tv News 5 at Noon NBC February 12, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST
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but yeah it's veryei." the suspects we wearing masks,.. and were armed. the woman is dcribed- as having blond or reddish ir with dark roots. if younow ything, you're asked to please call thel so county sheriff office. new today... a corado springs man ibehind bars after police say he fired a gun his neighbors. it happened last night in the 19- hundred block of copper creek drive. poli say- the suspect 59-year- old "michael s"as arguing th h neighbors... bere shooting at them... police say 5 shots were fired. t now it's ule exactly whathe verbal armentas about... no one was hurt... and oakes was taken into custody lorado springs pice e looking for the man they say-- robb a business atunint. just before 9 clock last nigh officers responded to the 500 block of north mray. officers say t man showed a shier a ndgun... and dema money.
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got away. e suspect isesibed as -- a ack or hispac ma between 6 foot -- and 6 ot 5... slender in build... d essela -th bck white bandana. we've heard abouseveral other armed robberies inhiar -- aroundhe same time. we'll be sure pass along more information ase get it from law enforcent. friday is finally re... and the sun ishini thion hour... let'get the details... th meteorologistarlee hoffmad r first alt 5 foreca... some high clouds are aund the filter the sun. will seenty of sun toy, b the cuds wi a little more abundanan in preous days. high pressure will ease southward across the dakotas. we will be on the uthwest side of the high pressure's cter. in thelockwise wind ow around hi pressure, we are in t southeast-to-northwest wind flow. that is an upslope wd. an upslope wind favors cooler
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centert 3:00 p-m. and ela clton will be campaigning for her mother in bouldeand denver next week. colorado joins a dozenther stateson ser tuesday to choose a presidential preference. anin the re for the whe house -- the democrats arred during aebat night,leepublicans gear ufor anothebatt of eir own. clinn and ertradedabs on everything from hlthcare to foreign policy -- t it was the issue -- of who is a better alltoresidentbama -- that unleashed the most heated exchae. n's kenel -- -- secretary clinton saveher sharpest attack r la- acsi senator er-- obe dioy to president obama. " it is a the kind of criticism that we've heard from senator sanders abouour presidt ,i expect from republins., i do expect from meone running for
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succeed present obama." madame secreta that is low blow. clton - hopi to rega me aer a humilia defe in new hampshire -- dn't let up. "those kindsf personal sessments and charges are ones that iind rticully troubling.well one of us ran against barabama. i wanoat cae." it w fiery end to a night in whh nders and clinton hammed each otr over healthre, social sury e pretag of making it all happen. "i will t pricetag -- my icetag i10biion dollars a year -- again paid for. " "wsecrary clinton, you're not in the white houseet.and let us be clr that every oposal i have introduced has been paid r." and sanders asked to respond if was thwarting hisry a the possibility t f female esiden"i think a sanders
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hiorical accomplishment as well." "im not aski people to support me because im a woman, i think im the most qualified." montaggop meanwhile the gocandidates are gearing up for their o debat seto take place saturda.. the cruz cningoing some damagcontrol.anking thisttack t: cruz ad won: maybe you should vote for more than just a pretty fa xtime." aftererts that woman appeared in adult film meanti. frtrunner do ump with his littlest suorters. omising watch his tongue. ++won't use foul language won't use foul lan'm not gonna do . they're l ng, "do itdo it." no. m not. two women who claim they were sexually abused by bill cosby decades o...e tryingo change cado th testiedefore the house judiciary committee...working to change the statute of limitations in sexual assault cases. two bills are beg introduced. they are not retrotive... so they wouldn't help these womeprosecute their cases...but they want to hp othemoving forward. th feel more time s to be given to assault vicms t he, fore they fa tirattaers inourt. attorney- "gloriallr" represents 29 alleged victims. and it wou be up to a strict attorn -- to procute. sot:seco gloria allre attorne "theamine e iden, and
