tv News 5 at 10PM NBC February 5, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST
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here at home... the excitement is pallpable! fromtores to tattoo parlors... shpi centers and everywhere in between... you can spot the blue and orange news five's maddie garrett contins outeam cag.. maddie looks like 'ral on t bronco's fever! clearlby all of our color coornated outfits day. it is, afterall, the final ange fday for work ps across the pik peak region. any did weind a lot of fans spoing their team spirit... hopinghe good vibes will carry ovsunday. nats seqnce it nats "defitely a gooduzz t ai" is everywhe. sot uck gibens "i'm excit." the irit... sot rebecca showalter "i got my daughter a lite cheer lead dress." the ge.. thfo... decor... ev... nats tattoo little body art. sot "it's something we'll always
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sot "go broncos" their love... sot jacob on "i was alws die hard fan ev since i was a k." takes on many forms... t "for t super bowl we have a special broncoerry donut." so "y c never have ough broncostf." nats sot "we both agreed a broncos logo wuitable." alhopi f one tng... sot "want the broncos to win since this is peyton's last year." sot "dude's got to get in theran win." and the fun doesn't end there.... lot of broncos events going on this weekend... including a spir contest at chapel hills maltomorrow. we'll have more brcod per bo coveragall weekend long. li? governor hickenlooper is betting on a broncos victory. carolina..... putting some of colorado's best produc on the line...a taste of includes reand green chile powdlsa d pickled jalepeno's--all fromarmers in e "pueblo chilower's
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the packes. now if the panthers re t wi.. they are betti 2 cases of butterba tkeys that woulgo to homels shelrs in our state. xxx live nowo i-25 in colorado springs. law enforcemenacro the state are being upatrols for ser bowl weekend. ey are out looking for drunk d drged drivers. so iyou plan to celebrate this designatedriver. the ineased patrols will last thugh monday mning across the state. let's t a eck on your forecast now. clear skies cold temperates as we head into the overnit hours. lead forecaster mike daniels is in the weather center... what are you tracking right now? snow totals from lt nights storm. most aas got a dusting to 2". vide got 5". satellite ures, e storm moved out as quick as it moved in and now we've g clear skies. current teeratures are cool and will drop throughout
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clear tonight wi cold temperates tomorrow mostly sunnwith aew high tn cldsking i duringhe late afternoon. , only on news five: a lal coup took the risk of a lifemeor t view of a lifetime. climbing the great pyramid of za.. is illegal.. but they did it anyway.. our kelsey kennedy sat down with one the pyramid climbers.. kels why ta the risk?? climng the great pyramid.. one ofhe sev wonders of the world.. isunishable by fines ev jail time.. but the adnaline rush and vis fr the t.. worth the sk for one local couple..
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their bucket list.. "pretty incredible to bet the top, just knowing that you were stanng somewhere n many people he en at least not r quite a whe." chris decided to tell us his story ter this vid of a german teen who climbed the pymid went vir.. ough not without outrage.. egyptian police were wting for the teen at the ttom and he was taken into custody.. the differen chriand his gifirend emily.. eluded the authoties.. "we we expecting to be caught. that was part of the risk we ok awere okay th." the paiokn egypitan vacation over the lidays they bout tickets to t pymid mplex just before it closed.. "then once we found a spot where ere was nobody else, we kinda hunkered down and crawled into a ro crevi at e base oe ofhe pyramids." afda.. they made 30 minute 45 asce.. "we had brought a small ttle of wine, whichas no easy feat in a muslim country to get ahold ofhat. but we crackedhat op.
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great pyrads for decades..chs says they n't worrieabout damaging t 4,500 year d naonal treasure.. but knew thewere takinthei ves into their o hands.. "the ban wasn't put into place because of eroon or because of crbling, or because of how delicate it was, at leasfrom what i was able to rearch, the ban s put into place because of climber fatities." chris doesn't plan on goinback to egypanytime soon.. and isn't rrieabt any repercussi. "the one person i do kw that did publish thphoto took at the p i ink thegyptian governmentasn't too happ about it, but all th asked for s alogy." he ss he'd tnk about apologizing ifheptian government asks him .. and sae's climbed many pyramids tt are legal to climb all over the world.. lisa? coin our investigation in to our tops using rn pits to diose of w in iraq andistan.we first td you la night at n...thousands s and civilian ctractors were
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from dozs ofurn ts. many now reporting chronic respirory problems...and se with re lung disease. even though congress bd th use open air buits 10... and established new regulations.... so are burning again as troops return. the defense dement confi news five that they are being used under new guelines, as a mpory solution anallation with th00 people mustse an incerator. ay spokesman sa one of the burn pits in question ha been replaced with an incinerator...anotr inhe proc the "oldesschool"... inolorado springdistrict 11 is planning to shut down at the end the yea the school boardade the unanoudecion last night to close "helen hunt elementa" on the springs south si. the school, over a hundred years ol! once it's closed... district1 plans to transfer udents and teachs to ams ementary. 2 miles ay. ==== "goi somewhere else, being comfortable here, mfort wi the teachers and the environment.
