tv Today NBC February 10, 2016 2:07am-3:00am MST
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it'sebruary hay mardi gras. >> hpy carnival. we shoulplay carnival music. >> sit s >>it stilllo prett by da. >> wha a fhow. having beein n orleans so manyear such a fun time oyear. it's a b day. in n orleansoday, e s and schools e osed, ever out on the stre they say a little chilly, they got tiron. soe' crating carniva everybody grabbing bea have crawfind isaac tou is her did you get of town?>> i snuck o i ran out. i said keep e beads, i going to see my favori tv ladies. >> you've madeome enemies doing and witonly five days until valentine's day, we'll getou in the mood r a little romae. with a sg fmtion
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le them. >> and before you g on a t , you'll wt t know whatur panel s aut epinguys intest. >> a whave a sprise gut toy. >> we we likwho is id en we wi givyoclues. so'd le tonow who it is. do you know? >> no, iave abtely no idea. ght. >> wt u wearin >> i prop. it's not to be worn outside ur dr's n part of the dress. >> icarniv, anything goes. d it tuesday. the day beresh wednen everybo guesheout get debahed and tn askor rgivne torro and so 're lebratg with rran. >> the a astng ev f iyogoat'ben neoranet this ink. and this is the rran >> tharong. ect.
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anthe are twoianost ba a forth. and ts in bk is ood. sos isne.>>nd this is gras mb no no,, et's let's try t ain. >>oh,please, no.u you can't unsee cerinhings. [ laughter l right. it's ation on this ogram. tlain y what' ng c iki the it wks in w orle whr fis babyn e cha bheext e. so o tti ica mainthki ce cause 're sechg for e by jes.
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tdesta kingake. >>reou knge? not wh ouyoinrs o it. >>heve ld myin nyimes.d unoho youar righ >>re y set'ev in re? i n't ink it's in re. >> thereys a baby.>> youinit? > fdings year. i. >> fit. >>ou fit. >> tt's what sheaid. ts whathe sd. >> oh,o. itot en -- a ltlastiby j.>> oy. don't >> wgot ife w the wa baby jesus. >> it's inere,ou just have toit. bet 's ionof yr ctions. , gres it , .e yo e yo positivhe w o ere? is ia cruel . everyear wfind o bab jesus jesu >> it's ere, i kno anyg ele ta ouile wee log?
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est ? >> i don't kw. >> sakin babjesue ve aactor o wi be ur gs tell a thi day.>>es >>hos goi t pla grn- je i a newsomethg. >>r t ow. >> i not in here. >> our producer has been sending us pictures from mardi gras. there is aa doinat anda does. th's sh a buer. mae they fgotpuin. >>an he a neoo comb, plse>> she senusr viosnd f. amdano how tveun and we'lleeing. >>o k iteo tal about "thchelor." amans not he. so - >> w d't you do it? you'redy in the rry, pleason't leave sightl ghy th. checyoureadpce fhe baby it ia uel did someone take e baby- >>here he .
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>> there his. >> the is oninhe, too. we have to fd . >> this is le elf on the shelf. >> hd . arou sure? it's goto be in re >> brsml. youol thatup >> if you find it, just squeal. , we' otv all t. we're going to tal about "e bachelor >> really, amanda is in w orans. soe were wondering -- >>ou saike t. >> -whether orot ovia, y ow, evybody dolike ia, all t? so ben d cruel t nobodyes iv. not, >> she justne of girlsthat gir don like. t was trying to ou w going to ve ose to, solivia and otr rl, her . >> e an emiwin o staytheshow meer, othetwin g
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yway htookh thesetw we'rgoon de.e bught re. d eryo wondered o s ing get t re. well, he did littlhead fe. herende heasoing toivito ilivia d instead ge emi.eof ise vehe sound let's watc >> today >> tod you really did take the time to speak from your heart anll mly whaou weeeling. yea >> don't think i canreciproce those elings. it's just not a place th i c get to. ani and i tnk that asont as u've bn with meut you
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th y abo me and tl you that tod i c'tive you this se. m going to have to say goodbye. >> okay. i'm sor. t y. has like hca w g o i hopehe don'to their honeymin a pla likth. >>oolivias out. >> ion'tnow any of them. lwas so sepmber waslsoent pag. cause's dra-cr you kn onese pe wh sthe potut tt. ben exhau anceleil party owed up rose ce thwaitit w lau -- >>top it. lauren e sent pking ar watchg somethg? wholeft >>nd areightere. l okg fobaby jes
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theyant uayue theguest.he s of tes.this pn perfor in front ions of pele. eision-like s. uallythe ence kes th per eris pson? wt.go back agn. heerrms frontmiioofeople. exut precione ves. lly tude likes he's sp guy. >> ond the oth halfe rson dike . er >>s br cut off breat. >> okay. 'll bacanto gss wh i e big suriseill resoon.
