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tv   Today  NBC  February 7, 2016 8:00am-9:00am MST

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>> snd l socialism t me. testi twaters. backlash this morning after north korea announced it launched lo-range rocketn denes of e uted nations. the u.n. security councillans to meet toy. of ntrol. terrifying snen btire on c whe drir gets io his car, rams ather vehicle and then hit ace woman who is standing on the reet. how policay this all stted. everything's supe al eyes on t sanrancisco bay area where super bowl 50s now just about tenours away. it's the broncos versus the pars uld peyton mannin end his hall of fame career with a n? cam wton stealhe spotlight? andbeyonceppg surprise newgl and vid
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halftimeperformance. so much o theend i all happens "today, february 7th, 16. 2016. >> announcer:his is "today" studio 1a rockellceer >> gd rng. >>la outhe sdium wheruper bl 50ill be played itinally here.howut ttbee video? she impeccae. doesn't e? >> rorter: she planned that so perfectly. she cano no wrong. ve you to che out ts vio. a little haunting, but bl i makes a s an aparce. e sal the show. a ror s'lle
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doesn't sh knows what she's doing >> we'll comback there to you, dylan,n santa clara, in a minute. man othe stage at the republican debate setting their sights on marco ruo. no one seeme to be spared at e end of th night. let'start with katy tur, who coverin the republans. good rning. >> reporter: good morn craig. st night,t came down to experience as republica governs tookhe fro-runners to task. none more so than marcorubio, surging before theate a is now on his heels. the grand old party, which at first was more likehe gra old pile-u withmiues and rgotten candidates. >> yes, wre going to inuce ohio govnor john kasich. >> n time pilingn marco rubio,ho repeated the same
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>> let startith the fact that barack obama doesn't know what he's doing. this notion that barack obama esn't know what 's doing. if anyonehinks that back obama doesn knowhat he's doing on purpo dsn't k whate're dealing with here. >> chris christie argued that the freshm senator has no depth. >> whenoue preside of e united states, governor of a state, to rememr a 30-second speechhere y talk about how great america is at the enof it doesn't solve one problem for one person. >> chris, your state got hit by a massive sw srm two weeks ago. they had to shame yount going back. and then you stayed there r en boos ] anc agai front and center, donald trp. eront-runner neeng a win, but getting repeated boos aft his latest jabs at jeb bush. >> let me talk. quiet. [ dience boo ] >> you'reut of time. yore out oftime.
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>> that's all of his donors and special interests out there. >> the billionaireissi a major opportuni immigration d senator ted cruz owned the idea of a wall. >> build a wall, triplehe boer patrol.'re goingo increase -- and, actually, since donald enjoyed that i willimplyay've got somebody in mind t bld it. >> thoug tmp ted to tur the moment to his ntage in th debate spin room. whyid y letim own that issue night? >> i owned it. as soon i looked at him, the ole roomracked up. they understd that's my su >> back out in frontf voters today, making theirinal pitch for the final pu. or the crowd makeup, you heard donald trump eludeo that a moment ago. rnc told us just 75 of the 1,00 s were f its donors. its a big d day, big day morrow. no t for bad headlines, gu. >>hu t modor o
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manc this morning. chuck, good moing to you. >> goomorng, chanel. >>et's talabout the repuican debate. marco rubio getting hit and also chris christie. wi this have an effect? >> i d think ihas anmpact here. this is a very,very, i would say, fid suation here in new hampshire. is not clear what - it's a jumb between second and six place. out the only thing everybo agrees on is that dond trump is ahead. nobody eve knows by how many pots. rubio did havome montum. what'sazeamazing about s performance last night is that everody was telegraphing that rubi was going toe the target. and he seemed wlly unprepared. chrischristie had been telegrhing his hits on rio for t ds and it was asf he hit arick wall heever saw coming that's what makes, think, rubio's performance even mor troubling to, perhaps,ome
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>> letk about it then analysts say there's one b three tickets to be punched in tuesda ump and cruz on one siden the far right. and then this establishment candidate. as you mentioned for a long time, people thoug perhaps it gng to be rubio. is he damaged? w would this estlishment caidate be w? look, i tnk it's very possible- you he sh a jule between second and fifth. you co he a scerio where trump is sitting at 30% and tn second throu fifth is somethingike 17, 16, 15,14, 13 if it's that jumbled -- which last nighs debate offers an opportunity for a result like that. then whoets out? there may not be an incentive to get out. we mave thought t r new hampshireasoing to play,he attempt to win over particularly the so-called establishment candidate. that instead we move south carolina and south carolina
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esseiall separates rubio, kasich, bush par of e party and that's where we find out who becomethe chief chaenger to trump. >> you cannot write is. it's compelling all the way ong. >> it is. >> it is! we'll ar from the democratow and come back to you. let'surno ksten lker, followinhe race between hillarclinton and bernie sander good morning. >> reporter: chanel, gd moingo you. senator sanders has a big lead in new hampshire, fled by those younger voters he tk a break fro the mpgnrail last nht to have a ltle bit of fun, makinst a gue appeanc on "saturday night live"ext to larry david. his appearance will unubdly energizehose younger ver even more. the two appeared in st together, acting out wha it would be like to be on the titac.
