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tv   Today  NBC  February 5, 2016 10:00am-11:00am MST

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cotry. e ubetar arou the d. ifouava daug, yo nt to kn alluther. she's funny. unorns came. >> tse are her fans who shod up in t snow dress as unicns, ande're goingo explain whyhehave those outfits o in a little bit. they probably stayed warmer in that little thing. that onesy. >> what s going on? >> i'm sure that al told u about it, but we weren't paying attention because when we walked outside it was le >> i might as well have en wag ndals. i wasearing flats. if you pantry is luterred with mess and bags, madines here to sort through all that junk and make i nice and neat and tidy. the super bowl. we he r jerseys. look. >> cam newton. >> okay. should we put them on? >> i guess so. >> mine lks small. >> mine looks large. >> ion't think i'm going t like how i feeln mine. >> theree.
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mine is a dr i'm going toep ithis baby. >> that's cute. >> this i a newuper bowl logo. >> it's anniversar >> i so excited abt peyton playing thisga >>o excited abo the food i get toeat. dooukn? >> i like to makechilli c queso the way the real texans make it. you cut up velveeta, which i hard to find in new york city. >> why? >> it's very processed. yo chopt up. you put in one can of rotel tomatoes. ve youver heard of that? like it. >> you pop it on the stove or miowe. let's be honest, il probay put it i the microwave. you serve it with chip >> you dip it. you dip it. sometimes i put a can of bean dip in there. >> that sounds excellent. >>t does hurt stach,ut
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chel,he'shewner and cak gner ofntricate icings cake sign rpuys put these out, and they said we're supposed to h c out here. we don it. we just see the helmets. these the cakes. sn't that unbeliable? >> can i into ? >> w can't dotthat 's gross. >> fine.>> we'll lookor aknife. >> w we're getting th, we'll tell you aut george clooney because if you le george clooney, yoi to love him even more after watch this clip from the ellen show. eln asked him how he proposed to amal, and he said he knew after six months of datg that she was the e,ut f the prosal he had ahole tuation going. he cooked me. behind he he ended up making a play list. like a musiclay list thatas suppos to stop durg his aunmary cloeyas ying "whyhouldn't i" in the back grnd. all of that w suppod to be happenin why shouldn't i
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ontic >> when she saw the ng. sadly, that wasn't what haed. let'take a look. >> got itll set up, timed out. the song is coming. she gets u to go wash the dishes which she has never done. i bleut the candles. i said the light ser in the box behind you. i he just the ring sitting there. she pul it out and she looks at it like it's a ring like it had -- somody h left tre som other time. i don't know. i'm, like -- i got down on my knee, and sa, you know -- i uldn't igine spending the rest of my life without you, and e kep loong at - she was, like,oh my d. we n know because there is a play lis so we know how long it actu took, and it's, like, minutes. finally i lerally said, look, you know, i hope the answer is yes, but ieed an answer
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d thr o pretty on >> hcute. >> i love that. >> could y love h more? >> i love - when henry proposed to me, we were on a road tr. >> ye>> i donw ifou have been onoa trips that really tes you. this wing rd wher wake up at the crk dawn, my sister knew it s happenin he aed my sisteecau she's -- and my pants, obviously. ery i would cal and b li now youe notngo liev wt hrydi ey , oh hs t gogo d . she'honger tru - t true self. hes toi to . onhe day it wa supse t happen,eidn't have cl rvice, ande didt llo ey're,li, he bked t. >>e bkedou >> he backe >>owideo bthway? wrehing ae did it on the first pla theun sits e unit states on cadillac mountainn ine,ndre hiki ande sai we hao t up.
