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tv   News 5 at 5PM  NBC  February 12, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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le aut our weather re's a live-look osi from r news 5 studios in colodo springs. ainly a beful night out there. leadoraster mike danlsjos us in first ert 5. a beautiful day to wrap the rk weemike.. look at current s, hudity and wind speeds for the springs and pueb. night clouds will increase late, w clouds a fog se spots tomorrow morning. then sunshine with mild ir during the afternoon. tonight, high pressure to our northeast willring upslope clouds and fog tonig and tomorrow morning. looking aheafor you tonight. governor hickenlooper is orri flags at half staff on monday.
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sheriff's deputy derekeer. he was shot in the line of duty on monday... and passed ay late wednesday. funel services planned f ay. depueer was marrwith two chdren... he was also a navy veteran... and habeen with the sheriff's office in grand jution for 15 years. prosecutors satheylato charged the teen suspect as an adult. tragedy a high school i suburb of phoenix. two 15 year old girls... were dcovered dead at their high school this morni. it hpein glendale police say both girls had been shot once... a guportedlynd bween them, on the cams indepeenceigh school. investigators go oto say ty e t seinfo suspects. the ciumancesut the possibility of a murd-sde o le-suici but policeaid no dermination has been made. xx new information on last night's police standoff in colorado springs. police say the man inside the
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year-old "erik konig." witntoldolice he gra a handgun and foreasons stil n,...ban firing .. irht y ts y binnews night. the appenein the 36-hed blockf "berng hehts dr. ceg" bricad himsf insi oa town home after firing shots. he rus to come out--o poceallein aultact team -- and eventuly depyed ar go geout ofhe house. no one wasurt. al tonight. colorado sprgs is behind bars after police sahe fir a n at his neirs. itappened st night in the 19- hundred blk of copr eek drive. police say 59-ye-old "michael oakes" was arguingith his neighbs... be firing fivehots at them noit's uncar exaly at the verbal arment was about. no one was hurt... and oakes in poce custody. a jor sour of power in colorado springs goes "off-line" next year. the rst generator at drake r plt will b "motballed".... yet the for power remains...
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billolsom'been looking into at.. and joins us now in st. in the years ahead the two other genera at drake willo away. the source forerfts south. down by the ppir rtrack many e familiar with al fired drakpower plant....rht next to i t natur gas powered t rangplant....and it will on be dog a lot more wo. the planwe olin 2003.and kks in he hetwo co pered pnts art faing hind. rently however with the drop in gas price it's actually been doing more caof the money saving it's smaller than the other plants....but when it'ruing at genepower equato the other t combined.eally thance and deence on th power plant is jt going to increase as we continue to seek the best most efficient ean sources for proding power." thplt s two natuga turbines..nd t steam fro the then used to generate even more electricty
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one gerator at the dotown plant goes off li next year....the rest of the plant has til 20 to gradually shut- down. li? new at 5. tenas at a colorado spngs apartmencomplex tell us the t water has of service for wes. the probm is only showup inne building at the summer grove apartments. that's on halfturn circle near austin bluffand academy. reporter andy koen is looking into thess. s l iorma every renter needs to know. thtate law and a city code conser hot water one of the sic irements for habita. t deite thisisruption in seice, city co enforcement has condemned the building. at's because they believe the aptment management is taking rsonable steps to get the water heat up again. we saw maintenance workers in the building ts afternoon ..
