tv News 5 Today Weekend NBC February 14, 2016 7:00am-8:00am MST
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ss to wx a quiet morning with mostly clear skies. teerures w'te as wm they have been for your valentine's day, but we' sti top t abe avage th hhs inhe 5s. mounta snowille deping thughouthe day. mostf that aivity will stay ined tgh eletions. lower elation arwill he additional clouver fothe sendalof the day and ju themallest chancef a ray shower ler on. any clou work on clearing out
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remember-- your latesteath -- whenever and wher y need by going to ourebsite- k--aot c. julin wer ta ags aryi at ha staff this morning to hor suprem t juice "antin sca" died yeery at ach in west texas, apparently of natural causes. over nearlthree decades the co he was a tently consvative voiceho believed inhe written wor, rather than the intent of o foundingathers. brian mooar hathe story of scalia's time as a jge.....and how findg his a turning political. outside the u-s supreme court ... a flt half-staflowers and candles rking the passing of justice antonin scalia. sot president obama :11 - :17 "tightweonor his trrdinary service to our
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weringegal figures of outime." juice scal was 79 - the longest- serng justi on the current court - but stl s death at texas ranch came wiout warning. and it ce inhe mdle of ndmarkourt calendar - with nothing less than the boundaries of presidential power under reew. his passing se the stage for a polical battle royale er his ccessor - and the supreme court's balance of power on a polarized bench ... he was as well known foris sense ofumor as hifiery dissen - the cornerstone oa constive winthat inflnc t law of thla on isss rangfrom affiativaction and aboion . to gun ownship a speech not to mention amace. but he was airproponent of e letter of thlaw - t the intent of the founding fathers. nats: fi 1986 "iantonin scaliao solemnly swear... " the nati's first italn-amican justice was appointed in 1986 by president ronaldeagan ... he was known as an unapologetic - fa conserve.
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conftionri1: 1:1"i am not gog tohe c wi lt things i nt do. mynlen is toa judge.and he was confirmed unsly - 98o-zero bth sena an unlikely so hiesr. presena sa he chooseee ... t leaders of the rublican controlled senate have alrea made it ear they wan hold f on considering anyone until the next presidentseated. jue scal is sued by his wife and nine chdren. prestial candidas ar offering their condolences to e mily of juice scalia. democratic presidentia candidate hillary cltosays it ipresidt obama's esibilit tnomite a nejuice, iis "os" that publicans want tblock the appotmt. "in ct, some might say a confirmati proce wouldake too long for thipresidt to complete ding his remaining daysn ofce. well, the longest succsful confmation processn e last four decades w cnce thomas and at took roughly 100 days. there are 34days until the next predentesffice, s
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,, clinton also says she disappointed in senate mity leader mitch mccnell for his statem saying the nate should let the next presiden pi scalia's successor. on the election watc bo democratiesidential candidatesere in denver last night... spking at the annual "colorado decratdinner." clinton and bernie sanders had thousas of docrats excited out e upcoming colorado caucus... now. clinton certainly d her supporters, buit was sanrs' ortet came out of the woodwork......housdse eeling the bern"s they say at a rally in downtown denver. sander'sally at the convention center was cometelpacked.... many of them hado beurd away. during the dner... clinton ok on orti a gun control, in referance tohe planned parentho shooting just a few months ago.. 'the dtors a nursewill get ba to workiving expert ce anyone who nes it no matter how much they can pay.