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>>t's a coin shower? >> y haveevernn cam here you put coi in theshower. no,n the si >>eept:00n the morn s, like, let'sust sleep for 30orete doneedhesunrise. knew what he was dog. >>id hexpin why. >>o the wn it was -- we op ed no trng to le mov. don'touanfood? stop wanted to stoandsk me m, like,et's go. then he did it. >> tt is theweetest inthfirsple thsun tshe unit stes. wh'shat ll n? >> cadilla mntain i acadi mota >> it's beautiful. >> i wil say iadt brued my teeth. i hadn't brush myet so wa like iou havleast usd m teh. we kse and was, ke,h. yoow wt yoareetting in. thiis aool stor this bride w -hey were
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e ri side the rin t woman someg ened, and s 't tel herhuand. ay? so whehe gro ty were ying onngs. itas beforend ty me se ey fit. he ple it off, and he noticed ere was an engravinganthe enavgasutt bac on dot y getit >>ut it bac. dot tetof >>oby is stening. or noby liked. m nre. >>obodhasth uo sa up in re >> ww. >> sosad. cut into thiscake nt t seehaooks ke. should d theoncos? >> is tha good luck i tnk . chefs here. >> llo, miss cake maker. i hate to even -- >> i c't bie you cut the brco one first. >> i tt okay? it's goodluck. >> oh,good plenty. >> oh, look right here can we get a shot righthere?
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zoo kny lime e need som icing, ma >> that is desh >> thank you so ch. >> you are one of the most popular people iall the universe. rachel, bthe way, she's the ownernd cake designer of intrice icing cake desi. cut into that onetoo. >> what kd is ts one? >> i don know. >> samekind. >> iis the sam kind eny.>> this is auper bowl commercial tt kevinart i in a it's for hyunda it shows the comian sendi h daughter off o hery first take a look. >> why don you go ahead and take my new car. thanks, pops. >> com on, by. >>at this.
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>> forite spot favorite girl. >> you messing wh the wrong daddy. >> i'm taking you home. >> why? >> car find other the hyundai ges. >> back so soon? >> here you go, r. >> because dad has to a dad has do. ght? >> that a n. i love that. >> twas ni. dmro dyou rember in hh schong o you f date?andow y d red. y paren werery sup strict we hdllled t leave with regard thahatinof upbrinng en ien o ondas, evytng was aam i would get intoheas seatnd lital he wldo yo d,rdad.iyd do. i sntost mnspo wiimryg to get me
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ify dadspted us and o of my bigges memors is w downairs in myment. i wahaving out session.i was hing a makewrou ion, and ioor airs, i' , who could itbe? d andom are a work. i heard the key, i go run. never forgeg the of -- run t my backya ne it wa g tbe over if my d eve caught. >> that happene toe to it w t t. i'm not going toenyname but we re homrom ho iame . thinkt wa like, juni ye or somethnd my dad ca home for lunc ande notid thahe car was there, an s, ke,t in e heck igoing here? stormed up we jt made . >> madwh madeouclit okay as clr. d -- m islike, why t two joi me for lunch?
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>> sted.itically accim actress who coul say has an eg >> and by that wmean an em, golden globe, and oscar. >> she tells uabout her peon n film called "touched witfire" comi up after this "sir"? come on. yoknow who i prressive insurae? , i save peoplan average of over $500 when they switch? u pack your ownags? oh! ght -- the name your price tool. it shows people policy options to help fit their budget. [ scanner warbli ]azy that a big shot like me would pack his own baght [ chuckles ] so, do i he right toemnd wait. uh pepperisveimmy dealits, made with real egg whites,ean t meat and whole grains. anxcellent source of protein, it fuethrgy
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everyt everhingou need to know about life, you can learn from granola. keep it simple. alwa be real. n't be aificia but always be sweet. nature vallegrola no artificial colo, flavs orweeteners. just good. when i ln tempur-pedic ctour then i slo istart towrap itseloue- th next ow ig. with tflex you'vgot the spngnd bounce of atial mattrand itdjusts tod ... my cloud so feels like 's huggingyou. a bed do tre's a temr everhel that's right fand nothrobrua 28t up to $300
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fe a o new zicam cold remed nasasw ten coldp, duce symity 4 col wi snap, zicam. eat up, buddy.ou'll t th tim yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the laingener10 yo doi it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. masterinsistly smoot e orruffle. from the lindtaster chocolatiers. a harduter shell with a smooth cenr. welcome to theesme of your day.
