tv Dateline NBC NBC February 15, 2016 1:05am-2:05am MST
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what really happened to peggy beckr. >> when w come back. i thoht they woul find her. >> maybe alive. >> i did, because she faussw >>here peggy,nd what had gone wrong on tt at? >> i had been crying and face i red and i was up set. >> there wou be a sea of quesons to come. >> y thoug pgy fak her ath? li otal care prevent cavies, strengthens teeth anstoresooth emel. it an easy way to give listine total care to t total famy. listerine total care. one bottle, six benefits. r to your mouth
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eye proven to give coort. whichelps you feel morenergized ...a dayong. i wa wt as. hey buy, let these dayquil li gels and go. these liquid gels arnew. mux fast max. it's the same difference. these are lti-m. we so are these. this one is max strength and ghts mucus thatoesn't. uh...think fast! you opped something. oh.i'll t itacon the she... w om minex fast max. thonlyd flu quid th's-strh and fights mucus. start the relief. ditch e mise.
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(cell phone rings) whe are yo well the squirrelsre back in the att mo your dadon't call an exterminator...can i call you back, mom he says it's personal th time. if you're a mom, you call at the worst ti. it's what yodo. if you wanto save fifteen percent orore on car insurance, you switcho geico. what you do.
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was ge. >> the >>he coa guard immedtely launched a arch, but b nightfal no sn of pgy, al or ote. and so eric called peggy's mom, june. >> he says we can't find peggy. and said whao you mean you cat fd her? whe e?atreou tin t tel ? >> ericoluneg heoa t h o by ard, when all of a sudden, a wave wiped he ce fm uer twater, he said he could no longer see
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>>e thought s would be finding her, because we really just thoughthe would swim out of it. >> you see, approximate pegas qui at home ithe owing up, it was the oy time she didn't have to wr theack brace and she became a ver accompshed swimme she woutpani she would im. because she lov tte >> themornine andgl marshallere on the first flight out t california. peggy had been missing almost 24 hours. >> of cour, t oceans just bigg, bigger,igger than you inkbout if you're in new xi. >> peggy's friend glda, tried totay opopmistic. i thohey would find he >> maybe alive. >> i di bause she is fabulous swimmer. >>he went to the beckler house
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>>ow did h ,look? >> his isyster rca l he lood up sets he would be, one woulexpect. >> she was the best pers. >> thivideo from local news shows devastated eric it wasow day two of e search for peggy, still thing. the next da coast guard terviewed eric. er eric becerou barelyspeak. >> what did you takeith you? whad a couple of bags and a coer. we wanted to see if we could see catalina, but it was so ha, so peggy, you kn, i was too hazy we shoul't go too far out.
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tried bod brdn the out. out. >> ericaid they stopped ohe water to enjoy someargaritas g heg peggyad mad and wdo try e body board again was being pulle on the board. >> it jt jerked. you kw, just couldn't hon. the bt was just gog circles. e the boat kept going farther and farther away. an i couldn't seeny other boat a i was scaming. and lking around. was my flt
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>>ndo peggy beckler was simply ybe even wit sht of the sameeach tt spawn her seeme devastated, faring his we s wifasead. >> i was sure theyould find her. it wou turn out well. not justecause pgy was a rong swimmer. everne knewthat nda knew more abouter daughter-in-law. >> you thoht wh, peggy fak her death,r dappear liberately. >>uhuh. >>oming up peggs seet. wh was ? >> stopped me on the sirway and she sai iav to talk to you. nd enter, the bikini model. >> she was just a hot nuer, as th say.
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of is,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> a brilliant pacific ocean sun set, closed out day three of therc foreggy be andveugh fam and iends tri toemai hopeful, reality was slowl startg t set in. and it was pain at isoint, you did think hee was aliveny more? >> i kept thinking that she was, but you know, how cou she, you know, that length of time. >> unless, o course, wt appeared t ben acciden was not. theoast gua convected a re reenactm reenactment at sea. ey couldn't do it. >> they said it doesn't appr to be feasie to them given t seaconditions. that's when the cst guard caed the orae county sheriff's office. ective shawn murphy w put o the case.
