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tv   Mad Money  NBC  February 10, 2016 3:00am-4:00am MST

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but en rebounds ever so slightly. and sudd tart can rally? rally off the lows of the y? the dow the dow closing down 13 ints ter ing down 1. that when oil was ally rolling over. nice rovery there. i have t i ve task you, h it is that this maet, is ill honce ice oil, rememb oil rallies a tiny t off thlowsaveresre able to bounce so defitively at we m awellust be oneia stock market devot to devining oil's direction. i fe liki'm rowi up thmp everyy i go. i've been adamanabouthod th tt wiltimately en to amera and ameran dustheergyris stay w. wever,atelas oeeps plungi, ths a rk
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namelyhat e loer cru keeps collapsithe more ress t is the system. thrst of fundantt for finaials that lent theoil mpans money, that's wh wee discoverg w. that'shy we're ged to ever ck uorown in theri of oil. it'she finanals w. wh oil when oils sold off, we saw small companies go belly up. that's nlong the cas now we'rworried about compans that used to be much bier tn th are, companies like chesapeak chk which is rightn the blaszone of the recent sellf. r os for those youotamiliar with chesapeake, they we ang e rgesnaral gas producers in the world. it borrowed big d boug k astsakg quisitns with loads debth among other rentbutoheultima rovalrothe ceo
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now hadw headheoright t recognizthat nur gas wa'toingo owuch. w ved aggrsively into l whe itasisin and loedchapke in be an oiltar.whe left in 13, cheseake d a marketapalizatioof $18 n. no at $1.3 billion. it's the oer side of the ledger, though the he , the $16 billion ineb that the company racke puin putting all the setsether. that debad is a real problem, not just fo chesapea, for a loof peopl chesapea's cash flow was stretche the much higher levels. natul s isovg a iylooiis bow. shw tun is crical. . espeally as a key fact, $500
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mont at is at is at people are inng about behindhe scenes. recently we lened the cheseake is guring outhat do with tebt maturity ll assettructure s how. the thg you neknow i this $95 stos incribly signifant to this ma e themon stocy timately prove worthless. first we know chesapea owes a lot ofeople and lot of mpies and perhaps a lot of banks. me rea some reacash. se, chesapeakeving prlems herat many mpanies thathared e e of financial dilil also be in trouble. unless thehave hugreserved the low icedil. thatas actually kind o skill operor. third, tarket is not reay rey for ese defats. they're bennto be pred . much of the bt is in high yield bond fun and if u hat heard meefore, i
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so. you must you must -- theris no place to beching for yield. many of the companies in the index follow which is the hyg i-ares corporate bond etf are all getting hammered. how r ranging can the pain be re? as far as major shareholders, e secondargests carl icahn. bou he bought a ton chepeak stock ck ithe ys. he a enoh bance sheethat i doubt he'uffer muchrom .98% stake. interestin intesting the way is that he is al theargest shareholder in freort with an 8.8% stake. another oil company, way too much debt that desperaly needs to make sas in order to st one step ahead of the debt posse. and he owns .83%n chiere energy. they mayun inttrouble here the ragas coming fm them
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ergy. i would would ve to ke the other de of the trade every singne oe positions. i thine posions e rrendo, alree. thheres exposure to the dank they realed at companies d oil servicenties accounted foseveral peent thtotaloans. the ba stos have bn obliterad. bas wo banks worldwide lend worldwide and oil companies.chesap is a remier of ung this debt fen no ma'am coul. you mak that oil is the worsace to be this mark buyou'be wng. the percepti that oil ishe next b short, soo speahe xt pce for the loan losses will soar causinvoc. nk of bank of america trading at the cheast discounat i've evern. some is becae the bank is the e thatid bt when the fed
