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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  February 14, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST

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five minutes. o othe re department people asked us to aruck that was ma was maybe a 100,00ards away to oxygen -- it felt good to help out. this woman lift next door. e watched fire and wor abthprty y mr trped t, chaes>>he would ce ouide d ay wh the kid. we would talk here and there. but she was a really nice person. >> then something goas two daughter katiend wendy escad unharmed from their downstairsedrooms. but that left annend ltle thomas just 3 years old, uncounted fo somewhe upstairs>> we put the fire out and we stted checng the brooms for ocpants. >> nhing good aftethat. stairs firemen found little
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inhation. chief gentry steeled himself to wh might be next. he felt his way through debris and lingering smoke to ann's room. >> i crawled over to the bun d and that's where we found a viim in e bunk bed and that on was secured in bunk bed bothand and boegs were -- >> tied up? >> tied up. >> now that put anntirely differenmplexion on thgs. this wasn't just a fire. >> so atid that tell you? right there, that keyup this icrime scene. we basically extinguished the 57bd ft everything as i >> a tforens investigor took nt. >>ne t that jumped out at me was out of ace there waa gallon bucket sitting the midd of e ving room oo with an empty bottle of rubbing alcoho >> an emy bof in
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bengedhe. >> upstairs scatd near ann's dy, they found thr aerosol cans, probably also accelerant. al thaquid kindle for murder. >> tre was blob melte astic consistent with a sme detector mted on -- layingn e floor. there was a 9-volt batry like t to a smokeettor the nk. >>omeone had taken it t. >> someo hem it. >> so cruel 57d deberate. l the re shocking in a town ere 0ird iedgly re he detecve. >> that's a common occurrence here. >> how did it hit you and members of the dartment? >> you hava ctim and you also have a child. thchild, that touches u a differeny because it's a 3-year-o child. >> yeah.
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onally, don't they? >> outside, the curiou onlookers a beabehind. all th knew waat ann charles and her little boy were no mor it dested m i s in sho especially abo that little boy. and still didn't knoat had haened really. >> wasn't long, thgh, watcng the silent stern fac streaming andut othat lite usthat psouldn hp but put two and two together. >> it was very scary. i think the ole neighbor was scared. ght there in that ry nehborhood, police would find eir suec whe co bk -- >> they recovered knife. >> worfrom insts. two suectstwo nfessions. >> he was -- go in, nd april pue, g toney a the lee. >>nly those involv will know.
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3, 2, 1 - smile! alrigh..ig smile! smile! he honey! how'ito? thks, dad! there's le! hay al
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or>> rter: arst as just ror thaspreadround littro virthat but pr sn everybody kn o it>> so ar that er. >> yes, sir. >> reporter: ann charles and her 3-yeld thomas were dead, horribly. the forensics n, lay claytor, got a better look at it than anybody.
