tv News 5 at Noon NBC February 11, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST
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from a traffic accidin december. biscaro is accused of punching. kig and choking a rerained suspect. who was reportly getting out of control inside a poli cruiser. "bcabeenn the force more than tw onews five t to flow any new developmen.. say thisfternoon -- we have learned that mesa county sheriff deputyerek gr... passed away. he was shot in the line of duty rly monday morning... and was beinkept on life support to donate his organs. his funeral is set february 15th at 1-p-m at cann view vinerd church in grand junction. geer was a navy veteran... husband... and father of two. the 17-year-old suspeco sh him reins in ctody. overnight crews wrappeup res to a strt -- damaged by asive water main break in
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this is happening on southrrvard between bon drive and eastrest ccle. he's incredible video of the geyser that ca io our neroom yesterday. na of water ooting in r a lot of people couldn't believe their eyes when they saw this. springs utilitiesa it happened after an old water main lve failed.. causing the highressure geys. ltiple service lines were fected... buthey have since been restored csu says... like many pipes throhout the city.. these are decades old... and they're starting to fail. "typically, we'lsee about 200 water main bres in any given ar." "it's a type of cast-iron pipe, which, when it was installed, was the indury sndarut nowe're finding doesn't hold up so wellitomes to the years go by." springutilities so tells news five -- while thetry to prevent brks from happening...
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th mrable astics is expeive, and payinr it d mean raiater rates the end of the da it comes down to a bancg act of ving reliable service and fordable rates as snoreval continues on metreets in colo springs from last week's storm...we've unred it's put a denin the city's "snow removaludget" for the year. 40 per of the budg has alrey en used up,.with more snow lily to march and april. you. they'vready spent around 368-thsand dollars. mo of the money went toward "snow removal material". that does not include overtime pay for crews,.. that comes from another ndin source. d with ahe snow days we've seen,... local hool districts are trying to make up the lost time.
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nuteearlgiing bruary 22nd. ey plaed for at least six snow days th year,...and have nely used all of that alady. district 2 not alone. the lewis palmer sool bod is lookg to add two dayback into thein april. and schools in disic adjusting schedules to make ufor lost time. no changes announced yet for district 11. one of the army's first female soldiers to ever complete gruelinganger scol -- now back on the moin pos lieutena "shaye haver" graduated withne other woman -- and 95 men from ranger school i august. haver is a helter pilot and a graduatef west pnt e says she wanted to complete the rigorous army training course to better herself as a leader, pilot and solir. "being an attackviat, i'm gointo be putting rounds prty cse tere th are,
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moving absolutely is probably the mo important thing lt haver sayshe was motivated her unit at home, who she says... was counti on her. she hopes her accomplishment will inspire oth women to go to ranger school as well. in todays eltion watch: bernie sanders and hillary clton will face oftoght in the sixtdemocrat debe. cong on the heels of sanders' big win in new hampshire.. e stakes couldn'be higher in milwkee tonight. tois hoping to deliver a solid rfmance to calm her supporters left shaken by her huge loss ew hampshire. for sanders - the goal tonight -- stay on message and pve he's the top contend. here's nbc's kristen wker
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,, it's fight night in mike hillary clintobernie ta sge iwhat could behecontentiou deba yet -- coming othe els of sanders' convinci win in new hampshir.. bs nh nat: nt's onto nada, south carolina and beyon.. on wedsday, a woundeclton ddled th advisers prely in n york while sanders took a victory lapwith series appearances -- showoff his ills on the view ..... "how do you keephiing? we." as sanders braces for new attacks from cnton tonight -- late wnesday -e appeared on the late show, having few laughs sot sc: then i'll sitting down with psidential candate senator bernieanrs. : how did you gehim?e's electrifying! but also defding his call f revolution.. sot "whathe al oth camign is abouts to lk he civil rights movement,ook at the women's movement, look at the gay movementundersta tha when people me together we can
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this morning's dve to wo wi come withunshine making the sunglasses handy. temperatures wilbe wming through the 30 thevening drivwi still be sunny. erates will beooling through the 50s from colorado rings to denvewith 60s cooling to 50s between colorado spris and pueblo. the large-scale weather pattern has changed ttle thiweek. high pressure is sti parked westf us. clouds embedded within t clockwise flow of that high pressure will stream into colorado from the noh today. low pressu sliding into montana from canada will ride the our edge of our hi pressure and swing cd front through colorado tomorroby noon will be in the mi50s ou corado springs and oser to 60rounpueblo. expect upper 50s and low-to-mid 60s through 2 to 3 pm with mostly sun afternoon. by 5 pm we will beack in the 50s and cooling into t 30s by