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geing thisfent tmen enough is enough! we need to unite and wor together if we're a going to get throu this. >> snds like socialism t me! >> democratic socialism. >> what's the difference? >> rorte bigaughs there. nator sandeill be backn the campaig til he in new mpshiretoday. meanwhil sectary cnton wille off the trail. she is goi to visit flint, chigan, theite of that water isismpacng so ma african-ericans. that cld resonate in voting states with aican-america communities like southcarolina. clinto trailing, has been trying to close that gap. her sateg is touting theork shs don to promo won's
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madeleine albright to campaign with her. e's tg to paint senat sanders as being wk on plic policy. husband, presint bil clinton, will be in new hashire, campaning for her while she'sn chig. >> t cnt campaignakg th argument tt hhas the vantage, being from a neighboring state. it's a almost as if they're lowering pectations. until recent, hillary clinton wa theresumptivenomie. w this ishe fst in th nation primary tha s can lose. how big of a deal is this? >> look, i still thinkt' a big deal especially when y lo athe history clints had herenew hampshire. new hamhire arguablyaved hillarclinton's campaign ongeth fight in 2008.
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neighbing senators and governors have had an advantage in new hampshire through the year there's no dou that shs not the favorite he. but to g blown out,o lose double digit ss, i think, would be not just disappoinng ther but i think that could give momentum t sders arguably, where you have some other democratsho just assumed clinton was gng to be their caide who take aecond look at sanders. if clinton canet thiwithin single ditse thee more competitive, that could take a little bit of air out of the sanders' lloon. >> chuck, thanks mu more for "meet the pss" when you sit downit hillary clinton, donal trump and bere sanders. primy covera. wel be live from new hampshire on primary tuesday. > to the other big story of the daf urse. at's the g hapning at 30 eastern tonigh is super bl 50. theanthers against the brcos
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we'llalko b stas abo th gam and hghllegations ainst peyn manning aswell. let'start withlan dreyer who has who hasad a reallyou assignment thi morning. morng to again. >> reporr: i'm not get a whole lot of sleep. sot timest is tough. >> because of all thepaying. >> i know that'she really has been an amazing week here in theay . we have had thousands o people flying in to this area. and t rich and famous, of course, flyin in on their private jets, about 1,5 prive ts. paies, somee been to, ncerts and awards nht last there'sy one thingeft t do. pl the game. finally, ser bl su. the big questio will be answered is it t crowng avement of peyn manng's lacy or thetart ofamon? isoulde mannins lt ga. >> loong forward to plangn this gam and dealing with all thether sff aer th.