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net yellomorro offlide isrue, if they do put rate hikes on hold or because theamerica does the most to lo they need higher rates need it. anif t d they get , mae they could do buyback. at's u the fedby the way,ot ban ari. the bis discnt to bo value didn't occur untilhed about how the company had made $17 lln in energloan th got ey got tens of blions of doars oans. there what everybodcare about. that $17 billion is just too many. ay? it's ha to inwhis g engh tt nes a loan from banof arica that isn't shoron cas hordo bee thisck repeeledultiple year gains is now bacto wwain 13 lieve believe , theris a sen, hoow. here wgo aga bad ln sp
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housg, shame oyou. t you buyou foole on housi d oil, te on other we book value once scrubbed clean iddled with bad loans of different sort. afr e fiasco last me ound, very f people trust thisk. nce, thester sel after at let lookedo be a od quart, we're not ging upvictn. i ve i ve to till, the in hoendous. hoabouthe foreign banks? weee the dlis t stks f stocksrom crit se and desc bank d other nk 's tradeeurope have we havresume tt not only do they dohey not ve enough regular busine, rememberoubas need it. but maybe they, too, are swimming in bad oil loans or at ast bacoody loans wiout any anarency over er we can't beur and aayme the worst this enviroen e roan bank stocks is apthmostrite
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we don we don't have a n their capital situatio they we subject to the ringent stresst u.s. governmeut ouranks throh. sonlike bas inhis cotry,re all almt all ising capital. we don't know if t europn s ve the capal tdeal wiheillis inour oil d commody loans at are hadluing t. ere ere ey're just n tel us. finally, finally, thee master limited partrship, some of whh have huge re to chesapke coueally gehurt if the companyoes bust. you may haeen williams a equity g slaughtered yesterday, en ashey they h they have huge composure t cheseake pele mpany. wealy didualare load t gil with the rtrships a thetocks te to trade the losses sgging. now don't byny mns mean to pick on chesapea it a ltle icos
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togeer the portfolios m are stilshling out hugamount of capital expentures, much of which they don't have the cucand to pay for. here here's t thing. ny of you have asked me how n itatter so mh if oil sts down? the answer is we'll have more anmore chesapeakes over time. the silver ling, if the companies n just stop drng for whater reason,ncluding bankruptcy, th thece of oil ll finally bableo go hi. but th i t that ilike wandering through the deserto cross the ver jordan. a loof fms will make i the land ofk honey. so he's the bottom line. if wt enou chesapeakes t st drillg, oill ed nd a btom. in the inter thoug expect the paino contin rippl throhout sysm evtime o lls, a fall a dollar from here, one dollar, d, ocourse, every ti oil rebounda buck otwo, weet a nice reprve. just like we saw athe end today's io
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and with all the recent crud oil ctuations, wre yoe them heading? >> i n >>'m notommeg any foil fls. we have ittethemff ithcotry. but chef lon$83, i don't know, i'm kif interested it in. ybe p maybp $76. i'm a remmenr of fosl els,ugh, i a sl foil fue necessi cause t much pai l oil finds a ttom, this market can ctinutot you.'s a lot of stre oe em that'st the chesapeake sto tells you. on "mad mone tonight, s fanng lost its fight. i'talk willing the technicals to see iweakness continue. the stocks are forecasting a cession. don' the list just ahead. and hetart und armr in s grandma's sement 20 yes ago. today s company is the biggest that to nike in the sporwear.i sat down with vin planto hear about his rise to the top.
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so di. so w don't youti wh cramer? d't ms a se of "mad money." follow@crame ndim ae-mail or ve us a call. 800-74cnbc.
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head to oney.cnbc. fortifying the gravity-defying... friendonnecting... day-seizing... strong. new specianourish.
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albeie new speciak nourish. fortify. i take ptu suns, but wi mback p coul sleep and geup in timethenound aleve pm.eve pm is thon o t combine a fe sleep aid plus e 12 hour pain relvi strengthalev i'm back. aleve pmor a betteam th is mineral ild up itollects aving gross rmiddestns. oxoit bo clneth bleh is no mah r that. bulysol powe toet bowl clr elinates mineral buup effortlsly.
