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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  February 12, 2016 9:00pm-10:00pm MST

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only one. >> he said that held go jail for murder before he'd ever go tjail for re. >> what going thrgh your mind? >> iish i hatold allpe t people tt i loved, youw, at i lover- lod them. >>ut w their pte horror connected very public myst >> everyone's sayi"what going on ithis comnity i just had peoasking what's going ha next. morwomen coected by tragedy and by queions. could a llerave en stopped sooner? >> i wasthat peop people h to diinrd fmeone to believee. >> the sto bins in ama xas wn. but it's not just any town is collegstion, home xaa&m. and in 199ome to 2ye jamie . >> i w iedialytruck with hebeauty. >> chu crews waser boyiend at theim he says jamie was the light of his life.
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>> i could barely speawhen i saw he sheas setty. iwas likehen the lor came on in the "wizard of oz." had been livg in a dark world and she showed me wod full of color. >> and she was aoy frid, y, o. heould tell you exac what was on her t l times. >> it was rlonmorning in may. jamie's roommatecouldn't find her. th called chuck.>> i got a call aski me if i knew where she was. and i id, no, e didn't ce over here last night. i don't kn where she is. i hadn talked to her the night before. and went to work. >>t same mning dective key elliotf the braz countyhe's office wa summoned to the scenof a disturbing disvery. >> tre w aoung female, ared tbe in early 20s. she was nude.she had extensive ro rash on her entire by. and shwaobviy deceased.
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in ditch nine feet from the side of the ad >> when arrived there was probably half dozen officers and they peoff the area, ocketraffic. at that point, we stted nducting a searcofhe area. fured thashe had been sexuallyssaulted and dumped he. >> less than a mile away es discovered what w esumed to be the woman's clhi clhing, strewn across the entran to the oil eld. anr ne mil from ere, an anded vehle, its engine stl nning. >> there w bloodn e r, d that raised spio weent a teamver therto process the car. >> inside the car, a dri license license that belonged toamie hart. when detectives show uat
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sank. >>ashibuilding sse that som w wro. d e appearce of po offirs is never a good sign. and en they told me that she had en fnd dead it -- it felt like i had be hit by the truck. >> so your sense of dreawas cong true? >>ht. realized, fully realized >> did fear spread throughout the campus? >> oh, yes i me, it was front page news. >> kristinancasteras a -year-freshman. >> my brother actuly worked th jie at the time and i'll ver forgetim coming home devastated. >> a killer in a col town is terrying. >> vermuch so, yes. >> thiis somethingha happens in ccago. somethinghat happs in houston. it's notetng tt happens in bryan college staon i aggieland. >>el browns the edit of the gle, the local newsper >> ihink at the time peopl were hoping this ia drifter at just kept on going beuse
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>>heriff's deputies canvassed e crime scene, searcd jamie's car, and looked for ewitnesses. >>alked several hdred people, and no one seen anything. turns out, there were no fingerprin inse thcar. t ring an auy the mecal examiner did rover d fr jamieod dna wch lilyame from her rapist and killer. >> d you put the dna into a tabase >> we puit in codis. >>ny hit >>one. >> neyitness, no fingerprints, na matches. the investigatiowasn't off to a good start. that's when we stard contacting people at her pce of eloyment,riends, ommate >> didhe havany enems? >> everybody smed to le her. >> detective elliott began to retrace jamie's steps on the night of the murder. jamiwas taking te offrom s tas&m and was rking at a pizza parlor. her shift had ended around
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livered pizzas to and nothing out of the ordinary. >> after work, she'd headeover to a frienouse. >> he saidhey were wching movi and she lt his house ar:30 in the morning. hatimeo you thk at she was lled? >> we t the callthink, at 7:15.m., so betwee4:30 a.m. d 00. >> the male friend, a college student, was the last known person to see jamie ive. the detective paid him a visit. >> he was set,iously. they were friends and had been for sometime >> t friens grief seemed genuine, genuine, but something was peculiar. when investigators asked for a dna sample -- >> he sa no. >> no? >> and of co we wanted to knowhy. was the killer, or was he not? the detective was determined to answethat queion. so hput the younman unde sueiance, follow h t local reaurant >> and a y hidden mewhe in t rtaurant?