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violence a mogony have no place inhicountry.. and th wilnot op us from doing atht f women in erica. and lets be clear.he plann parenthood shooter suld've never had that gunn the first place. st his stump speech abo money i politi.. sayie're ling una coupmpaign finansystem.. a riggedconomy... d broken criminal justice system... "the amen le kw that amican demcy is not about wall street and superpacks ntrolling the political process. e american people kn there is something fundamentally ong with our economy. when dpite huge increases in technology and productivit
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workinlonger hours for ler wages. corado's caucus is on march 1st... so k as super tuesday. its e first st to nomiting candidates and selecting delegas thisummer's mocriona convention in philadelia. on the republican side of the presidential race... candidates sared off in a deba in south carona yesterday, o we before the state's primary. e death ofup cou juicantonin al putting new s on theuture of the urand the campgn. n-b-c's chris pollonreports. e x remaining republican candidates f psident on the debatetage iroli. just hrs after learning of the ath of supreme court justice tonin scalia. candidates heaping praise on e court's long-te conservative stalwar s/ sen. mao rubio / r
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"he willdos onof the great justices in the histy th republic." now with an unexpected court vacancy, manof the candidates are urging the senate to blockpresident oba's next sen. ted cruz / r pridenalandida24 - :34 "the senate nes to stand stro a saye're not going to give the u.s. supreme court for a generation by allowing barack obama to make one more liberal appointee." while donald trump and ted cruz have been sniping at each other online and on air ter thei wins in wa a new hampshire. it was trump and jeb bush o t in t most heed exchaes in the palmetto state. s/ donald trump / r presidential candidate5 - :56 "j is wng. b is absoluty so.. ju syou understand. you know who that is? that's b's spial interest and lobbyists taing. s/ jebush r presidenti candidate:57 - :58 "putin will not be an ally of the united states." s/ j bush / presidential candidate:59 - 1:09 "i'm sick and tired oing after myamy. s/onald trump / r pridtial cdate1: - 1: "t world trade center came down during yorother's reigmany analysts samao rubio needed a bouncck performance after umbling in the nehampdebate but the florida senator
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for long setch until finally clashing with ted cr or immigrion. s/ sen. marco rubio / r presidentialandidate1:26 - 34 "here's the truth. teuzupported legalizing le wer ty illly, anly now does he say that he do not." "that is absolutely false." the fit inhe south primary, a ek away. a chance for the frontrunnerso solidify their posions. othose trailing behind to grab sommu needed mont. chris pollone, nbc news, new york. the next republin debate is ju 11 days away february 25th ihouston. it's beingosted by c-n-n a tend onof thewo arm and daerous fugitives wh skipped ouon tir back behind bars this morning. the state departme of corrections says they caught "weslejone just before noon yeerday nglewood, but fe escap "dennis simonton" is still on e ose. both are membersf the white- supremacist prisonang knowas "2-eleven ew," the gang linked tohe murder of state pri chief "tomlements" in 2013. if you see simonton, call 9--1
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anotheescaped gitive in an unrelated also back behind bars thisorning. its 46ear-old illiam wasikowski." he skipped out parole thursday. the derment of corrections says he pick up at a coloradoprings home yesterday morning. terrorist grp is ciming responsibility for aion rd a plane last week. attors say happene tuspect bomber. t quitarm for
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a terrorist group is claiming respsibility for a bombing o a somali airliner last week. you casepictures of the damage here. al shaab militan s they are responsible... and surveill video shows a laptop bomwas likely caused the blast while the plane s still in the air. only one passeer died.....and that was the bbing speho was sucked out of the airliner through thhole the b crted. group... there targeting western intelligence olsnd turkna forces whre o e plane. new this mning..... a maite fi-point-eight earthquake has hit new zland the shakinwas caught on security cameras thankfully... there we no immediate reports serious injuriesr damage. however... ral buildings in t city re evacuated as a ecaution.
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major que in new zealand kill nearly 200 pele. brazil's president says the outbreak of zika virusill not compromise thepcoming ympics in rio. she saysrazil will have consid successight mosquitos at car tus. yesterday was a national mobilizaon day in brazil to fight zi d the counlitary a ds of thousa healorke havbilized to fight it. zikamostly harmless for adults, it's been linked to a ris birth fect among newborns. tholympics irio de janeiro geunr y in august. pope fnciss gearing up for hiseco full day exico toy. yesterday he got an eniastic welcomfromens ofhousanof cli imeco city. speaki ttical and church le.. the popehaged xico elites to provide eir people with security, justice and courageo pastor car pope fncis also condemned the drug-ipired olence and corruption in the country.
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o de jeiro's carval season came to a close earlthis morning with a spectacular parade led by the city's top-ranked samba ho thgroup competediten othetop ti sam schools representing the rio do. this year's winning mba sc impresthjudges with a theme th mixed catholic and african-brazilian ligions. the annual carnival features thsands of dancers, musicis and perfor toss to wx qut moing with mosy clear skies. temperatures won't be as warm as ey have been for yvalentine's day, but 'll still toout above age th hhs in e 50's mountain sw will be deloping throughout the day. mo of ativity wi sta confined to gh elevation loweelation areas will he some aitionaoud covefor e secondalf tay and ju t smaest chan of
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any clouds work on clearing t tonight with lows in the 20's. thworkeek d ll be anher nice one. if you're off for presidt's day expect mostly suy skies and highs in t 50' 'll tuo the 60's for the rest of the week with a good deal of sunshine. a disturbance willring stronger winds and mountain snow on thursday and friday, bu that's about o onlweather ncertil rtly cud skies rn on saturday. well coming news 5ay
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not lettg a trip to the rr ntin at s is th sry ing u the ason ist stainfor air e lacros, but no starting easr the ons. theyelcomed thdefending champ, d pioneers to the his team playeagainst a great pioneer teto the i, air foup at holy css looking for a weeke split. 1. brett hay clns up in the crnets it..1t the end 1 2. fos ben carey.