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no-- a wild turkey-- has beco the new mascot at a pueblo shoppincenter natsf amlancand rkey gobbling fcell phone video yoheard him right there... hank the turkey... as employeesamed him... shs up every morningt th door of the root republic lon... d he likes to talkith the ambulances and cws at a-m-r. thbuness s he'be cominguneverdafor abouseven months now... and is known for his antics the pkingot. sot mike lening, amrpeon manar "he'kind of become a mast, heangs arod and e crews just love him, they love seeing him." sot eric franc, root republic salon ownerlllo out t ww and usually spot him doi something." both the salon andmr they don't fe him... in le with wilife officis who say you ould nev feed a wild amal, and alwaygive
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he stay with us. stayith . welce back.. today... the director of the centers for diseascontrol will ttify before a senate committee to discuss e emerging health thre of the zi virus. members of t-d-c will also scuss presidenobama's reest for 1.billion dollars in emergency funding to comb zika. while wo on a zika vaccine is already under way, the virus... which could linked to birth defects. continues to rapidly spread across south ameri, prompting man the u-s to worry authe potential for travelerto bring zika here to the unid stes. and in taylth wa.. we have a look at precautions thc-d-c is taking to protect athles d
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rithis summer for the olympics. experts say about 80% of people that contract the virus will never know they had it because they may not have any symptoms ven if someoneoes be incteda coy ere they el to and ey bring it back aney're cted or identifi here being infeed, the likelihood of transmission locallyn the united sta reasobly small." thu.s. olympic committee he quartered in colorado rings.. says they're making sure everyone ailiated with team.... is awaref the cds recommendaons about travelin to brazil. the cdc plans to release more ecific travel warnings as we get closer to the olympi. and in today's your healthy family.. although it may be somtime before the zika virumakes colorado... if ever.... local doctorand patients say they are alreadtaking precautions. ws-5'selsekennedy islooking into travel restrictions ahead of spring break and the
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n colorado, espeally in the dead of winter, we don't have to worrabt motos, b we do have patients that travel, "we' been plni this trip for nths, ane en so excited to take a vacation toer. the chamberlains.. plning on expanding their family soon.. just a few weeks ago when the news started reporting about the zika virus, it definitely put a damper on the trip." images from central americare startling.. babiesorn wi abnoal small hea.. a condition called miocephaly.. that doctors believe is caused by zika.. which is spread mosquitos.. "they tually were ab to isolate the virus in t baby in cas of babies that have microchaly in the amneotic fluid during preancy and in the bo of babies that were miscarried." "what thatns is that thewille an urgen for a vaccine that can preve infection in women. inhe meantime men should practice the prevention of mosquito bites." a tropica vacation to belize.. nats: packing repellent
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highlited. though not on thcdc's st of untrs where americans should take era precaionshile siting, th'll be close enough that thisoung familis taki no chances. so we called our dtoand e just advised that uponeturn we wait a fewonths bere trying to have a baby." zika virus doesn't always prest symptoms.. but micrhaly c cau a range of developmental complications.. if it's severe enough it can be fatal.. pectant mothers n be tested for the condition.. "even if s's feeling well, ere's stl a chance she could have been infected, without any symptoms, so what wee recommending is to do a high risk detaileultrasound of the baby to lookor any signs of recommding is to do a high risk detulasound of the baby to lo for any signs miocephalyow expts believzika cld be sexually transmitted. the cdc recommendinghat anyone that's bn to affected countrieto use condoms to prevent it's spread..
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so much habeene of that thousand rdtare... manninalso played ga of gg russianoutt with mac johnso-- a lt his firs rly afternoon will be in the mid- 50s arounloraprings and closero 60 around pueb. expe uer 50s and low-t 60s through 2 to 3 pm with a mostly sunny aernoon. by 5 pm wel back in the 50s and cooling into the 30s by 10 pm. thanks for spending part of your afternoon with
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[ le annncer a paid atisement for the eroresmart syst. all -- miracle pills, crazy wkout and those unbelievable claims incree ht l bunone oit has evencomese trkg foyou. well, quitastingyourime and money and get the body that ywaan by d ithe ary. at'sight --wi wonr core smart. csmart is the revolry new tnesbreakthrou designed to target ur entire core ke a laser, focusing on your upp, le, lower abs anyo obliques. inac wonder core srt iso ctive thatt's ared tget u u've always nted or your money back. but woer core art doesmuch me. in ait cnes si grt excises co
12:21 pm
tabo, loe-blasngorut thfirstime i ed wderert uldn't belie it. it's scoact machine, i 'teali i wagetting such aorkout. [ male ancthe seets in the wonder coremart's ingenious patented design. it has cverlhien terlking springs anprecision als on eh side that prodes adjustleesisnce, livengn amin 24ounds to8 pods resistaside. stance au to work in both directions onand every rep, so there's no wasted time or eort. yo muscles are firinthrough en range of ti, vi y the ultime total-core wkout in jusa w minutes da whether you're bigr small, young or old, thonder co sma, you n dial in the exac workout that you want. st tsthe precion dials wn f ls rest d mo hrt-poundgretitis r at lear ok or if it's muscle size and fition tt you wa,
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