tv News 5 at 6PM NBC February 12, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST
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ll we n do is stay on top of e camake surthey are working with the proper mechical people and keing us infoed of what's going on. a manager tolds today peed the water back tonight. but th's little comft to nters who are paying f hot water that they didn'toy. 'mant, live in their lity is eirespbilio ta care e and me home." now if are a rter that's given writtenoce that wa red ... and conditions a unsafe ... you can lelly terminate the lease early; get a court order requirinthe landlord fix the problem seek damages likas rent rti ander penser attorney fees and costs in some circumstances. you can nd more information about the warranty o habitabity. line at
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landlord fix t problem t a court orderequiring the landlord fix the pblem seek damagelike as rent reduction another expenses and recover attorney fees ancosts in some circumces. u can find more information about the anty of habitability. line at continuing coverage tonight-- new formation now... on the standf suspect... arested by colorado springs li last nit. officersay 30-yearld erik konig is under aest. they sgrbed gun and stard firing it. we brought you live verage.. ashastandoff uoldein the 36-hundred ive". ce say "konig" barricad himself insidef a town home r firise sts. he refused to come out---so pocealle aull tactical team -d eventuallyloyed tear gas to get him out of the house. one was hurt. xxx a man and woman fromolsprings have been identified as the people involved in shooting and high speechase in georgia that turnedeadl
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to pull overhear because it digs... buat started a c nielle ockadwas behi the wheel... told police she was kiapped from florida and being forced to driv officers s shots were exchged--and it ended with joaqm gerry king his own life. a police offic and sheriff deputy had minor injur s/terry howard/gbi special agent :17 ntly, belie that th offirs that were i as a result of shots fired from another officer. thinstation is ongoing. the lot of edence 's g to ollend " there were warrantout from colorado for the arrest of both ostadt d gerry. accointoerry's facebook page... he went mitell gh school. we're talking to local friends d family and wl have much more aten. the decisiono gradually shut- down the drake power plant in
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ways of eping up with the demand f electcityn the city. and that shift in source... is alreadyappening. bi folsom's here to explain. ll yocan't misshera power plant rit downtown. there arthrecoalir generators go off-li next year. as it away.he 13 year old,ront range power plant, located doy the ppirace track....will aot more. t 20 miles south of colorado springs...rit ne tolder co fired nixon power plant...sit e newer, larger pacity natural gas "front range power plant. "if you were to combine the current capacitydre and n they're equatohe generating capacity of front nge." noeed for ains loaded with coal...this supersed regulator kes tural gas from a pipeline and sends it to t plants two gas turbines. the mode plant the the the heat and ste fm gas generators tturn a third generator for more electricity. " that's one of the advantagesof this power plt. ith more eff. allows ttake waste heat,
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provide really cle alternative." til retly naral gas prices were much higher a this plts been as an adtionalource when the other power plants in the colorado springs utities syst needed help. "we'n a partf the portfolio for the lastnce 2003." now in 2e ofhe three genetors at the downtown colora springs drake power plants shuts down re...the two others gone by 2035. it mns the front range pnt go consistant source. "really the reliance and dendence on this pow plant is just goinncrease." right next to frt rae....a huge solar farm goes inext will add even me power to the local grew. looking ahd for u: valentine's day coming up on sunday and tt ans busy end ahead for loca flists. sign of the roselorist is a local sh ilorado springs at has been around for dedes.
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sell hundreds of arrangments leading upo sunday. she says thell be sy with morerdercoming in---and she expects to see a lot more people inside the sto tomorrow. another valentine's day favori-- chocolate. "patsy's candies"... in colorado springs... says tir lally made swts have been flying off tlves this wee thmain location off 21st streets fiedith ine's dagood.. you n see some of it rig there... and gina rogersays they've been having to restock every night. joe fox stopped by the s pick up a swt f his fe of 38 years. he says has become a tradition to g h ccotes for valentine's day. i'm in love with my wife a thinshe's a eetheart and deserves everyit of it. when you've t love, chocolate, all that good stf, you can't go wrong. this is the busiest liday for patsy's caies. but they say, whit may b hectic, it's definitely worth it. neat six -- after meals on whls asked commutyo help wte love tters to lonely pueblo niors...
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here on news five. our news fivs lena howland has been followinghis for the past nth -- and is here now with an update. nce our story first aired one month ago right heren news five -- the valentines bano n. the on wheels progm s-r-d-a collected mo than700 love lrs -- for those who might not ve a ine this year. rq a lot of tes, a lot of fily or people e not ou anymore and they feel nely, maybe th don't feel appreciat anyre anthony conte ds his mornings delivering meals onwheelslo hello! and with each meoday -- comes a ndmade ventine... happy valentine'day, oh ah! 91-yold scralia deherrera lost her husba 2years ago.... thonly thing tt i wish rht here on valente's day is i wish that my husband was alive because my lentin livi alone for the past several ars...