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yeah >>wahed e stenve a w inksan, the detective snagd the dirty beer mugs sent tm out for dna ing. e sults uld weeks leavina town full ofoung people on edge. >> dads and ms were telling thr collegaged kids, be alt erywhere you go. you know, go with people when you go out. don't be ane. and that a fritening order to give anybody. >> frighteut sound advi cause in thise cnecting the dots wouldn't be so easy. >> when we rurn
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>> 21-ye
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>> i couldary funcon. >> one p >> one possiblsuspt that male friend jamie visid the nighofer murder. he'defused to give police a a sale for tesng. >>t's kind of odd, if he had nothing to hid >> a oople will not gi up dna. tomuch tv. >> but the detective had snagged a sample frobeer mug and when the dna finale back he was not a match. >> you felt confident that you could rule him outbased on - >>es. t d not matching? >> yes. >> butven before the dna test cleamifriedes alrelooking foother suects and his attentn quickly landed on someone vy close tohe
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>> t questions that they asked,ocused on where was the ght before, wh had be d. >>ookingt you as a possible suspect? >> it dn rlly occur to m that that was what they we in i st thought they we askg for information. >> chuck told the detecte th before jie was killed ha't seen her r two da. the nightf the murderhe said he was atome. i w playing compur games like a good nerd. >> did you have anyone there to corroborate your alibi? >> i think my roommas were there but they were both aeei d body right there, sitting therth me. >>the boyfriend's alibi wasn't s sn't solid, and as they spok the detective waoking carelly fosigns he might be hidi something. >>was cooperiv ehensive. said everything w finin eir lationship. >>he dective asked chuckor dna and he sd yes.
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buhere's the tng witthat lastart, theygraph. >>e failed the test. >>has a bad sign for you, righ >> that'a bad sign forim s. doest tell you tt 's guil. but was a very strong person of ierest. >> and what's more, the deteivhad been speaking with jamie's iends o sa t relationship wasn't ne. in fact thcouple had a fig and re on the verge of a breakup. all of which jt d more questions. basically, he went over every aspect of the relationship. ju questioned him his eabouts. trd to get him to confess. and if a faed polygraph wasn suspicious enough, then listen to what dettive says chuck told him next. he said he had done some bad thgs wouldn't tell what. didou lk hiin theyes and say is one of ose bad things kilng jamie hart? >> i did.
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at that point in time, i really thought he could be oukiller. >> and the me u arted to think he was the killer, how doese react to that? >> he's very nervous. he just acted like- as if he was guilty. >> chuck wasree to go, but as authities waited for his dna to bprocessed, the dettive veloped a eory of e crime at madsense him. >> he s inove with her. he didn't want to se her. and they we having some issues in their relationship. >> so >>o the boyfriend, a likel ect was in the crohairs. but when the dnaesults came back - >> the dna w ach. so ou able to re out chuck cruz, then, once youot thatna che? >> i didn't rule him o completely, no. >> that was enoughorou wit the frnd, who e was with the night befo. u rulehim ou after you got the dn corre >> did.the otr y wasn her boriend. he hadn't flunked pographs. he wasn't in a b relationship wi her chuck was. >> but thedidn't arrest uck. nths wen and the detective
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authorities seiz h computer, searched his car. all the while chuck was saying they were loing at the wrong guy. >>here a l of peop that won't confess aurder obvis reason >> at that point, he was a personf strg personf interest, bui still didn't kn was my killer, so w d the ar thetigation dragged on. life for the students on campus began to gba to normal. rties every weekend. but when police were calleto thscene of one house par, it wasn't becauf noise or underage dnking. another n was in a fight forr life. coming up, a stude at a y en up a ison in a stnger apartment. >> icreamed as loud as i can. en immediately he grabs he and
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>> when "dateline" connues. to get mor to g me fun ouof your tax refund. walmart. afeteria n) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noises) (school bell) (sigh) (furish spray noise) share the joy of real cream... share the joy of rl crea (flourish ray noise) ...with reddi-wip. en (d) mmm, benul healthy weights so goo.. and low-calorie. keeps me looking good.hey, i get some look i hr the istles.
