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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  February 14, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST

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,,,,, the death this weekend of supre cot justic"aonin alia" -- perhaps the crt's most conservative justice -- raises questionsbo how the court might decide a numr of kecaseth term, fm abortion rigs toffirmative action we get an in-dep lk at scalia's dea a its impact
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as in threst of thtionjuice ia'seaths being mourned in texas, wherhe died saturday at th g ranch, popular with fellow bird hunter of an apparent heart aac "he had obviously passed away with ndifficulty at all in t middle of the night, so that w our first message for the family a catholic prie from a nearby church was summoned to adnister last ghts justicscalia's former colleagues on the court today praised a towering iellect ruthader ginsburg said"we we bt buddies," adding that he had "a rare talento make ev the mossober judge laugh." clarence thomas said, "it is hard to imine the court wiout my frid. i will mishim beyo all measure." the urt often divid ve to four along ideological lineon big cases justicscalia's death leaves just eight justices and the possility of tie votes, ur to four. "if there's a tie,here's no outcome at theupreme court. the wer court rulingtand it'ss if the supreme crt ver heard thcase."
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tact that blocked esident obama's plan to let five million uncumentedigrants here. a tie would mean theough n texarestrictions on abortion would remain, possibly inspiring other stes to enac similar laws. and a tie would be a boost to e financial stref unions representingeachand other puic employees. if aocratic ident appointed a successor to the consertive scaa, that wod tilt the court t other way -- to a majority liberal justices: "if president obama were able to puanother juices on the court, he would cement a leftist jori on e cofothe nexteneration or so." ong tentianominees mentned inegalircles -- sr srinivasan, on wasngton, dcrt of appeals, indian-america... ... patria miltt, al on th dc court of apals ... ... and pa watford african-americ, ninth rcuit court of appls in cafornia. taking a live look in washington d- where you can see the flag atop the white house is flying at half staff in honor of
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lowed today on all feral buildings. here in colorado, governor hickenlooper also ordered flags half staff in r of bh stice scalia andesa county depuderek geer" who wa killthe line of dut . t campan trail, t unexed deathjustice scalia is reshaping the 2016 raceor the white hou. three supreme cou justices havdied in office in more than 60 years,nd only one has been confirmed during an econear since 1940. as we've reported, some g-o-p pridential hopefs are questioning president obama's esblished ecutive auority nominate a replacemenring this elti season, however the president s already said it will happen, but "ie time." thesare responsibies that i take serusly, as should everyone. th're bigger than any one rty. they are about our democry. sena democts are snding behi the president, saying he has plentyf time left in office to nominate a
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senator "ted cruz" is promising to blo any obama nominee. in colorado spris... bernie sanders supporter gathered in acacia park toy. they came out holding signs and cheeringn the democratic candidate. a major topic of discussio-- hipocies on moneand ki down wall street. many supporters say they'rsick tired high interestates on both student and personal loans, something sanders has vowed to rectify. i'm an arctect ay federal loans have been trad like ten times, and i rzed this last week, that if i pay them at the te i'm payinghem it'll take 84 yearto p them off. in addition to sanders pportersallying here, rmer u-s representativeabby giffords led aillary clinton nvass ki-o in nv t morning. looking ahead for you tonight... pland parenthood will reen its doors tomorin coloradopringsless tn thremonths after the deadly attack there. the builng on centennial boulevard s heavy damad
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vehicle to r through the front entrance and ie the building in an t to ahendhe shooter who killed three people and injureothers. inity, plann parend said thelding had been deyed in theovember incident, but work has been done to rpen aboua third of the building to provide the range of planned parenthood services, including abortions, although on a reduced scale. the re of the building could en by mmertime. thorities are trying to gure out who plantea bomb on a rental car that was returned to facity near the airport alquerque today. e explosive was found wh a mean put the renl car on e lift as part of reinection procol. e building was evaated and customers were sent to a nearby dirt lot to wait for their hies. police say the item wa detein to an explosive but has nce been rended fe and the rental car facility has nce beeneopened. the airport remained open and no fligwe affecd. in our continuing coverage... the search continu for this