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unwind. experience.. e melt. onlyhe lindor truffle. fa for strawberries this valentine's day... try r li stries and cream trfle frhedt masr chocolatiers >> she h >> she had an oscar and emmynd lden globe, andhe's been the star with tv a fi. >> wre talking ahe fabulous chrti laht w you knowrom shows like "chicago pe," "law and order svu, and a turn on th season of c's hit sees.>>er latest re is one o h most persol yet, and it's a ne filmed called "touched with fire." she plays the mother of a young man whos strugglin to understand her bipolardisorder. had ae reallyood pl. yo are going to spend the night
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th hospital and get your file. you can aanything, okay? we'll figure all ts out. >> hate it wn you look at me like . >> how am looking at you? >> lik i'm crazy. >> i'm not looki at you like you're crazy. >> no, you're lookingt me like you don't even recogni me. >> no hoy. i leyo >> oh,y go>> that is so heavynd personal, isn it? ye you chose thiroctor lotsf reons, butha was eain tngtou ? >>y sisr suggl wit bipola for over- pola seas forver0yearnd ener- as roller asrf a li. shwasheosbrave, stroest, mosesie person ever knn,ndhe she ended up takger life after struggngith it foro lo. >> so th movie irely poantecsetksbout
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sisr strgled with - onc she sn herds sheould beodepresd and s wld descri it as bei bin dead that s wldn't wantta onhe she wodoff o themnd then goto man a tt's wn she heost ive. >> yould tel jt -- i hatto- by watching tt one scene, yououldell huch yo undstooit likeou ft that watchinit. >> i didn't h to any homeworkor this mo you ow, aer p of thi movi is toy l polar affects thamily and, you know, i tnk tt if my ster wlive toy,he wod ft we s manyorosbiliesn mecation and alsoeditatio aprently h been ally helping peop -- a combination of meditation and mecation. wer there anyomts thm whenouer iea acting, but iteltoea tt mplyeal t me.
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reacng mli, butith kati katie lmes. e acting waso - t aors were so eat, and w did a lot ofimov. >> d you? >> ye. >> you said it affecfalies. in you persol famy were you angry at your si? d you f when she too her oh, god. well,ir of all, i be usith her she off her meds, of course i understoo wse en she was on s isaid, she was justapable of getting bbacally. angry, yh. i mean, think yough all the stag an and guilty mean,hinkhat aone ha aone in their livho ar goi toommit suice, y t hel but fee if onl i ha fln thelankone sothg. >>reou plang soan roles in soan difrent things. we swed a litelip o you on helalist," a you ay --oueo nice. can't imagiowviou "tla li deribeou cot.
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>>we, fro heroint oview s sav the world, yousee, if you khe story. she's the h kabal, r her fromer vantageoi shsoi the right thing. unfortunatelhere are a few stacles in the way that has t rid of. >> i f playingmean? >> so n. muchfu >> why? se i t weav a dark side seral dark sides, and it'usng some - actuay to ay somod who could be playin villain, bindi he underbelly and ndinou - >> humani.>> yook sofab. we made amm sp . >>hich one doou do? soul cycle? >>e should gtoth. 're plugged in. >> w love it.>> then you start toohece moves?