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moreorrendous casei ha-- hawork imyareer. rte cldstigatmu t a w alfootprin in the sn out back. but forgetna, any possibility of finding that was flushed away by firses. >> and then i gewo from medical examiner's office that they hovered a knife tha s stng in e woman's ck. and -- >> whad you think wh y heard back to ogs. and suugh, ie middle of h bac w thenife >> reporte someone sbb her, but who fiters tipped poli tha a brher/er acrose re. rocky and jessicfugett h been watching thfire, clmed to kw the victs. robert davis and h frien kevin marsh, knew th as aggressi troublemakers at high scol. >> people were afraid of them. we just hey comehrough the way, people wod st move
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be around them. kevin's friend, shy and awkward roberteemed to be a target. seemed to be a favorite target. >> they us tpick on him all the me they cled him tarded, fat, ugly, stupid >> reporter:obert said h ied to ignorit, but ey knew his vulnerabilities. >> you knoi tried to keep my diance from him iould. and stay and stay cordial whereve we were, clo proximity to each other. >> repr: "safeth way," said rober in anye, the dettives id a visit to the fugett's house, where they learned enough march the pair down to polic headquarters two days later for quesoning. anckadmitted. he there to rob the place. >> i was in the house.>> i know you were in the use. >> i started out downstairs. jessica wentpstairs first. i s supposed tjust watch a ma sure everything was happy >> reporter: detecve phil gil interviewed jessi. >> she eventlly acowledg e trie sayt wabody fir, and th at meint put hersf the. >>was suppo be roine. we g, wed hepurse, we
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that was all that was supposed toappen. >> reporter: but then cky went way off ript, said jessica, tied ann ther bed uct tapeand turned it inurder. >> who set t place on fi? >> r. >> okay, c ann thrt? rocky. >> who sbbednnn >>ocky. >>kay. >> reporter: jescaold detective giles the muer weons we a kit knife and a metal rofobludgeoning, behind ann's house sheaiwe procouldn't fi it witht her. so we drove heouther and we walked e en path unl we goto the le. id, hat'itright e." an-- lo and behold, h sovidence folks wi us, reached in, discovered those two its were there >> whas that like? >> you know that this -- the are intimate details, and only those involv are gonna kw where are e instruments th were used to kill someone. >> reporter: so, that was that. they had their story, d eir culprits. except, there s e more very
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by both jessica and rocky, something the town'sum mill failedo tc tim vienout cof da la >> we went bowling we wen, just a grd me eporter:thate, iwas ter miight, out time to g to >> we're sitting in the parking lot, talking, justing. d all of a sudden, multiple police cars pull up. they get o, guns drawn. they order me out the vehicle first. thing themitmy hands up. reporter: and then,hr all the terror confu, it dawned on kevin mah. it wasn't him they come for. >> so then, i see themetting robert out, kicking him by his et, knocng h to the grnd, ramming his face into utng h in the handcuff eporter: the story the futtld the polichey
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ernn, d on was robert davis coming >> was sred. i waakg. >> n, would be bert daviurn inhentergation room. whyon you tme, robe, what tooe that nit. >>hen "datelin continues.way car. bravo-niner, in rsuiof a toyota pusover. hoha is it to catch a prius? over this thing is actual prty fas over. very funny. oh look, a farmer's market. we shod flors the ! holly! toyota. let's go place ev since darrys fe ard using gain flings, eir laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't at the d's tel (dog noise) hey, mi l,u towel. more scent plus oxi boost and febze. 'surgainve
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(sfx: ding) this president's daynt sears' exptsill heve or more on kenmo hotuys. and ve 20% or re
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>> by al >> by all accots, including s own,obert davis s a mama's boy. because of his child-like ways perhaps or his learningisabilits? mbe. >> he's easy tplay. he's like me. he's got a kind heart, hs llib. >> robert emedo need his mother sandy to prott m om the big bad worl while he toocare of her when she was attacked by chronic illness. medication for which tends slur hespee. >> he's a big dude, but he's he always wanted to grow up and be in healthcare and nursin' like i was. md rert did get into trouble once over a petty thef
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for several years. buthe good thing? a mily acquaintance s the school resourcpolice officer. his name was randy snead he'd known robert and h mor yes. be lood up to y. trted him. so when officer snead now a detective with the albemarle cotyole loong f robert after the fir sandtoldim without hesitaon where he uld fi her son. >> i said,is robert in oue? he said, "he'sn serious bl >> sad just horis or what was about to ha ithat parking lot, whe as hanging out his friend. >> gpointed at you, you're-- yore wonderin' what's goin' . washak s shakin whrobert? because thsiblingsd them they hadccomplic and he was one of t anher one was intervwed
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>> at the end the interview, we botlook at ch oer a saids kid has no iwhat wetalking abou he was cluels what wwere talkinabout. the d was eventual relsed. robert, robe h a far diffenrice i interview room. and diffendetecte. >> they're sittingcros-- ere sitting acss fm you s randy snead. randy snead. >> you knew hi >> sce since i was 12 or 1 i was i was on a first ne basis with him. >> reporter: kind of a friend. >> yeah. cause i've known him f s long. >> whyon you tell me, rort -whatk plthat nigh u ll me yotof wh happened. >> i was at house, man. >> at first,obert swore that he wasnnocent t x ur later he had confessed to murder. i sbbed her. >>ou stabbed her, didn you? oone or twoim >> everying yove tolme i true, rrect?
