tv News 5 at Noon NBC February 15, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST
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back icourt on the 24th. let's get toheeatherow. to g your workeestd... it's a ltle breezy out ther.. meteorolt jessica van meter... is here wi o fir look -- at thafirsalert 5 forecast... jessica? some lgering cloud cover ely , buwinds wi be on t breezy side today, especlly at higher elevations. temperatures will be a imovement fr yesteay, getting into the 50's and 60's for the afrnn. mostly clear tonight with lows
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closed... check with your branch before you . all pikes peak district d branches are closed today... city buses will be on their regular routes. pue.. blk hillenergy ctomers are sounding off against thutility gian.. ying their energy cos ha been too higfor too long the groure-volt pulo organized yesty's "bla hills, bla heart" evt,plying bck chalk to protesterso wre ssagesn e delkutsidelackil headqursn downtown pblo. state reestative -nayh ezar anesgar" showeupo ppt... she's been pushing foa utilits commission to represent the intests of puloatepayers. those in attennce hope tir messages will spk change in the company policy we have get togetheanwe have to confronthese big
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when icomes to dealing with couny. residential customernes protesting.... business oerin downtown hiic dist wrotssages in their windo as well thtef black hills statio 5 & 6 --ow lies with pueblo city uncil... talks to demolh e decommissioned plant -- have en goi on for e pa ars.. pueblo's historipreservation commsion has applied for t city to consider designang the site as a historic landmark... thatutthe building's future -- dectly in citcouncil's hands. they have 60 days -- from wh the applion s fid to decide on the designation. if cncil votes against it -- there won't be anythg stopping the te down. the demolition will have an rse pact on this butiful area that we've invested in if you'd like to wn
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march 7t befo ccoluimately decidethe building. today... investigors are still tryi igure ouat caused fire in colorado spngs th left two do dead. it hapned yeery at t hlanmobile home park" north hancoc policeay no one was home at the time... but two dogs were killed ithe fi. founely... refighrserab to save o her gs who made itut saly. itas a deadly weekend on southern colorado roadys. a won died in this crash overght alonnortound-25 ar fonne in thspngs. pickruck hit a brier along the should. so far, no word on wcaused the crasnor who the woman was. the crash happenedust after midnight last nigh shutting down-25 for several hos so crews coulinvestig
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ed in a headcrash in fremont county -- west of canon statpatrol says ezekiel "esequierduno" died when h pi-up hit an s-u-v head- on -- near mile marker 272 east of theoyal gorge. the driver of e s-v, "michael adams" of colorado spring was flown to sat mary-corn hospital in pueblo with sio iuries. a womain the-u-v had mor injuries -- while two kidsn the ckeat escad injured. so far, no word on what us thatrash. today... the me county sheriff's deuty o kill in e line of duty will be ld to rest. a neral for deputy "derek geer" is scheduled for ts afternoon 1... at "canyon view vineyard church" juncon". we've beereing... dputy geer was navy tera.. a huand... and father of two. the 17-yeaold ma... accused of shooting him remains in ctody this morning. toy the body of supreme cot
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virginia it arrived at duport late sunday night... nday... a procsion of about 20 pole officers brought the bodto an elaso fural home fm the west texas ran where scalia was unde on saturday officials we awaiting word about whether the mecal examiner wld perform an autopsy, but it was emed unneceary. it is beeved the 79-year-oldscalia dd of natural causes. scalia was appoint by president ronald reagan in 19-86 and has been the senior memberof the court for several yea the high court now faces the remainder ofs term -- with only eight members. it's been re than 50 years since thsupreme court was in this position. and ats casting bishadow of uncertaty -- the court prepares to take up some of it mostontroversi cas. c's pete willirerts. -- pkg -- draped in an amerin flag, the bodyf anton scalia arrived in virginia late sunday nit.ste's deom a parent hea attack came
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thner sayscaa s in company of fendsbefore dying inis sleep in hiom "he found mself in a very congenial group. he was surunded bydmirers him and hiwork."tice thony keedy, court's otr ro rean poine ... .. said sa will be remembered for his wisdom, scholarship, and techcal illian. the preme t n split eolocally five consers and four lals. w with jt eight justices, that raises e possibily of four-four ties. a e lees the low court ruling intact - a ctory for whoever won lower courts. among the big cathis term -- ... a tie woulin tough new texas rest on abortion, possibly encouraging other stes to passimilar ls. a four-four vote wld leave the legahold in place onresi obamplano let five milon undocumented migrants stay he. and a tie would be head off an effoo ween unions represen pubemployees, including teachers. if presidebama to pu scaliauccessor othe cour that would ma liberal jority: "it's ner been, i think, so clear at talance of power
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rely depends on the nominaons, whethe court is so closvided." poible nominees -- t judge washington, dc apcourt, patrimillett and sriven, anpaul waor ca funeral arrangents for justice scalia are expecd b releasedoon,.. the family wishes, he could be given the honor of lying in repose -- in the supreme cou's great hall, st done for chf justice "wilam rehuist" a decade ago.. after the break on news five at noon - the muc worlds brighte stars -- are preparing for t grammy tonight... we've got a preview.. but rst your eendeforecast with meteorologist
