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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  February 12, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST

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gerry did have a warrant for his arrest in colorado f auto theft... ocksta was also wanted on felony charges of i-d theft... according toourt documen e's been detaid in georgia... thou sll receiving medical treatment. polioundtoguns ithe stolenar they were in... with aignificant amot muana... ilgal tside of colora. rob and lisa here's a le look from oune fi studios in colorado springs and pueblo. partly cloudy sks and cooler temperatures right now... mike danielss tracking what's in store forentine's day... is it somethg we'll fall in love witmike? a look at current temps, humidity and wind speeor the springs and pueblo tonight cloudsill increa tew clouds andog some ots torrow mning. then sunshine with milir dunghe afternoon. tonight, high pressure to our northet wi bring upslope clouds and fog tonht and
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news five has uncovered an employee of the audubosurgery center in colorado springs has been fired aft surgery tools may not have been properly sterilize. we s wh the adstrar cente.who told usn employee took surgy toolout of a cleaning chine that had malfunctioned d nofinished its cycle. rather than running them through another cleaning cycle on a different machine.e put em on the shelf to be used. the tools in questiowere used during a sgery earlier this
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toake a blood test. "and the res othatesting caacki showi negate. thatere re no inctious orgasms in his blood at that time." says the center is re this wa isolated incident.. and nother patients were ever in danger.. the malfunctioning machine has beenixed by a technician.. d is wor properly n.. the employee respons f making sure the tools are oper cleaned has bn fired. federal stigators are arching for this former denvwedi hospil surgical tech...accusf switchg syringes. they belive 28-year-old cky lehas left the ste. allen is suspected of switing syringes on least one container of therug "fentanyl" while on the job at swedish medicalenr in enewd. nomopre than 29-hurepeop o had surgery athe cter over theast five monthhave be tolthey nd to btest for h-i- v, patisib and
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authorits say allen had the drug "ntanyl" and maanin his system the investigation to exactly what happeneis ongoing. right now-- a fugitive alert! authorities inord acssheountry... are on alert for two parolees. considered armed and dangerou whapparently removed their ankle monitong bcelets the colorado department of correction asking that you be on the lookout for 36ear-old dennisimonton an 31ear-ol wesley jones. c-dot says the two are membe of the 2-eleven crew.. a white supremacist prison gang. ey say if you see these men, call 911ht ay. xx look at the damage to this hom in puebl.. along issom street. investigors believe this was the result of a hash oil explosion. ceilg's blkened.. and wiow blinds reed melted. police say the resents of the home took themselves tthe spital where they were treat for second degee burnso their ce a arms. the case has been turn over to the da's decide if
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following up for you nowlast nihours long sndoff in colo. police s the ated 30- ar-o ek konig. theyay he grabd a gun and r reasonilown... fi wes fou li last nig.. as thastdoff ude the36-huned block of "berri hghts drive". police say "konig" had barricadedimselfida townho and refed to come oua ll tacticate wasn ene... and eventually, they hado deoy tear gas to get him o of t home. no one was hurt. xxx a man from araphoe countis undearrest tonight... accused of killi his 6-year old son. year olbrandon johnson is under arst, faci charges of first deee murder and sexual sault. he's accused of lling his son... and sexually assaultg th mother of hiar old child wednesd. investigors say e younge ilwat ha. anutopsy revealed thyear d died from a sharp rce
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new information toghon the columbingh school shootings. one of the gunman's mother, she di't kw anything was wrong with her son...before t99attack. in interview...sue klebold ys thabefore the attack... she consider herself a parent who would have known something wawrong. sue says she didn't know and it's very hard to liveith that. her son dyland...and eric harris oped fire at the subban deerool in99.. kiing 12 students and a tehebereilling emselves. a news fivfollowuporou tonight. a state house committee unanimously pass a bl th would double a 10-yeartute of limitations on prosecuting sexual assault cases. two colorado women who cim billosssltedhem dedes ago.testified the bill would give traumatized victims more timeo come forward. cosbni sexl abuse altions made bzens of men ac the country the s now before full house for considion, and we ll continue to track it's ogress. a sheriff's deputyn grand
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shot this week in the line of duty... will be remembered on monday. funeral services are planned d thgovernor h ordered flags at half staff. mesa county sheriff's deputy rek geer washot monday.. heassed aw owednday. w mar with two children.. and a 15 year ten of the department. geer also served our country, he was retirefr the navy. as for the teenaged suspect in this case... prosecutors y they pn to charge him as an adult. xxx e federal government is andoning plans to open a tempary elter for immigrant children in denver. ey say iwill take too much ti and money to try and get the site ready. the verment estimates it would cost about 2mion dollars. and take about a yr... to transfo t warehou into a elr.. up to 1-thound children. the s. depart of health and human services wts to be readyo handle an expected surge in centraamican children... ossing t borr... stti this spring. itlready oped temporary sheltersn new mexi a tes. xxxx
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getting results for you tonight after tenants me to us.. frustrated that they haven't had a drop of howater ineeks. we uncovered it is state law and city codr hot water to be available but nothing was beindo...because city co enfoemt thought aptmen magent was taking eps to fix the problem. we spoke with maintenance workers in the building earlier today...and later this evening...we learned the hot war was back on. t for nants, it's been a ustrating wier boiling wat for basic needs. "i'm a tenant. i live in their facility it is their respsibility to takeare of me angi me a home we did some re digng...and found that ste l protects renters wi aranty of habitiabil..with plumbing, ating and eltricty find more informion about yo ghts, right w at koaa docom. w tonight: we've st learned thereill not be a-s-aro cling year.