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sile cri who s heoo ash. >> peore going judge and ha their own o on ceain ts that i don'tav control over. >> will it be a hollywood ending for panthers' michael orr of "blind side" fame,ow charged wirocting cas bli si. >> the guys aund me have my easier beuse they'ryi grt. >>hokn ere's oneurhing that game ticket isoingo cost you. >> about $4,500 ch. >> butrices haven't stped fom coming. last night, thousands tn a way from a s bowl city jammed to capacityeven t hal time entertainment has people buzzing. yonceropped new video yestday, ahead of e game. t the intnet h bn snarkyerhldplay wh the #betterhalftimeows. >>t's a blast b crazy all at
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>> the starsraded turf for r carpet at the honors awards.antoinboulda w named man of year. >>an help as my people possible. >>ow jt one more prize left to award,he lombarditrophy. are you nervous? ixcited for him. i' rting for him. i'll definely bervous tomorrow wn game t starts up. >> a nhl honor awards i meantnfl. this i football. ias talki tli mann he didn't divulge t me t be n's final game today. lot ofeople a comparit to super bow xxiii wheoh wa rired after that game. itill be a fun one,y. mu
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"footb night america." anks for bei with me,sir. at foot injy that keptim ouorever gas. no matr theutcome is thi peyton manning's last game? >> i thi is lely his last game. andt's obvious he would want to make any declaration about it berehand. one had t guess, likely his last game and b a orybk ending if he codo out with a sup bow victory. >>nfl commissior rog goell confi f that the leae continug its inveignto thosealletions, peyton manning hementally denyingr usin performance-enncin drugs. can thisarni his name, his legacy, bob? >> not a it stands now. i knowom peoe wl say t eedsnclined t smiss anythiha mig besmirch
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he hasared himlf withuch class and gooature inve waha erybodyn th imemedia kes and reec him. we're not naive. now that performancing ugs ve been a part of sports for a coup of generations o more. e nfl is right to invtigate isust as the mlb i investigat the baseball ayers named in the al jazeera report. as for now, they've recanted the alons, theyave no collabion. e's nhingloseo a smoke gun. to sume gui or suspect anything beyon whate now know is unfair. if it's lefhe itrent stds, which is to say that they fin nothing bonth, th ion tnktames peon'slecy let'sal aboutam wton, pahe' quarteac6'5", builtike a lineck, arm lik a canon. he has caut aai auntf aghis sson tho sometis lenhy touchdown celebrat.
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newton has so many ha, bob? >> look, it may n be everybody's cupf te and a lot of thas generaonalheab dan and evythi else a, h is terrific player. thiss vy unlily tbehe only superow ihich h play he is s armatic. ot jushathe'sing fun and bri his teammat g f the even in the press conferences, smile, tt presence that he asood for ue. 's partf e next gn of nfl stars. >> iwou'r not bigan ofprnostat or spulating.>>ec y'relways on sohat's tpot? >> if you had to- if youad to putoney on isne, o wins tonight?>>f tsewo teams wer t ayen tes on neutr fiel carolina wins six o sen. and i theame is a blout, it'slmost certaly carolina that blows denr out rather
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which you could see dver nn ts game and i they do, i think it will be a close one. as well await yoe, the uptime was upitop. ings have cnged j a bit, bob as. just a bit. >> yeah >>hank foraking up early withus, my friend. w says i eveent to slee faienough. >> all ght. >>heating up this in united nat security council is meeng today tocuss a roial rt launch b north korea overnight. communistegime aounc succes lh a rock, putting a sateltento orbit, the eve sd tbe caugh this video. north korea'sratin ck liftoff. th u. the action destabilizin and procative >>search teams resers survors taiwan a day after
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crawli throughonete and isted stl,ulng victi roh collapsd bu so so far more th two dozen people a confirm dead and at let 50 othersave been hurt. scary scenen marynd. a man fleeing a fightn a baltimore b sparked a car-hing melee caught on camera. black su slams into the rearf asmaller, white car. tnse race toeach the driver,ossibly to pull him fromhevehicle. but he gunshe suvo rever th peoe still hann to the ors, senng them tumbling tohe ground. police say theriver tn ran over a wom -- look at this -- before seding off. he w cght severallock aw. the injuredoman was tako the hospita in serus nditn. >>y ne l's ather chef he lan drey is han ou supe bl 50, santa ara. at'she weather loong l foheig game tonight? >> do you want the m forecas
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i'm squeezing in a the sports. no. >> we've got some -- we've got some prettweme wth he.isholeeek bee fanttic. ea cryst be skies, game ti tperatureodayulde ruinn lowid 7. rerd hs about degree wee close to record today. you can't beat that with just some l winds. 're looki at a ptty significant storm to make its wa up the east coast. on the otheroast we'll see rain today w a littl o ing through cal parts of noh carolina. this is going to turn into one of those s that justze rn n england. we c endp with f
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tsr ndhat' youates fore. >>nkdyn. i jt noticed yr color combinatn thi morning. so youe not en trng? is tt uois>>go, panthers. toda it'sarolina blue. >> ok. >>oday it is. > h new technoly is lping football coa ay w games, after the messes. a st fishine race. mattewhat e obstles. about rebuildi the bond between a moer and aaughter. orut hng build homes for others... because you rememberwhat it feltike. not to have one. whenou kan open heart, amazing thgsapn. that's what the en hear colction
8:21 am
ght now, vep to 20% on select opeart lry atay. keepour heart open.... .a le ll always ndtsayn. every kiss begins with kay. myrainer didn't believe me that tro0 uld taste so good and stl have 50% fer calories. can i stop, jane no. tr50. tastes so good you won bie has 50% fewer calors. , the citi the citi dble ca card in vhandy cash ba twice on purchas. earn oe when you buy, and again as you pay. that's ch back now, and cashack again later. it'sash back d\j u.