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w-rie youg wiwilesoe, rchicd acce vegetles andapples. cut! this is way o much. i st want to talk to w abt decision to use pse i've had four ds. es, who pees a lihen they laugh -uh, uh-huh. you see? switching to pse helps makeife eaer. roll tt thing! t 3 in ptectio for dryness, comfo and odor control. d unlike period ds, poise th shapeads have thin fl technolog ize youroiseomt at e are myog dustd coop.i wo forhe dogs ty-four se i am the butler. ese dogs shed likerazy it's like being inside of a snow globe.
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n't knowto do. (doorbell) what's this? swiff sweeper and dus. th is nicend easys. it really sticks to . it fits in a the tig spaces. is is great does that lo familiato you?
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>> ty hey interpred all these ings asigns ofy guilt raer than a straught boyfriend. at thad long hai thisas aowbo that considered to be weird and unusual. as for osad thing h told t dettive he'd done, explained to us he was refring to a pet argent they'd had just days fore jamie's murde anthguilt he felt from not being th her the night she ed. do you remember what you were arguing abt? >> a loaof bre the grocery
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loaf of aff bread. and e was upset thathe sacker had squisthe bread. and i told her it wasn't tha big of a deal. and we had picour sides and we argued about something as upid as a af of d. >>nd now he says he could haly geve withe breathing down his nec >> what's itike waking up every rning d owg that you're under a cloud of suspicion? >> increbly deprsing >> he ftollege stion, moveme to be with s family ar dallas, w spent money to hire a defense attor>> thest thing that was going rough mind thwhole timeast i didn'to it, they don't know o did it, and the guy who did it is out walkinaround and likely to pr on more victims. this monster is waing fr while they're wasting their time on me. >> kelly brown of e eagle
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stories about thsolvri in the colle town. >> and it real shook the communy causthis ian area that isn't edo seeing this type of crime >>nd kelly was hearing talk that the police had a suspect. ut there was no arrest and that's what kept everybody saying, ell,kay. was it the boyiend? was it, you know, someone that's still t there?" is he ing to stre again?" >> iwas scary course. d udents like krtin lancaster followed the investigation. did people chan their beor prns because this crime >> to a certain degree, but i thk it washort-lived. i mean, people went back to their classes and their business, yeah. you start rationalizing at mae, you know, she trued t wrong on. >> this doesn't happ to u? exactly, ye. >>nd theit was le october, half a year since the murder ojamie hart. kristin didn't knoitet, but she was abto becomrt of a chain of events that only deepenedhe mystery.