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believe there sficien ev to provthr caseyo a reable doub right now ra sta of tations is ten yrs. ll would lift at gether... thhewod exnd it to twentyea. will continue to trk e two bills ving as they mov through the legislature. after the break on news five at noon -- meteologist carlee hof has an extended lookt ur forecasts we head in t weekend.. carlee? increased cloud cor toy d
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an hour by hour ea ill, enough still, enough sushould manage to shihrou to brighten drive to work or school. yo evening drive doesn't look o ba clouds will filter the fadin suhine as temperatures cool through the0s and 50s. temperatures thimorning were in t upper 20s and lower 30s. that's still unssonably mild. norm lows sed thirty-ar averages are 19 degreesn colorado springs and 16 degrees in pueblo. this morning's lows have bn 10-15 degreermer than rmal.som highlouds are around the filter the sun. we will see plen of sun day, but the clouds will be a lile more abunda than in
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southwaracross the dakotas. will be on the uthwest de of e high pressure's ce. the clockwise wind flow around high pressure, are in the southeasto-northwest wind flow. that is an upslopeind. an ulope wind favors cooler temperatures and more clouds.with sun filtered tough the clouds, temperatures will warm through the s and into t mid-40s through 10 am. temperatures at noon will be nearing 50 around corado spris and nume al into t0s around pueblo and caon city. we don't get any wmer than 5 to lower 60soday bore coolinbegins and 40s and 50s mair rn by 5m. this evening ptly ou w mpes cng io th
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school distric60 hosted its 40th aual midd sool spelling bee thursday night at c-s-u pueblo. and the top 11 are now heading to stade competion! r own jessi tchell took e miophoonight... calling out words, ditions and sentens. the top ur finalts from each d-60'middle schools were invitednight' phlison from "hero k-8 academy" won first place by correctly spelling "strudel" ... after 15 rounds. i'm veryurprised. i wasn't expecting to win. i won school spelling b as well. i wasn't expting to with tha either.
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things more often! the spelling bee was sponsor byck hills energy. the top 3 nalistreived plaques,ibns and gift baskets -- plus brging rights. thstatspling been denver will be heldarch2th. love is in the air this week- lentine's day is on sunday... and local florists are working rd to prepare -- forhat last minute surge in orders. sign of the rose flost is local shop in colodo springs habeenrod for decades. and theynow what goes into preparinfor the big valentines day rush. "lori doole" calls i-- the "black friday" for fsts-- not only valentine daytself, but the wholweek leading up to it where -- they expect to sell huneds of arrangments. shsa today they' be busy th more orders cg . saturd... she expects to see a lot more
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we'ljuste crazy with lk-ins there probably won't ba moment th no one's in here. it wl be a conant flowf people, nes to the doors, waiting to pay and picup the stuff. it's pret crazy. blum wholesale florist -- provides flowerso locaflorists and designers... and th'vso ramped their rkou. the owner, pete blum, says typically they're open 40 hours a week for their local clients. thiseek-- it somewhere around 6to5. he says they are busie aut 10 to 14ays before the holiday-- inecting, hyating ancleaning the flowers. after e break onews ve at noon -- a "new form of treatment" f sdiers...
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suffering from p-t-s-d. the native american sweat lodg on fort carson ileading the way fomilitary installaons around the country. news five'"jessi mitell" tells usor.. in aemote seion of tkey eek,he air ifilledith ngs and smoke. thiss the lakota sioux inipi -- araonal sweat lodge, made of willow brahes and donated quilts. it been here since the 90s. they didt have clue as to what we were doing, anwe weren'telling th at the ti. michael hackth, a marine veteran of the gf r, started this inipi with a couple friends whnted to feir n ltural gious practice. praying, singing, playing drum -- and sweating inheent -- around dozens of hot stonesincomplete darkness. it's a purity tualsied to help sweat ounegativity -- a coon problem for struggling soldie i'veeployed five times. i've been there and back, and all that negative baage that you collect and the things that yosee and stuff li that, this h you cope.