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th 1% when you buynd 1% as you y. twoayton, it makes a lot oothecas seem one sided. . > still to come, from mean j greene's coke commercial the pp ad, we'll lookt the best super bowl of the past. >> ande'reing o own y bowl, o does the sll of a freshly bod presentaon fillou wittimism? do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain mily mbers? is yr success due to a filin system only you undetand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer
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if so,ou m be gearntric.somee who kns that t right of gear lpyou doreat thing and there's onplacthat has it all. ot offemax. ge up fot. weerbelow the 88th southern el. we hadvele r over 850 miles. my men drivene madm artion and frostbite. todawe make stor >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you exe. it's whayou do >>what toou so lg? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switcho geo. it's whayou do
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parts highwayst of manitou springs are back open....r a rock sli yestday. c-dot says the natural fez th cycle caused the rocks toplinter and fall. fortunatel there waso major damage oy injuries. doreminds drivers it's portant to be careful en dring in theountain nyons. cause rock slidecan ppen at anytime. weave new information out the dead shooting in pueblo yesterday. thvictim - identd as 2 ar-oldhuckuiana-orte. police tell 5hey were called to the asa del sol aparents" neast high school just before 3:00 yeerday morning found the vi deroan appart gunshot wound inside one of the aparments. poli say quintana-orga was involved in some sort of altercatn r to the shooting. the victim's fily sa hd two ds, with ahird on the way. na of screamg 150 opleook a p in a very ld le pu yrday for the
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plun. the sheriff's ceostethe event and welcom teams fm all over souern colo. mo s they couldn belve how co it was... but it wotly worth it. participan had to raise a minimum of 75-dollars to take pa. the goal was to raise 10housand dollarfor special olympics colorado, b they topped it, raising me than 18-thousand dollars. let'get er to for an
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it's a revotion,jane. if we haveood turnout, we could win iowa. >> oh, my d, mr. bernie sanders. i'm your biggest fan. lete tl you, i'm fli t berne. >>hat's . >> what dyou an? youon ske my hand? you coughednto your hand, then shake it after a cough. >> no, i didn't. shake my nd. >> oh,, you spefill cougd. i. , i di't. we're back on this sday morning, februar 7th, 2016. othe fny tidbit,ar doing his best bernie sander meantime a le look at levi stadium in santa clara, california. less than ten hours to go now. ckoff to super bowl 50 and se might say who knows football when you have these guys, we're geang u for our own game insidstio 1a. hey! >> that's a go pro angle.
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>> destructive puppy. wee d our eye on that one all mornin >> licking the go pro cam. >> gd >> good to be out here. good-loong crowd out here. >> girl scout cookies. is ittime? oh, thank you. i' com ovein aecond. >> it's alys girl scout cookie time th candidates on therail in new hpshire after a fiery republican deba. most othe cdidates taking aim atarco rubio while bernie sas appled to a new audience stopping by "saturday night live" with a little berne your enthusiasm there, new hampshire primary twoays ay. two ppl a dead and six others injured after a bizar bobsled accident in alberta, cada. the bobsledrack closed when eit teens broke in, bringing their own sled and goingown th track.