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>> te. >> later that day, officer snead allowed robert to call his mother. >> i sai "robertwhat did you say?" said, "nce eyanted to ar that, iold 'em, 'fine." >> what did it feel like in here when you hrd tt from your n? >> i felt like i w gonna have a hearatck and die >> around the neighbor, peoplead known robert for yedn't belie e was alwaysolit nnab, and i ew robert s followeri just sti dn'telve tt robert wasinvolv. >> andet, e boy saidt hielf. why would he nfs to somethin' that he didn do? >>ert's mother cldn' afford an attorney, so the state appointed one for him. steve ronfie >> reporr: what was your impression of him when you first met him? >>obert was ar to death from the f meeting-- and--
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ndhen robert td attorney rosenfield just about what'd expect an accused rder might say e didn't do it. heidn't stnybody. wasn't evenhere he only confessed, he said, because he was so scared - >> repter: did youush hard engh to find out wther or not he was actuatelling you thuth or playing you? >> i takat clientells a i danndendent evaluation based on at i learn. >>o he watched t tape of robe's confession. which, dn't look right to him. besis -- >> thereas no physical ence at the crime scene tie rort to the crime. >>ut jt asntriguing was this qion -- whyould rocky and jessica include a kid like rober the fugett dsas the kids at schooand in t neighborhood knew, bullied rort mercilessly and he was terrified ofhem. surelyul't help them murder the neighbor la.
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tell the court justhat. >> his lawyer d advised me that rocky wanted to a favorable sentci a was going to btestng a rt. >>o, b proems. rosenel knewm longer any jury hearing rocky testimy and robert confession -- would certainly nvict. robert wou verprobabet a li sentence, no paro.rort's only chan of er gettg out of prison was to agree to something called an lford'lea. >> and we told robert that, "if you plead guilty under an ford plea you admit that there is sufficnt evince torove your g buto not t at you're guil." >>t meant acceg a 23 yr prisontee. it also meant he could never filen apal. >> 37 yes of practe,t is the hardest decision that i've deo stronglyecme
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>> but aasit wast li. he was sentenced at 20uld be free in his early 40's. >> the day standin' in frt of the judge, acceptin' thatlford plea, cryin'. anjust prayin' that one day, pefull the truth would come out, that i wasn't there. >> the fugetts avoided the death penalty but they got what amounted to life whout parole. and steve rosenfield faithfully dre to the prison to see robert knowing the only way to t him out was to persuade the virginia gerr issue a pardon. fat chan of that. >> is a pret big long shot of gettingim o before the 23 years f which he was sentenced. >> then? two s after robert went top prison, ronfield opened the mail, and found a letter. fr, of alleopl rocky fugett. >> dear mr. senfie, i ha
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that i think can bawfully neficial you are welcome to ce visi me. snail mail.>>as sve rosenfld do the pris was much quicker. >>coming up -- >>p on the way from in prison walls. and ide. >> thiisne othe most tee terrogions tt i've ever seen. >> that interratiowioon t k tthe se >>an't lie a the id. >> he'lying t lying.ut ing. i'm rry bell theecond. and m jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my lileubthis ltly non-stop. he's always hanging out with his iends. you' got to be prepareto sit at the edge of your se and b adto get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good fomy bk. is is the part i really don't like right here.
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at's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almt feels like it's movi itself. is is kind of fun. that com from my floor eww! this is deep couch sitti
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behold, the magical powers of all laundry detergent! 'serfect it's perfect for a the pigps out there. the peanuts movie. coming soon to blu-ray, dvd and digital hd are you ready? are you re you've got to be. mean, really r. e you ready to ope ready compe? ready to wcome? the floors, mats, spotless. the uniforms clean and crisp. do youpeople he the right safety gear? are th protected? i'm read yothink your customers can't tell the difference between who's ready d who's not? of coue they do.