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m not actly sure. i know that thevening time rolledround. think it was friday. fend inted krtin a party. >> a she sd, you know, i'm having a little get togeer a ou. why don't you come by? >> kristin drove over to t apartmen apartment complex in bryan texahat's the town nt to college ion. >> theoor ispen. ere's a few people inside. there's me mic pying and people having some dnk >> she struck up a conversion with h friend's upstairs neighbor. was 2adn'eno llutedeasi wi the ss. >> was he kind of a likable guy? >>e ed, ah, very likeab. yeahhe w very apoaable, seemed very nice. >> in fact, he had no problem sharing timateetails with kristin about his personal life. >> he had en married a somehothe coertion, you
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i made a lot of stakes. i wa't are hband. >> yeah, yeah, you guys got into quite the rson conversation for having just met. >> well, i was young a i think at was norl, and he was drun >> not long after the party arteit abruptlende kristin's friend hosting the party goin a fight with her boyfrid. >> and they --here w alcoh involved so itas -- and worried that it would get out hand? >> eveone left. but not kristin. she s concerneabouher friend and stuck aund talking to the upstairs nehbor >>o, you were feeling protective. h. heaid toe, k a yo you know you'reorried out your friend? i said, yes, i am. and he saiwe can go toy apartment soou cane close to a phe tol. >> she and the neighbor walked uphe staircasehis apartment. it's directlybo her
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and he opens the door. i warely atep to the door and he just sort of kind pushes m pushese inslams thdoor sh shut. >> he locks the door and immeately grabs a remote that was right there and turns the stereo up tohideening me, just deafeningriin reaed t door toeave. >> andpues me back. and that's when he starts -- >> a then -- >> -- making some demands. all of audden it's very ris d aggressive d i am aost to the point ere thoughhe w joking. >> but he was seris. maed she undress >> i kept guin "i'm not going dot." heke, "you're going it. >> andhat'wh he runsr anherabs me he thrt. he's choking me and chokg me. and then the second he lets up i scream as loud as i can. and then immediatelye grabs me and starts choking me again. and this time he picks me almo by the throat and sort of, like, pulls me back intohe bedroom that's in thba. >> you're a prisoner in this artment >>. and puts me on e mattress
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blk out. and i nd and wondered if this -- for a second, this was it. >> iou d? >>eah. he's like -- has h hand still onthroat and he's rt of g me. >>stin couldn't fight m ofphysical, so sheried to ta h o oa xuul >> i said yodon't wanto do isnd he stops and he says, white don't i want to do this? and i y, well, because i have hiv. anyou n te he's inng about it for a second.and ss to me, he sa "well, guess what, so do i." >> theieidt work. shtried something se. >> ias i waske, "well, what abt,ounow -- you're nding god d li trying to work on yourself." i tually was ae to stall him for ite some time. >> i must've gotteoff the bed d weere standing talking. and i meer thas when i
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like, and i s sort of, like, tryi to mat loi was ki point sing my foot and then he gr ang n. >> he threw her back on the be his grip on her neck tighter as he sexuly assault her. >>e' >> he's squeezing so hard at this point itime that that it felt like e bones in my throat were cing. >> i said, "if you keep doing is you're going to kilme." and he sort of looked at mand it w this half smile, and he looked at me for a second, a het id, "do you ink i tually care about that?" >> reporter: is that when you feel le yore looki in e face of ? >> i mn, he-- i knew then completely ithat momt th he iended on killie. -ew tn comptely i moment at heended onling me. chobani sily 100 it'snly ligheek yogu th zero preservative
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llo everyone... i'm lisa lyd.. in the news 5 studios... ppening right w.. a futive alert the colorado departmt of rrtionis asking at everyone be on alert f these two n. the two paroes.. nnisimonn anwesl jones. apnt remed their ale monitong bracets... anthe d-o-says theshould be considered armed and daerous. e alert has been issued both he icora.. and across the cnt.
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traving geer >>9-ye >> 19-ar-old kristin lancaer was preparg to die. when y're possly in the last moments of your life, when you think that someone is going to kill you, what is going thugh yoind? oment where thoughabout, i wish i d ld all the people that ved, kn, th i loved them. >> she was in a ranger aparent being sexually assaulted, drifting in and out of consciousness. >> black out, but th i start toomto ain. anit, you owthscesinhe mwhe the bombs exand everything's reay zzy, you can't hear, le, erhi's, li, mi through through this fog. suddenlhe man stood up, t room,rded her to
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can, "call theole. call the police." >>ns out ban pice we at e door. >> so my frid had heard me screaming and stomping and had called the police. >> this isike a miracle -- it was, yea >> -- that ithe nick of me e police sw up that only happens on tv. >> i know. believe me, i know. th ran in. i was just curled fetal on the flooju shaking, shaking uncontrollably. i remember them asking me what haened and i j-- the words were just ming out so fast. the cops to the man ay in handcuffs and kristin slt on her friend's couch that night. the friend cled the police to see what would happen xt. >> she fnd out that they didn't book him foseal assat charge >> in fact, kriss attacker, e man who almost killeher, had be released. that must've been a tough pill to swall. >> iwas ifying i just -- i thghheasoi toomanfind me and ki me. >> down at the policstation, the man had given a wildly different version of events.