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hope treturn next ye with new sponsors as the main financial backers eppeaside last year. richard and rick shaden out of the deer area had been financing the race with th own monefor five years. havingpent 2million to kee it at.thpro allenge has beco a major event inur ste for the pasteral sumrs drawing hundreds of thousands to watch. wel keep you posted when we learn more. it's a huge event every ar... and is president's day weekend is no exption. we're talking about the president's day hockey tournament.. it's in full swi right now... th games acrs southern colodo... and thousands have traveled from nearnd far, to bpart of it. our kelsey kennedys live in colorado springs.. just how many vito ae ing this weekend upwas of5 teare re to thicthiseend many of them takinadvantage ofe hoday. brinng their famies an king a minvati of it.. tels are book anstra
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not only dplers me fm all ov the ste.. they're from across thcountry as well.. weound teams from florida.. california.. tes anmany more on thi year's schede.. but ouof tners aren't the only ones filling the arenas.. we found one colorado springs hockey momho'slways traveling with four little hockey players.. she's happy to have this tonament ce to her.. "it's fun, espiallon the bigice at theor arena s n to watch tm play and pl as well as ave toght. e loves hockey he los being here tamt.un wkendwawith mn." otrs are using their down twmes to take advantage of all tt southern corado has to offer.. games are being pled arinks in monen all the way down to eb.. d ma ibetween.. six rinks tal are hostinth massive tournament. mented ely this morng.. mes la throuonda tern.
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this valentine's d who lot more special for somseniors pulo--because the community has stepped up. you saw only on news five---lt mont "mes on whls" asd the community to write love letters to those whare ale. shortlafter our story aire thhand-crafted valtines started to pour ! theye collected morehan 17- nds fromtudents acss the aa. thcards reand delivered to seniors in the meals owheels program this morning. wh they're reachintowardhe end of their lives or they elderly th don't havch toook forwd to but a good me ad card, gi a sensof hope and a see knowing that people ca a th many of osniors who receiv the caroday say they were incredly surprised and uched by the thougful messxx ahead at 10... denver is reading thve...a days early this year with
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a closer look coming up... pl. how local shops are rushing toprep.. fofos loing tohose lastute romantic gts... t firslet's chk it mike. m mike diels.
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look fros acro colorado...a time lapsfrom boston's fenpark. his today 56 in the springs and 66 in pueb. lowsn the 20's. current temperatures all over southe colorado... next weather maker, a strongsle flow wl pushut the ou a cd r mid to teorningomorro afternn wille greath sun d miir. hour by ho, locloudsndog some aas tomrow with that stlow,ezy and warm ding the afternn with
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ws tonight in th20's m ar saturday will be cold early then afteoon highs in the 50's, 60's and 77 day forecast for the springs, high tomorrow 63, cooler sunday with a sprkle possible late. next week will be dry and mi with highs in the 50's and 's. pueblo high morrow 70. cooler sunday with dry skies. ne work week wilbey ni. nshineonday rough friday th highs in 60 and 7 non city and woodland park eezy and wartorrow. cooler sunday with a rn or snow sprinkle pole late. dry skies mondayhrough friday
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icy messn pennsyania. ive watemain break in scranton....produc a 20-foot high gser of water, in sub frzing tem..c reata massivell on everything itoued. homes,re, powe lines.satellite , en sid it tewhos to r the ea a co caur ocameraa museum... next aten... how kinghe most
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take a look at tdeo just into our newsrm. a maivsinklepened up side the national corvette musuem in ucky it actuallhapp last year..ight prized corvets wereestroyed. but cae the story waso popular...the museumned the disaster into a new exhibit. now to a deadly car crash in nortrn califora.. authories y the driver of thislack s-v waspein when t vehle spuout of corol...ipd over and landed almost upright into this te. the driver died at the one else injured. authorities are still investigg the crash...and saalhol may be factor. we're foowing a terrible tragedy in a suburb of phx...where two ear-old girls were discovered dead at their high scol morningit happened in glende. police soth rlhabe
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between themn the school's mpus. it's bn rud a murder- homide,...and a suicide note ftehd. the schoolas locked down this rning. inr electi wch corage... pridential candidates on both sides are reachingut to powerful voter jeb bush coued christian evgelicals..t candidate forum in southolina. aln attendance..n carsrcrubio d te cruz. anwhile... deats hillary clinton and bernie sanders are trying to tap intonoer powerful ving bloc...african americans. the republican cdidates will meet again this turday for a deba in south calina. lookinahead foyou.... sunday is valentines day... and that means a busy weekend ahead folocal candy shs... and florists. thign of the re" florist ... in colorado springs... says they expect to sell hundreds of arrangements.. leading up to sunday. "lori doole" says they'll sy with both pre-orders... and plenty of walk in-s this weend... as pple stop to pick up owers..