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la ga. a quite scenen wisconsilook at this. more than a dozen cars start g melting ice on lakegeneva. it wassed for overflow parking r winter fest in that city it was damaged so badly, they'll not be abbe driven out once ag what a mess. yo think it'saf to park on the ic then a warm, sunnyday, not s safe. >> thomas, thank you. on this sup bowl sunday new thnolog helping keep footllend coak decin the gamenbc's owe lea ster i als in san cla. olivia good morning to you. >> reporter:morng, craig. when the players tak to the field here at levi stadiumater today, they will all be aring a cool new piece of tecology th will be invibleo a of us, rfid tags or radiorequ chs. ey actuall hping pla ain bothardernd smter. u can think of it asig data
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by now it's a familiar scene on suay night football. stats popping up on the scr owing ers' loca, yards treled, traveled, distance and speed. itg you aette coh? >> i hope so. hat's new ons coa sean payt, w invited us down to sh us how ts n technology works. it starts wh these two chips, ea autheiznd weight of quarter. >> they're so tiny. ty'relight. >> if yoare a 6'3" lineman, a thing lik this doesn't get in the way for you. >> repter: jill fox is with zebra technology, t company channg the waye w and pl otba. how does this work tends bli fro tse receivers in the stadium. that sen the information to servers and we cntly what's going on.
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>> yeah. 112ards he has beenrunning. >> reporter: coach payton ss the data i helping team train smarter and sar. tell me y bee see hel you pren injury. >> we c lookt their work a say ts gll wked today and mbe this e didt w th heshatomorro when we vehese se players oue uld bemartnow we pracce. >> reporter: i decided t try it ou withittle hp from s football footllers. thisser jersey. we're going to put her inhis jersey and fdut if we want to dra you o t. >> reporter:okay i'm ready. pu me in, coach. >>he nbers an'tbad. actually, i'm kind of impressed a littl bit with her overal numbs. >>eporter: ging players and fans somet to cheer about. >> let's go, ys! >> reporter: no craig, tonht as the players are actually
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get to see the data in real time. ithows up oncreen during the ysis. th coaches d actuay get theata live during the big game. perhaps that's just one me reas tt sts ry m r at your own home. craig? >> olivia sterns in santa clara. by t way, i this tv thing doesn't work out forer -- >> she has wheels. >> she has the caree as a wide receiv. >> i was going to talk about technology but -- >> soundp as s spor ant. >> youo. la is in snt santa clarawi a final checkf the forecast. >> last nightas the nf honor awards. it w an honor to be there. eric ber brought the house to tears,he comeba player of the yr award. whene gave hiscceptance
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beat hin's lymphoma a went on toave o of the best seasons of his careernd the hall ofame classf 2016 ductees. brett favre was amongthem also cam newton w mvp this year, 48 of the 50 te of course, he s a favite to mvp this year. g a cnceo bring very spial guest of m own. myusband to join me ther i can tell you, kid in a candy op. just taking in allthe people that were there. it was a who' who inhe nfl world. and it reallyas a wonde night. little bhilly at night. that's the way it wor her in the bay area. we sta off with crystal clear skie clly morngs and then we shod getnto the 70s for game time latern today. let's take a look at the weaer going on across the country. we are looking at thi he rie in eet stream, bringing temperatures wel above average. ar recd highs for se eas. l.a. should top out around 80 degrees today,2 degrees a average.
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mild lo off cintoday, ng mnly rain andw throughhe dayony tou a>> ahasou l a that's your latest forest. guys hank yo dylan. i may be the bigst game or othe yea around the u. what aut arodhe world? ist justnother nd? >> no. th nf has been pushing hard to expand its fan beo places
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we sen kelly biella out on the seetsf london to fd t ift's workin >>eporter:s anmen i lond, no day makes me homesick as much as super bowl ga day.are yo watching super bow ts eken ll know ftbl isn't the tional natial sporte in england. futbol is. our football, well -- >> why do u call it football when all you do ishrow the thing? >> amecan football isn al footll. 's a ll. ror reporter:etland of beckham may be sding it o way. they like our jerseys, pigskins, ce paint. th're even chest bumping, vy unenish. >> ln tomorw sou c it. >> rorter: how fars th?