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poce chief. he wasn't with the department back then, but says the suspec told investigators that he a kristin had a fight over drugs. >> she gotngry when he substitud aspirin focaine, and she went offn a rage when that occurd. >> i tnk he had to them me story about how ad been a drugeal thatad ge soenasrying, "rape." after the attack, pole charged hith unlawful restrain a misdemeanor the xt day, kristiand r dad went tthe yan poli dertment to nduthy her aterasn'ch memoreerus as fur d thinhis moment iurvive iurvid. like, this iit. this guy is going down. >> she met with the detective who asked hequestis, lots of them. >> i had bruises all up and down my throat. couldn'twallow. was -and en at one point in te the detective asked me tolacey hands on my own throat and mean, whichve then - >> why? >> like, psychologically, like,
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>> why would he want youo that? >> because did thaand he looks at me anhe says,well, those could've bee self-infcted." wt did you say to the detective who's cong up wi these theories? >> i mean, i was hysterilly crng and tellingim, like, "this is -th m tried t kill me." u knd he wouldt "well, that's not what hsays." of course that'sot what he says.>> kristin says that despite her bruises, police treated it like a "he said-she said" story. how angry were you getting? >> i was furious. i st cldn'believ like, nody believed . >> chi buske maintains the detective was just dng a thorgh investigaon >> everything i' rd incated the detectivesid lieve her. you know, sometimes when youe coucnginvestigio ur job yo jobs g tthtrut as a detective and youe going toave tosk some rd question >>hey inteieweher attacker agn ana few mohsater did charge h with sexual assault.
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stilinlace. and then we booked him on first gree sexual assault. >> the case went to a grand jury, buit was decid not to indict him. >> so the sexualssault charg were dropped, becae th felt thhere w insficien evidence. >> ohat must have been tough to hear that. >> it was very tough to ar at. and it was at a pot in te ough when i found th out i just didn'feel like i had y recourse >> she did talk about the case later wi reporter key brown. >>t bothered mat t time because i wondered, why didn't the grand jury indt m for at least attempted sexual asslt? t eea le tubngtoth werwe ss pt of the story d we t ? did thdeivayething that made em think, maybe it was consensual? >> he was still facing t misdemeanor geunlawful restt scheduled go court wn the road. in theeantime, he was free
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>> hs oulkinaround. >> in e next town ov, detectives at the brazos county sheriff's office were still wo still workinthe mie hart muer case in additn to keepg an eye on jae's boyfend chk. theyay ty foowed up on ndds of otr les an tips. but no one in thateparent oked at krisn's seor a possle connection. >> y were sexually assaulted. jamie hart was suall assated. did you starto tnk that ese could be conneed? >> i didn't thinthey were connected. and that was primarily because, with jie there w a bfrie m have en ive was romantic tionship that wwrong. it wn't some rdom curren by a stranger. >> kristinas now living with overelmi anxty and d, which she says manested to dangeroubeharbehavior >> inste of beinafraid o everything i became afid of
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mplete risk seeking. >> what kind of th wou you do? i think itarted drinking heavily for a while after that you ow, i'd hop on the back of a ster'sotorcycle af he'd had tee beers and it took long time to really get out of that he. >>ust as kst was srting to turn a to tn a corner her attacker s due inourte misdeanor arge. nothg camef it diden show up. >>'d done what i needeto d pa ome jwaed to rget it ever happened. >> reporte but she couldn't. krisn waabouto walk rit into ather crimecene in college station. shockingly brutamurder and the suspect makea bi mistake. >> the clothes were different thanhat he td hs
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>> when "dateline" connues. so sp dr sotodrming anart eati. a worldfull of dictatand convention cothe be another way la vie est belle la vie est belle the eau dearfum,la reiva eeif cyouncdeinio why have youglasses fit manually, when there's the lenscraftersccufit system. replacinbasihandld measuring tos
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ouna13 od,,,,, her atta r atck hadaid sho up in urt and emed to have just disappeared. >> he didn't shoup? >> didn'show up. >> in the next town ov dective kenny liott continued to work the jamihart muer cas hent thet year cas a de net f pbl suspects. >> y took dna from0 people? >> i think 77. mainly people thatere beg booked into jail for violent crimes.