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>> he's soittle, though. cheez-it grves e th peect ion a eez- a a cp. u le th got marrd? m... gus... u'ke ptty bride inhat ddg wn. , 's l ato...heevyo, e'geied! m baam.ohm t. ttimeor o se ttu in our crispy cheez-it groov. ses likeve hit a road thateminds me... anyone havcasionalnstipation, arrhea.. ...gbloati? yes! one phillips' lon health probtic p ea day hes defend again occional gestive issues.
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>>today fueayhi mas e d the cnival season a tre is nomerican ci more famo forts mardi gras cebrations than - no onn find t baby. >> what? >> lk underneath, he s todaod team caed up lisianaive isaatoup thexetive cf an owneof ner ofou mte >> thiisotarof my dress ally, right? it's no o. >> oh, come on. hoda's concet you all might notd that it's abra. how the sebra. >> i letter with the beads.
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classic dish. atr d uphe a. >>t f inednt eehess, greeon cy,el pp, awwhitwi. t to he seic i uisia di. >> whas th crfish, ccentted wn. >> let's getooking firste'll have n nice anhot. we'll add thtrinity. put a nch of salt for me. >> i n. ere ? okt me oking. >>hrowt the. little whi pepper. >> and a little butter. >> tt'rl. oh,hat'garlic.>> net. hold o i'm the ch >> wha are'alling? >>t no ae
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d the garlic. >> that ma a big diffen. yh, it di uon wan turyo gaic.afr we camelouta, is iwhheloik >> >>pretty >>ow what? ake aroux >> >> u -- make our roux. >>ittle fl. 'l makee get emul. this is thic. anthen we our tomato prt. this is what my grandmher lls bricroux. becausit'she color of re br. we'll then we'll caromat pa g i the signatu or. >> i'll tu this off. and aftere make our roux, it will thicken . >> like a pae.
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>> n y're spki o laua.>> alwayha to tastyo od delis. d the crawfish stock. heo you gethat? i make itysel >> of urseou weoiln bunch of crsh. >> were you born and raised thnew orans?>> iorsedn a smalown layee,ew leans. orles. louisiana ght en was born, i came out of t womb and stt ma thatx. >> nowhat? >> n we have theear finazed pruct. so whave tetab roux, to, whne, crsh st e add e lo ai. if n ifot that,ou canell you whto. [ la ]
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anu it r pase t puscals on ne. >> allht. at about redonio >>no!>> all r weladle. he w. >> and you scoop it.of gravy. >>f yocat boilhe crawsh yoursf to g the k, ie heo t ? >> c u shrimp stocor u n y homede. i won'ma funf u if you do ie foyo >>'m e. >>asen make the pte look nicend et. oh,y gosh. >> hwe king cak king cake. by the way,ed e baby
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>> iatossible? >>'s have a bite >> you kw e ook. >> oh, thagood. les see if we cafind i see, i knoe trick.>> what's trick? >> is on the btom. >> you foundt? we got a baby rit here >> it's got to be on the bottom, you guys. you you spoed it for uor rest oourli now tyhe n e. >>hankou so mu. that wicious u can h isaac chef is thursy on bravo s it okatorth other people when you're in a relationship? >> findut what our man panel has to say about that aft this. >>sn't that obvious?ou i think we should've taken a le at e river. tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does noknow where tarzan go. hey, excus, do youw where the waterfalis