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>> rorte we fou thene surowl party. too b she's a colina fan. da isn't just a fan b ser hd on footballlaying video me. i have lostay too many nights stayi up late. i n't care i i at 6:00 in morning, i'm still going to watch it. >> reporter: c this t, brit kidlaying our kind of footba o super bowl sunday. there'sven talk o anise re. london bridges, btish ro t see the queenpproving day. la, cheering my tea from sshe nd, thring a few more badasse d,ho knows, in anoth fyears, whole w generio ori fsmite cheerinhme r "today," cobiella, nbc news, ndon.
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up next, some of e most iconic super bl ads o allime and ho they compa t ts ar's >>plus,ue t tene. does get any cer tha? ten puppiesbo t p it out on the turf. ppy bowl.
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rst these take my breath away... so thought i'd return thefavor. at jared, we only sell one e of jewelry fovaleine's day... the one at puts your heart inher hands. anit's waiting for you j. we're thhottt ung coany around buif we want to keep thsoda pop flowing need fresh ideas! >>got it. we slow, we e. >>wh about cashing out? no! i'm trying to build somethg here. >>w about using fede groundor shipping? >>i n't need se d tellg h to run siness!i've been ing this for 4 long mths. >>fedex ou c helus save money and deler fast to our customers. not d, kidyou remi me of a younger me. >>aide the dog is eating your retainer again. let'take short 5-mite recess.
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ums? init a result of brushingd. it aign of ely gum e... ine(r)elp vee... early m disease justtwo weeks.
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power youmout i you'reike mons of ericans, it isot the football you'll beatchingor
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dollars for 30 secon of youration. an joe has more how coercis haveng over the years. >> reporter: 50 superbowls. >> just wa until youee ucus. reporte 50ea of super bowl mmcis.>> offheflr, nhi b net. reporter:nt timeo haschand. >> 5agas about ju sellingpructs. d aerthat about t yea lar, about tha meaniful coecon. >>ant mycoke? >> reporter: coke's mean j eene ad tgeat ourea stris. >> h, kid. >> repter:le psi's cindy rd stirr other feelin. that's a great new pepsi can. >> reporter: thedsave given rtho catch phrases -- where's beef. >>bud. >> rorter: that are still with us today. >> the onehat pops iy head is the budweiser cmercial with the frogs. >> >> wise. >> er.
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game chaer in19 movie-keteieceirected by ridle ot ueing t macintosh, hint owhat was t come. >> macinth. >> reportetoday, we're actuallyatching theds our uters. monk >> almoshe spot ihas become a product bece aresing t spo beforehe games, some aertirs are leasing them. >> rorte take ts popular volkswagenomrcl from 2011 featinadele minith vade relsed aeekefore ther ,ollecting millio of reviewsndon of cial med buzz. >> there she is. >> repter: this year s dropped a teaser. happy birthday to you reporter: bef unil the actua ad. >> missmooe,at a snickers. you get a little cnk wn u're hung.
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>>ucher. >>orte auning a prevnd then the final oduc the fure is staring back at us. >> reporter: t ad produced by ridleyndted by h sonjake, proof that wle much has chan 50rs- you gotight one, baby reporter: - the art ofe supebowl srytelling is timeless. is thateoe awhzy? we woit >> repr: f "y,"eorg iar, c. arrythkingor a
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esy. that's right aft [ julie [ julie the wrile cream graveyard. if idon't work fast... on to thne thing neutrogen rap wrinkhas thesrforlavisiredu finnendnkine week ntren . eat up, buddy. you'll get itthis te. yeah ok not toouickdon't lego unt i say so. i goyou... start strong with the laing gyf 0%
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thi harry,ew hhire takests le ihe natleltion t if you kwhe hior y know we always get the first ti rts fm tin dixvletch. ai-team invest h to bld be controy aroundneltion, bu wendnty recent trip te granite thmatnn
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ha's caonit on eitr sid oth sacorir,igh in t wte motain you' not me of nowheruted o closo it. >> r onhe . ritn the ee. >> rorter:king g up and obsved in state lingithresideial waa-bes,is rareeehere he here. >> we had e onheend. >> reporter: howany yearso? >>ast ten woulsa >> repo yot hema no.ey still findus ey mavnost while they were hebut at they was my mr overe >> repor b i da d p mis politill spki, hart lotion wn ection spot oncen a time.