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crusers woulno dthough....michaelaffin, righrit time, it's 3-2ce. but tystenkowst away falcons, stance they need... air force wins on the road, 4-2. r e basketonheoutoght, visiting s-d-s-u. 1. b van stts the le push....the baslinlayup and the falcons are down by 10. 2. yden grahawi tup er, gets buckeown by just 6. 3. gram again, time kinge feednd puttit and in...63 to 59 t point. 4. van with the lt ditch effort....getst to g..ut can't get the win. tougnight fothe falcons, they fall to 61 on the coast. let's talk some swimming n.
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fort collins. on the 4-a sof things: cheyneountain to home 3rd place, manitou springs high in 4th, air academy ith, pueblo county in th and pueo uth rounding our area out at 19. 5-a, it was lewis palme scoring the highest for southern colorado with 100 ts and placing 8th, rampart a13, pine creek at 23rd, liberty in 28th ancoro at 31. congratulatis to all our local swimmers w bested their time and the tes as a wle. last but certaly not least, the n- b-a hosng their star-stu affair north border tonight. the slam dunk contesking off in toronto. before whe good some hometown are.ourty of the nugts will barton. between the legs, windmill and the am....prettyood, but iff competition. ron gordon fm orlando..... break.....the snag off the
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love was in the air ong kong.. as 25-thsand l-e-des lit up the harbor frt... just in time for valentine's day. the "light rose garden" originated in south koa and is on a wld tou the white ses mbolize pure and noce love. the exhibit the western tradition ofal and its eastern equivalent, n festival. if you're looking fosomething different toend your valentine... instead of flowers.. why not try a potato. a business in waington state called "mysterpotatostted doing just that... iting messageseoe requested sending them to their ved on. at first- e componly sent out a few spudsay....
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business is boominthe ow of company say theyre happy to read some sortf quirkyove this valentine's day. despite someealth problems... pueblo couple ill plans to ha a happy valentine's day. 've been marriedor 60 years... d weren't going to a trip to the hospital put a damper on thholiday. andrew and elba glaves were both admitted to parkview hospital eaier thiseek for separate ises. but hospit staff worketo ke sure they could stay in same rm so they uld be together on this lovers weekend. "we lucked out and t hospita was ry graciou very gracious about tting us the room together we asked thee could beher, and the idyeah, hey wereng to try trange it s could ben the togethe"
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wilbe reased today theyan cebrate valenne's daat hom ad lib but not everyone is so lucky in love... and one man's -workers dided to help him out in a very public y. they put hace and contact infoion on a billboard in michig... ging allhe single ladies the to get the 25-year-old says he was ettyurprised by the gesture, t he's making the mof it. he says he's aeady taken dozens of calls, texts and emai from potential suits. he says he'sot looking for a valentine's day date. but instead was to find the
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welce back and thanks for wakingp with news 5 toy weekend. i'm greg dindo. it's suny fe 14th... valeine's day.first hihalfour -- a quick look at what'saking headlinethis morning. a woman is dead after slming r truck into the barriert i-25 and fontaneron colodo springs ovnight. it happed just after midnight. police are not sure at caused the crash... and have not released the man's identity. and another deadly crash happened lasnit in fremont county. statpatrol says an s-u-v and a pick-up ammein to ea oth ad o.. killg esuielardu of pueb. the other driver was ideified micha ada of colorado spnghe was flowno st. mary corwin with serious injues... a fele passeer w transported wi minor juriesano ilen in thback wen hur bo of the democratic presidenti candidates were in denr yeday for the olorado crs dinner."
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support ead of super tuesd next month. hiary inton took on aboron angun control, in referance to the planned parehood shooting. bernie sanders focused on money in politics and governmental rrupon sso wx quinwi mostly clear ies. teerures won't bas warm as they have been for your valentine's day,ut we'll still top out ove average with hhs in the0's. unin snow will bdeveping throughout theay. mostf that activity witay ined to hiervation lower elevn eas will he additnal cloud cover r the seco halof theay and just the smallesancef a strashower lat on.