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,,,,,,,, >> reporte >> reporter:ttorney steve rosenfield wasn for a big rprise wn he arrived at rocky fugg's pri >> it was shocking. >> reporr: it certainly was. cky ntedsign a sworn fidavit saying roberdavis was cent d g do wi the muers. >> that was pretty powerful r him to- to do that, considing his circumstance nothing to gn. >>eporter: but rocky's admission wasn't enoto uo robert's confessn. and then -- seven years into robert's prisentce, roseie answered phe ll. and there e was. reporter: laura nirer o northwestern university's innocence project is a lding expert ifae confons by young people. she represents brendan dassey of
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niheard out rort's se oerhelp and us unders what happed to robe, we watch the interrogation unfold. >> thiisne of the mo intense interrations thai' ever seen. >> you have the rito remain silent. anything you sayan and wilbe used again you in e court of law. >>ou've got ese ficers -- ve, ve close to robe who's g guy pued io that coer, insing the pressure without even touing him. >>eporter: randynead -- a man robe h lg trusted gins the ierviewt 00 a h ake hours. >>er been in tt house? >>o. >> rorr: aga and ain, mo t70 tes. >> srt telling theruth. >> i reporte rert sist is innocent. >> iad nng to do w this.swear to god. forph. i w pygraph test now. i ameing h i e a lygraph . ve sd that how ms? offic snei was not ther i wiake a polygraph test
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wae. when u've got seby in the terrogation room who ofrs tta a pol, th's a strong signinnocence thathonot be sregar >> wow win the use, oka >> reporter:ut thed's partner rry s upth iasowre nr e us>>heha ence, says. owouinhe hoe. wee got idce ts goin roou we t hse >> repter: they n't, by the way e y ev of . thght isegalor pole to e in an interrogation. i wanto see this evidence. >> treu ll >> reporter: jt af3:robesks medici. he strep t remember, 'so asma i n tak trd de. i veot ten >>il thepecillinont goin okay? yo you work me and i'll work with you. >> reporter: robers be awake r nearly 20 hours. i'm tir. i want to go i wa tcall mm. tell her tt er. i'm sorry r the the
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throug i had noing -- h nothing to do t eporter: more an a dozentimes,e ys he'tired needs slp. andeveral tim, heries to slp onhe cd floor. at:17 am, r no explained as, th atth shackl t robert's as. >> come on, man. thatoo tht for me. >> reporr: me th four hours to thentgati -- raeas roberte has moadews. elming ence of robert guilt.>> i d't nd it. gotvidee out the asdust idep mostly of -- human ad skin.>> in't know that. that n pickeupth. >> i not gna to be able to keep frothe t, rob if you don't talk to me, i can keep you frothe worst. >> wasn't ther >> robert, you were. you rere. id sws w there. e evidence shows it. i can't lie about evidence. >> andoty was that false -- treaso d.n.a. und in this case. but the offir then goeon to say, "i can't lie you about
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he's lying aboutying. >> reporter: officer sad tells robert hfaces what snead cal thultite punishm he alssays- th heeelkintoobers moth othphone. i told yo momhawould si and try to ke you fr tosultimate pument you get i'trng t that. d you're not even lp helyou. i can't do no more. hat was ing on in there? >>here y see -the poli cer sugges to robert that hs goto face deh. and al see the offer ry cleverlusing rort reonship with his ther. >> repr:nd that's whenrt's r bins to weaken. >> what can i say thatid t t me of this? >>epfore 7:00 ae s , rort ginso barg>>ow ms is it gog be, if i w just on theorch? >> howanaris -- ll it be if you wereust on the poh? robert--
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uh? when will io me tay will ihome now >> ian't pro you. lo, you wo with me and i'm gog o evythingan sure -- can yo-- g you home. >>eporter: tn, hopinit might m homeo himothrt oers a sty hopewiatisfy snead. >> iever went upstairs. i ood right ere the doo anthen once i hearmeing, i scar, d and )a >>obt, sitti herying to tl me- de from me acts thatos ridilous. orter:hen eali t again, th tabou onofheurr weapon >> the's an item that u touche all righ that h lt some partin th some dasomedywhatas thaobje, ? nkt was ba >>t was it a ba >> a bat a baball bat. >> all right. me type --. >>lug devi>> clubbing de
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ap waseally a meta ahen i hit hetwti beusth said if it was -- if i didn't itld b-- t minutenow. i' g somy se cbbing heob i meone el doi that orte rerhait wrg. hiter ithe with the smaky-thingy. >> reporr: jsica already cosed that rkylu ann charles. >>ouid anoer act. you kn wt that acts. and --nd we know anthat's t thing thasomething on it,hat -- thas yours. >> whawould th ou- i -- i'm not g toell u. >> r so agn,t ar gue >>idn't rape nobody. >> no. . m t ying*'s what'r to -- >> no. i didn't kill the baby. o,'m sayinat.i'not saying that u peanod >> dt say you t -- didshoonobody. didt say you shot nobody. robert, m gog to come straig out and tell you what i -- wt -- wham geg. alri sie you're notoing to ll me.