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ve the hot water back on later today. but for tents,t's been a frustrating nter they sayhe wer temperature was tepid for weeks befo the heat went o complete. they have to boiwater on the ovfobaths dies twdaysgo, narsffer to aommodatete by leing em u theathrm a cantnit inhe bing next door. "for a female, tt's not a good for me. i don't el safe going into a building that i've ner been and th isn exactlyhe safe neighood." 'm a tenant. i ve in their facility is their responsibility to ke care of me and gi me a home." state law protects renters with a warranty of habitiability. th mnsasic pmbing, heating,nd elericity should be provided ... and that incdes a reasonable am ohot water. but failing to provide o o those services is not enough on it ownor tenants to take their case
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eting one of the uhatablconditions, the property mus also be "materially dangerous" or hazarus to e tenant ... tenants so musgive written notice of the uninhatable ndition and show that the landlord failed to fix the it in a reasonable amounof time. you can findnfmation about the warrty on our weite at andy koen news 5. love is in the air this weekend! vaine's day is sunday... d local florists are working hard tprepare for th last minute surge in orrs. at "sign of the ro florist" in coloradoprings.... lori doole says she expects to sell hundreds of aangements... leading up to sunday. she says they'll be busy with more orders coming in---d e expects see a lot more people stop at the shop tomorrow. == we'll just be crazy wi walk-ins. there prably won't be moment that no one's here. it wilbe a cant of peoplelines to the doo, waitinto pay and pick their
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"bwholesale florist" provides flors tlocal florists and desiers... and theye also rampeup eir workours. the ner says ty're typically open 40 hours a ek for their local clnts. buis week-- it's somewhere around0 75. xxxx another valentine's day favorite-- ccolate. "patsy's candies"... in colorado springs... sa tir locly made swts n ying o tlv this week. the in location off 21 streetfilled with valentine's day good.. you can e somef it right there... and gi rogers says theve be having to restock every night. and it's not just the guys coming in to buy their sweet art sweetreat. we have a little giryestday that came in a picked t every ttle piece forer dad for the chocolate. it was so swee and then the m d the same for the sband. we've lot of wes come in and get chocolates for the hbands. so all the husbands out e make sure you come in toet the wives chocolate. rogers saythis is the buest liday for the shop. and while it may be hectic,'s definitely wort
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following upor y tonight -- one month after ws asked thcommunity to help write love letters to lonely pueblo seniors.. the community -- deliver. it's a story we first told you on news fi in january as the delirogram put outall for help. shtly after story aired, the nd-craed valentines started to pour in! theye collected more than - ndred cards from students ross t area. the cards were hand delivered to seors in the mls on whee ogram is morning. when they're reaching toward the d of their les othey're y and they don't have much to look forward to but a good meal and a good card, gives them a sense of hd a sense of knowing that peoe care about them coming up tonit at six -- we'll hear frosome othos seniors. as ty were surprised wh the rds. xxxx some in manitou springs are so spreing the love how kids are helping hers going through a ugh time-coming up i
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and a prehistoric disovery! we'll give you a look at the southern colado fossil that's in the national spotlight. but rsre's mike f
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,,,,,,,,,,, new at 5. the formerurgica technici----accused of switing syringes at edish hospn deer..has ed coloro. federal authorities say th're trying to find 28-year-old rocky aln to spe withim about the ongoing instigation. following up for you---around 29hundred people who had rgy the hospital over the past fe monthsearned the neededo best tested for h-i-v, hepatitis b,nd hepatitis c. accordg sta record---allen aegedly removed a ringe from a wor spacand repl it wi anher syrie.
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exactly what hapned. new at 5. e "fosl"f a "pre-hisc fish" fod in southern lorado etting ls of natiol tention. scnt say t fossil he fish is onof "only three known the world! it's current on dilay at the dinosaur resource nter in woodland park---anwill soon be heinto the denver museum of nature and scice. the complete fish skull was discovered four ars ago in soheasrn coloro. researchers the fi had no teeth----large eyes---and a lower jamuch longethant's upr ja xxxxx a look frocameras across colorado... highs today 56 in the springs and 66 in pueblo. lows in the 20's current temperatures all over southern coloro... next weatheraker, stng downslope flow will pushuthe clouds a cold aiby mid to late morning tomorrow. afternoon ll be great wi sun and a. hour by ur, loclouds and some areas tomorrow am.
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warmuring thafternoon with sunshine. lows tonight in the 20'st areas. saturday will be cold early then afternn highs in the 50's, 60's and 70's. 7 day forecast for the springs, high tomorrow 63, cooler sunday with a sprinkle possible late. next week wi be dry and mild with highs ithe 's a 's. pueblo higtomorrow 70. cooler sunday with dry skies. next work week will be very nice sunshine monday rough friday with highsn the 60's a 7s. canon ty and woodland park brzyndarm moow. coerunday with a rn or ow sinkle possibleate. dry skies moay through friday
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the's owing coern om athletes ovethe zika virus. we'll leyou know if the mein rio are afcted---coming n tonighs alth wch and it a chance le side
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trendingnline righnow. a britisproducti company
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face criminacharges--- over an incident wre actor harrison ford... reported brokeis leg. rd was filming on set 2 year ago.. when he waaparently hit a heavy draulic metal door. he bkeis leg and spent weeks in a welchair anon cruhes. britians main safety body is prosecing the oduc company claiminghey failed to nageisk on the set. the coany says cast and ew safe is ways a top priority... and disappod in this decision. there no suggestion that ford himself is csidering acongainst the movie maker xxxx also treinonline w mure y willing to enon a cup of coffee? one safrcisco cop is sellg cup for 15 dollars---but lol stomers say it's wth it! the coffee is called "finca ph"--- and enough of . thbeans are own the highest coffee fields in the mountains of panama. the firscrop took 8-yes to
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liquor. this sry is going viral on social mia. art lovers nowchance to spend a night in a replica ovincent van gogh bedroom the t institute of chicago decorated a onbeoo apartment to lk like van go's paintg of his bedroom in theouth ofrance. d the museum is is rentingut e room for just 10ollars a night on renl ir-b-b." availabity ilimited---an thmuseum says s be swamped with bookings. xxxx still ahead in tonight's your healthy fami. helping others going through hard time.
