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tv   Right This Minute  NBC  February 14, 2016 5:30am-6:00am MST

5:30 am
acdent, you c stee from the inde as it goes tumbling arnd. >> i tho for a secon kate hi theject button but tre are no buttons on bo there's noing ll. >> you think that's spectacular. slow motion get a load of thi one. >> wow it looks le out of a vie like a special effect. >> will beamazed. minor injuries. becaus appartly blake seen a numberf accidents and just upgred his boat.hang tay of the seats. sohey syed just fine. >> stayxtraith that safety gear, that's when y just wk awayrom it and ty did. you don't see any ur screen because i want t warn you, i big, it'sblagck, and it has hands, otherwi knownas, hey paul. oh, yeah. >> tt's als very big
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loo t that thing it' part ider, part crab. >> it's, like, utal. >> those can puncture your skin. but thesere not poisonous to mans >>f they pokehe ski i a bite. >> no it a puncture. ene handlin this is a breeder. as you can see there a lotf haling bause they play wh it a l of ti. >> tha explains why this person is not afrai and running out of the room screaming. ah,ah,ah. >>hat do wese to get thi i ones. just put put in aage a bre . >> what's it breewith humans? >> hopey other spiders. >> it looksike something i wouldight in o of my video
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pac,ke, ahhh >> i didn'ay athin the firstew mines of the conversation, he was so fed t. >> tt's good bau n we're ing to bring one in. >> who>> like. >> eh. >> at firstnc you're thinking thinng this is just cctv business as ual, but very quickly you willotice we a following and keeping aery yell on this yellow truck, a big old dum tck driving through the streets i england, like t say it'sigh speed chase but it's not more like 30on chase.
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vehicle cordinto rorts while und the infce of drugs. some say it is aisuntled laborer. >>o he knows how to drive this heyachinery but he's opy. that's doubl scary becsee knows how to hane this police are on his trail f o s. >> being pushed back. >> not a very high spe.t the guy goes rightor a police car and hits it. but theuy is leless at one pnt he's st unable epg areto stop therir is 40icholas rshel.hehel. thisnsuran dengtcident happened last year heaseenentenced to 14 mohs in jail and a fine of abou $40,000 u.s. dollars. these videos prove that somemeouot to do what u
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theseirefighters moscow trng toeto budingt mo coming fromt but th t. >> oh, no >> theyust did this to get thugh? >> the all ways e pretty narrow. >> if you notice these firefighters haveo move several cars to get to their stinion. word is the apartntomex is not very expensive b the parkg iso the pple who live there park o the seet d is is what happens thatir tru could h run over that ca if it wanted to. eseuys doing a good job and conscientious too. in the u.s. we have fire hyt s anemergey lanes n se wha the res e here but theeveral cars herehat the fooifrts and folks ontreekt he to purk outfhe way to get trks through. the crew was smartma abo it. they sntirefights ino dif use the situation. the truck on the other hand, does maket through after they
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push the carsut of the way. those car where's sighte the oers got fine. >> befrg this seems so wrg. >> next thing about tseems so w buthis next video seemsh, so right. its it is wheel barrel. >>es girl they are the tiny in the world the this stges filming,hy don't you help i want to rend you if therewas queionable videono lg ago >>d ove judge. well it gets le bit
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d then this pp. >>o. >> n no. >> s. ahizuestkid for ec memies for flag >lus perfe is a it me, takin it new heights. >> the mountaintops, nottle. y be the judge of this competition. >> ne job. >>hat' a split that's fair. us uimited salad and breadsticks. thbest tou ita thene y create. at ove garden. tim in you need to be mastermind to do yr own taxes. so, we fw in a mastmind to help him.welldid you y a home? yes. then i'd press there.
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, one dayit apprs is that a dark spot? ed caponing provided by -- targeted treatment: results begiin 4 weeks. gold bond. > felwsver duderct arek at it a lehat they got going . th tim it's their first
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no weavtoo th. sn isnly tours away from us. bere i see what happens we hao do th. t competi consistf th eventsirst up>> ladies angentmen welcome tohe sno boa competitn. worth five point aece. fitin five second ten. third ring 20. >> oh, nice. >> as w falli down too d. >> after the first event let's see how t fsdiers ptty good gap betwee the fst and last. >> n to mentionboarng itse iiflt hey're gng take thi bus eye, go down the slope - >> whyre we doing is! >> -- and the oth fellas get point by hitting em. i'm 6'6 y don't h me u shouldust go home. >> oh, how funsth. ow, ow. those lands a like ucers death.