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tookna from evody at d give it, practically. >> but he also had never ten s eye f oferoyfriend, chuck cruz. thereas just something that was bothering you about uck uz? >> there w lotring me about chuccruz >> so the brazos countsherfs office kept investigatg chuck, even commucad with the da about possibly convening a grand jury. chk and s lawyer ske to the detective on many occasions. and e detective contued to think chuck's behavior was suspicious and he still seemed nervous. >> did you ever think atay the reasont chuck cruzas acting this way was th y gu werming dn pretty hard on him? d he's -- 's lost his rlfriend. i me, is the a w to act? >> i don't know, but he had several things gng against hi and we just couldt walk away from him. we either had to prohat he d itor prove thaidt it.
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beened almost riaway. >> so evenhough the a didn match -- >> there was no ma but ey insisted on targeting mes e prime suec th we tryi tbud case that wt th >> while chuck'sife had been on hold r a ye, krisn was stti to feel likheold se again. t six monthsince r atck she'd takenp ruing, had a new boyiend anthough krist hoped the pain pa othatble nis her for g iwasn't. >> and's police ta he. may8 2000. kristin had just arred to visit friends at aarent mplex. thwas no reason -- not then yway- tohink her case s connected to the scene uoldithere. >> police cars and ambulances and all kinds of, you know, vecles, like, emergency response
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>> and now the sight of police tape st memories rushi back. >>t was just, you know, fear >> firefighter leon moore had arriveat the apartment early that morni, afr a neighbor rerted ske in one of t units. >> the bedro dr waopnd weldeeome am. theyer the carpeso we haa water extiuisher tt usndut small fire out. >> there on the floo a bod >> we backed o and madsu th we presveas much evidence as we could. >> he sens foul play, not just a re, ancalled foretective jeff cappsf the college ion police department. >> it looked le her body had kindf been propped up onto the bed. she was nude from the waist down. >> thiis rlly disturbing.t >> the victim was 21-year-old carolyn sey, a day care woer her parents ana and larry so oud ofheir eldest dauger. >> she was wonderfulh kids. all the kids loved h. evyone loved her. >> never could they have prepared themselves for th dreadful phone call they
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>> "is your daughter colyn casei said, "yes." i think he said, "well, the' en an acdent andour daer's dd. re." >> when carolyn's younger sier, amandalearned the news, she collapsed with grief. >> iust -- i scrmereally loud. made my ears ring om my screaming. ty've got this wrong? >> yeah. sothing's wron she di't -- she didn't die. and i , no, shs nodead. >> what wathe ing point? >> i called her apartment. d shdidn't answer. >> detective capps did say it was homicide. >> ihi we e had a strongfeing that possibls some type of sual assault that cued and thameas trying to cor up some ence. >> kel bwn of the eagle
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ite. >> this is a comty thas not used to lot of murders. it's not uto violent crimes like this. and itertainly wt us to havi a murder im beinget on fir law enforcement, they thought, what doe have on our hands he. >> othe night of carolyn's murder, there had been a small rty in one of the artm detectiv canvassing the complex, lookin for ads. >> you're litelly knking on doors? >> yes. >> in one unit, two men anered. one of them had been to the w name was ynobe matthews he mentioned that he did atte this par. she was the. >> likmany people o'd attended, ynobe agreed to an intervw, his down at the police department. he wasrieny, and kiep
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lyn haleft the party before he had. >> he lar left the party. wentith another male that was at the party over to a nvenience stthat w clo bynd bought so cartes. >> ynobeave the detecte dna sale, and supplied the clothes he'd been wearing. verify his alibi, the tective pulled surveillae video omonnience e d notid something. >> the cloing th he was alas different than wha than what he had just ld us why isn't he tling us the trut >> ynobe claimed he'd simply forgotn and then handethe detective the proper clothing. no forensic evidence found on e clhes connted him to the e scene. >> so this wasn'your mont. no. itasn't. >> the "g " di though, just a few nights later when the pieces of the puze
