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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  February 3, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST

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a oblehowever. now th the snowas stopped..and plow crews get ahead of the gamon thprimary ansecoary roes,.they are now goingnehbod bighbhood angs. it expted to take at lea ugh e wed tolow 540ne m oet theprings. soe patients....ey know it's en frurang for hp th,...ey recod mong y vehioff e st if u theare ing doing jusone pass to geas many streets as quicy as they n. new night... some people downtown colorado springsathcity idroppi the ball when it comes t "plowing" the "dowown business district." ws 5's zach thaxton isive downtown tonight. za.. businees are tellingou they're sing customers and money? i'm told that customers are avoiding pking at downwn meters because the pking spaces haven't been plowed and th're diicult to get into and out of. they understand tiences
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big stm,ut merants and customers say thatatience is running in. vo#1 it's a high priority f the cityo keep custors downtown, but this lely isn't what ty had in mind -- people unable to leave their parkg spots, inundated with snow and slush. "i feel like we could've de a littleit better of a job down here. i understand there's a lot of snow, but, hey, we live in colorado, so we should be prar f this. vo#2 the perk coffeehouson ten,anagers say the snowed- over parking spotsreeeping away ctors. "ty' cplained about the parking spots, like they can't back out othem becausehere's so much snow covering e parking spots." "annoyed. laughs that pbay e st word i come up with." vo#3 if it seems like plowi wntown isn't a priority, the city says that's cute. "we pically don't plow downtown because it cacreate sues with parking, piling up snown areas, a the merchants downtown le out on pking spaces." vo#4 streets managecorey farkas
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with thistorm, but prress is difficult. "we've had a crew working all day yesterday and ernight hours ying tput snow in stragic plac as to not blo rking spaces and this of that nature." vo#5 rk barista tayr dson says there has toe a better way. "i getere probably around 5:00 a., so there's nobody out at that tim so it's like, you could do ithat early -- sur easy to do -- just plow the stres." "it'd be nice to get se plows downere and get this snow out of here." thcity says the snow that is plowed downtn has to be hauled aw to a nearby vacant l. they add that many of the drains are clged right w with sno ane, so if there's rap meltin street floong c become t next problem downtown. li in colorado springs, zt, news 5. lc schl distri 49 isn a o hour delay f tomorrow morning.
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are nitoring conditions ght see if that nee to change. the school districrented a front end loader to remove the snow today. it started at falcon high scol and th mov to other schos. the district has to clear parking lots, walks and acce roes d fcon emta..hey d tnel roh e sn just to get to t fro entrance. " it was probably abouthree to four hourso removell the snow and build a little path. and then i start building a tunnel. in many areas in eastern lorado springs and the county,....they've been dealing withrifts four andive feet hi agn, d-49 has on announced a two hour dor tomorrow buthat could change. look for updated iormaon on our wee at koaa dot com and on ns five today starting at 4:30. the miami-yoder distri is also on twoour delay. as for the larger school districtin colorado springs....district 11 and district 20,...botare open tomorrowno delays. however, they tell news five that if you don't feel safe geing your child to school, call yr sc's attendance office and we're toldhey will be
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they also sabuses may be runng late becau some resideiastreete stl packed with snow,.and if b drivers do not feel streets passable,...theyill not go down it. severe wintestorms... ke t one we ju had.. can leave plty of dama hind take a look athis... a carport. gave w und the weight of the hey snow... at an apartment mplex ar union anacademy. the fire department had to use air bags to ft it . one person we spoke with says her front bumper was damaged.. no word a other cars may haveeeug undt.x remb track conditionsnye. your latesforecast, road conditiond all the school closur and delays on our mepage at koaa dot com right now. a criminalnvestigation is underway..and nearly thound people whoad surget swedish medical center in englewood are being told to get tested for h-ias welaspatitis b and c. the spal is inveigating whether a former surgical tech stole drugs from the facility..putting those patients at risk in thpress. edish won't sahow they cld
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but patientse spoke with are angry,...devastateby tews. i thinthis hit me the rdest. i just kinda sat in my rooand st broke down a il thsurgalech under vestigation has not en rested or charged. tonight,...the hospital says they have no evidence patients were exposed but they're being cautious by coending the testin now to a ns five special port. it's billeas one-stop shopping for pot tourisoming to colorado. doors are just about ready t openn the first mini-mall for mariana in trinidad. news 5 jessi mitchell inveigateshe how and why trinidad is becoming a mijuana mecca. ts of marijuana entrepreneurs have set their eyes on trinidad, as the closest coloro city to the new mexico border. and one group elopers from arkansas has ambitns to ma pot the economic driver the city desperately needs. but city councilors aren't