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>>ouched wh firens februa in n york l.a. a tionwide it ope on february 9th.>> rewd, hoda, and let's look back on the ouravorite sup bo s. >> lightalk about sex how bu parents canind tior mance. after this. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 40 meals of heavy cfort foods like baked mac & cheese. wonder r all thur diive systs can act so try the actiatwo hallenge! enjoying activ twice a day for twweeks may helpeduce thfruency ofg, gas, discfo or rumbling. tr! it works in two weeks or it's free dannon at vamins, ere are lots upposedo to be albure madad gue e of youactu loorwar mang natuade t gu vimi and supem
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ake itaily g frescal mi, real cre, and tely no preserves.en it co to freshas, nothing else tastes like philadelphia. ,,, this is is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kid wouldn't think twice about. her first wl of cheerios. because nothat cheers ar utenree,
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arenjoying their first bowl today. is your head yr he scongesd it's ready to explode? you y be mudin throh alrgies. y zyrtec -d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relievyour other alrgsympto. so, you cabreathe easier all day. zyrtec -d. at the pharmacy unter. happeng now? the perfect brow nebrowrama pomadcray fromayinw rk. ou1st creamy, gmented waayon sculpts and tames ast lo, in oneasswipe. maelline's new owramaomade ke ihaen
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>> >> in hon ofhe sup bowl wanted do somhing dfere for webtastic. >>oday wre shang our all time. >> i couldn'tet thi o of my head. is isn e-trade, the monkey . itir 16ea ag i d't ce i i saw itn lookt it. >> >> oh, i like . watch, the bottom >>e just wte$2 milln. what are you doing withour
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>> pretty good. okay. i hi have a better one. ready? it'srom2013 >> wait. >> is okay. nobody lahed. at'sll right. >> no one lahed. he laughed at me 2013 super bo. e viva tacoellcommcial. >> is this with the lite chihuahu chuaa? >> no. ,, >> first first of all, iovehat th havthe "we re young" -- >> ion hr aon lahi. >> no sense -- >> that was charity. >> think he clearly did. le thathey werelaying
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>> tim andon a sce witmali's perct pary.>> andyoutube star whose vs have more th a billion -- >> everybody i taking about lily. hello,il >> h>> hi. here a ltl he a le hethy ce. t well live w anta oat m you u. ght down tur skith av av daily moisngot wi goo naturalat d vital trients her lookinskin in justne day. althy skinqualbeaul skin mmmm mmmmmmm, mmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmm, mmm! mmmm, mm mmyoplait
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madeitreal egg white ln cumeat a who gs. an excellent sourcof protein, it fls her up thrgy help por throh hermorning. th jimmy deadelights, odmorn lead gat days. want to ow your hair longer? then it has to be strong! fructis reinves rength fohair. owtronthwer toto er. e, ong shamner aowdose of acti concentrate reinfoe hair. two, the trent ins streng fm ro-to-ti every ch i10x ster,for ng, er, iehair
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i it'sry day friday jeaush hager is sitting in for kathie lee, andhereren'tmany peopl in w that ca say ty haverlyht millio followers. >> but lily ngh can. that'sow many peoplescribe her youtub channel. besix yearago, and her dee viewed over a billion, billion, times, making th s woman a powerhouse in business. >> that's not all. lily w recently feare o "peoe magazine"' os to watch list and forbes' 30nder 30 list, and she'about to release a fture film abo her world tou cled "a trip to
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>> y have not met anyone, includingyourself, that you don't deserve to be soappy because you all derve to o so so happy. you know goto do thirigh w? check tm out! check th check themout! hem out! say hi! >> checkou out,girl. >> oh, my god. we lov it. only a simple woman would g a lot of fans i unicorn - >>ck the t. >> isnowi ouide. the g camout. ey'ra hardyupernow. earlie they were packe out on the plaza.
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lookin .th numr of people tha ce in the snowand the cameo se u,l. dressed like unicn. >> y havuch anemweri ssag a ofeoet fs cause the dongs tha arenocool you chose th positive, meage.>> i think posivys cool. iouldove posity to . eve bei pitive a seing o posite v into eatmosphere. aboutat >> talks aboow y fit deded, okay, youtube? 's become thismazithg, butixears ago it wa a ign territ right? >> for sure wrish rember seeing m firstyoeideo daying what are the thin? wh ahese peo ing? do peoeatchthis?ied ming videos in2010. five, s y ago. simply because i was sad. a sad person. tough a very difficult time, and i discovered youtube.i p the youtube vi for theirst t so tha made me very ppy. >> didplently fd it? w d the f itnd fd yo that' a great qution.
