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tv   News 5 at Noon  NBC  February 4, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST

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posslyut it onou drivew, something of that nare, that wl help our opatio el he'sxpti cre tbe workg througutheeeke to gett l ne he alssa mt res won't cleared cb tour.. trks wl on be ing one ss in,ndne ps out. buss in downtn colora springs say the city is dropping the ball t comes to plowing the snow. the ci says plowing downtown is not a top priory beuse the snow pil block parking acesend upn siwas.but doe sitelwi me besseho s omere avoiding downtown beuse th're afra of getting stuck in the par spac "they've complaineabout the parking spots, like can't back outf them because there's much snow cering the parking spots. annoyed. laughs th's probay e be word i caco up with." e ty also sa thaice d
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starts, ere will likelbe some mor street oong. colorado springs police are asking for the plic's help in finding a missing woman. authorities say 60-yr-old "karen keffer"as mildementia and is described as a white female... with dark brown hair. she was last seen weara black and whshawl... black knit cap and blue jeans. she mighbe arod acacia park or dntown colodo springs. if y see her... you'ed tll police. a al investiga is unay.. and nearly 3-thousand people who had surgery at swedish medal center in englood e being told to get tested for h-i-v, as well as hepatitiand c. thspitals investigatg whetr a former surgical tech stole drs from the fality,... tting those patients ari in the process. swedish wot say how they could become iecd. bupatientse spokwith are angr.. devastated by the news i think this hit me the hardest.
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just broke down for while. the surgical tech unde investion hanot en arreed ocharged. the spitalays th have evidence patients wexposed but they'rbeing cautiousy recommending the testing. now a newfive special report. it's billed as -- e-stop shopping -- for potourists coming to corado. doors are justbouto open - on t first "miniall" for majuana in the city of "trinidad". news 5's j mitell --investig the howhy trin ibe a maruana 14iles fm new xico out-of- towners are making their first stop in coloradoo get their ndonecreational majuana. onthey'll be able to go doorto-door athis builng comrcial stet, perusing the selection at fe connected establishments, the first so- called marijuana mini-mall. we g thoands of travelers a day passinright rough here on i-25 and just couple hured feet ay from i5 you have sever dispensaries right
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to finand get and o of. origin conceptualized as mof a flea mart-up, e city rt each business would have to have its own addres t its zero-foot setbk rule makes trinidad the only city in the e to allow back-to-back t shops. our intention is to repurpose some of these dingan ple industry opetorsnse them. with approval from the planning partment, now all that's left is for the fe dividual businesseso get liceed through the city, each owhich is projected to rake in 5-million dollars year. and while some city councilors i oke with aren't keen on allowing a frenzy of new marijuana establishments, that's exactly wh chris elkins d his am have in mind. eyopto take over oth old buildis throughout trinidad to expa their mini-mall idea, ending up th5 to 30 shops under their business mod before the endf the . fromudtenders to store managerso security personnel, this brings a eat opportunity for employnt as well. the first five shops could
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like most allewns in thestate, tnidacould economic boo -- but many pele who livhe aren't conviced pot is the promiseland. think they need genate some other business besides this, but mae itl bring in some other kind business in to, generateome money and maybsome more jobs for the locals bause there's not whole lot of jobs here right now. and rs s enougisnough. i dot think it a good idea because think it'll ing a bunch of weird, creepy people the dispensars ready havehobos anstuff. e seitwhh is mini- mall idea saed through planng and zoning --asity council strongly considering a mit on marijua establishment sothintheye talkedut in the pt but neveacted on. thcity manag tel new5 -- ey're expected to make a decisi somime this month, which could put a stop tthe oject. after a co-breakg ye at e royal gorge...