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eezy and warmeday,ut wettiner stilln your fst alert 5orecast. so lingeri cud cerarly onbut wis wi bon the bree side today, peciallyhier elevations. mperatur will an imprement from yesterday, getting into the 5s and 60 for the afternoon. mostly clear tonight wh lows geindown t arou t freezing mark most sunny skiesndven warm with highs inhe 60's foyour tuesday. windwille caer and conditions stay dr
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the yea.....and albumf the year for "1989". but rapper kendriclar has ev more nominaons...11.... that's the mt in me than a cade. ey inc sonof the year..d albu ther for "to pimp a butterfly". mas 11ominatio is just short ofhe 12 that michael jackson had ba in 1984 reted to hislassic a "thriller" also,... g moment watch f in tonighs show--tributes cently pasmusic greats david boe and glenn fr. after the break on news fi at noon.. a look at where you can gethe most forr money on this
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--- --- unde nats imagine beinimmersedn is peacul underwa wod... "oh myod this is iredible.." the woman whose voice you hear... "ark jnt by ead!" ... is n scubaing... shs a patienin the hostal. "oh my god doctors at cedarsinain los angeles are studying the effects of virtual realityn hospal paents whos world surroundings can be sterile, uncomfortable, sometimes frighten sot: dr. brennan spgel - cedars-sinai syste- :28 - :33 "this an inedible rtuny to escape the was of the hospital. patients are carried awato different worlds... li iceland or the ocea searcherve tested the virtual realsystem with out 70 peoplsoar many say it's lpg relieve ress and kathy freund - patient - 5 - :48 hiwas like the greates diion that i could have ever had." "ahhoh gosh!! that feeling illustted perftly... by aoung boy at c.s.
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univsity of miigan. dothere ve aed virtl reality -- in thise -- rning wheelchairs into rocoaste! "i'm on top of the world!!" e ceda-sinai team thinks virtual alitcould be useful f women enduring labors... and the ha to wait f painful procedures. so dr. brennaspiegel - cedarsinai health system - 1:13 - 1:18 "now we need to know -- do i improve pain scores, does it prove blessu patientsave been wiest em... but 's old appearbe most amazed by it and could get tht benefit. erika edward news. in this morning's consumer watch... dais president's... which means it's a good time to hithe mall! many retailers are having storewide sales to clear out merchandise left over from t holidays. president's day is traditionally al one of the biggest car buying holidays of t year... withealers offering additional incentives andavin. fatwalledot com says president's day sales also off one of theest times of the
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scouing on homgrades from big name bran. we're only a few weeks into tax seasonnd the i-r-s is already dealing with auge amou of fraudulent taxns. e good news is... this year manyre being caught by the i-r-s... since more security measures are in place to detecthe real return from a fake one. experts say this season's onslaught of fraud -- can be traced back to last ye serehewhere millions of social securiumbers endedup in the hands of thiev "in most cases, we're heing that tre e-filg. theye st doing this in bulk...massive amounts of returns and they know a lot of thesare ing to get rejected, they're going toe caughty e s" unrtately x rernra isotoi ay any time so.. d wve beerertg. the st way to ke thies from tting ur money ifings soon as possle! experts suggest filing your return bthend of this week!
12:25 pm
a cat inory is making a name for himself foan unusu talent... is is je... thng c..jesper isntycal house along while hisner is skiing... even providing some "cat power".. he also enjo hik..biki baanytng his owner in e great outdoors... jesper even s s ow- d s thousands of folrs onook. whether leading the on ski slop or riding ang on s owr's shoulder.
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12:28 pm
r continuous news updatealon for cebria: the br eakthrough soln to significampve memory and recal brought to you by usted do y havoue remenas? even of people you know well? do you forget where you put things, ke your keys? are yolosing yourntale wk, or find it difficult to be effective? how about forgetting the thg you went to the store to buy?
12:29 pm
140 million amicans over 40 have normal age-relad mery los inact, by age , the average person has lost over half of their short termemo, and gets worsomhere. but now yocan get your edge back th cebria. cebria is the rld's first and on patted naturasuppme caple withroptid, scntificly shown a publied -blinddy tonificant improve memy. le-blinddyof cebriactually swn at people show an 18% improvent in memory just 30ays. the things that wereappening before, long theeys, losing my car in the parking lot, forgetting the names, and foetting my phone,d all that, i don't have to deal with that anymore; i don't. i don't ha to str for nes don't have to stretch for informati out of my brain. it comes to me much re easily. the sharpness came back. e memory came ba. myemor as today
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because of cebria, i swear by it. (narrato developed by aeading euroan pharmeutil coany with 20 year history ofreing treatments for alzheimer's and stroke, cebria is their latest bakroh. cebria's targeted uropepdes help yr ain rk wa ud to, ac out, making healthy new cnectns heinstor short te memy. and with over 12 million des taken worldwide, yocan be confident that cebria is both safe andective anw it's availablee rsme in u.s. bria works. it a breakthrough ra formula for your brain that's been scientifally shown, in a clinical study, to dmatically improve your memory in just 30 days. (narrator) today you'll hear from leading s d researchers out the remarkable benefits of ce. you'll at straight answers about age-related memoryoss, why it happens to all us, and wh cebria can do to lp simply, saly, and effectively. now join award-winni journalist
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