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no, me tarzan, f jungle why don't you wanto just ask somebo? if youa couple, you fight over directions. it's what u do. if you want to save on car iurance, you switch to ico. oh ohhhhh it's what yodo. ohhhhhh! you have do that right in my ear? ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try al-seltzeartburn reliefchews. they worfast and don taste ch. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchew y threlief. are you tired of hazardous glass made so clear sfx: slide show windex that you don't evennow it's the sfx: slide sw smudge it! wi the new sdge stk even clear ass ts visib smuedn a snap. x: sdge soun against glass
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lips move. >>e's the single sr of c's tele tele vella. he's ao just bn cast as jesus in the passion on f whicwill a live march. >> and next is rick younger, married th a son. d hean be seen in the ck youngeshow. >> cody, music, fun. >> has h own show. >> a also wi us host of the gsn hit gameshow, idiot te ben glebe. [ lahter andast but certainly not least, the recently engagebe bob. so sorry, ladies >> oh,lee. >> let's begin with our first question. ques o el askis. y istha -- gir
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goadhoy. >> hi, i'm cynth in n orles,ndyueion is, h ca dpin aut wha we shouldo foalenne's daywithou comff sg? >>you wanto somethg special, just linend do it. nothing isetr an that.>> do you kn what uld be fun, asou gtly fin his shoulds that sou s eepy >> wn a womansit it' nocr. >> it's rea eepy becau dt real slow ittle tremblemy finger. b y kw what wlde fun.and t us what woulde fun. ren like, w wan to d at you wt do. >> but sometimes youant mee to -- you'reiksayi let'goo thlace f dinner. >> sheikesha iarge altine dayends to t thaticalhing gs
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bi a yl dapind, too.>> leo do sethi ial onalenti day. like to erdo ia tt bi it's part of the traditi 'mowwith that. 're a v romanti valentins dayven if i'm not ting anybody. home alone with flowers and a >> we'll be right after is. [ laughter ] >> we'll be right backt back.. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave ofomfort with dr. sls massaging l insoles. they're proven toive you comfort. which helps you el more energed..ll d long. i wa wt he has. our clothes n stretch out the wash, ruining themever. prt your clothes from stretching, fadingand fuzz...downy faconditioner... it hel pct clothm the dage of the wash. so your vorite clothes stay ur favorite clothes. doy fabronditier. in thwow. th is nerabu colctavingr geidst.
2:31 am
istcfoth.bulypor ilowl cleaner elinat minerbu etlsly. why choe anytng other th lysol?, chit grooveare th perfecunion of acheez-it ahip. yomeanike eygomarr m. i gus.yod rey id inddg a l coat.. hey everyonee's ttinmaied! m ba. i'm not. take time o cheese to mare in o cspy cheez- grooves. heattack doesn't care if yun everyy, or if re yng or old. no matter who you are a heart attack can hapn withwa if you'vhad a art ta a bayer aspirin regin cahelp prevent another one. ure alk to y door before you begi an aspin rimen r riplumfy your shes with new plumpifmaara
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boosts lashe 50 timethe volume d fts es up d aw new umpify mcarafrom easy bree beautiful corgir ohy gosh, ephanie wee, likeso goth.sfx: knos on d honey? i'm dyg my hair, mom. hair dye honey... it'sust purple.teenage ughter get scbbing bubbles. ll 99.9% of germs and destroy grime. with scrubbing bubbles for 10 pblem solve > 's it's fat a spanky tuesy. oze day tuesday. 'sllhose things. and 're waitinfor ou handsome guys to tell all. >> and whave the single and adorableean carlos. anick younger,ingle dad ben glebe. >> no,e's not.