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,, over > ov the last few weeks, the market turned agait one of the most beled, talk aut groups out there, fang. but before we get in the recent w recent weakness and what to do wi it,et's rememr where this fang acronym camerom. it was actually created re on ad moneywith t hel our favorite chartists. it's just a representative thing abouwhat was working. it's n been almost three years exactly since we first bundled the four namesogether, february 5thf 2013. since then, cebooar second do 50%, on fell 81%, net richl 2% hi and google is3%. on average on avera, banks giving y monste165%eturduring the period whe theasdallied 43%. the s&p 500 just 23%. other words, over the long te, the nk stocks are tremus outperformers. just like we predicted on the very binning. late though the viciou
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claws into fang. the whole group has been obliteted which begs t question, will fang ntinueo t crushed or can facebk, amon, net lickand google start toake a comeback in the notoo diant ture in a dif in difficult envonment like this one, we need to turthe clts tgea sens where the stks are heade how abou hoabout coulting the vy chst whoelped recite the fang acronym, bob lange? hes th he is the senior strategist and tenical st in the the man team behind e street tt comes ifec stocks newsletter. he thinks it's important to point out when we're in the throes a a brish market, n markets go untouched. amon and netflix had terrific source of fun for trbled hedge funds that need to st winners to cover resemicondtortionsr simply totay afloechlt remember, guys
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have to sell somhing. sell t most liquidnes. hower, whilehe hedge funneled liquidationish sue temporary, long rm, lange believ the fang stocks are facing a pullback. like we like we many times before. why don't weta with facebook. take look at the monthly chart. the recent dline, can u tell. this say b long month, right? see thi nthly chart is much loer anhat people look at. all the way up here. not onlyoes the stock remain above th above the , okay, and the 30-day -- e 20 andmoh -- these e month movingverages. but the money flows down at the bottom here remains, it's an indicator that uses to me shurt level of buying or selli pressure in a given stock. it is still positive. st nuch to worry about y take the long view. as a mat as a matter of fact, that's -- geez, that's close to perfect. wow. okay. hoabt amazon's mthly chart?
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he saythd pull bao the low 400s from here. as room to fall before it should bwrten off. not only is the check an money fl really, good it's been very positive for the past nine years. talk about a long term trend lange believes the recent pullback is a lot like the corrections amazon experienced in 2014 and 2010here sck went out of style for a few nt. company wasn't that forthcoming with the numbers. remember, they missed numbers badly conference call. alphabet known as ogle is in a silar chart. the recent pullbac, the pullbacks rend lange of selloffs in 20, and 20146789 that's whetey tested the 2montmovi average which is curntly at $618. lange th lange inks they test the lel and reboun. theyelieve it's more liky th google willtom well before.
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averagindicato we call at mack d. an indicator they to detect changes in the stock's trajectory before them. it's been flashing bsingle since st fall whenhelack line crossed the red one. second that money flow is still positive. what about netflix though best performing stock in t s500 last year. it been hammered since 2016 began. all righ check out th monthly chart n three months, netflix pulled back to the month movin age which lange believes gives the stock a stng support $82. that roughly $4 below where it is tradi now. that reminds himf the pullback we s in 2014 right before netflix cketed into the stratosphere. he think this is is temperature for airy. he is king in the long run the fang scks will do just fine.