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gi... considered armed and dangero. corrons says... "dennis simontonwas ableo remove hisnkitor and skiput on parole last week.. along with another parolee "wesley jones." bo are mbers of the white- supremacispris gang known as "2-eleven crew," e gang linked to t murder of statprisons chf "tom clents" in 201 jos was caht ieanglewo yesterday. if you see simonton, call 1-1 right away. it has bn a dely weekend on soutrn corado roadys a woman di ithisrash overnight alonnorthbound i-25 near fontanero ithe springs. a pickup truck hit a barrier along the shoulder. so far, no word on whacaused crash nor o the mawas. crash ppened just afte midnightast nigh shutng down i-25 for sal hours so crews cou investigate. earlr in thevening, a pueblo man died in a head-on crash in fremont county wt of can city. state trol says "esequiel
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hian s-u-v head-on near mile marker72 east of the royal gorge. thiver of the s-u-v, "michael adams" of colorad springs, was flown to saint mary-corwin hospital in pueblo with seriousnjuries. a man in the-u-v had m injuries wle two kidin the backeat escaped uninjured. so far, no word on wt used at crash. two dogs are dead after a mobile homeire this morning in the rings. it happened at the "ghland mobile home pa" on north hancock. nobody was home at the time of e fi firefitersere able to save two other dogs who made it out no wd yet on what arted th fire. poce idenver are looking for a pa oects posing ficers. police say they handcued a robbed a driveon friday night. e victim sayone suspect was wearing a police uniform, e other wain street clhes. heays he was pulled over by the suects in crown victoria that h red and blue lights. police are also working ot determine if theame suts
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in that case, the driver refused to pulover and insad called -1 hundreds of thounds of pple gathered today apo francis heldhat was expeed to be the biggest event ofis 5-day tr to meco -- a mass in one of xico city'st crime-dden suburbs. the he ouoor servic pope frais brily depard fr hrepad remarks an told mexicans atre can be o dialogue with the del." speaking o against the drug trade and associated violence ia central theme of the po's visit. the suburb where the mass was held has beeafflicd by rders, kidppin, and extortion by criminal gangs. frcis also urged people there to be on t "ont lines" in forging mexico's future anto make their country "a land of opporties, wherehereill to dream." k llenergyot som not-sooving lentine's day ssagesrom its custers dung the "black his, bck heart" ent in pulo today news 5 jessi mchell shows us
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to say about incasiny gh ras. jessi? this demonstrati was n the first for black his ratepayers, d likely won't he last. they showed up today to emphasize their feelgs that the ility giant simply doe't care about their personal stories,ith many struggling to keep t lighton. the aren't the valentine's d cards you'resed to seeing. swappingressio of love for meagesdisdai they're just so unsympathetic to everyoneere in the community, so is just pnful. when they turnff you elecicity, you lose heat. u lose your fo in ur refrigerat. we have a lot of peopleiving out of icehest ratepayers swed up en sse at city council lasek as well -- to ask for help getting thcooratn chgets licies. d a in focus -- loring dend res for small businesses. some downtown prrietors participated"black hills black
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in the wino exprs ger er black hls using theimost- energy consuming 15 minutes of the mon to calcule their entiill. my husband's a small business owner and the rates arjust insane. theidemandates are cra. state reesenti daneya r showed up in support as lleen pushing for local voicliutities commission to represent the terests pueblo ratepays. we havsome of the highest energy rates in the entire at yet we're of the poorest communities in the stat it doesn't makany sense, and 're tired oflack hills just taking from this community. the tepayers say they hopeo inspire a democratic resolution to their concerns. we have confront these big corporations that basically have no sense oright and ong when it ces to dealg th the community.
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e increases have been necessary to o-set the costs of buildinthpueblo airport generating station, which was neededfter xcel ergy stopped reurs. looking to the future, the corporion isn the press of ilding aind farm and a solar rden, and ulbe dolishing the histic station5 and 6 -- rther. ch? new at ten... a pueblo landmark -- aart of the ci skyli for alst a century- threened. asessi jt mentioned,ks to demolh blhis stions 5 and have beeing f the past two years d now, tre ie final push to save the building. ne five's lena howland has been following this since the beginning -- she has an in-dep lookt where the process stands now. pkg lena: s a story about one mans relentless effort to save the decommissioned plant and repurposit . ght w,hey' hopg to classify it as htoric wrecki bl.