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duplicehat w ahead by e at w w tse offy a wave. >> if peggs disappearance was no deur fes jas ind t what did happ. detectives srted by r reintervwing eric anding peggy. >> he saidisarriage was od norobls wh it.>> y didn'akis wd for it. >>no, inur game, we don't take anyons word into anything. we looked into it. >>hey metith thmpbay me kob lar, eric's best friend and kob backed h up. >> terricmarria,o oblems whsoer. >> butf the marag see d,hereereuens outst accor to ler,er er. ndaays peggyold h something in confidce. just befe shedisappeared. >> stopped me on the stairways was leaving and she said i have to talk tyou. she said i afraid i'm going to il
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abt a year before peggy disappead, the coupl sold their physical therapy business tonother company. but they stayed on as employees. then just four months be peggy vani, the beckls re fired, amidllegations they hadver builed for ove forver $million. he linda hrd she vanied. >> i started thinking howdiurbedhe was aboutoing to il. >> and sheondered if peggy had somehow sged her own disappearanc pes friend glendaaido way. >> was peggy beckler capable of committing white color cre, medicare erbilling? in my opinio no. >> but if you're wrong about that, then mayhe idea tt sheed her death to escape possible prosecution, would than- maybt'ore plausible.
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your death and leavi your familynd you children are t serate issues. >>lenda said peg a dorddored her children and would never abandonthem. >> wld say that people who have never beenn the inside of a courtroom or jaicell, sometimes do prey crazy thing when ty r lieds tt might happenalize that mht ppen to them.elieve that, but not peggy. she didl the detectives theyere having some issues, ke how peggy was busy with work and kids,hile eric seed occued on tolleybal court. >> she cfided in me. th were having someinancial trble. >> eri and peggy seemed determined to workverythin out. butow peggy w gone and eric was a singlead with threeids
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and a newlayeras about to enter t story. >> you wer drawn to eric rht away >> yes. >> like countless young women before h, tina had dro dead look and hollywo dreams. shhad done som biki modeling and had a s part o watch ts." but turne out to be the ofer career. soon, she found herself slipping intohe darr side of showz. she started dng dgs and lost custody of her two chiren becausf it. fell for a successiof guy ose dotater kindly. >> imean, i an eboyfen t a gun to my head, i was held ov the balcony by my neck. >> tina, who and nea ro bottom, was desperate. >> got down on m knees and sa i'll do whatever you want, rd, justel me. i ca this any . need to yo show a gn>> and the universe sent you
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>> the nexty, i meet him and all m problemsre ne. she hadaken a modeling gig, eyandy a a tdeshow. eric w tre promoting his n business. it was thr months to the day since peggy sappeare >> h was handsome. >> so tre was some serious chem tre frothe beginning. >> yes, we went outhat night actually. he asked me outhat night and i moven the next day, reay fast. you don't wa,o you? >> no. noth >>ric liv in a giant house and dve a porse. i h >> i hadever been spoiled le that. i remembe thinking i was like julia robern pretty woman. >> sheas movedy eric's stor >> he said his wife in ic boatccident and that ey we never able tind her. >> s couldn't helpoticing how great he was with his kids. >> he wld getn the floor a
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i thought was a great dad >> she was eager t help il >> i thought ty lostir mo needomeone to step in andot be their mo but do gshe m wld do for them. >> and when they too the kids to vit the parents, there was a lot of animosity. >> there was a hot young wan placing their you daught dauger swn mphy aooticed the newomain his fe. >>ustot number as they say. d she was cohabitating with him right after this horrible boating aident with hiswife. >> sophy arrd bump intotina. said he if you have any information about th boating accident involving eric your
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and i gave her m card with my number o it. >> nothiam it. tina didn't call. butomne else did. omingup, the bes friend has second oughts. be laker goes undercov. >> i protectyou. i basically me you like lie a saint. >> and t new girlfriend is about t see this case in a ole new light. >> i took a videotapen and i it just it just ndli...wiped everytng clean. 6xleg my teeth alowi. th areo white. 6xtening i actually really like the ste. step 1, ea 2, whiten every time ise this together, it felt like... vingntfi crest hd. 6xleaning,x wod swch to crest hd over at was usi
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i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i fnd ave pm. aleve pm ithe ly oo combine a fe sep plus the 12 hour pain relving strengthf ale. i'm back. ale pm f a better am. i thk we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where rzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know whe the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of ngle why don't you want to justk somebody? if y're a couple, you fighover direction it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen peent or me on carnsurance, u switch to geico. oh ohhh it's what you do
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i think we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan knowhere taan go! tarzan does not know wheretarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, mearzan, kingjungle. why don't you to just ask somebo? if you're a couple, fight ov directis. it's what you do. ifou wt to save fifteen percent orore onar insurance you swit to geico.