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spreing thlove throu i'nie snea i'm annisnead.
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summer, some athletes are concerned abouhow the zika vis could affect them. some olyic hs y it's a concern t they're tang all the right precautions.. using a lot of bugpray and aring the right ki of clothing thgood newis when the rimes ben -- iwilllly be winter in brazil -- so there shou be wemosqtoes. meanti -- a test for theika vicoul commeially available with wks. that's accordi to thworld th oation --here rts sasu a test cod help speedesearch and show public health experts where e virus is sprea. e is no vaccinto prevent zi.. t researchn that field is going at the natiol institutes of lergy and infectious disea. as we've reported --ika viru is generally mild -- but has beentrongly linked to an uptick of birth defects l america. and in tonight's your healthy fami....
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may be gng through a tough time students from ute pass and manitou springs elemen hools stopped memorial hospital tod -- to give books and valentine themed bookmarks to pediatric patientat children's hospital.. e studen with the "service rps" took these bos to "spread the love of ading" "we ve to helps and were happy to serve. the rvice corps is mostly about giving and helping so we st wanted to kp that going. give them a little bit of joy for valentines day." "what it demonstrates is connecti of e community to the efforts in caring for children here in colo springs." the 30ks were purchased through a grant withpartne for healthy choices" and afteaving the hospital the kids continued to spread the lo -- by droppg off cardfor seniors at "thmyron strattonme"
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just head to "your healthy" mike? clouds will thicken late tonight with lows in the 20's most eas. saturday will start with clouds and fog me areas then suhine breezynd warmer. highin the 50's, 60'and 70's. sunday will be cooleby 10 to degrees. a ra or owine possible la mainly over the higher elevations. thanks for watching news fivat five. we'lseback right here after n-b-c nightly news, next. your local newis always on
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tonight,angeus free. below ro in 16 ates. 65 million people plge into thteeth of polar vorte urgent warnings of a pontially deadly winter blast. donald trump threatens sue ted uz as bernie sande accuses hillary clinton of lanng a loow it's getting nasty. machete hoor, a vious restaurant attack. a masuddenlytarts slashi and stabbing pelenside. the fbi instigg anaski was it oris trapd by war. our am inside syria as wd of deal to stop theloed is met th skepticism, and asd vo to retake the entire cotry. and your medical records at risof being stolen and sold for fraud. one ouof three americans t.
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peonalnformaon. ightly news" begins right now. >>nnou: om n ne world headquarters in new rk, this is "nbc nightly news" with lester ht. good ening. ere are warnings tonighof a dangerous freeze about toll plunge a huge part of theountry in its grip. as t dreaded par vortex moves south, parts of stas ll see temperatu below nd ndillshat ke it feel a lot colder. yes, it's winter. supposed to be cold, but as we've come to ow cold snaps deadly, and in this case tens of milons of people are bracing for the biggest chill so far this ason. a momen al roker, but we begin wh nbc'ron mott in boston. >> reporr: 65 million ericans bundled up against the brutal cold as the ever psentol voex unleashes wier's harest bite
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yo fe. >> reporter:oday the snow ldrought aur tennessee and the caronacaing trouble for commuter stranded in new york ere coldeather likely contributed to rush hour. in pennsylvania, a broken water pipe left th home frosted over, and in ccago florists are taking extra care wittheir valeine's da delivees. flowers. if they are frozen, they are gone. >> reporter: here at fenway pk e red sox are heading uth to florida f sprg ainigi u their home tskiers and snowboardersho are literally mp for y. and fuher noh maine,he biathlo world cup le competitors th ozen faces. record low temperates are possible fro minnesota the d-atlantic. buffalo's foreca for turday, 2 grs. bost's looking at 4 below sunday morng and new york city is bracing for zero, toppling a 1,70


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