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and over at patsy's candies... locally ma sweet treats have been flyg off the shelas well... lots of chocole and r cae pur gift ll.. on lentines day. th say this one of their busiest times of yr. xxx xxx coups in love got an early valentine's day gift idenver day... ter the denver clerk a recorder's offe decided torform freeedding ceries. couples just had to pay the 30- doar fee for a mriage license.. the cupcakes, freshmentsand soal"romance packesre donatedlol companies to make the day ecial. in one package... the brown palace donat an overnight stay and brunch for two. another lucky pair gotree ane tickom southwest airlin thnewlyweds say the t made geing marriea little easier. ==== "we we already thiing about it. we alreadyanteto. we just didn't know what day, what time to make thdecision.
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god de it for us judges donated their time to make the ee ceremies ible. the erk and recoer's office sa they issued 50 linses and peom 47 ceremonies. if you're looking for something n and unique t with e family this weekend... you mighwanto check out the annual cripple creek ice festal. this is videfr last year's evt. the festivaleatures ice sculptors that cree amazing wos of art! me are kids can explore si them. the stival runall weend ng along bennettvenue crple cr xx the avalche elg it right now... w long can they keep this going??
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it is shame that t red win leftor the eastern coerence because wheth us to play the avalanche that was must see tv.... they'll hope to reignite that
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up at ors field for an outor ga. but toght - in droit looking for back to back ws - firsof nth.... fit period mchesne off the deflection check the replay - just sneaks it past for the first goal. avnor one - second period...d peri loose pu blake como beats peter marzek... avs take a 2---1 lead... d wings tie it up again and t torte.entually intshto. seonarmostpethe fit one... but the avs against the wall.. thd anceorhe - nath mkinn goes hi to be mark. ke hope alive. then in e fourth round.. comos thherogainif it pt - nnerinner.avanche n 3--2 in a ooto over the red wgs. it's not easy beinthlast g anhavi to scorto keep the game gng i mean thshtout going and he came in on a lot of speed anma a great play an
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i thght th against t rity that was a litt tough r him but just went that way. aie hockey on the ro at holy cross - trying to kee their 10 game win streak alive... 3-notngn the second period - the falcons got on the d with afrom ben rey. matt serratore knockedhe seco o back but it was too little tooate. falcons se 4---2 - game two tomorrow night. we s the pre of what the outdoogas suppedo look ... but here is a timelapse of the rink bng put together at coors field on wneay. they put the ice down today and will have it ready for the batt on blake next saturday r cc andu. tickets r the outdoor game the clh ator anastilavbl en the avset on their in two weeks. ifer goodell has his way - aqib talibould have been ejected at
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bowl the nfl commsioner is proposing automatic ection for two personal uls in a game now it's jt a bad finelib. the nfl today fined the broncos er bk --thousand dollars for his two peal foul penties... the worsbeing this b face mask against cory brn ked about thpenay ter the game... talib shrugg ioff d said y re world chas. lik jason was so fined by e nfover--ousand dlars for unnesry roughne naltin t ge. the broncomedia touronties - the jamorde show lt night anit was pr hilarus.. cj andersotaughtim how t danc branmarshall talked some smack. chris harris likes beiber... they played a game cald nuzzle what... where they uheir face to fi out what is in front of them... but the last thing they checke nohanks. it betweeen meo get re.. 1 2 8 zzle... oh!!! thats a snakelt something slimey thats a snakle
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,, ne creek and ramrt tonight. tiedt 7 in theirst - ram ngg inside. parker humrey mailkaly for the yup. en slewith the swing pass brendan la rose - theig fella 3... rams went on an 11-1un to ga separation a win on the road --9 palm ridge vising vista ridge... lves going for their 1win of the season. second half was all re nick boldvh for palmer ridge - flushes thru viata ridge answers - robert fernandez - he bangs that home - tied at 38 tyloer trego answers for the
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wolv werfeeling it on their me court - noah bety for 3. e pulls it out at ho ---54 over palmer ridge cloudsill thicken late tonight with lows the 20's most areas. saturday wl start with cuds and fog somereas tn sunshine breezy and warmer. highinhe 5s, 60's and 70's sunday will be cooler by 1 15 degrees. a ra or snow sprkle possible late mainly over the higher elatio. thanor watching a 10:00.tomorrow morning jgr dingrando and jessica van meter
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