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>> someby tell him. [ ug ug ] >> thas your babin cake. >> and b igad. >> a qstiofr an mail.u're gna lehi one, ben. rachelskwhist athen gufis ou aoms pable of takinef heelf, mone car, et tera he loses ierest o is not interested at all? >> i couldn't agree le i ve that.i art working le immediat start relaxing. i feelgar , let's do this. where i rely nd that wo [ laughter ] >> i think it's a powerful, inde weike at. >> do u t her >> herthe thin nt herow inot nearr he p.
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rstandofhealue of atach person bringto a retiship. atim when i s okan po, waliy,on m e, i'l coo dner r yo ifou reallwant tgo out -- >>uyll the ireents >> i affd ingrnts. dn't aord tippand l r thin that com goi to aunand aots, ts appreciated and theycate an he tim i w toot, if c't afford then maybe -- let's go acrossee >> h iic mqueson is what e mhink the have red? >> iavehey on ulthd. nkou'rnoacally an unt 27. >> i tnk40>> at 27, y kia starto beco aadt. ihi y nerto
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i in youhod b a knd own b a ult. bee asouome an adt, u start cing your life an forget theimngs in ur life. don't know whatsaid, t i'm hung. >> h good on >> yn isn't evend untiu're 25. >> i've haa formed bn r the last t yrs icole asd it wron a personve flirty ok flwith a pern they're in a relationship? >>o. 's t only thing you got. uger ]that only thyou're allowe do. marriedt buri. >>utre's aointhere - if you act ont, it's a bit diffent. i think there should be engh respect andmunication in relationship whe that i ay. frty ok cou be something very simple, lika arehat linger hat if it's a little longe an tha >> dger zo
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you don't reciocate -- >>owong is l >>e than e seconds. >>res a fineeen creepy and sexy.>>es. [ all sp [ all speak at once >> a of usre talking.e qns our guys go to klg, hit the cct butto >> can anybody gue the guest? here are thelues. they perfos front of ns of people. executes precision-like mos. ually half the ance kes ist brunrs? have the hot ref!theov theove -- hot ref is here? >>h, my gosh, we got him? it will be a good day. come to ma. >> what happened to ugs?
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>> it's over.? >> it's over.ovngthens teethand restesooth enamel. it'sn easy w to give listine total care to the total famil sterine total care. onbottle, six benefits. poweto your moh i' use a lf detergent. dish isss? get cascade atinum. one pac clea tough food better than 6 cs of e baai brand co cascade. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn relichews. they work fast and d taste chalky. m.amazg. i have heartburn.
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>>e oks in stripe now o itbecause on they saists,knewre waonne ansr the estion. and re it is. >> ourystery guest ithe hot ref -- ce onown. cle cle akan >>ey! goodo see yo hey! >> how adoble. >> wco. oy clete akan. i sd t fac tt b was inouamade it hot enough as iwa bau'm blake shtoeak.hehoocl a rlwerazy notr t ga, bsef u. we youurisrrsed? >>ctlly all i thght wasusa cole ee, tweebuthent got t moment
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you'rke her ciald thou did a ex anda -- [ hter ] >> -otheex. yea that'sart of the superow 's a sptae. w sdoi y he eaiful fe.i ju sou inhe stairwe ani was ke i kw her om soe d i rember iaw yoon tv stda wh iyo ne me --haisou ne? >> k. >> a t goroukids e, youe own n hot r a longime. hoe u dealg th ts? le it >> and h abo youkids arthey hg funitas well wely'reive and thre >>hat's what i b don't givip abo >> wre bringsome competyou becaus wn hot ome o andrew >> andrew's our r. >> so what we are going to d throw the flag? >> absolutely.
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differt calls on a card. i'm going t show it to clete and you're going to have to tell me, is it a reacall, or is it a fake call? >> wn do we throw the yell? >> when you have an answer. >> hey, this i our show! >> stand up soverye can see you. >> okay. are we ready? >> yes, go. >> kathie lee? real. >> osides. >> real. it is right. >> ineligibldown field. >> that's good. i did live in a football house. >> yes, you did. >> next one. >> first down. >> you'r >> you're smos -- supposedo say real. >> offsides. >> d't knowho's winning. >> holng. >> she got to it first.