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"mk:t would be mneo tear this ildingown" it's been a long 16 months for developer mark mihelich. :13 "we really cannot allow a corpation to come in, take tempary control of a downtown historic buildg that'sart of e skylinand then just knock it down" he's pushingo prer tlant.... and turn it into something new. 0 "we've got intest from a college, manufturs, it's got room for an exhibition hall a eventceer insid ansomeixed useetail" so lascember -- mihelich and his financl backers sat down wi black hills energy executes to make an offer. :0 "they gave us no informati, no counteoffer, they just said no" althgh they wodn'talk number.. a spokeswoman for blk hillys the oer lich put on the table -- st wn't od enoug weant to msure that it goes tsomeonwho isoingo redevelothe building a it doesn't sit empty and the offer heade us wasust too far from what we would have even
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and the wrecng bl -- inched closer. our contctors attempted too tohe citof pueblo anng department to tainhe demolition permit and wereol at that point that the permit was denied 2-shot omaria and lena walking along riverwalk -- builng in background ter -- markewithpueblo's historic preservation commission. weave put in an applicatn for the city to review to possibly designate it a landn the city of pueblo's landmarks tuckerays the structure tells the story of bringin elecicity d power nerati to the city. the delition wililhave an adverse impact on th beautiful ea that we've invest in leaving e fate of the building --city council'sds. they days om wn the apicatn wafiled to decide if this should be designated a historic landmk. 2 "that's the doorway getting it redeveloped" haultinghe wrng ball r just a littl long we've seed any sort of
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we're in a waitingeriod right now mihelich says this is their final hope... and if council votes agnst -- there wot be ythingpping the tear down. black hill thea is to attethe spe and maket a green space end sot use aphishowing the building and have idigitally fade away :03 k: we'd have a ground zero inhe middle ofueblis what we'd have" lena: if you'd like to weigh in -- city council will hold a public hearing on march 7th befo ultimatdecidi the fate othe building. portinin puebl len howld, news five thank u lena. a valentins y to stay indoors... coming uwe'lshow you w for some it was the coldt day on reco. but first a live look outside... news fe meterolost carlee hoffmais next withour
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, next on news five at ten. scattereowers in the plain countrnigh fothre othe news 5 ewing ar partly cloudy with low's in the 20's. rin. high preure settles in wit temperatures in the 40's - 60' ross the regn ansunshi for moay. this warming trend ctinues on tuesday anwednesday where highrange from the 50'to 70. a disturbancwill bring stronger windsndountaisnow on thursday and fridaybut that's about our only weather
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while tempaturesere stil mild here... muchf the re of the country s stuck with snow d tter cold. there were record w temperatur in the nortast and a storm in the midw at leastpeopleere hospited aeruge pile-up near indiapolis. thfrigpertur cause lineto fe in new jery, causing problems for refighters. was the colde valentine's day on recd inhe nortas y leines d..but i know some y a lonely tight... fo left . don'worry - i've got you
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might be going with free agency. thatnext on news fe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cheers!! cheers!! hilast a star game brya intduced much fan fair didis teawin?t that in aew say you were john way and you
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keep f next season - do you go fense or defse? the broncos are stk in the middlright now with malik jackson and brock osweiler - broncos are going to trand keepoth... likely gng tlose one. reportedly they are workinon one defense already. reports omenvesathat the broncos are negotiing mali son's contract, quote, in earnest for sean. jackson was a majopart of that mber one dense for the broncos but he is garnering attention fr oth neams with derek woligning a new deal beforthe playof - it will be interesting at the team brings to h people. in all the a25 bronco agents as ey head into t off season. before the super bowl - it w reportedhat ckson turned wn a contract offer from the team. brocosweiler's tstock isre to risend teams wilpush s price point . the other big me on the lis is linebacker danny trevaan.. so running bacronn hilan and cj anderso the brons media tour finishe last nht with von miller one turdayight le. the super bowl mvp was asked t
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scientific dsicovery earer this week. and did so with the oy analogy he could ce up with. explain to us now the gravitiational waves were scoved when two massivve black holes collided, is tha ghhats right - let me oput it like thisictu two huge foeslamming togethlike y... me and cam nn. now theswaves are everhere justike when cam newtoclsoes his eyes laughter no on thoht id ppen... just like no one thoughtt we wod hold the number on offee to jten points... discovery proves that einstein's ry m.e. equa m.v.p. good new... the avalanche are tops of the western conference wdcard standings. bad news... they are only int ahead nashville and lo to the team with the third worst record in the nhl avalane hadnlost tbuo in t yrs. do one gl inhe fir...
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evankane goes p shelf... 2--notngres and semy amov is done for thnight. calvinickard ce dn't stop the blng... foer av an oreilly beang pickard from thelue line. 3--notngres the end of thfirs erik johon scored thon in the ga - avalanc ending tir road ip wa 4--1 loss to bfalo today. 16 nba alltar me tonight in toronto. defense was optional all nht. lam for the east no be out done... russell westbrook kev dunt!! 92---90 atalftime. west win196 to 1 it is vantines dod... but it's also the fit weeken ofher without y foba. e brcos waedmake sur you n't feelinone on bitrsetoliday. so bei the kind peop that th are... they made u a vantine'da card. here is dnny trevathan dabbing and leyou kn saved t
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galling into your heart. anof course. your super bowl mv.. vomiller lettingou know at thewould be incplete without you.
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we righ scattereshowerinhe plas with light snow the high country tonight. for e rest of the news 5 viewing area partly cloudy with low's in the0's. another ove average weekn thrizon. high presse settles in with temperatures ie 40's - 6s
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that does it for us tonight here on news fivet te
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day for all ofour nigh "tutdoorsman the song" (buck mcneely-narration) the outdoorsis broughto you can am, the ride sayit all. and by outdoorsm international. visit


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