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that. foarson ally recognized the sweat lodge as a ligious practice in 2005, th first- ever on a mility base -- and chaplains now recommend the tual to those with p-t-d. guided by natives belting out tribal chants, everyonelse is encouraged to pray in theiown faith. you ay for yr enemies and peop that dot like you. and that's difficult, and as veteran, you'rpraying for those people that actually st at you. that helps you come to terms with lot othe stuff. fosomediscovine sweat lodgcamet the west point in their l -- ke jo charles freyta, aesert storm vet who found out about the ceremonyt an a-a meeng. i shot bthe poce four mes, andold thpoli i was suicidal and i wd to die, and i threw a rock at t and they shot . now rocks pride anscape. the stones ht over open flames for hours before being passed into
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pour sagand water ovhem to produce e eam. a stifling envonmentt first, but thoswhpracticeay you so bak through yr ncerns about comfort anbecome gred -- sothing firstimer oscar liey embrac qckly. i'here wh ptsd, t i've also had three knee surgers. i've had a pulmonary embolism, and at's all derived from aining and combat, and your body, your mind and your soul takes a toll. orinally designated only for men of the tribe, leaders now welcome anyone tthe lodge, pecially soldiers. d they'rping the tradion wi connue for genetions to come. the's not a whole lot of native americanseft in this cotry, and the sadruth is medawe'll be gone, and this is all they have to remember us by. you can now find sweat lodges at a w other litary bes and
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, san francisco's baareas a buzz -over a $15 a cup of coffee. while it smells, grinds and drips ke youtypical cup of joe, its anything but. 's calinca sopa" and people c g enough of it. the bean the geia vaety -- and are grown athe ghest coffee field.. evation se... in the mountains opanama the first crop -- took 8ears produce- and was small -- which is why the java is such a
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ira cronin -- >> announcer: e following is paidreseion for cize, brought to you by beachbod th is the d of exercise. >> get rdy to cize iup. [ beat drops ] [ people cheer are you rey to dce 6, 7, 8! >> on my way in i'ma take it >> stop exercising, people. it's time to start dancing. welcome to cize. >> announcercizes th all-new nce rkout program th's g maklosi weight fun and easy. >> to me, it's not even exercise because i don't wanto op. >> announcer: it's simple -- dance, he fu and getwesome results. >> it's just le e big party turnon. it's so poweri i spe many years torturous exerses. cize, 45ounds wn easy. it's just fun. i think that tt's the key, is that it doesn't el le work. >> ercise is sething you
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cize is something you'll want do. you n't believe what 30 days of cize will do for you. i feel e lo >> it doesn'matt old you ar how much weight y have to lose. it's thest program for evne. >>nnouncer: shaun choreographs six routines, and breakshem wn so you can at your own pa whi still getting an awesome workt. >>'ma break it down for you st by st. every momentn zeyou' done bore. >> he relates everything to eryday life, likputting a so on. >> you gto put a pair of socks on. th's all you're doing. sock on, sock on, swing, and boom. >> shaun tnce res, like, you can't get ything betr than that. >> you'rnna sfocuseon arng the choreography, before you know it, you'll be drenedsweat. >> afterach anevery cize routine, i w drenched. >> literally sat my buttff evy single day, but it just didn feel like work becae it was sonjoyable. >> i feel the love itcize, it's like a celebration.yon't realize that it's a workout. >> this is the end of exercise.
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>>usthe uch aside, i crk up the volume, and i dance. >> cize is it.u dancou g results >> being 52 and losing 62 pounds shocking fome. i dinot think i uld lose this much weight dancing. >> evething d do in the past didn't work. cize didn't likse at all. i'm iny livingm just having a danty. >>here i am now, i've lo 74 pounds, ani'm definitely gonna keep cizg it up. >> it's time to start ncg. no push-ups, no power jumps. this is thd of exerce. >> i'm feeling the love >> announcerso keep watching to see why millions of people are sayi goodb to exerse and hello to losing weht t fun way wi ce. >>'mot gng bk to excising theay that i used to. >> i finly found a proam at i can do in my house, and it shod results. >> cize is an addiction. >> aounc: and al learn how you can try ze in your home risk-free for 30 days. >> once sobody does cize, theye gonnwant tkeep doing it. i don't wa to st it's so mu fun. i'm addicted to cize.>> stop exercising andrt
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