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14 miles from new mexico, out-of- towners are making tir first stop in colorado to get theihands onecreational rijuan soon, theyl be ae to go door- -dooat this ilding on commeial street, perung the lection at five coected establishments, the first so- called marijuana mini-mall. get thousands of travelers a day passrighrough here i-25 and just a couple hundred fe away from i5 yo have several dispensaries rit here that are easy tourists toind and get in andut of. iginally conceptualid as more of a fl mart set-up the ci rulhat ch buss would to ha itswn dress. but zero-foosetbacle makes trad the onlcity in e state to all bk-to-back pot ops. our intention is to repurpose me othese buildis an ple industry operators inside em. withpproval from the planng department, now l that's left is for theivinvidual businesses to get licensed through the city, each of which is projected to rake in
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and ile some city councilors i spoke with aret keen on allowing a frenzy of new marijuestablishmentsthat's exactly at chris elkins an s teamave in mind. they hope to take over other old buildings throughoutrinidad to expand their mini-mall idea, ending up with 25 to 30 shops under their business model fore the end of the year. from bnders to store managers to security persoel is brings a great opportity for employment as we the firsfivehops could ovide up to 0 permanent jobs. like most smaller towns in the state, trinidad cod use the economic boost -but many people who livhere aren't nviced pot is the promisand. i thk they nd to genate some oth business besides this, but maybe it'll bring in some other kd of business in town, generate some money and maybsome more jobs f the locals because there's not a whole lot of js here right w. and otrs say enough is enough. i dot thinit's a good idea becausi think it'll ing a bunch ofeird, creepyeople like t dispensariealread
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the ease with which this mini- mall idea sailed through planning and zoning has city council stronglyonsidering a limit on marijuana establishments, something they've lked about in the past but never acd on. the city mager tells me they're expected to ke a decision sometime this month, which could put a stop to these delopers' sion for the future. live in pueblo, jessi tchell, news 5. new at 10 -- after a record-breaking year at the royal rge... ca city is planning tbring even "more attractions" tthe park. cityouncil aroved the framewplanhis week. it acts as a guide for future devepments, ich could include a rim trai phitheater and resort. thentire project is expected toost about 22il llars-k would ke years to complete. the parke-opened last year f the first time since that destructive wildfire in 2013... xxxx the brcos are doing me damage contright nowhen one of their practice squard players was sent home...after beg inlved with police,..this was breang news
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now the teams trying to moving on. ne 5's sports director grant meech jos us le nit om safransco wi how theeam hdling it grant? the goal of every otball tm playing for an nfl championship is to avoid straction but when u'relaying in the worlds biggest sporting event that's easi said than done... to the bronc cret the dismissial of ryanurphy hasn't phased em at all. the broncos nt the non active player home last night aftere was estioned by police on tuesday regarding prostitution in san jose. the teams coaches made swift work tput e incident to bed and their focus has shifted to the game. the isappointment jeff but it's been dealt with and weve moved on.. dealt with it yesterdaand obviously disappointed with th young man but are focused on what we have to ftbalwise and we wento work ... we are going to rk ts morning in oureetings. sticking tour route d weve
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its just one more disteaion n't for the broncos... as thee drawcloser... their focus naows to carol and how to get past the stractions of the me itself - that's comg upater in sports e dig t prochas only just begun for many.... t alot of you are making the most out othe snow!! a closer lookt your photos, coming . mike?? === i'm mike daniels i'll have your extended first
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ay morni on toda are cag -- "life-changing"
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amazing vide f very close lightning strike in austrailia. a look from cames across colorado.... highs today the 2s and 30's current tempres nd chills over uthern colorado... next weather maker, a cold northwt flow again tomorrow. a weakisturbancen the fl will bring clos and a few snow flakes latin the day into tomorrow night most of the flures will stay over the higher elevations. houry hour, sunny and cold early tomoow morning clouds increase late with the warmest air during the early afternoon hours. a few flur will dep late, ver the hi evations. ws tonightn the les and low ze. hightomorr in thens, and 30' 7 dacast thepr, high trow 35. stly clofridaya high
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the warmest day ofhe weekend will be saturday dry next week with a warming trend. puebloigh tomorrow 38. upper 30;s againrida mucj warmer saturday with sunshine. cooler dry sunday. much warmer air next week with a high in the 60's on wednesday. cacity and woodland park, flurries possible lateomorrow over the higher elevations. another chilly day friday. warmer air satday th sunshine. dry next week with a strong
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the ow h stopped, t the ather story continues... are stilletti lots of ur pictures... look at is beaiful shot om larry marr... of the clear blue sky d frh snow. at the garden of t god d lo at the wondl horses... enjoyinghe snow peyt anne tson sentthis one. take a lk athaarachers do on their snow kyle created this w pu in monument. d that's a...christine and hegrandson built turtlorado springs remember to sendur phos! email them to "my picsat ka
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denver's may iputting his pride on the lin thfriendly wag he agreed t that will play out on social media...