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her y. this is wonderful r sobody to thinkbout you witthese things, it's ne! elemeary stunts took time write, dd create hundrs of valentines for those who might not ve anyone else. you go!hank you! it means so muchthe people that can't g out in the community, a it mes a lot to them just down t seet... thoughteve snor takes re of hisound mother every da henows she's lonely. it will mean the world to her, it wl make her whole week, maybe her whole month that she got a rd from mebody tha she doesn't know anthe drers are eling th loveay too. that's why i do so won't be alone, my wife'sgone and ts gives me somethi to do so i won't be ale ther spreading the kindness -- one card at a me. when they're reaing ward the end of the lives or they're elderly and they don't have much
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meal and good card, ves thema sense of hope and a see of knowing that people ca about th s-r-d-a'meals on whe program delivers to more tn 300 seniors rainr shine every day of the we the exa valentin collected e being deliveto nursing homes anteras ca facilities all weekend. live in pulo, lena howland, news five. if you're looking r sothing fun and uniqueo do ts weekend... yoght wanto head up cripple creek. and take in beautiful ice ulptures.. it's the annuaice stival this veo from last yr's event. the festival ftures ice ulptors that catworks of art out of block of ic.. thsculpt line nnett av downtown. some are even teracte allongou to exple th. therllo beive sic, foodnd drinks... the stival runalthis
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a look from cames acss colorado.. highs da56 in e ng an66n pueblo. lo in th20. current temperatures all over southern corado... next weaer maker, a strong downope flow wilpush out t clouds and cold air by m to late morning tomorw. afteoon will be grt with s and mild air hour by hour, low clouds and fog me areasomorroam. with twe fw, bezy an rmuring the afternoon with sunshine lows tonightn the 20's mos areas. saturday wl be cold rly then afrnoon his in the 50's, 60'snd0's. 7 day forecast for the sprin, high tomrow 63, cooler sunday with a sprinkle possible late. next week will be dry and mild with highs in the 50's 60's. pueblo high tomorrow 70. cooler sdawith dry skies. next work week will be very ce. sunshine monday rougfriday with highs in the 60's and 70's. canon citynd woodld park brzy and warm tomorrow.
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we'll keep you ahead of an oue on tds with th trafols clg our teractive map at koaa-dot-m. the summer olymps are ss than 6-months away in ri... but some aletes are concer about traveling to south america. that's becausef thspread of thzika virus trisha hendrickspoke tso women about how theye getting ady toomte and sy healthy. t: tori na, ympic hopeful "it's definite something i'm thking about" toena is fosed onaking it to rio compete in pe vati but saysikisn r mind as e
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"a conrn and hopefully we'll be able to take all the right measures so thatverything will be okay." sot: melinda witow, olympihopeful 've os not to worry about it." linda knows the si concern but e has no plans tck out. sot: melinda withrow, olympic hopeful "it's ke, it could happen to anyone. i l plan on going." othe say it's all abo takg precautions. sot: kylie hutson, olympic hopeful "lots of bug spray, you know, wear t right kind of clothing" foolympic gold medt misty hyman who competed in th2000 ymsydney, australia, in t 2 meter butterf.. sot: m hyman, 2000 oly gold medalist "i'm planning to go myself." she's searched it and shs still planng to to support friends who may be competing in the olympics. sot: misty han, 2000 olympic goldedalist "it isomethi to be aware of anto research, b i do thin th is not going toffect st of the athletes."nother friend of misty's who was plning to go has decided to back out, because she's planng to getregnant this year. sot: misty hym, 2000 olympic gold medalist "my friend doesn want take that ris the good news is when the rio s gin it wilactual be "winter" in brazil ando there should be fewer squitoes.