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>>tabb. >> you stabbed her, dn't you >> one -- e or twoimes. reporter: tsnd asks rt whe. >> whereab ohebody? >> it was in the middle. >> rep andgain, snead rrts >> youad a knife in youran alght? d prr tobbing -- stabbi herthe n back. all right? you t her. it was seially the police cion, not robert's. >> do you ink by mtelling you this, it to t me homeonight? onht? >> tod? >> tay? i doubt it >>ell, tn why iying out all of t, just so canme? >>oue not lying. >>m ing to y. i'm lying to you full front -- llro tyour fac i lying tyou. i am lng to you just so i can go home. which isxactly what juveniles o have falsely cfessed say was their motivang factor for falsely confessing. >> repter: but b8:00 am, six hos after the inteogatio bega rdy sad has h confeson >> what you' saitonit -- -up to this morning- to .
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>> yes. >> okay. >> reporr: wn rosenfield deliverea clemency pitioto virginia governor bob mcdonnell, nirdier added volumes of evidencesupport. and then, as they waed for an answer. >> o of nowhere jea sent a "dear mr. ronfield" letter shadmied to e that cutting, stab woundso the back and absoluty amanthat robert had nhing to do with whatsoever. >> reporter: so jessica's affidavit was sent off to the govern, too. d odwaited. and ited. and then on the governor's very last day in office, more than nine yearsnto bert's sece -- a decision. denied. rosenfield, devastat, drove to
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most pai part of this process. >>eporter:obert's on door to freedom smmed shut. but half wor away, som seatching robert's case. could s opinn ke a differce? comingp >> isn't the confession the strongest evidence you can get? >> n always. >> the pice dective in robert's cornewhen "dateli" coinues.en. only availab for a limited time by me... ahhhhhhh!!! same dam? some fake conel,pretding tbe, t me! so only i intrucekfc'licious, w shllchken. with spi, smoky flav, only ailable for a limited ti by m cel sanders i know dear. [gasp] [ominous music]
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, shoulders don't shoulders don't justarry ps. ey carry your fanspassions, pes, a dreams and maybe, a chance at greatness... because shoulds were made for greas. not dandrf for the past 27 days, four men have outlaed authorities by making theiretay in a prius. this ge ends now. cch aus, u've gotta be a prs. , whathat? oh, man.
