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tv   News 5 at Noon  NBC  February 8, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST

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ththrill of winning bowl ialways hard to into words... but we sllskhe players to try... here's wt the brcos hato incue: "it's wonderf... outcue"itsike ving a k." incue: "lad against an awesome defense. ouue"o dense was even better there's peyton manning -- as foraner's quaerck "cam newto he s at aoss r words after s team's devasting ss. after answering just a few questis from the media.. beofore making a quick exit from the podium... peyton manning will now finally t at second sur bowl ri... t it wast -- the gunslingi heroics -- of he sheriffth cidethgame
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that carried them through the night... anseasonfor at matr. and it was lead outsi nebacker "vomill." early inhe ge... histri sack of cam nton gavehe broncos their first touchdown of the nig... mier forced two fumbs tol... on topf 2.cks.. eag llesertitlfor r bowlmvp" ayers,oach and h w nabel, allaying tribute to thman who has brought a wiing tradition to denver and created family atmosphere that isn't often found profsional sports anchis. bowlen is fighting the deling effects of alheizmers and hast appeed blly in a feyears. but even tugh he wasn't there to hoist the lombardi trophey tonight, h broncos family de clear that this championship is f him. pat bowlen toooverhencin 1984... and stepped down
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2014. "caror honking." new vio th mni of broncos fans celrating across southern co. viewers sent ithese deos om roc ford. junta. pueb... antrinidad... last nig, fans crowd the streets after the game -- leaning their r horns in salute to the broncos big wi. and happening rit now in southern coladbroncofans are flocki to stores to get their super wl champions shts! stores even open the drs early this morning for those earlybirshpers. our joanna wise joins usive fr dicks sportg goods athe chapelills mall... a busy mngre... rit? here's a look at t cwd this
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,, a pretty good turnout for 7 in the morning! dicks sporting goods opened its doorsround .. just like the da ter tha-f-c championship evne wrummaging through pileof shirts, sweats, ho hat.. arull of merandise. one woman wealked not on stopped byhis rning before heading into work... so here last night right afr the game end! we'vbeen waiting this
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en sleep. i'm st so excited. says it was also a special mome for him... seeing peyton maing and the ons take home thbig wi but dn't think out getting per bowl gear... until he woke up tmorning! itidn't even dawn on me until i woke up this m and saw on tv a went oh my gosh i woer what time they opened and my wife looked it up on her ipad and said they're op now! and i go oh, m out of hehe says ifhe broncos can play hard... en as a fan he can definitelyp hard. and rkg hard... throh the night. cal print shops. they were buing the ight oil... making sure all of the stos were stocked and ready tgo this mng. we spped by bravo en printing and thealy had abou7-thousands shts printed and d off by 4 wee en tolthe end of rning, ty re able to make 12-thsandhirts. portg live in corado
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defense defense fee defense defense defee defense dense denverolice made a handful of arrests and usedhandheld chemical agents" in sponse to large crds of cebrating cos fans. at least seveneoplwere arrested for minor offenses. police were in rt gear -- usinwhatooke tear gas and pepper spray to disperse crowds. officers tell us "handhe chemical agents" were used to
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there were no reported injuries. one police c sustained a bren window. hopefully things wilbe more calmomrow... as fs across colodo are invited to a super bowl victory parade tuday in denver at no... it starts from 17th and wine coop wynkp street... and will finish at civ center park... ere atally will take place... broncos players and cohes will be there. as wl the governor, and the mayor of denver... it's free... and ssive crowds are expected organizers sayve theaw chairs at home... and expect standing room only. all the details are on koaa dot ayer.. coaches... and even governor hickenlooper. at 1-p- it's a startwo week... t's gethe latest fteorologisssica van mer. and oufialert 5 focast. just in case a broncos victory didn't brighten your day enoh, sunshine will kick in some era
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blue skies. weal sinin end that will be with us throughout the week with ghrath 40. tonight we'll dip back intth 20 with most clear skies. a lot of snow will be meltg week sop an eut for
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ploware stl out onheoa in coloradspngs nely week after a powerl or dumped amuch as a of snow. ty plocrews lls ey will cnue to make paes o ighborhood streets as the ow d e lt down. eyavaladmade it through seral streets he tynd say they will contie to unt t strtsome passable again crews ask that youvo parng ong the street if your roais stl ed isnow to he the ows get throug arapahoe basin's plan to expand back-country terrain igoing forwd. the u. forest service issued a draf environmenl impact statement on friday that ione of the
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the planinclude a new ftnd expansion into theteep terrain known ase beavers"nd "steep gullies." manament of the territor-- covery the "forest service's" -- land a resource plan- for the whitrive national forest, one of e most skied natial fests in th country with 11 resorts. ghnow. pulo pice e seching fo the suspecinvoed in this weekend's deadlyhooting ar east high scol. the n llas 21-year-old huck quintana-ortega." it happed at the "casa del s apartments" just before 3:00 a-m on satury officers found quianortega dead from an appt gunst wouninside one of the aparments. police say quinta-ortega was involvedn so sort of altercation prior the shoong. thvictim'samily says he had twdswith a third on e way. if you know anything about the shooting.. you're asked to callolice or you can lee an anyusip th crimestoppers. in todays election wat-- the candates are already out
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thisast full day of campaigning before the state's primary. tracie potts is there this afternoon,.. where donald trump and berni sanders e trying to hold onto their doubleit leads. --- inrt pkg --- sot donald trump / r presidential cdate :xx-:xx i don't want any of your money, but you have to go o a vote tomorrow. new hampshire's republican frontrunner. in a rare town hall... donald trump, taking questions th morning... and sparki another feud th jeb bush: sot donald tmp / r presidential candida :xxxx "he's a total stiff, this guy. he's like a chd, a sil child." t bush on morning e - too short toup trump. just one word? ser. ok. oh my god, oh my god. tecruz, marco rubio and - in two recent polls - john kasich are ghting forecond ple behind tru. rubio... still reelg from chris christie's attack at saturday's debate aboutis repetitive comments. is morning rubio says: t sen. marco rubio / r presidenal candidate :xxxx "i'moingo keep sayinthat a million times use i believe it's true!" christie.. in single digi here... made last-day visit to nufacturers this morning. sogov. chris christie / r presidential candida :xx-:xx "i dont want lve any doubtn new hampshire residents minds -
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nat sot in manchester, the vets waiting for d cruz to stop b this afternoon. in new hampshire they like to see eir candidesclose. sot michael lopez / veteran/nh voter :xx-:xx you can really watch their body nguagewatch what they're saying, how they're sayi it. ether they've got a crooked smile. crooked face. onpollays nely one in ten republicans here are still undecided. insert ends twsecond pau dio outcue: acotts, nbc ws, manchester, new hampshe. --- reporter live tag --- and that's whyhere out today trying to get the last-mut votes. i'm tracie potts in nchester, now back to u. ill ahead is aernoon -- you'rheading outo gb chipotle for lunch --- wll explain why yoll ntoake other plans... but first your extended forecast with meteorologist jessica van meter.. jessica? bluekies todaynd you better get used to it.