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reported! covering colado night: ferainvestigors are searching for is man--a former swedish hospital surgical tech cused of switching syringes. it's believed 28-year-old rocky allen has lefthe state. 's suscted oswitching ringes on at leastne container of the drug '"fentanyl" whe on theob a swedish medil nter in englewood. because t re than 29- hundre wadurry at the hospital erhet fiveonths have been told they edo be tested for hiv, titis b and c... as a precaution. authorits also say allen h th fentanyl and marijuana h system. the investinto exact hpened is ongoi. governor hickenlooper ordered flags at half staff on monday... in mory of fallen sa county sheriff's deputyerek geer. he was sin the line ofuty on mday. d pass away te weesda funeral seices pnned
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puty geer was marriewith two children... he was also a navy veteran.. and had been with the sheriff's office in grand junction for 15 years. prosutors satheylan ged the teenaged suspect as andult. xx preschools across the atare fiting aewan... that won allow ks to handle chickens or otr animals. the partnt of public health cently put the bann plac not allowing kids under fifrom handlg anim they sayt's because five kids we hpitalid last year in our state after pettinbaby more than dozen schools around state havehickens at tir facilities---aonli petition fiting the banas aeady gottenore than 15-ndre signatures. netonight---the state patrol and localaw enforcemen agencies say 2-hundr 76 people re aested acrossolorado suspicion of .. during serbowl weekend. patrols we stepped ulast fray tgh monday. xxxx rob.. you rere... soou know this. rerts of up to aillion pele..
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anrally for the broncos. ====== cheering nats that includes mo than 24- thousand students wh were absent fromenvepubl scols. e district says th amounts to about 26-perct of kids not ing in class during th celebrations. there was also a sizeable number of absences on monday--the day after thper bowl schools inefferson county say one-quarter of their student body also absent on tuesday--that'abou housand kids. no word frurocal sool distcts. x not everbo is lebratin after the super bowl - how much was th bronco fid toy?? grhas th answecoming up at 630 and next at 6:30, what we've learned about e pairrom colorado springs georgia police sawere involved in a high speed chase and shootout wh
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t tonit at 6:30---we hav led two ople from lorado springs the suspec in a high speed che and shtout with poce in georgia. poce say it ended with this ma 34-year-old jquim gerry taking his own life after changing gunfi wh puuing ofrs. thman with him and driving the st car... is 29 year oldielle ockstadt, whsays gerry kiped r inlori aas forcing hetori gegiofce sayhetrd l erhearecset didn't he tags.
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a li officer and sheriff's deputy h m injuries... s/terry howard/gbi specialgent 7 "crentlywe believe that the officershat were injured as a resu of shots fired from other offir. the investigation is ongoing. there a lot of evidenc that's got to be collected and ocessed." there were local warrantout r the arrest of both ockstadt and gerry. we'rworking to learn more about the pair--and have much morfor you togh ten. a tredat a high school in arona. twsomore student.. were discovered dead this morning. police say the t 15-year old girls... re found shot near e cafeteria building on camp.a wpon found near the bodies... and just in the last few minutes... poli says this was a murder suicide. the victs were dcovered at gh school in glendal polionht also sa. a icide no was located a the ene.. xxxx hampsre behind em. manyf the presidential
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the primary will be he there lar th mth... but the republican fld of caidat... will debate in grevill tomorr night. brian mooar has the story election watch cerage. === they once seed like unatable mination shoo-ins ... but toy ... hiary clinton and jeb bush are both fighting to prove they can win in south carolina. bu - prayi for a little help from above. sot: jeb bush, r- presidentl candidate "i believe in the holy spirit. i'm looking for the holy spirit to be coming over heren th next week heh he courted evangelicals at bob jones unersity ... in a candidates forum also attended by ben carson ... marco rubi.. and teuz.. whilna trump is in the wrath of catholics. ccusing pope francis of playing potics in his upco t to theexico area near the us border. johnasich is tryinto capitalin his surprise second- place finish in new hampire. soov. john kasich / r- presidential candidate "i'm glad i'the second choice now. i think, younow, a couplof weeks ago, thewouldn't have
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name. theyould'vthought my name was govern of ohio." meanwhile . clinton wants south rona t a referenduon bernie sands - and ort for prident ama - whs immensely polar among the afrin- americans who cld swina victory in south carolina. sot: hillary clinton / d - presidential candidate "senator sde said at president oba failed t presidential leadership test. and this is not the firstime that he has critic president obama." sot: sen. bernie sanders d - presidenal candidate "do nators have the right to disagreeith the president? have you ever disagrd with a president? iuspect you m ve..senator,hai,hat i" getting persal in the battle fosoh carolina. audio outcue: rian mooar, nbc newswashington again... the republican candidates will debate tw grle, south caroli. xxx we're king allf e election ns this year e epe to choose w president. ntinuoates he and koaa-dot-com. xxxx new tonight at six: we've just learned there will not be u-s-a pro cyclg challenge race in colorado this yea ganizers announced today they hope to turn next yearith new sponso as thmain fincial backers stepped
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richarrick shaden ouof the nverrea had been fincing the race with their n money for five years... having spent 2million to ke it afloat. the pro challee habecome a major event in o state for t past several summe drawing ndreds of thousas watch. we'lkeep you posted when we learmore. thoswho livet a corado springs apartmt completell us they haven'tad arop of hot water in weeks! its a statand city code for hot water to be ailable, but nothing is bng gone cause cityode forcenbelies arent nant is tang stepto fix the pblem. weawaintance workers in the building this afternoon,..d a manager to us they would ha the h water back on later today. but for tenants, is been a frustrating winter boiling ter r basic nes. two days ago, managers offered to accmote rters by leing th use bathrof next doo "for a female, thas not a good for me.
