou he paint whenou are donou p it awanu p it.>> tt's somart it s emy. yofill iup and -- >> wh thisld c of paint. cycle . >> that's ingenius. >> he started by using a n jar tinit. 's so smar it's, like, $15. if areou a professional painted you do a of h-up thiiseall-- >> h aut sp that sits in one ofhesera and gets slop. >> this is my vorite thing e apainer. havonofhese use dovsoap. i knou caneey inho nice iis it'sersly en is a soap dh. it drips offnto the sinkand u have to ep your sink cln. itoesn't get that soy sidue. if you show this oer because it chrome.uton count, thmeeflects off of t top d it kind oflends in ity mo favorite ing. i'm teing you,t'a me chger inouvanity>>ow dittick?
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you ow? i sorry. >> a ltle more spit to go with thspit ias excited. >> l, i lovet. this is the nordic plow. hereou he all e snn yorkt a of aas -- wh this wat seme thas about $99 this is a plow tt sh behind, and can you change the angl you push thsnow ave a lile video on thisthing. en i firstt, i was thng youtoasig me. urncheof snoou getrion it.i co homom t in shand fland i'llthe ay licke split thtwo ot, , t. you g to have aig rear end to tt f. ou areeragze peon, ca dois, and eonal crect and it reall makes qork o shoveling snow. >> howuch does it cost, lo >> about10for e three ot >> a you can jus hang up? >>es. it great guardian l. you ve cldre yoe abouem stkinghingin tutle.
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f. isou scr rig oer--ig o ovehe olet. if seone touches i iturn thpor f fofive secds then you plug itack in and en youovaway. any time child gs ne it u pl in e vacuum cleaner fofive secondsit turns off, d then it k on. $20. >> you huyf em r -- if you ha a home, somef the tr codee alreadets in there that areper-proof, so you wa to makeyou may have t. you want to l, this is cool. called snap power an ou coverhas ilt in.e. nightlightn it. >> what? >>t night when the lig goes off, ihas ght tre counrtops, hlway >> all it does -- >>ple won't falln the ddle of thnight orhing liket. ave this little tip thates right over the -->> jt thscrew . they even make one with a usb charger.
2:27 am
>> finally, this is ony ve the sweep-vac. >>underneath the kitccabinet, and y kicit with youtoe, vacm cleane >>sus the -- what? it. itas a vacuum cleaner ba 's under youne your kitchen floor is always a me you are constantly sweepg. you go u with your toe and kick it. itika vacuum ner. ou just sweep uff into threa. >> sep it in. $1 >> so yodon't ed aust pan? >> right just the bom. >> do you have a dust pan? >> n [ laughter ] >> tre you g very good. >> we lo you. >> i'll be overo inall it. i' bring my saw. >> glg and >> one statement piece can one up your stylin an instant. these are thfores. ait uil you s at.
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take that away. >> but first these mess. it's your responsibility s t world's eatest challges. th iwhweeah for e best and brite. why we train forvery eventuity on lan and water, in the air, space and cerspace. perate in a mpx world withne simple mission. win. our hes can stretcout in the washruining em forever prt your clo fro retching, fangand fuzz. ...with downfaicnditioner... it helpsct clothes from thge of thwash. so youfavori clothes stay your favorite othes. downy fabric condition. sh in the w. a hearta doe't care if y rveday, orf you'reoung or d. matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. if you've d a heart ck, a yer aspirin regime can help prevent another one.
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anspirin regimen bayer pirin. >>now >>w withhe brainease esday wher tryget ur mind mg with a f riddle. th com to frogood
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whas ft noegs? >>has fo b nleg? thanr isak>>hen g me bth xais y're ing to ve. i thi it's o thin. hat? on'tayt. >> and how one hot canker outfit fromrab to fab after this. >> oy-key. it added this her level of clean to it it just erhi cle. 6x cleg my teeth are glowing.they are so whit 6x whitening i actual reall like the 2 steps. step 1, clns step 2, whiten every time i use this together, it felt like. .leaving the dentist fice. crest hd. cleaning, 6x whitening i would swit to cres hd over what i was using before. man (srnly): where do you think you're going? mr. mucuoworkwith you. it's to esday.
2:31 am
i'm good all. [annouermunex keeps wo not 4,ot 6, but 12rslet's ugh! heartburn! no one burns on wat! try -seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky mmm...amazing. i ha hrtburn. ka-seltzereartburn reliefews. enthe relief. drray? that's fun. ady! wait time.this is eat. 'sy ft. cai t? aus) l e ov.. tirsrasp working my feet all day gave me pain here. in my knees. but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl'scustom fit orttiinserts. now i get immediate reef my foot pain. mynee pa. find a machine at chk this o, br what's tt, broheim? i itched to geo and gomore. moreavgs ocar surance? yeah bro-fessor, and mor like rentersnsurance.