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devepi tonight: orida's governor... declarg health ecy in counties.. because of the zika virus. at lea 9 cases of the mosquito- borne illness have be detected inlorida. health officials believe all cases are from pe o ntct thdisease while traveling to lan amera. e rus is lked to brain dects inabs. while ere iso eatmenor vaccine r zika availableight xxxx judge is refusing tohrow out a sexual assault case against bl cosby. th decisiohanded dowte today.. after a o day hearing. thjudge swept aside a former d.a.'s claim thahe granted the commedn immunity frocriminal prosecn, a decade o. the judgal dena defense request to disquality the newly ected da, omas e seow moves to a priminetne prosecurs hnoh evidence" to prove cosby ted his accuser home in 2004. xx
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thd cr campan of spadinrumors that he was quitng borthe wa caucuses on mond. cruz won the most tes while cars placed urth, with less than ten percent caon blames the relt on the e rumor that he was dropng out of theace. cruz said he was unaware of his supporters spreading the rumor and ys hdoesot approve of such tactics. meanwhile donald trump is accusi cruz of steg the iowa caucuses and is demanding a do over. and toght,...both rand paul and ck santorum have dropped out of the g-o-p race for presidt. deer mayor micha hancock is confident the broncos will win super bowl 50... so confident in fact... that he's willing to s a panther's jers if they don't. both mayorplaced friendly wagetoday over the phone. thterms of the bet, calls for the lor to wear the jeey of the winning team's quarterba. whver loses.. will have to take a picture in the other's jersey and share it on facebook... aftethe game mayor haock inks it will b
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broncos willull through and beat the panthers 27 to 24. ,, is ihis la rodeo? u couldn't setp a better endingor t sto ... . oftomaing's hior ki cee grt meech live fm san fransco next with peyt's answer tthe retirement
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it wasn't alysretty is seasonor the denver broncos. t neverthele here a ... ree days to go with a chance to win it all. and importantly for peyton manning ... anher 2nchans a bronco to make superbowl hiy. sports direcr ant meech is li tonight from san francisco with our continuing coverage of super bo 5 i coall ofheroncos for handli tmselves with css at the halfway point of thi very long week... tomorrow ie last day to k wihe media and ask peytonannine very important question. soets get it out othway... hey peon... are you thinkingbo your rerement right now? no hant.. im just ng to stay focused
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over the past few ek.. staying focused on the task at h and stay focusedis week not tofar but this very we cou be yton manng'sas with e onco.. d of his career... tting msf upo out likeisoss general manager john elw when he wonhe broncos la title. but if you remember... thisomendidnt' look like it would happen. sidelined with h foot injury for seveweeks... the sheriff is healthy jt in time. at this point for n this season hes beeas healthy a he'seen all season - even wh he started theson... i see nothing positives and thisonth has beenothing bu positis r us and this team so i just look forward to leing our foballeam ce again. juries havcomefinemanning'er... 's wunup bnging him dver in tirst placend ultimately its the thing that will stop him fromng on. i like to usthe analogy of a seball player at can't throw the 95 mile per hour fast ball anore... hean'throwhah ymore but c pnthe corners and work the situation to strike the guy out.... so i feel li i can still move the chains in different ways ands being flexngble
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serv me we. the am awell. evenhen nning waon the sidelines he was stillnvolved onhe eve of what be e st deo r peon... focus will be on himis focuwill be on the win... and the team effort. i think it's been the body of work throughout the ason that has defined this team and it's been a great teaeffort and been oudefense thatled e way...instead of nexday. but g game is not normal anfor me of the oncothey are used to his spectae. others aret and kubiak is yingo prepare eryo as be he can. this gis difrent -re a lot of dotime between the start of the game and warmsup - there ara loof activities halftime is a lot longer so we have talked about some of the ings and we going to t and ju our players tso of those particular situaons just think the biggest thing i trng to keep an eveneel the game is stl 60 minutes and thats not going to change it's
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the oncos haveeportedlbeen helay all week... ep an eye on darian swart and tward... the two biggest names nuing any sort oinjury before kick f. - e the full report atoaa dot com k road trip to utah toght for the nuggets . lookg to me it t for inonth of february. 1. a hot first half for kenneth faied -- firstsce for the nuggs ... on the fast break ... ange and one 2. meanil danilo llini d the te in scoring tonighth24 ... 3. he pickeupr of threes in e rst half ... mo from the same exact spot. anone of the htest gs in e league coming off the nch righnow will baon.
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tonight ... ve for 8 with 2 stls 10 intsnd 10 rebods. but te run by the jazz kept thout ofea. the air force academy and head coach troy choun have agreed to one year contract extension through thyear 2020. calhouhas coached the faons for the st ne seasons th a 67-50 ovall rerd. air force is also 35-29 in span. lhoun led the faons eight bowl games, including a hoecd siin row from tough 2012. cleaand realold tonight with lowsn the single digits to below zero. thursday sunshine ll give way to clouds few fluies poiblen some areasom niarly fday moing.
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ira, shellenn.. wi join you r ne 5 toda.. startingt 4:30 tomorrow
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