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building tt i've never been to and this isn't exactly t safe nghborhood." "i'm a tenant. i liven their facility. it itheispsility to take carof mand give me a home." statlaw protects renrs with a warranty of habiability-with plumbing, heing and eltricity. you n fi morinformation abt that rightow at ko-dot-com. josource of power in colorado springs goes "off-line" nexteaas the first generator therakeowerlant is shut down. that means theource for power for ea will be shiftg south-the the naral gas powered frt range plant near p-p-r. e plt went oline in 20...and kicks in when the two al pered plas in ourrea fall behind. recently wthe drop in s prices, it's actlly been doi more becf the money savings. it's smaller than the other tst when it's runnin at cac generates pow equal to ter t combined.
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dependen power plant is just going to incase as we continue to seek the best most efficient clean resources r producinpowe" e planhas two naturaga turbin.and the steam fro the s... then usedo generate evemorelectricty with ard unit. looking ahead for you: it's the seas for love. valentine's day is coming up on ndaynd that means a busy weekend ahead for local florts. sign of the ro florist is a local shop in colorado springs that has been around for dedes. ori dool says e expects to sell hundreds arrangments leadin to sunday. she hey'll be busy with mo orders comingand sh expects to see a lot more peop inside the storeomorw. we'll just be crazy with lk-ins. there prably won't be a moment that no e's in here. it will be a constant flow of people, lines tohe doors, waiting to pay and pick up their
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blum wholesa florist provides flowers to locallorists and signers... and they've al ramped up their wo hours. the owner says they're tically open0 urs a week. but thisk-- it's sewhere around 60 to 75. another valeine's day favorite-- chocolate. "patsy cdies"... in colorado springs... says loc swtsaven flying off e shels this week. at their mailocati... off 21st street. they say they've beerestocking every night. because of all the sal. jofox stopped by the shop to pick up a sweet gift for his wife of 38 years. he sayit has become a tradition to get her chocolates for valentins day. this is the busiest holiy for patsy'candie buthey say, while it may be hectic, it's definitely rth it. xxxxx thalentine's day a whole lot re scial f some seniors in pueblo--because commity has stepped up. as you s only on news five--ast month meals on wheels aed the communi to wre loveters to ose who one. shortly after our story aire
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started to pouin! they've collected more than 17- hured cards from students across the area. the cards we hand delivered to seniorin theeals on whee program this mning. when they're reaching towa the d their lives or they're elderland eyon't have much look forward to b a good meal and a good card, gis them a nse ofope and a e of knowing th peoplca about them ny of those seniors who receiv the cards today say ey were incredibly surprised and touched by the thoughtful messages. xxxx if youre looking f something n and ique to with the family this weekend, it time for e annual cripple cek i feival. is video from last year's event. the festival features ice sculpts that create works of art out of block of ice... the sculese beett avue down.some are even interact allowing yple them. er ao live music,food ands... thstival rs alis
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a look from meraacro lora... highs day 56n the springs and 66 in pueblo. lows in the 's current temperatures a over sohern colado... next weather maker, a strong downslope flow will push out the clouds and cold air by mid late morning tomorrow. afternoon will be great with sun and mi air. hour bhour, w clound fog some areorrow am. with that we flo bezd wauring thafternoon th hine. lows tonight in the 20 most areas. saturday will be colearly aernoon hig in e 5060's 7 7 fore forhe sprgs, hi tomorrow oler s a sprinkle ssible lat next week will be dry and mild
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chrs the broncomedia tour continu nit. aqib talib has so far not been on the media tours with the re of his team. his supebowl bonus will be a lihter after tonhts ruli from e the nfl nded down a 26---thousandoe to tab y his personal bowl. peies... the aggres you sa ght theren habbed e cema ocobrn. keouthe ltafte thgame... talib rued ioff and said y re world champs. malik jason waalso fined by the nfl over 8--thound dolrs foannnesry roughne pelty in the game.every mb of the brcos receed a winners che oon hureand two ound dollar the brs media ur continu - on t james corden show last nit anit w pretty hilarus..