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waserinha hdo this re at t samtime did think 'd dit a.rrhea worsenile ta faxas thay be a sif a rious ev fondi. ll yr f u have l diseasee tangthedicatns usthease thamntf faxan yr dy lloudoct e egnant, an obemi pregnan orreursing thmoomn de ctarna an iase l ees. if y think you have ibs wirrhe asour do abfa x: ziploc bag oping sfx: ambient office sounds, a phone rings, laughter li makes you deal with things r outside your job deription. life nds zipsfx:oniners acking sc jnson come on! don't op your phone, drop youneork. bring your phone to cricket wireless we he re 4lte cora
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d heatets otngll. scere ys c use lyl sinftapr
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it wa >> it was two nights after the deteive cas ma discovery one atould fon relveria esta serie de >> spent that eveng basicallading through all ths. >> theetecti hadrd backgroundcks on some of the people who attended the partin carolyn's carolyn's apartment complex, cludg including ynobe mattws. it turns out there were several police reports in the file
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>> mr. matthews d a tendency to try to sexually asslt females anin the process of at he uld okth if ey re not wilngo have sex th him. >> how did colyn die? hereath was ruled a rangulation. so things started kind of tching up. >>nobe had ner bn coicted of sexual assault, but in tesetectived the unt ofarticuy brutal aack. the case ended ubeing charged a mismeanor, unlawful restraint. it was kristin's. ynwas the mashe sa almost killed her. >> i was certain that he had dos be but smeidn' think he wld do it ain.>>heecled ob mathews ba down to the station for another interview and decided to pull a fast one with his suspt, telng him he was about to get dna results from the crime scen >> were you really about to ge ithat quickly? >> we weren't going get it that quicklthatay, but yingo
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that information, that we had everything that we needed. i had coacted my supvisor earlr. ani told and i toldim, if he uld ge , ay p in -- te in e wordthat says a matches. >> andight on cue, the detective's pager went off. and i showed it to mr. maews. it sd "dna matches." >> so what's his face like when he looks at th match? >>e beca pretty emotional. and he said he -- it w an accint, but he hadilled r. >> the detve cled rolyn's res and gave them the news of the nfsion. >> they said, thinwe've got it i said, well, w sure. he said, i'll bet the farm on it. >> it wathe ne morning when istin lancaster opened up e newspaper and learned her attaer hadeecharged with murder. >> it ovwhelming guilt, ju overwhelming guilt knowing thate' someo and
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belie . >>id you feel ke life d'n saved if you had'veeen taken more serisl >> oh, yescarolyn would stl be here. i me, ere's dou. >> and what about the womaat the start ofur story? jamie hart'sase had been handleby the brazos county sheriff's office. t afr yne was arrested, it didn'taklong for the college stion liceeptmenand the sheriff's offi to comp the dna. at they found? ynobe was also jamie's killer. what's that moment like? >> i remember e feeling of wato feereeved. ali could thk wa is exact wt i kn woing happen. sk againother giris dead, d another family has lost tir precioudaughter. >>huck says to thiday he sses jamie a has never
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spect. >> havinto snd sh a lo time under investigati f the death led one, it hurts. it hurts lot. >>s ke acar? >> very much so. very mucso. do you feel bad abo tt all, thahe was puthrough that i'mort he h to ugthat but if iad tdohe investigation er, i uldn't channything. i'm sorry he lthe ve hilife, buwe had a job to and we had teither arrest him r rder or clear him. weleared him. >> but before jamie, befor krtin, before carolyn, there was another leard she s also connected tohis horrifying serieof ents. her na imisty johnson. >> if di't let him re me, he wld have killed me. >> likkris misty reported her attack to the bryan police deme.but ynobe delag it