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nice, bro-tato chip. th's not all, bro-tein shake. ico hamotorcleand rv insurancetoo. , that's a lot more. oh yeah, i all abo more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expect eat savings and a whole lot more. we'r we're back othe booze day anky tuesday.
2:33 am
estion. wh has foobuno?e answers a ler. >>ouybe r or d. >> a bed has a foot too. >> a hot dog. a foot-long t dog. >>ut a bed has a foot, but no gs if 's on the ground. >> me don't have legs. mine sits right -- there's nothing under. li it'right on the -- anyway, if you want to get a leg n your look this winter,ou don't need to bl your budget on a bnd new outfit. >> sometimes all you need is one it to make a stament. here t show youho bttany lene. britnyame. >> h >> sometimes we have sff in our closet, and you thk i don't wao ar tt ca don't kwh wcan do wi it,ig?>> toll rit noeryoneitting sasackso try t fin more clhes, buthate can do is looin our closetnd add just o sment piece. >> l's bng ksha.
2:34 am
>>he has gray shift dress from ls. we often ressy dresses. i love them. they. e n step it up a notch.e add a statement belt. this is for the ime. it a soun drbeltd ok, she autoticay ha hips. we've givehea litt bit of a firelaerg silhoute. cts oy 1.really easfoda what about nighttime? >> we'llo to nme.>> keysha -- that's so czythis is anothebe. this is rupy'sn see. iss only $. it's really fun. she asps it and puts the silv chain. changes herarngup a leit. >> exactly. >> it moves in from day to night. >> ainflatng siluette. tha you. >> our next mode chrna. e's a clasc outfit that a lot people have definitely. a lot otimeen wom -- , th it. they're going out d nnin
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black ck. >> what should she she is going paiher black onack enmble wh a n bold tnch. that'seally . this is from elequey, and 's $179, and now dowto $899ic l the fa thait'sold color and contns little bit of peum aunthe istline. isoat goes to si 24. t has and yl. >> difrent cs, dferent trencheshat theye on the website. really fun. you can go, ai fm day night.>>here is ? on'tnow. i ven't seener come oicole. >> here we hav-- >> wait a nute. >> we ha nic a she's r ack on bck wko semb. ery sortto this. i dohis l e time. it'sasy.
2:36 am
s fromldy,heer e-piecblack mb is under $7 and bs nnin then if you go in anwe a pop of col ther le basicay her compressn knits and nike sky-high sneakers, and this is so inexpensive for workout wear. we love it. >>ou lk grt. forender wre is natalia. >>alia is chlling our down airporthic ok.s p,er disll an a she'soiadd a moto jt. a fu l a fulleather moto cket we'll d that on. >>e a ttleomber jacket type jket? t'only59.9 >> w. $595. i'so e's ing aiit with an anthpoanthropology eveng scarf slidthat on.
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p, pin jeans up a h. love . >>t weekent -->>here you ient a place iami called boo everybodis dressed like that >> one m on mel. >> herwe havmelanie, a the starabout lanie is the ct thashe isng to take her bluee navnsembl and pair it with a stateme necklace frobauble b take what you are wearing and poit out a jgive tt of a statement. >> l >> rig ces it. cha it ll r. >>rehe gs. >>ood b. thas. >> thank you very much. >> erydy looks great thank u. >> for more brny styips goo game day dishes you can eat at pup for a ilte couy ofhef tim love. pe don'nye ye
2:38 am
toing for ight after thi on and i u son and i used watch the red caet shows on tv now,'m wal is unpredictae being flake freesn't. because i havesehead and shoulders fo20 years ed regarit remes to 100%f flakes keeping yoprotected live flake free for life ers a more enjabayo t yo fib. try ilps' fiber go gummiesplus energsupport. it's aewiber supplement that lps support regularity and cludes b vitamins to help nvert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! niceork, phillips! the tasty of fibe from phis'. janet?cough ou c hear me. t evhink abo it. i took mucinexm fo phgmcough. yeah..ut what about mi? itks on s coh to coug wkshis cough too. mucinex reliewet any cougor 1urs.
2:39 am
>> there >> there arehree things people look forwa to on sunda th b me, good foba gocoercial,nd good ea. >>nd good drinks. if areou sti in ne of game day dishes, r todafood wanhelp. th enld thnd o ofonesomn ,
2:40 am
ken . hell ke>> heespo his na. >> s,e es >>dorahat arakg, t?>>his wt i ll the rgerog. the bger dog. >> o >> i likit. >> this inveed because all we had was hot dog buns and leftovercr from st i ed theight be.keveme sap i ir a bsk. ad t brietnhere, this. and blend it up. everyby has a food processor we gri it like this. then i like little --t hat? >> it't a little salt, peika, chilli . threcipe is the website. a tt bitf shlots. >> misoi tho thisoghe >> oy.