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facebook's daily chart which is, lange belies is the bestst bunch. facebook reported spectacular earnings couple eks o. itruta it brutally sold off last week where it broke below the 50 day mong a mo avege even after last week's slinglange likes to take the money flow index which is positive, shows demand for e stock. he think thinkfabo has a nice vel of support down $5 from here. he's talking about right herat is level. that is the 200 day moving average. if thetock c breakut above the orter term 50-day moving average, go backver to the blue line, well then lange believes they can return to ol highs. at wld bsothing. the broader stock market can find the footing, he ss grab faceok. lange thinks google paints a similar picture n google's case,
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high volume. that was forced llg by hge funds. i heard of twon the ropes. it cou be those. lange lieves thagoogle is extremy oversold. heik he les the recent bullh morning star ptern. there you go fm last thursday's throughesterday's session. and morng starormation you have a big declineolwed by a day where not ch happens, a sort of moment of indecision followed followed by a big day. it dsn't quite get us back to ere we started. that's what we sawesteay. to a technician, the morning star ptern signals that a down turn is abt toever itself. ey rally back up to the 50 y with ease. hey, that will be up 7.3% where it's currently tding ll take . my trave my travel trust nshis an
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amazon that, one is problematic.e daily chart islearly broken amon plunged throughout 200-day mong avege with ease high volume. so there's not muctoike here lange es a couple signs that the painoulde cong to an end. the relati the relative strength index. s currently unde30. that repres an extreme and unsustaineoversold condition. see th? right there. testing. which tells lange buyers beginning to pk azon into weakness.still,t's an ugly chart.ybe it's getting less hiou finally,bout netflix. he thinks this is really due for a bounce much he sees a nice flow of support at wil$80. down just . down horrendous $6. netflimade bulsh morning
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that is that patrn that like to talk b theect down trend could be coming to an end theyan give us follow-t follow-through, th he could see it rebounding back to $104 where the stk paces a powerful ceiling of resistance from the 200 day movingverage. still that, is1% ghan a couple weeks. here's the bottom line wer, t long term monthly charts interpreted by bob lange suggest that facebook, amazon, netflix and google have up trends which means ones this market wide selloff ends, fang but shor but short termnge cebook and going wl have nt prospect, netflix is hit so hard, it may be due for an oversold bounce. but amazon's crt, it just plain broken. much more "mad money" ahead. under ar under armourays he's the s of all his training. and i got the ceo of one othe
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budoes that maket worth buying? why don't you stick with cramer? here in e city, parking is hard to find. ems like eveone drives. d those o do should switch to geico cause you could ve hundreds ocar insurance. ahperfect. valet rking. heo! here the ks. and, uh, go easy on ride, mate. hm, wouldn't mind some of that ef wellington... to see how mh you could save on car insurance, go to ge!arlarmnd it's ok! ugh! heartburn! no one bur on my wat tralka-seltzereaburn relichews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-sel heartburn reefews.
3:24 am
,, n (sternly): whe do you think you're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man:ou're not coming. i took mucinex to helpget rid of my mucusy congestn. i'goll d. [anner:] neeps wog. no not 6 but 12 hou. t's enis i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming throu! ride the gelave of comfort with dr. schls massaging gel insole they're oven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long.
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some sometimes you have to define the direction the market in an apples to apps and oranges
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that's how can younderstand what really goinon. wh a the real arof investors? not ju t os exesd by thgeneric vix, putall ratios. ke for take for example the extreme valuatio in nagt and when i say extreme, im lking about genuinely out of ctrol aluation that's i' not sn since the 1980s. just consider that american aiines, united, couldn't nent attal, general motors and ford sell for five times 2016 earnings. thaertd. ve times. general motorsnd ford, ty thw-in 5% and 7% yields. otherw they would be 5%, too. they're all near or buin alg thr lows. then tre icampbell's soup at 21 times enings. clarks, clarks25 times earnings. alese stocks a aor near their 52-week highs. whato thesdiarities say out e rket? you' come to t rig pce. first whetr it comes t airlines, thvaluatio tell us
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about to go down. you just yoju d't get multipl th's low iearngs areoing to stay even or improve. you don't even see mtie that's l ithey're rely gointo be ightly lowerhan last year. no. you get them when the earnings are about to be cut in hf. i've seen time and again that when the given stock sells at less than one-irofhe ltiple of the average stock of thp 500 icis the case withll these, th imeans the eain eimates will kely prove to beildly agessivend numbers have to come down severely. in other in other words, the market is sang if the seemingly cheap stocks like e airlines and automakers, they're expensive. you just don't know it yet. m mply serving here. now nsider the stocks. you look at the organic growthatesf ese mpies, threally fritening indicators of what make a judgement about, you'lsee small growth. procter procr & gamble, 1%. clor 3shgs%, kimberly ark,