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>>epor >> reporte this ishe coffeewood prison, i mitchell virgini
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something like 40% of hilife. i dn't i didn't know. i was naive. you know, i was sced. >> reporter: robert isot one, of course. there are pele like him in situations just like his in jailand prisons alaround the country, who confessed as teeners rimes they maybe didn't cmi inaco prent at ver thing, police dertmes in manyther count bned dispensed years ago th inteogation techniques still us in erica. had the murr happen elsewhere, for example, here in the united kingdom it's probable th roberstill wod ha been broug in for questionin he was aer all nam as a suspt by otherinhe case. but e ances thate would haveeecharged orven intewed for very long, close toero. >> the interview as it is on the recordg would not legal in the k., and that evidence would not ve been admitt to
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>> repor tis andy griffiths26 years a detective in the sussex police de, internio recogned foris w veigatintew chniques. when griffit a rookie, british interration rules were much le they an thu.s. bu thet ym ened to ipate theschangein the united kingd?>> changesy came about rough proble. >> reporter: lika national scandal after series of high profile false coessis, includg an arson/murder case eerilyilaro rt davis >> so, the govnment of the day instiged a whole review ofhe way that prisoners werdealt with in custy. rorte test? a cote oveauof the system. everofficer in the uk retraito rigorous andards spthat apply in everregion of the cotry. stct rules were put in place for suspect interviewsall interviews in serious cases
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there. one gives a head a shoulders shot of the interviewee. and the idea behind that is that if this interview s shn in court,t gives a cleaof picture of you. the other is a global viewf the room. >>veryone who's in the room is shown in the picture. th'sbout showing exactly what happened. repter: and ts was ke no more ing. in america, it's legal for cops to lie to suspects not here. >> could you, for exame, go into this interview ansay,i ve aertain specific piece of evidence that tells me you're guil,"u don't have tt evidence? >> no, absolutely not. >>an you talto a suspect for as long as you want to? no, you should lynterview for two hours at a tim and you should take recognized breaks at meal times, prayer times, and -- and nighttime. >> reporr: andomeone ttle challenge like rt? >> ty' entitled under the lato what's ed an appropriate adult. now, that might be a parent. itighte a social worker.
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representative. >>eporte but, when the interrogation rule changey n fi otpy. resisted. deivevor bles members itell. >>enior oplehought that this was a drani piece of legislion thatasonna prevent usrom ever decting ythi ever ain. >> y'd neverolrime anymor wnevee crime anyme, that it wasna t our nds hind our back would be unable to work with it. and they werwrong. >> reporter: vy wrong.t ly did fseonfessions all stop, crlving go er. detection res in reect homidethu.k. a very high. theye up in the 90% rk. >> reporter: and alo the w, said gffiths, confessions, mark oca-solving in the u.s, became much less important ibritain. >> we would not prosecut somebody on -- solely on a coession. so we -- so if someone did make
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cooborate at theid. you'd have the supporting ce as ll ut isn't cfession the rongest evidence you can get? >> notlways.>> buthat's wrong tht? >> wt nfessions tend to do tshap confirmatn bias. people tn okor supporting idenceust to srt 's beesa becausehe confsion es. >> rr: so we asked griffis to wat with us rort disinterrogatio >> whyon't you tell , rort? >> repte and... >>hat this g's problem w, heas -- he wasrrested last. anwhathey're saying tt, "wgo believe the peo thatere rested f. soou just ed tnfirm what weno weat carly a gd oan investigat >>ll oioly tnk i lyg, i'm i you that m not lying. i'm rey to go to sleep. take me, because i did not do nothing. >> t time of day of the intervie the lengtof the intervie these of --leg ons halfwathrough th interview, the clear requests
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>> when you --heyolooked at the whole thingas youid, you sat back and you thought afterwards.>> theifod of -- of -- of any accounis reliabili. and thwathis is done is yo can't uch r the liability. repor we'asked fohis opinio and he ga it to us. be's cssn sn lievle. whate didn't exps what happed aonths latewhen this itish deteive oke teveeneld fereri virnis governor, adding his support t robertavis's cle tion, a petion now waiting onof a novr.ming comi up >> belve that nfession is an unrelile confession. >> strong words fr the chi of policand om the governor's oic the itip i have asta... of many pieces in my li. when my asthma symptomsept coming back ony long-term control dici,