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rm temperatures ahead in . just in case a broncos victory di'triten ur d enoh, sunshine will kick in some extra vitamin d day! wll see a good deal of tho beautiful blue skies. we're also startina warming trenthat will be with us throughout the week with highs today ne average in the 40's. tonight we'll dip back into the 20 with mostly clear skies a lot of sw will be lting is week so keep an eye out for any spots that refreeze overnight. a rather robust ridge of high pressure will in control of
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theek. that will keep our skies mostly clear and mean warmer mpatures. ghs from tuesdnward will be well above average in the 50's and 60's. just a few areas of passing clouds throughout the week, but any significant activity stays faaway from southern colorado. enjo after the brk -- a new dr -- aimed at increasing life expectancy.. we're taking a closelookn todays yr healy family. stay with us.
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thea-- a new drug -- aimed at increasi life expectancy..
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in today's your healthy family... researchers developing a new a drug that --hen given to mice -- creases their lifespans by up to 35 percent... while reduci age-related illnesses. now theigo itoake that drug suitable for humans! "chris yu" has more.
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they've en living loer and lookg healthier thanks to a new drug developed at e mayo clinic sot: dr. jan van deursen, resrche "it s a veryabor-iensive and ssl prt. but i'm glad it wout." dr javan deursen d his am have been studying mice for years, and learned that by removingamaged cellshat no longeride inced the life span of the m 17 to 35 peent. revi those cells also made the mi's organhealier. sot: dr. jan van deursen,earcher "we sea health improvement in a nuer of tissues. we think a very important tissue is the heart. it seems like the heart s able to maintaiits youthful rfor it's very stres restan" so how do dr. van deursen and hiteam remove those daged cells from mice? they injecdrug into the animals. and they say the drug seems to have no negative sideffects.
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javan deursen,esearcher "within x monthsf eatment, we did see these healt improvements in e heart and kidn dr. van deursen hopes with tse new findings researchers can entually dev arug that llo the me for humans with the potenal of treating het attack.. c-o-p-d... and many more. sot:r. n van deursen, researcher "removing seneent cellmay alsoav imptantnt caer eect. soow long bere ccal ls humans? dr. van deursen says they could ly be a few years away. sot: d jan van deursen,eseaher "if clinical trial tur out toe successful and safe, i k perhthe sky is the limit." in today's csumer watch. you werplanningn eang chotle today f lunch... hold... as the compa iclosed training meengn the hist ft food... he foc on food safety anges. the chain continues to tighten food safety procedes after recent outbreaks e. coli and norovirus. however... all chipot locations will re-oat-pod.
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just icase a broos victo didn't brighten yo day enough, sunshine will kick in so ext vimin d da we'll see a good deal of those beautiful blue ski. we're also starting a warming trend that will beith ushrght the week wh his today near average in e 's. tonight we'll dip back into e 20'sith mostly clear ski. a lot snow will be melting this week so keep eyeut for any spots that refreeze overnight. than for spending part of your afternn withs.for continuous ns updates all day when you're not watching t-tay thoaa-dot-com. i'm ira cronin -fothe ws
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,,,,,,,,,,, >> announcer: the following paid presentation for perfect cooker is brought to you by tristar prodts iporated. does the meal-timerind h you losing your mind mixing, blending, stirring, d reui? troducing the perfect cooker. noyou can make perct rice every time with just one
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wild rice, any rice! rfect grains, too -- oatmeal, quinoa, grits. how about pasta cooked from dry right in its own sauce, the best mac and cheese ever, i with flar and so gooey licious? peect cooker also makes perfmplete meals, like protein-packed turkey chili, hety sws, and mouthwaterin meatballs. prepe homede mtloaf in under one minute. tay lasagn cooking the noles right in theau. you can even cook fr froze wi jthe toh of a but the se is perft cooker's thmal techlogy that lculates txact temperature inside the sealed cooker once a liquihas evaporated, youreal is done. d it automatically switches into warmode so it's ready to eat when you are.yoven't seen anything t. perfeccooker is portable the possibilieare endls -- boatailga parties, and spti events. and office workers are raving about itausehey can make mealright at the desk. no more standing in line at the t.
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takeup less space than a
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