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lawy saying he wand to have an ierview with kobe. ke laker, eric's best friend and volleyball buy. was ea w he had dferent sry. >> eas told me on several casis tha he is sick and tired of hisife and heou te me tte just dn take it a mo, wasired it. bouten month befor ggy vanied, kobs hend ericadonversation that be describ as hauntg ever since. >> eric passed abouthat i thghtf theaim killin his fe,nd i - was in ock. didt kno whaoy. td me tt he was making he tak himut to th ocean and dpingimn a barr.
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boatin acciden and she was missing, you knew right then and there, h knew h kd his wife. he liedo us becse he cked a h was aai and didn't know what do >> detectives convinc kobe to wear a wire, a to meter rick at a restaurtn orae unty. eric hadodehat pole were ltening in, even so, he stuck to his story that peggy's death was a terrible accident. >> i wasere. i kw what happened it so hard for me t undeta, youow, t cod ny oer -- peoe could think anything else. you ner said, hey, look, man, don't kw what the [ bleeping ] but i'm innocent. i nerd anything about anything. do iaveo it ery week. >>obe triedagn. i protected you. i basilly made you look lea a saint in th ierview iad with thedeteives. >> a dead end. t dettivewereow convced that ecilled his
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even though he didn' lead to anything, tha cversation with kobe,hat got you from suspicious to knowing. i moved it ov. wenew whad homici. >> but knowing it and proving it were two very different thgs. you didn'tet the pcess at e crime scene for almost a ek. >> righ right. so thatn'tod. thatd theinvestation. >> the at, sai dtive murphy w murphy, wastty clean. ey foubld, just o drop, under one of the cushions, b nonough to deternehether uman blood. it could he ce fm fish. t enough evidee t arrest him f murder, orveprove that a mdeocrred. peggy's close friend glend didn't belie eric was a kier. >> there i noay eric would have done that. no way.>> tina felt the same y. >> i felheolice were trying to frame a iocent man.
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way he could have hurt hiswife. >>in also niced he kept photos of pegn ery roomn the house. he could not imane man that kill his wife would want to see her feeverywhere. >> eric was the answer for your problems for a while, wa't he? yeah, he wa so youen t anxious to question m. >> no, i believed him. >> after about six nths. >> he says will you m me? >>nd you say. >> i sai s. >> y don't say no lot. >> i an, hereated me so good >> s also admits, s newer ck was due to collect me than2 llion innsance mone oe he was clearedn his we's dippearance. >> a everything wld wor ou >> erything would work out, yep. >> well, you were wr >> was definitelyg.>> they d been a couple o years. stl, notrried, but lin ther o a one night, tinaas shong eric
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and tv peans. >> wwe looking at my picture,ut i put the vid in and was fas fwarding i and jus stopped. >>urel b chance she accideallyorded news report aut ggy's saeance. tle screen was just a piur of her face and i said ex ex, myosh what, is this. >> and she turned to eric. h turned white. he lost the color in hi face. she he saidow did you th? his rctio tleher. heit play and i got rst. e n report did n match the sto eri had tol her outpeggy's disappeanc e lde the was three to fo-foo waves, it was choppy out ere. >> but on the rort she went missing there we onl two-foot s andhe wer was described asidl. >> he lied. he lied a this time to me.
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quie >> sitng nexto y. >> signaturettg next to >> yelledt him and i sai whis thi different than what ud me he just like g really quiet. >>henhe ss erickler told h a newsi o what happed wneggy fellff the bo. he thinks she hit a wake and fell off. he said, and i didn' get to her. d i said didn' get to her or you didn't want to get t her. he said, at fst he to me thate didt t to her then later he changed i and he sa i cld have hpe her but i di't. >> that's completely different from what hol poce >> rig. >>hilling as tt sounded, ti feared it still wasn't the whole st she was determined to get t rest, but like a careein showbiz,ou have te ceful what youfor. > comin up --
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>> nobody knows anything but you. >> from model and tress to undercover ent, a sret operno learn the truth. >> this ishere it getseall scy. >> wn "dateline" continueitch to geico because you could save hundsunce. ah, peect. valet parking. he the keys. and, uh,o easy on ide,mate. , wouldn't mind some of at wellington. see how mucyocoul savecainsunce, gem. !ar it's ok!