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e school dist ys it would cost t as much to up n nt elementary... mpared to e 7 llion dolls itill portedly ct renovate ads. but dict 11 ys... they kclosinscho can be etial for a community.... but believthis is the best option for sdents. ==== "it's not fairo those students to continuouput ofthose typews of updateand ve them e same this that students noh y be recving ia newer fality the school board ialso asking distri leaders to explore pole uses foe buildi... renovations at adams elementary will start imdiaty, and bdonenext school year. xxxx looking aheafor you tonight. weould learn as soon as monday,..that the colorado springs planned parenthood office will re-open in the very near future. the building was basically destroyed during the deadly shootis..and assault by law forcement against the accused guan robert dear the c-e-o of roc mountain pland parentod wileak wi news ve on monday,
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re-open, and we undstd it will re-open with limited services. anned parehood has already reached out to reschedule appointments after the clinic s shut down. new infoiotonight: the e-a says this ssive mine ill in southwestern colorado may have dumped nearly 900- thousand pounds ofoxicetals into the animas river. most othe mels csied of small particles ancame from a tributary that carried water from t minintohenimas. the e-p-a accidentally triered the spl that st millions of llons of wte into the rive lastugust. that waste flowed inhree states. governorohn hickenlooper was in coloro springs today... for his state the ste speech in southern colado today. he spoke about the creation of a national cybersecuty a inteence cter colorado springs.he saythe sps has beco a "nional ronghold" r i"ntellectual leadership" arou the wing cybsecurity industry." the large presence of milita and nse
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educion pelinerom u-c-s, center. ===== "what we're trying to say is the state is with you and we'r going to build this center for cyr intelligence and i going to be a national model, we're gog to trainayors and goveors on cyber surity and what they need to know." the governor also spoke about the need to invest in transporation xxxxx a colora coue will be a rt of football history by the bay. why super sunday means theost them, saight ahead. d: the excitement is buildi among broncos fans in so rado! a oser look coming up, but rst here'sike. i'm mi diels. i'll he your extdefirst ert fiveorect next at
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,,,,,,,,,,,, a look from cameras across corado... ghs today the0's. rrent temperres all er so colad.. llite pictures, most clear over colorado. in california skies alear in santa clara which is the home sundays per bowl. forecast for the game, sunny with 70 aticff. goncos! weathakera west dowlope fw toow will bring n d warmer air. hour by hour, cldear and cold early then sun and warmeas we work through the day. a few high cloudilding in late aftnoon. lows tonight in the singles and teens. highs tomorrow in the 30's and 40's.
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high tomorrow 45. oler and dry sunday. next week will be y with highin the 40's and 50's. pueblo high torrow 50. coer and dry sunday. next wk looks great with highs in the 50 and 60's with dry skies. woodla park and non city, dry and warmer tomorrow. just a tt cooler nday. mostlyunny wa strong warming
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as the broncos as the broncos prepare for a super bo win....millions of are pouring into san fra for sundayig match against carolinas. n-b-c's jay gray shows us why this game is so importanfo one corado cple. s/ ed lee / mayor, san francisco :00 :0 "everybody welco to san fransco!he hos sup bo 50." it is erally- the lden ticket... and as we gecloser to kickoff - a tougticket for tse who wanto be a parofooall historby the bay.. s/ dennis brubaker / broncos fan going to first super bo :18 -20 "y kw, y jwoerf re ever going to get portunity to go" for dennis and judy brubaker.. li-long brons fans.. super sunday.. will be personal.. s/ dennis & ju brubaker / cos fans :29 "that's our anniversary,n february 7. the day of the sl" d ey'lcee inside levi's stadium.. at their first super bowl.. wi romantic dinner.. s/ dennis brubaker /ncosan going to first super bowl :37 - :39 "i'll buher a beer and a hot dog,"
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jeph asarchief setyoffi stub hub 3 - "so is a situatiowhere this is a vy expensive ticket." ve-tusandollars or me.. and clbing.. s/eph asaro / chief security ofcer,tub hub :49 :55 "that's supplyndand ise. there is lsupply that we're seeing right now in the secondarmarkets so the prices actually are higher." an you're paying the pce.. you' want make suret's the real dea. s/ joseph asaro / chief securi ficer, stub hub 1:01 -:04 "the nfl has done a phenomenal job on building out at ticket th hasreeal of security features." soou can't see.. others that e obvious.. s/ no id "there's a hologram here you don't need a light tsee that..rubbg and then there's t heat sensitive in.. that will disappear and reappear." on a ticket.. to memory.. th will last alime.. jay gray -bc news - sa francisco.. u've heard of the super bowl, the ppy bowl,...t what about the wing bowl?! competitive eaters froall over the country gaer i ilelphia for the contedathe nner,...womawhweig just 125nds...defeated the reigning cmpion....and