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how can how can people p 20 times eaings for the companies? th'substtially in excess of the averageto of procter & gale gives 3u.2% yield, oshg off, 4.2%, kiletter by, 2.. well bel well bow the automakers. the payoffs are compling even t's say withore compelling if the stocks llff. th're competing with a trsury. a n ye treasury at 4.7%. and the treasury doesn't raise the coupon, e company's raise the dividends. all the mpanies have gigantic engy costs. plus thi plus this group rightly or wrony trades on currcies. ople b people buy them d think the dollar iaking whwe could argue it to be the case as the euro, t this thehange ratealmost unchanged versus where it was a year ago. o e no one ee is tking about th exct for me. i thinthatombinaon of posive currency anlower commy crs and the abily raise dividds makthe coumer products ocks
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autos are untracve. the co the companretain earnis wer. both group ostocks are forecaina resswith ss tvel, less spending money and ghter crit. in other in other wor, they'rsimply sayi the se thing. saying the same thing but in different ways. prtoand gam sbl my favorite ofll the stock just ase yont to noechlt les go to mo in new rk. more ss. >> caller: hi,. how are you do >> good. >> caller: i know you owe veor the trust.since it's a groock, it's been getting killed recently. i wanto kna, if there's you think there is more down side ahead a, b,ink it ia possility get picked unow nce by larger plers since it's much ch than six months snag >> ihi >> i thihis stock is horribly. i'going back a forth with e polio manage hemy research director for
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thstock acts horribly. we hav have toait to seehat they sa it acts so horribly, i feel like it's almost saying it'got to go is it is lower ready. that hasn'meytng in the natural foodituation. whole food to report this weekend hain acted rll inappropriateld broke down. t's ju hope it doesn't b wn any more. i n it f travetrt. i dot t way iacts. there are two groups of stocks saying the same thinin different ways. much mor much more "mad monead. coulagco's recent strengths signal greener grassn future?
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lightning round." so stick witamer. choose to move frey. mo free ultra has trle-aiosupport for your joi cartile anne in o tinpill vee a.yo m nigh fiand on 21 jot d sleep supplement. ugh! heaburn! no one burns on wch! try alkatzer heaburn reliefchews. they worfast and don't t chal ..amazin i havertburn alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchew
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at makes kevin plak inhamakes the founder of unraour tick? alke we talked about company d hat ines him a what explnsis unitake no isoners attide toward buness and life in geral. you se sometimeshe greaess, it's t just a the financials. take aook. ke every time i lleople m gointoinltieyohey
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i neou tfine ifor me say ey shis man is getional a' pales to a gene. he is next. ey use tord next. w do you getbe nt? hat'greacompliment. d onat inkompa okto leatowa every day trul it ppenwithhe cion othe lturof our brd. i llur tm, wn sh every d, yo makina desir thdral. let me bclr,vebody h a. some days you're going to show upo work andy wife or my sbd mkid orhe dogr mething or my ss is. this andoul have to just tau' he ce d kerothe engy oour bran but souch is we pe you t lk in, youalk innd feel our coany. feelurra. u , challee yby,o u edn erharge? to the nd huny fe wah emomtogeth. fo we,al, pal.everne com ionroom. thatdea ofnuer one i end every meeting the me
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th is what heard. thiss wh i think and re'shat 're ing to . i expect evebody to dot. nu one, lien. i me really li. t just go in the andun yourap. no w to heame. frullisten. , i ve plt oew. let em knowhere m cong from. sed on wt i heard and at i think, we' going tcall the ay. wt happens if someone grees wi you.i al it and ge it. it'sy job tore tha create an ronmen allows peoto do th sahree tthat were fate tngs 25 is w newear plngprocs, whad a shoe twon ery award called tat tir sh and arandarouse we built in chicago. the reason they're my three vorite this, i h nothing to dth any onef them. the 30line growt the0% line grr the last 10 yearsomes from tham. >> how do you staythe the words you e right top
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gressive, ung,earless? >> i love those rd numbths a descriion ving us to by an speith when he was asked on television, he said wid you choose underrmour. d myame is aggressive, young and fearless. and that and that's the same way that i see under armour. that is noin n ve to hear that come fr the athletes athletes, lisn to what the athletes are saying. it fit. a 's what our brand is. >> how many is family and how much ibalte? >> how much isaltimore? i mean baltimore iho baltimore is wre - >> b - >> but -- from py. you have bigger chyour shoulder you have more of aomex than baltimore. >>tarted mcompany georgetown, waington, d.c. i'm fr. the my mher and long line of story fr.c. d we mov and weed tltim people ask why id i can't telyou. someing dr me. there yo there you know why? something fit the brd, the