1:41 am
thouneedorillers. concert t show yo...your sk wl. olay regenerist. ags. and y generist mio-sculptg wi it instant hydtes to plump and lift. if d wertoe put unr a microsco, we can see all the bacteria that stillsts. polident's unique micro n aworks ust 3 s, killin.99%odor caing baeria. clearesh brht denvery id you knothere's coug iqd that lasts fotwelv hours? y lsym tlvho cgh liquid. its advaed fmulaelspofumedi tacast while itsxtended release medicine lasts for 12 hours.
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check thisut, bro. what's that, brohe? i switched to geo and got re. moreavin on car insurance? yeah broessor, and me. renters insurance. more ways to sav nice, o-tato chip. that'sotll, bro-tein sha. geico has motorcycle anrv insurance, too. oh, that's a lot more. oh yea i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico.ect great savings and a whole lot more. tught found hainess with eri beckler,
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happened the day his wif disappead in th ocean. >>ou didt think about goi to police >> no.not yet. i just felt like he wasn't telling me the truth all the wa i was always afraid because h was always with me. >> afraid yet they continued to seachother, sle together, an -- aboutwo weeks after eric chaed story, hend tina went to a club and tk the drug ex tas see. we're both just laying in the bed and staring at the ceiling together. jus came t me and i said to him, i said oh, my god, you hit herver the head. said how did you know that. the ftis, she hadn't known. call i intuition or the effect of therug or a random gu but it was an opening, and ta barrledthroh. >> i sdou nd toele
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he said i'm goingoel you the truth. we had this hugear so everybody could see how happy we re tother >> a their friends were er tnesso e happy marriage. then a couplef days late she says, eric tol her he took ggy out t sea on tt rented bo, andlthoug peggyidn't know , he took along se wehts. >> and then he goes, then i walked up behind her, i sai tina, i hit her so hard,he di't feel th i wha do you mean? he said he hit her over t with a weight. he td h there was blood evywre. then eric beckler told her how heotid ofiswi. h just-e did hersts an her anklesogether s she s completelyent in half. he too the t traagse hadnderody in i and put t weigh and tdt down to the a rope and thr h in. >> two yrs after shenied,
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>> and you toleep aft a man -- >> ,ctually then we have sex. and i felt le had to do it, because i think that madeim feel likas goi to be quiet and you know, tha he was, i don't know, sealing the d th m o somethg. >> b thel was n seal t with anyone the caseas s open, tectives hadeeneeping a eye honorick -- onric a tina all ti all alg. >> we knew was goingo side. >> because whe they g sidewaeople sting. >> that'sght. >>nd that's what happened,wo weeks aftereric's apparent confessi. neighboal 911 aft hearing lling. when policearrived,ri was gone, butina was angry, and
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alst two years earlier. >>brabedgrabbed my partner and we met upith tina. >>he told him what erisaid. a big break, ye butot enough for an arrest. naas pretty far from an ideal witne. detectiv kw they wod n more than herord ainst eric. so ty aed tina >> wld you b willing to wear a wire. iaid yes. >>hy wld you turn in g who h basically taken you from aerrible life and given you a greatlife. ecause couldn't liv with myself. i mean, n way. >> police pla microphones i her car, iner purs on her body and tin arranged a meeting. she td eric tt aft the domestic vlence call, eriff's homice detectis came in tosk questionsbout ic. it was to get their stori stra in case the cops
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tinaired up, pkeer ric from his home androve to a restaurant called el toreit >> were >> weryouworrie >> not really. i wasorried that iouldn't ge him to confess. >> i had two stories. >> ntory to you you weren't the. it wasn acdent. ncnshe staurant, tried t getr ricko reat t dails of peggy's death. eric wouldn't go the. donry about it. details areot important. >>oina trd get him to say why he did it. >> i mean, how do i know you wouldn't get so mad a . >> tina, i've been way mor mad at you. >> you know. so how could y do that. >> i don't know. >> no confession, but not a denial eitr. >> are you thinking yourself at tt point, that's it, i got him. >> i honestly thoughtt was good, but still thought it
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reason. >> remember, peggy had a life insurance policy worth more than $2 llion. >> again, sheried to get him to give her a reason. >> what wtbout her that made y want to -- i fel lik wke a coer, like she was gonna ste the kids. >> andc ted to reass tina. >> i w nev do that >> she wasgood. sh was reall go. >> but therama wasn't over tina lt t restaurant wh eric, still wired up. this is where it get scary. so we'realking out to e car and h says toe let me ive. t was not part of the an. >>e loseight of them. in a movie, this is where you hear tnd ofun shuts. >> thatou n have been od. >> in the car,h ericehind the wh tinara up h