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the agony of defeat. >> coming outrom under him and theye just helping him. is is straht mud snowmobileerubes and wlinteam >>h,ess,es >> oh, they' beiulled. ooh, nice job. >> now that's a toughspare. >> let's reveal the winner. >> please goent mad at me guys. i see the commts, i'm so tired of ty winny hate him. >>re's always that one guy. keep winn >> ty isike cam newton of ofy sports. >> right. he should just bble. >> i aays amaze at t ki of idiot you canind on youte. a kid doingncredie things. a indial y
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his n too terest in flags. the other day while at home he did this. >>kay. >>enma >> denrk -- >> . >> so starts four minutesen sends he goes tough 195 cotrsfhe world. whater's got a f hs got it and he goes so quick i c barelyeeup with the cards. it shows jus how impressive it is around this pnt here. see if you c spot why. that's polish flag. that's indonesia flag. that's t maco flag. there so my fls itrazy. >> i guantee you ask 99.9% erans to name a few of those, pple can't eno it. >> i kno they exist and
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if yust quied me -- >>he was ltle bit of drama though right he. >> i forgot agai >> okay. had a mentarily lapse but we ntinuegh everyther country right up tohe end. >> mongolia. ya>> now challenge him to learn all the ta as well. justht you'd like th. >> od! e's best known as the doggon. >> this eas freeman 27 yearol yearol and hasade a lot of people hpy on cial media. >>his g would not have care if not h timing with sociamedia. they're goi pound for pound. >> the guy tt's supposed to be punch eds sanic tay were sandwiches and punedhim.
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boxingou w't want to miss. >> thatuy punched and kno himself out.other level of clean to . it just kinda like wiped everything clean. my teeth are glowing. th are so whit actually really he two ste. erytime i use is together it fe lik leavinthe dentist's office. est hd, 6x cleaning,6x whitening i d switch to est hd over what i was ung befor hi, i'm henry winkler and i knowhere areany myths outhere about verse mortgage so i wanyou to know the facts. a reverse mortgage is insured by theederal government; you can getax-free money from the equitinour home; u cae the money to pay off yo current mortgage, ifou have one; the remaining moy can be usefor anng; there's no monly mortgage payment yostiln your home!
5:45 am
free gvd.a rn-iedvee rtgage works. ere' oion. one reversmortgage is a quicken ancompany. their cens experts can aner allour questions. call to find out wt a great solution thica. don't now! if you're ing to say "better ingredient better pizza." u bett deliver. ich is why i'm iroducing ounew papa's quality guarantee: love your pizza, or get anotr one,bsoluty free. get any large pizzup t 5-toppin
5:46 am new cuomers cave an average of $500 sty switchg progres so youl bengg thbacon in nti. sorry. get a eeuote pes. itch relief. sctch relief winter relief. that'sd bond cateloti relief. fi moistizsplusn extrstreth ch fer gold bond . relief starts now. >> dog dog owns how hard it isoh a catch photo of your po good luck ting get h photo. big toy comes out. i sta makin wei noise, one second later the dog is pin li a sional. very nice >>his islias
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pele joyfulhrough social mediahat's whe h8 milliofoowers nsgram.s book is o theework time's best seer's list. people lov it. >> i wouldtin having this gig but it atartecau he doesn't have a job. >> at the beginning of the project no o knew who i was. i was justalking aund every day having teractions with do. the proje has grown and i've been this sort of fire. good gri that's incredle. this guy wouldn't have aarr n for his time wcial media. >> exactly. >>t'stillaffling how many people like the photos >> htakes about 15 or0 ctures but theirst one i
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dog is surised. he also thinks location is key. >>hootg down ekends best because he gets walkers with feerogs.e id everyind of neighborhood has the dog identity. ooklyn wh a lot of pit bulls, new yorks a dogtown. >> he has n dog. >> why would you neeone, rit. you get to go ond play wh evybody else's dof. ds haver opened ua world for me. >>omene lge bau do this. o wgsw. >>se guys having a good old boey putng bes over theireads and then trying
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th can p eacothe so the he guyhat' about to - bunch -- puh him. >> it's mch up of marco polo d then they're le with boxing ha, ha. >> have theyeen driing? maybe se consumption has been had. i wou like to ssace isessy becau o wha they'r doingut n it' probably messy before they even got started. >>t's duke >> hitn duke. you'reaking fun of the fact that we die early. at? >> wha areou che right now, come on sawich. meon oh, yea you take boxin classes. class.>> wait thuychednd
5:50 am
otr perso is becseou're alre disorientedause of the x. note y fla who try to trythis,ou exert more energy when miss. dating can be dely. therore- >> ellie hereided he would st out. snd out.