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fothe cord, that more an 77-thousand calories,..not inudg your blue chse and cery sticks. she also tk ho 10-thousand dollars, a 20- hlevidson and a ri. and spea of the puppy bowlthey're gearing up for the big matchup in s ancisco. the animal planet hosted a "pupowl prevw" to get fos exciteabout "the version" of e game the best pt about the puppy bowl is that each participating players up for adoption. you can catch all the "furry" action on sunday at 1. xxxx many of you are spting orange and blue ahead of the big game! carolyn post thione to our facebook page! take a look at this "broos cake" atelity made for her ece's birtay. she's tuing 7 and is a big broncos fan! plentyf pupsre aready to
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it's ainteresting bunch characrs that have gotten th broncos touper sunday. l them ve a story a all of them have helped get the team to where they are today. still one ofheir stories stands out. sports director granmeech is live and san francisco and has moren thatgrant? thern't single persoon the broncos fense thatan't play for anoeream right no shaq barrett is just happy to be playing for thbrs at
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beuse th moment beg in san francisco wasn't uaranteed for him. sometimes nice guys do finis first... take broncos linebacker shaq barrett for instan - getting moved up from the actice squad couldnt have hapned to a better g. the form csu rams was a prti squad guy with the broncolast years but knew he didn'tant to bin the shaws anymore. i ed tgive back toy community i wanted my familyo live right all that stuff at t me time and in ord for me to do that i gotta make the active roster and conto teamulund for a ng te. waipnet well with what shaq can do on the d... but the hardork before and aftepractice helped get him moved up. e seas i wn the practice squai was learning from von and ware and lorentee and learning from all thosguys and rushing agait or tackles all the time so it was a good arning experience and good talent out there. and now shaq is major rt of th vauntedrush... five and a half sacks in the regular season - all tricks he learned from 58 and 94 teaching me pass rush moves..., bettering my own moves and they are willing teacrs and was
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annow 's onein away from being world champion - nic guys can persere too. its just exciting to be here and we gonna make the most of that time a we dont want to spend it mad or sad - soe will stay on clou bronco fans think terreldavis is se in for the hall fame class of 20-16 bhere a no onco fans heoting committee d terr davis has been nominad
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but it's a little different this time - he has the besthoof any get in to thero footballall of fame tomorrow night. heis eoying e momentight now because he's been on t otherside just watching before by this time i h already bee eliminated so there was need r me to in tm... m exd fothe poibilitoft happenning a theres t psibility it don't happennd obviously ill be dissapointed but until they tell me i can't bell be in this re ani'll be cited until en. td was integral elping the brons to tir two andnly nfl tles the oncoe gearing up for sunday. we'll be here for all the action, matt? air force hock has been on a ro as of late. they hen't lossince january 3rd and would look to keep that ing
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fas and gers mchg at t academy 1. air foe came oben carey..forehand and knoc the water bottle..1-faons. 2. carey sn finhe..trki in d ti he pass....2-0 at that int. 3. i-t'chase ot thgsp late slapot hitthe ine,. it would stay atay, a ti r the falcons....2-2 the final. colodoolge on e e as well tonight, playing up at minnesota-duluth. 1. tige, cody the tick-tack-e thk you very goal....1-0 c-c 2. luc gurrdes... on for c-c, fdswine..d it's 2-0. 3. down 4-2 now though, alex
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netminder...ust a goal behind. 4. but alex laflo...spsn the empty netter for u-m-d.... lo the hardwugge 1. it wld be the will barton showrl..baonets the feed and drains the bucket, nugts 2. rtonin bawayenlls they jump.. 3.gaars gettg on th acons well..good bal movent a hkicks- for t bucket ggets t the cln home, 115-110 over the bls. clear and cold tonig with lows in the single digits and teens.
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