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day howid y dve ? there' alws dferent answ. myst vie w70 view first video views. remeerhen reached 1,000 subscribers. i s the >> did yarentsno you wereonthere? absolelyt. there iso way i wouldell . they oy fouut aut my ube cnnel bse one o our relativ called fm nada. show us aiteit of you mo a da >> i they were he rightow they wou g what are you doing on t "toda show yothink --hewould make fun ofhe w'm essing,ll that stuff. >> wha would your mom y? >> oh my mouldlily you w dress, you s yourh? howe thenspiou to be -- you're anmang role de >> you think p tt comes om them? >> definitely. thinktl ditely
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she's the strongest. noeople say , my mom is so ng. she's a great example. knee bee s suprtive throughout ts entire thin nicorn island. what a snap shot? sfwlooita synonym f my happy place. you have one.nes full of skittles and rabownd pcor al this wondful. my sw iiceappy fd youcorn isnd. >>y thway, they do look hay. >> yes. >> it'swing and it's freezing. >> ye >> we can't thank you enough for comingo see us. >> thank you for hing me. >> conats on everything. we can't wait to see what's next. >> you got it, gi. >> a trip to unico iand is exclusively avaable on youtub red starting february 10th. >> okay fo g tnicornisland you' want tak a trip to your pantry.
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afthis. w now you can crea yourown tour of italy from ovearden's most mouthwaterindishes, starting at $12.. choose 3 of 10 classic favorites to enjoy on one plate. li our delicious n shrimp ravioli with lober alfredo, filledasta like irresistible tortellini al forno, and a classic likereamy fettuccini ado. plusimited salad and freshly ked brdsticks.
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ly at olivrden. were all family here. breadsti lovers, your new voriteunch ihere, eatick siche when it's your job tprotect thworld's greatest nation, it's your responsibility to solve the world's greatest challenges. is whwe search for the st brightest. whwe train every entuality lan and water, in t air ace and even cyberspace. we ote in a compx wod th o simple mission.
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undry can wreak havoc onur othes, ruininghem forever. sweate stretch io umuus. d ll cargans meet but it's not y, it's the ladry. protect your cloth from stretching, fang, d fu. ...wh y fabric nditior... it not oy softenanfreshe elps protectthesmthe damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy bric conditioner. wash in the wow. pioipainedicionkes me feel oppeup! millions of peoplere eimat to sfer from opid-indedonstation, caus by the opioids ey use manage chc pain. oic is a diffent type of nspati. ioblocpainnals, but ey can also blk activity in towel. finding relief has been a re strgle! rey painta differenpie? denily ta tyooctor out oic and escrtion treatment tions.
10:33 am
> you you got a tv near your tchen, then pump up the volume because we're going to helpou ear out your pantrynd get the whole thi organized. >> something we bot need to do. health and nutrition editor maline bern will help you stock your pantry with all the right staples. >> this is a wki wife and mom ofn boys. though her pany was in prtydshe, madine stl h som gattips. >>ou have got lot of great thgs in you pantry, but let's start wit some things that maybe could use a lite work. you'veot some panko crumbs. anotr alm ud panko crumbs and another one, unopen.
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stly done. consolidatg the and keeng them inhe same place let's you know what's there. thisxpir today. it doesn't mean it'ot safe to eat, but use it soon keept inhe front of the pantry so you'll use it. >> i always thoughthat the expiration date means ieeded ss it. >> it'sot true. flavor c be coromised,ut you can reseason it as well. >> excellent to have some cereal on hand,ut these areot en.>> i got to blame my twins for that e. >>okay. good ideaaking your rice out the box and putting in bag, but how old is it a how dyou co it? before you throw away the package, cut out the package label with nutrition informati as well as serving size andow to cook it. tape it right to the outside. >> makes a lot ofsense. >> you got is? >> madeline what if have big nhere's bas
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>> youate toavpis there forer, and people tnk theye fi t reay have theyav a reall lg shelf fe. e aof s. one we is consolide. looktheld uff. it's not tha the go bad, but ey have nr flavor. toss them. they're not doing yt. try and consolidate. italianeasonings or the french n, whichsb prce. keepngs gether. us them more often. the same thing wi oil and viners. you are lng at oil and aluyhat you use. ored likesafflowe a thenlavore flive oi i love canned goods. i e themlot. whoesn' one of the tngs that i did not know isboheue s. >>xpiote theyan lasonger tn we ink? >>ecause they las in cans out twoyear you can lea them a f months more. this has nothio doith safety. best buy, use , or bes i
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therso regulati. it's a guidele forimal tastend avor. to u themfter that, have to reon a lit cans can be good for tomato that is are hardly good except for a month or t a . wha if you get --imes u get tmged up does it matter? >> lite di n andhen is noaprm. ifou have aent anywhere near th top whe it' goi to be se,hat's whereou can haveacal coaminion. just bring i back to the ore, and they' swap it ou >> discounts a impornt to madene, you can ll >> whooesn't love a gd z ck? savesspace,nd iee thin her. ess -hing get ale, you teno toss them when you te ings out, your rice, bes,tan banythi, puthem in a bag. also, the poion ze and t coing rectio. >> it's t. is t soundse a good idea. >> canou alsospeciay if u oouramily isooking r thin, you w to take everything o and then y don'tnow w are these things? u can just put theack in here.