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mile oth nightefehe peop in dvie notch. >> yes. >>eporr: y had alaimo fame oe upon a me. >> oh, yes. good ght. rorter: dvill nch h goen lotf publicityverears inhe fstla of eraovo, bhat adion actlltartedn hart's loca. voti at miight mhe lo rlwayouldet toork on time. >> usualatrohe tck before thest trains wt up. so sevenras each waying the course of theda >> rorten the trains ped running i hart's location, the popution shrank d the midnigoting ceased, t was revived in 96. folkse had a granite sized chip on their shlders, why firstn
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versity ofomty whave here >> repter:rere seral zen voters s s sswasix notch's. h's. >> they s we're a med diraction. d so n it is atle bitf endly cpetion between us and dixville. >> reporheits o location gathore dnig ce andcook a mailingsksveryon in tow heylano. wi this small a d, you uldw someby dn't . >> ye. andpe boreat,ou ow, onethesidts di't showp b:30nd we d to send mebo dowto his hoe to g him >>ter: a ely mi they how ds it ta to te? >> less tha five >> rer out here farhe national average.
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>> would b ifry town could it wonderful and cod celebraventcros and we ha a stateme fro dixville, thereappy for the competition, butnoerow calst 52. havo ba. >> mia stction. cue t aws. almost time for the pup earng unlimitecash back on purchases. that's ain. but imagine earning itwice. you can with the citi double cash card. it lets yoea cash ck twice. once wn you y and again yopay. it ch ck then casbackgain.d th'sash back win-w. the citi double cash card.the only card that lets yoearncash back twice on everypurcha with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with ts to e
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adntures fro99, plus up to $300 to spend atea. co seek the royal caribbean. bo n, feends soon. when hollywood's pmier jewelry desier, neil le, creates ring fordas biest star.. he dig it look fabulousrom everangle. anfor his coection at kay jels... he does thexact. same. thing. s! neil lane br.unuelyut -cedris at,nuweorri collection is vintage inspired... th fwing les tt evoke a sensof timelessns. becae i want every woman feel like a star.
8:50 am
we' we' back on sun morni with o of our favorite segments on "toy." it ishe puppybo. thesittle guys, suchmile onryone's face as we got ten puppiesere this yearor the puppybowl.
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come f the connectut humane society and they're all for opon this th is all partf animal anet'sual puppy i think someone. >> we're gng t l the puie g at it a we talk to dan, the referee. this is the 12th. >> 1 ar. >> for animal planet and t . if ase. >> amazing. >>alkut theog athletes 'l see today. >> 84 dogs paicipated, all from adoption centers, rescue centers. 49 in the starting lineup. thiggest- we alsoe a kitten halftime show too. if you like cats instead os oblem. got yered. sethingor everyone. this yea a littldierent. you're briing backome hal ofamers to highght. >>ting pes apted isn't the harde thingn the world. look at tse guys but the older gs languh inshelrs, so we
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of fame. we haveertizati of the lawn. . ey g on top o each other this, we got to pull them apar excessive cuteness. >> you're working with ather refe right? they bught someo else. >> ty brought a snk alon job secity i nothing. >>dan, tnkou soch. yoan watch toy' game on animalneat 3:00 this afternn. tune into "me p t rng. ha doeit us a ay mo n, he a super bo to aou heading there? >>ight aft commercial >> hava great day. >> good to s you
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say bye.,,,,,,,, new hampsh new hampshire primarnow just two days away. st nig, thmost br blican date t. >> there it is. >> he knows -- >> there it is. the memorized 25-second speech astake, c donaltrump rebounfr hispoin io finish? can marco ruo keep his momentum going and sur in hampshire? can bush, kach or christie survnd tsday? donald trump jns m face-to-face. plus, thdemocrats are going at each other, too. >> innuendo and insin. can hilla cnton have her ow own comeback kid-ste new hampshire vement? can bernieanders turn a new hampshe owout into a national movement? nojust swimming with the cuent. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders are withs this
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and bernouenthussm.
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