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>> jus tell -- hen't talked out it ove a year and o ma. >> youe making m lie. anhi. you tell tm anything >> i don'tare athis po >> tell them wt? >> at? >>hatever [ bepin]. >> d y tk to m tt way. n setter r t othe car. >> pull m car ov. >> iwill. >> now. >> ion't tst you. i'afraidf you. >>'m -ll'mg- don't have t - ny kn anythin but you. yo d't heo tell anybody anhing >> ta hopped in thedriver's seat. >>eet me at m house. th'shy i'm going to be. >> a jt like that, tina drove away from her old life. >> in the end,ouot enough. >> oh, solutely, ye? >> uandou uer arre. >> heas arrted and charged th peggy's murder. >> what wast like to get the
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th hice. ga pye by grown-ups, murder for profits i played only by adts. d is keeps. prosecutors believedc beler was trying be suessful at detectives put him injail but eneeks afteric's arrest,amthis hea the loc essn murder ce dbts suspect's guilt. tina who had worn wirend helpedolice nail eric, now sa maybe he didn't kl her. >> the kids l their mom and proy going to lose
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i f guilty. >> guilty for aan she was about to marry. >>e tried to hang himself with the sheets. >> that wasnough to make you think tce. >> i didn't want him todie. >> you ft guilty. >> i felt guil. >> you tried to roll t whole thing ck. >> yeah, i did. >> but she said always beed guilty. n the winter of0, eric beckler went on trl. the sr witness, na, witness who was to be fair, romi nottbout her lier o checkered pat o detl in e storri told her. fense attorney says it's critical. you expect if peggy's head was caved in by5 pound dumbbells, tre would be blood. >>te a lot ofit. >> everywhere. and the wasn't.
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>> i'm a horrible witss when it comes to looking at mon paper. do youhink anybody would beeve you? >> . you know, i knew that i td exactly what he had sd to me, and i knew thai was doi the right thing. honestly didt car wt an thought. >> thenhere was the conversa shead rde at restaurant. eric's own word the jury heard all o them. >> nobodynows athingut yo >> bartt offered his own planatio >> i argued theeason heaid it is to shut her , to cal her dow >> i a event, tefense said, eric never said on tape at he hitpeggy. the only perso who heard h say thawastina, drug user, a wan wita fraud convicon on her record. >> witut tha statement, they have a lot of sir coupleciumstantial
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>> anoer theory. >> she was under a greatl of pressurend c easily be distracted. and in combition with alcohol, she she rel drank, but she did on thada could contribu t a lack o ce in ivinghe at>> you don't thi peggyecer faked death? u tnkhe's dead. i do not think s fakeder death. >> do you think she died accidentally and her body hasn't been found. >> that's righ prosecutor's argd it was eric's doing. >>e ha 3 million reasons r killingher. and that's what he stood to gain if he had gotten ay with it. >>e had a weight te bac at home that appred to be incomplete. they believe he used theissing weight to kill p and sin
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>> wha about theod? a luminol , of blood in the in the boat, butt was cleaned up, and of urse, tre was na herself deste herast and crinal recordnder drug us she rang true to you? >> yes, absotely. who would t jurybeeve? an wou ti's past me a difference? >> it doesn'tatte what did bere or after i met hi you kn. wh i did w mel has nothin to do with what he d. >>fteven da, t veict. guil of first degree er. >> you are thrilled the man did it is behind bars,utod wins in tsituation. no. the cldren now have no mother and father. so there is no winn. >> but the jury did not belier rickild peggy for the money. he was f not guiy of murd for financial gain. his hi
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the judge. >> the accent a horrible tragedy. it affects our families and a as ch as the marshals are hurting, my famy islso hurting, because i did not commit tscre. the judgeenteedim t feho tlity pale. >> ldahinks th verdict was wrong. >> ist possieou don't know ur awe as you think you do. oh, baloy. i kno the back of my hand >> i cou understand a mothe not wting to believe her son coted a crime. list,f myid was dr, goph,thief, rapist. rd? >> whatever, wel yeah, but he isn't. he n't. peggybeckler'sod has never been found. y wt to kha happened? yo still donanto hear murd >> least youkn. >> that's sll ptty take.