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how about this. i had to practice thisne. >> not real. >> the nene. >> how a >> how about this one. >>ake. >> you guys are so cute. thank u for coming. u're a beautul couple. >> thank you. >> thanks for being o surprise gut. from the hot ref to el divo.>> classic songs for all t girls they loved befo. >> yes, yes,ye
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the 12 hr pain relieving ngth of aleve. and now... i bk. alevpmora better am. otalffts a inrafoatnat rivs the adg department e isrir. revivesk tfit7 signs of aging. with olay,ou age lesso you can bageless. olay. ageless. t'gethesdayquil id gels ando. but the liid gs ne mux fast max. it's the samdifference. isne imax stngth a ghts mucus. mucinex maxond flu id thax
2:46 am
for mance, we h sometng special just r you. >> performance by the ternational singing sension el divo. >> the crossover gro has sd more than 26 millionlbums and scored 160 gol alam hi all oe rl . theilatelbum debuted at number onen th latin bill boards boards chart. we a tilled they here th us. ts is beautiful. >> andou're gog tr. >> yes. >>herere you gng? >> we'retarting out mexico city. we will goll aund uth americ southeast asi uk, euro andhen later is yr, we wilwr up the to coming back to america. >> we can't wait to hear you ng >> especially this one.
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all the gls we've lov before whoraved in and out our do raveledn andut ourdoor or [ applause ow! >> thank you. >> no wonder youerne evyw. the stngs were beautifnd thrp and cello. get >> get readyo make a good impression whe we giv it away. make sure you go to see theon tour. one day a der made a decion.
2:51 am
he decided tsave neby switching his morcycle insurance to geico. thers no shame in saving ney. ride on, re oud. geico motorcycle, great ratefor grt des. olitel wai wai wait!oucan'put it in that..... have to rinse it first. that's bak-on alfredo. bakeon? 's never gonna work. dish issues? trust yourishwasherwith cascade platim. it powers... throh... ur tghesstucon fd. er tn fish.
2:52 am
man (sternly): wre do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to workwith you. it taco tuesday. man:ou're t mi. i tookucexo help get riof my mucusyongestion. i'm good all day. nnnc:] mucix keepwoing.no4,ot,12ou. les end this ses ke we've h a road blk. that reminds me... anyone have occasion constipaon, diarrhea.., bloating? yes! one illips' colon healthprobiotic caea day helps defend ainst oasiona digeive ises withhreeypes of gobacteria. live the rular life. phillips'. oulders don't just carry pads. ey carry your fans' passions, hopes, and dreams and maybe, a cnce at greatness...
2:53 am
,,,,,,,,,, want > wantbring our friend, amy. me on in. i ar aot oammott drs. >> there dar. efor >> before say gooye on the spantuy, we're going t give five cky fans a big, big prt. >> bause isimeoive it awayby! this week ize, it'sn epson 50o-tank printorth $499. is wile, a in e -- take i away, .it icarie-eeriinso you veha tworrabout runninou
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50lo pages,he eqvant of abt rtries rtridg. keegog,od you're doing great. >> amy, thank you, honey. >> never mind. >>ho is firs >> their winner -- got two.rst is debra harden from ndr, norarin a iavdeieeynos fromenck wh doouav i keeetting. >> andndrew urn n. and theasone >>ongratto af our winners. enter next weeain. for e compules a relations,g and hit the connect >> youave some explag to do. ja in chargethe king >> there was a baby in here before you guys touched it. >> who tit out?
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spk ne. l's crankt up, baby. >>ja's getng it. what?>> bd ov overere,ackie. get in her >>hat's thwrong c. ed spag sic can't do this. my missions simple. to make you money. o level the playg field for alor s alys a bull market somewher omise to help you find i "mad money" st now. >>m cram. lcome tod money. welcome rameri people wa to make iends,'m jt trying make yomoney. my j is not to jentertain but put n coext. so cal otweet me. get this straigh oil l ert the eng
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