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good morning hunr. good mning stars. od morning pe o ju ft bars. good morni gers. good mnioon. goodni morng which will be starting soon. i'v 've nevebeen emotialn a presentation as i fe ithis
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>> reporter: fears, ,, but as c but as close as we got was the cuent chief of police of alberle county, lonel steve seller he wasn't in officwh snead was a detective,but -- you' talketo him. what's your sense of h h feels abth >> i think he d inhet interest. think erwasn't a -- bi malice in his action i think h a -- rytron retionipith ro davis >> repor buthiwas teresting. ief seerdid not suor snead'interrogatio not at all. >> will say th. i lie that the cfession is annreliable coessi. >>epter:hat's re, th ief uppoliceethods
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terratio e u robefession. i can'tl yourha cave from the ultimate >>epter: as you look at that, what a this th would nobeone? >> usiermsike e mateshme leng of the intervie tse kindof things would be clear -- clely not done today. >> reporter: cold comfort for robert davis -- wh by 2014, had been in pris going on 11 years. a decade plus to go. unless -- the was a new govern terry auliffe office now. soosenfid renewed hipe for clemcy, though he was well that a tinpercta of su petvetean month afteronthent by, it wasn't clear whatif anytng, was happening. >> what's disturbing about t clemency process is thatt's secretive. >> repter: but what rosenfield didn know is that this time
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the governor, int, ordered a w investigation. >> law offices. >> reporter: and just before the vernor's office. >> hey carlos, it's steve. >> reporter: and there it was. finay. hear * robert davis was about to be s fr. >> i elate stme for theolays. day rert's er's rtay. >> comon, sand pick up. >> hello sdy, it's ste. set another plate fotonight's dinner. i'm going to pick robert up. >>h, m >> o my god! >> ihink this wi be the last time ever e thrison. >> reporter: at last, the fil drive to robert's prison with the news that both had dream or all tse yea. >> hey, rort.
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eporr: h a y feeling? >> i'm -- i'm ed. i -- can't -- words can't describe it. words cannescribe. i'm st so hay. if it wasn't for that ma fightin' for me right there i wouldn't be out ght now. and this is just ohelmin' rino t now.i'm id theseences, mahell i'just gettieall out. yeah, it'snrea m as lg s ain'a ea leaving >>eporte tt very night,obt was ge h mr,isro, and freem. >> robt! it's you.
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reporter: howoe feel out here? >> it feelgrt,. >> reporr: fewee ago came te rortere in new artmin arloville, virginia, h very ownpament. in which, he tels, there is no room for bitterness. too much tdo. so here are. >> yup. thiss my humble home. >> reporter: notad. >> yeah. y >> reporter: how doeit feel? >> manit feels gre, man. i justi haven't stped smiling sie i'vee >>eporter: ha ha ha. i can te. what are you planning too wi your lifnow? g a job and thrive. i' got thiopportunity, a i don't wanna squand it, y know. at's a nice looking club. >> repter: he'got a job workg in a neiborhoo d l t prottive eye othe man who never stopped yiprove his innocence, and w hn't opped yet. rort'sarn was ditial mni he s a parole officer, annkle
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record. >> well, i don't tnk final apter has been writtenn the robert davis story. this governor exprseto me that the door was open for a rensideration towa an absote parn which wod ere -- eun conctn. >> reporter: so he'd no longer ha a record. justikever b ed aall. andt'possibilit-- down -- do t roa>>r:lader,s aboue asrobert deserves. robert, and untold otherw languishinin american prons, who essed undedureo
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>> swly,hese stoes a >> he li >> he lives here, t i haven' run into h. an i was to see hiwalkin' wn the street, i'd probably just keelkin', 'cause i don't really have nothin' to say toim, except for, "i told you so. i to you that i was innocent >> repter: so he was. soe is so he is. > that's allor this editn of "da." we'll see you again fridayt 10:00, 9:00 central and of course i'll see you each wk night for "n nightly n" m leer holt. for all of uat nbcew good
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go. swee o [ ping ohestral sic playing ] [ howardietz a [ hord dietznd
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[ music softens ] [ music intensifies ] [ musiintensifies ] [ music intensifies ]


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