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boots, lunail,hat attitude of that ty is somethinthat is und armou it is baltim >> and youd baltimore cause becaof beaverton. that what always felt. >> i don't want people to think there is not that underdog story is somethi that there. t if you invest in america, looknd say in thworld althat invests in america. in arica, noheast. the nortast rrid, new york is new york, d., c souhe bag. baltimore is an aming ty at think is justn the come. there are 0,00people there. if whave our growt younow, our inveor day we said we' into go to $7.5 biion 2018. we rog we recognie're goingo brina lot wl ying js d the love smarteoe and compans thatant suppor and wehi we can do a great job foour consumer, stomer, amtes, shareholders, of course, and we're going to do a great job for oucommunity. >>ow d >> how do u ay optimisti you have sre. how do y make it so that scorard is pt aigger
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there are days y create d e markets don't respond. >> everybo wl y the same thing. u know, agai with -- in our 11th year as a public compy, i look to say what have i leard? i watched our stock go up. i wad it come wn. what sawhe tes that oustk did go down, h can this happen? we weren't rng a gat mpany. we had five arters of triple digit inveory growth. he hhis gs. we leaed a l of leons in '07 and '0and '09. now we're w we're strong comny. we ha strong management team. we have a team of 14 that want to do and bld the best coy in the wld. nobody is nobodys going toell us a diffent. >> you'ra guy, vy successful. i found out undearmour, daughter is capt the fld
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has u w did how did you get into the consciousness oft geration? >> yeah. you ow, littleids li -- is it athlete? is br it is is it thesthings? the sfakt that wis infusing in every product th we sell, none, we never steal from -- we ner sal he eities of ournd. that little kiour daer little boys and little girls all over the world, when they pu an under atop bot they fl this a superpower involved in that shirt. th thought they could do t but with under armoui can do more. >> but it's apparel. >>ut it's no our product begi with the fi the fabric, the rm, the fuon. itegins with the pnt of view. why do we make thaproduct? not because we thought we ca slap logo on. it meant to wick moisture keep you war cool, neveret you get too t or too cool. question estion never comprome. th that's one thing thoes into every product wbuild. you're not going to see us as a license house. we're aggregators. wel find the best things in the woand we'll bring th
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porto. that is nounlike our connected fiprogram,ealth box. >> which i have. and my son hijacked. you know, 17, rip guy. young you are guys want to be ripped. >>es. he wants to t weight on. the rest of us are saying how i do control it? how many days were you sk last ye? >> shoot -- >> think about it. you'll say ion't get sick. i get sick but i play through sick. >> you go through. >> walter peon, biesgame, 104 temperature, that's what we have to do. we play through it. >> but why? why t isear? >> because we want to win. >> iyoask mehen i get sick, i catch a cold every time it goes from sumr to fl, wint back into spring. i y bu i say but why don'i know that? why n't i ve sometng to ll me th is telling like whetr did get sick? if so,hy don't i start loading up on zinc and vitamin c? where y. do weit back with the least amount of information and the most importa tng iou
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one tng wlike, i'm sure you like shark tk, the per of being bro. those those are thgs, thpor of what is in you the power of famil the per win. the power of listen. the power of triumph. what is the power inside y? >> you'll find i think from any entrepreneur ithatt is a sense of timing, of late. i don't know ii call ifear. whatf what if we go broke? what happens? i have been. there i sat at the doll booth with a niclady asking where my two dollars was and turning from atlantic city and i spent it all. was tr i s trying to ma payroll on mo morning. i don't have $2. whether you knowhat feeling and live it and en there and able to build from it, you'll never rget it. you never want to goack. you want tmakeure u do erything in your power to put urself in position to ner do that again. >>ou take no psone. >> yes. we livin a great country. >>es, we do. we have amazi
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tend, 's up to us decide to makehat happen. >> let leave it at. thatevin plank, founder and ceo of under armour. if youaven't he feltd inspired by that, i can'telp yo ve been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! de the wavof crt with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. ey're prov to give you comfort. whh helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. fortifying the gravy-defying... friend-connecting... day-seing... strong.. you. new spial k noish. lti-grain es winoa, apple almonds rasps. new ecial k urish. ify. janet? cough if you cr me. n'enhi about i
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yeah.. what aboumikeks on ugo. h! it w on his coh too.