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evenmoreractns" the park. ci couil approthe framework plan this week. it acts asuide foruture developments, which could clude rim trai amphitheater and resort. e enti project is expected to cost about 22-million dlars -- work woultake years to colete. the park re-opened last yearor the firstime since tha structive ldfire in 2013.. if you plann on filing yr taxetoday. pump the brakes... the i-s isot accting electronically filedax returns right now... beuse of a cputer outa. the agency saiyesterday a system suffed a ardware failure" affting its e-file and "where'sy refund" services. the i-r-says it's not expectinany "major disrtion" taxpayers can continue tsend returns to companies that rve as middlemen bee taxpayers and the i-r-
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through ateast today. in our election watchthis afteoon we're focusing on new hampshire -- and so e the idates. toght the democrats' final face-off before new hampshire's primartuesy. and thingsre heati up between the top two publicans. "tracie potts" is following it all,.. - insert pkg --- a new 7 news boston-university of massachusetoll... ju o this morning.. puts marco rubio othe move in new hampir now nuer two... ahead of ted cru.. 's questioni howcruzon iowa: sot: mar rubio/ r esidentialandidate : "ultateli think itoes back to what i said before and that is willingss to say or d anythi." the leinrepublican - donal trump - is claiming he could've n iowaf ted cruzadn't send ouquestionableailers a spread false rumors that ben carson was dropping ou so donald trum r esidential candidate :30-:33 "you know these politicians are utal, they're brutal."ot:
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presidenal candidate :34-:39 "i wake every y and laugh at e latest thingonald has tweed - beuse he's losing it." tonight's msnbc debate is hillary clinton's last chance to take obernie sders face to face bornew hampshire vos on tuesday. sot:ilry clion/ d presidtial candida :48-:53 "if it's about ourecords, hey m gonnwin by aanli o tuesday." ourtesofnn" super burn i saerhas double-dit lead re. he hmering clinton ohe six-figu speeches: t: bnie sanders/ d esidential candidate 1:01:10 do noknowny proessi whhas a super and kes $15 milln fromall street. th's jt noprogressive. her respon? sot: hilry clintond idenal candidate 1:12-1:13 "that's whathey offered." for the democrats, the newol ows clinton gaining, but still far behind. insert end two second pause audio outcue: tracie potts, nbc news, washington. -rorter live tag--- rand paul and mike huckabee dropped out too, witho dorsg anyone. i'm acie potts in washgton - back to was tracie potts reporting. still ahead on news five at noon. a closer look at the invstigation into what caused an explosion --idflight -- on a major iner .
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potential for sn tonight i'll
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,, co is the ru this morng with mostly single digits for temperatures double digits are onlyarely
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e nng 5 to 10 deee below ze. while that gusty wind is min fothose frigid wind chills, thacalemperatus be risinsincarnd am anks to that wind. is espeally gus near th ll and it is downslo nd. e wind will be around th morning, especially along and west of i-25 calming by noon. the nd will relax and allow the sun to do me work d warm our temperatur ithe 30s this afternoon. a cold frontpproaching from the west is helping to kick up that wind th mni it will move tgh late this afteoon. the upslopwind behthe cold front will bring about a incrse in clouds and a few snow flakes tonight. temperatur will warm through the single dits and teens and into the lower and middle s beneath sunny skies ugh 10 expe continued sshine through noon with temperatures warming toward 30 degrees. nely everye will wm into e 30s between onnd 2 pm. clouds will begin increasing after 2 pm wh snowy spots beginning to develop between 5
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,,,,,,,,,,, investigators in somalia -- are loing to what caus ad-air explosion on jetline shortly after keoff.. the ast blew a hole in the aircraft -leing onman miing. n-b-c's keirimmons reports. -- pkg -- this morning the airline says it aircraft s minutes into the flight... still climbi... when a hole was blown in the fusela. how it happened is still a myery.experts tell nbc news passgers may not have survived if the plane had been aa higher altitude than 12,0 fee officials have cfirm one ssenge missing... witnesses say he was sucked out of the pne. pictures ssthe mal or sk of e airbus 321 w blown outwards... indicating an explosion from inside. passengers describe ske sot/ awale kullane/ passenger :39-:45 "iust w white smoke and it was a few sendi didn't realize what it was t when we came down ofourse we saw a hole in the ple." in the pusound fligh have been rgeted with uggled into thcabin... t in this ca, ofcials have