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information, w don't have a dy. >> are y all gh >> yeah. >> you discover you wer stronger than you tho you re? oh, ye. >> peggy's mher and sister ended up raing her kids. and one more person who was stronger than shethought. ti. >>ou're leadi aiffent li these . >> completelyifferent life. >> she gave up drs, mared a nicegu and now she is atay at hom mom with fe kids. hollywood happy ending, . sometimes realifestter. that's all for now. i'm lte holt. ks f jni us. th this ay morning, the suddeath o justice annin scia and the rest of events, a vancy on theupmeurt in the middle of presidential eltion. how the fght over his
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senate and all washgton. ' hear from fur republian presidential candidates, donald rump, tedcruz,arco rubio and johnkasich. plus, th wild republican debaast night. >>ou a a principle -- you are th single biggt liar. >> when you point to his own record, he screams liar, liar, liar. >i think wee fixing to lo the election to hillary clinton if we don't op this. >> also,ere nders gets a tae of what he m face as he tri to win african-ameri voters. _vi've sa black 50 times, all right. that's the 51st time. >> can hillary clinton winy making thisampaign a referendum onsanders, not herself? joining me this sunday morning for inside and analysis are gwen if, chris, ron fonier anthleen parker,olumnist f whington post
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omnbcnews in washinn,this "me prss chucktodd" >> good sunday morning. it hn't happened since 1968. a vaccy battle onthe supreme court at thistage of an election year. we l laesay othe en andragic dthof preme court justice anton scal. an itelctual and conservative thouht leader, a man president obama last night called one of the most consequential judges a thierso serve on the supmecourt. scalia's dth ofurse is a personal tragedy for his family an colleagues, but it is also bursting wit mor political implicatns. wh will his loss due to the balance of power on the crt? ll tepublican sate evenconsider someone nominated by presint obama? hong will ts cancy paralyze the co and perhaps t u. senat and at las night rubcan prential bate in sout carolina thandidtes made clear ere stnd on this . >> i do not believe e prent should appoint someone. and it's n unprecedented. there's no doubt in my mind that barack obama will notave
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>> the senat needs ttand strong anday we're not going to give uphe u.s. supreme court for generation. >> ihink i's up to mitch mcconll and everybody els to stop it. itcall elay delay, del. >> we'reoing to hear from four ofhe lding rpuican idential cdidas this moin donald trum d cruz marco rubio and john kasich. the democrati candid meanwhile were al quick to respond to the vacancy. >> s >> suprme cour of the unit ight. we ned that ninth member. >>eltions haveonsequees. e president has a juice. and the senat has a responsibility to vote. >> wel also be taking a close look a the demoic how hilry clinton' te is
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isontest from being a refendum on her to a eferenduon bnie sande. a lot to get to, but start with the impa and the plicatio of calia's dth on the supreme court. nobody better to join me on this than r justice corresndent petwilliams. pete, welcome ck,si le me ask very quily, we're in the middle of some contentus ceson the suprem court now. what happens r now? most onth political implications is themmigrati decion right. when u ha eight jstic i athe possibility 4-4 tie. when there's a tie it's as though t supremeourt decision doesn't unt, the lower cou rulintands and the suprecourt decision h no presidenti alue. so for the immigon policy it would be a defeat for the administtion becau it wld avetanding t lowerourt rungs thatlockedit. for s abortion question wh iscoming, iwould leave the oughas restriction acss tortionlics standing. might courage other staes to try the same thing. for ic sector uons though it might be a victory because
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defeating an effort try to restrict their abilityo rai ion dues. >> alrig. we are headed for the potential of if the president nts to nominate sobody, he'sade that clr. the republan controed sena doesn't want tonsider it. it's poible terms of the supre cou begin inoctober a endnjune. >>ght. >> so a tis point underhis scenario we might go an eire term, oobof'16hrough june of '17 wut sueme court justice becausev if the next president aoints it akes time to get thou t process. procs. >> two hat ehougs, majority cisions are not close votes. the court ll cti futioning and do a l of its busines it does raise t possibity that youon't get at on the supreme court can provide,nd that is the final aner. only tsupreme curt can solve these things r once a forer. so a lot o these thingsill just ha to keep coming bac until the supreme rt ge the right combination toake t decision. >> scalia, the way cases are heard, ce they're heard, there's an mediatevote tat keslace amongth nine
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