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>> chi and ccks,my favorite. >> any of thestarchztarches andgrains, can you do theame thing. u h a bigontaer out and put dn the serving se soou know what' in it, but y can also do ts b jt keepit the origina >> chip ip >> y can use - >>madeline thank you. >> madeline, looki fine. >> me o madene's pantry ti, klg and >>hen kitchen tohe bedrm, parents c find mancafter is. >>ea yo hrtovgas. but erdiffce betwthe oma-3s in shil
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d eilrb yr bo ...whichak ur hrt wellmeap. har st med isven toncre leve i day gad. er syo nothing nothing seems to work. yo hr is still thiing. you ha inactive follicle vate them with women's rogae f the ly once a day treatment proven tregrow new hairs up to % thicker. viver va-va-om. and save $10. i'm ellen, d i quit smoki with chantix. i have smod r ea and by taking chantix, i was le to quit in 3 nths and at was amazing. along with support,antix (varenline) isroven to hp peopleuit smoking. it absolutelredud my urge to ske. someplhad changes in bevior thinki or mo, hostility, agitation, depressemood and suidal thoughts or actions
10:39 am
some had seizures while taking cntix. if youave any of these, stop chant and calur doctor right away. tell your ctor about anyhistory of mental heth pblems, whiccould get rse or o seures. dot take chantix if you've had a serious lergic or skin reaction to it. if you he the, stop chantix d call your doctor right away as some ca life-threatening. tell your doctor iyou haveheart or blood vessel prms, or developr rse sytoms. get cal help right away if you he symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol usehile taking chantix. use cautiowhen driving or operating machinery. most common sideffect isausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your docr chantix is rig forou. welcome aboard marship. ahoy, mateys! it's full things i love... and free of things i don't just like ex cerea it's full of stu we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gten-free. eat up, me hearties! keep it down! arrrr. aging is not just abt wrinkles. your skicould be long vole. revitali vole filler from l'oal with hyaluronic acid.
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wrinkl, smther. i can see thdiffence he and here. revilift volume ller om l'oreal. at hhire farm, spice is the spe of life. that's wur craftsmen season every sausage peectly. so you can coax out great fl fortlessly. hillshe farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire fm, there a reason our sloroasted turkey tae so fresh
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threlts are something to sar. hillshire farm. because 's worth doinright. remem >> rememberhat it was like before youad kids when and you yo partner could eat dinr togeer everyight and go out on datesnd cuddle u on weekends that.