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,,,,,,,, it i it is time. it's time for the "lightning round." and en anth the "litninround" is over. are you ready? dave in florida? da? >> caller: hey, ji big boo-yah to you there. >> right back at you.
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as well ll them kkr. they don't have the liquidity to bring companies public. i think it can't make at yield. the ock is so i wilbet with the sportsman, not against hi am in iowa? >> caller:ey, jim. mytock reported eagswo wes ago and ne down 30%. whato yothink ofinet. >> no. rizon and littare good but don't buy. there a washington ory. whether it's a whingtostory -- rort in california >>ler: j, pap. >> no, we're not recommending the bank stocks artough. we don'tan-- the banstocks also in the cross hairs of washington. you have to understand that some companies in theanug group, washington hathem. bo pti. cliff in new york. >>aller: t for saying my cl. can you ll me many charles
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the president inexpensi stock with no catalyst. therefor ian't recom at sck eithe >> that, l >> thaadies d gentlemen, is theclusion of the "lhtning round." "lightning round" is sod by t.g. ameritrade. lacaliva can also can aleato tooth decay and bad brth? , there is biote specially formulateditmoisturizers and lubricas. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. ote, for peoplwho sufferroa dry mouth. a hearatta dsn care or if yore y if you're young or d. no matter who you are a het attack canappen without warning. if you've had a heart atck, a yer asrin regimen can help prevent another one. beurto talk to your doctor boryou begin an aspirin regimen.
3:46 am
sospy kis .9% of baer. mang imo tn sthe"pgetink" utlize is t "evenmo thehor cuai for up to 7 ys" y. diovere yan u sol to help ke your homehealthier. seems like wve hit a rd ock. that remds me... anyone havocsional constipation, diarea... .g, blting s! one phillips' lon healthprobiotic cap each day helps defend against occasiona digestive sues. with thr types ogood cteria li the regar lif phillips'. - you set rules ound the house, right? so set for your when ty go online: don't be a cyberbully. no racy selfies. and remember everye cae everything you post,
3:47 am
moouw. >>cons considering weakness of crop prmany slike a -- you know what, it's a crazy question to ask. but bring it up because something odd is indeed happening in the stock mart. look awhat is happenth agco. that is the third largest maker and distributor of agriculture equipment. agco rek ago.even thougey beat earnings estat o a penthe quarviewed as disappment bec of the commenelt pret darn grim even as even as they did reiterate the previous guidance. they g they slammed and falng 9 a single sessiolast tsday om $ to $44. since thene ock is able to workigher. plus, ev if the hideoumarket wideello, the stoc actually up slightly for the year. that is amazing. its uprom s&p 500 ich isown re tn 9%.