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be if u do iwith yr s. get ithere. >> get iafter it >> ike y'all do th don't know how i ended up doing it. recipe. >> it's your recipe.>>hat'sowt wos.>>orit io do.>> oh,y d. gahead and say it. i know it's comi. >> it's interesting. >>eah. yh. >>ll rht. t e goodarou is that these a great for -- you can tailgate. a t ofimes you he -- >>oo >>ou d't have a loof rm onll c me t. >>ka >> w d y thithg p t? e tid wn we bee weitbe smo and tasty. when y grill, always st the lid. >> okay. >> thesere all rea. i'm gonna hyou,ou atea d th. il do i ltuce, toto. >> breakt aittle. wn the prein stts coming out of the dog likehat, that'shen yoow it's ad seriously. goikthis. >>o it >> do it. this. >> that's
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n >> kath, me your -t >> wt wld youikeyours? >> yat yousweetheart. i ready haa tater to >> w cares? get after it. ut aromate -- put it n! bun! >>ll rht i'll take that o. >> that's going to be too hot to eat, hoda. >> howan you -- t's go did do at? >> sid it.>> what a woman. wo ps w. >> we have ps here. 're gog to coountil they're soft st sofenough en wre gng to add -- ths foyoguys. yoad - in>>in tha y.entock athat ess poto rb tng i kn. >> we t to run through. >> you mush it togher. you do lihis, make a vinaigrette. >> it's gog to be on our website. >> this is delicious. very negary. >> i love .
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>> this is w i havell this ti. >> igood, right? is is really good. >> find the pe a can check m'sh restup tomorrow oncnbc. super hosinger, anyoe about to see why.
2:44 am
om r star tank after this hesweetie, it's ti e of tir tv ann: go aftnoeryone. tv ann: the perfect day for a ga of foba. tvcr: this team having a fanttic seon.rng ritus e specl. when youre what yolove... ...with who you ve. kellogg's frted fles. ey're grrreat! n n a microsof surface 3...when you buy any specially-markedlogg'soduct. let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but liquid gare new. cinex fast max. it's the same fference. this one is max streth andfights mucus. cinex fast max.
2:45 am
at maxtrh and fights mucus t'end is. h! heartrn! no one burns on my watch try alka-seltzer heaburnreefchews. they worfast and don't tastechalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn.
2:46 am
eny the reef. the citi concert series on "tay" is pudly prented to you by citi. he is a mui-talented nine-time grammy nominated r&b arst who goes by one name only. tank. >> he has en burning up the charor years. with seval top ten albums, also produced and writtengs for some of biggeststars, udin boncend pit bull. he has his new album, and it's gone to number two on the billbod 200, and it's lled "love, sex, and pain."
2:47 am
it'sll in you -- >> theirst one was such ahit, uta d theond >> goto do it again. >> y, yes. >> youavfi beautchildren. have ty heard thisusic? is thoyou made t chdren? >> it's supposed to adu mu you kn i got to call yedaomdestnd s said, d, someone thinks things are inappropriatwhatou said. >> we wa thear. tnk younk. >> tnk youo much if only you knew if only you knew yeah if only you knew if only you knew yeah if onlyou kw if only you knew yeah if onl you knew how much i do love
2:48 am
uldn't be tripping wouldn't be trippg now you don'tnow you d't know you don'tnow you jt don't kw whas it gonnaak for you to kw you're the oy one i want aund you're the only one to hd me down gi you should know baby y don't know you don't know if only you knew how much i do love love you
2:49 am
oh yeah you don't knowou don'tnow yodon't know don't gra m in public don't grab men pvate if only you knew how much i love y love you you wouldn't be tripping come on come on come on
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you don't know y don't know you don't kno you don't know you d't kn you just don't know do it to me eve night you don't know you don't know ain't n way i c ever let you go if ionly you knew how much, how much io lov you y you wouldn't be trippin you don know youon't ow, you don'tnow y don't ow,ou d't know, you just don't know >> y! tank. >> thank you so much.
2:51 am
>> oh, thank you. >> we're giving away a big pre, bfirsod" on n. >>hat auful. >> yeah. >> oh, my god. the "pungent stk" neutralizer. e "prevent mold and mionhe sr curtain for to da" spra 's also th"or causgbaeriafighter. d ev theathlete's fonguskill er me you c lyl tant to he keeyour home heal e's a more enjoyable way tge fiber phillips' begood gum plusy support. it's a new fib supplent that lps support regularity and includ b vitamins to help convert fo to energy. mmmmm, these are good! ni work, phillips! the tastside of fiber,
2:52 am
, i take pictures of sunris, but with my back pain i co't s anget uptime. en i fnd ale pm. eve pm is the on oo combinsafe p the 12 hour painelng strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm f aetteam. stre swe can hapanime to anye. stre sweatffandinaryweat, it swoe. get mes thprotection against stress swe. th secret clical sength insible lid ancleal. the challeng facingthe country ver stop. soeither ds the u.s. army. we train. adap and get smarter. evy soldier. every unit. everday. t to keewith ce; but to drive it. nobody knows what problemsomorrow will bring
2:53 am
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