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a crash on hhway 115 north of peose involving a state ooper caus majorraffic delays yesterday. the per was in his patrol car on a tffic stop when he was hit by anoth car. the trooper was not bay hurt, but was taken to a hospil as precauti. one theour pele in the cawas al hostalized but is expected t oka wd what ed trash f thiverbe charged. we preewed it yesterday in 5 ound tow.. b did it deler hundreds of people gathered at the garden of the gods visors cent yesterday for the 11th
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fans got to learn l about the official state mamma from eir skullsndor to their coat. kids say they learned a lo and itas a lotetter than reading in a bo. reing about it justells you it, but its better in real life. a you ho it in real li see it in person. so peoplenot to spot a big hornheep neagaenf go. lol bune aagn cashing on the esidents' day uth hockey tournamt beinbackn southernolorad plesthe new "old chicago" near the world aren say they've been slammed ever since thursday night. ansincthe games are spad fr mont pulo, the's plentyf places extra sy this weekend. morehan 85 teams from all over the country are coetin the tourment throu torrow, and nearly everyeabrings its own fabase. at means big mon for o area thannual cripple cekce feivickef th weekend.... with scuto creing amazing
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wek a trip dn the to see what its all about. "we use the elecic chainsaws" nats "and then we have all kinds of disk gnders and die grinde with difrent scially me bits on th" na here aloof peoe t he carving and th're ing me really neat stuff with the ice. really fun to come outnd just sewh all ty'veome up wi."ats "iee l othki out re hing a t ofunn e ingshat ey've rv for the ki to ally come over and have looat it's rlly ce that 's not just comlook at mebody caing e, but come a actuallyet to uch and interact with me of it." nats "this is mntyear, an wee done, mostly erye those years we've an inteive display. weheitas thease orhe slide, sometimes we've done both of them. and yeah, to see the kids get off on it, or ta a piece of ice and run off and try to make methin it is pretty rewarding."if you want to bring yo famil andave a goode, and yout to find out just what colorado is l
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enery and everythi else, i an, what do you have to loose? but to gain knowlee of a wonderful place where i live." trt 1:13 out "wonderful place where i live" as y s. mef scptesre incte r dso joy. thfestivals thugh torrow andilki back up againe weekend along bnett avenue in cripplcree lets just hope our warweather doesn't melt away all that har rk
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follow alot described as emi- autobiograpcal" a the rapper's life. the ries will most likely be distriterough apple muc, the tech coany' ing music compent. e gram awards ar morrow... but people a already speculating who the winners wi be. it looks likit could be a bi year for kendrick lamar... who leads thpack wh 11 ns anthis year's nep on stage is also impressive. including rinna... ade... lionel richie... justin bber and la gag.. who will do a ibute to david bowie. the ard remony will starat 5 outime. ad l here's a job title that sounds a
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professional cuddl. it's part of a new business recently launched in birmingham called "cuddlefix." amy knhasee onef their "cuddlepros," d she cuddles with clientshehome or theirs on a couch or in a bed. she ys many of her cents need a friend to talk with, a shouer to cry on, or aerson laugh with. "they feel liger. they feel cared fo nurtu loved -- le we all want to ." according to researchers, there is therapeutic value ttouch thugh massage, but little data showing simple touch thugh cuddling has
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membering antonin scalia. >> for almost 30 year jtice antoni nino scalia was a larger than lif psident on the >> the conservativ supreme 79. s passinget askti skw j gee. >> replica phingack arguingt's a job for the next priden the issue, front andenter on theebate stag >> it's called delay, lay. delay. >> i do not believe the president should appoint soone. will thi fight paralyze washingt each furth err? >> what a the cases in front of e supreme court right now in we're live with it al >> dangerous and deadly. another dayotay inside. bone-chiing tempetures affeg up to million people.
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a major pe up in pennsylvan. dylan has your forect and theris relf i sight. >> cer girl not one,ot tw b three spos ilstted swimsuit covers. the magazineightgeay in itsany forms this ye, inudin a pl-size cover model. why s.i.ecided to make history today. nday,ary 2016. from nbc news, this is "tod" liverom stuo 1an rockefelr plaza. >> welco ttoday on this nday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm craig melvin. happy valeine's day we'll get to your wicked story. justeaicnt anton scaliadied. >>e do have the battle in the
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washington to whoill take his at. >> >> we beg with gray who in texas outside the ranch where scalia died good morning. >> good morn erica, before sunse and we are learning more about justice scalia's death her at this resort and ranch. we know scalia traveled toest texas on friday and attended a pay with about 40 guests idayning en he didt sho u for eakft, crn sta went his room wherehey found him respsive. local law enforcement, u.s. mahals and fbi agents were al called in. investigatorsayhereere no signs of foul play herand that scalia likely diedof, quote, natural causes. a devt catholic. ities usher in priest to perform last rites and his bodyas moved to alpine nrb an with a police escort trsported more tn20 mil a feral home in el paso. scalia's family isxpected to
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