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"we e of the reports about the alirline flight", as said in a ement..."and are suprting oucustomerand thauthorities in charge of the investigation." spesman to news airbus has a team ontand rdy to join the investigation...but is waiting for an official request fruthorities in somalia. on cam s/ keibc news/ ndon, england 1:14-1:30 tuish airl flighfrom the sa airport wasanlemonday due to heavy tail s, a fial in somalius andstf the paere transferreon to tuesday's il fated . so they weren't meant e on then escaped with eir lives. back to you." new technology is helping deaf
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we'll show you next -- in your healthy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in tay's youhethy faly... netenogys lpg deaf students achieveew heits. from voice recognition apps to videoemote- interpreting... udts say -- it's changing the way they're communicating -- both in and out of css. "brianna dipilato" has more. --- pkg --- the ability to ful hear. something some of these students do not have. buthe ability to commucate. is something they do. a it just got a whole lot easier. sot: rico peterson, asst. dean director of the department of acce services he world is cominge cessibleo afeoe. srtwi ctiin services for entire classrooms... lectures-- scrolling on a scen in front o the students... in rl time. t: annmarie kuz, manager, real time captioning & noteting "typically they might not know si languor they might prefer englishnstead of sign langge so we have a provider thats ained in specialed software, they go into cla and
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the technology can even be ought out of the clarooms and into the liv of the students at home... or with friends thanks to the ava app -- making group faceo-face conversationsha much easier. studyingessions... new video remote ierpreting or v-r-i. sot: bryan ward, rit grad studen "it's much easier and re clear ing your expressioand so forth raer than writing back and forth." with 130 interpreters staff and more tn four thousand hours of intpreting done a week... this new -- more accessible technology is needed. t: rico peteon, asst. dean & direcr of the department of acsservis "it really is havi an impact on t deaf world becae it kes access easier to come by, in the oen days you hato get an interpreter and you h to bring the interpter nowadays you can do things as you saw, on the phe you can do them on a ipad you cano them remote." denverayor michael hancock is confident the brons will win super wl 5..
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that he's willing to sport a panther's jersey if they don't. mayohancock placed friendl wager wi charlte mayor jennifer robertsr the one... the terms of theet, calls for the loser to wear the rsey of thwinning 's quarterbk... and th take a picture wearing said jersey... and thenhare said picture... on facebook after the game. mayor hancock thks it wille a close game... but says the broos will pull it out ovethe panthers... by a fal scof 27- . u arnot ale if i taking you whileo pick between the rolina panthers and the denver broncos as the winner of super bowl 50. in memphis, tennessee wednesday "le le" the giant panda keptnxio crowds waitinon him to make his pick. and after about 20 minutes and some tres...le le pick the panthe. le le seed to be pretty hay with his choicbecause he wrapped himself up in a pantrs sheet.
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, six gianpanda cubs born in 2015 made their adorable debut at a panda n southwest china last wke. pt of their debut, cu usedheir extremely cute ways to ring in the chinese year of the monkey. they all home fun pling with the new year decorations like cne knots anded lanterhich symbolizeoy and od forne. the cubs received the most adorable cheers when theayed wi the monkey toys. adib ad l the wind will around this moing, especiallalong an west of i-25. itill ease by ato noon. the wiill relax and low to do some wrm
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approaching from tt is helping to k that wind is afternoon . the upsle wind behind the cold front will bri about an increase in clou and a few snow flakes tonight. thanks for spending part of your afternoowith us. r continuous news updates all day when you're not watching t-v, stay with koaa-d-com. i'm ircronin -- for thnews
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beau fuu llectionomt ets kn ma outo y ghyr. inhavi snat loohibetiful, is flawls,itho havingto wear founti. agine a oduct th covers erythinglos fesli youarnoimagine e pruc thats inallyhowntog t n ys d n make you lk upo five yrs yng sty. ise gingrodu is byeion,thrser cmoistufromsm sk an cov bpespsu l pl. ay,-bunda,"and,utiflesskikin. 's yr sk, bubetter
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itiv y tnc gesouhe cere, ives you yoosbeautifu. 's makeu ica,itvethg in, and it's the best thing i've ever used. i just look flawss inead of like have a loof mp on. iteelsilghli not's tre. it jusfeellike i'm n wearinanything on my face. itakes my skin look absolulylawless, covs erythg,an ens out msk te. the'noing out ere th iave fodthat has gen me whatt ics s. and ifor opleot to tell me,i love yma,"but,i lo youskin th one step, one product,i t everything nee d ineconanave awlessbeautil log anthat'sethii' never bn abo do emalrrat) it coscs' vas des onhe today swinhe nework s thlleejourd 'seefeatedin allnsle bres, maclre op,won'daamy ansmolan.
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ved jamern .
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