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too traumatized to help lice in the investigati. >> iwas obably within a week i it my job and tn. i was scared. she nowegrets that decision. her tack happened first. monthsefore jas rdered. >> ieel ke if i would have stayed and fought him through the poli department, that possibly he wouldn't have been ablego o ht anne else. and kriin is left witthe memo of an assaulthat according to the law never really happe >> i w so angrat two people had to die orderor someelieve me. >> did the system fa? >> it failed me. it faid caron. it failed jae. >> youhink about thelot? they were total strangs to u. >> but they're my alternate fure. i mean, th're wh coulde
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happed to any u >> jury convicted ynob matthews of rolys muer and sentend him to dea. he also pleaded guty to mie'murd krtin ced him in court dung the penalha.>>t s terrifying. i d to testi and iet carolyn's fa aand jamie's family. th all came t rwardsnd gae a hug. helpemeeali ttheir families didn't ld a gru agnst meyoknow. not her ult that my sistertishe nouilt over tha >> with the casey family a witnesses, ynobe matews was execut threars later. if there ia lesson to take from this story,t one that comes dictly from rv hersel someone whhas learned hard y to chesh life's me nd every o. imas you alize how frile yourif, you know and that anybody can te it,
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thistory, you know, for em th's it. th's tirife sty. fil chapter's been writ but for me i g to keep goi on >> what would you callourself? in, people have called me a survivor. wod ca i woulcall myself lucky. >> that's l for this edi ofteline 'll e you tomorr8:00 7:00 cenal for the "dateline saturday nig mystery." tonighat ten: a high speed chase in georgia comes to a deadly d. news five is traci the colorado springs conction as we digeeper into the suspect's past. miked li weath and rgerscar news five uncovers why a local patit was asked take a blood testfter goingnderhe
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hello and than f joining us for news fe at ten i'm roquirk. ani'm lisa lyden. ng right now.. we've unred new inion abouthtwo people coloradoprin, accu a gh speed chase in geora. it left one man dead and three otheed. wse's maddie garrett tracking tsty. maddie what have you fnd out? there were two people in the stolar involved in t ase. one was joaquim gerry... the othe.. daniee ocksta th from colorado spr... as the ston car th we in. ey have a child together. ich we learneds safe tonight. buw eynd up in geora... and why gerry took his own fe... t very caronight. it begins in lake city frida earlier this week.... 21:42:35 hancock said t they had a dost diste overnight, wednesdayht io thuray morning, and th he forced her to
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with her." daelle ostt told police she was o drive e olenar.. with joaquim gerry in the passenger seat... in this dash camideo, you n police attempt to pull them over because the caridn'have tags. that when the chase began. :39:33 crisp county sheriff billy ncock said "speeds nning about 100- to-105 miles per hour." poce say gry opened firen officers.... then suddenly the car slowed. 21:39:57 hancock sd "the fema exited the vehicle. it was obvioushe had blood on he there wereome animals the car, dogs in car that jumpedout. it was aery chaotif i might say controlled chaos scene." gerry had shot himself... pistol... he died shy after. t the moments after... trsh gun acdentally went off... hittinan oica deputy and ockstadt in the in georgia.. friends of gerry td news five... eiild and his her daugther are safin colorado with family... and despite the legations made agait him.... many frids reaing iday... saying gerryas a good rson
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gerry did have a warrant for his arrest in colorado f auto theft... ocksta was also wanted on felony charges of i-d theft... according toourt documen e's been detaid in georgia... thou sll receiving medical treatment. polioundtoguns ithe stolenar they were in... with aignificant amot muana... ilgal tside of colora. rob and lisa here's a le look from oune fi studios in colorado springs and pueblo. partly cloudy sks and cooler temperatures right now... mike danielss tracking what's in store forentine's day... is it somethg we'll fall in love witmike? a look at current temps, humidity and wind speeor the springs and pueblo tonight cloudsill increa tew clouds andog some ots torrow mning. then sunshine with milir dunghe afternoon. tonight, high pressure to our northet wi bring upslope clouds and fog tonht and


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