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once t kids me, so d the demas and the priority that gets pushed to t bottomf the list is sex and romance. >> we'll help you find time make whoopi. aom of two,ob-gyn. >> >> krteuthorf mama-nat mama-natrix. she'a member of our "today" parenting team. >> it' abouthe ear muffs. >> ts onethehing that e mom around will say, yet seems a gre id. you want to make me,ut the are so manytherriorities. you end up bumping it down to th bottom othe list, don u? head. have y t make i prioty. ether it'sutti a lk on yo bedror so y don't rry about chiren perha interrupng oristurbing or making acheduled date night that you pennto you calenr and you don't eraset for any
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cevery t wks to so that youanave sentimate time. >> how a sponneity? >>hat about if you go on a date night you e a lot of pasta or pizza, and you get home and you notn mood. >> it's importao nabd w it's a rity. sometis it'sot just because you'oo bu at can be excu. c be le a ltlebong. it could be that it' painl. there's a lot that cld b happening that mes you want do it. >>f youkids tha pulling on you and mommy, mommy all the ti, then you don't ally want atherson on top of you, u know? canou hp with that? ye. well well, you could be by yourself. a solorip to poughkee >> the benefitsf iimate a per -- auall this really is veryuch a scientic level. there are door finishean chicals and neurotransmitters
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th intimate activity and th excellent for general health ben even prevention of cancer, heart disease,depression es vy helpful. >> toak your marriag a priority too because ihink especially with men you know connected. i can feel coned if i cuddl up on e couc but the feel nnecteou haveoo tha someti for em. >> i yreappier as a uple, youctually are bette for your kidsnd t people -- it sous a lite weird -- b have sex for your ds. yo be better parents, and you'll be happier. >> is not like takes all how long d -- >> five s? i takes about -- >> . >> itdes. >> talk about it. 24 hrs in a y. two songs. >> eig minutes ofour 24 hours a day.
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>> 20 mite0 seconds. >>et's talk about se ways that y can help if you have been relaonshipn aittle while, andhere's bore dom that may co wit at. i often will recomme using so sort oflubrican whetherit's a household it. conutil i a favorite. though i wl make mention -- >> i love coconut oil. >> these are not compatible with condom if you'r not lookingo have othe lite distraction running around, you mayant to a different type of luicant. >>t's good for your skin too. >> yeah. exacy. there a other lubesut there. this is a pinch, and you have that spontaneous mome. >> i think i've seen one, but never with -- well, one like that. this wl give you a different -- ts microderm rasion system will giv you a
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>> use your imagination. >> turn the button on, and there gu. >> it h movement in it, so it vibrates. >> wouldt that hurt? >> there's cap. fwloo you put the cap on. >> w got to take it down take it down a notch. blind fold. >> sleepask can doubles a blind ld, which can be n.>> think "fifty shades of grey." there are other tameays to spicehis up a little bit. >> like what? chae up t time of day. if your energy is high first thg in the mornin think about intimate sieforyour children are awake. if your children are at schoo or have aeroolactivities, there's nothing wroh a little afternoon romance. >> afternoon delight. >> youanake it apriority you are right. we were joking around, but -- >> feel sometimes bad talking out this because w don't alys make it a prrity,ut ank youll for pointing
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makes you feel worse. >> for more ws to spice up wroor sex life goo g and
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we're sorry to your daughter. >> the >> the lastthing, but i wan to thkna bush hager for hain out today. >> next week, fun week. we have ryan reynolds and fn dresher. howre you miss sng. >> i love ryan reynolds >>homa rex. okay. we have a lot happening. we also have couples who have en married more than 50 years that are goi share their seets oeverlainlove >> have a great week weope we didn't .
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>> happy superl. >>nnoun >> announcer: today on rachael ray... >> rachael! nnounce >> announcer: super bowleekend starts w. > bam, bam! >> announcer: with the return of e recipe playoff. which four n.f.l. greatsill score? thatis for one and only emeril tdecide. >> now give me theecipe for that sauc >> announcer: you better believe rach and emeril hasour super bowl sead covered. no are youea for rachael! >> raael: touchdn! okay,t i aig week for
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of course, super bowl 50 i this sunday. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: i mean, n matter who you root for a year long, everyby gets excited for the super bowl. supe bowl 50 is huge. we're celebrating early at the show, guess wt its time for here? super bow ripe planine. [cheersnd applause] >>achael is our sxe best yet. we have not, one, not two, not three, but fr n.f.l. pye ng it out. an let me tell you, thiss legit, the players have been here for hourslready working on their meals and their fo, thr way. check out theirst player in today mpition. watch this. >> i don'tnowhat t other guys are making, but it dsn't even matter. my nam is dam harris, i'mive tace for the new
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