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e...andohallalked some ac.. chriharrisik beibe they played a game cald nuzzlewhat... d nuzzd some stuff but the la thing thechecked... that wld unnerve anyone. it bweeen meo get ready. 1 2 8 nuzzle. oh!!thats a snak i felt something slim thats a skle we g it!! oh! in two wee time the avalanch and thd wings will re nite one of t best rivaies in the nhl when thelock uat coors field... t toght gog back to ck ws. ng oe wing peri. defeti in fron
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he pture of athe tdoor ga is suos lo le... t here is a timelapse of the rink bng together at coors field onednesday. they are putting t ice down today and wihave it ady fo the battle on blaknext saturday f cc and du. ,,,, which grocery chain may be adding tattoo parlors--nexat six. and whthousands of uber riders-may see a refd comi
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the company sled customers out its safety practices and fees. this could affecsome riders who ok tripsetween juary of 2013... and january 2016. if the judge approthe settlement... rideould ced by em and red a rider credit o refund. ford ss 'll launchour new s-v's inhe next ur years thtomaker ys as llennis, boomers and global dend drive s-u-v growth, it expects the surge to continue into the next dede. ford isn't saying when or where the new vehicles will be added. even with the additions--there o eliminate any of the mpans older mode. a tennessee ngressn nts to pua op sking airle ses. he's introduced legislio.. to me the faa esblish "mimum standards" for seat ze. he says it's not just for mfort, bor healtand safes ll. noting that the f-a-a reires planes to be capable of rapid evacuation in se of emergency. e averagdt an rle
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about 2 in sin the 1990's. xxxx whfoods is toying withn interestinw combination: grocers and ttoo this athe chn prepar to op "whole foods 36 shops later thisear. businesses opeting within those ores thacould range from fresh-pssed juice stands toattoo parlors. a weite dedicated to 365 stores says e coany nts to panethrt.. and estaisds..
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report kidnapping, high spd che d shootout in geora that es th a local spt tangis own le... nit on news ve at ten, we're diggg into ts se---trang t steps at started in colorado springs and ended so tragically in t south. also at ten---it's huge weekend for hotels restaurants and more in colorado springs as thannual presint's day hockey tournament comes town. we'lteou my ople it brings to our area--a why 's has sh a huge impact the economy.
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at 6n urriy evening. - t adto fp it.. [crowderg] crank it... anhit it... hard fr insane precision, insane decisions. - he's out of the car, ding the hood of the car. - tonigh.. - ohmy g, he it comes! - we're brging the heat. this is aught on camera." [ceranapplause] welcome to "caug on camera i'm nick canno anth beautiful pla is universal citywalk in hollyod. how y'all doing?[cheers and applause] a'ight. tonight you're gna meet the characters in some the mt over-the-top videos on the plan. first up, it's man versus mounin, and my money's on thmountain.
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ki off i thredevil is hh in alps, out to con the wod-mous mont anc. had good ather, good snowfalls, and at the samtime, tarted to get wm and wiy,and 's t worsthing avalches. - avalanches? sods b, even in a suave french aent. - i go - dang aside, nothinstops julien, ex for maybe tbig-s avale ching hi - om, t se, ever gwronthe moin goewn. it's like a carpet that is pulling under youreet. and irstionwas to taksomeed an straight to the bm, so thawhat i've tried to do.
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and whatever you don't- i n't why i cr it'six of stress, techque, and speed. use i wa straugh - ju does onwothre foawk fl fore he'le to pu the b justme tt up c andna - wh i snd u was ng t mountain, so iould see tholehi ming oo . it's le a wall goi o u, b s y 'sore ing e edve whou r thrythgek and you aloneyou know it like concrete tting l ov you and, puou, soe to t, know, str antrtoa roomo, when it athe. - julien is preparedsast,rimhato cre toor th inflates twballoo, whto the surce
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on the top of the avalan so they ulsee a balloon. after fivegonizing minutes der thsnow, lien sees e ligh as his fries finaach [aakench - it's the best thing that you can think about or feel, to have your buddiestaki y of sn then you reali thatthere's a heli,thers a guid tre's-- every's here. okay, let's go. les get ou - nothin few minutes buried ali to make you apprecte the sunny side of life. - i was liviife berehat, and now m living life 120%becae everything can ppen likthis. you can lose your life like this. enjoy ih as you can.maybe nextime, e bunny sle. i'm just saying. okay. so between the kids fighting ithe back seat andad gettinst, family road trips can get really, really, heated, but nothing quite like this.
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