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>> ihinke all kind of take helicopts f granted. you see themlying over, there's a lot going on toake that mhanil piece of machinery work. hold on to your cooks, ts may make you nauseous. a guy attache aopro to an russian russnhecopter. at you're seeg is one of
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nocing all of the hydraulic nes and everything keeping this gether. wizardry is a mazing. >> youe right ts will easily ma you completely nauseous. >>fou watch in slow tion, almost see the giant rotor blades flexin all of that is ne as i flies right past you, th bitf bundle and parts all togeerwos. so lee is going ,, >> some
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love in ale ong places. after a w ter a while dating sights get boring, s it' elle her wou dede he' stand out and m s ownvideo. >>i i'm elle 30 years old, single, and for a job ioilm maki and phogr. thisige e way to showcase who i amt'm ab soheind things i would look for a potential date, soone with don'tk m ce. i'dick his face. >> i'd got you >> i'm great with kids. that's important. m >> oh, mgod. ught>> abort missi.
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>>h he's reallgood wit kids. >> hean start datgnce he gets outf prison. >> let'see what his ex girlfriends say aut him. >> you got to pretend to be my exgirlfriend. >> oh. >> reay don't want too this. >> such a freaky lookingll. >> can play guitar be your rock star maybe on that day'll do my best noto lo at your - rea >> rdy'meady to date ts guy. >> sul be fun, smt, sexy as ll can ck as well, my rents would be hpy if s -- jish [ lahter ] >>d lu wh that one,
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>> that woman not exist. >> hey, elle. >> ye. >> you're not wish. [ laughter ] >> srr , [ p ]. >> give to me
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mite.) on tod'sci idrention for cindy for cindy crawrd n angfutula, brghto youbyuthy-renke u' disver e seettooty g acefly but autifully while lookg yourbsolutst every step of thway. think my philosophy aging really more my philosophy on living, which just do it well,takeare ofoursel it's about celrating where you are and bethbest y that you cane that ment. then it's not g, you' jliving. (fale narrator) in the next few minutes, so of wos mo ipiringomen will share with you the secrets loong aung on t outsi asou fee the inse. erie) am 5years old, and i fe like i havethat little extra oomph that i need because my skin looks good. i love mow.i love it. there's no question that my skin is betterow t was five years ago. (norma) at 65 years old, i feelbsolutely fabulous,
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i feel butif. (lda) i'm 51ears old and skin has never looked better. (st music) him valebertli. let's face it: we're algetting older, but that me we have lolder? whf we couhoose stay young lookin well, maybe we can justook indyrawford, foexample. after three dedeonhe job, cindy crawford is quite poibly the most cebrad supermodel of all timtoday,t ag48, ndy'in lks agd eous aever it aif she's made time stand stil i mean, just look at these pictures from age 28 48. her skin has barelchanged. the new yo daily news says "cin craordefi e oing. wee ys, "cindy cwfd hasn ad a bit. is cis secr cause whater she's doing, 's obvious worng.
6:00 am
. je seb known the world over as the emperor of anti-aging, a cle worker and youth guru (female naator) his groundbrking formulas arbased on the discove of a rare melon seems to defy the aging process. (cindy) i s first inod to dr.ebagh when was8 years old,and evenfter t time i saw h, my skin, it was just glowing. it w like had come al and it kept getting better. (dr. sebag when cindy came to see m i told, nnalook amang at 35, you're gonna look amazing at 45, and ando ." that was my pristo cindy. (male narror) thresults ndy gotat dr. sebagh's office were incredie. t cindy wanted to continueher treatmen at home. (female naator) so dr.ebagh created d bottled formas exclusively for ndy, and wasn't ng before shearted sharing these formulas th family and friend (me narrator)from there, it greto become meaninuleaut the global skincare phenomenon


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