3:48 am
so the stock resiencmean the ak hded are lder are shed out. they coulde beer tn we think? ke a clor look with the airm andeo oagco. find out more about w his coany is dng and whe i ading. lcome back to ad money". >> gooafternoo si i have tollou, on the corage calwhen reading it rough, this swuvenhe only companies i fallhere nor amera not doi as lls europe eupes really big f you yoevee it rninfrce. knowt's off a alse n weresu teupe is bottom wh ricuure? >> wel n cety. think ty -- oureeli is u ghbeowightly. maybe 5%, something keha t, of course, much better than erica orth ameri. >> hows thatossi i , i to re y soing the cferecato be host, i am not sisfied with tevelop in noh amer we t
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essfulnd we saw a break thro is ? whu arsing to? >> whaveig cpetitor in erica n eu, were the nuer one- were mtibran coy. we ha soe four leading ands and eye very well tablished and veryraditi and ha aong heritagen euro. while he while re ithe u.s., coetwith big pyewho very dominant and that's a le b mordiffict. whareze our distribuon first whi we did. and now we have to invt a little bit mto vertising, tg, all th in order to get there the target was to double market she t to be honest, it dn'tbecause the first -- what wefirst, we make moy here.
3:50 am
e en. no oweon basically buy market share. we want to do it for technoloes. all r. that is impo i'm lookin yohaa remarkableha because owuch ney you put you generate moh with ls ares whi really er ama teto how wrun th coy is by buwould you be m you should take $1 and go in and tryo beateere at their own game. >> something we ar trying tdo now. anto become more ain markets. d is is also what our s are expe e have l or we're on ocesofng a super vancigh-techventl tr so those so those other tras th sml whls ifronand the
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shioned fo wel d arted tracrs you c se this wilhe ind sure >> jere is a gre're tel me yore frng them inhnogy? i'm er and watchth showhave to say cond, maybe thuilt better m>> yeah. actuwe will ha leadactor re for theu. a that actua lower e kpacon, lower fuel coumptn, betresial val ve. we're advanced, ive n in the worl lt eson. at one poi you ponder in your confencel at mt of these down tur last o years. we'rnow in yeathre ats hi ual can you rely exp i calast the who yeabe this d? >> wl, twhat we cally nound. and th is mylso strt was sappointed.
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pair ourselv in orr to t's sado our home work and do we do lo into ery coer o the company to fd the nts anpennies to improve our eaings f 2016. we ca so wcameceainly with a nservative guince. but i ho tt we c do ight better. >> all >> all right wee going to keep trk of at. ericachine tt you t against th company tt wide condered to be the applof farm equient. t's see. present d ceof a thank you focomin e sh. >> ty they use e cao buback stock. the stock doing betr than the erage stock in t s & p. ouhinkheseor i comingack, maybe tay to go isgco. ieresng story
3:53 am
check this o, bro. what's that, bheim? i switched to geico and got more. more savings on car insurance? yeah bro-fessor,nd more. like renters insurance. more ways to se. nice, bro-tato cp. that'sot all, bro-te shake. geico has motoycle d insurance, too. oh, at's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy osevelt. geicxpect great ving and a whole lot more seems ke we've a road ock. that reminds m.. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloang? s! e phillips' n healthprobioc cap ea day helps defend against occional digestive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. the's ng.. d there's ving with mfree ult. it has triple-actionupport foyour jois, cartilage and bos. d unlikehe big osteo- flex pis, it alln ontiny pl.
3:54 am
yo me . all all right. we have do more wk with sn and panera.
3:55 am
i will see y tomorro,,,,,,,,, it's 's wednesday, february 10th, comin up on "early today." it was a a night of politic routes for sanders and trum >> i am going to b the greatest pre
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>> thank you -- thank you, new hashire. [ applause ] >> now get ready for evene uisi battles as the potical fight tns towds south carolina. arica's tinittelligence official warnsf a litany of doom from isis insidehe u.s. plus a scary moment for north rolina's headcoach. and an amazing lightni m uredrom spe. "early today" starts right now. good morning. oh, what a night. huge blowout win for the political outsiders in theew hampshire primaries. hillary clinton badly bruised, john kasich given n life the re lt to f for their polical lis. analtrp winning lyevermograpc from men andmen with witut a colle
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65% who said they quote wana
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